View Full Version : Eva injured on Desperate Housewives Set

Kori Ellis
08-17-2005, 09:30 PM

PASADENA, Calif. - "Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria was injured Wednesday during taping of the hit ABC comedy and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment, officials said.

Longoria, 30, was "bumped on the head by something" while shooting on location and was taken to a hospital where she was treated and released, a spokesperson for the show said.

Longoria is expected to return to work on schedule, the spokesperson said.

The entertainment show "Access Hollywood" reported that Longoria was injured when a pole fell on her.

Longoria plays former runway model Gabrielle Solis on "Desperate Housewives," a dark satire about life in suburbia. The show recently received 15 Emmy nominations from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

08-17-2005, 09:31 PM
What a attention whore, I'm glad shes not from texas.

Kori Ellis
08-17-2005, 09:32 PM
What a attention whore, I'm glad shes not from texas.


T Park
08-17-2005, 09:38 PM
What a attention whore, I'm glad shes not from texas.

Shes from Corpus Christi buttpacker fan.

08-17-2005, 09:40 PM
Shes from Corpus Christi buttpacker fan.


By the way, there's also a good "rod hitting her in the head" joke there, but I'll let somebody else lay that pipe down.

08-17-2005, 09:41 PM
Shes from Corpus Christi buttpacker fan.

I was being sarcastic bandwagon fuck.

08-17-2005, 09:41 PM
The gardner must have hit her with his hose.

08-17-2005, 09:43 PM
The gardner must have hit her with his hose.
well played

T Park
08-17-2005, 09:56 PM
I was being sarcastic bandwagon fuck.

Right right.

cover up, bash the other person using tired and used up sayings.

Whatever stooge.

08-17-2005, 10:02 PM
Hit by a pole? sounds like something she does.

08-17-2005, 10:05 PM
She asked for a dick slap and I guess I had more than she can handle. I didn't mean to put her in the hospital.

08-17-2005, 10:06 PM
Hit by a pole? sounds like something she does.

WTF is wrong with a beautiful single women dating a lot of guys? So a hot girl wants to date as many guys as she wants...BFD.

Damn, what a bunch of Puritan misogynists you fuckers are.


08-17-2005, 10:08 PM
I'm not a huge Eva fan but I am glad she is okay.

Speaking of poles... remember when Timmy almost got hit by one cause Rob was messing around shooting the b-ball from the bench?

08-17-2005, 10:11 PM
WTF is wrong with a beautiful single women dating a lot of guys? So a hot girl wants to date as many guys as she wants...BFD.

Damn, what a bunch of Puritain misogynists you fuckers are.


If it was a male, I would make numerous jokes about him hitting cats.

08-17-2005, 10:16 PM
WTF is wrong with a beautiful single women dating a lot of guys? So a hot girl wants to date as many guys as she wants...BFD.

Damn, what a bunch of Puritain misogynists you fuckers are.

I don't know what a puritain misogynist is, but if it is someone that wants to have sex with Eva, call me misogynistic. :smokin

08-17-2005, 10:36 PM
Right right.

cover up, bash the other person using tired and used up sayings.

Whatever stooge.

Nyuck Nyuck

08-17-2005, 10:46 PM
Longoria was injured when a pole fell on her.

Coincidence that she met Tommy Lee on Conan last week?

08-17-2005, 10:52 PM
Coincidence that she met Tommy Lee on Conan last week?

When tommy licked conan, and then eva, had to of been the most uncomfortable minute in television history. Doesn't conan wear an inch of makeup...that must of tasted bland.

08-18-2005, 02:06 AM

I said ha ha.

Solid D
08-18-2005, 04:26 AM
They had Eva on an interview this week talking about her relationship with TP and she said that she and Tony are totally in love...that "Tony is my world".

08-18-2005, 04:36 AM
^good for tony. now they just need to leak a video.

Kori Ellis
08-26-2005, 06:09 PM
Eva Longoria says accident was serious, but feeling great
Aug 26, 2005, 22:06 GMT

NEW YORK, NY, United States (UPI) -- "Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria says her accident on the set of the popular ABC TV show was much more serious than initially reported.

Longoria, 30, told "Inside Edition" Friday she suffered a concussion when a steel pipe fell and hit her on the head.

"It was a week of recovery, but I`m feeling great," Longoria told the syndicated tabloid TV show. "I was really blown away by the amount of concern (generated) by my bump."

She said the mother of her boyfriend, San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker, was "great" in the aftermath of the accident.

"She`s actually been my nurse this week," she said. "It`s been nice to have her here."

08-26-2005, 06:13 PM
She said the mother of her boyfriend, San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker, was "great" in the aftermath of the accident.

"She`s actually been my nurse this week," she said. "It`s been nice to have her here."

I keep forgetting that his mom is a naturopath.

08-26-2005, 06:14 PM
They had Eva on an interview this week talking about her relationship with TP and she said that she and Tony are totally in love...that "Tony is my world".
Where was this?

08-26-2005, 06:27 PM
Where was this?

ESPN Hollywood on ESPN 2.... sometime last week i think.

Horry For 3!
08-26-2005, 07:05 PM
ESPN Hollywood on ESPN 2.... sometime last week i think.