View Full Version : Manu and Maradona

08-23-2005, 09:31 AM
Maradona now has a talk show. The first show the main guest was Pele, and for the second (last night) it was Manu.

Since I dont live in Argentina and have no cable I couldnt see it, but I'm hoping some of the Argentines here can give us some more details than what I saw in the paper (apparently a lot of talk about the spurs, Duncan, Pop, the finals, etc).

The picture in the paper was hilarious, Manu looks like he is twice Maradona's height!

here is a newspaper link for the intrepid

Solid D
08-23-2005, 09:44 AM
Cool. Remember when Magic Johnson tried the TV talk show experiment? He got all these top names the first few shows to boost the ratings but it immediately lost altitude and crashed in flames. :lol Maybe Maradona's show will be more compelling and entertaining.


08-23-2005, 09:47 AM
Cool! Can anyone translate the article?

08-23-2005, 09:55 AM

08-23-2005, 10:01 AM
Video of the Presentation of Manu:


08-23-2005, 10:03 AM
Argie Gods Forum

08-23-2005, 10:03 AM
:lol Maradona looks like a Hobbitt!

08-23-2005, 10:04 AM


08-23-2005, 10:10 AM
Kolko vos sos Tony de Cordoba?

08-23-2005, 10:11 AM
For the americans, who´s the 3rd in the photo?

08-23-2005, 10:12 AM
:lol Maradonna does look super tiny next to Manu! Manu looks good though.....if not a little thinner :(

08-23-2005, 10:21 AM
For the americans, who´s the 3rd in the photo?

Guillermo Coria a TOP 10 Tennis Player

08-23-2005, 10:24 AM

A question Manu and Maradona are left handed guys, Am I right ... because Maradona is signing with his right hand? :rolleyes

08-23-2005, 10:31 AM
Cool. Remember when Magic Johnson tried the TV talk show experiment? He got all these top names the first few shows to boost the ratings but it immediately lost altitude and crashed in flames. :lol Maybe Maradona's show will be more compelling and entertaining.

Maradona is basically a god in Argentina. Take MJ (either of them) and multiply by Tiger Woods to come close in the US. His show should be very well supported.

08-23-2005, 10:32 AM
Yes , maradona is Lefty, but write with the right hand, and shots to the basquet with the right too

08-23-2005, 10:36 AM
Yes , maradona is Lefty, but write with the right hand, and shots to the basquet with the right too

I knew this man was(is) special, but ... I never heard about that :oops

08-23-2005, 10:37 AM
Video of the Presentation of Manu:


Cool video! I love the dramatic super-bowl entrance. :lol

*waiting patiently for transcript*

08-23-2005, 10:38 AM
Yes, Guillermo Coria

Previous Year's Final INDESIT ATP Race Position: 7

Current INDESIT ATP Race Position: 6

Career High INDESIT ATP Entry Ranking - Singles: 3 (5/3/2004)

He was the 3 in the world, and if he don´t won anything yet is nothing
He played the Masters Cup, the All Star of the Tennis and when he´s compared with Manu is nothing

08-23-2005, 10:41 AM


anyone besides me notice that Manu cut his hair?

08-23-2005, 10:44 AM
Hun, we already acknowledged the hair cut months ago...:)

08-23-2005, 10:53 AM
I'm behind.

08-23-2005, 10:54 AM
Grande Tiro Roberto is right-handed, but dunks left handed.

08-23-2005, 10:57 AM
Manu as El Cid!! El Campeador!!

08-23-2005, 11:00 AM
Poco Maradona has lost muchos kilos.

08-23-2005, 11:02 AM
Journalists from Ole Sports Newspaper are really stupid. They have changed Manu's quotes in order to make it sound more chauvinistic.

I have to translate what I remeber from yesterday, that's hard, but i'll try:

Maradona: You are the most famous argentine man in the world. You have represented us and succeded in Italy first, then the Olimpics, and now the NBA. Next step is the moon!
Manu: Well, thanks!

(and lots of mutual flattering like that)

Maradona: There's something special about you, you're not only a excellent basketball player.

Manu: Well, I can't tell you "Yeah, there's something special about me" (laughs), but I know that when you get to the place where I am, it goes beyond basketball. Four years ago it was unbelievable for a argentine player to succeed in the NBA. I know that what's happening to me has a special meaning. I'm glad to help to develop argentine basketball and sports in general.

I'm a spurs fan since 1999, before you get there. And I think you have something else. You should have won the MVP, it was stolen from you, you were playing better than Duncan.

