View Full Version : Internet message board theater

10-21-2014, 02:34 PM
Wildly entertaining for some.
Trolling for others,
Exposing for many.

I've dropped many "hints" along the way, from my very first post in The Club a year or two ago, and have escalated it since then, from "neutrality, to trolls, to GTGs, to Troll God.

Some were intelligent enough to "get it", most were not.
Comes from my theater/music background.

I've made many enemies on here by doing it, which is astounding since none of this is "real", yet some make it so.

But know this, EVERYONE: I have nothing against any of you, and no offense was ever meant.

It has all been an exercise in "social media perception" in order to test the limits of what people will say and do in order to save face and save their egos.

Once you realize that none of this is real, that none of this would ever be said in real life, doesn't it make you consider how foolish you have been and how fruitless a life you are mascharading that you have on here is?

Anyway, for all of you who I have ridiculously offended, I sincerely apologize.

None of this has been "real" for me.

This has all been a "play", from beginning to end, with protagonists and antagonists, and you have all played your parts admirably and revealed who you truly are, at least on here.

Pat yourselves on the back and congratulate yourselves on a job well done!


10-21-2014, 02:37 PM
"Failed Internet Shtick Leads Old Man to Change Story -- Again"

10-21-2014, 02:39 PM
"Failed Internet Shtick Leads Old Man to Change Story -- Again"

I am just being honest, chump.

10-21-2014, 02:40 PM
I am just being honest, chump.Like you were when you said you were dead?

10-21-2014, 02:44 PM
doesn't it make you consider how foolish you have been and how fruitless a life you are mascharading that you have on here is?

i think this is the question you need to be asking yourself if this is what you've devoted your time to since you first started posting here.

10-21-2014, 02:47 PM
If this was a gag, it was a really bad one.

10-21-2014, 02:47 PM
i think this is the question you need to be asking yourself if this is what you've devoted your time to since you first started posting here.

You have a valid point, one I won't shrink from.

But you have to admit, it was entertaining, just maybe not always in a positive manner.

But it should be "revealing" to all of us just how ridiculously serious we take these "virtual" situations.

10-21-2014, 02:48 PM
You have a valid point, one I won't shrink from.

But you have to admit, it was entertaining, just maybe not always in a positive manner.

But it should be "revealing" to all of us just how ridiculously serious we take these "virtual" situations.Especially you.

10-21-2014, 02:51 PM
If this was a gag, it was a really bad one.

No, it wasn't a "gag", it was an "experiment" to see how far each of us would react to virtual stimuli.

I will not say I am proud of my part in it, but the truth is I meant no harm.

After all, what "real" physical harm could have actually occurred?

But I do apologize to you as well, I was not very civil to you.

Please forgive me.

10-21-2014, 02:57 PM
No, it wasn't a "gag", it was an "experiment" to see how far each of us would react to virtual stimuli.

I will not say I am proud of my part in it, but the truth is I meant no harm.

After all, what "real" physical harm could have actually occurred?

But I do apologize to you as well, I was not very civil to you.

Please forgive me.

Your apology is completely unnecessary because you have not harmed me in any way whatsoever. I apologize for being entertained by someone who is clearly unbalanced. I don't feel good about that.

10-21-2014, 03:05 PM
Your apology is completely unnecessary because you have not harmed me in any way whatsoever. I apologize for being entertained by someone who is clearly unbalanced. I don't feel good about that.

Ah, but that is revealing in an of itself, don't you agree?

Right, no harm done, but I do apologize anyway for leading so many on.

10-21-2014, 03:12 PM
Ah, but that is revealing in an of itself, don't you agree?

Right, no harm done, but I do apologize anyway for leading so many on.


10-21-2014, 03:17 PM
:lmao old man still trying to rationalize away his fuckups 4 hours later
:lmao old man failing as always
:lmao Glen Hobart with the fake wife and Ivy League education
:lmao can't get anyone to buy his shtick

10-21-2014, 04:45 PM
Some of you are maybe asking the proverbial question, "Why"?

Some time ago while going to many internet sites, basically "escaping" reality, I decided to write a screenplay or teleplay using the Internet as my setting.

