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View Full Version : Homeless people, tbh..

Malik Hairston
08-19-2014, 02:00 AM
Do you:

- Give them any money?

- Sympathize?

08-19-2014, 02:07 AM
You ask them to smile for you, if they still have teeth you buy them a meal.

08-19-2014, 02:07 AM
Only Food.

Don't sympathize. They have no bills, stress at work, etc....

08-19-2014, 02:13 AM
Nor do they have any shelter under which they could comfort each other by suck their dicks, tbh.

08-19-2014, 02:23 AM
they're either some of the unluckiest people on the planet, or they're so lazy they they've given up all self respect. I feel bad for them either way. I'll give food if anything. They've got it much worse than me.

08-19-2014, 02:23 AM
I do not sympathize with homeless people in the US or Canada mainly because the government does enough to provide the tools necessary to avoid being homeless..

I do give them money though, just because I don't want people dying out starvation be it their fault or not. I know it's stupid, but giving to homeless people has been engraved on my head since i was 5...

08-19-2014, 02:48 AM
Fucking can't stand them. They work in groups, they're like cockroaches. I laugh at the ones that try and have a sad face, or do the sign of the cross as they walk between the cars.

08-19-2014, 02:52 AM
Its like asking do you sympathize for drug addicts really. Some people really feel bad for them, others just dont understand how it happens.

08-19-2014, 06:11 AM
Walked by one the other day that had a sign that said single mother with new born child yet she was sitting there by herself.

08-19-2014, 06:20 AM
I work with a group locally that feeds them breakfast and lunch once a week. Sure, there are a lot of them that take the food and go but there are a lot of them that will sit and talk to you. Most admit they fucked things up in their lives in one way or another and that's how they got to be where they are. We've helped a few get jobs and get back on their feet.

I don't fuck with the sign holders. Most of them aren't even homeless. They are just begging for dope money.

08-19-2014, 08:25 AM
I give at the office.

I've seen a sign holder at 281/1604 intersection jump out of the car and go right to work with that sign.

08-19-2014, 08:52 AM
there's one guy I always see on oltorf/35. Sometimes I'll give him a breakfast taco or something. But mainly just talk. He always wants to talk.

08-19-2014, 09:06 AM
No. Get to the nearest shelter and look for work. A lot of beggars aren't even homeless. They collect foodstamps from Barry and make cash on the side

08-19-2014, 09:16 AM
Austin has so many of these people and for the most part, they're really polite. Whenever I get subway or a sandwich and I'm by myself, I always get an extra one for a dude that hangs out on an intersection downtown. Nice guy.

baseline bum
08-19-2014, 09:35 AM
I gave one a beer one time. I wonder how long it took him to find someone with a bottle opener tbh.

08-19-2014, 10:12 AM
Depends on the mood I'm in. I did give one 5 dollars for some Game 4 of the Finals karma; you're welcome.

Malik Hairston
08-19-2014, 10:17 AM
A few years ago, after leaving the club, I gave a homeless nigga $3(all the $1 bills I had left in my pocket) and he literally said, "that's it?":lol..turned me off from giving them money, I didn't give anybody anything until a few months ago..

A few months ago, I was driving and this dude had a "hungry" sign, which I usually ignore, but he had a dog with him(my soft spot, tbh)..so I bought 2 double cheeseburgers and I told the man to feed 1 to the dog before I left:lol..

Last week I was coming out of the bank and this homeless, trashy looking woman popped out of nowhere while I was counting change, so I couldn't say no at that point:lol..

I generally don't give or sympathize, though..if you live in North America and you're homeless, being lazy is a large part of your issue IMO..

08-19-2014, 10:41 AM
I saw a family of 5 the other day, 2 able bodied adults and 3 kids standing on the corner of a shopping center with a sign asking for help. The wife was making this stupid pleading face and had her her hands in the begging motion (in praying form) and it pissed me off. She needs to go get a job a La Quinta cleaning rooms and the joke of a husband needs to go dig ditches or whatever it takes to make a buck. Don't have fucking kids if you're too lazy to work and have to resort to using your kids as sympathy bait. We drove past them twice and I didn't even turn my head..

08-19-2014, 10:54 AM
I know this man Joe who who I used to go to church with as a young man. Married, healthy, and had a good job. Well, about 3 years ago his wife died to a certain disease Im uncertain of. His life came crumbling down. He quit going to work, started doing drugs and became a severe alcoholic. Joe lost his home and all hope in life. He would ask the church for money to help him and ask people in the church for shelter. After awhile the church started seeing he was using the money and shelter for drugs and alcohol. The church could no longer support his bad habits if he is unwilling to change. Poor Joe lost all hope. I believe that is what is wrong with most homeless people. They have lost all hope to live and succeed in life. Joe is still wandering the streets.

08-19-2014, 11:02 AM
his wife died

I'd throw a fucking party and enjoy life to the fullest.

