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07-11-2014, 11:14 PM
Since 1970 this Lakers franchise has hit an all time low point, in my 40+ years of following this team. I haven’t seen this teams roster be this bad since Kareem was acquired in that huge deal sending Junior Bridgeman, Dave Myers, Elmore Smith & another player for a young super star who was about 26 years old. At that time we filled our roster with an old players such as Lucious Allen, Don Chaney, Cazzie Russell & a drafted rookie Don Ford as starters. You all remember the rest & it was history in the making with new ownership & some great deals that brought us Magic & James.

We always had the opportunity to improve this team because we always had players we could move & an owner with the passion & desire to win! Now his son takes over & we are in disarray. I have NEVER ever seen a team with no coach before or after a draft, while trying to sign free agents (don’t wanna hear bout the super stars opinion of who cause Mitch keeps saying Kobe was never given that opportunity), going into summer league with no system, etc. Who in the world is gonna sign with us when they don’t know who’s going to coach them? We don’t even have more than 4 players signed to fill a starting line up, unheard of.

Face it, Lebron was never gonna sign here nor Melo for what it’s worth. I had so much confidence that we would acquire K. Love & or Irving after their rookie contracts or that group instead of all these rumors which are completely absurd of getting players who are already 30 years old & doing it all over again in 4 or 5 years. Haven’t they learned their lesson on acquiring older players or BUILDING a team like the Spurs, Suns, Raptors or OKC. I’d rather have 7 players making 7-8 mill a year instead of what they have done signing a once great player coming off a achilles injury who is 34 & has much mileage on his legs & body or sign another super star for another 22 mill & still not have the pieces to make the playoffs. We all know they over paid Kobe, he certainly isn’t worth 25 mill anymore & they could have given him 20 mill & either he takes it or walks!

Kobe has been great, but I’m a Laker fan far before & after. He is all about Kobe since his early days, the Piston Finals loss & since he forced Shaq out. The days of him isolating & hogging the ball were over 3 years ago, that’s why management should’ve known, even more with latest injury. I’m a fond believer in you don’t pay a player for the past you pay them for what you think they can contribute now & in future.

The Lakers have NO plan, I firmly believe that. Jimmy Buss is gonna Frank McCourt this team into the ground, Mitch’s hands are tied & he’s gotta be stressed out. This team, city & fans would be better off with new ownership! We are in a sad pathetic state right now, no room for improvement & players like Nash can’t be traded cause of age & contract.

I tell my son every week, stop getting your hopes up because they won’t show any improvement or get any better until Kobe is gone. They must rebuild this team not add huge salaries & old age to it. My years of knowing this team & years of cheers & jeers have taught me to not get over excited about this situation & according to these unbelievable rumors, hopes & threads are immune to emotion unless it is finalized.

I would like us to be respectable & sign players who play hard & understand the all around game. I thought the Meeks, Young’s, Johnson’s would do well here, but the last two coaches have ruined any young players ability to sustain production. I would love to see Jordan Hill come back & be given a chance to play 30 minutes a game if the training staff is sure his body is up to it, we need more competitive players not selfish players.

Melo nor Bron was considering LA, many posts & concerns are obvious. I would like this team to move on & hire a coach immediately & get involved with the free agents that are NOT table scraps, because once again I believe that’s what were gonna end up with if they don’t start acting instead of pretending & creating their own fantasy team. Why is this so hard for everyone to understand?

I am so disappointed in ownership for this false conception & misleading of the fans, we are the laughing stock of the league right now. I just saw the Celtics make a trade for a decent player in Marcus Thornton, but we don’t have the pieces to even pull off a trade such as that because we have NO trad-able pieces, yes Pau should have been traded two years ago. I’d much rather be in the position of having a young super star at age 26 like Kareem & build a team, than add on older players. Like I said I really don’t see anything good in the next 2 or 3 years until Kobe’s is gone or retired & Nash are gone! Don't hold your breathe all, but I am not to optimistic about next two or three years. By saying that, it could be 3 or 4 years before Lakers basketball is relevant again. I certainly hope management proves me wrong?

^ Props to this guy for taking Buss and Co. to task, but a nice meltdown nonetheless.

Tom - i dont see Kobe accepting the fact that the lakers will be medicore for thr next 2 years of his contract, are you sure he sounded that way? Wasnt he the one thar said a few months ago that rebuilding is not in his mo? I guess hes ready to go out with 5 titoes.. oh well hopefully randle leads us to multiple titles in the future.

Woj mentioned about the spurs persistence making them a contender for paus services.. imagine if the lakers forced the spurs into a S&T... while we got splitter and danny green.. that would be great.

Damn I miss the good old days. This sucks

Getting Lin and Boozer even if it comes with picks basically destroys our franchise. This is not how you build a championship contender.
I agree putting crappy teams together makes the Lakers look like a bunch of losers. They are building a reputation that looks like a penny pinching FO that dreams about stealing a star from someone else. Dr. Buss is turning in his grave. Time to sell the team.

Exactly. You guys really wanna see a garbage team for two more years at minimum? You think that's gonna be attractive to potential FA stars? Jim buss is killing our franchise. Next move will be hiring mike Dunleavy

(following the Lin trade) I'm more interested in what else is coming our way.

:lol Swaggy P and Jordan Hill

Most of y'all have been good to me. I do not wish Lin Only Fans on your board.

I wouldn't wish Lin on my worst enemies.

Most ridiculous unnecessary no sense trade I have seen in a long time if this is true, we don't need Lin, he stinks & we have enough guards. What are we giving up another 1st rd pick, who else are we getting this makes no sense & ties up more money!!!

AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL... A 1st rd pick, LMAO what a 20th pick...

What a F'in joke, why are we helping the Rockets to make it worse...

Makes me wanna throw up!!!~


07-11-2014, 11:21 PM
:lmao This is great...Spurs at the top, Lakers burning in hell...all is right in the Universe.

07-11-2014, 11:23 PM
http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by K0BEE 2.0 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0#post0)
Woj mentioned about the spurs persistence making them a contender for paus services.. imagine if the lakers forced the spurs into a S&T... while we got splitter and danny green.. that would be great.

Wtf? This cant be real.????????

07-11-2014, 11:23 PM
Laker fans are actually reduced to hoping on landing Shaun Marion or Paul Pierce. LMAO!

07-11-2014, 11:24 PM

07-11-2014, 11:26 PM
Like Spurs will give up Splitter for Gasol. :lol

Gasol would be a nice acquisition but let's face it, its just temporary. Gasol is almost tapped while Splitter its still young and has tons of mileage.

07-11-2014, 11:27 PM
The Curse

07-11-2014, 11:29 PM

07-11-2014, 11:36 PM
too bad Thread doesn't post his senile jibberish over there.

Fredo deserves a lot of the blame, but the CBA deserves a Steve Nash-esque assist imho.

07-11-2014, 11:39 PM
Retweeted by Ramona Shelburne
Jeff Goodman ‏@GoodmanESPN 2m
Rockets have dealt Jeremy Lin and a future first-rounder to Lakers, sources told ESPN. Houston clearing space to land Bosh, keep Parsons.

pathetic if u ask me

this is their plan B?

PATHETIC!! We are the damned 76ers helping OTHER teams build contenders.

EFF you Lakers front office and eff you to Kobes handicapping contract!!!

Kobe gets a thank you while us fans get a "hey just stick with us the next 2 crappy years!"

You don't have to stick around.

I have been around since the 80s but thank you for your permission. Dont mistake anger and frustration for disloyalty.

It kind of makes you look ridiculous.

This is... deflating. I trust they have a greater scheme working here. I just can't believe this is how the off season wraps up.

Lakers still think they're in the running so they trade for a PG that Melo dislikes. Great. What kind of monkeys are running the show?

ESPN is interviewing the guy that ran on the court to hug LeBron right now... Seriously? Way to promote stupid behavior like that ESPN! Just for a stupid interview.

And that stupid (bleep) Linda Cohn interviewing. I wish someone punched her in her laker hating face.

I love how everyone in support of this trade keeps mentioning some future pipe dream. Every (bleep) year it's the same thing here on LG "wait for 2012 guys" "wait for 2014" now it's "don't worry 2015 will be our year to land a big FA" and then when we get nothing it'll be 2016, etc.

Keep puffing the future is bright pipe while other teams are working in the present to make an actual team.

Are you completely drunk off all that whine that you've been doing?

Now I'm legitimately worried about the franchise. Did we really just watch 30 years of prestige get shat on? We can't even land Carmelo Anthony?

I have a feeling a big move is gonna come soon either with a FA signing or a Pau S&T.... and I hope it makes us excited... I'm pretty sure the Lakers aren't gonna let Pau walk without getting a all-star calibre player in return so that NY rumor package is probably fake.

07-11-2014, 11:40 PM
too bad Thread doesn't post his senile jibberish over there.

Fredo deserves a lot of the blame, but the CBA deserves a Steve Nash-esque assist imho.

Only pussies & assholes post there. I'm better than that. A damn sight better.

07-11-2014, 11:44 PM
Only pussies & assholes post there. I'm better than that. A damn sight better.

How come you don't like them?

07-11-2014, 11:46 PM
How come you don't like them?

Just instinct.

07-11-2014, 11:51 PM
Just instinct.

They can't take a punch. Minute you "check their assholes," you get banned.

07-11-2014, 11:52 PM
They can't take a punch. Minute you "check their assholes," you get banned.


07-12-2014, 12:07 AM

I don't think 5 mil is terrible it's not cap busting.

It's beyond terrible for a terrible player :dead:

Swaggy was far from terrible this year! What games were you watching? Probably wasnt because kobe wasnt playing lol

I have watched Young play enough to know he is exactly the opposite of what a team player should be .

A black hole who doesn't play defense, doesn't rebound or pass and shoot everytime has the ball.

Popovich wouldn't want him to play even for free...

Mitch doesn't deserve to be fired...

He deserves to be placed in a life boat and forced to paddle himself to Asia.

I told u all that Mitch and Jim had no idea what they were doing after the Lin trade. We just wasted $22 million cap space on 3 career backups

And we missed out on Lionel Hollins.

And now we've missed out on Lance Stephenson.

This has got to be one of the dumbest front offices in the league. So incredibly stupid.

No, thinking on it, they're the dumbest front office in the league.

Just think about all the crappy moves they've made. Dumbest front office in the league. Just stupid.

Mitch is just clueless IMO

He signs Young to a decent deal and then blows $18mill on Jordan Hill for 2 years? Can the guy stay healthy? CMon man

Nearly 15m in 2015 cap space gone just like that.

And no Lance Stephenson.

We re-sign two guys that lead us to our worst season ever, and now they're taking up all of our (bleep) cap space next season, and preventing us from signing Lance Stephenson.,

We're also about to hire Byron Scott.

Jim and Mitch need to go. This is no longer all on Jim Buss. Mitch is just as stupid as he is.

I've been saying for many years that Mitch is probably one of the worst GM's in the NBA. But nobody wanted to listen. Mitch has done a unbelievably piss poor job of managing the cap, drafting, and just overall decision making.

He's been living off the greatness of Jerry West (Kobe Bryant) for far too long and it has finally become clear enough that even the biggest Mitch supporter cannot ignore it.

How in the world do you give this pile off crap roster to Kobe after a ruptured achilles and broken knee? What kind of disrespect is that?

Kobe will be traded. No possible way he isn't traded within 7 days. That's why Nick Young got a 4 yr deal. He's our starting SG for now.

07-12-2014, 12:12 AM
if Kobe somehow got traded to the Spurs, this forum would turn into a blackhole and suck every bean3r into it.

Obviously I hope he rots out there in LA.

07-12-2014, 12:20 AM
if Kobe somehow got traded to the Spurs, this forum would turn into a blackhole and suck every bean3r into it.