It would have been great to win the MVP, surely. But the only fact that I have lost for one vote against such a player as Duncan, is more than enough for me. To be there is more than I could ever have asked, with Tim wishpering at my ear "you deserve this as much or even more than I do".

¿What's the Spurs changing room like (meaning the basktage)?:

It's great. If there's a world of difference between Argentina and Italy, there are three worlds between Italy and the NBA. There so much money and comfort everywhere. There's always somebody helping you in any way we need. You only have to tie your snickers and play, that's all you have to do. The Spurs have the policy of taking in care the human aspects of the team, equally or even more than the sportive side. Many players accept a lower contract in order to stay in the Spurs, just because of the good "air" arround us.

Maradona: ¿And what about the coaching?

We are much more free than in Italy. You can do whatever you want during the free days. Even your wife can visit you during the concentrations. The first two weeks are really hard. But during the season, the players that play 30 minutes or more, don't have to practice, because we have three or four games per week. So, I only have to do some muscle work, and some shots before the games. It's the ideal for any sportman: you have to play a lot, and very little boring practice. (laughs)
Popovich don't make any difference with us, he can rise his voice to Duncan, to me, or the least important player. We are all the same for him, and this is very inspiring to all of us. Duncan is our leader, but he is the humblest player at the same time. And this is great for the team.

Maradona: ¿What was it like to have Popovich in Bahia?

I told him that Bahia wasn't like Manhattan (laughs). But he wanted to know my backgrounds, my neighbourhood, the court where I used to play as a kid. It was great. He was amaze with the country, he liked Argentina a lot, specially our wines. (laughs)

Maradona: ¿How do you see the spurs for the next season?

Manu: Very well. Everybody knows how hard is to win one ring, but to repeat the championship is twice harder. Every team is looking at the champion, and they are getting stronger too. But we are as good or even better than the last year. Besides, now we have Oberto with us, and he will make us stronger.

At the end both players signed each other their argentine jerseys, and then made a couple of shots. Maradona made 11 attemps, just to score one. Manu did only one attemp, while he was walking away, with one hand, and made it.

That's all I remember, if any other argentine wants to improve it, or remeber something else, please, be muy guest.


This time don't blame it on google, blame it on my english teachers!

08-23-2005, 11:12 AM
Journalists from Ole Sports Newspaper are really stupid. They have changed Manu's quotes in order to make it sound more chauvinistic.

I have to translate what I remeber from yesterday, that's hard, but i'll try:

Maradona: You are the most famous argentine man in the world. You have represented us and succeded in Italy first, then the Olimpics, and now the NBA. Next step is the moon!
Manu: Well, thanks!

(and lots of mutual flattering like that)

Maradona: There's something special about you, you're not only a excellent basketball player.

Manu: Well, I can't tell you "Yeah, there's something special about me" (laughs), but I know that when you get to the place where I am, it goes beyond basketball. Four years ago it was unbelievable for a argentine player to succeed in the NBA. I know that what's happening to me has a special meaning. I'm glad to help to develop argentine basketball and sports in general.

I'm a spurs fan since 1999, before you get there. And I think you have something else. You should have won the MVP, it was stolen from you, you were playing better than Duncan.

It would have been great to win the MVP, surely. But the only fact that I have lost for one vote against such a player as Duncan, is more than enough for me. To be there is more than I could ever have asked, with Tim wishpering at my ear "you deserve this as much or even more than I do".

¿What's the Spurs changing room like (meaning the basktage)?:

It's great. If there's a world of difference between Argentina and Italy, there are three worlds between Italy and the NBA. There so much money and comfort everywhere. There's always somebody helping you in any way we need. You only have to tie your snickers and play, that's all you have to do. The Spurs have the policy of taking in care the human aspects of the team, equally or even more than the sportive side. Many players accept a lower contract in order to stay in the Spurs, just because of the good "air" arround us.

Maradona: ¿And what about the coaching?

We are much more free than in Italy. You can do whatever you want during the free days. Even your wife can visit you during the concentrations. The first two weeks are really hard. But during the season, the players that play 30 minutes or more, don't have to practice, because we have three or four games per week. So, I only have to do some muscle work, and some shots before the games. It's the ideal for any sportman: you have to play a lot, and very little boring practice. (laughs)
Popovich don't make any difference with us, he can rise his voice to Duncan, to me, or the least important player. We are all the same for him, and this is very inspiring to all of us. Duncan is our leader, but he is the humblest player at the same time. And this is great for the team.

