View Full Version : The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

08-24-2005, 11:30 PM
This looks like a real good movie.
I think this Priest fucked up and made a bad call. I guess i'll have to go see what happened.

The sone
08-24-2005, 11:45 PM
i am sooooo bout seeing this movie...i wanna crap myself in the theater and toss it at people...no wait thats what i wanna do at the zoo to the monkeys...

08-24-2005, 11:50 PM
I'm always down for some Exorcism. Who be starring in this fright fest?

08-24-2005, 11:52 PM
I'll be there scaring The Sone!

The sone
08-24-2005, 11:55 PM
youll be there eating a decroded peice of crap!!!!

08-25-2005, 12:29 AM
^^^Answer your phone punk!

08-25-2005, 12:38 AM
Based on a true story my ***.

08-25-2005, 12:41 AM
im going to go see this :)

Faccia di Angelo
08-25-2005, 07:47 AM
I don't like scary movies, cause they scare me, but this one does look good! I know someone will definitely be dragging me to go see it, but it doesn't come out for another month right? I need to read up on this Emily.

08-25-2005, 08:24 AM
This one looks bad ass! I'm so gonna catch this one on opening weekend.

08-25-2005, 11:56 AM
I'm there.
This is for real.

08-25-2005, 03:59 PM
Its gonna try and be like the exorcist, its gonna suck. And whats the deal with the girl drawing on the wall while doing like a german squat dance.

08-25-2005, 04:14 PM
PG13- Its a teenie movie, it will suck.

08-25-2005, 04:16 PM
okay, well the trailer just made me wet my pants, so I'll be skipping this one.

this looks creepy along the lines of The Ring, which absolutely scared the crap out of me and ruined a romantic weekend at a quaint farm-style bed and breakfast .... our room had a view of an old well :wow

08-25-2005, 04:17 PM
PG13- Its a teenie movie, it will suck.

it's got oscar caliber actors in it, which means it will have an actual storyline..unlike all the teeny slasher movies which do suck.

08-25-2005, 04:20 PM
Got this off another site. Emily Rose wasn't her real name.

It all began about 1968, when Anneliese (a very religious nurtured girl, who was born on the 21st of September 1952) has an insult. Paralysed and shaking she can’t call her 3 sisters, or her parents (Josef and Anna) for help. A Neurologist at the Psychiatric Clinic Würzburg diagnosed Epilepsy Type "Grand Mal". Depressions, often occurring after those Epilepsy Attacks, have not been recognized.

After a long stay at the Hospital, she begins to see devilish grimaces during her daily praying. In the fall of 1970 Anneliese returned to school, and while other girls live the freedom of the 70s, she starts believing to be possessed. She can’t find another reason for the grimaces. Now also voices are following her, saying that Anneliese will "stew in hell". The Depressions get stronger and stronger and Anneliese doesn’t see any reason for the meetings at the Doctors, because they don’t bring a relief. Just once, does she tell a Doctor about the "Demons", which even give orders to her now. But the gap between known Medicine and Catholic Ideology is too big, to get her problems considered.

In the summer of 1973 her parents ask different Pastors for an Exorcism. The Catholic Chaplains reject and recommend, to continue the medication on the now 20 year old Anneliese. The proof for a possession (Infestatio) is strictly structured, and before not all criterions are fulfilled, the Bishop can’t approve an Exorcism. Aversions against religious objects, speaking in languages the person never learned and supernatural powers, are just some of them.

Pastor Ernst Alt, supervising Anneliese at that time, asked the Bishop of Würzburg for the Permit to perform an Exorcism on Anneliese Michel in 1974. His request was also rejected, so he recommends Anneliese an even more religious Lifestyle. But the attacks don’t disappear. At her parents house in Klingenberg, she insults, beats, bites the family members. She doesn’t eat, because the demons don’t allow her to. Anneliese sleeps at the stone floor, eats Spiders, Flies and Coal. She even drinks her own Urine. For hours, she yells thru the house. Anneliese breaks Crucifixes, destroys paintings of Jesus and demolishes Rosaries. Running thru the house, tearing the clothes from her body and urinating on the floor is nothing unusual anymore. She even commits self-mutilation.

