View Full Version : Anime

08-13-2005, 02:11 AM
I've seen some anime but for the most part I've not seen much. What I have seen probably consists of the super mainstream stuff such as Princess Moninoko, Akira, The Animatrix, and another one Jess had that I watched. I can't remember the name of the last one. Actually, I just watched Akira for the first time tonight and was very impressed

Anyhow, I'm probably going to try to rent Ghost In The Shell sometime this weekend but I was wondering if there are any recomendations from any of the people here? Thanks in advance.

08-13-2005, 02:28 AM
I recommend Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist and cowboy beebop.

David Bowie
08-13-2005, 02:56 AM
I recomend a series called Vandred. It's very well drawn and funny as hell with good plot. I've seen Akira. While I can't say I LIKED it, it did have an impact on me for a while. I probably need to watch it again.

Trooper 2112
08-13-2005, 04:09 AM
you should look for Fist of North Star. Thats my personal fav. Vampire Hunter D:bloodlust is a close 2nd. Im not too familiar with anime, but those are two of the best according to alot of people.

Trooper 2112
08-13-2005, 04:14 AM
Keep in mind that theres ALOT more bad than good.

08-13-2005, 08:57 AM
If you like transformers, then you will like the crap they bring out in japan, try mecha series like the whole GUNDAM line of series products, but dont watch gundam seed:destiny it fuckn sucks since its got alot of plotholes due to the director being a moron changin the story to keep fans happy and killing this trilogy series :(:( alot of fans are already dissappointed with this series.

Try BLEACH thats pretty good.

08-13-2005, 09:06 AM
if you want action packed anime with only one season... try Cowboy Bebop... oh and the OVA rocked too...

then there's the Naruto Anime thats number 1 in japan right now...

thats the two i'd recommend (Naruto has 146 episodes now...)

08-13-2005, 09:13 AM
anime sucks!

08-13-2005, 11:57 AM
FUCK THIs just go watch hentai or porn man

A Serbian Beast
08-13-2005, 12:40 PM
who the fuck watches anime?

Horry For 3!
08-13-2005, 12:43 PM
Anime is lame.

08-13-2005, 12:47 PM
Akira is one monster of a classic. You will like Ghost in the Shell as well, its a classic. The newer Ghost in the Shell has some sick action and graphics, but its basically the same exact movie.

Try renting old school anime stuff, not that pops Adult Swim shit. The best Adult swim anime is Cowboy Beebop.

Theres Vampire Hunter D, thats always a favorite. Also theres a sequel to that called Bloodlust, thats pretty tight. Theres this one series I saw on techTV called Gungrave that was pretty tight.
I've heard that movie Spirited Away was really good, but I haven't seen that one.
Nausicaa is another good movie.

08-13-2005, 01:48 PM
Akira is one monster of a classic. You will like Ghost in the Shell as well, its a classic. The newer Ghost in the Shell has some sick action and graphics, but its basically the same exact movie.

Try renting old school anime stuff, not that pops Adult Swim shit. The best Adult swim anime is Cowboy Beebop.

Theres Vampire Hunter D, thats always a favorite. Also theres a sequel to that called Bloodlust, thats pretty tight. Theres this one series I saw on techTV called Gungrave that was pretty tight.
I've heard that movie Spirited Away was really good, but I haven't seen that one.
Nausicaa is another good movie.

urkel and now anime?


08-13-2005, 01:59 PM
i dont like all anime, but when done properly you can do a hell of alot more with animation than real movies, plus you don't have to add shitty CGI that obviously looks fake compared to the real things in the movie

this is why i like old school 80's movies where they used puppets and props instead of graphics
if they continued to use real props and shit, they could look so advanced by now, instead we spent millions on making fakey looking graphics

animation does away with that entire problem, even when you use computer graphics in animation, they look much more at home when compared to computer graphics in real movies

Duff McCartney
08-13-2005, 04:02 PM
I've always loved Dragonball Z, it is a great show. The English version is total bullshit but the Japanese version is just amazing. It has some of the more dramatic and violent moments that I've ever seen in any cartoon.

08-13-2005, 04:14 PM
Spirted Away was nother one I've seen. Fucking weird. I didn't like it.

