View Full Version : It's Not Climate Change, It's the Return of Jesus

06-04-2014, 01:07 AM
:lol Pastor Hagee....


In the fuller video take of Hagee, he talks about Matthew 25 in the Bible.

The chapter has three parts. One is that women are not ready for their duties in the world of Men only. Part two discusses that it is ok to cheat at work and bringing in ill gotten money and use the workers as slaves. And the third part is the part where Jesus divides the goats from the sheep; sheep on the Right and goats on the Left. Giving justice, Jesus says that doing for the people who need help is like doing it for Him; the sheep follow the Master Jesus. Sheep destroy everything they touch while eating, by pulling out the roots and making the pasture come back from seed; therefore needing a good climate and weather. The goats follow the Master Moneyman; leaving the grass in the ground to compound his money interest, having to move to pastures of others to help feed his goats and his pocketbook off of others.