View Full Version : Lakers: Who will be worse this year? Three or Kobeta?

09-16-2014, 08:05 AM
Serious question. Both are TOSBs. Kobeta is recovering from a serious injury but still rated at 89 on NBA 2k for 2015 which places some unreasoanble expectations on the heel and will cause him to pad his stats. Wade is declining rapidly but with "the departure" has a chance to be the man or at least remain option No. 2 this year after Velociraptor. Both will try to overdo it and probably get injured. Who is going to have the worse season?

09-16-2014, 10:00 AM
I think injury aside, both will have a pretty good season, even if their teams are not going to win much, they will still put up numbers. They are basically the "man" now in their team and if you are the no.1 option on any team, you are probably going to put up numbers.

09-16-2014, 10:32 AM
Wade. He looked broken down by the end of the last season, one in which he missed 28 games specifically to keep himself healthy.

Next season, more pressure will be on Wade and Bosh to carry the offense and regain their All-Star form, and I'd be highly surprised if Wade's body holds up to it, especially without being able to take a third of the season off.

Kobe will probably continue to be a :cry warrior :cry as he puts up 18 PPG on 15 FGAs.

09-16-2014, 10:54 AM
Wade was actually decent all the way up till Games 4 and 5, that was either him giving up or the Spurs figuring him out.

If Wade really wants to pad his stats, he should just give up on the defensive end and go full out on offense. He still has a decent midrange game, and can get to the basket relatively well, the key is for him to finish on those drives. If he adds a three point shot, all the better for him.

Kobe on the other hand, coming off of two major injuries, would likely be done. He'd probably still put up 18ppg or so due to heavy usage, but his efficiency is going to be even worse, and his defense will be non-existent. It really depends on whether Scott is ballsy enough to yank him out of games where he's not doing what's best for the team.

09-16-2014, 11:22 AM
Wade was actually decent all the way up till Games 4 and 5, that was either him giving up or the Spurs figuring him out.

He was only good until that point because of all that rest he got in the RS. he won't have that luxury this year. And props to Danny, he pretty much bullied him during the series.

If Wade can play as well as he played in the playoffs, pre-finals, I'll be surprised.

Oh, and Wade will have the better season by default because Kobe won't play more than 10-20 games before going down with the career ender.

09-16-2014, 11:48 AM
I expect Wade to roid up hard this off season so at least in the beginning of the season, he may go beastmode for a while. Kobe hasn't played a lick of defense in 7-8+ seasons so his point totals may still be pretty good should he be able to log 30+ minutes a game, granted that's a big if.

Both will likely end up getting injured again at some point in the season. If I were to guess who puts up the better overall numbers, I'd say Wade. The one who will likely end up being healthier at the end of the season, even with Kobe coming off the more serious injury, I'd guess Kobe because the guy is a maniac in terms of his workout regimen and he won't play as recklessly as Wade will. I'd also guess that both players will for the most part look really old and finish with flashes or even stretches of games where they look like their "former" selves, but only flashes, only stretches.

09-16-2014, 11:48 AM
He was only good until that point because of all that rest he got in the RS. he won't have that luxury this year. And props to Danny, he pretty much bullied him during the series.

If Wade can play as well as he played in the playoffs, pre-finals, I'll be surprised.

Oh, and Wade will have the better season by default because Kobe won't play more than 10-20 games before going down with the career ender.

I don't buy that a player would just suddenly shut down in three does. He looked fine in Game 3, played well, managed to finish his shots at the basket, and had a reasonable game. He actually drove to the basket a number of times in Game 4, just that he couldn't finish. The difference is that the Spurs were crowding the paint even more, and Wade's defender (mostly Green or Diaw) was funneling him towards the help defense.

09-16-2014, 12:38 PM
Good thread tbh

09-16-2014, 12:59 PM
Good thread tbh
I agree, good thread.
I would be inclined to go with Kirby due to his ref pampering. He may well average 10 FTs a game with a Sternlike push to get him the most points frauded all time.

But DWhistle is among the top Pamper Babies also.
They should both get an endorsement for Pampers. I'd like to direct the commercial.

Good thread. Will be interesting.

09-16-2014, 03:03 PM
God will have a season for the ages that will result in him get league MVP and finals MVP while Wade won't even make it to the all-star game this year.

09-16-2014, 03:14 PM
Good thread in asking the questions. Shitty replies as per par from the posters....

09-16-2014, 04:05 PM
Wade will have a good season, probably better than last year, but he will break down in the playoffs.

Kobe'll try too hard and will want to be a 25ppg scorer and get broken till All Star break.

So I'll go with Kobe.

09-16-2014, 05:16 PM
We'll know in a fortnight. & I'm as nervous as a sissy at Boy's Town.

09-16-2014, 06:19 PM
Wade. As others have said the Heat won't be a position to rest him much. The Heat are still expected to be a playoff team. Even in a conference with so many crap teams I don't think they'll just be able to coast in with Bosh as the only reliable threat night in and night out. On top of that this season means next to nothing to Kobe's legacy. No one is expecting the Lakers to do much, they didn't go out and build a roster for one last run at glory for him or anything like that. There aren't going to be a bunch of, "What's wrong in LA?" articles all year long. So Kobe can take a night off, play it up as a vet deferring to help the younger talent develop, blah blah blah. For Wade if they don't make the playoffs after Lebron leaves that will be a black mark on his career. Not a particularly fair one, but it's the lingering question: was Lebron smart to bail? Basically if either of them is looking primed for a season of pushing too hard too soon and breaking down I say it's Wade.

