View Full Version : interesting piece on racism in hollywood| agree or disagree

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 11:44 AM

I'm tired of seeing white people on the silver screen.

First, let me note that I am white.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10463937_475009969300285_1059984450988603980_n.jpg (https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10463937_475009969300285_1059984450988603980_n.jpg )

I am a white woman who goes to the theater to see probably a dozen films (if not more) in a given year, a white woman who readily consumes TV shows and series and often blogs/tweets about them. I love film. I love what Hollywood could be, but I must say that I don't love what it is, and that is a machine generating story after story in which the audience is asked to root for a white (usually male) hero over and over and over (and over) again. I'm tired. I'm tired of directors pretending that white actors are the default and that people of color are a distraction when it comes to filmmaking. i'm tired of black women in Hollywood being relegated to roles of slaves and "the help" over and over again. I'm tired of films convincing themselves that they are taking on something fresh and new, the likes of which the world has never seen, but in actuality adhering to tired tropes and stereotypes.

One example that comes to mind is Avatar, a "groundbreaking" film about aliens and humanity, which, underneath it all, is the same old White Savior story. But more recently is Lucy, the film starring Scarlett Johansson in which a woman named Lucy evolves and is able to use 100 percent of her brain's capacity after she unwittingly ingests a massive amount of drugs.

Lucy is about what humankind could be -- it's about possibilities. As Lucy's brainpower grows stronger and the volume of knowledge she is able to access increases, she delivers monologues about how little humans understand about death, existence, and the universe, mediating on time and history. The film likes to think of itself as reimagining everything that we think we know about humanity, and presents to us their vision of what the most evolved woman on earth looks like:

A blonde white woman.

See, I just can't get right with that.

You see, I was an anthropology major in high school and by the time I was 16 I'd learned all about Lucy (Australopithecus), the collection of bones found in Hadar and thought to have lived 3.2 million years ago, one of the oldest hominids we know of. Lucy the film doesn't try to hide how cute they thought they were being by naming the supreme evolved being in their film "Lucy" -- they show an ape-like creature crouched by a stream to illustrate just how far human beings have come, and say as much in the opening lines, depicting vast cities built up to show our progress. The original Lucy was not really an ape, though. She had small skull capacity like apes, but her skeleton shows she was bipedal and walked upright like humans. Hadar, by the way, is in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia.
http://blog.motelrocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/lucy-2014-movie-screenshot-blue-eyes.jpg (http://blog.motelrocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/lucy-2014-movie-screenshot-blue-eyes.jpg)
So I guess what's sticking in my craw is the assertion that while human life originated in Africa -- a detail the film neatly skims over, placing the ape-like Lucy that Johansson sees in North America -- somehow the way we imagine the most evolved human being is blonde and white. Even more, when Lucy gets surges of knowledge in the film, her eyes flash brightly blue. Because blue eyes, we all know, are the universal symbol of superiority, right?

How is it that in a film whose premise rests on the idea of reimagining the past, present and future, we still end up with a blonde white woman with flashing blue eyes as the stand-in for what personifies evolution and supremely fulfilled human potential? At one point the Ape-like Lucy and Evolved Lucy meet face-to-face as Evolved Lucy does a bit of time-traveling. Their fingers touch, and we see them deliberately posed to mimic the famous Creation of Adam painting, and in that moment I saw what I suppose we were supposed to see: humanity at its beginning, and then humanity at its end, at its most perfect. Blonde, white and blue-eyed.

I can't accept that. I can't accept that there was only one black woman in the entire film, who delivered one line and who we never saw again. I can't accept that the bad guys were Asian and that although in China, Lucy's roommate says, "I mean, who speaks Chinese? I don't speak Chinese!" I can't accept that in Hercules, which I also saw this weekend, there were no people of color except for Dwayne Johnson himself and his mixed-race wife, whose skin was almost alabaster.
http://www.screenrelish.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Hercules-Dwayne-Johnson-Movie-Wallpaper.jpg (http://www.screenrelish.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Hercules-Dwayne-Johnson-Movie-Wallpaper.jpg)
I can't accept that she got maybe two lines and was then murdered. I can't accept that the "primitive tribe" in Hercules consisted of dark-haired men painted heavily, blackish green, to give their skin (head-to-toe) a darker appearance, so the audience could easily differentiate between good and bad guys by the white vs. dark skin. I can't accept that during the previews, Exodus: Gods and Kings;
http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/exodus-gods-kings-cast.jpg (http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/exodus-gods-kings-cast.jpg)
a story about Moses leading the Israelite slaves out of Egypt, where not a single person of color is represented, casts Sigourney Weaver and Joel Edgerton to play Egyptians. I can't accept that in the preview for Kingsman: The Secret Service, which takes place in London, features a cast of white boys and not a single person of Indian descent, which make up the largest non-white ethnic group in London. I can't accept that in stories about the end of the world and the apocalypse, that somehow only white people survive. I can't accept that while my daily life is filled with black and brown women, they are completely absent, erased, when I look at a TV or movie screen.

I can't accept that. And I can't accept that when we think about the potential of humankind and what our brains are capable of doing and thinking and feeling, that people of color would be absent from that imagining. I can't accept that. And I won't. I'm tired of seeing people that look like me crowding screens both big and small: I am not what the world looks like. Hollywood, stop whitewashing characters. Give us more films like this year's Annie. I'm no Lucy -- like everyone else I'm only using a tiny amount of my brain's capacity. But you don't need to be a superhuman logic-machine to see that Hollywood has a major problem with depicting people of color, and it's time to actually reimagine what the world can and should be.


07-30-2014, 11:54 AM
read all the other shit she's written. she's obsessed with race


07-30-2014, 11:55 AM
Eh. Just a bunch of white guilt in unnecessary boldface font.

Nothing more.

07-30-2014, 11:56 AM


Lol...prolly could find a better forum for it then.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 11:56 AM
read all the other shit she's written. she's obsessed with race


whats wrong with that?

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 11:57 AM
Lol...prolly could find a better forum for it then.


07-30-2014, 11:57 AM
whats wrong with that?
being obsessed with race? plenty wrong with it

07-30-2014, 12:01 PM
That crazy bitch be trollin' hard. Who else does she expect to play slaves and help? So she'd be cool with Gwennth Paltrow as the main maid in The Help? Or maybe Christian Bale in The Butler. Ten Years a Slave with Adam Sandler as Solomon Northrup.
Shit...maybe Samuel Jackson as Wolf of Wall Street.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 12:03 PM
being obsessed with race? plenty wrong with it

depends on the person's intentions. i don't get a superiority or divisive vibe from her story or the other's i skimmed through in that lank.

07-30-2014, 12:04 PM
I'd like to her her take on Tyler Perry

07-30-2014, 12:16 PM
For someone who loves film as much as she claims to, she invests a lot in big Hollywood studio formula films. Lots of great indie and small studio work available that can show her what she says she wants to see.

07-30-2014, 12:16 PM
She hates penises too, her opinion is therefore invalid.

07-30-2014, 12:20 PM
Eh. Just a bunch of white guilt in unnecessary boldface font.

Nothing more.

07-30-2014, 12:20 PM
For someone who loves film as much as she claims to, she invests a lot in big Hollywood studio formula films. Lots of great indie and small studio work available that can show her what she says she wants to see.

Then how would she be able to grind her big lesbian axe?

07-30-2014, 12:26 PM
read all the other shit she's written. she's obsessed with race


she's an idiot. She has an article about why she's happy the new Annie is black. So no black slaves or help because it's stereotypical. But a black orphan? OTAY!

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 12:27 PM
For someone who loves film as much as she claims to, she invests a lot in big Hollywood studio formula films. Lots of great indie and small studio work available that can show her what she says she wants to see.

because those are the films that bring in the larger audiences. she's not alone in wanting to see more diversity in major motion pictures.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 12:28 PM
CTAO, you're constant trolling has earned you a spot on my ignore list, fam. two weeks.

07-30-2014, 12:29 PM
The egyptians employed black, white and brown people as slaves..

Out of topic, I still laugh at the idea that the egyptians were black..:lmao

07-30-2014, 12:30 PM
sounds like one of the cause-its from PCU. Hollywood will change when it is profitable to do so, and no sooner.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 12:34 PM
sigourney weaver and joel edgerton as ancient egyptians???


07-30-2014, 12:34 PM
so I was Googling "black Egyptian"...


07-30-2014, 12:36 PM
That crazy bitch be trollin' hard. Who else does she expect to play slaves and help? So she'd be cool with Gwennth Paltrow as the main maid in The Help? Or maybe Christian Bale in The Butler. Ten Years a Slave with Adam Sandler as Solomon Northrup.
Shit...maybe Samuel Jackson as Wolf of Wall Street.

I think Samuel Jackson would have been awesome as Jordan Belfort on the Wolf of Wall Street. He probably could have done a better job than Leonardo Dicaprio. I was disappointed in the recent Xmen movie Days of Future past that Wolverine wasn't played by a black guy since they are tons of great black actors who could have done a great job as Wolverine. You could have had someone like The Rock play Wolverine. Hell in this new Superman-Batman movie that is going to come out sometime next year they should have had Will Smith playing Superman and had Denzel Washington playing Batman.

07-30-2014, 12:37 PM
sigourney weaver and joel edgerton as ancient egyptians???


John Wayne as Gengis Kahn is far worse.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 12:38 PM
The egyptians employed black, white and brown people as slaves..

Out of topic, I still laugh at the idea that the egyptians were black..:lmao

why do you laugh at that fact?

egyptians, just like the rest of africa, was 100% black before being invaded by arabs and romans. word.

07-30-2014, 12:39 PM
why do you laugh at that fact?



07-30-2014, 12:41 PM
I think Samuel Jackson would have been awesome as Jordan Belfort on the Wolf of Wall Street. He probably could have done a better job than Leonardo Dicaprio. I was disappointed in the recent Xmen movie Days of Future past that Wolverine wasn't played by a black guy since they are tons of great black actors who could have done a great job as Wolverine. You could have had someone like The Rock play Wolverine. Hell in this new Superman-Batman movie that is going to come out sometime next year they should have had Will Smith playing Superman and had Denzel Washington playing Batman.

I didn't see WOWS so IDK. Yeah I agree about Will Smith. He'd be a great Superman. I'd rather see Denzel tackle something new like Aquaman or one that hasn't been overdone. Maybe Apache Chief?

07-30-2014, 12:41 PM
I was actually thinking of this the other day. Every single leading man is white. It really is getting kind of old. And whenever a Black or Hispanic man is cast they are your stereotypical black/hispanic man.

07-30-2014, 12:42 PM
I was actually thinking of this the other day. Every single leading man is white. It really is getting kind of old. And whenever a Black or Hispanic man is cast they are your stereotypical black/hispanic man.

Examples please

07-30-2014, 12:42 PM
Examples please
Of what?

07-30-2014, 12:43 PM
I was actually thinking of this the other day. Every single leading man is white. It really is getting kind of old. And whenever a Black or Hispanic man is cast they are your stereotypical black/hispanic man.

Who again are the majority in the US?

Why would I as a white guy have to watch some other race when I feel more comfortable watching a white dude?...

07-30-2014, 12:43 PM
Of what?

whatever you were talking about a couple of posts ago

07-30-2014, 12:44 PM
Who again are the majority in the US?

Why would I as a white guy have to watch some other race when I feel more comfortable watching a white dude?...
I don't know. Because you're a douche?

07-30-2014, 12:44 PM
whatever you were talking about a couple of posts ago
Of what?

07-30-2014, 12:44 PM
CTAO, you're constant trolling has earned you a spot on my ignore list, fam. two weeks.

someone tell Trill not to come over to his mom's for a couple of weeks

07-30-2014, 12:44 PM
Anything race related is pretty played out at this point

07-30-2014, 12:46 PM
Of what?

what are you talking about...

07-30-2014, 12:50 PM
what are you talking about...
what are you talking about?

07-30-2014, 12:50 PM
what are you talking about?

your momma

07-30-2014, 12:52 PM
I don't watch too many movies starring n!gers and shitskins. It just seems weird and retarded trying to look at barbarians in an artistic light..like the whole time you're lying to yourself like. "Oh boy this sure is great" but deep down you're bored and annoyed. Leave the arts to people of European descent.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 01:00 PM
I was actually thinking of this the other day. Every single leading man is white. It really is getting kind of old. And whenever a Black or Hispanic man is cast they are your stereotypical black/hispanic man.

fam, this is why i pirate these movies so hard. i refuse to put any money in these dudes pockets.


so inherently evil :lol


Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 01:01 PM


invade a civilization in the 7th century then claim you were there first brehs

07-30-2014, 01:05 PM
invade a civilization in the 7th century then claim you were there first brehs

The arabs never invaded egypt in the 7th century...:lmao

North Africa has and will always be for north african berbers..

