View Full Version : Detroit withdrawls from Finley Sweepstakes

50 cent
08-23-2005, 03:30 PM
The Detroit Free Press is reporting that the Pistons have removed themselves from the Michael Finley sweepstakes, instead electing to sign veteran Dale Davis to a two-year deal. Davis will receive $3.5 million in the first season, all of which would have gone toward a potential agreement with Finley.

Link (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=fanball-pistonsfinleyoutdavi&prov=fanball&type=lgns)

Big Pimp_21
08-23-2005, 03:40 PM
good! now if its about championships, he'll sign with either San Antonio or........well, i guess San Antonio if its about a ring.

Kori Ellis
08-23-2005, 03:48 PM
This was reported yesterday when Davis made his decision. But then after that, Marc Stein reported that the Pistons were going to meet with Finley this week on a date TBD. So I don't know if this is just speculation on the part of the Detroit paper that the Pistons aren't interested anymore or what.

08-23-2005, 04:46 PM
This was reported yesterday when Davis made his decision. But then after that, Marc Stein reported that the Pistons were going to meet with Finley this week on a date TBD. So I don't know if this is just speculation on the part of the Detroit paper that the Pistons aren't interested anymore or what.

I think Stein's article was outdated by the time it was posted, and Dumars has pretty much given up on Finley (unless he just BEGS to be a Piston.) At this point, I think Joe is planning to stand pat and see how Delfino fares under Flip, and then work a trade if that doesn't pan out, or else he's gonna work a BIG trade with a frontcourt player (like Sheed for a top-flight SF/SG).