In September 1975, after an exact Verification, the Bishop of Würzburg, Josef Stangl, assigns Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt with the order, to perform "The Great Exorcism" on Anneliese Michel. The basis for this ritual is the "Rituale Romanum", a still valid Canon Law from the 17th century. Pastor Alt and Father Renz try to save Anneliese from, in the meantime over 6 individuals (Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler and Fleischmann, a disgraced Frankish Priest from the 16th century, and some other "Damned"), which manifested thru her. From September ’75 till July ’76, 1 to 2 sessions a week were held. Sometimes her attacks were so strong, that she had to be hold down by 3 men, or they had to chain her up. Between those sessions in her parent’s house, Anneliese has some time without any attacks, in which she goes to school, makes her final examinations at the Pedagogic Academy in Würzburg and goes to church. Just like she used to live before.

But the attacks didn’t stop. The young woman gets unconscious and paralyzed more often. The Exorcism continues over weeks and months. Always praying the same specified prayers and incantations, over and over again. Sometimes the parents are present, or her sisters. Even a married couple, that claims of having "discovered" Anneliese. Over several weeks, she denies every food. Her knees are burst, because of the 600 Genuflections she does obsessive during the Exorcisms. During the Exorcism there were over 40 audio tapes recorded, to log the possession.
The last day of the Exorcism Rite is the 30th of June 1976. Anneliese is now also suffering from a Pneumonia, totally emaciated and having high temperature. But she can’t waive doing the Genuflections. Her parents even help her doing them. "Beg for Absolution.", is the last sentence Anneliese says to the Exorcists. To her mother she says: "Mother, I’m afraid.". Anna Michel recorded the death of her daughter on the next day, the 1st of July 1976. At Noon, Pastor Ernst Alt informs the prosecuting authorities in Aschaffenburg. The Senior Prosecutor began investigating.

Short time before these events, William Friedkin’s "The Exorcist" came to the cinemas in Germany (1974), and started a paranormal Hysteria all over the land. Psychiatrist all over Europe, reported of an increase of obsessive ideas at their patients. For the Prosecutors, the factual situation is more than bizarre. And it took almost 2 years, until the "Klingenberg Case" was brought to court. Anneliese’s parents and the 2 Exorcists were accused of negligent homicide. There were only 2 questions to answer. What caused the death of Anneliese Michel, and who was responsible ?

The cause of death, as diagnosed by the Forensics: "Anneliese starved to death" ! If the Accused would have begun with forced feed, one week before her dead, Anneliese’s live could have been saved. Her sister told in front of the court, that Anneliese didn’t want to go to a Mental House, sedated and forced to eat. The Exorcists tried to prove the presence of the demons, by playing the tapes they recorded. There were such strange dialogues, like 2 of the demons arguing , who of them has to leave Anneliese’s body first. The demon, that called himself Hitler, talked with Frankish Accent (Hitler was born Austrian). None of those present during the Exorcisms, never had a doubt, that this weren’t demons.
The Psychiatrists, which have been ordered by the court, talked about "Doctrinaire Induction". Saying, that the Priests have offered Anneliese the contents of her psychotic behaviour. Consequentially she later accepted the behaviour of a, from a demon possessed person. Also an unsettled sexual development, along with the diagnosed Temporal Lobe Epilepsy influenced Anneliese’s Psychosis.

The judgement was, although the parents and the chaplains were adjudged guilty, not as hard as expected. All of the accused were sentenced to 6 months jail on probation, because of manslaughter resulting from negligence and omitted First Aid. The accused should have helped by taking care of the medical treatment the girl needed. But instead of doing so they aggravated the bad constitution, by using naïve Practices.