08-13-2005, 05:43 PM
Spirted Away was nother one I've seen. Fucking weird. I didn't like it.

i think you have to be asian to understand it
i didnt get the premise when someone tried to explain it to me

08-13-2005, 06:06 PM
Anime sucks, the charecters eyes freak me out, and I get scared.

08-13-2005, 06:26 PM
There's a few cool animes, like Applegate<-- movie rox...

and the new one that came out on cartoon network...the ninja ones...thugish like..

But overall I hate anime because my bro is a fan of it.

08-13-2005, 06:48 PM
Sure, I have alot of recommendations, but I only give them to people that aren't fuck heads.

p.s. Anime can suck on my balls.

08-13-2005, 07:58 PM
Dragonball Z - I agree with Duff, the Japanese version is way better and I'm in the process of downloading them all. It's probably the best action cartoon ever made.

Besides that the ones I've seen and liked are: Hellsing (http://www.airbrushnow.com.au/gallery/data/media/2/hellsing.jpg), Ninja Scroll (http://www.geekculture.dk/bedler/anime/highres/ninja_scroll_big.jpg) and X (http://movies.nnov.ru/Covers/X%20(X%20Their%20Destiny%20Was%20Foreordained%2019 99).jpg).

David Bowie
08-13-2005, 10:47 PM
Voltron is another one that I love. I'm not sure if its anime though.

08-13-2005, 11:27 PM
Ninja Scroll

Oldie but a goodie.

Don't bother with the sequel. :oops

08-13-2005, 11:35 PM
The GF is a voice on Case Closed and on Full Metal Alchemist. She's paid $20 an hour for the work.

08-13-2005, 11:54 PM
Sure, I have alot of recommendations, but I only give them to people that aren't fuck heads.

p.s. Anime can suck on my balls.
P.S. This fuckhead may have to write your girlfriend a letter. I suggest you not try to be a dick to someone who has you by the balls.

08-14-2005, 12:02 AM
Spirted Away was nother one I've seen. Fucking weird. I didn't like it.
Lain is fucking weird.

Mister Sinister
07-16-2007, 02:29 PM
Personally, my main domain of anime is mecha, and more specifically, Gundam. I got into anime with the original Mobile Suit Gundam (aka 0079), and I've seen every series (read as: Everything but the CE timeline). Zeta Gundam is my favorite, easily, closely followed by Gundam X, as it's the series I took my username from (Shagia Frost, pilot of the NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Cheat Break.) Yeah...I know some of the mechs by their serial numbers. I'm a mecha-phile.

07-16-2007, 02:49 PM
I'm an adult swim junkie so I've seen a little bit of the anime they play on TV. That Ghost in the Shell strikes me as a crossover between Law and Order and 24. Special crime fighting unit with lots of cool weapons, but they do solve cases and what not. That's what I'd liken it to. I think the main character woman and Jack Bauer would make a good couple if she wasn't a drawing.

They had some samurai show on last year that was pretty neat looking but I forgot what it's called.

Marklar MM
07-16-2007, 03:08 PM
Bleach, Outlaw Star, Tokko

07-16-2007, 03:12 PM
My daughter is heavily into it.

She draws, so the art caught her first. She goes in and out of different series, more books than TV/movies.

I have to watch some of them for content, but I'm okay with most of them.

Her teacher last year was really cool about it. She considered it reading so the kids could count them on their reading lists.

07-16-2007, 03:15 PM
One movie.

Wicked City

WARNING!! Very strong sexual content. One might even say hentai.

Mind you, I was about 15 or 16 years old and under heavy hallucinogenic drugs when I watched this. But I still liked it.

Mister Sinister
07-16-2007, 03:17 PM
My daughter is heavily into it.

She draws, so the art caught her first. She goes in and out of different series, more books than TV/movies.

I have to watch some of them for content, but I'm okay with most of them.

Her teacher last year was really cool about it. She considered it reading so the kids could count them on their reading lists.
That's cool. My parents are ok with it, in that they don't stop me watching it. I don't draw (couldn't to save my life), but I can write...which probably explains why I prefer story and character development over how pretty something looks (Unless it's a mech. THEN, looks matter.)