The Egyptians are slighltly more dark skinned than other north africans, but they were never black..:lmao

In fact the idea they were black only came about when the the black were trying to fight racism in the states around 1800 and a rejuvanted in the 60's...Black people had to find a way to convince people they a dominant run.:lmao

If you acutally knew anything about history you would talk more about abassynnia, since that was a legitimate black nation...

07-30-2014, 01:10 PM
someone tell Trill not to come over to his mom's for a couple of weeks


07-30-2014, 01:14 PM
fam, this is why i pirate these movies so hard. i refuse to put any money in these dudes pockets.


so inherently evil :lol


Can't even cast some middle eastern folks to play the respective roles of their ancestors. Gotta get some corny ass white dudes. ROFL.

07-30-2014, 01:23 PM
Can't even cast some middle eastern folks to play the respective roles of their ancestors. Gotta get some corny ass white dudes. ROFL.

To be fair, a dark haired white dude can qualify as an egyptian dude...

07-30-2014, 01:28 PM
Can't even cast some middle eastern folks to play the respective roles of their ancestors. Gotta get some corny ass white dudes. ROFL.

let's hear your top 5 Middle Eastern actors that have the box office draw potential

07-30-2014, 01:32 PM
let's hear your top 5 Middle Eastern actors that have the box office draw potential
Not an actor but DJ Khaled./thread

07-30-2014, 01:38 PM
Aren't whites supposed to be like 75% of the people in America? it's only logical for most of its movies to have majority of white folks.

07-30-2014, 01:41 PM
And that dyke looks like the type of bitch that likes to whine and moan about everything just 'cause she wasn't born with a dick, tbh.

07-30-2014, 01:41 PM
I'm pretty sure they could of found some middle eastern actors in the USA. Who the fuck watches a movie because a certain actor is in it? If the movie looks good I'll watch it. I don't give a shit if it's starring Tom Cruise or some other overrated douche.

07-30-2014, 01:44 PM
I'm pretty sure they could of found some middle eastern actors in the USA. Who the fuck watches a movie because a certain actor is in it? If the movie looks good I'll watch it. I don't give a shit if it's starring Tom Cruise or some other overrated douche.

A lot of people actually. That's why actors make so much money. Yeah, there's people that watch because of the movie like there's people that watch the Spurs just because of the team but there are many others that watch them because of Tim, Manu, Tony, Kawhi, etc.

07-30-2014, 01:44 PM
Aren't whites supposed to be like 75% of the people in America? it's only logical for most of its movies to have majority of white folks, tbh.

shit...by that logic, about 37% of America must be gay as well

07-30-2014, 01:45 PM
A lot of people actually. That's why actors make so much money. Yeah, there's people that watch because of the movie like there's people that watch the Spurs just because of the team but there are many others that watch them because of Tim, Manu, Tony, Kawhi, etc.
Well those people are stupid, imo.

07-30-2014, 01:51 PM
shit...by that logic, about 37% of America must be gay as well

Didn't get the analogy, tbh.

07-30-2014, 01:52 PM
A) Hercules is Greek. They could have made him look like Hulk Hogan. Bad example on her part

B) Hollywood has always held prejudices


Why Was Hollywood
at War with Poland?
An Interview with
Professor M.B. Biskupski

Hollywood’s War with Poland, 1939-1945, published by the University Press of Kentucky, is a thoroughly documented study of how Tinsel Town portrayed Poland in films made during World War II. Its damning indictment shows that, while Hollywood generally ignored Poland, when it did deal with the country, it portrayed it in uncomplimentary, negative, and even false ways. Why Hollywood chose to present Poland so badly—the ally whose invasion caused the start of World War II—is the subject of this work which, while thoroughly researched and documented, remains very readable and of interest to a popular Polonian readership. Its author, Professor M.B. Biskupski, discussed his book with the Polish American Journal.
Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski has held the Stanislas Blejwas Endowed Chair in Polish and Polish-American Studies at Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, since 2002. Born in Chicago of parents



Fredrik Sobieski (Ralph Bellamy) prepares to hit Anthony “Tony” Barrett (Gary Cooper), because of Barrett’s advances on Sobieski’s fiance, Manya Novak (Anna Sten) in “The Wedding Night.” The film displayed a contemporary community of Poles living in Connecticut as virtual barbarians

whose origins came from Mazowsze and Poland’s eastern borderlands, he was a high school dropout who eventually received a fellowship and earned his doctorate from Yale University. Dr. Biskupski subsequently taught at St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York, and the University of Rochester. He has been a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Warsaw at the University of Warsaw and a Fellow of the Central European University, Budapest. He is a past president of the Polish American Historical Association. The author or editor of numerous books (including Polish Jewish Relations in North America, edited with Antony Polonsky), Biskupski is the father of five (Olesia, Jadzia, Mietek, Misia, and Stasiu).


PAJ: Polish Americans have been struggling against the image of the “dumb Polack” ever since Archie Bunker made them his trademark on “All in the Family.” In light of your book, one could argue that the “dumb Polack” stereotype goes back a long way before 1970. Your comments?
MBB: The image of the Pole — and especially the Polish-American as cloddish certainly pre-dates the films of the Second World War era. In the 1930s we had such titles as Warner Brothers’ “Black Fury,” in which Paul Muni played a Pole as a genial dolt. The film “Palooka” of the same era made the prizefighter-probably intended to be a Pole-another dull-witted figure. The film “The Wedding Night” displayed a contemporary community of Poles living in Connecticut as virtual barbarians. The list could be extended. However, it seems most unlikely that the negative image of the Poles waited until the 1930s. It would be an intriguing topic of research to discover whether there was a Polish “type” in Vaudeville in an earlier generation. My suspicions are that the image of the Pole as an uneducated boor was established soon after the mass-migration at the close of the 19th century, when Poles occupied the lowest rung in American society and their ignorance of the English language and isolation from the host society made them seem all the more exotic and distastefully so. Poles did not enjoy a favorable image in American eyes from the beginning of their en masse arrival here and it has only slowly evolved.
PAJ: You attribute the pejorative image of Poles in World War II Hollywood films to three factors: Communist/leftwing influence among writers, the Roosevelt Administration’s foreign policy, and the Polish-Jewish roots of some Hollywood moguls. Let’s take each in turn. Anytime anybody asserts “Communist influence” in America he risks charges of “McCarthyism” and “witch hunt.” Please comment on the extent of Communist influence in 1940s Hollywood. How would you answer charges of “McCarthyism?”
MBB: The Left was very powerful among screenwriters in that period and many of the most unkind representations of Poles or Poland were the product of radical leftists, often members of the Communist Party. We must also remember that the Left had a particular grievance against Poland for several reasons. First, Poland was widely perceived on the Left as a reactionary country still preserving many of the characteristics of a bygone era. Secondly, the Poles had defeated Soviet Russia in the war of 1919-1921-a virtual sin to the pro-Soviet Left. Finally, Poland was the victim of a double assault in September 1939 by Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Hence any mention of Poland immediately raised the issue of Communist collaboration with the Nazis and the brief era when Hitler and Stalin were allies. Hence for the Left, Poland was at least an obstacle and at most an object of hatred. There was no pro-Polish element in Hollywood to counter the Left’s powerful animus against Poland.





PAJ: Poland seems to have been an inconvenient ally for the Roosevelt Administration, complicating its efforts to warm relations with the Soviet Union during World War II. Do you think that the Administration actually wanted the negative portrayal of Poland found in those World War II films where Poland appeared, or would its goals have been served just as well as by mere silence about Poland? If the latter, why didn’t the Office of War Information (OWI) demand that the anti-Polish vitriol be toned down?
MBB: There is no doubt that the studios and not the federal authorities were the more intent upon portraying Poland negatively. Indeed, we have memoranda from the Office of War Information criticizing films for being excessively anti-Polish or omitting positive aspects of Polish Americans which might have been easily included. In other words, the chief enemy of Poland in getting favorable treatment in Hollywood was Hollywood, not the Roosevelt administration. However, we have to remember one feature which complicates the picture. The Roosevelt administration was extraordinarily interested in a positive portrayal of the Russians. Given the foul behaviors of the Russians towards the Poles, to present the Russians positively required you to omit their behavior in relation to the Poles. Here, the virtual white-washing of Moscow had direct consequences for the way in which issues crucial to Poland were presented. To celebrate the Soviet Union you had either to misrepresent Poland, or to edit it out.


PAJ: You note that Jews of Polish ancestry were prominent in 1940s Hollywood, e.g., the Warner Brothers, but that they had ambivalent attitudes about the “old country.” Can you develop this theme?
MBB: It has been noted in other contexts that the Jewish immigrants to the United States at the turn of the century did not wish to return to the country of their former residence. Many Catholic Poles, by comparison, did not intend to stay in the United States, but regarded it as a temporary sojourn. The Catholic Poles overwhelmingly brought with them powerful attachments to their ancestral homeland. For the Jews of Eastern Europe the situation was far more complex. For some warm feelings for Poland remained with them — one may mention for example the publisher Jakub Vorzimmer or the entrepreneur Ludwik Hemmerling – but for most their former homeland was associated with bad memories — at the very least alienation, for many actual discrimination. That this was the often the product of the Partitioning powers did not change the memories. Virulent nationalism was on the rise at the turn of the century and the Poles shared in this unfortunate phenomenon. To many nationalist Poles, Jews were either unassimilated or inassimilable. It is striking how many of the Hollywood Jews never spoke about their ancestral homelands and regarded those generations there as a closed chapter. This alone caused a division between Polish Catholics and Polish Jews in the United States. The Jews assimilated into a resident Jewish community and abandoned their former countrymen. For the Catholic Poles this was tantamount to betrayal. The seeds of animosity were planted as soon as the immigrants arrived.
PAJ: You indicate that Jews in Hollywood had some interest in presenting the issue of the extermination of European Jewry in film, but that the Roosevelt Administration fought those efforts. Can you expound on this a bit?
MBB: Hollywood Jews were very chary about presenting Jewish issues in wartime films. They were aware that polling evidence indicated that large segments of the American population harbored feelings of suspicion and dislike for the Jews. To even suggest that the War was over Jewish issues, i.e. the Holocaust was worrisome to the Jews who feared a public backlash. Similarly, the Administration did not want Jewish issues focused upon in order to maintain public unity: the war as moral crusade not the rescue of persecuted Jews. Both Washington and Hollywood saw Jewish issues as dangerous to confront. This explains the lack of films about the Holocaust. “None Shall Escape,” a film set in Poland, is a notable exception. There are minor Jewish sub-plots in two other films (“To Be or Not to Be,” “Once Upon a Honeymoon”) largely set in Poland.
PAJ: You make the striking comment that, for Poles, raising the Polish flag over Monte Cassino was as sacred and symbolic as raising the American flag over Iwo Jima. Can you tell us how Hollywood recounted that event?
MBB: The film, “The Story of GI Joe,” is focused on the allied assault on the Gustav Line, the well-prepared German defensive position stretching across Italy. A focal point in this line was the famous monastery of Monte Cassino. There were repeated attempts by Allied troops — including Americans — to take the position. All failed. But, the Poles were victorious in May 1944 and raised the Polish flag over the heights. Polish casualties in this action were enormous and the victory allowed the Italian campaign to resume after months of being stalled. This was a major Polish contribution to the war made at huge costs. For the film to omit the Poles and suggest that it was an American victory is simply outrageous. The film incidentally was written by members of the Communist Party. In the film, it is the American flag that is raised over Monte Cassino—a fantasy, not an historical fact.
PAJ: You insist that there was no “conspiracy” to slur Poland in World War II Hollywood, but that various independent factors dovetailed to produce what happened. Poland, you say, had few friends and many enemies in Tinsel Town. Could events have been different and, if so, how? Is the Polish situation in Hollywood any different today?
MBB: There was no effective Polish “lobby” in the United States. There was no significant Polish presence in Hollywood. The Polish government-in-exile was virtually penniless and a very minor voice in the West. Hence, there was no strong voice for Poland. Even the Catholic Church, seemingly an ally of Roman Catholic Poland, did little for the Poles. After all, the American Catholic Church was dominated by the Irish and Polish influence in the Church hierarchy was almost invisible. The factors were in place to make it impossible for the Poles to receive sympathetic treatment by Hollywood.
PAJ: What inspired you to write this book? How long did it take, and what was your most memorable anecdote associated with its writing?
MBB: I began my research for the book several years ago and travelled about gathering information: from studio records, private papers, and government documents—including FBI reports—as well as many memoirs of actors, directors and studio executives. I started writing the book a few years ago, but was interrupted several times which delayed the process. In all I should say the project took more than five years. I remember watching World War II era films with my family when I was a boy. My mother was a great student of Hollywood and had a fantastic memory for films and their players. In addition to her enthusiasm, I remember very well the frustration and sadness of my family at the neglect of Poland in these films. We all knew what Poland had suffered during the war: they deserved more than this indifference. I should think my most striking experience — of which there was more than one occasion—was when I would discover that Hollywood screenwriters would simply invent whole episodes which were utterly without foundation to present the Poles in a foul light. Some of these creations are utterly fantastic and were fabrications which the writer certainly realized at the time he was preparing the script. A good example is the supposedly accurate rendition of the memoirs of Joseph E. Davies, “Mission to Moscow,” by screenwriter Howard Koch. There are scenes in the film critical of the Poles which do not appear in the book despite Koch’s claims to the contrary.
PAJ: What kind of reception has the book received to date?
MBB: When I was in Poland briefly in March, there was considerable interest in the book—after all it touches a sensitive spot for Poles: why their suffering and achievements were ignored. It would be enormously satisfying to me were a Polish-language edition to be published. I have given a few lectures on the book here in the United States and have drawn large audiences. I have no idea what the sales figures are. Reviews are only beginning to appear so I cannot make a response. I anticipate that the political Left, of which I am very critical in the book, will be dismayed by the book and react accordingly.
PAJ: Do you intend to follow up on the themes Poland/Hollywood raised in this book? What else are you currently working on?
MBB: I think one book on films for a historian whose work is devoted to political and intellectual history is more than enough. I am finishing a very long work on the role of the United States in Poland’s resurrection as a free country during World War I. It is a theme which has interested me for many years. I have almost finished another volume on why November 11th is Polish Independence Day and the myths and symbols surrounding it which have helped create the modern Polish political mentality. Finally, I just published a book a few weeks ago which is a collections of essays on the idea of democracy in modern Polish thought. In this effort, I worked with colleagues from Purdue and the University of Toronto.
PAJ: Thank you, Dr. Biskupski. We hope your book finds its way to every Polish American’s bookshelf!