09-16-2014, 09:36 PM
dogshit vs. catshit imho, but I think statwise Kobe will have a better season than 3. Lakers will give him full privilege to pad stats just like always so he can continue selling tickets, while the cHeat are plainly fucked without Lebron.

09-17-2014, 09:20 PM
dogshit vs. catshit imho, but I think statwise Kobe will have a better season than 3. Lakers will give him full privilege to pad stats just like always so he can continue selling tickets, while the cHeat are plainly fucked without Lebron.

Lol, great analogy.

Malik Hairston
09-17-2014, 09:50 PM
Why do people ignore the fact that Wade played only 54 games last season, while half-assing on defense, on a team with Lebron receiving virtually all the defensive attention?..

He was able to survive by utilizing an ultra-conservative approach in the regular season on a team that could afford to sit him out for stretches..

This season, they're going to need him to play at least 70 games if they want to make the playoffs IMO, and he's going to receive far more defensive attention than he had previously received with Lebron on the court..

I don't know why so many people keep assuming that Wade will stay healthy and have a great season, tbh..there's really no reason to believe it, at least not until he proves it..

09-18-2014, 09:20 AM
dogshit vs. catshit imho, but I think statwise Kobe will have a better season than 3. Lakers will give him full privilege to pad stats just like always so he can continue selling tickets, while the cHeat are plainly fucked without Lebron.
Nicely done.

09-18-2014, 12:13 PM
Wade. As others have said the Heat won't be a position to rest him much. The Heat are still expected to be a playoff team. Even in a conference with so many crap teams I don't think they'll just be able to coast in with Bosh as the only reliable threat night in and night out..

09-18-2014, 03:48 PM
It's amazing. I watched Kobe school Bow Wow before any of his injuries and he looked unstoppable against the 5-7 midget, taunting and goading the rap artist relentlessly from beginnng to end. Bow Wow decribed him as every bit as impressive as his 2K self proclaiming "that shit he does in 2k is real". But despite some old man craftiness, he looked hobbled against Chinese pre-teens one on one this summer despite the win. I may be wrong, but I suspect Kobeta is going to have ok numbers for a couple of months culminating in potentially a career ending injury this time ala Micheal Redd. I don't think Wade will blow out the knee this season but possiby next.

Malik Hairston
09-18-2014, 04:30 PM
Kobe will be tough to gauge, as his team will be nowhere near playoff contention, tbh..

He could play poorly, but it won't be as evident, because his supporting cast is so awful and their coach is arguably the worst in the league..

09-18-2014, 04:33 PM
It's amazing. I watched Kobe school Bow Wow before any of his injuries and he looked unstoppable against the 5-7 midget, taunting and goading the rap artist relentlessly from beginnng to end. Bow Wow decribed him as every bit as impressive as his 2K self proclaiming "that shit he does in 2k is real". But despite some old man craftiness, he looked hobbled against Chinese pre-teens one on one this summer despite the win. I may be wrong, but I suspect Kobeta is going to have ok numbers for a couple of months culminating in potentially a career ending injury this time ala Micheal Redd. I don't think Wade will blow out the knee this season but possiby next.

I did something for the first time and wish I used more caution in the process. I used MySpace to look up matches for dating. I had a few interesting returns, replies, and dinners out of the deal. However, I had one experience I regret. One person I found that I started chatting with, I really liked. She appears to be my intellectual equal, and make more money than I do. After going though her photo's for the second time, I noticed one of her new house had the number clearly visible. That alone wouldn't be much, but her city was Gresham Oregon which is maybe only 75,000 population. It was a flag lot which there aren't many of. The photos clearly indicated they were clearly taken within a short time of the summer solstices and close to noon, because if the angle of the shade. Because of this, I knew the orientation of her driveway was in the general direction of north. It was obvious she would be easy to find. I wanted to warn her this was a photo to remove, so I did. Since people have a hard time believing my capabilities, I went to Google Maps satellite view, and found her house in under ten minutes. Probably three or four. I then mailed her with the request she remove the picture with the house number and sent the satellite link showing her property too.

Guess what. She freaked. I guess that's understandable, but now she doesn't want anything to do with me. Here I am looking out for her, and get bit for doing what I thought was the right thing to do. At least she removed the photo. I wish I handled it differently. Warning her that it could be done, then when she didn't believe me, find her house and show her. For me, it was a game. I like solving puzzles. In the end, it doesn't matter. She's not good enough for me is she's going to be so judgmental.

Long story short. Be careful what information you post on the internet.

09-18-2014, 05:27 PM
Kobe will be tough to gauge, as his team will be nowhere near playoff contention, tbh..

He could play poorly, but it won't be as evident, because his supporting cast is so awful and their coach is arguably the worst in the league..

Lettin' a squirt like Battier get your cookie, broad daylight no less.

09-18-2014, 05:35 PM
he looked unstoppable against the 5-7 midget, taunting and goading the rap artist relentlessly from beginnng to end. Bow Wow decribed him as every bit as impressive.
Laker Wrapperz and posters is hardkore. Here be another 1.
http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/pc/Lil+Wayne+Dhea+Lil+Wayne+Lakers+Game+mUtKYysJrKBl. jpg

09-19-2014, 11:08 AM
Sad thing Wade is only 32, comparing him to Kobe isn't even fair. Either way my money's on Kobe being worse.