The Red Hood
07-16-2007, 03:29 PM
I'm an adult swim junkie so I've seen a little bit of the anime they play on TV. That Ghost in the Shell strikes me as a crossover between Law and Order and 24. Special crime fighting unit with lots of cool weapons, but they do solve cases and what not. That's what I'd liken it to. I think the main character woman and Jack Bauer would make a good couple if she wasn't a drawing.

They had some samurai show on last year that was pretty neat looking but I forgot what it's called.

Samurai Champloo is the anime I think you are talking about it's a good one made by the same people that made Cowboy Bebop Steve Blum the guy who does Spikes voice in the English dubbed version also does the voice for Mugen one of the main characters of Samurai Champloo

Mister Sinister
07-16-2007, 03:31 PM
Samurai Champloo is the anime I think you are talking about it's a good one made by the same people that made Cowboy Bebop Steve Blum the guy who does Spikes voice in the English dubbed version also does the voice for Mugen one of the main characters of Samurai Champloo
He was also the voice of Char Aznable in the Mobile Suit Gundam compilation movies....and the seiyuu (voice actor) for Jet in the dub was in the Xenosaga games....can't remember his character's name, though.

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-16-2007, 03:43 PM
Speed Racer rules.

07-16-2007, 03:45 PM
What I have seen probably consists of the super mainstream stuff such as Princess MoninokoMy old roommate used to be really into this stuff and sometimes I'd get stoned and watch it with him. Is this one you mentioned the one where the humans fight the forest animals? If so, I thought that one was pretty cool. This same guy was always watching one called Escaflowne (sp?). I remember the name because the theme song had it in it.

07-16-2007, 03:46 PM
Vampire Hunter D:bloodlust I've also seen this, good shit indeed.

07-16-2007, 04:25 PM
ninja scroll>>>your life

07-16-2007, 04:32 PM
I started watching some of the Gundam stuff. I really liked it.

07-16-2007, 04:45 PM
you should check out steamboy, metropolis, ghost in the shell 1 and 2, and howl's moving castle. all of those are really good, as are vampire hunter D and ninja scroll. the rest i'm not so big on.

The Red Hood
07-16-2007, 05:06 PM
He was also the voice of Char Aznable in the Mobile Suit Gundam compilation movies....and the seiyuu (voice actor) for Jet in the dub was in the Xenosaga games....can't remember his character's name, though.

Tell me about it man the dude is the IT guy for animes he has close to 300 voiceovers for anime/videogames/cartoons he did the voice of Wolverine in the 2 X-men legends games and he will continue the Wolverine voice with the new animated series "Wolverine and the X-men"

The Red Hood
07-16-2007, 05:09 PM
Eureka 7, Paranoia Agent, and Full Metal Alchemist

07-16-2007, 05:43 PM
you should check out steamboy, metropolis, ghost in the shell 1 and 2, and howl's moving castle. all of those are really good, as are vampire hunter D and ninja scroll. the rest i'm not so big on.
Howls Moving Castle is amazing.
Metropolis is a buetiful movie but a bit sad
Neon Genesis Evangelion is strange but great
Fist of The North Star is uber violent and a classic
Both Vampire Hunter D,s are the shit, the second is gorgeous
Appleseed looks great, story is ok
Grave of The Fireflies is one of the single best movies period that I have ever seen, and it is probably the best made anime I have ever seen
Gantz, and Hellsing are both great series as well (Hellsing is one of the best)
Cant remember anymore right now, but also Tetsuo the Ironman and Oldboy are really amazing Asian films that arent anime if you get a chance to check em out

07-16-2007, 05:45 PM
I've always loved Dragonball Z, it is a great show. The English version is total bullshit but the Japanese version is just amazing. It has some of the more dramatic and violent moments that I've ever seen in any cartoon.
:tu :tu

Manny, watch Dragonball Z, doesn't matter if you like it or not, just sit through and watch all 291 Episodes. ACTION PACKED just can't describe it.