07-30-2014, 01:52 PM
Well those people are stupid, imo.

Why? What's wrong with liking how an actor works and wanting to see the movies that Actor works in?

07-30-2014, 01:54 PM
Didn't get the analogy, tbh.

I think it's vice versa. It seems like there are a disproportionate amount of gay people on TV and in movies based on reality. If I were an alien and watched American TV, I'd assume that a huge part of the population were flaming queens.

07-30-2014, 01:54 PM
Why? What's wrong with liking how an actor works and wanting to see the movies that Actor works in?
I don't mind, as long as they're not trying to portray something they're not.

07-30-2014, 01:55 PM
I don't mind, as long as they're not trying to portray something they're not.

so who would you have cast in Rainman? or My Left Foot? it would hard as hell to find disabled people that can also act and follow directions like that.

07-30-2014, 01:55 PM
I don't mind, as long as they're not trying to portray something they're not.

oh you mean like...acting?!

07-30-2014, 01:57 PM
so who would you have cast in Rainman? or My Left Foot? it would hard as hell to find disabled people that can also act and follow directions like that.
Dude, I don't get paid to do that. But if I did I'm sure I could.

07-30-2014, 01:58 PM
this clip involves 1) Hercules, 2) a black main character, 3) an actor (male) playing something he is not (female).


07-30-2014, 01:58 PM
oh you mean like...acting?!
Oh yes, come watch Brad Pit as Pancho Villa. LOL

07-30-2014, 01:59 PM
Dude, I don't get paid to do that. But if I did I'm sure I could.

no way...autistic people are the worst at following directions...they're like super selfish

07-30-2014, 01:59 PM
White actresses don't want to be love interests with Black actors. Since Black women are disregarded by all including their own husbands & sons, this is holding their entire race back.

Kristen Stewart Pulls Out Of Movie When Will Smith’s Cast As Love Interest

"The movie was originally set to star Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. However, when both actors had to pull out of the project because of other commitments, they were replaced with Academy Award-winner Ben Affleck and Twilight star Kristen Stewart. At one point, Stewart was pretty geeked up about the movie, telling the HuffPo “It’s a comedy. I’m really excited about it.”Well, she was excited about it until Affleck had to dip out of the movie as well to star in a different picture last December.

When the role was finally given to Will Smith, who signed on early this year, it was reported by the Hollywood Reporter (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kristen-stewart-drops-heist-thriller-441598) in April that she had decided to part ways from the movie. Why? According to Variety (http://variety.com/2013/film/news/will-smith-sets-sights-on-focus-exclusive-1200004959/), she felt “the age difference between [her and Smith] would be too large a gap.” To clarify, Stewart is 23 while Smith is 44. When Affleck was attached to the movie, she was excited, even though the age difference between them was still substantial–he’s 40."

07-30-2014, 02:00 PM
Also, some of you might be living in a happy racial Utopia but this is not the reality. White actresses don't want to be love interests with Black actors. Since Black women are disregarded by all including their own husbands & sons, this is holding their entire race back.

Kristen Stewart Pulls Out Of Movie When Will Smith’s Cast As Love Interest

"The movie was originally set to star Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. However, when both actors had to pull out of the project because of other commitments, they were replaced with Academy Award-winner Ben Affleck and Twilight star Kristen Stewart. At one point, Stewart was pretty geeked up about the movie, telling the HuffPo “It’s a comedy. I’m really excited about it.”Well, she was excited about it until Affleck had to dip out of the movie as well to star in a different picture last December.

When the role was finally given to Will Smith, who signed on early this year, it was reported by the Hollywood Reporter (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kristen-stewart-drops-heist-thriller-441598) in April that she had decided to part ways from the movie. Why? According to Variety (http://variety.com/2013/film/news/will-smith-sets-sights-on-focus-exclusive-1200004959/), she felt “the age difference between [her and Smith] would be too large a gap.” To clarify, Stewart is 23 while Smith is 44. When Affleck was attached to the movie, she was excited, even though the age difference between them was still substantial–he’s 40."

so this role started off with Ryan Gosling and ended up with Will Smith? lmao

07-30-2014, 02:01 PM
no way...autistic people are the worst at following directions...they're like super selfish

07-30-2014, 02:02 PM
I think it's vice versa. It seems like there are a disproportionate amount of gay people on TV and in movies based on reality. If I were an alien and watched American TV, I'd assume that a huge part of the population were flaming queens.

Well, that's the thing. This bitch likes to whine about disparity on Hollywood when the % of "white movies" related to the % of white people in America must be about equal if not less. In terms of relation between % of America's population to % of movies with a certain race having leading roles blacks have it the best probably. The ones I could see getting screwed here are Mestizos and Asians.

07-30-2014, 02:03 PM
A Lot of black dudes died in the Dark Knight tbh :lol and they were killed by a very very white guy :lol

In Marvel comics, most of them are sidekicks (Sam Wilson, Rhodes) - with a few exceptions (Black Panther, Ms Marvel)
Heimdall and Fury are supposed to be white; in the Thor movies, Heimdall is black, which makes sense in Hollywood because his job is to open doors
Fury is a lier and tells Cap he is now giving orders in CA:TWS :lol

Speaking of Sam Wilson, he sounded like a beta cuck phaggot in CA:TWS :lol "whatever Cap does, I do it "

07-30-2014, 02:08 PM
Well, that's the thing. This bitch likes to whine about disparity on Hollywood when the % of "white movies" related to the % of white people in America must be about equal if not less. In terms of relation between % of America's population to % of movies with a certain race having leading roles blacks have it the best probably. The ones I could see getting screwed here are Mestizos and Asians.

from her columns, she whines about everything.

If they would have cast Denzel as the lead in Lucy, she'd bitch because they didn't pick a woman. If they cast Halle Berry, she'd bitch because she wasn't black enough. She won't be happy until Aunt Jemimah can play a fucking astronaut.

07-30-2014, 02:09 PM
Well, that's the thing. This bitch likes to whine about disparity on Hollywood when the % of "white movies" related to the % of white people in America must be about equal if not less. In terms of relation between % of America's population to % of movies with a certain race having leading roles blacks have it the best probably. The ones I could see getting screwed here are Mestizos and Asians.
This is true. Current day Black males get the "2nd Male" position. Not the main actor in the Plot but usually the role of the leader: President, General, Captain (Classic Samuel Jackson role). Because American Media portrays American Blacks as uber Alpha Males in-capable of emotion. But yet they are plastered all over films & media. If it's a Non-White, then it is automatically cast as Black

07-30-2014, 02:13 PM
A Lot of black dudes died in the Dark Knight tbh :lol and they were killed by a very very white guy :lol

In Marvel comics, most of them are sidekicks (Sam Wilson, Rhodes) - with a few exceptions (Black Panther, Ms Marvel)
Heimdall and Fury are supposed to be white; in the Thor movies, Heimdall is black, which makes sense in Hollywood because his job is to open doors
Fury is a lier and tells Cap he is now giving orders in CA:TWS :lol

Speaking of Sam Wilson, he sounded like a beta cuck phaggot in CA:TWS :lol "whatever Cap does, I do it "

Luke Cage, son

The Gemini Method
07-30-2014, 02:14 PM
from her columns, she whines about everything.

If they would have cast Denzel as the lead in Lucy, she'd bitch because they didn't pick a woman. If they cast Halle Berry, she'd bitch because she wasn't black enough. She won't be happy until Aunt Jemimah can play a fucking astronaut.

I'd watch a movie with Aunt Jemima was an astronaut. She be serving up pancakes and Astronaut Ice Cream with the best of 'em.

The Gemini Method
07-30-2014, 02:14 PM
Luke Cage, son

Johnny Cage, bruh.

07-30-2014, 02:15 PM
I'd watch a movie with Aunt Jemima was an astronaut. She be serving up pancakes and Astronaut Ice Cream with the best of 'em.

you know who would have made a great Aunt Jemima astronaut serving up pancakes? Tracy Jordan RIP.

07-30-2014, 02:18 PM
from her columns, she whines about everything.

If they would have cast Denzel as the lead in Lucy, she'd bitch because they didn't pick a woman. If they cast Halle Berry, she'd bitch because she wasn't black enough. She won't be happy until Aunt Jemimah can play a fucking astronaut.

She's mad at life for not being born with a dick, imho.

The Gemini Method
07-30-2014, 02:23 PM
you know who would have made a great Aunt Jemima astronaut serving up pancakes? Tracy Jordan RIP.

Tracy Jordan? Aka Tracy Morgan's character on 30 Rock? Or, are you referring to someone else?

07-30-2014, 02:23 PM
Tracy Jordan? Aka Tracy Morgan's character on 30 Rock? Or, are you referring to someone else?

shit...lol. Tracy Morgan. that dude.

The Gemini Method
07-30-2014, 02:26 PM
shit...lol. Tracy Morgan. that dude.

Well, nigga is out of the hospital, so maybe we can pitch the idea to him. Months of rehab and recovery might put him the Aunt Jemima weight range naturally.

07-30-2014, 02:52 PM
Superman is about to have a black boss...what does this girl want?

07-30-2014, 03:04 PM
Heimdall is black, which makes sense in Hollywood because his job is to open doors
lefty gold.

07-30-2014, 03:28 PM
Aren't whites supposed to be like 75% of the people in America? it's only logical for most of its movies to have majority of white folks.

Blacks have to have equal representation to whites in these movies to show equality so it doesn't matter that 75% of the population is white. I think the black population in america is only 10-12 percent but I have to say that they have to be equal in numbers in whites in Hollywood to show progress. Some of you guys say what about asians,hispanics,indians having equal representation and I have to say those races don't mean anything nobody gives a shit about them but people do care about black people in entertainment.

