View Full Version : 99 cent and Salvage grocery stores

09-16-2014, 08:04 AM
What is your take on these joints?

For stuff like aluminum foil, bleech, etc i think you cannot go wrong.
Food that is in date I'm down with. Altho just because the food label is in date does not mean the food is not jacked up. But that can be true at any grocery store.

Out of date food. I used to think this was a no no until the Today show had a video on Salvaged Food grocery stores.
Unreal the price drops. As to quality, the video was saying on a lot of foods the use by date is merely the manufacturers suggestion and indeed is more profit motivated not safety related. One study claims 40% of food on U.S. shelves ends up getting wasted. 40%!

Besides all the 99 cent stores, here is but one list of full on grocery stores:

09-16-2014, 08:10 AM
Cereal is really all I'd buy after the sell by date

09-16-2014, 08:27 AM
"Sell by, use by, best before -almost none of these dates indicate the safety of the food..."

Harvard study on food dating.

09-16-2014, 08:41 AM
as long u intend to eat it the next 2 days, to me still better then nothing...

most of the food anyway is sprayed with chemicals to make it last longer then expected...