Obviously I hope he rots out there in LA.

The world would implode

07-12-2014, 12:22 AM
if Kobe somehow got traded to the Spurs, this forum would turn into a blackhole and suck every bean3r into it.

Obviously I hope he rots out there in LA.

The Spurs would have to send about 6 players just to match salaries...

07-12-2014, 01:39 AM
The Spurs would have to send about 6 players just to match salaries...

How about this?

Splitter $10 mil
Ayres $3.5 mil
Daye $1 mil
Bonner (Sign & trade) $ 4 mil
Two second round draft picks

Even then we're short $4 odd mil in salary gap. Astounding that Fredo would give Kobe $48.5 mil.

07-12-2014, 01:40 AM
How about this?

Splitter $10 mil
Ayres $3.5 mil
Daye $1 mil
Bonner (Sign & trade) $ 4 mil
Two second round draft picks

Even then we're short $4 odd mil in salary gap. Astounding that Fredo would give Kobe $48.5 mil.

Why, it's a 20% cut on a 25/6/6 stat line. It's reasonable.

07-12-2014, 01:51 AM
^ Correction, Ayres is owed $1.8 mil next season.

07-12-2014, 01:52 AM
Starting Rotation

Joined: 16 Apr 2014
Posts: 276

http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5908680#5908680)Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:05 pm Post subject:

quixoticsyz wrote:

Romano338 wrote:

Your expectations are way too high

That's because he's a spurstalk troll pretending to be a Lakers fan and mocking us by posting deliberately stupid expectations. It's pretty easy to tell.

Paranoid much?

07-12-2014, 01:53 AM
Starting Rotation

Joined: 16 Apr 2014
Posts: 276

http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5908680#5908680)Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:05 pm Post subject:

quixoticsyz wrote:

Romano338 wrote:

Your expectations are way too high

That's because he's a spurstalk troll pretending to be a Lakers fan and mocking us by posting deliberately stupid expectations. It's pretty easy to tell.

Paranoid much?


Which thread/what page?

07-12-2014, 01:53 AM
Why, it's a 20% cut on a 25/6/6 stat line. It's reasonable.

Question. And you can't pick both.

Are you a Kobe fan or a Laker fan?

jARS mEsH sEt
07-12-2014, 01:57 AM
I can't wait until Kirby chucks his way to 20/4/4 on awful shooting percentage. What a pleasure it will be to read the ensuing meltdown on LG :rollin

07-12-2014, 02:01 AM
your time will come soon enough. Just waiting for the day RC Buford gets a stroke.

07-12-2014, 02:02 AM

Which thread/what page?


They're watching us.... :lmao


Sixth Man

Joined: 07 Jan 2013
Posts: 96
Location: New York

http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5908694#5908694)Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:09 pm Post subject:

quixoticsyz wrote:

Romano338 wrote:

Your expectations are way too high

That's because he's a spurstalk troll pretending to be a Lakers fan and mocking us by posting deliberately stupid expectations. It's pretty easy to tell.

Probably. They're mocking us over there.


07-12-2014, 02:04 AM
your time will come soon enough. Just waiting for the day RC Buford gets a stroke.


07-12-2014, 02:06 AM
Splitter AND Green for Gasol? :lmao :lmao

07-12-2014, 02:12 AM
your time will come soon enough. Just waiting for the day RC Buford gets a stroke.

You may be right, but you honestly don't think the Spurs will replicate the 2011-2014 Lakers? They are now just embarrassing themselves. Heck atleast when the Clippers sucked, they were cheap. The Lakers on the other hand have no clue. Is Mitch really running the show cause this has Chazz written all over it.

07-12-2014, 02:43 AM
:lmao This is great...Spurs at the top, Lakers burning in hell...all is right in the Universe.


07-12-2014, 05:42 AM
Question. And you can't pick both.

Are you a Kobe fan or a Laker fan?

I never defend my fandom. It's my religion.

07-12-2014, 06:43 AM
Only pussies & assholes post there. I'm better than that. A damn sight better.


07-12-2014, 08:27 AM
Splitter AND Green for Gasol? :lmao :lmao

:lmao :lmao

The only guy from there who got it right was the one OP cited first. You could really see that this guy is a Laker fan first, not a Kobe fanboy, and that he has seen it all from the last decades. Unlike many of those "new" Laker fans.

There is no fanbase in the entire NBA which is as delusional and arrogant as the Lakers. Not Miami, not Houston, not Chicago, not Boston. Simply none. This really reminds me of 2011 after the Mavs beat them 4-0. On Lakersground, btw the real name of that board should be Kobeground, there were multiple threads bashing Gasol. He was named worst Laker ever, not even worth a piece of chips etc... but simultaneously when it came to trade scenarios there were multiple rumours of sending Gasol to a lottery team and demanding at least 3 first rounders + cash for him :lol completely delusional. Bashing Gasol the whole time but in terms of trading him it sounded like "hey, great player, he will help your franchise a lot, he's worth multiple picks..."

In terms of trades in general those guys over there are as dumb as it gets. They got Gasol for a bag of chips in 2008 (nobody could know how good Marc Gasol would be) and that was just another example of how Laker fans think trades have to work. Hugely lopsided in favor of the Lakers, that's just how it has to be, like a natural law. The biggest reason the Lakers won in 2009 and 2010 wasn't Kobe, it was the sheer size of the Lakers frontline. That frontcourt consisting of guys like Gasol, Odom, Bynum, Artest, Ariza etc. was just too much for every other team in the league. Often the teams were forced to double down low, which opened space for Kobe.

07-12-2014, 08:44 AM
Cubby been a fan of the lakers since they were in Minnesota.

Clipper Nation
07-12-2014, 08:50 AM
Splitter AND Green for Gasol? :lmao :lmao

I don't know what's funnier, that, or the other delusional Lakerfan who thinks they're trading 48.5 :lmao

07-12-2014, 08:54 AM
Cubby been a fan of the lakers since they were in Minnesota.

Never denied that, I was rather pointing out some of those delusional idiots over there at LG.

07-12-2014, 09:16 AM
B-b-b-but we paid for our basketball reasons! :cry

:lol Maybe if they learned how to draft better and scout talent instead of begging players to come play with Kirby, they'd have some sort of core to build around. Instead, they have no coach, a faggot, a chink, and J:lolrd:loln H:lolll.

07-12-2014, 09:23 AM
Only pussies & assholes post there. I'm better than that. A damn sight better.

Kool & Laka both post over there yet you side them over here. Hypocritical.

07-12-2014, 09:35 AM
B-b-b-but we paid for our basketball reasons! :cry

:lol Maybe if they learned how to draft better and scout talent instead of begging players to come play with Kirby, they'd have some sort of core to build around. Instead, they have no coach, a faggot, a chink, and J:lolrd:loln H:lolll.

I couldn't agree more :lol

You can also add that Stern was absolutely allowed to deny that CP3 trade even without being the commissioner :lol Back then the league owned New Orleans and every team owner has the right to deny a trade if he thinks his team gets screwed over. So, the Lakers had no room to complain, but that's something those delusional idiots at LG will never be able to understand.

07-12-2014, 09:54 AM
Kool & Laka both post over there yet you side them over here. Hypocritical.

I didn't mince words.

07-12-2014, 10:02 AM
if Kobe somehow got traded to the Spurs, this forum would turn into a blackhole and suck every bean3r into it.

Obviously I hope he rots out there in LA.

Kobe traded to the Hornets? Lol

07-12-2014, 10:06 AM
The only option that really makes any sense for Lakers is TRADE Kobe.

07-12-2014, 10:07 AM
The only option that really makes any sense for Lakers is TRADE Kobe.

And when he's ready he'll permit that, and not one moment sooner.

Clipper Nation
07-12-2014, 10:08 AM
The only option that really makes any sense for Lakers is TRADE Kobe.

What other team would volunteer to put the 48.5 on their books?

07-12-2014, 11:33 AM
What other team would volunteer to put the 48.5 on their books?

tbh only the shittiest franchises in the league would do it simply for the money he would bring in from his knob slobbers like Kool/rakaruva etc. But no contender or rebuilding team would touch him with a 10 foot pole :lol Only Brooklyn would be stupid enough to trade for Kobe imo

07-12-2014, 11:52 AM
Only pussies & assholes post there. I'm better than that. A damn sight better.

07-12-2014, 11:57 AM
Woj mentioned about the spurs persistence making them a contender for paus services.. imagine if the lakers forced the spurs into a S&T... while we got splitter and danny green.. that would be great.

http://p.fod4.com/p/media/5c597eb60b/uF9MjJo3QIaijySXC4iL_Confused%20Christian%20Bale.g if

07-12-2014, 12:50 PM
I am glad you guys enjoy the lottery so much, but some fans want to see a winner.

You already saw a winner. You've already seen many winners. What you really want is to win every year, which just isn't possible. And when you don't get your way you think it gives you carte blanche to whine and moan like you've been cheated out of something. Winning an NBA title is special. You don't get to do it, or even have a chance at it, every year. That's part of being a real fan.

Yeah, let's make sure we all agree on every decision the team makes. That makes for a real interesting board to post on. :facepalm:

Yea we may not agree, but some of you repeat the same negative crap 10 times a day. Kobe's contract, Jim Buss sucks, Mitch overrated, nobody wants to play here, etc.

That's to me is not interesting. I suggest some of you should take a break from LG. Go for a walk, fly a kite, make love to your woman (or man for the ladies out there), read a good book, or watch a movie. Unplug from this mess and then come back with some fresh ideas.

And I would say the same to those supporting the front office.

Why don't all of you take a break and let the fans who are more passionate about the team and less tolerant of losing vent?

What fresh ideas are you guys bringing?

It is just two sides that disagree, it doesn't mean that some fans opinions need to be ridiculed and others need to be put on pedestals.

You dig losing and love the moves of the front office, right on. Some of us think they have botched things badly and think something needs to change.

I am glad you have complete confidence in the current front office and ownership. I don't, the best thing that could happen to the Lakers would be for the team to be sold and a new General Manager brought in because if the plan is to wait and pray that Durant is coming in 2016...I've got news for you, that isn't happening.

Get Jerry West or Pat Riley back in the fold for whatever it takes and fix this thing.

07-12-2014, 02:08 PM
Only pussies & assholes post there. I'm better than that. A damn sight better.lol delusional..you live on a SPURS board you petrified pussy

07-12-2014, 02:22 PM
Lakers are priming up to take Luke Amundson, Ronnie Brewer and Dunleavey for Pau. No mention of draft picks in that bunch.. lol.. the assets for there aging big

07-12-2014, 04:08 PM
lol delusional..you live on a SPURS board you petrified pussy

The NBA Forum.

07-12-2014, 04:11 PM
The NBA Forum.what does it say in your address bar dolt? just own it fegget..you lose just by being here:downspin:

07-12-2014, 04:14 PM
what does it say in your address bar dolt? just own it fegget..you lose just by being here:downspin:

It's the NBA Forum.


The Bag stays in Texas.

07-12-2014, 04:41 PM
http://p.fod4.com/p/media/5c597eb60b/uF9MjJo3QIaijySXC4iL_Confused%20Christian%20Bale.g if

:lol I thought the same thing. How the fuck can The Student Has Become The Master and Fredooooooo force the Spurs into doing anything? :lmao:lmao The only forcing that went on in that organization is when Kirby forced Fredo to give him a max extension.

07-12-2014, 05:04 PM
Once football season is over I'm canceling my cable. I will not watch this crap.

07-12-2014, 05:56 PM
It's the NBA Forum.


