View Full Version : Clippers Doc being a hypocrite yet again

07-22-2014, 06:29 PM


Tom Rivers

07-22-2014, 06:37 PM

LOS ANGELES -- The interim CEO of the Los Angeles Clippers testified in state court Tuesday afternoon that coach and team president Doc Rivers has told him on multiple occasions that he doesn't think he wants to continue as coach if Donald Sterling remains owner of the team.

Dick Parsons said he's talked to Rivers, several players and key sponsors who are troubled by Sterling's continued ownership of the franchise, which is being adjudicated in a California probate court.

At issue is whether Shelly Sterling acted properly in selling the franchise for a record $2 billion to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, without her husband's expressed consent.Parsons was called as a witness in the trial Tuesday to discuss the impact the continuing uncertainty over the ownership situation has had on the Clippers franchise.

"If Doc were to leave, that would be a disaster," Parsons said. "Doc is the father figure of the team. Chris (Paul) is the on-court captain of the team. But Doc is really the guy who leads the effort. He's the coach, the grown-up, he's a man of character and ability -- not just in a basketball sense, but in the ability to connect with people and gain their trust.

"The team believes in him and admires and loves him. If he were to bail, with all the other circumstances, it would accelerate the death spiral."

:lol bunch of quitting pussies.

07-22-2014, 07:12 PM
Money's money, whether it be from a racist or a n!gger lover. :lol wanting to move back east because his shitty coaching is exposed in the better conference

07-22-2014, 07:16 PM
Money's money, whether it be from a racist or a n!gger lover. :lol wanting to move back east because his shitty coaching is exposed in the better conference
Yup. If he really gave a shit about not coaching if Sterling was the owner, he would give all the money he took from Sterling back.

07-22-2014, 07:32 PM
Should've taken a stand in the playoffs Doc http://i62.tinypic.com/287nls4.png

07-22-2014, 07:33 PM
Should've taken a stand in the playoffs Doc http://i62.tinypic.com/287nls4.png

Clipper Nation
07-22-2014, 08:11 PM
You dumbasses do realize this is an obvious leverage play, right? "Earth to Donald: sell the team or you'll have no coach, no players, no sponsors, no fans, and a worthless franchise" is basically the message that testimony sent, tbh....

07-22-2014, 08:15 PM
You dumbasses do realize this is an obvious leverage play, right? "Earth to Donald: sell the team or you'll have no coach, no players, no sponsors, no fans, and a worthless franchise" is basically the message that testimony sent, tbh....
You don't believe that shit yoself. -100 points s:loln

07-22-2014, 08:17 PM
You dumbasses do realize this is an obvious leverage play, right? "Earth to Donald: sell the team or you'll have no coach, no players, no sponsors, no fans, and a worthless franchise" is basically the message that testimony sent, tbh....

Except for that one time where players & coaches kept signing there knowing about Sterling.

07-22-2014, 08:28 PM
You dumbasses do realize this is an obvious leverage play, right? "Earth to Donald: sell the team or you'll have no coach, no players, no sponsors, no fans, and a worthless franchise" is basically the message that testimony sent, tbh....

Why would the Donald care? Even without all that, the franchise is still worth 1 billion or more... that's nowhere near 'worthless'. He knows that and everybody else knows that. Even if he's cuckoo in the head, his lawyers know that.

07-22-2014, 08:29 PM
:lol CN trying hard tbh

07-22-2014, 09:46 PM
NBA trying to find a way to do two things:

1. Get Chris Paul off the Clippers and to a larger market team.
2. Make the Lakers the better team in LA again.

baseline bum
07-22-2014, 09:47 PM

07-22-2014, 09:47 PM
Why would the Donald care? Even without all that, the franchise is still worth 1 billion or more... that's nowhere near 'worthless'. He knows that and everybody else knows that. Even if he's cuckoo in the head, his lawyers know that.

Sterling is a Jew. He won't walk away from an extra 800m or so on pride alone.

07-22-2014, 09:49 PM
You don't believe that shit yoself. -100 points s:loln

07-22-2014, 09:55 PM
Sterling is a Jew. He won't walk away from an extra 800m or so on pride alone.

well, if he's really sick in the head, his lawyers won't let him walk away from this lawsuit.

07-23-2014, 12:55 AM

07-23-2014, 12:56 AM
haha even though he is racist he has the right to own whatever he wants to own... bunch of millionaire "slaves"

07-23-2014, 01:15 AM
The NBA has known what they have with Sterling for years...Just what did they think that they could reason or threaten him
into selling the team. He is like the North Korea dictator listening to Obama threats.....Even if all the players quit on him he would hire a team
of street ballers to play. If all the team sponsors bail out he still has enough money to go for a long time a make it a joke.....
Sterling will go when he is good and ready....................

Venti Quattro
07-23-2014, 06:56 AM
:lmao Tom Rivers

07-23-2014, 09:13 AM
Am I the only idiot that thinks that the Clips would be better off reviving the Zombie Sonics in Seatlle and leave LA?

07-23-2014, 09:22 AM
The faux outrage from Tom Rivers is truly pathetic.

Clipper Nation
07-23-2014, 09:38 AM
Am I the only idiot that thinks that the Clips would be better off reviving the Zombie Sonics in Seatlle and leave LA?
Yes, you are.... most people would agree that it would be retarded to downgrade in market from LA to Seattle, tbh....

Buddy Mignon
07-23-2014, 09:40 AM
Doc should be black-balled for his pathetic behavior. Why don't he refuse his paycheck from the racist owner.