07-30-2014, 03:35 PM
whats wrong with that?
all trolling aside, its a backwards method of thinking. race inherently means nothing outside of physical appearance. culture, upbringing, ethnicity/nationality, religion, socioeconomics are much more significant than race. i tend to go on about it mostly to counter your shtick/agenda, but anybody actually giving priority to race is stuck living in the 17 and 1800s

07-30-2014, 04:01 PM
Superman is about to have a black boss...what does this girl want?
Exactly what I said above. Blacks play the leadership role. Post Obama America

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 04:52 PM
The arabs never invaded egypt in the 7th century...:lmao

North Africa has and will always be for north african berbers..

The Egyptians are slighltly more dark skinned than other north africans, but they were never black..:lmao

In fact the idea they were black only came about when the the black were trying to fight racism in the states around 1800 and a rejuvanted in the 60's...Black people had to find a way to convince people they a dominant run.:lmao

If you acutally knew anything about history you would talk more about abassynnia, since that was a legitimate black nation...

you have got to be trollinghttp://i61.tinypic.com/2ppy9md.png

"In this regard it is interesting to note that limb proportions of Predynastic Naqada people in Upper Egypt are reported to be "Super-Negroid," meaning that the distal segments are
elongated in the fashion of tropical Africans.....skin color intensification and distal limb elongation are apparent wherever people have been long-term residents of the tropics." (-- C.L. Brace, 1993. Clines and clusters..")

"Analysis of crania is the traditional approach to assessing ancient population origins, relationships, and diversity. In studies based on anatomical traits and measurements of crania, similarities have been found between Nile Valley crania from 30,000, 20,000 and 12,000 years ago and various African remains from more recent times (see Thoma 1984; Brauer and Rimbach 1990; Angel and Kelley 1986; Keita 1993). Studies of crania from southern predynastic Egypt, from the formative period (4000-3100 B.C.), show them usually to be more similar to the crania of ancient Nubians, Kushytes, Saharans, or modern groups from the Horn of Africa than to those of dynastic northern Egyptians or ancient or modern southern Europeans." (S. O. Y and A.J. Boyce, "The Geographical Origins and Population Relationships of Early Ancient Egyptians", in Egypt in Africa, Theodore Celenko (ed), Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 20-33)

"The raw values in Table 6 suggest that Egyptians
had the "super-Negroid" body plan described by
Robins (1983).. This pattern is supported by Figure 7
(a plot of population mean femoral and tibial lengths;
data from Ruff, 1994), which indicates that the
Egyptians generally have tropical body plans. Of the
Egyptian samples, only the Badarian and Early
Dynastic period populations have shorter tibiae than
predicted from femoral length. Despite these
differences, all samples lie relatively clustered
together as compared to the other populations."
(Zakrzewski, S.R.(2003). "Variation in ancient
Egyptian stature and body proportions". American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 121 (3): 219-229

"Intralimb (crural and brachial) indices are
significantly higher in ancient Egyptians than in
American Whites (except crural index among
females), i.e., Egyptians have relatively longer distal
segments (Table 4). Intralimb indices are not
significantly different between Egyptians and
American Blacks... Many of those who have studied
ancient Egyptians have commented on their
characteristically ''tropical'' or ''African'' body plan
(Warren, 1897; Masali, 1972; Robins, 1983; Robins
and Shute, 1983, 1984, 1986; Zakrzewski, 2003).
Egyptians also fall within the range of modern
African populations (Ruff and Walker, 1993), but
close to the upper limit of modern Europeans as well,
at least for the crural index (brachial indices are
definitely more ''African'').. In terms of femoral and
tibial length to total skeletal height proportions, we
found that ancient Egyptians are significantly
different from US Blacks, although still closer to
Blacks than to Whites.

Comparisons of linear body proportions of Old
Kingdom and non-Old Kingdom period individuals,
and workers and high officials in our sample found
no statistically significant differences among them.
Zakrzewski (2003) also found little evidence for
differences in linear body proportions of Egyptians
over a wider temporal range. In general, recent
studies of skeletal variation among ancient Egyptians
support scenarios of biological continuity through
time. Irish (2006) analyzed quantitative and
qualitative dental traits of 996 Egyptians from
Neolithic through Roman periods, reporting the
presence of a few outliers but concluding that the
dental samples appear to be largely homogeneous
and that the affinities observed indicate overall
biological uniformity and continuity from Predynastic
through Dynastic and Postdynastic periods.

Zakrzewski (2007) provided a comprehensive
summary of previous Egyptian craniometric studies
and examined Egyptian crania from six time periods.
She found that the earlier samples were relatively
more homogeneous in comparison to the later
groups. However, overall results indicated genetic
continuity over the Egyptian Predynastic and Early
Dynastic periods, albeit with a high level of genetic
diversity within the population, suggesting an
indigenous process of state formation. She also
concluded that while the biological patterning of the
Egyptian population varied across time, no consistent
temporal or spatial trends are apparent. Thus, the
stature estimation formulae developed here may be
broadly applicable to all ancient Egyptian
("Stature estimation in ancient Egyptians: A new
technique based on anatomical reconstruction of
stature." Michelle H. Raxter, Christopher B. Ruff,
Ayman Azab, Moushira Erfan, Muhammad Soliman,
Aly El-Sawaf,(Am J Phys Anthropol. 2008,

http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/261/yx58.jpg (http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/261/yx58.jpg)

To sum up, Nubia is Egypt’s African ancestor. What linked Ancient Egypt to the rest of the North African cultures is this strong tie with the Nubian pastoral nomadic lifestyle, the same pastoral background commonly shared by most of the ancient Saharan and modern sub-Saharan societies. Thus, not only did Nubia have a prominent role in the origin of Ancient Egypt, it was also a key area for the origin of the entire African pastoral tradition.
http://www.academia.edu/545582/The_..._Africa_A_View_from_the_Archaeological_Reco rd (http://www.academia.edu/545582/The_Nubian_Pastoral_Culture_as_Link_between_Egypt_ and_Africa_A_View_from_the_Archaeological_Record)

Ancient Egypt and Ancient Egyptians were an indigenous product of Africa, and Nubia was the African ancestor of that civilization (not Berbers, not Arabs, most certainly not Europeans but the Nubians to the south). The National Geographic also dedicated a page to Egypt's origins on their webpage which was written by S.O.Y. Keita a couple of years earlier which correlates with Gatto:
The Neolithic cultures in northern Egypt show evidence over time of varying contacts, with Saharan influences the most dominant. In the case of food procurement, ancestral Egyptians living on Lake Fayum added to their tradition of foraging by raising Near Eastern domesticated plants (wheat and barley) and animals (sheep and goats). Domesticated cattle came from the Sahara but may also have come from the Near East. Considering that wheat and barley agriculture was practiced in Asia (the Near East) 2,000 years before it was in Egypt, it is important to note that the early Egyptian way of life did not change abruptly at this time (around 5000 B.C.), which is what one would expect if Egypt had simply been peopled by farmers migrating from the Near East. These early Egyptians incorporated the new food stuffs and techniques—and likely some people—into their culture and society on their own terms.The major features of cultural and political development that led to dynastic Egypt originated in southern Egypt during what is called the predynastic period. Some evidence suggests that predynastic Egyptian and early Nubian cultures had ties to the early Saharan cultures and shared a Saharo-Nilotic heritage. Perhaps the earliest predynastic culture, the Badarian-Tasian* (4400 B.C. or earlier, to 4000 B.C.), had the clearest ties to Saharan cultures in the desert west of Nubia.

This is interesting because since the interest in Nile Valley civilizations and particularly Egypt, for false racial reasons Nubia was seen as the less accomplished "black" neighboring civilization to the south and as such was shunned for centuries by Western historians. In reality both civilizations were of the same Saharan-Nilotic African origins, which would logically mean that both were black. A recent NYtimes article makes mention of these racist inaccuracies:

More recently, our own Western prejudices — namely the idea that geographic Egypt was not a part of “black” Africa — have contributed to the dearth of knowledge about Nubia. The early-20th-century archaeologist George Reisner, for instance, identified large burial mounds at the site of Kerma as the remains of high Egyptian officials instead of those of Nubian kings. (Several of Reisner’s finds are in the show, reattributed to the Nubians.

In one of his catalog essays the archaeologist Geoff Emberling, who conceived the show along with Jennifer Chi of the institute, examines some of these historical errors.

“We now recognize that populations of Nubia and Egypt form a continuum rather than clearly distinct groups,” Mr. Emberling writes, “and that it is impossible to draw a line between Egypt and Nubia that would indicate where ‘black’ begins.”

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/a...ms-of-africa-review.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all& (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/arts/design/nubia-ancient-kingdoms-of-africa-review.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all&)

So with all of the above being pointed out, I would like to ask the following questions:

1) Shouldn't Nubia's detrimental role in the development of World civilization become more recognized by the media (Nat Geo, Discovery ect)?

2) If Egypt and Nubia were clearly of the same biological and cultural origins then why do some people assert that one was "definitely" black and the other was some unknown very dark skinned "Caucasoid" race? Logically wouldn't both biologically indistinguishable neighboring tropical African populations both be black?

3) How much mainstream contemporary evidence does a theory have to have before it is no longer considered "fringe" (or in this case "Afrocentric") and accepted and presented to masses (via the media) as mainstream?

Nubians cluster closest to Egyptians than Arab cluster to Egyptians. So Nubians are more related to Egyptians than Arabs are:

Ancient Egyptians & Nubians were the closest related peoples to each other. Nile valley civilizations, a river that flows northwards.

Today modern North Sudanese are closest related to Egyptians which is said to correlate with historic close relations between the two who share the longest border.
''Individuals from northern Sudan clustered together with those from Egypt, and individuals from southern Sudan clustered with those from the Karamoja population (Uganda). The similarity of the Nubian and Egyptian populations suggest that migration, potentially bidirectional, occurred along the Nile river Valley, which is consistent with the historical evidence for long-term interactions between Egypt and Nubia.''
Source (Result; 5th sentence):

''The patterns of population structure we found in northeast Africa, in particular the similarity of Nubian (a northern Sudanese group that speak Nilo-Saharan languages) and the Egyptian population. Is consistent with the historical evidence for long-term interactions between Egypt and Nubia, probably resulting in genetic flow between the two regions.''

Stronger evidence points to the relation between Ancient Egypt & Nubia to of occurred before the establishment of those civilizations in the ''late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene'' periods.As opposed to Egyptians & Nubian civilizations conquering each other later.
''However, a synthesis of evidence from archaeology, historical linguistics, texts, distribution of haplotypes outside Egypt, and some demographic considerations lends greater support to the establishment, before the Middle Kingdom, of the observed distributions of the most prevalent haplotypes V, XI, and IV. It is suggested that the pattern of diversity for these variants in the Egyptian NILE VALLEY was largely the product of population events that occurred in the late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene through the First Dynasty, and was sustained by continuous smaller-scale bidirectional migrations/interactions. The higher frequency of V in Ethiopia than in Nubia or upper (southern) Egypt has to be taken into account in any discussion of variation in the NILE VALLEY.''

Cradle of medicine was in Ancient Egypt and Nubia...
''The Cradle of the history of medicine in the Old World is to be found in Ancient Egypt and Nubia.''

First written clinical records came from Ancient Egypt & Nubia
''The earliest written clinical record was produced in Ancient Egypt and Nubia as two medical documents or papyri which were discovered in 1862''
Source (2nd paragraph):

''Egypt and Nubia have low and similar amounts of divergence for both mtDNA types, which is consistent with historical evidence for long-term interactions between Egypt and Nubia.''


07-30-2014, 04:59 PM
:lol taking pride in somebody that shares your skin tone is no more absurd than taking pride in somebody that has the same shape of nose, or some other arbitrary trait

07-30-2014, 05:00 PM
you have got to be trollinghttp://i61.tinypic.com/2ppy9md.png

"In this regard it is interesting to note that limb proportions of Predynastic Naqada people in Upper Egypt are reported to be "Super-Negroid," meaning that the distal segments are
elongated in the fashion of tropical Africans.....skin color intensification and distal limb elongation are apparent wherever people have been long-term residents of the tropics." (-- C.L. Brace, 1993. Clines and clusters..")