The Bag stays in Texas.SPURSTALK ya puss..no way around it even when vomiting up your stale/lame parrots, you lose. Only reason you keep mentioning a bag is because you have acute testicle envy because your bag is empty..likely dried up by the Aids

07-12-2014, 05:58 PM
SPURSTALK ya puss..no way around it even when vomiting up your stale/lame parrots, you lose. Only reason you keep mentioning a bag is because you have acute testicle envy because your bag is empty..likely dried up by the Aids

No. It's the NBA Forum.

& The Bag stays in Texas.

Clipper Nation
07-12-2014, 06:00 PM
No. It's the NBA Forum.

And the NBA Forum is part of which website, Dale?

07-12-2014, 06:08 PM
No. It's the NBA Forum.

& The Bag stays in Texas.Have you fallen and cant get up polly?

07-12-2014, 06:19 PM
Have you fallen and cant get up polly?


baseline bum
07-12-2014, 06:20 PM
if Kobe somehow got traded to the Spurs, this forum would turn into a blackhole and suck every bean3r into it.

Obviously I hope he rots out there in LA.

If Kobe got traded to San Antonio I would be permabanned from this site for life after the meltdown. Same shit would have happened if Malone signed here in 2005.

07-12-2014, 06:27 PM
If Kobe got traded to San Antonio I would be permabanned from this site for life after the meltdown. Same shit would have happened if Malone signed here in 2005.

Horseshit, Dennis. You'd embrace Kobe like you embraced Katie.

07-12-2014, 06:33 PM
Horseshit, Dennis. You'd embrace Kobe like you embraced Katie.

Would Kobe be okay with being Danny Green's backup?

Kobe can't cut that mustard no longer. He's in "the lick the jar" stage of his career.

07-12-2014, 06:49 PM
Would Kobe be okay with being Danny Green's backup?

Kobe can't cut that mustard no longer. He's in "the lick the jar" stage of his career.

We don't know that. You want that, but, we won't KNOW until November and we'll know very quickly.

Clipper Nation
07-12-2014, 06:53 PM


07-12-2014, 06:58 PM

Clipper Nation
07-12-2014, 06:58 PM

07-12-2014, 06:59 PM
Would people STOP with this "you had to see the coming", "do you think its easy to trade", "blah, blah, blah".

For the love of God, what the hell is wrong with admitting you are pissed!!??

This free agent period COULD NOT have gone worse, starting with Kobes extension.

Do people claiming this as rebuild understand we dont have 2 1st round picks in next 3 yrs?

Lol hurray we got 1 from houston....great...

The problem is not about us rebuilding but its about handing out contracts like 9mil to a player who doesnt freaking sfay healthy or 4 yrs to a known chucker

Who is going to play defense next yr? Please tell



Exactly that is why this is bad. We are stuck in limbo.

This is why everyone was pissed when the Kobe contract was signed.

Only ignorant fans in denial/delusion didn't see that.

It's math.

What happened this year...is a simple result of math. We don't have the available money to build a viable championship team. And Kobe will have to deal with it until his contract ends.

Would people STOP with this "you had to see the coming", "do you think its easy to trade", "blah, blah, blah".

For the love of God, what the hell is wrong with admitting you are pissed!!??

This free agent period COULD NOT have gone worse, starting with Kobes extension.

And the FO had 3 years to prepare for this, it didnt just happen yesterday. Nothing that they planned worked, and their flippant attitude towards rebuilding as put them back several years.

Enjoy the Clippers get all the attention for having a contending team while we barely get anywhere. ESPN will rub it in for years, and Bill Simmons is going to have a laugh for several years.

your 2014-2015 los angeles lakers!

Hill/Sacre (chronically injured backup and NBDL All-Star)
Randle/Kelly (zero minutes ever played and 2nd year player who isn't that bad)
Young (inefficient chucker!)
Kobe/Clarkson (bad knees, bad leg, bad hands and zero minutes ever played!)
Lin/Marshall/Nash (LOL, NBDL MVP, Crippled)

we lost kaman, bazemore, farmar, blake, melo, pau, howard, meeks and NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT. NOT EVEN ONE ASSET!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

EPIC RANT. It really puts it all into perspective.

Earlier this year, people were talking about "rock bottom", and "it couldn't get any worse".

Well, I got some bad news for you all. It can get worse.

Yeah. :puke:

Such a wonderful, wonderful basketball season.

jARS mEsH sEt
07-13-2014, 03:23 AM
Cubby been a fan of the lakers since they were in Minnesota.

After he gave up on his home town Phoenix Suns :rollin

07-13-2014, 05:51 AM
After he gave up on his home town Phoenix Suns :rollin

I never defend my fandom.

It's my religion.

07-13-2014, 09:41 PM
^ Props to this guy for taking Buss and Co. to task, but a nice meltdown nonetheless.

:lol Swaggy P and Jordan Hill

Hey midnight pulp do the folks at LG know you're either Magic2Kobe or some other troll there...I've long since expected you to be Magic2Kobe since you used that troll here as well.

07-13-2014, 10:00 PM
These posts.

These posts make up for '01-'02, and 0.4. And '08.

Good luck with Kobe and your D-League squad, Lakers. :lmao

07-13-2014, 10:08 PM

07-13-2014, 10:19 PM
These posts.

These posts make up for '01-'02, and 0.4. And '08.

Good luck with Kobe and your D-League squad, Lakers. :lmao

Boiled down:::

Kobe: 5

the tired old shit bag Duncan: 5

baseline bum
07-13-2014, 10:25 PM
Boiled down:::

Kobe: 5

the tired old shit bag Duncan: 5

You want it to be one way.

But it's the other way.

07-13-2014, 10:25 PM
You want it to be one way.

But it's the other way.

The Bag stays in Texas.

Kool Bob Love
07-13-2014, 10:29 PM
The Bag stays in Texas.

Larry too.:tu

07-13-2014, 10:48 PM
The Bag stays in Texas.

Swaggy P...lmao!

07-13-2014, 10:56 PM
Who woulda thunk we would have seen the day where Laker fans are salivating over Tiago Splitter and Danny Green...

07-13-2014, 11:29 PM
Boiled down:::

Kobe: 5

the tired old shit bag Duncan: 5

A-OK with me, Culbs. :tu

07-14-2014, 09:34 PM
Star Player

Joined: 27 Jul 2005
Posts: 5948

http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5917044#5917044)Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:56 pm Post subject:

lakerjoshua wrote:

Am I crazy or does randle reminded anyone else of a bigger version of Artest?

Nope. I see a left handed Karl Malone with a softer touch. He also has that awkward but effective George Gervin wrist flip when he finishes layups. Nowhere near as smooth as the Iceman, but there haven't been many who successfully finished layups that way. It'll net him a lot of 'and 1's' that other players simply couldn,'t get to the rim. That'll create defender frustration and he'll see plenty of time on the charity stripe as a result.

07-14-2014, 09:35 PM
The Bag stays in Texas.

So does your checked asshole at least until this year. tee,hee

07-14-2014, 09:35 PM
Star Player

Joined: 27 Jul 2005
Posts: 5948

http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5917044#5917044)Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:56 pm Post subject:

lakerjoshua wrote:

Am I crazy or does randle reminded anyone else of a bigger version of Artest?

Nope. I see a left handed Karl Malone with a softer touch. He also has that awkward but effective George Gervin wrist flip when he finishes layups. Nowhere near as smooth as the Iceman, but there haven't been many who successfully finished layups that way. It'll net him a lot of 'and 1's' that other players simply couldn,'t get to the rim. That'll create defender frustration and he'll see plenty of time on the charity stripe as a result.

:lmaoI'm dead.

Venti Quattro
07-14-2014, 11:24 PM
:lmao NBA

LA just beating teams they're supposed to beat, nothing to see here.

07-20-2014, 01:21 AM
Where does the Mamba rank if he gets a ring this year? (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=169518******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5924104#5924104)Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:52 pm Post subject: Where does the Mamba rank if he gets a ring this year?

If Mamba wins this year, how high does his stock soar? I would say above Lebron, KD or Jordan if he wins it all.

First Team

Second Team

Point Guards
7 Jeremy Lin PG 26 6-3 200 Harvard (Starter)
5 Jordan Clarkson PG 22 6-5 193 Missouri
12 Kendall Marshall PG 22 6-4 195 North Carolina

Shooting Guards
24 Kobe Bryant SG 35 6-6 205 (Starter)

Small Forwards
0 Nick Young SF 29 6-7 210 USC (Starter)

Power Forwards
4 Ryan Kelly PF 23 6-11 230 Duke
30 Julius Randle PF 19 6-9 250 Kentucky
00 Ed Davis PF 25 6-10 225 North Carolina
00 Carlos Boozer PF 33 6-9 266 Duke (Starter)

50 Robert Sacre C 25 7-0 260 Gonzaga
27 Jordan Hill PF/C 26 6-10 235 Arizona (Starter)

Looks like 11 players to me that are fixed, most likely additions? Steve Nash (not getting dumped), Xavier Henry, Tompkins, Woolridge Jr. or Rodrique Beabouis.

07-20-2014, 03:05 AM
Where does the Mamba rank if he gets a ring this year? (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=169518******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5924104#5924104)Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:52 pm Post subject: Where does the Mamba rank if he gets a ring this year?

If Mamba wins this year, how high does his stock soar? I would say above Lebron, KD or Jordan if he wins it all.

First Team

Second Team

Point Guards
7 Jeremy Lin PG 26 6-3 200 Harvard (Starter)
5 Jordan Clarkson PG 22 6-5 193 Missouri
12 Kendall Marshall PG 22 6-4 195 North Carolina

Shooting Guards
24 Kobe Bryant SG 35 6-6 205 (Starter)

Small Forwards
0 Nick Young SF 29 6-7 210 USC (Starter)

Power Forwards
4 Ryan Kelly PF 23 6-11 230 Duke
30 Julius Randle PF 19 6-9 250 Kentucky
00 Ed Davis PF 25 6-10 225 North Carolina
00 Carlos Boozer PF 33 6-9 266 Duke (Starter)

50 Robert Sacre C 25 7-0 260 Gonzaga
27 Jordan Hill PF/C 26 6-10 235 Arizona (Starter)

Looks like 11 players to me that are fixed, most likely additions? Steve Nash (not getting dumped), Xavier Henry, Tompkins, Woolridge Jr. or Rodrique Beabouis.

what fkn brand of meth of are these fkn clowns smoking?

check the top100 project on realgm.com player comparison section, they are upto no.9 now and kobe is nowhere mention...on the lists yet, duncan is 5 with shaq 6...

07-20-2014, 12:41 PM
Another gem from the same thread. Those guys over there are the epitome of delusional idiots.

Anyone who places Kobe below LBJ is a stat geek who doesn't know anything about basketball.

07-20-2014, 12:43 PM
Another gem from the same thread. Those guys over there are the epitome of delusional idiots.

07-20-2014, 12:50 PM
Mamba is #2 right now and would remain #2 if he won it all this year. He needs 7 to best MJ because he IS the MJ redux and the original always gets the nod. I don't understand how anyone could have Lebron rated higher RIGHT NOW. He's had too many warm blooded moments.

Unfortunately, the chances of him winning it all this year is practically nil anyways.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

07-20-2014, 12:52 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

07-20-2014, 12:57 PM
Kobe is already the GOAT, imo.

And number three from that thread :lmao

Clipper Nation
07-20-2014, 01:03 PM
In before Lakerfan tries to claim that those posters are "just trolling," even though we all know they accurately reflect that fanbase :lol

07-20-2014, 01:07 PM
and this laker team isnt a bunch of scrubs.

name me the SCRUBS on this team?

the rest of the guy are solid guys

swaggy p is as good as kenny or mario elie, if xavier pans out he could actually be solid like mario elie.solid defender, pretty good consistent scorer that coudl hit the 3 when needed.

cassell was ultra clutch. a combination of Lin and nash could = sam
a young horry = julius randle. then we still have boozer.

kobe is hakeem.

so yes if kobe wins with this team. he will be hakeem. basically winning with a non 2nd or 3rd star cast. he should therefore go down as the GOAT no questions asked.