07-16-2007, 05:47 PM
:tu :tu

Manny, watch Dragonball Z, doesn't matter if you like it or not, just sit through and watch all 291 Episodes. ACTION PACKED just can't describe it.
I would guess it would depend on if he wanted to watch kiddie anime or more adult themed, Z was ok when I was younger, but it is def kiddie anime

07-16-2007, 05:48 PM
I would guess it would depend on if he wanted to watch kiddie anime or more adult themed, Z was ok when I was younger, but it is def kiddie anime
I just realized that his thread is SUPER F'in old........who bumped it? :lol

Yeah the English version is toned down for kids, but the raw Jap version has violence, lanugage, nudity, blood, gore.

Wow, this thread was during the Summer I entered my Jr year of highscool. :cry memories.

07-16-2007, 05:52 PM
Oh yea, and Blood the Last Vampire is pretty sweet as well
And Perfect Blue is great

Mister Sinister
07-16-2007, 06:10 PM
I just realized that his thread is SUPER F'in old........who bumped it? :lol

Yeah the English version is toned down for kids, but the raw Jap version has violence, lanugage, nudity, blood, gore.

Wow, this thread was during the Summer I entered my Jr year of highscool. :cry memories.
I did, for I am Shagia Frost, pilot of the Virsago Chest Break, and bumper extraordinaire!

07-16-2007, 07:45 PM
I just realized that his thread is SUPER F'in old........who bumped it? :lol

Yeah the English version is toned down for kids, but the raw Jap version has violence, lanugage, nudity, blood, gore.

Wow, this thread was during the Summer I entered my Jr year of highscool. :cry memories.

Where do you get the Japense version? Is it subtitled, never new they were different.

07-16-2007, 08:28 PM
Where do you get the Japense version? Is it subtitled, never new they were different.
They're subtitled. I got mine off using Torrents.
1 (http://torrentz.com/5b934a50e66a0aca38e0d750d19b44a53ef00e2b)2 (http://torrentz.com/f5593a6d4a1a248c5ad8d0a73cf5d11ca2de9954)3 (http://torrentz.com/c8f1c69ccb4f0cc4d7681c17c3e9810ee3965da3)

They're more packs obviously, I left out Episodes 69 to 209, but the neat thing is you can download each episode indvidually and you need VobSub to view the subtitles. It took me 3 months to get all 291 Episodes and 14 Movies.

Marklar MM
07-16-2007, 10:51 PM
My old roommate used to be really into this stuff and sometimes I'd get stoned and watch it with him. Is this one you mentioned the one where the humans fight the forest animals? If so, I thought that one was pretty cool. This same guy was always watching one called Escaflowne (sp?). I remember the name because the theme song had it in it.

Escaflowne kicks ass.

Mister Sinister
07-16-2007, 11:21 PM
Escaflowne kicks ass.
Meh. I didn't really like Escaflowne. Granted, I'm rather fanatical when it comes to Mecha (If it ain't Gundam, Mazinger, Macross, or a Tomino creation, it's inferior), but still.

Marklar MM
07-16-2007, 11:23 PM
Full Metal Panic

07-16-2007, 11:38 PM
Has anyone ever seen a movie called "Rock N Rule"?

07-16-2007, 11:59 PM
Spirted Away was nother one I've seen. Fucking weird. I didn't like it.

Wow, really? I thought it was beautiful.

Ghost in the Shell is a mind-blower, but watch it at least 3 or 4 times over a year to really understand it.

Ninja Scroll is gory but excellent

Any Miyazaki is worthwhile - Nausica: Valley of the Wind, Kiki's Delivery Service, Laputa, Porco Rosso. Just be aware that his films are thoughtful, not your typical blood-and-guts. Read about him here:


The new version of Appleseed is okay.

As for funny ol skool series, check out Ranma 1/2 (original series) and Robotech.

07-17-2007, 12:03 AM
Manny, the top 3 animes right now in japan are "Naruto", "Bleach" and "One Piece".
But it really depends on what it is that you're looking for.
You looking for action? Drama? Senseless killing? All? lol

You could start off by going with what some of these guys are recommending you to watch in "Dragonball Z". (DBZ, is conisdered one of the greatest animes of all time)
But if you want NOW, I recommend the first 3 I mentioned.

There was this one series that you might find intriguing, that was super short, but very good.
That series was called "Death Note".

I know some places where you can download episodes from these series or whatever it is that you decide to watch.
Youtube might not be a good place to search since most of it got banned.
Try dailymotion (best for anime) or Crunchy roll.