"Analysis of crania is the traditional approach to assessing ancient population origins, relationships, and diversity. In studies based on anatomical traits and measurements of crania, similarities have been found between Nile Valley crania from 30,000, 20,000 and 12,000 years ago and various African remains from more recent times (see Thoma 1984; Brauer and Rimbach 1990; Angel and Kelley 1986; Keita 1993). Studies of crania from southern predynastic Egypt, from the formative period (4000-3100 B.C.), show them usually to be more similar to the crania of ancient Nubians, Kushytes, Saharans, or modern groups from the Horn of Africa than to those of dynastic northern Egyptians or ancient or modern southern Europeans." (S. O. Y and A.J. Boyce, "The Geographical Origins and Population Relationships of Early Ancient Egyptians", in Egypt in Africa, Theodore Celenko (ed), Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 20-33)

"The raw values in Table 6 suggest that Egyptians
had the "super-Negroid" body plan described by
Robins (1983).. This pattern is supported by Figure 7
(a plot of population mean femoral and tibial lengths;
data from Ruff, 1994), which indicates that the
Egyptians generally have tropical body plans. Of the
Egyptian samples, only the Badarian and Early
Dynastic period populations have shorter tibiae than
predicted from femoral length. Despite these
differences, all samples lie relatively clustered
together as compared to the other populations."
(Zakrzewski, S.R.(2003). "Variation in ancient
Egyptian stature and body proportions". American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 121 (3): 219-229

"Intralimb (crural and brachial) indices are
significantly higher in ancient Egyptians than in
American Whites (except crural index among
females), i.e., Egyptians have relatively longer distal
segments (Table 4). Intralimb indices are not
significantly different between Egyptians and
American Blacks... Many of those who have studied
ancient Egyptians have commented on their
characteristically ''tropical'' or ''African'' body plan
(Warren, 1897; Masali, 1972; Robins, 1983; Robins
and Shute, 1983, 1984, 1986; Zakrzewski, 2003).
Egyptians also fall within the range of modern
African populations (Ruff and Walker, 1993), but
close to the upper limit of modern Europeans as well,
at least for the crural index (brachial indices are
definitely more ''African'').. In terms of femoral and
tibial length to total skeletal height proportions, we
found that ancient Egyptians are significantly
different from US Blacks, although still closer to
Blacks than to Whites.

Comparisons of linear body proportions of Old
Kingdom and non-Old Kingdom period individuals,
and workers and high officials in our sample found
no statistically significant differences among them.
Zakrzewski (2003) also found little evidence for
differences in linear body proportions of Egyptians
over a wider temporal range. In general, recent
studies of skeletal variation among ancient Egyptians
support scenarios of biological continuity through
time. Irish (2006) analyzed quantitative and
qualitative dental traits of 996 Egyptians from
Neolithic through Roman periods, reporting the
presence of a few outliers but concluding that the
dental samples appear to be largely homogeneous
and that the affinities observed indicate overall
biological uniformity and continuity from Predynastic
through Dynastic and Postdynastic periods.

Zakrzewski (2007) provided a comprehensive
summary of previous Egyptian craniometric studies
and examined Egyptian crania from six time periods.
She found that the earlier samples were relatively
more homogeneous in comparison to the later
groups. However, overall results indicated genetic
continuity over the Egyptian Predynastic and Early
Dynastic periods, albeit with a high level of genetic
diversity within the population, suggesting an
indigenous process of state formation. She also
concluded that while the biological patterning of the
Egyptian population varied across time, no consistent
temporal or spatial trends are apparent. Thus, the
stature estimation formulae developed here may be
broadly applicable to all ancient Egyptian
("Stature estimation in ancient Egyptians: A new
technique based on anatomical reconstruction of
stature." Michelle H. Raxter, Christopher B. Ruff,
Ayman Azab, Moushira Erfan, Muhammad Soliman,
Aly El-Sawaf,(Am J Phys Anthropol. 2008,

http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/261/yx58.jpg (http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/261/yx58.jpg)

To sum up, Nubia is Egypt’s African ancestor. What linked Ancient Egypt to the rest of the North African cultures is this strong tie with the Nubian pastoral nomadic lifestyle, the same pastoral background commonly shared by most of the ancient Saharan and modern sub-Saharan societies. Thus, not only did Nubia have a prominent role in the origin of Ancient Egypt, it was also a key area for the origin of the entire African pastoral tradition.
http://www.academia.edu/545582/The_..._Africa_A_View_from_the_Archaeological_Reco rd (http://www.academia.edu/545582/The_Nubian_Pastoral_Culture_as_Link_between_Egypt_ and_Africa_A_View_from_the_Archaeological_Record)

Ancient Egypt and Ancient Egyptians were an indigenous product of Africa, and Nubia was the African ancestor of that civilization (not Berbers, not Arabs, most certainly not Europeans but the Nubians to the south). The National Geographic also dedicated a page to Egypt's origins on their webpage which was written by S.O.Y. Keita a couple of years earlier which correlates with Gatto:
The Neolithic cultures in northern Egypt show evidence over time of varying contacts, with Saharan influences the most dominant. In the case of food procurement, ancestral Egyptians living on Lake Fayum added to their tradition of foraging by raising Near Eastern domesticated plants (wheat and barley) and animals (sheep and goats). Domesticated cattle came from the Sahara but may also have come from the Near East. Considering that wheat and barley agriculture was practiced in Asia (the Near East) 2,000 years before it was in Egypt, it is important to note that the early Egyptian way of life did not change abruptly at this time (around 5000 B.C.), which is what one would expect if Egypt had simply been peopled by farmers migrating from the Near East. These early Egyptians incorporated the new food stuffs and techniques—and likely some people—into their culture and society on their own terms.The major features of cultural and political development that led to dynastic Egypt originated in southern Egypt during what is called the predynastic period. Some evidence suggests that predynastic Egyptian and early Nubian cultures had ties to the early Saharan cultures and shared a Saharo-Nilotic heritage. Perhaps the earliest predynastic culture, the Badarian-Tasian* (4400 B.C. or earlier, to 4000 B.C.), had the clearest ties to Saharan cultures in the desert west of Nubia.

This is interesting because since the interest in Nile Valley civilizations and particularly Egypt, for false racial reasons Nubia was seen as the less accomplished "black" neighboring civilization to the south and as such was shunned for centuries by Western historians. In reality both civilizations were of the same Saharan-Nilotic African origins, which would logically mean that both were black. A recent NYtimes article makes mention of these racist inaccuracies:

More recently, our own Western prejudices — namely the idea that geographic Egypt was not a part of “black” Africa — have contributed to the dearth of knowledge about Nubia. The early-20th-century archaeologist George Reisner, for instance, identified large burial mounds at the site of Kerma as the remains of high Egyptian officials instead of those of Nubian kings. (Several of Reisner’s finds are in the show, reattributed to the Nubians.

In one of his catalog essays the archaeologist Geoff Emberling, who conceived the show along with Jennifer Chi of the institute, examines some of these historical errors.

“We now recognize that populations of Nubia and Egypt form a continuum rather than clearly distinct groups,” Mr. Emberling writes, “and that it is impossible to draw a line between Egypt and Nubia that would indicate where ‘black’ begins.”

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/a...ms-of-africa-review.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all& (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/arts/design/nubia-ancient-kingdoms-of-africa-review.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all&)

So with all of the above being pointed out, I would like to ask the following questions:

1) Shouldn't Nubia's detrimental role in the development of World civilization become more recognized by the media (Nat Geo, Discovery ect)?

2) If Egypt and Nubia were clearly of the same biological and cultural origins then why do some people assert that one was "definitely" black and the other was some unknown very dark skinned "Caucasoid" race? Logically wouldn't both biologically indistinguishable neighboring tropical African populations both be black?

3) How much mainstream contemporary evidence does a theory have to have before it is no longer considered "fringe" (or in this case "Afrocentric") and accepted and presented to masses (via the media) as mainstream?

Nubians cluster closest to Egyptians than Arab cluster to Egyptians. So Nubians are more related to Egyptians than Arabs are:

Ancient Egyptians & Nubians were the closest related peoples to each other. Nile valley civilizations, a river that flows northwards.

Today modern North Sudanese are closest related to Egyptians which is said to correlate with historic close relations between the two who share the longest border.
''Individuals from northern Sudan clustered together with those from Egypt, and individuals from southern Sudan clustered with those from the Karamoja population (Uganda). The similarity of the Nubian and Egyptian populations suggest that migration, potentially bidirectional, occurred along the Nile river Valley, which is consistent with the historical evidence for long-term interactions between Egypt and Nubia.''
Source (Result; 5th sentence):

''The patterns of population structure we found in northeast Africa, in particular the similarity of Nubian (a northern Sudanese group that speak Nilo-Saharan languages) and the Egyptian population. Is consistent with the historical evidence for long-term interactions between Egypt and Nubia, probably resulting in genetic flow between the two regions.''

Stronger evidence points to the relation between Ancient Egypt & Nubia to of occurred before the establishment of those civilizations in the ''late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene'' periods.As opposed to Egyptians & Nubian civilizations conquering each other later.
''However, a synthesis of evidence from archaeology, historical linguistics, texts, distribution of haplotypes outside Egypt, and some demographic considerations lends greater support to the establishment, before the Middle Kingdom, of the observed distributions of the most prevalent haplotypes V, XI, and IV. It is suggested that the pattern of diversity for these variants in the Egyptian NILE VALLEY was largely the product of population events that occurred in the late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene through the First Dynasty, and was sustained by continuous smaller-scale bidirectional migrations/interactions. The higher frequency of V in Ethiopia than in Nubia or upper (southern) Egypt has to be taken into account in any discussion of variation in the NILE VALLEY.''

Cradle of medicine was in Ancient Egypt and Nubia...
''The Cradle of the history of medicine in the Old World is to be found in Ancient Egypt and Nubia.''

First written clinical records came from Ancient Egypt & Nubia
''The earliest written clinical record was produced in Ancient Egypt and Nubia as two medical documents or papyri which were discovered in 1862''
Source (2nd paragraph):

''Egypt and Nubia have low and similar amounts of divergence for both mtDNA types, which is consistent with historical evidence for long-term interactions between Egypt and Nubia.''


I dunno

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:02 PM
all trolling aside, its a backwards method of thinking. race inherently means nothing outside of physical appearance. culture, upbringing, ethnicity/nationality, religion, socioeconomics are much more significant than race. i tend to go on about it mostly to counter your shtick/agenda, but anybody actually giving priority to race is stuck living in the 17 and 1800s

i don't know why you would want to counter me pointing out blantant and hidden racism whenever i point it out. if it doesn't apply, let it fly.

anyways, this country is inherently racist fam. it is what it is.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:03 PM
:lol taking pride in somebody that shares your skin tone is no more absurd than taking pride in somebody that has the same shape of nose, or some other arbitrary trait


skimmed through it

07-30-2014, 05:10 PM
i don't know why you would want to counter me pointing out blantant and hidden racism whenever i point it out. if it doesn't apply, let it fly.

anyways, this country is inherently racist fam. it is what it is.
because i'm having fun on an internet forum. and please dont give me crocodile tears you are one of the strongest race-baiters on spurstalk.

as for the country being inherently racist, i dont care. i dont change the way i think because thats how the country is, and neither should you. then again you place priority on race in most conversation topics so your thought process is precisely what i think is ridiculous


skimmed through it
its irrelevant. all this to prove the skin tone of people that lived 2000 years ago. who gives a damn

07-30-2014, 05:11 PM
all trolling aside, its a backwards method of thinking. race inherently means nothing outside of physical appearance. culture, upbringing, ethnicity/nationality, religion, socioeconomics are much more significant than race. i tend to go on about it mostly to counter your shtick/agenda, but anybody actually giving priority to race is stuck living in the 17 and 1800s
This usually applies in multicultural areas but even there people gravitate towards people that look like them. Maybe in the future when for example Rap is no longer dominated by Blacks then we can move past race. But in the mean time races still gravitate towards stereotypes.

07-30-2014, 05:17 PM
This usually applies in multicultural areas but even there people gravitate towards people that look like them. Maybe in the future when for example Rap is no longer dominated by Blacks then we can move past race. But in the mean time races still gravitate towards stereotypes.
i agree with this to a degree. even in LA which is considered to be a liberal area you still see vast majority of couples/families being racially homogenous, so the culture/ethnicity often times is exclusive or prominent in racial groups. but regardless, race itself is inherently meaningless. you can take a black infant and have it raised by a white family in a "white" environment and the kid will grow up and will be just like all the white kids. and vice versa

i just find it funny that people in the 21st century still take pride over their skin tone :lol

07-30-2014, 05:26 PM
for instance there's this black dude on campus who used to always play madden or 2k and i'd always offer to give him a match. was a good dude, funny guy. he adds me on facebook and i get a look of the shit he posts/reposts and its just ridiculous shit like this :lol


07-30-2014, 05:27 PM
people that make everything about race are just sad/petty. its truly a backwards and outdated method of thinking

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:30 PM
omg, what is wrong with what he is saying???

nothing outdated when your race has been enslaved and discriminated against since the moment we came off them boats. just be glad you don't have to deal with it fam.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:31 PM
whats that brothas instagram??? i'm gonna add him and chop up some game with him.

