View Full Version : pedophiles/perverts..

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 01:14 AM
In football we had Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky..Jameis Winston, Ben Rothlisberger

In music..


The "King of Pop" Michael Jackson

Rapper Mystikal

Then we had the "baddest man on the planet" Mike Tyson, a rapist..

Filmmaker Roman Polanski

Then on Spurstalk, we have avante

10-04-2014, 01:43 AM
Not going to work little guy, everyone here is smart enought to know what situation all us young servicemen were in. Only dummies like you don't get it.

Like I've always said.....you see a sick ass pedophile you blow his fucking brains out, the sick fuck deserves it.

You did accomplis this, we all know you're a total dumb fuck now, not that there was much doubt.

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 01:45 AM
Not going to work little guy, everyone here is smart enought to know what situation all us young servicemen were in. Only dummies like you don't get it.

Bro, I have a 12-year old little cousin..every time I see a post of yours, I get angry, I'm not going to lie, tbh..nothing worse than a grown man taking advantage of innocent girls..

We all joke with you about your poor betting record, etc, but it's all in good fun..however, the pedophilia shit is going too far, you need help, that's not cool, homie..

10-04-2014, 01:49 AM
Bro, I have a 12-year old little cousin..every time I see a post of yours, I get angry, I'm not going to lie, tbh..nothing worse than a grown man taking advantage of innocent girls..

Why totally ignore what I said about this? Answer me that.

So you are angry at all those millions and millions of servicemen who were in the same situation I was in? You do realize that was the culture over in those foreign ports....right? You do know none of us knew shit about anything going on over there....right?

And don't get stupid with it, there were no 12/13 year old girls working the bards...ok? Not saying 15/16.

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 01:51 AM
Why totally ignore what I said about this? Answer me that.

So you are angry at all those millions and millions of servicemen who were in the same situation I was in? You do realize that was the culture over in those foreign ports....right? You do know none of us knew shit about anything going on over there....right?

Do you have a credible link that supports your claim?..

I know that servicemen are usually mentally unstable and brainwashed, but I don't believe there are millions of pedophiles among them..

10-04-2014, 01:52 AM
Not going to work little guy, everyone here is smart enought to know what situation all us young servicemen were in. Only dummies like you don't get it.

Like I've always said.....you see a sick ass pedophile you blow his fucking brains out, the sick fuck deserves it.

You did accomplis this, we all know you're a total dumb fuck now, not that there was much doubt.

:lmao you're so nervous on this topic that you can't even spell properly

10-04-2014, 01:53 AM
Do you have a link that supports your claim?..

Supporting what claim, don't tell me you know nothing about that world over there. You do know those bar girls actually got pissed if you turn them down, right? And you can't be dumb enought to think those bars had 12/13 year olds in them. You do know those girls had to be licensed ....right?

10-04-2014, 01:56 AM
:lmao you're so nervous on this topic that you can't even spell properly

I love this topic, that's why I 've brought it up numerous times, so you're wrong. I love to talk about it.

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 01:57 AM
Supporting what claim, don't tell me you know nothing about that world over there. You do know those bar girls actually got pissed if you turnrd them down, right? And you can't be dumb enought to think those bars had 12/13 year olds in them.....ok?

Do you have a link that supports your claim that millions of servicemen are pedophiles that were fucking 12-year old Asians, and not just you?..

There are thousands of articles and videos that discuss America's time in Asia, including the difficulties/fighting/diseases/morale/living conditions, etc that were prevalent during the military conquests, why wouldn't there be any available information on rampant pedophilia and rape of pre-pubescent girls?..

10-04-2014, 02:01 AM
Do you have a link that supports your claim that millions of servicemen are pedophiles that were fucking 12-year old Asians, and not just you?..

There are thousands of articles and videos that discuss America's time in Asia, including the difficulties/fighting/diseases/morale/living conditions, etc that were prevalent during the military conquests, why wouldn't there be any available information on rampant pedophilia and rape of pre-pubescent girls?..

Do you have anything that proves those girls were 12 years old? I never saw anyone that age in any bar I've ever been in. Dude, don't talk like a total idiot...ok? There were no 12/13 year olds in any bars I ever saw.

So tell me slick what do you think all those servicemen did in those bars?

I was on a ship with about 400 sailors. I'd guess at least 250 of them made it with bar girls. There are over a 1000 sailors on an aircraft carrier. And we have a ton of those, now think!

It was going to the store to get a beer over there.


Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 02:11 AM
Do you have anything that proves those girls were 12 years old? I never saw anyone that age in any bar I've ever been in. Dude, don't talk like a total idiot...ok? There were no 12/13 year olds in any bars I ever saw.

You've admitted that they were roughly that age:lol

So tell me slick what do you think all those servicemen did in those bars?

Um..drinking? eating? cooling? not fucking 12-year old, undeveloped girls?..

It was going to the store to get a beer over there.


