View Full Version : NBA: Winning By Breaking Up The Super Teams And Why Kobe Changed The Game

06-27-2014, 08:03 AM
What Kobe did in taking the $48.5m dollar contract is a game changer.

You don't try to compete with the Spurs by trying to assemble your own Super Team. You don't compete with the Spurs by trying to create a Big 4 in Miami or wherever else. You don't compete with the Spurs by tanking for 5 straight years so you can build the next OKC or SA.

What you do as a rival owner is you offer Chip England $10m/year to be a shooting coach for you. You offer Chad Forcier $5M to do the same. You offer RC Buford $25m/year to be your executive.

If you're a rival owner, You offer Chris Bosh a full max contract. You offer Patty Mills $9m/year. You offer Dwyane Wade $60m over 3 years. Last year, you offer Manu Ginobili $40m over 2 years. Offer Dirk the max for next 2 years.

You corrupt all attempts at forming Superteams and all attempts at creating stable organizations.

If you always take max money, it makes other players really question their sacrifices. If everyone is in the mindset of taking paycuts in order to win, the truth is they'll all lose. Forming 5 super teams makes no sense when only 1 of them will win.

So concede to San Antonio, see if Diaw and Mills are willing to sacrifice dollars. See if their coaching staff are willing to sacrifice dollars.

The strategy by rival players and coaches should be aimed at breaking apart the Super teams, not sacrificing so you can get yourself one.

Kobe has done his part to make people aware of this.

06-27-2014, 08:23 AM
You've taken rambling to a whole another level.

06-27-2014, 08:57 AM
fck why posting this shit in the nba section ****

go back upstairs asslicker

06-27-2014, 09:07 AM
What Kobe did in taking the $48.5m dollar contract is a game changer.

You don't try to compete with the Spurs by trying to assemble your own Super Team. You don't compete with the Spurs by trying to create a Big 4 in Miami or wherever else. You don't compete with the Spurs by tanking for 5 straight years so you can build the next OKC or SA.

What you do as a rival owner is you offer Chip England $10m/year to be a shooting coach for you. You offer Chad Forcier $5M to do the same. You offer RC Buford $25m/year to be your executive.

If you're a rival owner, You offer Chris Bosh a full max contract. You offer Patty Mills $9m/year. You offer Dwyane Wade $60m over 3 years. Last year, you offer Manu Ginobili $40m over 2 years. Offer Dirk the max for next 2 years.

You corrupt all attempts at forming Superteams and all attempts at creating stable organizations.

If you always take max money, it makes other players really question their sacrifices. If everyone is in the mindset of taking paycuts in order to win, the truth is they'll all lose. Forming 5 super teams makes no sense when only 1 of them will win.

So concede to San Antonio, see if Diaw and Mills are willing to sacrifice dollars. See if their coaching staff are willing to sacrifice dollars.

The strategy by rival players and coaches should be aimed at breaking apart the Super teams, not sacrificing so you can get yourself one.

Kobe has done his part to make people aware of this.


06-27-2014, 09:27 AM

06-27-2014, 11:18 AM

:lmao This.

06-27-2014, 07:31 PM


06-27-2014, 08:27 PM
what a waste of sperm

06-27-2014, 08:44 PM

06-27-2014, 09:02 PM
The OP actually makes good points. I have no idea why some of you don't realize it.

Then again, what if it's a rouse? What if the Lakers and Kobe colluded to change his salary as a "good will gesture" so they can get a big name, but only after other teams were sure the Lakers were too committed to Bryant's salary to be a real threat in the market. What if Kobe takes 15 or less, and tells Lebron "I'll give up money to get you here"? Does that get Lebron there? Could there be something going on between Kobe and Lebron to collude and fool the league?

Nah... Kobe's on a farewell tour, but I like the way you think.

Cry Havoc
06-27-2014, 09:18 PM
:lol at thinking Kobe is gaming the system. Dude doesn't care. MFer just wants to get PAID, period. Would rather buy another house than have a shot at winning a title -- though, let's be honest, he knows his shot at a title is nonexistent with the way the Spurs are currently assembled. The sun has set on his empire and he ain't doing anything about it except tooling around in his shed, counting his dollars. He's riding into the sunset taking as many dead presidents as he can. He needs to do another photoshoot of him in all white, with a waving flag of the same hue to set it in stone.

06-27-2014, 10:06 PM

Ron Swanson
06-27-2014, 10:11 PM

06-28-2014, 03:05 AM
what a waste of sperm

Ok i laughed.

06-28-2014, 09:42 AM
fck why posting this shit in the nba section ****

go back upstairs asslicker

Prefer this dribble down in the basement

06-28-2014, 08:42 PM
What the fucking fuck