07-30-2014, 05:32 PM
making everything about black, white, and race in general is what got black people enslaved in the first place

07-30-2014, 05:33 PM
whats that brothas instagram??? i'm gonna add him and chop up some game with him.
i dno i dont do instragram. but read the comment in the picture by "Ephraim the navigator"... you ok with what he's saying?

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:37 PM
i have no problem with what he's saying. marilyn was a HOE and all he's trying to reach out to the lost sistas who don't know their history. the type to follow blonde thot instead of someone like dorothy dandridge.

african americans get the white washed version of history, so a lot of my brothas and sistas look to people who don't look like them as the epitome of who they should be, false. i come from a bloodline of african kings so i carry myself as such.

07-30-2014, 05:41 PM
i have no problem with what he's saying. marilyn was a HOE and all he's trying to reach out to the lost sistas who don't know their history. the type to follow blonde thot instead of someone like dorothy dandridge.

african americans get the white washed version of history, so a lot of my brothas and sistas look to people who don't look like them as the epitome of who they should be, false. i come from a bloodline of african kings so i carry myself as such.
you have no problems with a guy saying he got sick to his stomach because a girl used to be with a white guy? JUST because he was white? so much so that he "couldn't continue to see her" as if she was contaminated by whiteness. do you not see how this sort of mentality is outdated and backwards?

07-30-2014, 05:41 PM
Black people were responsible for everything cool in America, from fashion to music. Especially rock and roll.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:42 PM
i do disagree on him turning down the pussy cuz the sista dated a white guy. as long as she isn't a negro bedwench then we can build.

07-30-2014, 05:42 PM
Black people were responsible for everything cool in America, from fashion to music. Especially rock and roll.
Italian Fashion

You are talking about people wearing basketball shoes, baggy clothes & backwards hats

07-30-2014, 05:44 PM
i do disagree on him turning down the pussy cuz the sista dated a white guy. as long as she isn't a negro bedwench then we can build.
any idea of liking/disliking/favoring somebody or something simply on the grounds of skin tone is just retarded. thats my point in all this. taking "pride" in king tut being slightly darker skinned than previously thought is just shallow and petty

imagine how irate you'd be in that scenario if the races were flipped. white dude claiming he was sick to his stomach knowing a white chick used to date a black guy, simply because he was black. you'd put some deadspin pics and call him a racist/kkk/frost king or some shit

07-30-2014, 05:46 PM
i come from a bloodline of african kings so i carry myself as such.Care to share the link from ancestry.com or wherever you learned this. I find family history fascinating. I come from a long line of village pillaging Vikings and was blessed with good looks and a big dick so I don't have to rape as much as they did.

07-30-2014, 05:48 PM
i come from a bloodline of african kings so i carry myself as such.
:lmao i missed this gem. ur a tool

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:49 PM
any idea of liking/disliking/favoring somebody or something simply on the grounds of skin tone is just retarded. thats my point in all this. taking "pride" in king tut being slightly darker skinned than previously thought is just shallow and petty

imagine how irate you'd be in that scenario if the races were flipped. white dude claiming he was sick to his stomach knowing a white chick used to date a black guy, simply because he was black. you'd put some deadspin pics and call him a racist/kkk/frost king or some shit

i take pride in king tut being black because we don't learn shit about our history other than we were slaves, martin luther king and malcom x. fucc all that servant shit, we descended from kings. nothing wrong with acknowledging and taking pride in that.

07-30-2014, 05:50 PM
i take pride in king tut being black because we don't learn shit about our history other than we were slaves, martin luther king and malcom x. fucc all that servant shit, we descended from kings. nothing wrong with acknowledging and taking pride in that.
again, ethnicity =/= race

race is literally just appearance

out of curiosity, you talk about your "bloodline of kings"... which african nation does your heritage originate from?

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 05:59 PM
again, ethnicity =/= race

race is literally just appearance

out of curiosity, you talk about your "bloodline of kings"... which african nation does your heritage originate from?

okay and back to the topic of the thread, those epyptian kings looked like me and Ephraim...not you or segourney weaver. word.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 06:01 PM
i traced my ancestry to ghana. i'm a descended of the west african king mansa musa.

07-30-2014, 06:03 PM
okay and back to the topic of the thread, those epyptian kings looked like me and Ephraim...not you or segourney weaver. word.
i look nothing like segourney weaver, tbh

oh and congrats that some retard cat worshipper who you can't link your ancestry to sorta looked like you, like if u just compare forearms. i'm sure that means a lot to you

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 06:05 PM
i'll be back later fam. my girl just finished cooking my dinner.

07-30-2014, 06:06 PM
:lol tell ur mom i say hi

07-30-2014, 06:47 PM
Care to share the link from ancestry.com or wherever you learned this. I find family history fascinating. I come from a long line of village pillaging Vikings and was blessed with good looks and a big dick so I don't have to rape as much as they did.


07-30-2014, 06:49 PM
i traced my ancestry to ghana. i'm a descended of the west african king mansa musa.
Sounds like a prosperous place he once ruled over. I'm curious to see how you traced it. I could only go back so far as my last name changed because of it changing by lands acquired.

07-30-2014, 06:55 PM
It'd only bother me if they changed the source material to "whitewash" it. Like it was annoying that all the characters in the Avatar (The Last Airbender) movie were white except for Zuko, who was actually supposed to be white. It was more annoying that the movie sucked, however. I can say that I don't really see anything wrong with the racial distribution for actors. That's both because there are a number of prominent black actors (Smith, Jackson, Cheadle, Snipes back in the day) and because I frankly don't really care about skin color all that much. I notice sometimes like in The Hunger Games, but it never gets past being an idle observation.

I agree with Spurraider about the silliness of rooting for/against people because of the color of their skin. It's just stupid to act like what they do affects your life in any way. You're only born in your body. Your skin tone in just a feature of your appearance. It's not a sports team you can cheer on. And it's certainly not a company that gives dividends to its shareholders.

07-30-2014, 07:00 PM
^that's why Chinook (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=37557) made the top posters list tbh :lol

but yeah good stuff dude :tu

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:09 PM
yea i can tell y'all didn't read or understand this PAWG's messagehttp://i61.tinypic.com/2hdm93o.png

when hollywood makes time period movies, instead of getting actors who resemble the person/people the film is about...more than not, they choose an anglo. so instead of getting denzel, will smith, morgan freeman to play these egyptian kings, they get some british bloke and tells him to get a tan. disrespectful.

but yea, i better not see any of of y'all with that black qb nonsense this year in the nfl forum since skin color is just a feature.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:11 PM
:lol tell ur mom i say hi

lol fucc you

07-30-2014, 07:13 PM
yea i can tell y'all didn't read or understand this PAWG's messagehttp://i61.tinypic.com/2hdm93o.png

when hollywood makes time period movies, instead of getting actors who resemble the person/people the film is about...more than not, they choose an anglo. so instead of getting denzel, will smith, morgan freeman to play these egyptian kings, they get some british bloke and tells him to get a tan. disrespectful.

but yea, i better not see any of of y'all with that black qb nonsense this year in the nfl forum since skin color is just a feature.
ur still making too big a deal about race, and feeling personally disrespected by hollywood casting :lol

and i was the NFL forum's #1 Russell Wilson fan all of last year tbh so get that shit outta here. when i see a qb play like shit i'm gna call it out... if i see a qb monkeyballing (something i expect manziel to do if he gets on the field) i'm going to call it out. but then dont go ranting about "neanderthal ball" and then bitch about other people's racial overtones

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:18 PM
hollywood has always whitewashed black, native american, asian and hispanic history in their films. white actors portraying ethnic characters or the white savior role helping the poor negro.

07-30-2014, 07:20 PM
yea i can tell y'all didn't read or understand this PAWG's messagehttp://i61.tinypic.com/2hdm93o.png

when hollywood makes time period movies, instead of getting actors who resemble the person/people the film is about...more than not, they choose an anglo. so instead of getting denzel, will smith, morgan freeman to play these egyptian kings, they get some british bloke and tells him to get a tan. disrespectful.

but yea, i better not see any of of y'all with that black qb nonsense this year in the nfl forum since skin color is just a feature.

Egyptians weren't really black, dude. There were a lot of black folk there, and there was even a period where a black kingdom from the South (Kush) conquered Egypt and took the pharaoh's throne. But it's not like some American black folks are any more qualified to play Middle Easterners and white Americans. If anything, you should be upset that there aren't any prominent Arab actors who could get cast.

My whole point, though, was that I don't really care which skin color is in what role. I see plenty of black actors carrying big-budget movies. Samuel Jackson is the highest-grosssing actor ever, and Will Smith had a string of like a dozen movies that made at least $100 Million. Jamie Foxx is about the closest thing we have to a current action star (in general, not just for black people). What more do you want?

That Moses movie looks like a piece of crap, anyway.

07-30-2014, 07:22 PM
hollywood has always whitewashed black, native american, asian and hispanic history in their films. white actors portraying ethnic characters or the white savior role helping the poor negro.

Duh, the movie industry used to be racist. The whole damned country was. White folk used to get the best water fountains, too. That doesn't mean I hawk the bubblers at the gym to make sure the black folks drink as much as the white folks do.

07-30-2014, 07:23 PM
Egyptians weren't really black, dude.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:23 PM
ur still making too big a deal about race, and feeling personally disrespected by hollywood casting :lol

and i was the NFL forum's #1 Russell Wilson fan all of last year tbh so get that shit outta here. when i see a qb play like shit i'm gna call it out... if i see a qb monkeyballing (something i expect manziel to do if he gets on the field) i'm going to call it out. but then dont go ranting about "neanderthal ball" and then bitch about other people's racial overtones

uhhh yea i take it personal. you as a white male don't see the propaganda. i get it. its just like the old white doll vs black doll experiment that was done in the 70's, research that.


actually, me creepn and avante were the main russy fans. he's a monkey and black qb to the rest of the forum lol.

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:25 PM
Egyptians weren't really black, dude.


Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:26 PM
i'll post more journals and information debunking y'all "egyptians weren't black" rhetoric lol.

07-30-2014, 07:26 PM

He addressed that, Kush conquered Egypt just like Kubla Kahn conquered China.

07-30-2014, 07:26 PM

Lol, can't even finish reading my post before posting something ignorant.

07-30-2014, 07:28 PM
...i was getting hate from DoK, DD, Raven, and others for my Russell Wilson fanhood, please spare me the crap. and i really hope Creepn was a troll account because he was literally the most racist poster i've seen on ST, and that's saying something.

btw Armenians aren't anglo white at all. middle-east caucasian isn't anywhere near the same as typical white america, so spare me the life story about not knowing oppression. heck, the armenians went through a genocide less than a century ago as part of the ottoman's "ethnic cleansing." oppression is one of the reasons i was born in this country in the first place

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:37 PM
Lol, can't even finish reading my post before posting something ignorant.

i can't believe y'all are really arguing that egypt is the only place in africa there were NO blacks after i posted scientific data proviing otherwise. ya'll are trolling lol. here are some more facts.

http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y421/amunratheultimate2/Misc/CulturalconvergenceintheNeolithicoftheNileValley20 14_zps3326c9d8.jpg%7Eoriginal (http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y421/amunratheultimate2/Misc/CulturalconvergenceintheNeolithicoftheNileValley20 14_zps3326c9d8.jpg%7Eoriginal)

(co-authored) 'Cultural convergence in the Neolithic of the Nile Valley: a prehistoric perspective on Egypt’s place in Africa'. Antiquity (2014) | David Wengrow - Academia.edu (http://www.academia.edu/6346508/_co-authored_Cultural_convergence_in_the_Neolithic_of_ the_Nile_Valley_a_prehistoric_perspective_on_Egypt s_place_in_Africa._Antiquity_2014_)

Main aspects (citation in bold):

- The African origins of Egyptian civilisation lie in an important cultural horizon, the ‘primary pastoral community’, which emerged in both the Egyptian and Sudanese parts of the Nile Valley in the fifth millennium BC.

- The aim of the present article is to define an important horizon of cultural change, belonging to the fifth millennium BC, linking Egypt’s early development firmly to that of its southern neighbours in Nubia and central Sudan.