That link doesn't provide any of the content that I requested, tbh..you're still a piece of shit..

Regardless, just because you were part of a gang of sexual deviant pedophiles, it doesn't change anything..

10-04-2014, 02:16 AM
You've admitted that they were roughly that age:lol

Um..drinking? eating? cooling? not fucking 12-year old, undeveloped girls?..

That link doesn't provide any of the content that I requested, tbh..you're still a piece of shit..

Regardless, just because you were part of a gang of sexual deviant pedophiles, it doesn't change anything..

Stop lying, I have never said anything about 12/13 years olds. Dude, are you dumb enought to think girls that young were allowed in the bars? Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

I showed you a link talking about how things were over there and it had zero to do with pedophiles/perverts, so why act retarded? Those girls appeared to love what they were doing, and everyone had fun. If you're so fucking far gone you don't get that, that's on your dumb ass.

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 02:20 AM
Stop lying, I have never said anything about 12/13 years olds. Dude, are you dumb enought to think girls that young were allowed in the bars? Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

I showed you a link talking about how things were over there and it had zero to do with pedophiles/perverts, so why act retarded? Those girls appeared to love what they were doing, and everyone had fun. Of you're so fucking far gone you don't get that, that's on your dumb ass.

:lol so you claim that everything was messed up over there and there weren't any rules, yet you're using the excuse that "the bars wouldn't allow 12 years old inside" :lmao..

What kind of man can't tell the difference between a 12-year old girl that hasn't hit puberty vs. a girl of legal age?..even an obese virgin could tell the difference, the only people that would claim otherwise are people that knew the difference but chose to ignore it in order to satisfy their disgusting urges..

You've already admitted they were 12/13, stop changing your story..you said that you regret it, but you did it because everybody else was doing it, too, you fucking pervert..

10-04-2014, 02:25 AM
:lol so you claim that everything was messed up over there and there weren't any rules, yet you're using the excuse that "the bars wouldn't allow 12 years old inside" :lmao..

You've already admitted they were 12/13, stop changing your story..you said that you regret it, but you did it because everybody else was doing it, too, you fucking pervert..

Now think ya dumb fuck, what 6-2 260 (then) guy is interested in some flat chested under developed kid? When all around him there are fulll grown women, are you really this fucking stupid?

I showed you the culture over there so stop acting like your dumb ass doesn't get it, ok?

And no retard there were no kids in those bars, not saying there weren't 15/16 years olds but over there that's a grown woman and totally legal.

Hey stupid you do know all those 'pros" had to be licensed....right? Do you really think a kid under 15 could get a license to work the bars?'

You're a fucking idiot!

10-04-2014, 02:28 AM
You were 260 in your early 20's :lmao?

10-04-2014, 02:30 AM
You were 260 in your early 20's :lmao?

I talked about my lifting history, started at 15.

Tell me agan about how nervous this topic makes me, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Not too observant are ya amigo?

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 02:33 AM
Now think ya dumb fuck, what 6-2 260 (then) guy is interested in some flat chested under developed kid? When all around him there are fulll grown women, are you really this fucking stupid?

I showed you the culture over there so stop acting like your dumb ass doesn't get it, ok?

And no retard there were no kids in those bars, not saying there weren't 15/16 years olds but over there that's a grown woman and totally legal.

Hey stupid you do know all those 'pros" had to be licensed....right? Do you really think a kid under 15 could get a license to work the bas?'

You're a fucking idiot!

You already said they were 12/13, stop changing your story:lmao..

And "you need a license to work as a prostitute in a poor Asian country" :lmao:lmao..keep telling yourself that, keep trying to convince yourself..is that what Judy told you to make you feel better after the night terrors of 12-year old Asian girls screaming help!! fat man crush me!!?..you sick pervert..

Your wife is even worse IMO, marrying a man that has 12-year old, poor, confused Asians on his resume..

10-04-2014, 02:38 AM
You already said they were 12/13, stop changing your story:lmao..

And "you need a license to work as a prostitute in a poor Asian country" :lmao:lmao..keep telling yourself that, keep trying to convince yourself..is that what Judy told you to make you feel better after the night terrors of 12-year old Asian girls screaming help!! fat man crush me!!?..you sick pervert..

Your wife is even worse IMO, marrying a man that has 12-year old, poor, confused Asians on his resume..

So prove there were 12/13 year old girls in those bars and no they didn't need any license, go ahead back your shit up retard. Come on man prove your big fucking mouth.

I never saw anyone that young in any bar and yes they needed a shot record and a license, prove that is a lie asswipe......or shut the fuck up.

10-04-2014, 02:42 AM
Only God knows how many young girls and boys Avante ravaged while he was supposed to be defending our nation. What a sick, sorry son of a bitch. Pray for the victims.

10-04-2014, 02:49 AM
Only God knows how many young girls and boys Avante ravaged while he was supposed to be defending our nation. What a sick, sorry son of a bitch. Pray for the victims.