A Commission of the German Bishop-Conference later declared, that Anneliese Michel was not possessed. Anneliese’s body didn’t even find peace after the girl’s death. Because of some believe in miracles, it was said that her body doesn’t decay, her corpse gets exhumed 11/2 year after the burial. With the final result, that the body decays, as every other dead body. Till now her grave is a place of pilgrimage, for Rosary-praying pilgrims, who still think, that Anneliese Michel has defeated the Devil.

In 1999 Cardinal Medina Estévez presented Journalists, in Vatican-City, the new Version of the "Rituale Romanum" that was used by the Catholic Church since 1614. He presented them "De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibusdam" better know as "The Exorcism for the upcoming Millennium". After more then 10 years of editing, the Pope approbated the new Exorcism Rite, which is now allowed for worldwide usage. The change was initiated by the death of Anneliese Michel. The German Bishop-Conference demanded to ultimately abolish the "Rituale Romanum". The Vatican answered in his own way, with a new form of Exorcism. More then 20 years after Anneliese Michel died.

08-25-2005, 04:27 PM

Anybody know how to translate German.


08-25-2005, 04:36 PM
I wonder how many of these "possessed" people are schizophrenic? It mentions she has grand mal seizures which is also seen in schizophrenia.

On the other hand, maybe schizos are really possessed by the devil. creepy.

08-25-2005, 06:28 PM
Its gonna try and be like the exorcist, its gonna suck. And whats the deal with the girl drawing on the wall while doing like a german squat dance.

How is it trying to be like the Exorcist? Because it has it has an exorcism in it? Big deal. It's more about the responsibility of death that has been passed around. Her parents & the priest saying that she was possessed by the devil versus the Psychiatrists saying that she was mentally unstable and was starved to death.

Horry For 3!
08-25-2005, 06:36 PM

Anybody know how to translate German.

Nope. I know some German but not much.

Horry For 3!
08-25-2005, 06:39 PM
New 24,04,04 this book was again presented:
FELICITAS GOODMAN Anneliese Michel and its Demons
The case blade mountain in scientific view preface of Professor Dr. Ferdinand Holboeck epilog of Professor Dr. Georg victory mouth 4. Aufl., 364 sides, 28 photos, 4 fig., PAPER-bake, € 23. -, Fr. 33. - ISBN 3-7171-0781-X, Christian IANA publishing house, Ch-8260 stone on the Rhine fifty million viewer were confronted 1978 with the "Aschaffenburger Exorzistenprozess", with one of the most shaking girl fates of the present. Also the German American Mrs. Professor Dr. F. Goodman, Professorin for anthropology at the University of Ohio, wrote concerning it a sensational book. Mrs. Professor Goodman examined the religious states of emergency with different peoples and came her to a scientific analysis of the tapes in the case Anneliese Michel, which died as 23-jaehrige Paedagogikstudentin in puzzling way, end the conclusion the fact that a genuine obsession is present here and that the thesis of a "epilepsy" or "psychogenen mental disorder" is not durable. Mrs. Professor Goodman vouches as Wissenschaftlerin for an impartial treatment of the material. It is Nichtkatholikin; where it deviates from the catholic view, for the readers the catholic point of view in some footnotes is stated. The breath-robbing book is brilliantly in the representation, frappant in the fact and pictorial material, explosive in its conclusions. The book does not want to accuse, but it is a final speech for the truth. "... even if fifty million humans at it laugh... white I, what I legend "(minister Ernst Alt before court). The Salzburger university professor Dr. Ferdinand Holboeck considers the book meaningful. The first woman, who read the flags, called this work "breath-robbing". "I consider the book important and important" (Professor Dr. Georg victory mouth, Fulda).

09-10-2005, 12:59 AM
Very good movie. I was honestly expecting a horrible movie but was a lot better than I thought.

:tu :tu

Two thums up.

Marklar MM
09-10-2005, 06:28 AM

This is the exorcism that "The Exorcist" was basically based on. Just changed it from a boy to a girl.

09-10-2005, 09:38 AM
No, it isn't. That was a seperate exorcism that took place in Maryland. The Emily Rose movie is based on a German incident.