(my sig is from bleach btw.)

Mister Sinister
07-17-2007, 12:03 AM
Miyazaki's good, no doubt....but he's got nothing on Yoshiyuki "Kill 'em All" Tomino. Astro Boy, CREATING Gundam, Space Runaway Ideon, L. Gaim, Brain Powered, Aura Battler Dunbine....the dude's a *god*, certainly in the mecha community....way better than Miyazaki, IMHO.

07-17-2007, 04:19 AM
Miyazaki's good, no doubt....but he's got nothing on Yoshiyuki "Kill 'em All" Tomino. Astro Boy, CREATING Gundam, Space Runaway Ideon, L. Gaim, Brain Powered, Aura Battler Dunbine....the dude's a *god*, certainly in the mecha community....way better than Miyazaki, IMHO.

It's like comparing apples and oranges. Miyazaki is a magical realist storyteller, you're talking about sci-fi mecha series. Personally, I love the best of both and don't really compare them.

Tezuka created Astro Boy, not Tomino.

In Japan, Miyazaki is the most popular anime creator of all time, no question. I lived there for two years and he is a God in Japan.

I just wish someone would make Akira 2 and 3 - Akira only covered 1/3 of the original comic book story, the rest of which would make great movies.

I guess I'm more a cyberpunk fan than anything, but Miyazaki holds a special place in my heart...

07-17-2007, 04:34 AM
:lol btw you guys should check the dates on things that are bumped. This was a good bump though.

07-17-2007, 06:51 AM
Samurai Champloo is the anime I think you are talking about it's a good one made by the same people that made Cowboy Bebop Steve Blum the guy who does Spikes voice in the English dubbed version also does the voice for Mugen one of the main characters of Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo is great but don't forget about Rurouni Kenshin don't watch the English version Samurai X

07-17-2007, 07:52 AM
dont waste ur time on sumarai champloo = its lame

7 sumarai is better

deathnote is also good, try the anime and movie...

07-17-2007, 07:55 AM
oh well. so what did you decide to watch?

07-17-2007, 08:10 AM
I have never seen a more obvious "I'm coming out as a geek or a loser :nerd " thread than this one. Unless you're Japanese...or 9, this is just a bad thing to admit.

I hope I get alot of $h!t...but my generalization is pretty accurate. :cooldevil

Mister Sinister
07-17-2007, 09:01 AM
It's like comparing apples and oranges. Miyazaki is a magical realist storyteller, you're talking about sci-fi mecha series. Personally, I love the best of both and don't really compare them.

Tezuka created Astro Boy, not Tomino.

In Japan, Miyazaki is the most popular anime creator of all time, no question. I lived there for two years and he is a God in Japan.

I just wish someone would make Akira 2 and 3 - Akira only covered 1/3 of the original comic book story, the rest of which would make great movies.

I guess I'm more a cyberpunk fan than anything, but Miyazaki holds a special place in my heart...
I wasn't saying Tomino created AB. I know he worked on it, though...I think the Japanese title of it was Mighty Atom, and I *know* he worked on it. And I like Miyazaki, as well. I was referring more to the general tone of each one's work. Tomino's referred to as "Kill 'em All" for a reason. Well, three reasons (Ideon, Zeta Gundam, and Victory Gundam)

Mister Sinister
07-17-2007, 09:04 AM
I have never seen a more obvious "I'm coming out as a geek or a loser :nerd " thread than this one. Unless you're Japanese...or 9, this is just a bad thing to admit.

I hope I get alot of $h!t...but my generalization is pretty accurate. :cooldevil
Mein Freund, I came out as both a geek *and* a loser a looooong time ago. And trust me, your generalization is *far* from accurate. Despite being a nerd of...biblical proportions, I have enough of an interest in the NBA to post in the Spurs section. I'm not giving you **** here...just telling you that you're wrong. And a little narrow-minded. Filthy Oldtype.

07-17-2007, 09:20 AM
Dragonball and Dragonball Z are the best animes in my opinion. I didn't like Dragonball GT.
Some of the Dragonball & Z movies are also great to watch.
I've got the full collection of this anime, from serie, movies to specials and the full comic book. I also own some video games from DBZ and they kick ass.