How was I defending our nation to begin with? I was in Viet Nam. What threat was that to our nation, try....none.

Are you really stupid enought to think those bars had faggots working in them, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, boys....hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Hey dummy, just how fucking stupid are you?

10-04-2014, 02:54 AM
Little people, little people, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you dummies really as stupid as you act? Little faggot boys working those bars.......they would have been beat to a pulp, trust me! So cool that moronic bullshit, it's fucking beyond retarded. Now think morons, back then gays were considered to be mentally retarded so you are going to be seen with some faggot midget....hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up until 1976 homosexuality considered an illness.

Notice how the girls must now be 12, hell why not 10 and I'm with faggot boys now, hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!

There were tons of full grown women in those bars, ok ya dumb fucks? If there were any kids nobody paid them any attention I never saw any....ok?

My thing was this....many many years after I'd been out of the Navy I saw something on tv about the slave trade business. Something I knew nothing about. That got me thinking about those navy days and those bars, that's all...ok ya dumb fucks?

Never seen so many 100% dummies in one place before in my life, you fucks don't know shit.

10-04-2014, 03:05 AM
In football we had Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky..Jameis Winston, Ben Rothlisberger

In music..


The "King of Pop" Michael Jackson

Rapper Mystikal

Then we had the "baddest man on the planet" Mike Tyson, a rapist..

Filmmaker Roman Polanski

Then on Spurstalk, we have avante

Mystikal is one of the top 5 worst rappers of my lifetime tbh

10-04-2014, 03:15 AM
This is why I bring this up now and then. Nobody wants to deal in realities.

ONE MORE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing on this earth worst than a fucking sick ass pedophile. That is why I brought this up the first time, I talked about how wrong it was to be put in that spot without any knowledge of it. How this got turned into me being some sick ass pedophile....????????

I'd shoot a fucking pedophile, blow him totally away because their sick ass deserved it. How my stance on this gets totally ignored tells me just how stupid all of you are who ignore reality.

Little people are you telling me you are totally ignorant to servicemen on liberty in foreign countries? You all act like this is something totally new to your dumbass. That is amazing, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd think you'd seen some movie, had an older brother/uncle/cousin in the service who talked about this. The ignorance shown here about this is stunning.

10-04-2014, 03:29 AM
You protest too much.

10-04-2014, 03:33 AM
You protest too much.

Actually this topic makes me real nervous, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little shit, did you really say that, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a fun topic. love it!

The stupidity I see over this is amazing. so many who don't understand shit about shit. The ignorance is off the charts.

Very entertaining:hat


10-04-2014, 03:57 AM
Actually this topic makes me real nervous, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little shit, did you really say that, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a fun topic. love it!

The stupidity I see over this is amazing. so many who don't understand shit about shit. The ignorance is off the charts.

Very entertaining:hat


Holy fuck 4:57 of that video.. that's the one you fucked?!

10-04-2014, 04:02 AM
:lmao i guess HH was bored and wanted to get his troll on

well done :bobo

10-04-2014, 04:05 AM
Holy fuck 4:57 of that video.. that's the one you fucked?!

I'll go slow....

I was in the Navy back in the early 70's, do you really think that video is from the early 70's, come on man.

10-04-2014, 04:06 AM
:lmao i guess HH was bored and wanted to get his troll on

well done :bobo

Now think half pint, you'll get it.

10-04-2014, 04:17 AM

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 04:56 AM
Mystikal is one of the top 5 worst rappers of my lifetime tbh


Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 05:19 AM
Avante, can you explain this article, tbh?..


Child victims

Here you can also see another aspect of the base's effect on Olongapo. In a small wooden dormitory perched on the hill is the home of 13 children, all victims of child prostitution, sexual abuse and the broken homes caused by the base's presence.

They are incredibly good-natured children: warm and friendly, they tear about joking and laughing, excited by the arrival of strangers. They gladly talk about their life at the centre and their future ambitions, but few will discuss their past. One girl, Christine, is 14 and an exception. She says she doesn't know her parents. She grew up on Olongapo's streets, where she was forced to prostitute herself to survive. Now she is at the centre she is happy, but she knows she cannot stay there forever.

A particularly shy child, Michael, hangs back from the rest. Later Cullen informs me that Michael's father was an alcoholic who continually abused his wife. At 10, Michael ran away from home and, while living on the streets, was seduced by an Austrian sex tourist. The man was subsequently caught and put in jail, where he paid the guards to bring Michael to him again.

Cullen estimates there are about 3000 street children in Olongapo. "They are easy prey to the free-spending paedophile who can make all the difference to their lives with a few sweets or a new set of clothes." Although Cullen admits the real extent of the widespread sexual abuse of these children is unknown, the few official cases that have come to his attention give an indication of the seriousness of the problem.