09-10-2005, 09:53 AM
I'll check it out on DVD.

Marklar MM
09-10-2005, 10:03 AM
No, it isn't. That was a seperate exorcism that took place in Maryland. The Emily Rose movie is based on a German incident.

I know that Emily Rose is based on a German exorcism. The exorcism I listed is where "The Exorcist" author got the idea from.

09-10-2005, 11:00 AM
I'll check it out on DVD.

Of course you will. :lol

09-10-2005, 11:02 AM
Marklar, "The Exorcist" is based on a Maryland exorcism. I think everyone knows that. Do you have a link that says otherwise. If so, I would question the source because I've seen documentaries of the real exorcism that took place in Maryland and that inspired the book. The identity of the child -and location- was changed to protect the boy.

09-10-2005, 11:14 AM
i consider myself somewhat of a connessiour of horror movies

and every horror movie for the last 4 or 5 years has sucked ass

09-10-2005, 11:19 AM
i consider myself somewhat of a connessiour of horror movies

and every horror movie for the last 4 or 5 years has sucked ass

There's horror and then there is scary. The Ring is the scariest movie I have ever seen. It was excellent. If by horror you mean Freddy Kruger chops up teenagers crap, that stuff is pure trash. Any 6th grader could write that garbage and any 5 year old could understand it. You can keep that shit.

09-10-2005, 11:23 AM
There's horror and then there is scary. The Ring is the scariest movie I have ever seen. It was excellent. If by horror you mean Freddy Kruger chops up teenagers crap, that stuff is pure trash. Any 6th grader could write that garbage and any 5 year old could understand it. You can keep that shit.

they're the same...nightmares on elmstreet 1 was more scarier than the ring

See, people don't realize, the major thing that makes today's scary movies scary, is today's incredibly bad ass soundsystems.

Take M Night Shamamalyan, or the Ring for example. In M's movies, theres long, drawn out silence, then loud ass shreiking fast pulsing sounds, that get the audience scared to shit. In teh ring, when that stupid bitch at the beginning is all where are you where are you, her death is accompanied by a very loud, quick sound.

Horror movies have been doing this since the advent of DVD's. Back in the day, they relied on physical methods of scaring you.
re-watch horror movies from this era, you will see alot of them use the sound technique

09-10-2005, 11:25 AM
BTW there's also the densensitization issue, all the blood and guts and gore of Nightmare 1 was very scary back then, and when u watch it you have to put it in context. today's society is so desensitized that we can't even comprehend old people telling us that Bonnie and Clyde's ending scene was the most horrible thing they had ever seen (also very contraversial for its time)

so i guess the directors kinda have to rely on stupid shit like loud noises to scare people now, but this effect will wear off too.

Marklar MM
09-10-2005, 11:36 AM
Marklar, "The Exorcist" is based on a Maryland exorcism. I think everyone knows that. Do you have a link that says otherwise. If so, I would question the source because I've seen documentaries of the real exorcism that took place in Maryland and that inspired the book. The identity of the child -and location- was changed to protect the boy.


This is the exorcism that "The Exorcist" was basically based on. Just changed it from a boy to a girl.

I provided a link that shows that The Exorcist was roughly based on the Maryland exorcism. I said they changed the person from a boy to a girl. Changed names were implied.

"The true story began in January 1949 and involved a 13-year-old boy named Robbie who lived with his parents and grandmother in Mt. Rainier, Maryland. "

I was informing others who did not know this. And there was a History channel/TLC show on Thursday about this particular exorcism, and had The Exorcist's author on it.

09-10-2005, 11:39 AM
It's not about the sound. It's about the story lines. Scary movies targeted toward teenagers have weak story lines if any and are really just centered around chopping people up in gruesome ways. They are based on gore and the acting and writing is almost always terrible. It's the lowest common denominator in film making.
Movies like The Ring, 6th Sense, The Omen, and The Exorcist are smart, well-written, well filmed, well acted, have intriguing storylines and don't insult the intelligence of the viewer. These movies stick in your head and scare you long after you have watched them. For me, The Ring, especially had that effect. Just the scene of the girl coming out of the well sends shivers up my spine. There is also almost no blood in that movie. Nightmare on Elmstreet stuff just grosses people out. That's easy and cheap entertainment.