:lmao some fellas really talking themselves into it

I just think it will be difficult for them to do worse than last season... but the possibility is certainly there.

07-20-2014, 01:11 PM
Kobe and the LA FO calls fans idiots to their faces and they soak it right up. They pay top dollar for a crappy team and LA's business acumen and knowing their customers "limitations" are second to none. They are incredible sales people that franchise.

07-20-2014, 01:19 PM
Kobe in his wheelchair is better than Dirk and Duncan in their sneakers...
Kobe all day, every day. (bleep) Dirk and Duncan.

This guy has to be trolling, he can't be serious :lmao

07-20-2014, 01:21 PM
This guy has to be trolling, he can't be serious :lmao

Somebody should have told him that Kobe in his wheelchair (literally) had a team that couldn't make the playoffs, while Duncan in his sneakers (literally) just won a title.

That his/her statement literally couldn't be further from the truth.

07-20-2014, 01:25 PM
Somebody should have told him that Kobe in his wheelchair (literally) had a team that couldn't make the playoffs, while Duncan in his sneakers (literally) just won a title.

That his/her statement literally couldn't be further from the truth.

They expect Kobe to be much better than Duncan in the next season despite coming off two major injuries and not having played for a year (I don't count these 6 games tight now). They think he will have stats like 25/5/5 and be a top 5 player in the league without question.

07-20-2014, 01:26 PM
This guy has to be trolling, he can't be serious :lmao

07-20-2014, 01:27 PM
They expect Kobe to be much better than Duncan in the next season despite coming off two major injuries and not having played for a year (I don't count these 6 games tight now). They think he will have stats like 25/5/5 and be a top 5 player in the league without question.
Those stats are very possible, with 40% shooting though.

07-20-2014, 01:29 PM
Before his injury, Kobe still looked like an immortal, still had a case for being the best player in the league. Now obviously, everybody expects him to be a top 10 player at best.
I think since 2001 Kobe was always better than Dirk and Duncan except MAYBE in 2002 when Duncan was amazing and in 2004, not Dirk or Duncan but KG was likely better that year. All other years though, Kobe, Kobe, Kobe.

He will still be better individually.
I think many people forgot just how good Kobe is. Even if he is just at 80 %.

The 2013 team was deemed failure but they onluly gor swept by the Spurs because Kobe got injured. Otherwise, it would have been a series. Who knows how far the Lakers would've advanced.

07-20-2014, 01:30 PM
Those stats are very possible, with 40% shooting though.

Which means ballhogging and playing through garbage time. Last season if my memory serves me right only LeBron, Durant and Harden reached those numbers and all played heavy minutes.

07-20-2014, 01:41 PM
FWIW, the NBA Store has a sale on Lakers jerseys...

http://store.nba.com/Los_Angeles_Lakers_Jerseys/adidas_Los_Angeles_Lakers_Custom_Swingman_Home_Jer sey


07-20-2014, 01:57 PM
^ :lol

07-20-2014, 02:26 PM

07-21-2014, 09:18 PM
:lol any updates since the Bozo acquisition?

07-21-2014, 09:43 PM
FWIW, the NBA Store has a sale on Lakers jerseys...

http://store.nba.com/Los_Angeles_Lakers_Jerseys/adidas_Los_Angeles_Lakers_Custom_Swingman_Home_Jer sey

:lmao cubby's gna love that one

07-28-2014, 01:47 PM
Another week, another gem :lmao

I have been watching basketball since 1980 and I've never seen a better basketball player than Kobe Bryant. By that I mean a player that could play the game in any era, dominate and have team success without the rules being changed in his favor. The only other players I would put into this category are Wilt, Russell, Magic, Kareem and Bird. To me these five players along with Kobe; could play any era, any rules and be absolutely dominant in the game.

Some people may argue with this list. I have no problem with that. If you are one of these people please consider this before rebutting: Were the rules changed to stop the dominance of your greatest players or changed to enhance the dominance of your favorite players? The players I have listed were all the targets of rule changes in the game to curb how dominant they were and allow a more consistent level of competition through the NBA game.

Almost every rule in the game that has shaped our game was created to stop Wilt and Russell. Goaltending on the rim, then cylinder area, not moving off the free throw line until the ball hits the rim, not jumping from the free throw line to score on a free throw, the three seconds in the key lane rule and on and on. Plus these guys were flat out bad ass athletes for any era.

Kareem gets overlooked because he is such an original. He played against everyone on this list except for Kobe. He played a power position with finesse, grace, skill, power and intelligence and he did it for 2 decades! He has titles, MVPs, records in the NCAA and NBA. And when the NCAA outlaws dunking to stop you, you're one bad (hush your mouth!).

Magic and Bird changed the landscape of professional basketball. It was a dying game in the eyes of America until they came around. They effected how people viewed the game in their college year(s) and Carrie that throughout their careers. Not only were they cornerstones in resurrecting their franchises but they invigorated the world's desire to watch the game. Also, the palming rule was rehashed for Magic while the 3 point line was moved back for Bird. Bird had info it range so it was a joke of a rule change towards him, but surely had an effect on other players.

Now Kobe. He is the best all around player I have ever seen. I have watched him play the dominant player and the co-dominant player. He can attack the rim, post up, pass, shoot, dribble with both hands, score on anyone and shut down just about anyone. Then add in his intangibles of playing through pain, longevity, adversity at an extremely high level. The current NBA is basically full of clones of three players in my opinion. That would be Pippen, Garnett and Kobe. Look around and you'll see a lot of guys who look like Pippen and Garnett, but the only true Kobe gamer is Kobe. These young players can't match his physical game, but they try to pattern themselves after him mentally and for me, that is a great thing for the NBA.

The rule change to stop Kobe was the zone defense. When it occurred most of people thought it was put in to stop Shaq and that is half true because they were a dominant duo and the focus was on Shaq. Reality is no zone could really stop Shaq. It would slow him down because he would see the ball less, but he operated so close to the rim and was so powerful that when motivated he would dominate. In fact, he's not on this list because he simply chose not to dominate for so many years AND the NBA looked the other way on his offensive 3 seconds and fouls (bullying through smaller defenders with great defensive position). The zone was created to stop Kobe. He simply couldn't be defended. Forget the 81 point game. The 62 he put on Dallas in 3 quarters is the scariest thing I have ever seen against a high level team. That Dallas team went to the Finals (and got jobbed by Stern after Cuban ran onto the floor to celebrate their game 1 victory). By this time Popovich had already told the world he respected Shaq, but they game planned to stop Kobe and everyone laughed. The zone allows teams to stack defenders in layers vs Kobe. I mean 3 layers. The original defender, the two waiting for him once he blasted by the original defender and the defender at the rim waiting for him once he beat those 3. Kobe countered by going down low or passing to a big man who could handle the passes and finish (Pau). He destroyed Orlando's zone in the 2010 Finals with Dwight as the anchor of their defense by scoring at least 29 points and having 8 assist each game.

Ok. That's enough from me.

And a direct answer to this post :lmao :lmao :lmao

Excellent post.. Kobe can be argued as GOAT. Only thing stoppin that from being a common notion is media and marketing. Jordan entered the league at a perfect time, right when marketing took off. Stern made him his child and turned him into the nba's brand. Kobe came in during an era where stern was trying to market various players as icons as opposed to just one, like he did with Jordan. To make matters worse, the sexual assault trial killed Kobe's marketability, forever hindering his stature in the public eye and stopping him from ever having the chance of the media push Jordan got. Lebron is the only other player to get a push by the NBA and media that could compare to Jordan's.. And even then, Jordan's push was much stronger. Kobe's lack of marketability and nba branding has caused the sheeple to overlook his greatness... Just surprised to see that those sheep make up a good portion of this forum.


Jesus Christ, how on God's green earth can you be that dumb and delusional? Seriously, no fan base in the entire NBA is so far away from reality than the Kobe homers. This is just embarrassing. Not even the worst LeBron or Jordan homers can have such idiotic thoughts.

07-28-2014, 01:56 PM
Holy SHIT :lmao

Clipper Nation
07-28-2014, 02:02 PM
Not LG but might as well be:


07-28-2014, 02:12 PM
Not LG but might as well be:

http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA2LzEyLzRhL3doYXQuMmJkNzEuZ2lmCnAJdGh1bW IJMTIwMHg5NjAwPg/e959e4b1/5b5/what.gif

07-31-2014, 07:26 AM
Expectations for next year on Lakersground:
NBA Lottery
41% [ 25 ]
NBA Playoffs
31% [ 19 ]
NBA Finals
0% [ 0 ]
NBA Championship
26% [ 16 ]
Total Votes : 60


07-31-2014, 08:36 AM
Expectations for next year on Lakersground:
NBA Lottery
41% [ 25 ]
NBA Playoffs
31% [ 19 ]
NBA Finals
0% [ 0 ]
NBA Championship
26% [ 16 ]
Total Votes : 60


Its not a coincidence that since I left, LG has fallen apart. The unbelievably extreme denial on that board about the Lakers is incredible. I was also a member of Lakersnation for years and that board is much better and more realistic about the Lakers with the exception of a few members. LG though is border line retarded, if you speak the truth you get flamed. Lots of people on Kobe's dick on that board and not enough true LAKER fans.

I rarely if ever check in on that board but there are many who were critical of Kobe's contract and they got flamed for it. Its gotten so bad they ban people now for speaking against Byron Scott or Jeremy Lin. Its as if they cant accept the reality that Jim Buss is the captain of the Titanic.

07-31-2014, 09:14 AM
Every fanbase has some delusional ones, so don't act like your shit doesn't stink either. Also, I don't mind the optimism about next season. We might not win any rings soon, but if we get a good groove going, we could make a little noise and something to build off of.

07-31-2014, 09:20 AM
^ don't flatter yourself. That board was probably worse during the title years. You were too chickenshit to remove your purple tinted glasses. Now that they're irrelevant, you've hopped on this board. Check mid's LG bumps and you'll know you weren't any better.

07-31-2014, 09:22 AM
Every fanbase has some delusional ones, so don't act like your shit doesn't stink either. Also, I don't mind the optimism about next season. We might not win any rings soon, but if we get a good groove going, we could make a little noise and something to build off of.

True. Case in point the Spurs fans after 5. The Mavs krew on the other were MIA after 2011 chip.

07-31-2014, 09:24 AM
^Before you start cleaning other's houses clean your own fuckin' house. When you had to give back 5 you walked around not here, but, upstairs lamenting your plight calling for Pop's ouster and Parker's ouster and stipulating to Duncan's homosexuality and calling for his ouster. Hell, you called the Compost Pile everything but a Brazilian.

Don't you even start, Scan. Don't fuckin' do it.

07-31-2014, 09:28 AM
Its not a coincidence that since I left, LG has fallen apart. The unbelievably extreme denial on that board about the Lakers is incredible. I was also a member of Lakersnation for years and that board is much better and more realistic about the Lakers with the exception of a few members. LG though is border line retarded, if you speak the truth you get flamed. Lots of people on Kobe's dick on that board and not enough true LAKER fans.

I rarely if ever check in on that board but there are many who were critical of Kobe's contract and they got flamed for it. Its gotten so bad they ban people now for speaking against Byron Scott or Jeremy Lin. Its as if they cant accept the reality that Jim Buss is the captain of the Titanic.

Every fanbase has some delusional ones, so don't act like your shit doesn't stink either. Also, I don't mind the optimism about next season. We might not win any rings soon, but if we get a good groove going, we could make a little noise and something to build off of.