One well-known case occurred in October 1987, when a 12-year-old girl died as a result of injuries caused when a vibrator broke inside her body. Social workers found her abandoned and cared for her until her death a few days later. A foreign tourist was found guilty and given life imprisonment. He claimed the US Navy framed him to protect one of their own.

The most appalling case to come to Cullen's attention was reported last January, when an 18-month-old baby was found to be infected with gonorrhea. The suspects were three US servicemen. The child's aunt reported to the police that her niece had been found positive by a private doctor, and this was later confirmed by the Olongapo General Hospital. The hospital's report said the child "could not possibly have got the disease from anybody else but the three servicemen because the servicemen are sharing an apartment with the baby and the baby's mother".


Just as shocking is the immunity US servicemen have from local justice. Since 1981, court records show, 108 US servicemen have been charged with rape and seduction, 15 of the charges involving children under the age of 16. All the cases were dismissed.

"US servicemen are protected by the navy", according to Cullen. "If they are ever accused of sexually related crimes they can evoke the agreement covering the bases, immediately go under US jurisdiction and get very light treatment." Similarly, because they do not want to offend the US presence, many city officials are hesitant to pursue servicemen linked to sexual crimes.

The cover-up goes very deep. In August 1988, an undercover operation was mounted by the US Investigative Service to discover if there were child prostitution rings operating in Olongapo City. From the outset the investigation ran into problems. US authorities, not keen on what might be uncovered, set aside only $1500 for the operation, and to have it approved in the first place, they had to argue that it would "enhance the image of US bases in the Philippines".

The official reports of the operation revealed that the undercover agents were offered, for the purposes of prostitution, four-, five- and six-year-olds as well as a 13-year-old. The agents contacted social workers at a government-run centre, and three girls aged 12 and under were identified as having been victims of child prostitution, who could identify two US citizens involved in child prostitution. Nine Filipinos were also identified as being involved.

So, although Avante has already admitted to the exploitation of young Filipino girls for sexual purposes, this article further confirms that most of the sex trade workers in Olongapo are under-aged, a lot of them pre-pubescent and underdeveloped..

Avante claiming to have been sexual with 12 and 13 year olds was potentially a coverup on his part, as it appears that many of these girls are even younger than that:wow:wow

What a scumbag, piece of shit, tbh, and same goes for his trashy wife that condones this shit..

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 05:25 AM

Should I do it, tbh?..

10-04-2014, 08:35 AM
This is why I bring this up now and then. Nobody wants to deal in realities.

ONE MORE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing on this earth worst than a fucking sick ass pedophile. That is why I brought this up the first time, I talked about how wrong it was to be put in that spot without any knowledge of it. How this got turned into me being some sick ass pedophile....????????

I'd shoot a fucking pedophile, blow him totally away because their sick ass deserved it. How my stance on this gets totally ignored tells me just how stupid all of you are who ignore reality.

Little people are you telling me you are totally ignorant to servicemen on liberty in foreign countries? You all act like this is something totally new to your dumbass. That is amazing, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd think you'd seen some movie, had an older brother/uncle/cousin in the service who talked about this. The ignorance shown here about this is stunning.

10-04-2014, 10:50 AM
Avante, can you explain this article, tbh?..


So, although Avante has already admitted to the exploitation of young Filipino girls for sexual purposes, this article further confirms that most of the sex trade workers in Olongapo are under-aged, a lot of them pre-pubescent and underdeveloped..

Avante claiming to have been sexual with 12 and 13 year olds was potentially a coverup on his part, as it appears that many of these girls are even younger than that:wow:wow

What a scumbag, piece of shit, tbh, and same goes for his trashy wife that condones this shit..

It's the Philippines. It was and is so bad here in terms of protecting women/children, people will even blame rape victims for dressing like sluts than condemn the guilty instead. Although yes child abuse/prostitution has improved over the years it's still rampant now, an inflation of rape cases etc.

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 11:10 AM
Avante, can you explain this article, tbh?..


So, although Avante has already admitted to the exploitation of young Filipino girls for sexual purposes, this article further confirms that most of the sex trade workers in Olongapo are under-aged, a lot of them pre-pubescent and underdeveloped..

Avante claiming to have been sexual with 12 and 13 year olds was potentially a coverup on his part, as it appears that many of these girls are even younger than that:wow:wow

What a scumbag, piece of shit, tbh, and same goes for his trashy wife that condones this shit..
/Avante's excuses

10-04-2014, 12:07 PM
Avante, can you explain this article, tbh?..


So, although Avante has already admitted to the exploitation of young Filipino girls for sexual purposes, this article further confirms that most of the sex trade workers in Olongapo are under-aged, a lot of them pre-pubescent and underdeveloped..

Avante claiming to have been sexual with 12 and 13 year olds was potentially a coverup on his part, as it appears that many of these girls are even younger than that:wow:wow

What a scumbag, piece of shit, tbh, and same goes for his trashy wife that condones this shit..