Marklar MM
09-10-2005, 11:39 AM
BTW there's also the densensitization issue, all the blood and guts and gore of Nightmare 1 was very scary back then, and when u watch it you have to put it in context. today's society is so desensitized that we can't even comprehend old people telling us that Bonnie and Clyde's ending scene was the most horrible thing they had ever seen (also very contraversial for its time)

so i guess the directors kinda have to rely on stupid shit like loud noises to scare people now, but this effect will wear off too.

Exactly. Resident Evil for example. No gore whatsoever, would have made a better movie.

Marklar MM
09-10-2005, 11:47 AM
Event Horizon
The Shining(Nicholson)

are a few good ones.

09-10-2005, 11:51 AM
I'm not much for scary movies and got drug to this one.

But i want to comment on the "older movies are better" theory.

So what if your desensitized to stuff? I guarandamntee that if you watched todays scary movies back in the 70's/80's whenever, they would have scared the shit out of you more.

Children of the corn and Nightmare on elm street haunted me for a long time when i was young but there basically comedies after something current. Who cares HOW they scare you? Really?

09-10-2005, 11:52 AM
It's not about the sound. It's about the story lines. Scary movies targeted toward teenagers have weak story lines if any and are really just centered around chopping people up in gruesome ways. They are based on gore and the acting and writing is almost always terrible. It's the lowest common denominator in film making.
Movies like The Ring, 6th Sense, The Omen, and The Exorcist are smart, well-written, well filmed, well acted, have intriguing storylines and don't insult the intelligence of the viewer. These movies stick in your head and scare you long after you have watched them. For me, The Ring, especially had that effect. Just the scene of the girl coming out of the well sends shivers up my spine. There is also almost no blood in that movie. Nightmare on Elmstreet stuff just grosses people out. That's easy and cheap entertainment.

you cant lump nightmare on elmstreet 1 and 2 with all the others. The first two had a good director (wes craven i think). While the first two did have blood and gore they weren't the chop happy shit you're thinking of...those did not come until later.

Scary movies targetted towards teenagers? :lol U have any idea how many teenagers are in this country? I'm pretty sure every scary movie keeps teenagers as a key demographic.

The sixth sense, omg are you serious? we are talking about SCARY movies, no? A movie with Haley Joel Osment is about the furthest thing from scary i could ever imagine. Plus he used the sound technique like no OTHER in that movie (m night uses this technique so much i almost walked out in that movie with mel gibson when those lame ass aliens were killed by fucking water)

I wont deny sixth sense was a good movie, but i wouldn't call it scary in the least....

You make a good ponit with the omen and the exorcist. :tu I love the Omen I. Very subtle and clever movie.

09-10-2005, 11:55 AM
But i want to comment on the "older movies are better" theory.

So what if your desensitized to stuff? I guarandamntee that if you watched todays scary movies back in the 70's/80's whenever, they would have scared the shit out of you more.

Children of the corn and Nightmare on elm street haunted me for a long time when i was young but there basically comedies after something current. Who cares HOW they scare you? Really?

I never said older movies are better, i said horror movies of this generation suck ass, and i think the storylines are fucknig weak, they have to rely on lame devices like quick flashes of darkness and then a shadow accompanied by a super boomingly loud noise on the bad ass theatre sound system.

Of course today's movies would scare older generations, probaly make them throw up and run out of the theatre too

09-10-2005, 11:55 AM
The Ring scared me as did the first time I watched The Blair Witch project...but the headache sucked.

The Excorcist, when watched when it orginally came out was one bad ass scarey movie to me.

The Shining was also great but the book was even better.