Maradona: ¿What was it like to have Popovich in Bahia?

I told him that Bahia wasn't like Manhattan (laughs). But he wanted to know my backgrounds, my neighbourhood, the court where I used to play as a kid. It was great. He was amaze with the country, he liked Argentina a lot, specially our wines. (laughs)

Maradona: ¿How do you see the spurs for the next season?

Manu: Very well. Everybody knows how hard is to win one ring, but to repeat the championship is twice harder. Every team is looking at the champion, and they are getting stronger too. But we are as good or even better than the last year. Besides, now we have Oberto with us, and he will make us stronger.

At the end both players signed each other their argentine jerseys, and then made a couple of shots. Maradona made 11 attemps, just to score one. Manu did only one attemp, while he was walking away, with one hand, and made it.

That's all I remember, if any other argentine wants to improve it, or remeber something else, please, be muy guest.


This time don't blame it on google, blame it on my english teachers!
Muchas gracias, munubili

08-23-2005, 11:43 AM
I'm glad Manu is think about repeating. No humble BS about whatever. Just Do It.

08-23-2005, 11:46 AM
gracias manubili, eso queria

08-23-2005, 11:58 AM
Journalists from Ole Sports Newspaper are really stupid. They have changed Manu's quotes in order to make it sound more chauvinistic.

Weird... like what?

To be there is more than I could ever have asked, with Tim wishpering at my ear "you deserve this as much or even more than I do".

Sweet! I really did make an involuntarily "aww" noise when I read that.

At the end both players signed each other their argentine jerseys, and then made a couple of shots. Maradona made 11 attemps, just to score one. Manu did only one attemp, while he was walking away, with one hand, and made it.

Awesome! :lol

This time don't blame it on google, blame it on my english teachers!

Your English is fine... great job, and thanks for posting.

08-23-2005, 12:39 PM
Nice translation Manubili. Thank you.

08-23-2005, 12:59 PM
Maradona stands by 'Hand of God'

Argentine football hero Diego Maradona has said he is unrepentant about using his fist in a controversial goal against England in the 1986 World Cup.

Speaking on his TV show, Maradona said the intervention, which he nicknamed "The Hand of God", was justified.

"The truth is that I don't for a second regret scoring that goal with my hand," he said on the programme.

The footballer apparently defended his goal as his response to Britain's claim to the Falkland islands.

He said he wanted to let Argentines and the whole world know the truth about a key moment in football history.

Maradona scored the goal by punching the ball into the net during a jump as goalkeeper Peter Shilton leapt into the air towards the ball.

Argentina wan the match 2-1 thanks to a second, impressive goal scored by Maradona, and described by England coach Bobby Robson as "a miracle".

The South American team went on to win the World Cup that year.

'Robbing a thief'

But that first Argentine goal will remain among the most controversial episodes in football history.

From the referee's angle it looked as though Maradona had headed the ball into the back of the net.

After scoring during the quarter-final match, Maradona said the boys came over to celebrate.

"They were quite timid. They came over to embrace me but it was as if they were saying: 'We've robbed them'," he said.

"But I said to them: 'Whoever robs a thief gets a 100-year pardon.'"

The player was apparently referring to the Falklands War, fought unsuccessfully by Argentina against the UK to take control of the islands it claimed as its own.

Maradona's show is called La Noche del Diez (Number Ten Night) - a reference to the Number 10 shirt Maradona wore for the national side.

Story from BBC NEWS:


08-23-2005, 01:19 PM
Weird... like what?

The article says that Manu said that Tim wishper "You deserve the MVP more than I do". And it wasn't like that, Manu said Tim wishper "You deserve it as much o more than I do"
They make Manu sound like a big headed. And Manu takes special care not to sound like that.

Besides, I remember now Manu said that, in any case, he would rather won the CO-MVP along with Tim, than the MVP for himself.

The article didn't quote that.

08-23-2005, 01:25 PM
Manu is awesome. He was so nervous coming in on that video and kept saying "que lindo.." at the standing ovation he was receiving.

08-23-2005, 02:30 PM

08-23-2005, 02:34 PM
It'd be nice if Manu could mix in a sandwich now and then. His face looks even skinnier than last season.

08-23-2005, 02:40 PM
I doubt he's skinnier. It's the suit. Even Maradona looks skinny there

08-23-2005, 02:43 PM
I doubt he's skinnier. It's the suit. Even Maradona looks skinny there

No, I think he definitely looks thinner. I thought he was getting thin during the finals and stuff, but now he looks like he lost even more weight.