- This cultural horizon is situated between the green Sahara (early-mid holocene) period (Wavy Line pottery culture) and Badarian/Naqada period. All in the 5th Millennium BC. The Sahara was in the process of desertification. Most population were still mobile but maintained a certain cultural uniformity across the Nile and surrounding desert areas (Nabta Playa, Gebel Ramlah, Kharthoum, etc).

- ...the characteristic features of the ‘primary pastoral community’ may appear slightly earlier in the Sudanese than in the Egyptian part of the valley, suggesting a possible spread from south to north during the course of the fifth millennium.

- Neolithic of the Nile Valley constitutes a cultural phenomenon of impressive coherence, scale and duration.

- It is during this period [edit:5th Millennium BC] that burial grounds of varying size—but rarely exceeding a hundred individuals within a single cemetery—become a widely visible feature in the archaeological record of this region.

- ...the sites have a broadly similar character along both its Egyptian and Sudanese courses

- These developments are echoed in the changing location of herding and fishing camps along the margins of the floodplain. Seasonally occupied sites of this kind constitute our main evidence for the nature of human habitation along the Nile Valley during the fifth millennium BC. Comprising loose configurations of post-holes, dung deposits, hearths and thin ash-middens, the sites have a broadly similar character along both its Egyptian and Sudanese courses (e.g. Welsby 2000; Hendrickx et al. 2001; Honegger 2001; Sadig 2010) and are best understood as the remains of seasonal encampments, reflecting high levels of residential mobility among herder-fisher-forager populations (cf. Butzer 1976: 14; Trigger 1983: 28; Caneva 1991; Midant-Reynes 2000: 160)

- Indicators of sustained investment in cereal farming and sedentary life—such as durable architecture, heavy plant processing equipment, and high proportions of cereal grains in botanical samples—make their first appearance in the Egyptian Nile Valley only later, in the early fourth millennium BC (Midant-Reynes & Buchez 2002: 485–99; Wengrow 2006: 33, 76–82, with further

- The overall patterning of the archaeological record in Middle-Upper Egypt suggests, instead, that low-level cereal farming on the floodplain was practiced within the context of a seasonal herding, fishing and foraging economy.

- Recent discoveries at the Neolithic cemetery of el-Barga, in the Kerma region of northern Sudan, raise the further possibility that this ritual-territorial system, and its sophisticated modes of body decoration, extend back in time beyond the fifth millennium BC

- Shared features of Neolithic burial across the Nile Valley (aka aspect of cultural uniformity):

> Treatment and ornamentation of the corpse (see text and below)
> Deposition of functionally similar artefacts within graves (see text and below) Dap (http://www.thecoli.com/posts/8068118/like) + Quote (http://www.thecoli.com/threads/things-are-getting-better-new-study-2014-the-african-origins-of-egyptian-civilisation.206493/reply?quote=8068118) Reply (http://www.thecoli.com/threads/things-are-getting-better-new-study-2014-the-african-origins-of-egyptian-civilisation.206493/reply?quote=8068118)

Trill Clinton
07-30-2014, 07:42 PM
egyptians don't even call themselves egyptians. they called their land "khem" or "kemit" and they refer to themselves as khemitians and khem translates as black.

07-30-2014, 07:43 PM
Lol, did you really just quote me saying you didn't read my post, then proceed to respond without reading my post?

07-30-2014, 07:43 PM
i can't believe y'all are really arguing that egypt is the only place in africa there were NO blacks after i posted scientific data proviing otherwise. ya'll are trolling lol. here are some more facts.

http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y421/amunratheultimate2/Misc/CulturalconvergenceintheNeolithicoftheNileValley20 14_zps3326c9d8.jpg%7Eoriginal (http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y421/amunratheultimate2/Misc/CulturalconvergenceintheNeolithicoftheNileValley20 14_zps3326c9d8.jpg%7Eoriginal)

(co-authored) 'Cultural convergence in the Neolithic of the Nile Valley: a prehistoric perspective on Egypt’s place in Africa'. Antiquity (2014) | David Wengrow - Academia.edu (http://www.academia.edu/6346508/_co-authored_Cultural_convergence_in_the_Neolithic_of_ the_Nile_Valley_a_prehistoric_perspective_on_Egypt s_place_in_Africa._Antiquity_2014_)

Main aspects (citation in bold):

- The African origins of Egyptian civilisation lie in an important cultural horizon, the ‘primary pastoral community’, which emerged in both the Egyptian and Sudanese parts of the Nile Valley in the fifth millennium BC.

- The aim of the present article is to define an important horizon of cultural change, belonging to the fifth millennium BC, linking Egypt’s early development firmly to that of its southern neighbours in Nubia and central Sudan.

- This cultural horizon is situated between the green Sahara (early-mid holocene) period (Wavy Line pottery culture) and Badarian/Naqada period. All in the 5th Millennium BC. The Sahara was in the process of desertification. Most population were still mobile but maintained a certain cultural uniformity across the Nile and surrounding desert areas (Nabta Playa, Gebel Ramlah, Kharthoum, etc).

- ...the characteristic features of the ‘primary pastoral community’ may appear slightly earlier in the Sudanese than in the Egyptian part of the valley, suggesting a possible spread from south to north during the course of the fifth millennium.

- Neolithic of the Nile Valley constitutes a cultural phenomenon of impressive coherence, scale and duration.

- It is during this period [edit:5th Millennium BC] that burial grounds of varying size—but rarely exceeding a hundred individuals within a single cemetery—become a widely visible feature in the archaeological record of this region.

- ...the sites have a broadly similar character along both its Egyptian and Sudanese courses

- These developments are echoed in the changing location of herding and fishing camps along the margins of the floodplain. Seasonally occupied sites of this kind constitute our main evidence for the nature of human habitation along the Nile Valley during the fifth millennium BC. Comprising loose configurations of post-holes, dung deposits, hearths and thin ash-middens, the sites have a broadly similar character along both its Egyptian and Sudanese courses (e.g. Welsby 2000; Hendrickx et al. 2001; Honegger 2001; Sadig 2010) and are best understood as the remains of seasonal encampments, reflecting high levels of residential mobility among herder-fisher-forager populations (cf. Butzer 1976: 14; Trigger 1983: 28; Caneva 1991; Midant-Reynes 2000: 160)

- Indicators of sustained investment in cereal farming and sedentary life—such as durable architecture, heavy plant processing equipment, and high proportions of cereal grains in botanical samples—make their first appearance in the Egyptian Nile Valley only later, in the early fourth millennium BC (Midant-Reynes & Buchez 2002: 485–99; Wengrow 2006: 33, 76–82, with further

- The overall patterning of the archaeological record in Middle-Upper Egypt suggests, instead, that low-level cereal farming on the floodplain was practiced within the context of a seasonal herding, fishing and foraging economy.

- Recent discoveries at the Neolithic cemetery of el-Barga, in the Kerma region of northern Sudan, raise the further possibility that this ritual-territorial system, and its sophisticated modes of body decoration, extend back in time beyond the fifth millennium BC

- Shared features of Neolithic burial across the Nile Valley (aka aspect of cultural uniformity):

> Treatment and ornamentation of the corpse (see text and below)
> Deposition of functionally similar artefacts within graves (see text and below) Dap (http://www.thecoli.com/posts/8068118/like) + Quote (http://www.thecoli.com/threads/things-are-getting-better-new-study-2014-the-african-origins-of-egyptian-civilisation.206493/reply?quote=8068118) Reply (http://www.thecoli.com/threads/things-are-getting-better-new-study-2014-the-african-origins-of-egyptian-civilisation.206493/reply?quote=8068118)

Cool story bro...now a out that royal African blood you traced? Don't skip over my question a third time.

07-30-2014, 07:44 PM
egyptians don't even call themselves egyptians. they called their land "khem" or "kemit" and they refer to themselves as khemitians and khem translates as black.

Israelites called themselves the people of god. So are they really the chosen ones? Greeks call themselves the people of the Sun. Are they blazing balls of gas?

Clipper Nation
07-30-2014, 07:45 PM
Trill race-baiting per the usual....

07-30-2014, 07:48 PM
Cool story bro...now a out that royal African blood you traced? Don't skip over my question a third time.

What I find funniest about that article he posted is that he's trying to use that article as evidence that Egyptians were predominantly black when it clearly includes all the black countries that surround Egypt like Ethopia and Sudan (the former Kushite kingdom we all already talked about).

07-30-2014, 07:50 PM
Trill can be proud of abbasyninas but here he is twisting history instead of talking proudly about real black people..

07-30-2014, 08:12 PM
why does Trill give a shit about ancient egyptian racial demographics when he has zero ancestral ties to egypt :lol

07-30-2014, 09:01 PM
Are you niggas serious? Ight, lets cast George Lopez to portray Abe Lincoln, I'm sure white America wouldn't mind at all.

07-30-2014, 09:07 PM
Hispanic population in this country is exploding, we all know this. If you want to stick it to the man, don't go see the movies and convince others to not see them either.

I have a feeling we will still see most of you in the next Avengers tread though, so go ahead and just pipe down instead.

07-30-2014, 09:17 PM

07-30-2014, 09:18 PM
Enjoy, a character who had no race in the book I might add, lol white america.

07-30-2014, 09:20 PM
Are you niggas serious? Ight, lets cast George Lopez to portray Abe Lincoln, I'm sure white America wouldn't mind at all.
of course G-Lo is the first guy you thought of :lol

07-30-2014, 09:22 PM
of course G-Lo is the first guy you thought of :lol
I don't know of any other Mexican actors. Danny Trejo? Robert Rodriguez?

07-30-2014, 09:23 PM
I don't know of any other Mexican actors. Danny Trejo? Robert Rodriguez?
i know... its just funny that the "not-mexican guy" is only thinking about adding mexicans to the conversation :lol

07-30-2014, 09:26 PM
i know... its just funny that the "not-mexican guy" is only thinking about adding mexicans to the conversation :lol
As a Spanish German African French man I don't know how I feel about your comment.

07-30-2014, 09:26 PM
Still waiting for the African bloodline link.....

07-30-2014, 09:32 PM
Dude.. Black people are welcomed in the Klan now. Won't you ever be happy!???

07-30-2014, 09:46 PM
Are you niggas serious? Ight, lets cast George Lopez to portray Abe Lincoln, I'm sure white America wouldn't mind at all.

I think George Lopez would be great in the role as Abe Lincoln. They should have honestly had him in the Lincoln movie a year or two ago.

07-30-2014, 10:06 PM
Hispanic population in this country is exploding, we all know this.
we will fight it to the last man

07-30-2014, 10:08 PM
Dude.. Black people are welcomed in the Klan now. Won't you ever be happy!???
i lol'd

07-30-2014, 10:40 PM
we will fight it to the last man

Well, I'm married to one and my kids are half, so I'm ok with it.

07-30-2014, 10:40 PM
Still waiting for the African bloodline link.....


07-30-2014, 10:44 PM
Well, I'm married to one and my kids are half, so I'm ok with it.
R U White?

07-30-2014, 11:02 PM
Well, I'm married to one and my kids are half, so I'm ok with it.
smh race traitor

Dirk Oneanddoneski
07-30-2014, 11:02 PM
Well, I'm married to one and my kids are half, so I'm ok with it.

Is she a Mestizo?

07-30-2014, 11:13 PM
:lol Trill does it again

07-30-2014, 11:14 PM
daily reminder that this is what awaits all race traitors and cultural marxists and it is coming soon


07-31-2014, 12:17 AM
More power to you trill. All this thread contains is a denial and deflection of truth. All I see is "lol" and "clever" jokes at someone backing up their statements with facts and knowledge. This is what ignorant people resort to when they know their backs are against the wall. Its a tactic that is used by the delusional to make your facts seem like jokes.

The reality of the situation isn't serious until its you. Otherwise, its brushed off as something to mock and brush off. "No big deal".

There a thousands of facts that show that Egyptians are of black color that I don't care to look it up and prove it any of you because you should already know.

Either way, I don't like to argue anymore on message boards so everyone has a right to their opinion even though it came straight from their sphincter, through their stomach, up their esophagus and out of their mouth.

07-31-2014, 12:40 AM
More power to you trill. All this thread contains is a denial and deflection of truth. All I see is "lol" and "clever" jokes at someone backing up their statements with facts and knowledge. This is what ignorant people resort to when they know their backs are against the wall. Its a tactic that is used by the delusional to make your facts seem like jokes.