09-10-2005, 11:58 AM
Children of the corn and Nightmare on elm street haunted me for a long time when i was young but there basically comedies after something current. Who cares HOW they scare you? Really?

btw, if you watched the ring at any point in your life, then watched it years after, do you really think it would have the same lasting effect? in the end, all scary movies become "comedies" if you wanna put it that way.

to me, it does matter how they scare me. its high on my list.

09-10-2005, 12:02 PM
I saw the Exorcism of Emily Rose yesterday afternoon. I thought it would be scarrier than it was, but I still wasn't really dissapointed. The whole believing and not believing in demons and such was really interesting. It was and average to good movie, but if you're looking for a scarefest I wouldn't recommend it.

09-10-2005, 12:03 PM
The Ring scared me as did the first time I watched The Blair Witch project...but the headache sucked.

The Excorcist, when watched when it orginally came out was one bad ass scarey movie to me.

The Shining was also great but the book was even better.

The books are always better.

09-10-2005, 05:24 PM
If someone offered to pay me $1000 to watch this movie..............I still wouldn't watch it. Can't Be Faded...I don't know how you have gotten yourself immune to all these scary movies. I, on the other hand, completely refuse to watch a scary movie....be it Freddy Kreuger....the Ring............the Exorcist.

I get scared shit-less very easily!

09-10-2005, 05:33 PM
I can't believe how many people were scared by The Ring. IMO, that movie blew. Some of the visuals the showed were kind of creepy, but I wouldn't say any of those were scary. I can't think of a movie that has scared me since I watch the first Exorcist when I was about 8. The third Exorcist scared me when I was young but I can't see any movie scaring me ever again. I guess I've lost the ability to suspend reality.

09-10-2005, 09:03 PM
btw, if you watched the ring at any point in your life, then watched it years after, do you really think it would have the same lasting effect? in the end, all scary movies become "comedies" if you wanna put it that way.

to me, it does matter how they scare me. its high on my list.

Those were scary to me bc those two scenario's somehow seemed more realistic in a way than most didn't. While i watched it i imagined things were happaning that weren't. When i rewatch a modern movie that scared the shit out of me, i still KNOW what's happaning yet the sound and techniques still scare the shit out of me again.

Why the hell do you watch these types of movies if your mainly interested in the plot? Seriously, thats about as bad as complaining about the plot of a cheap porno but one that really turns you on. Do they not do the job there intended too? When people say they like certain types of comedy, say a deeper, frasier type humor, if they laugh there ass off at something sophmoric loaded with fart jokes, Dumb and Dumber?, they only thing that makes them say they didn't enjoy it is there pride.

But back to the original comment you had. Take your niece, nephew whatever that likes scary movies and find them an older one that they haven't seen.

Its like prying them away from San Andreas to stick Frogger in front of them. Go ahead, tell me that it was initiative, a groundbreaker whatever.
When i'm giving out pioneer awards maybe i'll remember that but till then i'll take the more enjoyable selection which is USUALLY the newer one.

09-10-2005, 09:17 PM

09-10-2005, 10:51 PM
There's horror and then there is scary. The Ring is the scariest movie I have ever seen. It was excellent. If by horror you mean Freddy Kruger chops up teenagers crap, that stuff is pure trash. Any 6th grader could write that garbage and any 5 year old could understand it. You can keep that shit.

The Ring was lame. It was so fake that I never even got the least bit scared.
If a movie does make me keep one eye open in bed that night, it blows as a horror movie.

The Exorcist was the scariest movie in the history of the movies...I could not sleep at all the night I watched it and still to this day will not even look at it for 10 secs, when I am flipping channels and I see it is on HBO.

09-11-2005, 12:06 AM
The first time I saw the ring, I wasn't really freaked out till that chick came through the TV screen. Other than that it just was interesting, not scary.

The last scary movie I saw that kept me up at night was The Grudge. I wouldn't go near my cat all night and i swear i kept seeing that damn boy all in the shadows of my room :lol

09-11-2005, 12:20 AM

Now that shit is scary.