This is sad but horrifyingly true. A large portion of prostitutes in that area can be as young as 10. It's not widely discussed in the US, but the cases were disturbing. Also Fwiw, 95% of the offenders were whites.

10-04-2014, 12:09 PM
day of the rope is coming and pedo's, perverts, etc will be the first to go right alongside their marxist comrades

10-04-2014, 12:09 PM
And you don't need a license to be a prostitue then:lol it's not regulated and every town mayor and police chief are easily bribed with money, and guess what? Underage flesh...

10-04-2014, 01:24 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10600465_919343284748048_4560079883011679757_n.jpg ?oh=6b6860cb0e5a7ac49177fa98c980ed16&oe=54983119&__gda__=1415235216_ca60ebce168b55135db9d1cd1ec0f30 c

10-04-2014, 02:34 PM
Avante, can you explain this article, tbh?..


So, although Avante has already admitted to the exploitation of young Filipino girls for sexual purposes, this article further confirms that most of the sex trade workers in Olongapo are under-aged, a lot of them pre-pubescent and underdeveloped..

Avante claiming to have been sexual with 12 and 13 year olds was potentially a coverup on his part, as it appears that many of these girls are even younger than that:wow:wow

What a scumbag, piece of shit, tbh, and same goes for his trashy wife that condones this shit..

I'll go slow....

We ran the bars, what that above is about was not that situation and it's obvious. There were no really young girls in any bar I was ever in as I mentioned. So you are talking about something totally different than what I'm talking about.

The girls had to have a work permit (not a license) I seriously doubt those were given to 12/13 year olds.

We didn't go over for sex, we went over to have a good time, a few drinks, dance. It was the girls who brought up sex. And none of the ones I dealed with were youngsters.

So cool the silly bullshit and deal with reality, ok little fella.

Like I mentioned so many here totally clueless.

10-04-2014, 02:38 PM
And you don't need a license to be a prostitue then:lol it's not regulated and every town mayor and police chief are easily bribed with money, and guess what? Underage flesh...

To work the bars the girls needed a work permit.

10-04-2014, 02:44 PM
This is a fun topic simply because it shows how out of touch with reality so many of you here are. not a clue and it's real obvious.

I have mentioned numerous times being a big guy I was into the big (for them) well developed women over there. Why that gets ignored...???

Pedophiles are sick fucks, you shoot them on sight.

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 02:54 PM
Old Fat-Gut spinning and deflecting per par....

10-04-2014, 03:01 PM
Old Fat-Gut spinning and deflecting per par....

Do you ever actually think at all little man?

You walk into a room choked full of women you can have anyone ya want. Now think idiot. Are you looking for some little kid who don't know shit or a full grown woman with experience? Since they come running over to you you do have your pick.

Dude, you gotta be dumbest fuck I've ever seen. You don't get shit, ever. Amazing!

What grown man is interested in little kids other than sick ass pedos? I'd choke the mutherfucker if I saw that.

10-04-2014, 03:08 PM
This is fucking funny.

Avante....6=2 276 pounds of twisted railroad steel.
Clubber...fat slob

Avante....only a sick mutherfucker would mess with kids.
Clubber...you pedo you.

Avante...heres the All Time Whatever
Clubber...you Googled it

Avante...here's my Fortress of Solitude, see all the music/books/weights/football trophies/posters of sprinters?
Clubber...those aren't yours

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on little people, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

Big strong good looking guy here, hung like an Arkansas mule who knows a lot of shit...ok? Stop fighting it.

10-04-2014, 03:16 PM
This is fucking funny.

It is most definitely is, chubby.

10-04-2014, 03:17 PM

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 03:22 PM
Stop fighting it.
Is that what you told those ladyboys in Olongopo?

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 03:24 PM
Avante, both 100% Duncan and rsxpimp are Flips IIRC, they both already confirmed the severity of the sex trade of children in the Phillipines..the article I linked to you also confirms that US servicemen have largely taken advantage of these children without punishment..

This fits well with your original story that you had sex with a 12-year old girl in Olongapo..:(but everybody else was doing it too:(

You fucking fat piece of shit, tbh..

At least with Culbear, we only assume he's a pedo, we don't have any real proof..in contrast to you, an admitted pedophile..

10-04-2014, 03:31 PM
Is that what you told those ladyboys in Olongopo?

That right there tells it all, you are retarded.

10-04-2014, 03:34 PM
Avante, both 100% Duncan and rsxpimp are Flips IIRC, they both already confirmed the severity of the sex trade of children in the Phillipines..the article I linked to you also confirms that US servicemen have largely taken advantage of these children without punishment..

This fits well with your original story that you had sex with a 12-year old girl in Olongapo..:(but everybody else was doing it too:(

You fucking fat piece of shit, tbh..