07-17-2007, 10:50 AM
eureka 7 is pretty good

Mister Sinister
07-17-2007, 07:36 PM
Dragonball and Dragonball Z are the best animes in my opinion. I didn't like Dragonball GT.
Some of the Dragonball & Z movies are also great to watch.
I've got the full collection of this anime, from serie, movies to specials and the full comic book. I also own some video games from DBZ and they kick ass.
Emphatic agreement on the VGs. Say what you want about DBZ's quality as a series, but you can't deny it makes a damn good fighting game. Tenkaichi 2 is SO DAMN ADDICTING!

LaMarcus Bryant
07-17-2007, 09:03 PM
Akira is one of the best movies of all time, not even limiting it to Anime. Everything about it is almost perfect.

VHunter D Bloodlust was pretty tight too.

DBZ is my favorite anime series ever, I remember coming home after pre-calculus honors, and watching Goku fight Freiza over an entire month's worth of episodes. They fought all freaking month...I couldn't concentrate on the math cuz I was just wondering how bad goku would get his ass kicked this day. Vegeta = crunk.

07-17-2007, 09:45 PM
Akira is one of the best movies of all time, not even limiting it to Anime. Everything about it is almost perfect.

VHunter D Bloodlust was pretty tight too.

DBZ is my favorite anime series ever, I remember coming home after pre-calculus honors, and watching Goku fight Freiza over an entire month's worth of episodes. They fought all freaking month...I couldn't concentrate on the math cuz I was just wondering how bad goku would get his ass kicked this day. Vegeta = crunk.
did you see metropolis and steamboy?

07-17-2007, 10:12 PM
I know its an old thread, but Neon Genesis: Evangelion gets my vote - fantastic series, even if it was only 1 season... Brilliant animation, story, everything. Loved it.


Mister Sinister
07-17-2007, 10:16 PM
Gundam>Eva. But yes, Eva is pretty badass.

07-18-2007, 12:13 AM
I have never seen a more obvious "I'm coming out as a geek or a loser :nerd " thread than this one. Unless you're Japanese...or 9, this is just a bad thing to admit.

I hope I get alot of $h!t...but my generalization is pretty accurate. :cooldevil

Yeah, cartoons are only for kids, geeks or losers. Haven't heard that generalisation before... :rolleyes I bet you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Ever seen Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll or anything by Miyazaki?

Shagia - fair enough, but trust me as someone who lived there that Miyazaki is considered above all others, even Tezuka and Tomino, as the God of anime in modern Japan. He's like Matt Groening x1,000,000 over there.

07-18-2007, 12:29 AM
I own the Eva season but I don't have the movie.

07-18-2007, 12:33 AM
They're subtitled. I got mine off using Torrents.
1 (http://torrentz.com/5b934a50e66a0aca38e0d750d19b44a53ef00e2b)2 (http://torrentz.com/f5593a6d4a1a248c5ad8d0a73cf5d11ca2de9954)3 (http://torrentz.com/c8f1c69ccb4f0cc4d7681c17c3e9810ee3965da3)

They're more packs obviously, I left out Episodes 69 to 209, but the neat thing is you can download each episode indvidually and you need VobSub to view the subtitles. It took me 3 months to get all 291 Episodes and 14 Movies.

Shit, now your talking japanese to me. How many dvds did all that take up? How bout I mail you some dvds and you copy them for me? :D

Mister Sinister
07-18-2007, 12:47 AM
Yeah, cartoons are only for kids, geeks or losers. Haven't heard that generalisation before... :rolleyes I bet you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Ever seen Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll or anything by Miyazaki?

Shagia - fair enough, but trust me as someone who lived there that Miyazaki is considered above all others, even Tezuka and Tomino, as the God of anime in modern Japan. He's like Matt Groening x1,000,000 over there.
Point taken. I mean, I <3 Miyazaki's work, but, as a mechaphile, Tomino's going to hold a higher position.

Switching topics, anyone in here like Yu Yu Hakusho?

07-18-2007, 12:47 AM
Akira, Steamboy, Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Porco Rosso, Ghost in the Shell, anything by Miyazaki or Katsuhiro Otomo.