Well, I have nothing at all against any Lakers player or the Lakers organization as a whole. I am well aware that every fanbase has some completely delusional idiots, we Mavs fans have that as well, that's not a secret. Or here at ST you'll also find some Spurs fans whose posts are rather crazy. That's normal, not a big deal. However, I've been reading through many forums in the last years and I haven't found any other fanbase in the entire NBA being so far away from reality as LG. Additionally, the majority of those delusional guys over there ain't Laker fans in the first meaning, they're first and foremost Kobe worshippers who have basically lost every contact to reality. Not even the worst LeBron or Jordan homers can have such idiotic thoughts. And as some of those gems written over there are basically impossible to believe, it's definitely funny to post them here. I have no problem to admit that.

07-31-2014, 09:58 AM
Laker fans are too stupid to see that they are in a no-win scenario thanks to Kobe and their idiot owner.

If Kobe had taken a smaller contract, if they had kept Dwight and/or lured another major FA, they would be contenders. Didn't happen due to 48.5 ...
Once Fredo gave Kobe that albatross of a contract, the next best outcome was to do accumulate young talent. However they've already given the Suns their 2015 1st round pick and conditionally given the Magic their 2017 1st round pick (top 5 protected).

All they have now is their own 2016 pick and the Rockets' 2015 1st round pick. They at least need to tank next year (2015-16) and try for a high lottery pick in 2016. Kobe of course will probably have delusions of grandeur about competing for a title and lead them to an 8/9 seed and a middling draft pick. Mitch knows that the Lakers are destined for mediocrity with Kobe in the next 2 years, so none of his contracts (except for Swaggy P and Randle) go beyond 2016. His plan is to have ample cap space and reload the roster once the franchise is free from the stench of Kobe.

Lakers getting rid of Kobe will be almost as liberating as Magic getting rid of AIDS.

07-31-2014, 10:11 AM
I've been a member of both Spurstalk and Lakersground for over 10 years now...both have shitty posters who are delusional and unrealistic in their portrayal of their team and its players. That's what fans do.

07-31-2014, 10:16 AM
^Before you start cleaning other's houses clean your own fuckin' house. When you had to give back 5 you walked around not here, but, upstairs lamenting your plight calling for Pop's ouster and Parker's ouster and stipulating to Duncan's homosexuality and calling for his ouster. Hell, you called the Compost Pile everything but a Brazilian.

Don't you even start, Scan. Don't fuckin' do it.

I ain't even in the mood Dale, and look at yourself, you've gone full retard with your Duncan's sexuality stickh.

I watch half a dozen sports old man and i don't lament on the losses too much. I hardly post upstairs and i did stay active during the 2013 offseason despite 6.

07-31-2014, 10:23 AM
I've been a member of both Spurstalk and Lakersground for over 10 years now...both have shitty posters who are delusional and unrealistic in their portrayal of their team and its players. That's what fans do.

I have to say though, no one beats die hard Kobe fans. Laker fans at LG usually have realistic takes, not unusual to see HC Kobe fans and Old Timers clash.

07-31-2014, 10:29 AM
I've been a member of both Spurstalk and Lakersground for over 10 years now...both have shitty posters who are delusional and unrealistic in their portrayal of their team and its players. That's what fans do.

Absolutely Med ...LMFAO at the superiority complex on here. Overall the quality of posts are better over there because their mods are so strict. But here is way more fun ...but also overall more shitty. Kobe is overrated on there but also hated on by Shaq loyalists and even those that object to his extension. Here Duncan (although the GOAT PF and arguably best overall big since KAreem, definitely since Hakeem) is overrated by some ... but that makes sense. Surprisingly Tony and Pop are underrated here. Manu is also overrated here as well but has his "haters".

07-31-2014, 10:33 AM
I have to say though, no one beats die hard Kobe fans. Laker fans at LG usually have realistic takes, not unusual to see HC Kobe fans and Old Timers clash.

If Kobe actually had more individual accolades, they might have had a case. But they're too stupid to swallow their pride and always rank Kobe above Magic for some reason. Don't they know that Magic was arguibly the GOAT before Jordan three peated.

07-31-2014, 10:33 AM
Absolutely Med ...LMFAO at the superiority complex on here. Overall the quality of posts are better their because their mods are soo strict. But here is more fun but also overall more shitty. Kobe is overrated on there but also hated on by Shaq loyalists and even those that object to his extension. Here Duncan although the GOAT PF and arguably best overall big since KAreem definitely since Hakeem is overrated by some ... but that makes sense. Surprisingly Tony and Pop are underrated here. Manu is also overrated here as well but as his "haters".
Tbh, the NBA Forum used to be MILES above LG. Now, the gap isn't so wide.

07-31-2014, 10:46 AM
Absolutely Med ...LMFAO at the superiority complex on here. Overall the quality of posts are better their because their mods are soo strict. But here is more fun but also overall more shitty. Kobe is overrated on there but also hated on by Shaq loyalists and even those that object to his extension. Here Duncan although the GOAT PF and arguably best overall big since KAreem definitely since Hakeem is overrated by some ... but that makes sense. Surprisingly Tony and Pop are underrated here. Manu is also overrated here as well but as his "haters".

The Aussie wanker took the Tony hate to a whole another level. tbh Spurs fans have always had this love hate thing with Tony since 2004. Dude shits the bed in the post season way too often. In 2005, Duncan & Manu played their asses off against Seattle & Detroit and Tony had like 8 pts in game 7 (finals).

Pop is definitely not underated here. Like every other franchise, fans will always be critical of their coach.

07-31-2014, 10:51 AM
If Kobe actually had more individual accolades, they might have had a case. But they're too stupid to swallow their pride and always rank Kobe above Magic for some reason. Don't they know that Magic was arguibly the GOAT before Jordan three peated.

I could understand fans of his generation ranking Kobe above some, especially for those haven't seen players of previous eras. But to take insult when someone says Kobe isn't the best player in the game anymore, that's a whole another level of disorder.

07-31-2014, 12:52 PM
I've been a member of both Spurstalk and Lakersground for over 10 years now...both have shitty posters who are delusional and unrealistic in their portrayal of their team and its players. That's what fans do.

That's actually what I tried to say with my last post one page earlier. The real Laker fans over there are mostly okay (except for a few idiots) like the one the OP cited in his first post of this thread. Those guys are fine and are not blinded by sheer homerism. However, the most delusional bunch over there are the Kobe nuthuggers who have basically lost every contact to reality IMO as proven with countless quotes.

07-31-2014, 01:04 PM
Absolutely Med ...LMFAO at the superiority complex on here. Overall the quality of posts are better their because their mods are soo strict. But here is more fun but also overall more shitty. Kobe is overrated on there but also hated on by Shaq loyalists and even those that object to his extension. Here Duncan although the GOAT PF and arguably best overall big since KAreem definitely since Hakeem is overrated by some ... but that makes sense. Surprisingly Tony and Pop are underrated here. Manu is also overrated here as well but as his "haters".

Gino has been heavily underrated here since having an off season in 2013, tbh... he just posted the #2 PER on the team in a championship playoff run, while he rarely gets the recognition he deserves, particularly upstairs...

07-31-2014, 02:26 PM
Gino has been heavily underrated here since having an off season in 2013, tbh... he just posted the #2 PER on the team in a championship playoff run, while he rarely gets the recognition he deserves, particularly upstairs...

Outside of Duncan and Pop Gino is my fave Spur with KL coming on strong. Never liked Tony but I respect him more than some Hard core Spur fans ...

07-31-2014, 02:44 PM
Outside of Duncan and Pop Gino is my fave Spur with KL coming on strong. Never liked Tony but I respect him more than some Hard core Spur fans ...

truth be told, the ST crowd isn't really representative of your average fan... plus there's plenty of trolling/schticks going around...

07-31-2014, 02:50 PM
Whoever said Manu is overrated should take a hard look in the mirror and revaluate his whole existence.

07-31-2014, 03:19 PM
Another week, another gem :lmao

And a direct answer to this post :lmao :lmao :lmao


Jesus Christ, how on God's green earth can you be that dumb and delusional? Seriously, no fan base in the entire NBA is so far away from reality than the Kobe homers. This is just embarrassing. Not even the worst LeBron or Jordan homers can have such idiotic thoughts.

Those two posts are so retarded they actually anger me tbh.

07-31-2014, 06:02 PM
Absolutely Med ...LMFAO at the superiority complex on here. Overall the quality of posts are better over there because their mods are so strict. But here is way more fun ...but also overall more shitty. Kobe is overrated on there but also hated on by Shaq loyalists and even those that object to his extension. Here Duncan (although the GOAT PF and arguably best overall big since KAreem, definitely since Hakeem) is overrated by some ... but that makes sense. Surprisingly Tony and Pop are underrated here. Manu is also overrated here as well but has his "haters".
Good one:lol

07-31-2014, 06:34 PM
The only people that don't like Pop are the trolls upstairs tbh. Ginobili is typically hated on by the posters typically age 17 and under who have zero understanding of what Manu really is. Green and Splitter had been cruelly underrated by spurfans, thought I think that tide has turned. Leonard is overrated by quite a few

08-01-2014, 09:05 AM
Whoever said Manu is overrated should take a hard look in the mirror and revaluate his whole existence.

He is by some, underrated by plenty of others. Personally I love the guy ... wild turnovers and all.

08-01-2014, 09:13 AM
Good one:lol

By some he is and when I say here I include upstairs. I have seen plenty of posts where people have argued "well sure Kobe/Wade are great and have more hype but I would rather have Manu because ... when tbh despite both those guys being assholes ... not a strong case can be made for Manu over either player. That is overrating him. At SG outside of the big 2 (since MJ) Manu has to be at least "considered" at the #3 spot along with Miller and Ray Allen since I value titles a lot more than most do when discussing player legacy. But acting as though Manu is not overrated by some on a SPURS site is like me acting as though Kobe, Magic etc are not overrated on the LG.

But I get why some overrate him he plays with no fear he has huge cajones and although he doesnt have shot selection quite as shitty he really does remind me of Kobe. A guy that in his prime could easily get you 25 5 and 5 with a highlight block steal thrown in for good measure.

08-01-2014, 09:15 AM
Maybe I am guilty of overrating Manu as well ... I would probably take Manu over Ray (who was also a great all-around talent and clutch in his prime) probably not over Miller I am biased though he is a Bruin and I watched him play since college.

08-01-2014, 11:47 AM
By some he is and when I say here I include upstairs. I have seen plenty of posts where people have argued "well sure Kobe/Wade are great and have more hype but I would rather have Manu because ... when tbh despite both those guys being assholes ... not a strong case can be made for Manu over either player. That is overrating him. At SG outside of the big 2 (since MJ) Manu has to be at least "considered" at the #3 spot along with Miller and Ray Allen since I value titles a lot more than most do when discussing player legacy. But acting as though Manu is not overrated by some on a SPURS site is like me acting as though Kobe, Magic etc are not overrated on the LG.

But I get why some overrate him he plays with no fear he has huge cajones and although he doesnt have shot selection quite as shitty he really does remind me of Kobe. A guy that in his prime could easily get you 25 5 and 5 with a highlight block steal thrown in for good measure.

Maybe I am guilty of overrating Manu as well ... I would probably take Manu over Ray (who was also a great all-around talent and clutch in his prime) probably not over Miller I am biased though he is a Bruin and I watched him play since college.
to be honest evaluating Manu is a dilemma because of the role he was limited to in his career. he has played the OKC James Harden role for us, and he never took the chance to bolt and have "his" Houston run. So i think much of the overrating you speak of comes from guys thinking he could make that transition and take on the bigger load without issue. His per minute numbers are up there with anybody despite almost never being the #1 option

08-01-2014, 03:09 PM
He is by some, underrated by plenty of others. Personally I love the guy ... wild turnovers and all.

I'm sure you still don't know how good he really is.

08-01-2014, 03:14 PM
I'm sure you still don't know how good he really is.