But I was in the midst of writers' block and saw no way around it until I discovered something, my "MacGuffin".
For those of you who have not figured what my MacGuffin is, it is "trolling".
This immediately made my screenplay come to life in my imagination and made me realize I could make this a murder mystery, but I've since changed that to a comedic murder mystery because of all the hilariously funny remarks said on here.
It will have a major plot with a number of subplots gained from this site especially such as the chump photoshop schtick and the troll god schtick among others.
By the way, please do not hold anything against SBM because he knew nothing about this except for the troll god resurrection etc. and he kept that going before it happened admirably. A couple of you even predicted it before hand like Spurraider and Brazil (I think, don't remember).
Again I must apologize for using people, but at least you are safe in that they are "user names". I will probably use those names except those that are real names, which I will change, to protect the innocent and so I don't have to get anyone to sign off since they are already anonymous.

10-21-2014, 05:00 PM
:lmao old man bitching about leaked personal information when he was the source of the leak
:lmao old man bitching about personal attacks on him after happily participating in attacks on others
:lmao old man mental gymnastics to get out of his hypocrisy being exposed
:lmao old man creating a new shtick to try and excuse all of the shit he did
:lmao all of that occurring just today

10-21-2014, 05:02 PM
Glenn is a shitty writer with poor writing skills and organization.

Conclusion: less believable than the dead wife.

10-21-2014, 05:03 PM
:lmao Glen A. Hobart, single elderly man in Texas, doing all of this shit for acceptance and validation on an internet message board

10-21-2014, 05:07 PM
Hey, I am just telling you the truth, all BS aside.
And I am truly sorry for making fun of you guys.
Honestly, I really didn't think any of you would take me so seriously.

10-21-2014, 05:10 PM
Nobody took you seriously, Glen.

10-21-2014, 05:10 PM
Nobody took you seriously, Glen.

And still not.

10-21-2014, 05:13 PM
Hey, I am just telling you the truth, all BS aside.

Are you saying your already out of ice? Anyone here got a hook up?

10-21-2014, 05:19 PM
And still not.

Hello mrsmaalox.
I am sincerely sorry for making fun of you and calling you out so much.
There was always much more behind the surface of everything, as there always is, but that is no excuse.

10-21-2014, 05:19 PM
This has all been a "play", from beginning to end, with protagonists and antagonists, and you have all played your parts admirably and revealed who you truly are, at least on here.

except nobody really revealed who they truly are except for you and sbm

10-21-2014, 05:23 PM
lol screenplay shtick

10-21-2014, 05:32 PM
except nobody really revealed who they truly are except for you and sbm

By the way blake I apologize for attacking you on here, I did it almost as much as you did it to me.
I never took it seriously, and I hope you did't too.

lol screenplay shtick

I see you are still pissed at me for making you make such a fool of yourself so much, but it wasn't personal.
It was always to get you to react.
I can easily fade your heat, but it would be better if we laughed about instead of you taking it so seriously.

10-21-2014, 05:34 PM
By the way blake I apologize for attacking you on here, I did it almost as much as you did it to me.
I never took it seriously, and I hope you did't too.

I see you are still pissed at me for making you make such a fool of yourself so much, but it wasn't personal.
It was always to get you to react.
I can easily fade your heat, but it would be better if we laughed about instead of you taking it so seriously.lol it would be better if you didn't spend all your time seriously talking about how not seriously you are taking this.

Get over yourself.

Or don't, that's actually funnier. Tell us about the screenplay again.

Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 06:07 PM
I thought The Fake Death was the most pathetic excuse for a meltdown I have ever seen, but this "Internet message board theater" crap might trump it :lol

10-21-2014, 06:12 PM
This is going to be a terrible movie.

10-21-2014, 06:18 PM
So to sum up:
- fake ass-bleeding wife
- fake Ivy League education
- fake death
- fake lawsuits
- fake writing job

How unsatisfying must the old man's life be to have to make all of this up? :lol

10-21-2014, 06:20 PM

in before running the back sided apology schtick for a couple of weeks and a new shitty one..

10-21-2014, 06:34 PM
He's like a 3 year old trying to get attention.

10-21-2014, 07:05 PM
He's like a 3 year old trying to get attention.

You didn't accept my apology either.

How surprising!

10-21-2014, 07:10 PM

in before running the back sided apology schtick for a couple of weeks and a new shitty one..

Couple of weeks? Didn't even last 6 hours. :lmao

10-21-2014, 07:12 PM
This is going to be a terrible movie.

Double Racks! :lmao

10-21-2014, 07:12 PM
He's like a 3 year old trying to get attention.

Unlike the 5 year old?

10-21-2014, 07:15 PM
Music/theatre background :lol

10-21-2014, 07:18 PM
Unlike the 5 year old?

You love to troll but you have a sense of humor that your audience relates to. You also strategically choose when to be contrary and let the audience laugh with you.