I have never seen a more obvious "I'm coming out as a geek or a loser " thread than this one. Unless you're Japanese...or 9, this is just a bad thing to admit.

I hope I get alot of $h!t...but my generalization is pretty accurate.

You're posting on the internet on a site about the Spurs. Everyone here is a loser geek. Plus Akira alone is more in-depth than 99% of the stuff that comes out of Hollywood.

07-18-2007, 12:51 AM
Point taken. I mean, I <3 Miyazaki's work, but, as a mechaphile, Tomino's going to hold a higher position.

Switching topics, anyone in here like Yu Yu Hakusho?

Fair enough.

I love mecha too, but my faves are the simple old Macross VF-1s. Very cool. The Hovertanks in Southern Cross were cool too (although not so attractive in Battloid mode).

Mister Sinister
07-18-2007, 01:00 AM
See, for me, it doesn't get much better than the classic MS-06 Zaku II.

07-18-2007, 02:06 AM
See, for me, it doesn't get much better than the classic MS-06 Zaku II.

asuran zala in a zaku takn on destiny/legend :D:D

then he hops into infinite justice owns destiny

Mister Sinister
07-18-2007, 02:22 AM
asuran zala in a zaku takn on destiny/legend :D:D

then he hops into infinite justice owns destiny
SEED is blasphemy.....

07-18-2007, 02:41 AM
See, for me, it doesn't get much better than the classic MS-06 Zaku II.


Yeah, classic. :tu

I was also into Battletech the wargame and there are some VERY cool mecha in the battletech universe, from the classic Shadow Hawk or Archer to the Clan Mad Cat.

07-18-2007, 04:32 AM
SEED is blasphemy.....

SEED trilogy, theres another one on teh way :D:D

stuff kira, asuran is a superior in any way....

oh last year i also watch Ouran High School, which is a bout a poor girl who attends a rich school, then joins a boyz club whose job is to cater to the female gurls at school, and they dunno she is a gurl....this is in the process of becoming a live action series...

GTO was also good.

07-18-2007, 08:21 AM
SEED trilogy, theres another one on teh way :D:D

stuff kira, asuran is a superior in any way....

oh last year i also watch Ouran High School, which is a bout a poor girl who attends a rich school, then joins a boyz club whose job is to cater to the female gurls at school, and they dunno she is a gurl....this is in the process of becoming a live action series...

GTO was also good.

Girl has an "i", dude. You're making us Aussies look bad. :lol

That sounds like a remake of Ranma, but without the Panda-bear father.

07-18-2007, 09:59 AM

If you're a Gundam fan you'd like this.

Mister Sinister
07-18-2007, 10:40 AM
SEED trilogy, theres another one on teh way :D:D

stuff kira, asuran is a superior in any way....

Ugh. Don't remind me. Kira "Jesus" Yamato needs to die in a colony drop. UC>AU.

07-18-2007, 06:23 PM
Dragonball Z - I agree with Duff, the Japanese version is way better and I'm in the process of downloading them all. It's probably the best action cartoon ever made.

Besides that the ones I've seen and liked are: Hellsing (http://www.airbrushnow.com.au/gallery/data/media/2/hellsing.jpg), Ninja Scroll (http://www.geekculture.dk/bedler/anime/highres/ninja_scroll_big.jpg) and X (http://movies.nnov.ru/Covers/X%20(X%20Their%20Destiny%20Was%20Foreordained%2019 99).jpg).

Disagree 100%! There is nothing I like about the Japanese version. For sure I can appreciate Akira Toriyama (the creator) bringing to the world such a great cartoon, but the English version is where it's at. As dumb as some of the names sound, they're even worse in the Japanese version. Kuriran sounds awful IMO. In addition, they seem to like to give every character except for Piccolo and King Kao very feminine voices. The music is also atrocious. The English version - especially near the end like the Majin Buu Saga - is some of the best editing ever. The music, the sense of emotion brought to the table by the voice actors and the sense of desperation in both really bring DBZ to the point of artistic. I can live without the excessive blood and swearing; that's not what DBZ is about to me.

And that's pretty much the only anime I've seen other than Vampire Hunter D. All the other animes seem to have a lot of robots and swords.

And yes, I know I'm the only person in the world that likes the English version.