Clipper Nation
07-23-2014, 09:42 AM
Why would the Donald care? Even without all that, the franchise is still worth 1 billion or more... that's nowhere near 'worthless'. He knows that and everybody else knows that. Even if he's cuckoo in the head, his lawyers know that.
Except he doesn't want to sell ever, and him keeping the team would leave him with no sponsors, no coach, no players, and few paying customers, while making it extremely difficult for him to replace any of those.... that's the scenario that Parsons was talking about, but it's also not happening because he's not keeping the team.... this legal wrangling is just an attempt to delay the inevitable....

07-23-2014, 09:42 AM
Doc should be black-balled for his pathetic behavior. Why don't he refuse his paycheck from the racist owner.

Clipper Nation
07-23-2014, 09:47 AM
If all the team sponsors bail out he still has enough money to go for a long time a make it a joke.....
Actually, he now has $500 million in debt to multiple banks as a result of revoking the trust, and the only realistic way he can avoid a default is ironically by selling the team :lol

The only other way would be to sell off all his real estate properties, but the prices would be depressed....


Buddy Mignon
07-23-2014, 09:56 AM

He won't do that... and neither will the media call him on it. I think the Clippas are a joke... and I hope Sterling drags this shit out and dishes dirt on others.

07-23-2014, 05:12 PM

LOS ANGELES -- The interim CEO of the Los Angeles Clippers testified in state court Tuesday afternoon that coach and team president Doc Rivers has told him on multiple occasions that he doesn't think he wants to continue as coach if Donald Sterling remains owner of the team.

Dick Parsons said he's talked to Rivers, several players and key sponsors who are troubled by Sterling's continued ownership of the franchise, which is being adjudicated in a California probate court.

At issue is whether Shelly Sterling acted properly in selling the franchise for a record $2 billion to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, without her husband's expressed consent.Parsons was called as a witness in the trial Tuesday to discuss the impact the continuing uncertainty over the ownership situation has had on the Clippers franchise.

"If Doc were to leave, that would be a disaster," Parsons said. "Doc is the father figure of the team. Chris (Paul) is the on-court captain of the team. But Doc is really the guy who leads the effort. He's the coach, the grown-up, he's a man of character and ability -- not just in a basketball sense, but in the ability to connect with people and gain their trust.

"The team believes in him and admires and loves him. If he were to bail, with all the other circumstances, it would accelerate the death spiral."

What a hypocrite. The whole NBA knew he was a racists. His sin was to publicly be caught being a racist. Doc knew, the commish knew, Chris paul knew. Now they have to show the proper amount of indignation. But NOBODY is going to walk away from the cash...

:lol bunch of quitting pussies.

07-23-2014, 05:28 PM
Actually, he now has $500 million in debt to multiple banks as a result of revoking the trust, and the only realistic way he can avoid a default is ironically by selling the team :lol

The only other way would be to sell off all his real estate properties, but the prices would be depressed....


07-23-2014, 05:31 PM
Except he doesn't want to sell ever, and him keeping the team would leave him with no sponsors, no coach, no players, and few paying customers, while making it extremely difficult for him to replace any of those.... that's the scenario that Parsons was talking about, but it's also not happening because he's not keeping the team.... this legal wrangling is just an attempt to delay the inevitable....

I think Tom Rivers is a good example of money talking... In the real world, it's easy to look the other way when you're getting million dollar checks.

Plus the Donald has first-hand experience in offering a truly abysmal product and still making money off it. Not really his doing, the NBA boyz club is set up that way.

I honestly thought this was going to move quicker, especially with the $2b offer on the table, but if that offer goes away, I'm not sure this isn't going to be a protracted battle...

Clipper Nation
07-23-2014, 05:35 PM
I think Tom Rivers is a good example of money talking... In the real world, it's easy to look the other way when you're getting million dollar checks.

Plus the Donald has first-hand experience in offering a truly abysmal product and still making money off it. Not really his doing, the NBA boyz club is set up that way.

I honestly thought this was going to move quicker, especially with the $2b offer on the table, but if that offer goes away, I'm not sure this isn't going to be a protracted battle...
I believe his current case ended today with a verdict due next week, and the only reason it took so long is because one of Donald's attorneys conveniently had to "take a vacation" all of last week....

Most people would have taken the $2 billion and ran, but you have to remember that DTS is a retarded old manchild who loves suing people, so it wasn't going to be cut-and-dried....

He filed another lawsuit, but ESPN's legal analyst said that this one will most likely be laughed out of court....

07-23-2014, 05:37 PM
I believe his current case ended today with a verdict due next week, and the only reason it took so long is because one of Donald's attorneys conveniently had to "take a vacation" all of last week....

He filed another lawsuit, but ESPN's legal analyst said that this one will most likely be laughed out of court....

If it's not done soon, the owners gonna have to vote, tbh

Clipper Nation
07-23-2014, 05:38 PM
If it's not done soon, the owners gonna have to vote, tbh
Silver will most likely nail DTS to the tree of woe if this drags on into the start of the season, tbh....

07-23-2014, 05:45 PM
I believe his current case ended today with a verdict due next week, and the only reason it took so long is because one of Donald's attorneys conveniently had to "take a vacation" all of last week....

Most people would have taken the $2 billion and ran, but you have to remember that DTS is a retarded old manchild who loves suing people, so it wasn't going to be cut-and-dried....

He filed another lawsuit, but ESPN's legal analyst said that this one will most likely be laughed out of court....
- Don was already backstabbed by his Wife. Why would he take the money and soon give it to her after his death?

- Citing ESPN source. Not sure if serious

- An average Joe like you & I can be discriminated against but money talks in the USA. Don will get his way one way or another