Then there is this shit. I dunno man.

10-21-2014, 07:20 PM
You love to troll but you have a sense of humor that your audience relates to. You also strategically choose when to be contrary and let the audience laugh with you.

Then there is this shit. I dunno man.

Well if you would have spent less time trying to belittle me in the politics forum you would have known that already.

why you avoid the Club?

10-21-2014, 07:28 PM
Well if you would have spent less time trying to belittle me in the politics forum you would have known that already.

why you avoid the Club?

Because of the xmas, sbm, blake, chump round and round. Between that, the offseason, the nazis, and the nonstop racebaiting of the past 6 months I haven't posted here much at all the past months or so.

Spurs are starting to play again in and voila. I try not to hammer you. If I have then I am sorry. I have done it to one of your another accounts then all I can say is c'est la vie. I cannot guess all of them. I do have respect for you though. Like I said I like your approach.

10-21-2014, 07:31 PM
Because of the xmas, sbm, blake, chump round and round. Between that, the offseason, the nazis, and the nonstop racebaiting of the past 6 months I haven't posted here much at all the past months or so.

Spurs are starting to play again in and voila. I try not to hammer you. If I have then I am sorry. I have done it to one of your another accounts then all I can say is c'est la vie. I cannot guess all of them. I do have respect for you though. Like I said I like your approach.

I have maned up on my transgressions and apologized to you as well.
I won't be hassling or trolling anyone anymore, I don't need to.

10-21-2014, 07:37 PM
Nobody took you seriously, Glen.

And still not.

Glen...all trolling aside, just stop. All this try hard nonsense is out of control and no one is buying it. You keep trying to find ways to weasel out of everything that has happened by changing the story time and time again but it's just digging you a deeper hole. You know good and well there was no social experiment. You know good and well no one was offended by you.

If you are doing this all for attention then just keep on keeping on. We will gladly continue to make fun of you. But if you really want to wipe the slate clean just admit that you made a fool of yourself and when you tried to get back at everyone that made fun of you, you only made more of a fool of yourself...like you are doing right now with yet another attempt at changing the story.

It's your choice. I'll move on and let it all go if you simply tell the truth but if you want to continue down this path we can do that as well.

10-21-2014, 07:47 PM
You love to troll

I am The TRoll



Remember I don't care what you read online you know every pancake has two sides.

10-21-2014, 07:52 PM

Glen...all trolling aside, just stop. All this try hard nonsense is out of control and no one is buying it. You keep trying to find ways to weasel out of everything that has happened by changing the story time and time again but it's just digging you a deeper hole. You know good and well there was no social experiment. You know good and well no one was offended by you.

If you are doing this all for attention then just keep on keeping on. We will gladly continue to make fun of you. But if you really want to wipe the slate clean just admit that you made a fool of yourself and when you tried to get back at everyone that made fun of you, you only made more of a fool of yourself...like you are doing right now with yet another attempt at changing the story.

It's your choice. I'll move on and let it all go if you simply tell the truth but if you want to continue down this path we can do that as well.

I'm not trying to get out of anything, I am accepting it all, unlike many on here who are not men enough to do so.

I do sincerely apologize to you for trolling you as well.

I'll try not to do it anymore.

10-21-2014, 07:53 PM
I'm not trying to get out of anything, I am accepting it all, unlike many on here who are not men enough to do so.

I do sincerely apologize to you for trolling you as well.

I'll try not to do it anymore.More insults.

Apology is insincere.

10-21-2014, 08:00 PM
I'm not trying to get out of anything, I am accepting it all, unlike many on here who are not men enough to do so.

I do sincerely apologize to you for trolling you as well.

I'll try not to do it anymore.
Well alright then, old faggot...have it your way.

10-21-2014, 08:02 PM
More insults.

Apology is insincere.

What insults?

That was pure honesty.

And it was a sincere apology.

Where do you get insults from that?

Who besides me has apologized but should have in the interest of peace?

No one that I can see yet, not even you, those are facts, not fiction.

10-21-2014, 08:03 PM
Well alright then, old faggot...have it your way.

Old faggot?

That is how you respond to a sincere apology?

Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 08:08 PM
Old faggot?

That is how you respond to a sincere apology?

:lol "Sincere"

10-21-2014, 08:08 PM
Because of the xmas, sbm, blake, chump round and round.

That shit alone is a hit movie / sitcom

I try not to hammer you. If I have then I am sorry.

Did a dro bud or a cold beer bomb hit the Club tonight?