The reality of the situation isn't serious until its you. Otherwise, its brushed off as something to mock and brush off. "No big deal".

There a thousands of facts that show that Egyptians are of black color that I don't care to look it up and prove it any of you because you should already know.

Either way, I don't like to argue anymore on message boards so everyone has a right to their opinion even though it came straight from their sphincter, through their stomach, up their esophagus and out of their mouth.

Are you new here or just dense? No one gives a shit about Trills race baiting quest. When he post another shit filled thread pretty much everyone already knows where it is going and just trolls the shit out of him for the laughs. His threads are on par with that of Avante and his race baiting innuendo as well however subtle it is.

07-31-2014, 01:30 AM
Jamie Foxx is about the closest thing we have to a current action star (in general, not just for black people).

Huh? I gotta disagree with this. Even in the few action movies he is in, he isn't doing much action.

Man In Black
07-31-2014, 02:10 AM
Hollywood and Madison Avenue are racists in the sense that they haven't been able to properly portray people of a certain race without having to WHITEWASH it some to appeal to their idea of the masses.

What's funny is that the TOTAL combined number of minorities are not that far behind the White Majority. Give or take it's 60 White - 40 All Others.

I can cite examples here in California, like when La Jolla Playhouse did a play set in China with an Emperor played by a White guy, let's just say the Asian peeps were pissed off.
That was 2012, but in 1970, Hollywood could have had Bruce Lee play the lead in Kung Fu, but they opted for David Carradine? He wasn't bad, but c'mon...you could have had Bruce Lee.

There are many instances of stuff like that, I can say that even today, in 2014, it still happens. Let me provide for you some other Whitewash treatments. Johnny Rico in Starship Troopers was played by Casper Van Diem in the late 90's. They qualified his involvement because Rico was from Buenos Aires, Argentina where, in their world, they spoke English, not Spanish. I bet you the Argentines will say that English isn't the primary language there. But what is really unusual is that the author of Starship Troopers, Robert Heinlein, made his Juan Rico, not Argentine, but FILIPINO. I guess Hollywood wasn't cool with that, so they made this little switch:

And just to add more insult to whitewashing, I give you 1 more observation. Ever heard of K-Pop? It's Korean Pop Music. Think 90's jams with young, good looking Koreans and sometimes, other Asians like Chinese, Thai, or even Asian American, singing a fusion mix, mostly in Korean, with some English hooks. So, an American producer decided to take some of the more popular jams selling really well in Asia and then make it American and get a singer to sing those jams, in hopes of getting it more known here in America. There are many talented Korean American stars making it big there in Korea and Asia, so of course, the powers that be choose....A WHITE GUY?

Here is 1 KPop Jam that sold really well, it's called One Shot by a group called BAP:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-RvjDIyNG0 Here is the English version of the Song by Chad Future. Chad is that White Guy. I admit that his intentions are good, he's learning the language, he's making the rounds at Kpop concerts but at the end of the day, why do the powers that be think that Chad is better than say Jay Park? It's Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, all over again.

Does it suck? It does a little bit, until America understands that this acceptance of diversity could work to all's advantage, then this is the way that it will go.
To wrap this up, I will point out that even the Spurs understand this diversity and use it to their full advantage. Point of fact that if given a choice between an AAU player from America vs one from a foreign land, the Spurs will choose the one not from America.

Epic article from 2013 - Read the entitlement article as well, the one on RC's desk.

Start of the 2013-2014 season:

And this beauty from 2014:

“It’s a big strategy shift from how a lot of players are brought up playing from AAU,” Matt Bonner said. “That’s give the ball to the best player and get out of the way…

“You look at teams in Europe, playing for the EuroLeague title, and their leading scorers average 13, 14 points a game probably. It’s just a team mentality, a style of play thing everybody has to buy into.”

It’s no coincidence there are a lot of European players on the Spurs, the system comes more naturally to them.

For a team that wants to do what the Spurs do on offense, it has to start with getting players not wed to that AAU style of ball. The Spurs organization focuses hard on getting guys willing to play this style, guys not concerned with numbers but rather with fitting in the team concept. For another team to emulate that would require both that team’s star player being selfless like Tim Duncan and Tony Parker, then that team has to find role players to put around them who share that philosophy. Sure, San Antonio has done it, but good luck trying to follow those footsteps.

Leave it to Pop figure it out and again, because of it...Mainstream media fails to point it out...Perhaps, because to them...that ain't the American way of doing things?

07-31-2014, 02:17 AM
- Is it truly "White washing" when a disproportional amount of them are Jews?

- "until America understands that this acceptance of diversity could work to all's advantage, then this is the way that it will go. "

$$$ talks. Blacks won't go to a film with 2 Asian love interest just like Asians won't go to a Black love story.

james evans
07-31-2014, 10:12 AM
what gives her the right to speak on black topics? She talks a good game but if someone would threaten to take away her white privilege, she'll get in line. She's playing both sides of the fence and that isn't cool. Someone needs to set her straight. She disgusts me. People like her and Tim Wise are pathetic. Blacks thought Bill Maher was down too, he eventually showed his true colors as well.

Trill Clinton
07-31-2014, 11:41 AM
More power to you trill. All this thread contains is a denial and deflection of truth. All I see is "lol" and "clever" jokes at someone backing up their statements with facts and knowledge. This is what ignorant people resort to when they know their backs are against the wall. Its a tactic that is used by the delusional to make your facts seem like jokes.

The reality of the situation isn't serious until its you. Otherwise, its brushed off as something to mock and brush off. "No big deal".

There a thousands of facts that show that Egyptians are of black color that I don't care to look it up and prove it any of you because you should already know.

Either way, I don't like to argue anymore on message boards so everyone has a right to their opinion even though it came straight from their sphincter, through their stomach, up their esophagus and out of their mouth.


Hollywood and Madison Avenue are racists in the sense that they haven't been able to properly portray people of a certain race without having to WHITEWASH it some to appeal to their idea of the masses.

What's funny is that the TOTAL combined number of minorities are not that far behind the White Majority. Give or take it's 60 White - 40 All Others.

I can cite examples here in California, like when La Jolla Playhouse did a play set in China with an Emperor played by a White guy, let's just say the Asian peeps were pissed off.
That was 2012, but in 1970, Hollywood could have had Bruce Lee play the lead in Kung Fu, but they opted for David Carradine? He wasn't bad, but c'mon...you could have had Bruce Lee.

There are many instances of stuff like that, I can say that even today, in 2014, it still happens. Let me provide for you some other Whitewash treatments. Johnny Rico in Starship Troopers was played by Casper Van Diem in the late 90's. They qualified his involvement because Rico was from Buenos Aires, Argentina where, in their world, they spoke English, not Spanish. I bet you the Argentines will say that English isn't the primary language there. But what is really unusual is that the author of Starship Troopers, Robert Heinlein, made his Juan Rico, not Argentine, but FILIPINO. I guess Hollywood wasn't cool with that, so they made this little switch:

And just to add more insult to whitewashing, I give you 1 more observation. Ever heard of K-Pop? It's Korean Pop Music. Think 90's jams with young, good looking Koreans and sometimes, other Asians like Chinese, Thai, or even Asian American, singing a fusion mix, mostly in Korean, with some English hooks. So, an American producer decided to take some of the more popular jams selling really well in Asia and then make it American and get a singer to sing those jams, in hopes of getting it more known here in America. There are many talented Korean American stars making it big there in Korea and Asia, so of course, the powers that be choose....A WHITE GUY?

Here is 1 KPop Jam that sold really well, it's called One Shot by a group called BAP:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-RvjDIyNG0 Here is the English version of the Song by Chad Future. Chad is that White Guy. I admit that his intentions are good, he's learning the language, he's making the rounds at Kpop concerts but at the end of the day, why do the powers that be think that Chad is better than say Jay Park? It's Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, all over again.

Does it suck? It does a little bit, until America understands that this acceptance of diversity could work to all's advantage, then this is the way that it will go.
To wrap this up, I will point out that even the Spurs understand this diversity and use it to their full advantage. Point of fact that if given a choice between an AAU player from America vs one from a foreign land, the Spurs will choose the one not from America.

Epic article from 2013 - Read the entitlement article as well, the one on RC's desk.

Start of the 2013-2014 season:

And this beauty from 2014:

“It’s a big strategy shift from how a lot of players are brought up playing from AAU,” Matt Bonner said. “That’s give the ball to the best player and get out of the way…

“You look at teams in Europe, playing for the EuroLeague title, and their leading scorers average 13, 14 points a game probably. It’s just a team mentality, a style of play thing everybody has to buy into.”

It’s no coincidence there are a lot of European players on the Spurs, the system comes more naturally to them.

For a team that wants to do what the Spurs do on offense, it has to start with getting players not wed to that AAU style of ball. The Spurs organization focuses hard on getting guys willing to play this style, guys not concerned with numbers but rather with fitting in the team concept. For another team to emulate that would require both that team’s star player being selfless like Tim Duncan and Tony Parker, then that team has to find role players to put around them who share that philosophy. Sure, San Antonio has done it, but good luck trying to follow those footsteps.

Leave it to Pop figure it out and again, because of it...Mainstream media fails to point it out...Perhaps, because to them...that ain't the American way of doing things?

thanks for the info. i'll check em out later. respect.

07-31-2014, 01:34 PM
Still waiting for the African bloodline link.....

Trill Clinton
07-31-2014, 01:38 PM
no link, doggie. i wouldn't provide that information to strangers online if i had it.

07-31-2014, 01:42 PM
no link, doggie. i wouldn't provide that information to strangers online if i had it.

Oh so you don't have the evidence to back your claim that you're a descendent of the West African King Mansa Musa?

07-31-2014, 01:43 PM
no link, doggie. i wouldn't provide that information to strangers online if i had it.No one believed you to begin with, thanks for confirming.

Trill Clinton
07-31-2014, 01:46 PM
wow, y'all are really mad mansa musa is my ancestorhttp://i59.tinypic.com/205qlog.jpg

07-31-2014, 01:52 PM
wow, y'all are really mad mansa musa is my ancestorhttp://i59.tinypic.com/205qlog.jpg

No one is mad about anything. You're a liar.

07-31-2014, 06:38 PM
I think George Lopez would be great in the role as Abe Lincoln. They should have honestly had him in the Lincoln movie a year or two ago.

heh, that was an interesting movie.

07-31-2014, 08:14 PM
When the day of the rope comes well have to work fast comrades we've got a ton of work to do

07-31-2014, 08:48 PM
This is 2014.
Surely racial bigotry is dying off and only the ignorant dregs are left.

07-31-2014, 08:59 PM
no racism is increasing because cultural marxism is being forced down our throats

we've almost reached critical mass for race war

07-31-2014, 09:00 PM
This is 2014.
Surely racial bigotry is dying off and only the ignorant dregs are left.
Nationalism on the Rise in Europe

07-31-2014, 09:06 PM
Next we'll be back in the dark ages where ethnic cleansing is the rule of the day.

07-31-2014, 09:14 PM
ethnic cleansing
stay where you belong and you'll be alright

07-31-2014, 09:28 PM
stay where you belong and you'll be alright

Lets see. I am 1/4 German, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Austrian, and 1/4 English, and my last name (surname) is English.
So where is it exactly you want me to stay based on the above?
I sure as hell don't want the world to regress back to the middle ages when we are steadily yet slowly progressing to an age of enlightenment.

07-31-2014, 09:36 PM
in a white country, any of those

07-31-2014, 09:37 PM
ethnicity by in large refers to language. they want to call it racial cleansing but sugarcoat it

07-31-2014, 09:38 PM
Lets see. I am 1/4 German, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Austrian, and 1/4 English, and my last name (surname) is English.
So where is it exactly you want me to stay based on the above?
I sure as hell don't want the world to regress back to the middle ages when we are steadily yet slowly progressing to an age of enlightenment.
If things stay as is, it will be okay. But more outsiders in Europe and you will see ethnic cleansing. People will give the middle finger to Brussells & New York

07-31-2014, 09:46 PM
If things stay as is, it will be okay. But more outsiders in Europe and you will see ethnic cleansing. People will give the middle finger to Brussells & New York
someone needs to make it happen then, it needs to happen

07-31-2014, 09:48 PM
don't let them go for a slow kill, frog in boiling water etc

The Reckoning
05-02-2016, 12:21 PM

egypt's positioning on the med allowed it to be a multicultural society...it whitened when the Ptolemaic dynasty started.

but it was never a sub-saharan country.