View Full Version : Window Tint

08-13-2005, 06:27 PM
I just had my car tinted and this kid is trying to tell me the water bubbles in the window will go away.

I told the mother fucker he will be redoing that window sometime this week.

Fricking dipshit I swear.

08-13-2005, 06:27 PM
They do go away

T Park
08-13-2005, 06:30 PM
I dunno.

Tinting is almost like decals.

There shouldnt be bubbles.

You got fed little guy.

08-13-2005, 06:32 PM
I got my shit tinted at mothers', they said there would be bubbles, there was for a couples days, and they went away just like they said and i haven't seen them since

Notorious H.O.P.
08-13-2005, 06:34 PM
If the bubbles aren't crazy big, they'll go away. When I got my tint done on my truck, it was by a guy who used to be a pro tinter on the competition circuit (I didn't even know they had this type of competition).

There where a couple of bubbles in there and he told me they'd go away. Sure enough, a couple of days later they where gone and he did a great job.

08-13-2005, 06:42 PM
Okay, stay tuned.

08-13-2005, 06:42 PM
bubbles after a tint are visible, they dissapear within a week.

08-13-2005, 11:25 PM
Roll your windows down, that'll take care of the bubbles! :spin

Faccia di Angelo
08-13-2005, 11:46 PM
I got my shit tinted at mothers', they said there would be bubbles, there was for a couples days, and they went away just like they said and i haven't seen them since
I went to get my car alarm at mother's today! The guy totally took care of me and did some extra stuff he didn't really have to. I'd definitely recommend them to others. I'm a satisfied customer. :) Do it at Mother's and save! :lol

I'd probably be like you tho Sequ questioning those bubbles too. I think I've heard also they go away after a few days but I'd still be paranoid it was a shotty job.

08-14-2005, 04:42 AM
Window Tint Blows!

Horry For 3!
08-14-2005, 01:35 PM
Window Tint Blows!

08-14-2005, 01:40 PM
Window Tint Blows!

Getting baked by the San Antonio sun blows.

Sitting down on ass-searing leather seats blows.

Air conditioning blows (quite literally...but not in such a bad way)

But window tint most certainly does not blow.

08-14-2005, 01:42 PM
I heard Mothers sold customer information to cooks. I heard Custom Sounds does it, too. And well, I've known too many people with stereo equipment from CS who have had their cars broken into to discount the theory.

08-14-2005, 01:44 PM
I heard Mothers sold customer information to cooks. I heard Custom Sounds does it, too. And well, I've known too many people with stereo equipment from CS who have had their cars broken into to discount the theory.

They're giving chefs our informations! Sonsabitches!!!

The Iron Chef is gonna jack us all! :oops

08-14-2005, 02:03 PM
On a more serious note, now that I come to think of it...my brother had some equipment installed at Custom Sounds in his Thunderbird a few years back, and it ended up getting broken into while he was at work one day. They got his deck and tried to bust into the trunk for his boxes, but just ended up jacking up the keyhole.

Granted, they had a FEW occurrences of break-ins in that particular parking lot (Bjorns Audio & Visual), so it's tough to say exactly what was the cause. But I figure it's worth sticking in the file here.

08-14-2005, 02:08 PM
Custom Sounds is supposed to do really good installs that are DIFFICULT to jack.

08-14-2005, 02:49 PM
ok ok FINE

I have to post since I used to be a national car audio competitor.

The reason people get their shit stolen is not because Custom Clowns or Circus City or Best Boobs sells their info to cooks :) (or thieves in this matter), its because people do some of the following:

1. People BLAST their shit at all hours of the day no matter where they are!

think about where you are (ie shopping mall, movie theater, Spurs game, etc.)
you are blasting you stereo that obviously not stock and you are going to be inside an
enclosed area for a minimum of an hour, your car is a sitting duck to be jacked.

2. Kids and adults that put huge ass stickers on thir rides basically advertising what they have inside, be it a TEAM RF decal on the back windshield, or an Auto Sounds Plus banner across the front windshield. When I used to compete, I used my daily driver, and I had stickers made and given to me by my sponsors, I would apply them before I got to the show, compete, and then remove them as soon as the show was over. DONT ADVERTISE TO THIEVES WHAT YOU HAVE!!!! no matter how "cool" it looks. Its much cooler to have the product then to have the products stolen.

3. Buy a good alarm, not the 99$ special, but an alarm w/ a pager. I have one and it worked when I needed it. An alarm without a paging device does no good if you are enjoying Batman Begins and you go out after the show and the batmobile is gone! If you had the pager alarm, it would have notified you as soon as it would have gone off and you probably would have been able to do something about it! Also, look at alarm system with dual sirens with at least one with a battery back up, meaning if they cust your battery there is another siren on an independent battery to keep going off.

Manny, I have been dealing with folks at Custom Sounds for years and I have never heard of them "selling" customer records to thieves. Im not saying its not true, I just have never heard of that.

Hope that helps.

08-14-2005, 05:24 PM
Well, my friend Brad who had a system installed there never blasted his. Never put stickers. Same thing with a few other friends. I think it's probably just a rumor, which is why I put I heard.

The system I used to have in my Alero was fucking awesome but lowkey. All I had was a 10 inch sub in the trunk, but I had a set of kick ass components in the front and some nice clear 6x9s in the rear panel. I had a Pioneer headunit.

I had a RockfordFosgate Amp in the back, and the sub gave off a great clear bass in the car, but you woulnd't hear it outside unless I had it turned up high with the windows down.

I was anal about the clarity but I never wanted a car with loud bass. It was loud compared to a stock setup, but the sound quality was what I wanted.

And I agree, keeping it low key is the best way to go to keep your shit safe.

Faccia di Angelo
08-14-2005, 06:46 PM
They're giving chefs our informations! Sonsabitches!!!

The Iron Chef is gonna jack us all! :oops
:lmao thats hilarious

Manny, where did you "hear" Mother's sold customer information to cooks? I'm always paranoid about that stuff. God it sucks that you can't trust anyone these days. Its quite depressing. I worry they will show up themselves and steal my stuff :(

I wanted the alarm with a pager but that thing costs 300-500 bucks! I don't have that kind of cash lying around unfortunately. I wanted an alarm quickly for some small piece of mind. I think he said it had an onboard instead of offboard in case they tried cutting everything it still couldn't be turned on. He said a lot of things I was trying to remember. Hope it turns out to be a good investment.

08-14-2005, 06:47 PM
Contrary to popular belief a good alarm aint gonna stop shit!

Faccia di Angelo
08-14-2005, 06:54 PM
^^^true, I agree with that too. If someone really wants your car and things that bad, they're gonna take it. And I'm not about to stand in the way of someone. Take the damn car, its not worth one's life. But it gives you a small sense of security, or at least for me. Maybe its all in my head but it helps me sleep a little easier at night.

08-14-2005, 07:26 PM
Alarms aren't 100% proof!

They are deterrents! They are there to deter the criminals. Does it always work? Hell no. I do believe it works to a certain extent.
If the criminals want to get into your car or take your car...they will. No alarm will stop them.

08-15-2005, 09:18 AM
Ive even heard of some theives stealing the alarm system.

08-15-2005, 09:25 AM
Ive even heard of some theives stealing the alarm system.

maybe they should make alarm systems for alarm systems?

08-15-2005, 11:50 AM
maybe they should make alarm systems for alarm systems?I think I hear the patent office calling.