First you have Xmas1997 thanking you all for letting him tickle your taint to FuzzyLumpkins acting like Bill Clinton trying to read Monica's Lewinsky's latest book.

sometimes I question odd be behavior, wouldn't you?

I have done it to one of your another accounts then all I can say is c'est la vie. I cannot guess all of them. I do have respect for you though. Like I said I like your approach.

It must be the Landing I need to work on. :toast

Ps: Can you find this vato I met at the last ST gtg I miss him.


10-21-2014, 08:10 PM
:lol "Sincere"

I don't know if I apologized to you yet, but if I didn't, I am sincerely sorry for trolling you.

I'll try not to do it again, honestly.

Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 08:15 PM
I don't know if I apologized to you yet, but if I didn't, I am sincerely sorry for trolling you.

I'll try not to do it again, honestly.
Apology not accepted, faggot... you're not being sincere, you are still trying to weasel out of all of your lies and meltdowns, and it's so obvious that these "apologies" are just your latest failed schtick.

10-21-2014, 08:16 PM
I don't know if I apologized to you yet, but if I didn't, I am sincerely sorry for trolling you.

I'll try not to do it again, honestly.lol honestly

10-21-2014, 08:23 PM
Apology not accepted, faggot... you're not being sincere, you are still trying to weasel out of all of your lies and meltdowns, and it's so obvious that these "apologies" are just your latest failed schtick.

lol honestly

I that case I am sorry that I sincerely apologized to either of you, because you have proven you not only don't deserve one but don't know how to graciously accept one on top of it.

I wonder why that is no surprise to me.

Anyway, I have more important things to do than waste any more time with either of you, sorry about that, you'll be posting to deaf ears from now on.

10-21-2014, 08:24 PM
I that case I am sorry that I sincerely apologized to either of you, because you have proven you not only don't deserve one but don't know how to graciously accept one on top of it.

I wonder why that is no surprise to me.

Anyway, I have more important things to do than waste any more time with either of you, sorry about that, you'll be posting to deaf ears from now on.
lol apologizing for apologizing

Now back to the fake ignoring.

Is there no end to your lies?

10-21-2014, 08:26 PM
lol apologizing for apologizing

Now back to the fake ignoring.

Is there no end to your lies?

Honesty was never one of your strong points.
Sorry I misjudged you.

10-21-2014, 08:27 PM
Honesty was never one of your strong points.
Sorry I misjudged you.We're talking about your lies.

Hell, you admitted you were lying over and over.

10-21-2014, 08:29 PM
We're talking about your lies.

Hell, you admitted you were lying over and over.

I apologized.

What about all your lies?

Where is your apology?

10-21-2014, 08:30 PM
I apologized.

What about all your lies?

Where is your apology?Oh, so you're all serious about this now.


Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 08:32 PM
I that case I am sorry that I sincerely apologized to either of you, because you have proven you not only don't deserve one but don't know how to graciously accept one on top of it.

Shove that insincere apology up your ass, it means nothing when you have no intention of owning your lies, meltdowns, and hypocrisy, especially when you'll be right back to the same old bullshit in a day or two anyway.

silverblk mystix
10-21-2014, 08:38 PM
Honesty was never one of your strong points.
Sorry I misjudged you.

Xmas -

open your ears - open your eyes - listen attentively to what I am about to say and I have said from day one and take it to heart because this is the truth, the whole fuckin' truth & nothing but the fuckin truth:

Stop wasting your time.

95% of the people in here are;

A) Horrible, shitty, nasty, evil, ass-clowns with no life, no manners, no goodness, nothing redeemable about them.

B) Assholes.

C) Retards

D) Cowards/pussies/

E) Liars

and then some.

What do you do with shit in your life?

Answer: You treat it like the shit it is.

Why in the fuckin world are you trying to shine a turd and hoping it magically turns into a diamond - or something of redeeming value?

It is shit.

They are shit.

They will always be shit and none of them will ever be anything more than shit the rest of their lives.

Stop it.

10-21-2014, 08:39 PM
lol now you got sbm shitting on you.

10-21-2014, 08:46 PM
Xmas -

open your ears - open your eyes - listen attentively to what I am about to say and I have said from day one and take it to heart because this is the truth, the whole fuckin' truth & nothing but the fuckin truth:

Stop wasting your time.

95% of the people in here are;

A) Horrible, shitty, nasty, evil, ass-clowns with no life, no manners, no goodness, nothing redeemable about them.

B) Assholes.