08-19-2014, 11:06 AM
I'd throw a fucking party and enjoy life to the fullest.

Well this couple had been dating since high school. They were truly in love. Something this generation has a hard time grasping.

08-19-2014, 11:28 AM
I give when I can, a few dollars isn't going to break the bank. I'm pretty selective though. You can tell if someone is just emotionally devastated.

08-19-2014, 06:14 PM
I don't mind handing over my change or a couple of bucks. I don't judge them, it just doesn't matter to me why/how they got that way.

Strange Love
08-19-2014, 06:30 PM
Most of the time I ignore them because here, it seems like a good bit of the population is "homeless" Not always the case. Most are lazy frauds looking for freebies.

What I do instead is donate the clothes I dont use or like anymore and stuff like that to the Salvation Army.

08-19-2014, 06:48 PM
Made a similar thread 4-5 years ago and CosmicCowboy gave me some great advice o how to deal with them. Pull out a camera as they approach you

08-19-2014, 07:39 PM
i used to work at a frozen yogurt place, and there was a starbucks in the same plaza. sometimes during my break i'd walk over and get a small coffee or w/e. there was usually this one bum who would kick it in the plaza too. one time it was a particularly cold night (by LA standards, of course :lol) and i bought an extra hot chocolate to give to the bum. when i offered it to him he said "nah thanks i already got somethin" and showed me a beer. i told him to just talk the drink and have it whenever he wants, and he said no. so fuck that. that was the last time i tried to do anything for bums

Malik Hairston
08-19-2014, 08:04 PM
Most of the time I ignore them because here, it seems like a good bit of the population is "homeless" Not always the case. Most are lazy frauds looking for freebies.

What I do instead is donate the clothes I dont use or like anymore and stuff like that to the Salvation Army.

Yep, I do the same, tbh..

It's too bad all the hipsters have invaded thrift stores and Salvation Army stores, though, rather than the actual poor and homeless:lol..

08-19-2014, 08:08 PM
Yep, I do the same, tbh..

It's too bad all the hipsters have invaded thrift stores and Salvation Army stores, though, rather than the actual poor and homeless:lol..
umm... the salvation army sells the stuff you donate and that's where they get funding for charity efforts. the stores aren't necessarily "for" the homeless. making poor people buy shit isn't really charity tbh

Malik Hairston
08-19-2014, 08:09 PM
umm... the salvation army sells the stuff you donate and that's where they get funding for charity efforts. the stores aren't necessarily "for" the homeless. making poor people buy shit isn't really charity tbh

Well I stand corrected then, I guess I don't know shit about the Salvation Army:lol..

baseline bum
08-19-2014, 08:36 PM
i used to work at a frozen yogurt place, and there was a starbucks in the same plaza. sometimes during my break i'd walk over and get a small coffee or w/e. there was usually this one bum who would kick it in the plaza too. one time it was a particularly cold night (by LA standards, of course :lol) and i bought an extra hot chocolate to give to the bum. when i offered it to him he said "nah thanks i already got somethin" and showed me a beer. i told him to just talk the drink and have it whenever he wants, and he said no. so fuck that. that was the last time i tried to do anything for bums

The amount of homeless people in Westwood is fucking ridiculous. I had one who was holding one of those little 2.5 pound iron weights you put on adjustable dumbbells as a weapon and talking shit when I didn't give him any money, so I turned around and charged him like I was going to beat the shit out of him. He ran off, and never talked to me again. I figured better to charge this guy than get hit in the back of the head when he's walking behind me tbh. I have a friend who was almost killed by a homeless guy on the red line in Hollywood when the motherfucker hit him with a lead pipe. Needed plastic surgery on his forehead, but he lived because he got his hand up just in time. Fucking broke a ton of bones in his hand though.

08-19-2014, 09:26 PM
The amount of homeless people in Westwood is fucking ridiculous. I had one who was holding one of those little 2.5 pound iron weights you put on adjustable dumbbells as a weapon and talking shit when I didn't give him any money, so I turned around and charged him like I was going to beat the shit out of him. He ran off, and never talked to me again. I figured better to charge this guy than get hit in the back of the head when he's walking behind me tbh. I have a friend who was almost killed by a homeless guy on the red line in Hollywood when the motherfucker hit him with a lead pipe. Needed plastic surgery on his forehead, but he lived because he got his hand up just in time. Fucking broke a ton of bones in his hand though.
thankfully the experience i was talking about wasn't in westwood, this was my pre-ucla days. but yeah they're all over westwood. on every bench, they even roam onto campus all the time over at ackerman

08-19-2014, 10:15 PM
Do you:

- Give them any money?

- Sympathize?



I don't give money because it encourages more people to do less, "homelessness" becomes a viable survival method and I feel most of them are alcoholics and drug addicts with zero will to improve. There used to be only a couple here and there, but now days you see one on every corner. You'll see 4 or 5 of them working an intersection and camping under an overpass. It's not a sign of hard times, it's a sign of lazy fuckers.