At least with Culbear, we only assume he's a pedo, we don't have any real proof..in contrast to you, an admitted pedophile..

Dude, why ignore what I'm telling you? I am talking about the bars ok little guy? There were no 12/13 year olds in any of the bars I was in, why keep it ignoring that?

You are talking about something totally different. I liked to dance, so I hit the bars, ok stupid?

10-04-2014, 03:38 PM
Love this, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Check it out...

In order to gain employment in the sex bars, girls must be over the age of 18. However, it is estimated that roughly 50% of girls working as prostitutes in sex bars are minors. In many bars, this percentage is far greater. Girls under the age of 18 are told by bar owners to use fake birth certificates in order to work in the bar. One girl who offered the Sunday Tribune sex in a bar in Olongapo admitted to being just 16 years of age, while other girls said that the use of fake ID is wides

While that is true can anyone with half a brain think a 12/14 year old girl can pass for 18? Well?

There were without a doubt some 15ish old girls in those bars but 12/14, don't be stupid. Come on people, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

12/13 years old working bars, hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

Have another one....

When I graduated from DTS I could not stop thinking about the amazing experiences we had in the Philippines. We got word that one of the girls that came out to our beach outreach party had decided to join the discipleship program. She was 16 yrs old at the time and had used her sister’s ID to work at the bar. (Legal age is 18) We were overjoyed to hear God working in her! She was brought up Muslim but is now baptised and turning her life over to her Saviour.

Now think people, sure a 16 year old can pass for 18 with a fake ID, but 12/13, don;t be stupid.

10-04-2014, 03:57 PM
To work the bars the girls needed a work permit.

Come on dude. We both know these permits are easily falsified, especially in third world countries.

A lot of these girls are underaged, that's just a sad fact. I'm not accusing you of anything but with the way these girls are being peddled, it won't surprise me if a good number of military men stationed in Olangapo during those times had sexual intercourse with a minor.

10-04-2014, 04:04 PM
Come on dude. We both know these permits are easily falsified, especially in third world countries.

A lot of these girls are underaged, that's just a sad fact. I'm not accusing you of anything but with the way these girls are being peddled, it won't surprise me if a good number of military men stationed in Olangapo during those times had sexual intercourse with a minor.

It's a given there were 15/16 years olds in those bars with fake whatevers. But for anyone to be dumb enought to think 12/13 year old kids could pass for 18, hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

That's beyond stupid.

I'm a big boob guy, I looked for well fed full grown women, not some little dumb kid.

10-04-2014, 04:22 PM
Pay attention.

Who here is dumb enought to think any sailor would want his fellow sailors to see him with some 12/13 year old kid in a bar over there? He's be called a pedo, made fun of. I personally would have kicked his ass.

Do any of you think at all?

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 04:27 PM
Pay attention.

Who here is dumb enought to think any sailor would want his fellow sailors to see him with some 12/13 year old kid in a bar over there? He's be called a pedo, made fun of. I personally would have kicked his ass.

Do any of you think at all?

:lol no, most service men are mentally unstable, a large number of them definitely joined you in your pursuit of undeveloped Filipino pussy, tbh..

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 04:29 PM

10-04-2014, 04:46 PM
:lol no, most service men are mentally unstable, a large number of them definitely joined you in your pursuit of undeveloped Filipino pussy, tbh..

Now you're down to just making stupid shit up. now that it's been proven there were no 12/13 year old girls working those bars.

Stupid. I never once talked about anything other than hanging in bars, so cool your retardation, ok? No way in fuck I 'd go anywhere over there by myself off the main drag. I stayed with a gang in bars.

You're whipped asshole and know it. No there were no young kids in those bars and no I never went anywhere else but the bars.

Dummy, there were street walkers and sex dens, that's what all those articles are talking about. That isn't what I'm talking about, ok ya fucking moron?

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 05:05 PM
It's a given there were 15/16 years olds in those bars with fake whatevers. But for anyone to be dumb enought to think 12/13 year old kids could pass for 18, hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

That's beyond stupid.

I'm a big boob guy, I looked for well fed full grown women, not some little dumb kid.
Old Fat-Gut now lecturing a Filipino on his own country :lol

10-04-2014, 05:13 PM
Old Fat-Gut now lecturing a Filipino on his own country :lol

Stupid dumb fuck thinking California is like Maine.

Dude, do you think at all before posting? Damn you're dumb.

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 05:30 PM
Stupid dumb fuck thinking California is like Maine.

What are you even talking about? :lol

10-04-2014, 05:35 PM
What are you even talking about? :lol

Like talking to retarded dwarf.

Just because a guy lives in a country that doesn't mean he knows all about it. I have to actually explain this? I live in California, I don't know shit about living in Maine ok dummy?

I've been to Olongapo many times. I doubt Mr. Filipino has ever been there, that's why I can tell him about it.

Damn you're dumb.