Really? I Lived in SA for 3 years. Saw him play live, in -person and he was my favorite player to watch.
Saw him destroy Pau and his Spainards in the Olympics as well as some over-hyped Greek and Brazilian teams.
I absolutely know how good he is better than plenty on this forum. But I dont overrate him as much as others do.
YOu know who else loves Manu? Kobe respects the hell out of him.

08-01-2014, 03:16 PM
I also was one of the Non spur fans arguing he deserved some Finals MVP consideration in 2005 ...at least co-MVP. Going back I think duncan deserved it but at the time it just seemed anytime a clutch play was needed (besides HOrry) it was always Man who orchestrated it.

08-01-2014, 03:20 PM
Really? I Lived in SA for 3 years. Saw him play live, in -person and he was my favorite player to watch.
Saw him destroy Pau and his Spainards in the Olympics as well as some over-hyped Greek and Brazilian teams.
I absolutely know how good he is better than plenty on this forum. But I dont overrate him as much as others do.
YOu know who else loves Manu? Kobe respects the hell out of him.

Then why do you say he is "generally overrated" here. Outside of a few dumbfucks nobody says he is better than Kobe and Wade, although he is right now, being the oldest of the 3. :hat

08-01-2014, 03:27 PM
Then why do you say he is "generally overrated" here. Outside of a few dumbfucks nobody says he is better than Kobe and Wade, although he is right now, being the oldest of the 3. :hat

I get he is Argentinian so you may be over-sensitive but you do realize it's natural for fans to overrate and over criticize their own players ...right? I should have said "that Manu is generally poorly rated on here. Some undderrate him but his haters after the 2013 Finals have gotten louder".

Dont see why you are so salty about this. Big surprise that people would overrate a fan favorite like Manu on a Spurs board? Live in Dallas now guess what they overrate Dirk here too. Just like Laker fans do Kobe. It happens.

08-01-2014, 03:36 PM
I get he is Argentinian so you may be over-sensitive but you do realize it's natural for fans to overrate and over criticize their own players ...right? I should have said "that Manu is generally poorly rated on here. Some undderrate him but his haters after the 2013 Finals have gotten louder".

Dont see why you are so salty about this. Big surprise that people would overrate a fan favorite like Manu on a Spurs board? Live in Dallas now guess what they overrate Dirk here too. Just like Laker fans do Kobe. It happens.

Not salty at all, just curious as to see why you would think Manu is overrated here when most of the folks either rate him just fine or bash him, tbh.

08-04-2014, 01:54 PM
http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=169737 :lmao

08-04-2014, 02:58 PM
http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=169737 :lmao

:lol I love the pick of Houston not making the playoffs and the roster comparaison with kobe>harden

08-04-2014, 03:08 PM

For a gook his eyes aren't that chinky tbh

08-04-2014, 03:12 PM
http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=169737 :lmao

They really think Kobe is going to come off a ruptured achilles + missed playoffs and knee injury + missed 76 games and average 27/5/5 at 36 or 37 years old...

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

And I thought the gnsfs upstairs were retarded

08-04-2014, 03:16 PM
http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=169737 :lmao
:lmao, tbh..

Malik Hairston
08-04-2014, 03:22 PM
They really think Kobe is going to come off a ruptured achilles + missed playoffs and knee injury + missed 76 games and average 27/5/5 at 36 or 37 years old...

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

And I thought the gnsfs upstairs were retarded

Not to mention he looked completely pathetic in the games he actually played last season:lol..

Realistically, only Denver, Sacramento and Utah have comparably poor rosters to the Lakers, tbh..Minnesota if they lose Love, as well..

08-05-2014, 12:28 PM

27/5/4. I think his assist numbers are going to go down but his scoring will be there. I dont know if hes going to be efficient as before.


I want a Kobe that doesnt feel the need to take 25 shots per game....A Kobe who realizes he is no longer a youngun, plays smart BB and doesn't try to do it all on his own.

Good luck...

08-05-2014, 12:31 PM
I expect him to be at least a top 10 player in the league this upcoming season. On a team full of wild cards, he will be our 1 constant.


08-05-2014, 12:51 PM
I expect him to be at least a top 10 player in the league this upcoming season. On a team full of wild cards, he will be our 1 constant.


08-05-2014, 02:22 PM


Kobe being efficient :lmao

08-05-2014, 03:57 PM
Another week, another gem :lmao

And a direct answer to this post :lmao :lmao :lmao


Jesus Christ, how on God's green earth can you be that dumb and delusional? Seriously, no fan base in the entire NBA is so far away from reality than the Kobe homers. This is just embarrassing. Not even the worst LeBron or Jordan homers can have such idiotic thoughts.

Thanks for the gem Sportstudi, the completely delusional posts from LG was just ridiculous.

If anything, Kobe was the poster child for a player who benefitted from the league rule changes. The league was desperate to create the next Jordan, that coupled with low scoring games in the 90s made the league loosen up perimeter defense.

For the 00-01 season, hand-checking was no longer allowed above the FT line extended, and weakside help outside the paint was severely limited.

While the former rule was obvious in limiting a perimeter defensive player's ability to defender penetrating wing players, the later rule, along with the increasing number of stretch 4s and 5s, forced defensive big men to abandon the lane, and opened up the lane for penetrating SG and SF. The result is essentially an open highway to the basket for skilled wing players.

Kobe Bryant's scoring average went from 22.5ppg to 28.5ppg
AI 28.4 to 31.1
Tmac 15.4 to 26.8 (also a MUCH heavier burden with the Magic vs. with the Raptors)
Carter 25.7 to 27.6
Jerry Stackhouse 23.6 to 29.8
Pierce 19.5 to 25.3
Marbury 22.2 to 23.9

4 of the top 5, and 7 of the top 10 scorers in 00-01 were perimeter scorers
Where as the year before that, only 3 of the top 5, and 5 of the top 10 were perimeter scorers.

Kobe Bryant owes most of his scoring to rule changes in that particular year.

08-05-2014, 05:14 PM
Not to mention he looked completely pathetic in the games he actually played last season:lol..

Realistically, only Denver, Sacramento and Utah have comparably poor rosters to the Lakers, tbh..Minnesota if they lose Love, as well..

I am not sure actually why my brethren Laker fans think Kobe is going to be at 80% at this point. Sports are slightly unpredictable, but I can easily see Kobe seeing this team is not even close to .500, actually getting injured and sitting out this season and pretty much next season. I also see Kobe trying to go to a contender in his final season to win 1 ring only adding to the hilarity that is $48 million contract for Kobe.

08-06-2014, 06:13 AM
Thanks for the gem Sportstudi, the completely delusional posts from LG was just ridiculous.

If anything, Kobe was the poster child for a player who benefitted from the league rule changes. The league was desperate to create the next Jordan, that coupled with low scoring games in the 90s made the league loosen up perimeter defense.

For the 00-01 season, hand-checking was no longer allowed above the FT line extended, and weakside help outside the paint was severely limited.

While the former rule was obvious in limiting a perimeter defensive player's ability to defender penetrating wing players, the later rule, along with the increasing number of stretch 4s and 5s, forced defensive big men to abandon the lane, and opened up the lane for penetrating SG and SF. The result is essentially an open highway to the basket for skilled wing players.

Kobe Bryant's scoring average went from 22.5ppg to 28.5ppg
AI 28.4 to 31.1
Tmac 15.4 to 26.8 (also a MUCH heavier burden with the Magic vs. with the Raptors)
Carter 25.7 to 27.6
Jerry Stackhouse 23.6 to 29.8
Pierce 19.5 to 25.3
Marbury 22.2 to 23.9

4 of the top 5, and 7 of the top 10 scorers in 00-01 were perimeter scorers
Where as the year before that, only 3 of the top 5, and 5 of the top 10 were perimeter scorers.

Kobe Bryant owes most of his scoring to rule changes in that particular year.

It's not only the no-handchecking-rule which has benefitted Kobe. You can also add the fact the camping in the lane is forbidden thanks to the 3-second-violation. That has made it harder to protect the paint against driving guards.

08-06-2014, 06:53 AM
It's not only the no-handchecking-rule which has benefitted Kobe. You can also add the fact the camping in the lane is forbidden thanks to the 3-second-violation. That has made it harder to protect the paint against driving guards.

Yes, the defensive 3-second rule probably had an even bigger impact because it stopped big men from clogging the lane. I am just not sure when that rule was implemented.

08-06-2014, 09:58 AM
Yes, the defensive 3-second rule probably had an even bigger impact because it stopped big men from clogging the lane. I am just not sure when that rule was implemented.

That rule has come into force with the beginning of the 2001-2002 season.

Venti Quattro
08-06-2014, 10:01 AM
I got beat by the new-look Lakers in 2k by my office colleague. Twice. I think I'm gonna quit playing 2k for a while

Malik Hairston
08-06-2014, 09:31 PM
I am not sure actually why my brethren Laker fans think Kobe is going to be at 80% at this point. Sports are slightly unpredictable, but I can easily see Kobe seeing this team is not even close to .500, actually getting injured and sitting out this season and pretty much next season. I also see Kobe trying to go to a contender in his final season to win 1 ring only adding to the hilarity that is $48 million contract for Kobe.

Even if Kobe miraculously returns to form, his supporting cast is so awful(and the coach, especially)..

08-06-2014, 09:47 PM
Even if Kobe miraculously returns to form, his supporting cast is so awful(and the coach, especially)..
This. The best you could possibly hope for from Kobe (which is a stretch) is to have him play at 2012-2013 levels... and even then with an infinitely more talented cast they had to fight and claw into the playoffs. They didn't even clinch a spot in the last day of the regular season.

And this assuming Kobe is completely recovered from the achilles, the knee, and hasn't aged in 2 years :lol

08-07-2014, 01:28 AM
:lol lakers

:lol faggots

(never gets old)

08-07-2014, 01:51 AM
Even if Kobe miraculously returns to form, his supporting cast is so awful(and the coach, especially)..

As Skip Bayless of all people put it, even in his prime in 2006, Kobe without Phil Jackson at helm couldnt lead a sorry cast past the first round. The real brain of the operations has always been Phil. Kobe and MJ are just their working koons

09-17-2014, 10:51 PM
:lmao Kobestan ass is bleeding in September

Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins. (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=170089******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5966247#5966247)Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:43 am Post subject: Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins.

It's time to make a list of the guys that are going to eat crow once Kobe silences them this season. This is in no particular order. Let me know if I'm forgetting anything. This is Kobe's fuel so this is important.

1) ESPN leaves Kobe out of the top 10 Shooting Guards.

2) Soccer Coach Jurgen's saying Kobe contract undeserved: "This always happens in America.Kobe Bryant, for example -- why does he get a two-year contract extension for $50 million? Because of what he is going to do in the next two years for the Lakers? Of course not. Of course not. He gets it because of what he has done before. It makes no sense. Why do you pay for what has already happened?"

2) NBA 2K15 Will rank Kobe only at an 89...not in the 90s like old man role player(not even an All-Star) Duncan, Durant, or Lebron.

3) Klay Thompson's people say he is the best shooting guard(even better than Kobe).

4) Lebron leaves Kobe out of his Mt. Rushmore, does not join Lakers in free agency.

5) Bosh, Wade, and Carmelo does not join Lakers and Kobe in free agency.

5) NBA GM(likely Dan Gilbert): "Kobe has zero trade value."

6) Steve Nash: Kobe is a "a**hole*

7) Dwight Howard leaves the Lakers to join Harden.

8) Pau Gasol leaves for the Bulls to Join Derrick Rose.

9) Kevin Durant says Allen Iverson is the best pound for pound player of all time(not Kobe who is).

10) Dwyane Wade says Kobe is "Second best all time."