Sympathize? Yes, if the homeless person looks like they are mentally disabled and depressed, sure I sympathize and I know I could be there if I allowed it to happen, basically if I shit on everyone I ever knew and pissed away my life savings, became an alcoholic or drug addict for 20 years and never bathed again.

True story: When I was in my early 20's and living in SA, I was coming out of an HEB and this guy was out there with his hand out. The guy ahead of me must have dropped change in his hand because it was still there when he put his hand out to me. I took 50 cents and said "Thanks".

08-19-2014, 10:24 PM
Yep, I do the same, tbh..

It's too bad all the hipsters have invaded thrift stores and Salvation Army stores, though, rather than the actual poor and homeless:lol..

I knew a manager at a Salvation Army location and he told me it was a weekly occurrence that a transient would rip them off. They hire these people to work in the stores, and one guy brought in a used car and donated it. The transient sold the car to someone he knew and kept the money. He was arrested but released because the city doesn't want to house these folks either.

08-19-2014, 10:56 PM
I usually just buy them food. I once bought the resident homeless of our city (everybody knows the guy) a double meat double cheese combo. Another time after walking out of grocery store, I saw this old lady and man sitting outside so I went inside and bought them a few can foods and a pack of water.

It just depends on the situation tbh but usually I'll find myself giving.

Malik Hairston
08-19-2014, 11:15 PM
I knew a manager at a Salvation Army location and he told me it was a weekly occurrence that a transient would rip them off. They hire these people to work in the stores, and one guy brought in a used car and donated it. The transient sold the car to someone he knew and kept the money. He was arrested but released because the city doesn't want to house these folks either.

:lol that's a nice hustle, tbh, have to give respect to that..

Huey Freeman
08-19-2014, 11:15 PM
I don't mind handing over my change or a couple of bucks. I don't judge them, it just doesn't matter to me why/how they got that way.


If I have money to give (don't carry cash or coins) I'll give them some

08-23-2014, 03:09 PM
On the topic, how annoying are those assholes outside of supermarkets that walk up to you with a clipboard/binder?

silverblk mystix
08-23-2014, 03:22 PM
When I was younger I would give - either food or money -I used to sometimes wait until my change jar was full and then find a homeless guy and make his day - usually there was 35-50 bux worth of change...

When I lived in Hollywood - I got cured of the compulsion - those Hollywood deadbeats are the most aggressive lazy pieces of shit in the world.
They will stalk you and argue with you if you refuse to give them - they will approach your table at restaurants and ask for money and if you refuse they will try and intimidate you -and fight with you in front of your family/date/friends

So I grew tired and basically now - I just tell them to gtfo out of my face and get a fuckin job. (this goes over real well btw lol)

I also have noticed that most of the lazy people in the world are black or white -

Very few Latinos are begging for money in my experience.

08-23-2014, 03:29 PM
When I was younger I would give - either food or money -I used to sometimes wait until my change jar was full and then find a homeless guy and make his day - usually there was 35-50 bux worth of change...

When I lived in Hollywood - I got cured of the compulsion - those Hollywood deadbeats are the most aggressive lazy pieces of shit in the world.
They will stalk you and argue with you if you refuse to give them - they will approach your table at restaurants and ask for money and if you refuse they will try and intimidate you -and fight with you in front of your family/date/friends

So I grew tired and basically now - I just tell them to gtfo out of my face and get a fuckin job. (this goes over real well btw lol)

I also have noticed that most of the lazy people in the world are black or white -

Very few Latinos are begging for money in my experience.
Kinda true. The Latinos gather around corners and beg for work, not pity. Don't think I've eve seen an Asian beggar here in cali

Malik Hairston
08-24-2014, 12:21 AM
I had a crazy-ass looking, old Asian man begging today, tbh:lol..I was sitting at the light and this slow-ass nigga was walking awkwardly from car-to-car and not saying a word, just literally staring and brushing up against the whip with his hands out..

I don't usually see Asians living that life, either, tbh..

08-24-2014, 12:23 AM
I was raised that beggars get your change, the poor people actually hustling with overpriced candy apples or whatever get your dollar bills. Neither one gets talked down to or frowned upon as long as they arent being abrasive or assholes.

08-24-2014, 12:41 AM
I usually give out a few $20's to panhandlers when I'm on vacation but only to the ones that have a good story or other type of shtick. Fuck those ones that just sit there trying to look pitiful.

There's a fake homeless crew that works the Leon Springs area. Once my wife fell for one of them that was using a puppy as a prop on Thanksgiving day. She felt so bad for him and the puppy that she actually made the effort to turn around drive back and gave the guy $60. She was all proud when she told me and then pissed when I told her if she wanted to give him more money she could find him at the starbucks every morning working on his ipad.