View Full Version : Tour de Crawford

08-22-2005, 02:36 AM
Bush, Armstrong take 2-hour ride
Associated Press

WACO, Texas - It's no yellow jersey, but President Bush on Saturday presented Lance Armstrong with another shirt to show off his biking experiences – a red, white and blue T-shirt emblazoned "Tour de Crawford."

The leader of the free world and the world's biking master rode for 17 miles on Bush's ranch for about two hours at midmorning. Bush showed Armstrong the sites of the ranch that he calls "a little slice of heaven," including a stop at a waterfall midway through the ride.

Neither Bush nor Armstrong spoke to reporters, although White House spokesman Trent Duffy said the president was impressed with the seven-time champ's skills.

"Recognizing what the world has known for years, the president said, 'He's a good rider,"' Duffy said.

Link (http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/stories/082105dntswbush.18de264.html)

I'm sorry, but Crawford Texas in Mid-August is far from Heaven. As you can see in the pic, Lance is following Presidential protocol by letting Bush Lead.

humm...I wonder if W got the memo that Lance is thinking of running for TX Governor as a Democrat?

Hook Dem
08-22-2005, 08:46 AM
Bush, Armstrong take 2-hour ride
Associated Press

Link (http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/stories/082105dntswbush.18de264.html)

I'm sorry, but Crawford Texas in Mid-August is far from Heaven. As you can see in the pic, Lance is following Presidential protocol by letting Bush Lead.

humm...I wonder if W got the memo that Lance is thinking of running for TX Governor as a Democrat?
You'll politicalize anything won't you Dan?

08-22-2005, 09:28 AM
theres already a thread on this in the club.. titled, "i bet kerry was pissed."

08-22-2005, 10:15 AM
humm...I wonder if W got the memo that Lance is thinking of running for TX Governor as a Democrat?

why would it matter? we're are talking about two of the greatest men in the country, of this generation, mind you, enjoying a simple bikeride.

i think it's pretty awesome when you think about it.

good article, thanks for posting. :tu

08-22-2005, 01:01 PM
people don't hang around with dubya just to hang around

i'm sorry pimpo, but i'm gonna have to call bullshit on that one.

we hung out two weeks ago and threw a party crawford style.

hootin, hollerin, fuckin, shootin, drinkin...

it was just the two of us, but it was great. :tu

cocaine is a helluva drug.

rip Rick James.

08-22-2005, 07:27 PM

08-22-2005, 07:30 PM

08-22-2005, 07:36 PM
Smells like victory (http://www.workingforchange.com/comic.cfm?itemid=19494)

08-22-2005, 08:24 PM
:lol @ ocotillo

Good thing they weren't riding Segways. :lol

08-22-2005, 10:56 PM
W didn't fall off his bike this time, did he?

08-23-2005, 07:15 AM
Naw, he was sober Saturday.

08-23-2005, 09:35 AM

disgusting. how a satrical cartoonist can draw coffins of our fallen heros to fuel the bush hate is beyond me. i hope you libs are happy, it's 'trendy' to bush hate, it's the new gay. good job. :tu

Hook Dem
08-23-2005, 09:41 AM
Let's face it! Anyone caught socializing or hanging around with shrub....err Bush, is gonna be blackballed by the Crats. :lol

08-23-2005, 09:43 AM
there are alot of good democrats out there. it's the idiots that bushhate, just cuz, that are the problem. and the media fuels it and they eat it up like fuckin braindead zombies.

i'm in the process of writing my satrical song "I don't wanna be a Liberal Idiot"

i'm a big greenday fan, but they are making millions off the zombies.

Hook Dem
08-23-2005, 09:45 AM
there are alot of good democrats out there. it's the idiots that bushhate, just cuz, that are the problem. and the media fuels it and they eat it up like fuckin braindead zombies.

i'm in the process of writing my satrical song "I don't wanna be a Liberal Idiot"

i'm a big greenday fan, but they are making millions off the zombies.

08-24-2005, 12:17 PM
Does not surprise me to see that DUBYA is in the lead...He was a heck of an athlete in college... Not to mention an ex fighter pilot...Of course Ditka could take either one of them.... :smokin


08-24-2005, 12:52 PM
He was a heck of an athlete in college



08-24-2005, 01:00 PM
its trendy to bush hate??

how would one explain the ratio of tahoes, suburbans, yukons and escalades with bush stickers, w stickers, bush cheney stickers to the ratio of ANY OTHER VEHICLES ON THE PLANET?
to me thats trend upon trend

08-24-2005, 07:37 PM
link (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-cesca/george-and-lance-a-conve_b_6001.html)

GEORGE W. BUSH: Do you like riding bikes, Stretch?

