View Full Version : USA vs. China vs. France

08-22-2005, 06:07 PM
Inspired by Smeagols similar thread, I dug up some information from Pew on Global attitudes toward the U.S. It's not a pretty picture, and though most Americans ( according to the poll) are aware of our unpopularity, I think there is some interesting data on their site: http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?PageID=800

There's tons of survey results on there, but the following is what I found especially interesting. Here is how the publics of various nations rated the United States compared to China and France.


U.S. China France
U.S. 83 43 46
Canada 59 58 78
Great Britain 55 65 71
France 43 58 74
Germany 41 46 78
Spain 41 57 74
Netherlands 45 56 69
Russia 52 60 83
Poland 62 36 66
Indonesia 38 73 68

In another question regarding where one should go to lead a good life, the United States was only selected by a majority in one country (India, 38% chose America as best place to go). Australia and Canada were the countries most often cited as the best place to live.


08-22-2005, 06:14 PM
Inspired by Smeagols similar thread, I dug up some information from Pew on Global attitudes toward the U.S. It's not a pretty picture, and though most Americans (23% according to the poll) are aware of our unpopularity, I think there is some interesting data on their site: http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?PageID=800

There's tons of survey results on there, but the following is what I found especially interesting. Here is how the publics of various nations rated the United States compared to China and France.


U.S. China France
U.S. 83 43 46
Canada 59 58 78
Great Britain 55 65 71
France 43 58 74
Germany 41 46 78
Spain 41 57 74
Netherlands 45 56 69
Russia 52 60 83
Poland 62 36 66
Indonesia 38 73 68

In another question regarding where one should go to lead a good life, the United States was only selected by a majority in one country (India, 38% chose America as best place to go). Australia and Canada were the countries most often cited as the best place to live.


08-22-2005, 06:20 PM
well, when I look at that list on my screen, I see a table, but that's not what is appearing and I can't seem to format it properly right now, so it's tedious to read. Sorry.

08-22-2005, 09:51 PM
Jelly, my post was an honest question. Knowing what you have posted in thi thread, I wanted to know what Americasn thought about it. Unfortunately, people are sensitive and it turned into what it was never meant to be: a Argentina vs US pissing contest.

In any case, good find.

08-22-2005, 09:56 PM
There is an interesting poll that dates back to April, that shows what "the World" thinks about US, EU, French, Chinese and other influences.


For Argentinian posters: check out our results, we are a bunch of negative mofos, we just don't like anyone's influence! :lol

08-22-2005, 10:43 PM
Jelly, my post was an honest question. Knowing what you have posted in thi thread, I wanted to know what Americasn thought about it. Unfortunately, people are sensitive and it turned into what it was never meant to be: a Argentina vs US pissing contest.

In any case, good find.

I know it was an honest question and I think it could have led to a good discussion. But you're right, it can be a very sensitive issue.

But in a way, you did get your answer as far as "what Americans think about it". The truth is most Americans don't really think about it at all. I think Americans, in general, are not that concerned about how the world views them. We are usually positive, optimistic people who generally view ourselves in a favorable light and assume the world does too...but if they don't, we're not that bothered about it. And some Americans, as you saw by the posts, even believe most of the world LOVES us :lol

I am always interested in global attitudes especially regarding how we relate to each other. But some of us have had a lot of exposure to non-Americans, so we get an earful already... and oftentimes it's just unsolicited critisism and petty derogatory insults. I mean, I've had to listen to all sorts of nasty comments and that was from relatives! So some of us tend to get a little fed up with the constant America bashing, so we may explode now and then. I've done it a few times. Nevertheless, I still think these kinds of things are usually interesting to talk about.

08-22-2005, 10:50 PM
Well at least we have a high level of self esteem...

08-23-2005, 12:54 AM
Here's an oldie but a goodie:


I am so glad we didn't elect John Kerry.

08-23-2005, 04:08 PM
But in a way, you did get your answer as far as "what Americans think about it". The truth is most Americans don't really think about it at all. I think Americans, in general, are not that concerned about how the world views them. We are usually positive, optimistic people who generally view ourselves in a favorable light and assume the world does too...but if they don't, we're not that bothered about it. And some Americans, as you saw by the posts, even believe most of the world LOVES us

I think most americans are secure in their goverments, food supplies, economy and technology... that we don't really care that much what happens in other countries.. we bitch about the high oil prices and maybe a war in a far off place... but honestly most americans are not fretting much.. it would be good if we could bring all our troops home... but, then that would make the world hate us more I would think.. they'd call us selfish and uncaring americans.. so the world has to decide what foreign policy it wants the US to follow... hey I'd be the first to say bring our all our troops home and the world can screw itself... but that's never going to happen.. so world decide...