09-11-2005, 01:59 AM
This movie wasn't scary IMO.

CBF is right about one thing...the state of modern horror films sucks...There are very few truly scary movies these days and it's got nothing to do with desensitization...it's just that modern horror movies spend all their energy trying to scare people visually....Horror is at it's best when it utilizes the imagination of the audience..becasue we all know what scares us more than anyone else does. Sound, situation, pace, acting and originallity are more important than visual gore...Horror movies with stars in them usually suck also...the seem to work better with unknown casts.

Gore is actually kind of it's own genre now...it's not really horror anymore...it's just gore.

I mean I watch a lot of horror movies and the old ones are still way more scary than the new ones...even if you have seen them before....even though they aren't as gory and the special effects aren't as good...

CBF...There haven't been very many scary ones in the past few years but there have been a few fairly creepy ones...

The Japanese version of Dark Water has a couple of creepy moments if you can put up with the melodramatic Japanese acting...

But the best movie I have seen in a couple of years is the Devil's Backbone...I reccomend it if you haven't seen it...it's not incredibly scary or anything...but it's creepy. You have to put up with subtitles though.

09-11-2005, 03:30 AM
I can't believe how many people were scared by The Ring. IMO, that movie blew. Some of the visuals the showed were kind of creepy, but I wouldn't say any of those were scary. I can't think of a movie that has scared me since I watch the first Exorcist when I was about 8. The third Exorcist scared me when I was young but I can't see any movie scaring me ever again. I guess I've lost the ability to suspend reality.

i agree...The Ring sucked ass!!

and don't get me started in the Ring 2..that sucked even more ass....i'd rather watch Shaq act before watching those again..:lmao

herbivore female
09-11-2005, 03:35 AM
problem is to many pussies trying to be hardasses. if all these tough guys would just watch the damn movie and stop trying to be too cool/hard to care they might get scared. but of course youve got your stereotypical toughguy dentists going in there and arranging to get their wife's popcorn when they know the scary parts are coming. or they pretend to fall asleep.

if you are determined not to let the movie scary you, it probably won't. stop trying to be cool and watch the fucking movie. that goes for all you pussies.

09-11-2005, 04:29 AM
Tried to check out the movie last night, it was sold out openning night :( so we will try to watch it on sunday :)

09-11-2005, 10:47 AM
but of course youve got your stereotypical toughguy dentists going in there and arranging to get their wife's popcorn when they know the scary parts are coming. you pussies.

I've never heard of this "stereotypical toughguy dentist". All the dentists I know are effeminate nerds.

09-11-2005, 10:50 AM
...it's just that modern horror movies spend all their energy trying to scare people visually....Horror is at it's best when it utilizes the imagination of the audience..becasue we all know what scares us more than anyone else does. Sound, situation, pace, acting and originallity are more important than visual gore....

Well said.
Has anyone ever seen a movie called "Burnt Offerings"? It's from the seventies and is one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. No blood in it at all, but definitely a scary movie. (never agree to rent a country mansion for the summer with the caretakers old aunty still living in the attic) oh..and it has a great twist ending.


09-11-2005, 01:23 PM
If someone offered to pay me $1000 to watch this movie..............I still wouldn't watch it. Can't Be Faded...I don't know how you have gotten yourself immune to all these scary movies. I, on the other hand, completely refuse to watch a scary movie....be it Freddy Kreuger....the Ring............the Exorcist.

I get scared shit-less very easily!

i was a kid who grew up around the television, instead of reading books, plus my parents let me watch anything i wanted, and scary movies always fascinated me.
as a result i have been watching "scary movies' since before i can remember. I watched the hack and slashers (nightmares 3-6) etc when i was like barely outta kindergarten stuff like that. The Lost Boys isn't exactly a scary movie, but i was watching it at an age most kids would go cry to mommy at. I'm totally immune to scary movies, it does kinda suck, but it allows me to be more picky, since i've seen so many.