LANCE ARMSTRONG: I do. In fact, I won the Tour de France seven--

BUSH: That's Tour De Freedom. Hey Stretch! Guess what?

LANCE: What's that, Mr. President?

BUSH: My ranch is 1,600 acres. We can ride for 17 miles without leaving my property.

LANCE: That's amazing.

BUSH: You betcha. Check it out: I could give away 600 acres to homeless people and I'd still own 1,000 acres of land.

LANCE: Okay.

BUSH: But I wouldn't give away an inch. See, my advisers made it so that I can own a 1,600 acre multi-million dollar estate and still seem like a man of the people. 'Sides, homeless people are mostly insaners.

LANCE: They are?

BUSH: They are what?

LANCE: You just called homeless people "insaners".

KARL ROVE VIA EARPIECE: Abort! Abort! Change the subject! The yellow rubberbands, go!

BUSH: Last year, my opponent Senator Lost-In-A-Landslide wore one of your yellow rubberbands. I hope you don't mind that I don't wear one.

LANCE: They're actually bracelets for--

BUSH: Too faggy.

LANCE: What?!

KARL ROVE VIA EARPIECE: NO! Deneuralyser, now!

(President Bush brandishes a "Men in Black" deneuralyser and flashes it in Lance Armstrong's face.)

BUSH: Hey Stretch, you know what the nickname for my bike is? I call it "Stretch". What's your bike called?

LANCE: It hadn't occurred to me, Mr. President. I, um, I suppose I can call it "Bikey".

BUSH: Damn. That's a good one. Regime change! My bike is now called "Bikey"! And you're starting to pass me. Step off, Stretch.

LANCE: Sorry, Mr. President. I forgot the rule.

BUSH: Speaking of rules, you know what rules? Vacations.

LANCE: I can tell.

BUSH: Let me ask you something, Stretch. What do you think of that woman down there.

KARL ROVE VIA EARPIECE: Cindy Sheehan. Son is named Casey. And she's not there right now.

LANCE: Cindy Sheehan?

BUSH: She went home. I scared her away with my steadfastness and invisible six-shooters.

LANCE: You -- I thought she... I read this morning she's coming back.

BUSH: She is? I know that. She's a flip-flopper.

LANCE: Uh, yeah. Forgive me for changing the subject, but I wanted to talk with you about cancer research.

BUSH: Stem cell research? That's a challenging subject. Hard work. I've talked to a lot of experts who I've nicknamed "Stretch". The various Stretches tell me there's plenty of cells without using babies.

LANCE: I wanted to discuss cancer research, not stem cells. But now that you mention it, they're not babies, they're mainly single-celled embryos earmarked for disposal.

BUSH: Hey -- you know who Professor Stretch, M.D. is?


BUSH: Not you. I met with the experts.

LANCE: What did they tell you?

BUSH: They told me that killing babies is a sin.

LANCE: The scientific community told you that?

BUSH: Dr. James Dobson told me. And he's a doctor. He also told me how to determine whether my daughters are gay.

LANCE: Back to cancer research, I--

BUSH: Back to what I say we're back to, and I say we're back to "you're not an expert, you ride bikes in France".

LANCE: But I'm an advocate for--

BUSH: You know what my helmet's called?

LANCE: Is it called "Stretch"?

BUSH: Nope. I call it my "thinking cap". And I'm thinking you're not an expert. You know what I call your shorts?

LANCE: Smartypants?

BUSH: I call them "Smartypants". Get back to me when you become a doctor and an evangelical. Then we'll talk. And even then, we'll make sure you say some things I want to hear. Ya' hear?

LANCE: All due respect, Mr. President, I just wanted to have a discussion--

BUSH: I know that. You want to make accusations against the president. And it's my job not to listen to accusations against the president.

LANCE: But I wasn't accusing you of anything.

BUSH: Hey Stretch! Race me to acre 1,286?

LANCE: Um. Sure. Okay. But you'll win.

BUSH: Bingo! That's what I wanted to hear. Good boy.

LANCE: Thank you, Mr. President.

08-24-2005, 07:50 PM
its trendy to bush hate??

how would one explain the ratio of tahoes, suburbans, yukons and escalades with bush stickers, w stickers, bush cheney stickers to the ratio of ANY OTHER VEHICLES ON THE PLANET?
to me thats trend upon trend

cbf and I have discussed this
i really need knowledge to be dropped on me

08-24-2005, 07:53 PM
if someone gives me evidence that Bush-hating is 'trendy' along with a metro-goldwin-marriam-webster-certified dictionary definition of the word 'trendy' i will change my signature to a picture of bush proudly waving his left hand and standing in front of a banner that reads


08-24-2005, 07:57 PM
its trendy in the same way not front tucking is trendy