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 05:40 PM
I have no idea how California or Maine are relevant to your attraction to underage Filipino ladyboys....

10-04-2014, 05:44 PM
I have no idea how California or Maine are relevant to your attraction to underage Filipino ladyboys....

Clipper Nation

I challenge you to show me anything/anywhere talking about Filipino ladyboys. So why act like a 100% retard? Oh yeah....no choice.

Is this freak about as dumb as dumb gets?

10-04-2014, 06:15 PM
While I do have fun with this topic, the ignorance shown over it really is amazing.

Here I am the only one here who was ever really in that situation and I don't know how things really were?

Doesn't looking totally retarded bother you guys?

Strange Love
10-04-2014, 06:41 PM
LOL Now he's browsing youtube for suspiciously young looking girls at bars. Sick faggot.

10-04-2014, 06:46 PM
LOL Now he's browsing youtube for suspiciously young looking girls at bars. Sick faggot.

You ever thought about actually paying attention to what somebody says about something? You ever gave that a thought?

Dude, you chop fucking sick ass pdeos up into tiny little pieces, ok ya dumb fuck?

How many ways/times do I have to say there is nothing siicker that pedos? Why is that being totally ignored?


Strange Love
10-04-2014, 06:52 PM
You ever thought about actually paying attention to what somebody says about something? You ever gave that a thought?

Dude, you chop fucking sick ass pdeos up into tiny little pieces, ok ya dumb fuck?

How many ways/times do I have to say there is nothing siicker that pedos? Why is that being totally ignored?


You look nervous tbh..

10-04-2014, 07:02 PM
You look nervous tbh..

Little man, it's really obvious you're just hanging on and have no clue about shit...ok? So why even bother with it?

I love this topic, if I was nervous about it I sure in the hell wouldn't keep bumping it up and making other threads about it myself, so why talk stupid?

Little man, give it a rest ok, you're just too dumb.

Damn this board has some dummies ...wow!

10-04-2014, 07:16 PM
I find pedophilia to be about as disgusting at it can get. I can't believe I haven't made that clear by now. I would never ever ever mess with kids, and would beat the fuck out of anyone who did. Why keep ignoring that?

I was in the Navy but no way in hell I was ever with some flat chested little girl , that's fucking sick.

Now if you guys are simply mentally retarded keep acting stupid over this. I only brought up to talk about how wrong it all was, how that got turned into me being some pedo...?????

Grow up people, ok?

10-04-2014, 07:38 PM
I find pedophilia to be about as disgusting at it can get. I can't believe I haven't made that clear by now. I would never ever ever mess with kids, and would beat the fuck out of anyone who did. Why keep ignoring that?

I was in the Navy but no way in hell I was ever with some flat chested little girl , that's fucking sick.

Now if you guys are simply mentally retarded keep acting stupid over this. I only brought up to talk about how wrong it all was, how that got turned into me being some pedo...?????

Grow up people, ok?

Still feeling the guilt, huh? It's been 40 years, bro.

10-04-2014, 07:46 PM
Still feeling the guilt, huh? It's been 40 years, bro.

I'll go slow.....

I wasn't cool about not being told about about that fucked up situation over there back in my navy days as a kid. Nobody ever said anything about how things really were over there. I didn't find out until years later then it pissed me off, that's how concerned with that sick shit I am.

How that got turned in the bullshit we see here......amazing!

I'm totally against anything that would harm a child, and anyone who did ya poke an eye out.

Clipper Nation
10-04-2014, 07:49 PM
I wasn't cool about not being told about about that fucked up situation over there back in my navy days as a kid. Nobody ever said anything about how things really were over there. I didn't find out until years later then it pissed me off
Translation: you're trying to pass the buck to the US military in order to excuse away your pedophile tendencies....

10-04-2014, 07:55 PM
Translation: you're trying to pass the buck to the US military in order to excuse away your pedophile tendencies....

You blow fucking pedophiles totally away little man. Or you can just torture them, chop off a finger, then poke out an eye then yank out a tooth on Monday, come back Tuesday and chop off another finger. poke out the other eye and yank out another tooth, make a week out of it.

You never ever ever get anything, wow!

10-04-2014, 08:01 PM
I bet....

Avante.....I hate buttermilk and liver.
Clubber...hey Avante want some buttermilk and liver?

Damn you little shits are dumb.

10-04-2014, 08:12 PM
I bet....

Avante.....I hate buttermilk and liver.
Clubber...hey Avante want some buttermilk and liver?

Damn you little shits are dumb.

When you were splitting her pudding, were you doing it because you were turned on by her smooth, underdeveloped body or was it the sheer thought and excitement of being able to get away with a crime like that?

I'm just saying, because you know, you could've done tons of other things over there and no one would've known. But, you chose a 12 year old to do it to? Seriously man?

10-04-2014, 08:25 PM
Avante, I don't think it's too late for you to be prosecuted.