08-23-2005, 03:18 PM
It'd be nice if Manu could mix in a sandwich now and then. His face looks even skinnier than last season. :lmao

08-23-2005, 07:29 PM
Hmmm... I guess I'm surprised that so many think he looks skinnier. From the photo and the video, I was noticing that his face looks fuller and his frame looks larger. I know that some of that could be the suit, but I don't think he looks thinner at all.

08-23-2005, 07:50 PM
For the americans, who´s the 3rd in the photo?

The guy on the left is Ricardo Montalban. The guy in the middle is obviously Tatoo (sp?)

08-23-2005, 07:54 PM
Video of the Presentation of Manu:


Manu clearly travels on that play.

08-23-2005, 08:26 PM
Manu clearly travels on that play.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :spin

08-23-2005, 11:42 PM
Manu clearly travels on that play.

I don't know, I've seen Kobe take more steps and not get called. :spin

08-24-2005, 12:19 PM
To say that Manu lost weight is stupid. If he loses weight, he vanishes, so it's impossible.

08-24-2005, 12:42 PM
I'm not proud of Maradona.

08-24-2005, 02:50 PM
the real question is did maradona knock in the hand of god goal with his left hand or right?

08-24-2005, 02:53 PM
To say that Manu lost weight is stupid.


Argentina can't even admit that Manu lost a pound without going into a national hysteria.

08-24-2005, 03:05 PM
I agree. I was expecting him to put back on some of the weight he lost during the season. My guess is that he has been as busy if not more so since the season ended with personal appearances and so on. He needs to add some upper body mass for sure.

08-24-2005, 03:12 PM

Argentina can't even admit that Manu lost a pound without going into a national hysteria.

What??? He's lost a pound??? :wow

I'm gonna hang myself from the shower rod. :shootme

08-24-2005, 03:21 PM

Argentina can't even admit that Manu lost a pound without going into a national hysteria.

It was a joke, quote everything.
I dont have idea if Manu lost weight or not.

08-24-2005, 03:21 PM
the real question is did maradona knock in the hand of god goal with his left hand or right?

Left! while giving the finger to all the British fans also! :lol

08-24-2005, 03:39 PM
I don't think Manu looks skinnier...I think it's the haircut.

Argentines need to stop harassing Manu and let him enjoy his offseason and get a lot of rest...curing Argentina of it's addiction to a crappy sport like Soccer, thus saving the entire country, is not going to be an easy thing to do.

08-24-2005, 03:46 PM
I don't think Manu looks skinnier...I think it's the haircut.

Argentines need to stop harassing Manu and let him enjoy his offseason and get a lot of rest...curing Argentina of it's addiction to a crappy sport like Soccer, thus saving the entire country, is not going to be an easy thing to do.

Don't hate the sport Woot, just 'cause this happened to you when u tried to play it: :)

08-24-2005, 03:47 PM

Argentina can't even admit that Manu lost a pound without going into a national hysteria.
Again putting all Argies in the same bag :depressed

You Dominicans are all the same :lol

08-24-2005, 03:48 PM
I don't think Manu looks skinnier...I think it's the haircut.

Argentines need to stop harassing Manu and let him enjoy his offseason and get a lot of rest...curing Argentina of it's addiction to a crappy sport like Soccer, thus saving the entire country, is not going to be an easy thing to do.

Keep trying...keep trying....someone will take the bait...

08-24-2005, 03:52 PM
Don't hate the sport Woot, just 'cause this happened to you when u tried to play it: :)

That picture isn't from when I tried to play it, it's what I had to do to get out of watching it. Was a good deal.

08-24-2005, 04:42 PM
curing Argentina of it's addiction to a crappy sport like Soccer, thus saving the entire country, is not going to be an easy thing to do.
If soccer is such a crappy sport than why is it by far the most popular in the world?

08-24-2005, 09:13 PM
man, we are in deep deja-vu shit with these threats.

How can you tell if Manu is skinner just looking at his face?? Besides, If he has been working out, then it might be possible that his face is skinner, just because of the fat burning.

08-24-2005, 09:58 PM






08-24-2005, 10:36 PM

Manu and Linda Blair???
:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

08-25-2005, 09:49 AM

Manu and Linda Blair???
:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

She really looks like her! She's a argentine actress, Nancy Duplaa. Man, those chairs can't be more tacky.