09-17-2014, 11:07 PM

Too bad ST didn't make the list

09-17-2014, 11:13 PM

Too bad ST didn't make the list
i could see Kobe doing that snarl thing with all the rape tbombs.

09-17-2014, 11:22 PM
:lmao Kobestan ass is bleeding in September

Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins. (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=170089******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5966247#5966247)Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:43 am Post subject: Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins.

It's time to make a list of the guys that are going to eat crow once Kobe silences them this season. This is in no particular order. Let me know if I'm forgetting anything. This is Kobe's fuel so this is important.

1) ESPN leaves Kobe out of the top 10 Shooting Guards.

2) Soccer Coach Jurgen's saying Kobe contract undeserved: "This always happens in America.Kobe Bryant, for example -- why does he get a two-year contract extension for $50 million? Because of what he is going to do in the next two years for the Lakers? Of course not. Of course not. He gets it because of what he has done before. It makes no sense. Why do you pay for what has already happened?"

2) NBA 2K15 Will rank Kobe only at an 89...not in the 90s like old man role player(not even an All-Star) Duncan, Durant, or Lebron.

3) Klay Thompson's people say he is the best shooting guard(even better than Kobe).

4) Lebron leaves Kobe out of his Mt. Rushmore, does not join Lakers in free agency.

5) Bosh, Wade, and Carmelo does not join Lakers and Kobe in free agency.

5) NBA GM(likely Dan Gilbert): "Kobe has zero trade value."

6) Steve Nash: Kobe is a "a**hole*

7) Dwight Howard leaves the Lakers to join Harden.

8) Pau Gasol leaves for the Bulls to Join Derrick Rose.

9) Kevin Durant says Allen Iverson is the best pound for pound player of all time(not Kobe who is).

10) Dwyane Wade says Kobe is "Second best all time."

#2 and #5 were so important...they had to be listed twice.

09-17-2014, 11:38 PM
:lmao Kobestan ass is bleeding in September

Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins. (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=170089******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5966247#5966247)Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:43 am Post subject: Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins.

It's time to make a list of the guys that are going to eat crow once Kobe silences them this season. This is in no particular order. Let me know if I'm forgetting anything. This is Kobe's fuel so this is important.

1) ESPN leaves Kobe out of the top 10 Shooting Guards.

2) Soccer Coach Jurgen's saying Kobe contract undeserved: "This always happens in America.Kobe Bryant, for example -- why does he get a two-year contract extension for $50 million? Because of what he is going to do in the next two years for the Lakers? Of course not. Of course not. He gets it because of what he has done before. It makes no sense. Why do you pay for what has already happened?"

2) NBA 2K15 Will rank Kobe only at an 89...not in the 90s like old man role player(not even an All-Star) Duncan, Durant, or Lebron.

3) Klay Thompson's people say he is the best shooting guard(even better than Kobe).

4) Lebron leaves Kobe out of his Mt. Rushmore, does not join Lakers in free agency.

5) Bosh, Wade, and Carmelo does not join Lakers and Kobe in free agency.

5) NBA GM(likely Dan Gilbert): "Kobe has zero trade value."

6) Steve Nash: Kobe is a "a**hole*

7) Dwight Howard leaves the Lakers to join Harden.

8) Pau Gasol leaves for the Bulls to Join Derrick Rose.

9) Kevin Durant says Allen Iverson is the best pound for pound player of all time(not Kobe who is).

10) Dwyane Wade says Kobe is "Second best all time."

#2 and #5 were so important...they had to be listed twice.

09-17-2014, 11:42 PM
Did I somehow miss Nash calling him an asshole and didn't realize it?? When did this happen? In what context? I need to know :D

09-17-2014, 11:51 PM
^ It was a "compliment": http://www.si.com/longform/kobe/

This approach—Bryant likens it to the unpleasant task of telling a dinnermate he has “s--- in his teeth”—does not go over well all the time. Like with Dwight Howard, for example. Others appreciate it. During filming, Chopra interviewed a number of Bryant’s teammates, current and former, and he asked them to describe Bryant in three words. After each interview Kobe would text Chopra, eager to hear what people said. Most answered with some variation of “the ultimate competitor” or “killer instinct.” But when Chopra asked Steve Nash, he said something different. After thinking for a moment, Nash answered, slowly, in three beats: “Mother . . . f------ . . . a------.”

09-18-2014, 12:16 AM
moar Kirby spreading his basketball knowledge...

The Chinese teenagers, chosen by Nike as much for their backstories as their skill, need plenty of help. A handful might qualify as D-III players in the U.S. Many wouldn’t make a high school JV squad. There are no Yao Ming–esque giants. Most hew closer to the Jeremy Lin model: quick on the dribble, attack the basket, suspect jumper, pass-second.This last element becomes magnified when Kobe is watching. Over the course of the week the contestants rotate through half-court five-on-five games. When Bryant is near, whichever kid has the ball invariably backs up and waves away his teammates, then goes one-on-five and attempts a crazy finish. Doing his best to be diplomatic, Bryant offers encouragement. “That’s some good D!” he says.

Ostensibly, the hysterical fans who arrive during the week are there to cheer on the reality show, but they couldn’t care less about these teenagers. Rather,they wait for Bryant to turn in their direction, at which point they raise their banners and their light-up MVP signs and scream their throats out. Every minute or so they break into spontaneous KOH-BEE! chants. For two hours. It looks exhausting.

In the U.S., or many other places, there would be an acknowledgement of the show’s naked marketing, an eye-rolling, snark-soliciting acquiescence by those on hand. Not here. Here they eat it up. Jake Bloch, Gotham’s 25‑year-old producer, who happens to be half Chinese, refers to it as China’s “preironic” mind-set. When Kobe signs basketballs at the end of one taping and throws them to the crowd, scrums break out as dozens of teens grapple and fall and tear at the leather. It is disturbing. Like Lord of the Flies. At one point during the taping of the show, a girl plays the trumpet for Kobe, one-handed, while dribbling a basketball, and the song is Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On,” the romantic ballad from Titanic.

Amid everything else, it seems totally normal.

09-18-2014, 12:14 PM
i could see Kobe doing that snarl thing with all the rape tbombs.

09-18-2014, 12:27 PM
This approach—Bryant likens it to the unpleasant task of telling a dinnermate he has “s--- in his teeth”—does not go over well all the time. Like with Dwight Howard, for example. Others appreciate it. During filming, Chopra interviewed a number of Bryant’s teammates, current and former, and he asked them to describe Bryant in three words. After each interview Kobe would text Chopra, eager to hear what people said. Most answered with some variation of “the ultimate competitor” or “killer instinct.” But when Chopra asked Steve Nash, he said something different. After thinking for a moment, Nash answered, slowly, in three beats: “Mother . . . f------ . . . a------.”

:rofl Acting like a teenage girl

09-25-2014, 09:36 PM
How many clutch shots/game winning shots will Kobe make? (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=170160******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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K0BEE 2.0
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5969641#5969641)Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:01 am Post subject: How many clutch shots/game winning shots will Kobe make?

I'm always excited to see what kind of game winning shots and clutch shots Kobe will deliver especially when he's healthy enough to play... his best clutch-shooting season came during the 09-10 season... I think he's gonna have one of those years were he breaks the opponents back with his clutch shooting....

how many do you think he will make?

09-25-2014, 10:07 PM

09-25-2014, 10:15 PM
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K0BEE 2.0
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5969641#5969641)Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:01 am Post subject: How many clutch shots/game winning shots will Kobe make?

I'm always excited to see what kind of game winning shots and clutch shots Kobe will deliver especially when he's healthy enough to play... his best clutch-shooting season came during the 09-10 season... I think he's gonna have one of those years were he breaks the opponents back with his clutch shooting....

how many do you think he will make?

Jesus how fucking retarded are those fucks. No wonder besteva tries to avoid his teams forum.

10-05-2014, 06:15 PM
Nick the Quick

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:23 am Post subject:

anyone interested in pooling together a ton of money as a board, parlaying it (w/ the lakers over on 31 wins of course) plus a couple other bets and putting a hurt on the casinos? we could use the winnings for needed funds for the board or to go to a charity. kobe's charity maybe. thoughts?

10-05-2014, 08:28 PM

10-06-2014, 08:17 AM
:lmao Kobestan ass is bleeding in September

Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins. (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=170089******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost_new.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5966247#5966247)Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:43 am Post subject: Kobe's Fuel: The List of those that have insulted or criticized Kobe before the season begins.

It's time to make a list of the guys that are going to eat crow once Kobe silences them this season. This is in no particular order. Let me know if I'm forgetting anything. This is Kobe's fuel so this is important.

1) ESPN leaves Kobe out of the top 10 Shooting Guards.

2) Soccer Coach Jurgen's saying Kobe contract undeserved: "This always happens in America.Kobe Bryant, for example -- why does he get a two-year contract extension for $50 million? Because of what he is going to do in the next two years for the Lakers? Of course not. Of course not. He gets it because of what he has done before. It makes no sense. Why do you pay for what has already happened?"

2) NBA 2K15 Will rank Kobe only at an 89...not in the 90s like old man role player(not even an All-Star) Duncan, Durant, or Lebron.

3) Klay Thompson's people say he is the best shooting guard(even better than Kobe).

4) Lebron leaves Kobe out of his Mt. Rushmore, does not join Lakers in free agency.

5) Bosh, Wade, and Carmelo does not join Lakers and Kobe in free agency.

5) NBA GM(likely Dan Gilbert): "Kobe has zero trade value."

6) Steve Nash: Kobe is a "a**hole*

7) Dwight Howard leaves the Lakers to join Harden.

8) Pau Gasol leaves for the Bulls to Join Derrick Rose.

9) Kevin Durant says Allen Iverson is the best pound for pound player of all time(not Kobe who is).

10) Dwyane Wade says Kobe is "Second best all time."

This guy is an idiot. Regarding #10 it's not a surprise that basically the whole forum over there deliberately misquoted Wade to manufacture controversy. Wade did not say Kobe is the 2nd best player of all time. He never said that. He said Kobe is now his 2nd favorite player to play against, after LeBron. That's a huge difference. But not a wonder that Kobe worshippers ain't able to see that.

10-12-2014, 11:30 PM
:lmao Illegals trying to fund their anchor babies with garbage

Lakers Memorabilia for Sale (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?t=170348******=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)

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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=5982993#5982993)Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:27 pm Post subject: Lakers Memorabilia for Sale


Between having a two year old and another on the way, it's time to part with my collection of signed authenticated Lakers memorabilia. While I'm not desperate, hopefully being able find members on this site I've been apart for years can give them a good home.
Please PM if you have any questions,
photo/Authentication requests, or any other thoughts. Thanks

Magic Johnson Photo Signed & Framed 8 x 10 $250
Kareem Abdul Jabbar signed Bball in case $300
James Worthy Photo Signed & Framed 8 x 10 $200
Michael Cooper Photo Signed & Framed 8 x 10 $150
Robert Horry Large Photo GW over Webber 2002 Signed & Framed $300
Media Day Photo of Kobe 8/Shaq/Karl Malone/ Gary Payton Signed & Framed by all four $1000...very rare

$2000 if purchased together.

10-28-2014, 08:20 AM
Another gem. This time they're trying to estimate Kobe's points over the course of a season, including a game high. Some people are even expecting 27ppg or more :lmao

But this is the real kicker :lmao

Not sure who is predicting something that Kobe has never done before. Nobody is saying he is going to be averaging 30+ points per game anymore.

If Kobe can remain healthy (and that is a big if), I have seen nothing from his performance in the preseason that would preclude him from hitting the averages I am predicting. Even with his minutes in the low 30's, he currently has no solid second option, and is operating in an offense that has sets geared toward getting him good open looks from the perimeter. He will also be asked to handle the ball less (if his point guards remain healthy) and should be able to focus more on scoring from the post and defense (in theory).