09-11-2005, 01:27 PM
Why the hell do you watch these types of movies if your mainly interested in the plot? Seriously, thats about as bad as complaining about the plot of a cheap porno but one that really turns you on. Do they not do the job there intended too?
Never said i was mainly interested in the plot.
Its an overall package thing. I scrutinize the entire movie. I do it cuz its fun. I'm not complaining--I know that I'm not forced to go watch these movies. I watch them to compare and contrast. And the ring still sucked, btw.

But back to the original comment you had. Take your niece, nephew whatever that likes scary movies and find them an older one that they haven't seen.Its like prying them away from San Andreas to stick Frogger in front of them. Go ahead, tell me that it was initiative, a groundbreaker whatever.
When i'm giving out pioneer awards maybe i'll remember that but till then i'll take the more enjoyable selection which is USUALLY the newer one.

:lol :lol Well maybe if your neice and nephew are in middle school, or above....if you take a 5 or 7 year old, and sit him in front of Child's Play 1, any of the hack and slashers with freddy or jason, even a hellraiser, i fucking garuntee you they'd shit their pants, cry, and have bad dreams and night terrors for a week.

If you take a normal girl teenagers, just you and her, turn the lights off, and watch any scary movie possible, theyll get scared and crawl closer to you, this includes old and new movies.

Horror is at it's best when it utilizes the imagination of the audience..
:tu yeah exactly. to me, loud quick sharp noises are just hurting my ears and makign me jump--this isn't stimulating my imagination. those japanese horror movies do a great job at this.

09-11-2005, 01:33 PM
And it seems like the spurstalk consensus is that the ring freakin sucked!

Marklar MM
09-11-2005, 02:01 PM
And it seems like the spurstalk consensus is that the ring freakin sucked!

Agree. Not very scary.

09-11-2005, 03:35 PM
And it seems like the spurstalk consensus is that the ring freakin sucked!

Aye! Aye!

09-11-2005, 03:37 PM
Isaac from "Children of the Corn" was scarier than that old hag from "The Ring"

Remember when Isaac gets possessed by that demon, and he grabs Malakai (sp) and goes "He wants you too, Malakai....He wants you too!" That little kid was sooo creepy, he was perfect for that part.

09-11-2005, 09:29 PM
I'm on my "older moveis/newer movies rant" in general. I've never seen the ring so i don't comment on that. My GF is an older film buff so i end up seeing a lot of older crap with her. Like i said, i'm not a scary movie buff but i'll use Enter the Dragon as an example.

Is it a classic? Yes, but why? One of the originator's? I'm pretty sure but like i said, save that for the pioneer awards. He did all the stunts in real time. Cool but the end product is the same even if it was 100 times easier. When you compare it to a more modern "B" movie "gutter trash" The plots just as lame, the acting is crappier the farther back you go (Bogart, Monroe, etc.. may have been great but the STYLE of acting isn't very realistic and that goes for movies in the 80's even), better sound, special effects, blah, blah, blah.

People like her would banish the entire LOTR set as gutter trash if there had been a blockbuster series made in the 60's-70's to compare it too.

Like video games, the remake, rehashing of the story is almost ALWAYS better.

Back to the orignal movie though, Emily Rose was scarier bc of the basis of the story and the facts my GF said throughout the film. Had it not been for that i doubt we would be talking about it, the switching from trial to Emily's situation just annoyed me.

Swishy McJackass
09-11-2005, 10:04 PM
I read a review that said the movie was basically a Law & Order episode. Any truth to that?

09-11-2005, 10:47 PM
Isaac from "Children of the Corn" was scarier than that old hag from "The Ring"

Remember when Isaac gets possessed by that demon, and he grabs Malakai (sp) and goes "He wants you too, Malakai....He wants you too!" That little kid was sooo creepy, he was perfect for that part.

Was that the dark hair kid?

09-12-2005, 12:31 AM
Was that the dark hair kid?

Yeah the little dark haired psycho looking kid.

Johnny Tightlips
09-12-2005, 01:38 AM
Who says I been exorcisin'?