10-04-2014, 09:07 PM
When you were splitting her pudding, were you doing it because you were turned on by her smooth, underdeveloped body or was it the sheer thought and excitement of being able to get away with a crime like that?

I'm just saying, because you know, you could've done tons of other things over there and no one would've known. But, you chose a 12 year old to do it to? Seriously man?

So you can't read either?

10-04-2014, 09:08 PM
Avante, I don't think it's too late for you to be prosecuted.

I couldn't have been prosecuted the very next day. I never broke any laws.

10-04-2014, 09:39 PM
Does anyone know Avante's personal information? As a Filipino, I am mad and raging right now after knowing this fat fuck took advantage of underage girls...

The philippines have imprisoned several US soldiers for having sex with underage bar girls...

If I can get his information, I will forward it to the embassy..I know there's only a 1% chance of convicting this old man but it is worth it...

10-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Does anyone know Avante's personal information? As a Filipino, I am mad and raging right now after knowing this fat fuck took advantage of underage girls...

The philippines have imprisoned several US soldiers for having sex with underage bar girls...

If I can get his information, I will forward it to the embassy..I know there's only a 1% chance of convicting this old man but it is worth it...

Here's the fly in the ointment amigo, I was never with any "underage' girls.

But.....if you can find out just who were those dozen or so bar girls that were there illegally because of fake ID;s.....good luck.

So find out my real name, what bars I was in between 70-72 and who was I with. But since I never knew their real names or they knew mine....hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now prove we actually had sex.

How many idiots post here anyway?

10-04-2014, 09:46 PM

10-04-2014, 10:02 PM
Avante enters the bar with three other big guys. His buddies are engulfed with girls, so he heads ver tro the bar.

While nursing a Singapore Sling....

cutie...I sit by you, you buy me drink, ok babysan?
Avante...how old are you?
cutie...I 18 see my ID?
Avante...you sure?
cutie...oh me sure, me 18.
Avante....well...hmmm?...you positive?
cutie...you ok babysan?
Avante...just want to be sure you're legal.
cutie...why worry so much babysan, nobody care abou that here.
Avante...Spurtalk does.
cutie...I no likey Spurs, me no likey big black men, they hurt.
Avante....you're kidding me, you know about the Spurs?
cutie...I have color TV babysan, I make bookoo money. I think Tim Duncan look weird.
Avante..hahaha!!!! So ya want a drink?
cutie...thank you babysan, maybe later we go short time?

10-04-2014, 10:07 PM
Don't you fucking reference Tim Duncan in your role play faggotry, you sick, demented old pervert.

10-04-2014, 10:15 PM
Don't you fucking reference Tim Duncan in your role play faggotry, you sick, demented old pervert.

Why do you totally ignore my stance on this? You can't read? Well if you could you'd read about how if ya see a fucking pervert/pedo ya blow their ass off. Why do you act like you don't get that?

Dude, little shits like you don't tell me a damn thing....got it!

Avante...(after a few drinks)...so ya think Tim Duncan looks weird?
cutie....he has a mule face. Buy me another drink?
cutie...you have big muscles babysan, you play basketball?
Avante..oh no, I was a football player.
cutie...Tim Duncan too skinny to play football.

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 11:02 PM
Avante, are you a fan of Karl Malone, tbh?..

10-04-2014, 11:05 PM
Avante, are you a fan of Karl Malone, tbh?..
you're obviously a fan of being a fag online because you do it all day 24/7

i haven't been around that much in years but it's apparent that you're always here

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 11:08 PM
you're obviously a fan of being a fag online because you do it all day 24/7

i haven't been around that much in years but it's apparent that you're always here

You average more posts/day than me:lmao..

Stick to spamming boring Nazi shit, tbh..

10-04-2014, 11:11 PM
Avante, are you a fan of Karl Malone, tbh?..

He'd be on my all time team, but not what I'd call a fan of his.

10-04-2014, 11:12 PM
i have one account, one. young husband banned the others years ago. you have a low post count under this one particular troll, but harlem heat had literally tens of thousands of posts and you haven't even been using it for like a year. the post per day count on that sucker will be in the double digits for years to come.

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 11:18 PM
i have one account, one. young husband banned the others years ago. you have a low post count under this one particular troll, but harlem heat had literally tens of thousands of posts and you haven't even been using it for like a year. the post per day count on that sucker will be in the double digits for years to come.

:lol some hard trash talk, bro, keep bringing the heat..

10-04-2014, 11:28 PM
lol 30,000 posts

Malik Hairston
10-04-2014, 11:38 PM
lol 30,000 posts

:lol 12 posts per day? Not that bad, tbh..

Very weak trash talk..I took 1 shot at you months ago and you can't get over it.. move on and stick with your shitty shticks, tbh:lol..

10-05-2014, 12:00 AM
it's funny that some of you guys actually think it's a shtick

you third worlders are the worst