If anything, I see his rebounds and assists dropping (both to the 4 range), but his scoring effectiveness will remain very good.

Total stats:
25.8 ppg (45.6 fg% in 32 to 33 mpg | 79 games)
34.6 3P%
84.1 FT%
4.1 rebounds
4.6 assists
1.0 spg
0.1 bpg

Since when 45% is very good? :lmao He has never been effective over the course of his entire career. All time leader in bricks :lmao. Kobe has never had a 25 PPG season playing less than 33 MPG.

10-28-2014, 08:58 AM
Another gem. This time they're trying to estimate Kobe's points over the course of a season, including a game high. Some people are even expecting 27ppg or more :lmao

But this is the real kicker :lmao

Since when 45% is very good? :lmao He has never been effective over the course of his entire career. All time leader in bricks :lmao. Kobe has never had a 25 PPG season playing less than 33 MPG.

:lmao Another one:

Last year this team was pretty bad I'll admit, but you're tellling me you are betting against a motivated kobe Bryant (the ultimate closer) Kobe carried the 2012-2013 harder than even Lebron did his Cav's in their heyday and I'm sure he's capable of doing it again (and arguably with more talent given the health of nash and dwight that year)

:lmao:lmao :lmao

:lolultimate closer
:lolat Kobe carrying a team
:lolHe was carrying them to a 9th seed until he got injured, after that they made the playoffs
:lolComparing him to LeBron

10-28-2014, 09:02 AM
I dont know how you guys enjoy this stuff. It's giving me a hard time to read all these stupid ideas.

10-28-2014, 09:02 AM
OMFG :lmao

10-28-2014, 09:12 AM
:lmao Another one:

:lmao:lmao :lmao

:lolultimate closer
:lolat Kobe carrying a team
:lolHe was carrying them to a 9th seed until he got injured, after that they made the playoffs
:lolComparing him to LeBron

Doesn't Kobe have one of the worst records ever (shooting percentage) in terms of clutch play (no matter what you take, last 24 seconds or last two minutes) in the history of the NBA? :lol ultimate closer :lmao

10-28-2014, 09:20 AM
Doesn't Kobe have one of the worst records ever (shooting percentage) in terms of clutch play (no matter what you take, last 24 seconds or last two minutes) in the history of the NBA? :lol ultimate closer :lmao

Yep, Clipper Nation (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=28500) was posting the proof pics. :toast

10-28-2014, 01:28 PM
NBA TV asked the appropriate Laker/Kobe question yesterday on The Beat:


10-28-2014, 01:33 PM

10-28-2014, 01:45 PM

10-28-2014, 02:14 PM
:lol damn

Ashy Larry
10-28-2014, 03:19 PM
NBA TV asked the appropriate Laker/Kobe question yesterday on The Beat:


funny because its true

10-28-2014, 07:27 PM
I think the lakers will win at least 25+ games this year. I have them pegged at aroun 32 games. No way will Kobe, or anyone for that matter, score 32 ppg this year.

Funny thing is, lakers win more of Kobe scores less.

11-03-2014, 09:03 AM

Grade Lakers Players So Far

Kobe Bryant - A

Dude is amazing. Still carrying a crappy team 4 years out of his prime. The front office should be ashamed, though Kobe is to blame as well due to his contract.

I dunno, I thought about giving Kobe a B+ but I couldn't do it. He's single-handedly keeping us in games until he runs out of gas.

Kobe Bryant - A
How can anyone rebound from a torn achilles and still perform at such a high level? answer: He's the BLACK MAMBA.


11-03-2014, 11:30 AM

Grade Lakers Players So Far



I read that as well today. Was thinking of posting it here. Shooting 41/25/78 gets you an A on LG :lmao In addition to that: WS so far: 0.0 :lmao WS/48 so far: -0.018 :lmao Offensive rating: 99 :lmao Defensive rating: 121 :lmao
What a bunch of delusional idiots. Most of them are Kobe fans first and Laker fans second (if at all). Imagine somehow Kobe signs elsewhere or gets trated (if some GM is dumb enough to take that contract)... you would have to deal with gazillions of numbnuts on your board...

11-03-2014, 11:39 AM
:lmao omg

11-03-2014, 11:40 AM

Look who retweeted this :

LakersGround.net (https://twitter.com/lakersground) retweeted
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/526489379544375296/jAnzviko_normal.jpegFlea @flea333 (https://twitter.com/flea333) · Oct 21 (https://twitter.com/flea333/status/524585591925932033)

henry abbott your @espn (https://twitter.com/espn) kobe article is absolute garbage and a blatant irresponsible attack. You forgot to get smush Parker for a quote too

11-03-2014, 12:20 PM

I read at that as well today. Was thinking of posting it here. Shooting 41/25/78 gets you an A on LG :lmao In addition to that: WS so far: 0.0 :lmao WS/48 so far: -0.018 :lmao Offensive rating: 99 :lmao Defensive rating: 121 :lmao
What a bunch of delusional idiots. Most of them are Kobe fans first and Laker fans second (if at all). Imagine somehow Kobe signs elsewhere or gets trated (if some GM is dumb enough to take that contract)... you would have to deal with gazillions of numbnuts on your board...

25 mil expiring is a good deal to trade for. But I think Kirby has no trade clasue so...

11-03-2014, 01:30 PM
25 mil expiring is a good deal to trade for. But I think Kirby has no trade clasue so...
he's not expiring :rollin

11-03-2014, 01:35 PM
he's not expiring :rollin
Kobe is

11-03-2014, 01:36 PM
Kobe is
kobe is under contract for next season as well

11-03-2014, 01:41 PM
They have some great ideas regarding trading Kirbs, though

These are the only deals that work, imho;

Dallas gets Kobe (Kobe, Dirk, Parsons, Bass, Harris might be enough since the Thunder are injured??)
Lakers get Monta and Tyson

Cleveland gets Kobe (Kobe eLBJ and Love would be favorites in east i think)
Lakers get Thompson, Waiters, Varejao, and Haywood

Knicks get Kobe, Sacre (Kobe Melo would put NY top 4 in the East, but is that any assurance of a ring - not really?!)
Lakers get Amare, Hardaway Jr., Acy

The Dallas move seems like a step back, but Monta is a value contract, and if Tyson doesn't work out, let him walk. Wonder if Cuban would do it?

The Cleveland is the best for the Lakers, but the worst for Cleveland - Thompson and Varejao are integral to their frontline...but I think vets could be signed on the cheap if it meant putting Kobe with eLBJ and Love.

The Knicks trade would be to appease Kobe. The only way Amare has value, is if we could dupe a third team that is trying to unload a rising star, and a bad contract - wish there were more of those!!! 8-)

11-03-2014, 01:47 PM
kobe is under contract for next season as well
Did I say Kobe's contract ?

11-03-2014, 01:54 PM
Did I say Kobe's contract ?
who were you referring to?

11-03-2014, 01:56 PM
who were you referring to?

11-03-2014, 01:57 PM
Did I say Kobe's contract ?

who were you referring to?

lol. and kobe isn't expiring

11-03-2014, 01:59 PM
lol. and kobe isn't expiring
he will dieded soon

11-03-2014, 02:41 PM
spurraider21 not getting it :lol

11-03-2014, 02:41 PM

11-03-2014, 02:45 PM
lol. and kobe isn't expiring

Are you really not getting what lefty is trying to say?

11-03-2014, 02:48 PM
Are you really not getting what lefty (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=6896) is trying to say?
yeah he thinks kobe is literally expiring. im just late to the party

11-05-2014, 05:50 AM
I'm not trolling at all, Kobe is one of the all time greats but he's not a top 25 player anymore. This isn't a knock against him he's 36 years old, most players his age are over the hill.

Lebron had 11 points tonight below 50% shooting and were blown out by 19 points to Blazers. I guess he's washed up too and done according to your logic.

He's only 29 and still in his prime, Kobe is 36 and near retirement. I know it's hard for you to accept but it's the truth. It happened to Jordan and it's happening to Kobe now, father time is undefeated.

Absolutely ridiculous. If that were true teams would not be double and triple teaming Kobe at this stage in his career. And give the guy time. He's obviously still rusty, but he's easily top 10 right now. The real question is can he be top 5.

:lmao :lmao :lmao this dave20 seems the only guy there with a brain. seriously, kobe homers must be the worst fans in sport, downright delusional, no clue of the game.

Kobe has been shooting 40/30/75 so far. That's flat out horrible. Offensive rating of 99, defensive rating of 119. WS -0.1, WS/48 -0.014... if that's not terrible, I don't know what is. And still a top 10 player in the league, just needing time to be top 5? :lmao :lmao :lmao

11-05-2014, 09:13 AM
Lol not top 25 anymore haha. There's no way I can take you seriously. Please stop trolling. Not efficient anymore when it's only been five games out of 82 NBA regular season. I advise you not to jump to conclusions this early, Kobe been out for eleven months coming off two major injuries his legs will start to get under him the strength will return and his vert will be close to pre Achilles. I'm a huge Kobe fan and I didn't expect him to look close to this good so soon.


baseline bum
11-05-2014, 11:01 AM

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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=6014289#6014289)Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:44 pm Post subject:

Dave20 wrote:

KobeBryantCliffordBrown wrote:

Dave20 wrote:

Charlotte has always played the Lakers tough even when Kobe was in his prime. Now, Kobe is 36 and isn't great anymore. The Hornets have a good young team that plays great defense, we will lose that game as well.

Smoke weed much?

He's not great anymore, has no lift and doesn't play defense. Still a good player for his age, but nowhere near one of the best players in the league.

Kobe might not be great player anymore but he still looks very good to me. Top 10 player today just not franchise player that can carry a team of scrubs single handedly anymore as he did in past 2005-2007.

baseline bum
11-05-2014, 11:03 AM
:lmao Where did that faggot carry them in 2005? To 34-48 and the fucking lottery even though he had Prime Odom and Prime Butler on his team and you only needed 45 wins to make the playoffs in the West that year.

11-05-2014, 12:38 PM
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http://forums.lakersground.net/templates/uberSTYLE/images/icon_minipost.gif (http://forums.lakersground.net/viewtopic.php?p=6014643#6014643)Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:32 am Post subject:

kray28_ wrote:

Potato-Mania wrote:

I'd rather him not shoot 37 times.

Lin has an open invitation to take shots from him. What's he waiting for?

A pass from Kobe, perhaps? 37 shots is way too many. The rest of the team quite literally did not possess the ball enough to put up shots to get in any sort of a rhythm. Jordan Hill and Lin are the two guys I'd like to see getting more touches/shots up.

But hey, I'm all for tanking and I will admit its great to see that Kobe can still bring it, so I guess its fine. If I didn't want us to tank, though, I'd rather see Kobe put up 25 shots vs 37, and have those 12 spread between Lin and Hill.

11-27-2014, 04:46 PM
Kobe is missing 14 shots per game Lakers lead the league with 14 offensive rebounds per game so lets say half of those offensive rebounds per game are because Hill's or Boozer's man comes to help on Kobe so they get an easy put back. Lakers still get 2 points on the possesion because of Kobe but only negative stat is Kobe's shooting % so whats the big deal here


11-27-2014, 04:47 PM

11-27-2014, 04:53 PM
:lol that's gold jerry

11-27-2014, 05:45 PM
The lakers get half the misses? I have never seen any team get anywhere close to half the offensive rebounds.

11-27-2014, 07:22 PM
Lakers make 50% of the shots half the time.

11-28-2014, 12:09 AM

Smh. If there's a way, no matter how retarded it may be, to credit Kirby for something positive those zealots will find it.

11-28-2014, 02:06 AM


06-30-2015, 04:27 PM

06-30-2015, 05:01 PM


Gotdamn, your auntie Anita Sharkeesian's gotta be proud