07-18-2007, 10:13 PM
3 words...

Samurai Pizza Cats



07-18-2007, 11:24 PM
Ugh. Don't remind me. Kira "Jesus" Yamato needs to die in a colony drop. UC>AU.

yeh i totally agree

the producer of that series is a douchebag

asuran was perfect for main lead, then he pulls a 180 on him and selects that other emo fagot who acts impulsely....look at how many times he gets pwned by asuran or other pilots....in many of his fights in destiny he goes seed, and asuran only went seed 2 times in 50eps :( still pwns.

samurai pizza cats, yes that pwns :D the white one

02-03-2009, 05:10 AM
Bump :lol

Can't believe nobody mentioned Slam Dunk, if you still watch anime, check it out Manny.

02-03-2009, 05:53 AM
Watch Gantz.

In english preferly. The funniest and goriest anime you will ever see. :hat

02-04-2009, 11:19 AM
Bump :lol

Can't believe nobody mentioned Slam Dunk, if you still watch anime, check it out Manny.

If you like Slam Dunk, check out the AMV I made with it...


02-04-2009, 11:26 AM
try eyeshield 21...if ur into nfl football

03-24-2011, 11:39 PM
So I just watched the first 2 movies in the remakes of Evangelion and fucking WOW. Total improvement IMO. I love the new take on things.

03-25-2011, 12:02 AM
Good bump. LOL at you only seeing Akira for the first time in 2005.

I tried to get into Gundam 00 when they show AniMondays on SyFy, but the plots are always so deep, so political, that if you wait a few weeks between episodes, you get kind of lost.

Still haven't seen any Eva. What did you like about the new movies? I remember hearing how that show was a weaker Gundam.

03-25-2011, 07:28 AM
The movies are tighter. They managed to make them more dramatic and intense than the show because of that. Its pretty bad ass. You should watch the show then watch the new movies, IMO. Some parts of the show get really lost in translation but I still thought it was amazing.

I watched some Gundam and I liked it but I never got into it the way I got into Evangelion.

03-25-2011, 08:33 AM
I only found out about the new Eva movies like last month... super slow, haven't kept up with Anime / Manga at all.

Now i DEFINITELY have to check them out, thanks for reminding me Manny :D

03-25-2011, 08:46 AM
Yeah I only found out about them because I saw the blurays on amazon and I was like wtf is this.

03-25-2011, 05:57 PM
anime is for fags! no wonder you love that shit MannyIsGay.

03-25-2011, 11:48 PM
Come on, koriwhat, you know you've jacked off to hentai anime porn at least a few times in your day.

Those Japanese know their shit.

Mister Sinister
03-26-2011, 04:23 PM
Good bump. LOL at you only seeing Akira for the first time in 2005.

I tried to get into Gundam 00 when they show AniMondays on SyFy, but the plots are always so deep, so political, that if you wait a few weeks between episodes, you get kind of lost.

Still haven't seen any Eva. What did you like about the new movies? I remember hearing how that show was a weaker Gundam.
Victory is a good Gundam series to start with. I used to suggest 0079 (First Gundam) as a starter, but then I remembered, Oh, wait, 0079 came out in the 70's and has parts where it's fucking ridiculous. Victory is in the same timeline, but it's 80 some-odd years after 0079, so there's no way to get tied up in backstory. Good standalone, very dark, very Tomino.

03-26-2011, 05:58 PM
I've seen Gundam Wing back in the cartoon network days, I liked it. Gundam00 was cool, just had to keep on trying to remember all the political storylines and back stories.

Death In June
03-26-2011, 07:24 PM
I like a few movies, all the Myazaki stuff. Other than that, Cowboy Bebop was really good. There's just too much garbage to look through to find anything worthwhile, which has been my biggest barrier to entry.

Mister Sinister
03-26-2011, 09:42 PM
I've seen Gundam Wing back in the cartoon network days, I liked it. Gundam00 was cool, just had to keep on trying to remember all the political storylines and back stories.
I can never decide how I feel about 00. The UC oldfag in me is like, "No space colonies?! Bishounen everywhere?! Fuck this crap!" but the rest of me is like, "Interesting concept, and fuck yeah, those designs."