C) Retards

D) Cowards/pussies/

E) Liars

and then some.

What do you do with shit in your life?

Answer: You treat it like the shit it is.

Why in the fuckin world are you trying to shine a turd and hoping it magically turns into a diamond - or something of redeeming value?

It is shit.

They are shit.

They will always be shit and none of them will ever be anything more than shit the rest of their lives.

Stop it.

Well to be perfectly honest, I felt I even owed those who are proven to be shit an apology, and so I gave it to them.

Some on here realized I was speaking the truth.

The others aren't even worth shit and prove it by their posts.

I did it because it was the right thing to do.

I can rest easy with my conscience now.

They still have to live with theirs.

silverblk mystix
10-21-2014, 08:51 PM
Well to be perfectly honest, I felt I even owed those who are proven to be shit an apology, and so I gave it to them.

Some on here realized I was speaking the truth.

The others aren't even worth shit and prove it by their posts.

I did it because it was the right thing to do.

I can rest easy with my conscience now.

They still have to live with theirs.

You still don't get it my friend.

You are a decent guy.
Avante is a decent guy.

A couple of others are decent people.


they have realized that they are severely outnumbered and they only come here to give these assholes shit and make fun of THEM.

They understand that the ONLY things these idiots understand is


?Not niceness-not kindness-not manners-not gentlemanly behavior - nothing,





10-21-2014, 08:53 PM
You still don't get it my friend.

You are a decent guy.
Avante is a decent guy.

A couple of others are decent people.


they have realized that they are severely outnumbered and they only come here to give these assholes shit and make fun of THEM.

They understand that the ONLY things these idiots understand is


?Not niceness-not kindness-not manners-not gentlemanly behavior - nothing,




That's some serious large bold capslock fonting.

xmas, tell this guy not to take things so seriously.

Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 08:55 PM
:lol Extra large font meltdown

10-21-2014, 08:56 PM
That's some serious large bold capslock fonting.

xmas, tell this guy not to take things so seriously.

You had your chance, but you take all this way too seriously, that is all you can do.

I feel truly sorry for you.

It must be tough living in your skin with that small mind of yours that cannot accept an apology and much less ever give one.

I do feel truly sorry for you, you will always be a loser, and not even know it.

10-21-2014, 08:57 PM
You had your chance, but you take all this way too seriously, that is all you can do.

I feel truly sorry for you.

It must be tough living in your skin with that small mind of yours that cannot accept an apology and much less ever give one.

I do feel truly sorry for you, you will always be a loser, and not even know it.
:lmaoI'm done.

10-21-2014, 08:57 PM
You still don't get it my friend.

You are a decent guy.
Avante is a decent guy.

A couple of others are decent people.


they have realized that they are severely outnumbered and they only come here to give these assholes shit and make fun of THEM.

They understand that the ONLY things these idiots understand is


?Not niceness-not kindness-not manners-not gentlemanly behavior - nothing,





Truth bombs they won't be able to handle.

10-21-2014, 09:01 PM
You had your chance, but you take all this way too seriously, that is all you can do.

I feel truly sorry for you.

It must be tough living in your skin with that small mind of yours that cannot accept an apology and much less ever give one.

I do feel truly sorry for you, you will always be a loser, and not even know it.So serious.

Why are you taking this so seriously?

It's just a message board. That's what you said.

10-21-2014, 09:02 PM
You had your chance, but you take all this way too seriously, that is all you can do.

I feel truly sorry for you.

It must be tough living in your skin with that small mind of yours that cannot accept an apology and much less ever give one.

I do feel truly sorry for you, you will always be a loser, and not even know it.


10-21-2014, 09:03 PM
Just answer the questions.
So serious.

Why are you taking this so seriously?

It's just a message board. That's what you said.

silverblk mystix
10-21-2014, 09:04 PM
Truth bombs they won't be able to handle.

Look at 95% of the last visitors to my profile and see that even here - 95% of them are all asshole losers....check it out;

anakha (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=3144),
Cry Havoc (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7256),
Darth_Pelican (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=22958),
DJR210 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42671),
DontStopBelieving (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19576),
Ignignokt (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=9405),
loexplorerrolex (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=35996),
robdiaz2191 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42690),
Trainwreck2100 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=2320),
xmas1997 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=8600)+


Why are they visiting my profile?

Because evil ass-clowns never sleep and all they think about is fuckery 24/7.


Rob and xmas -

2 good dudes -

the rest -

all insecure idiot cock-smoking trolls who are up to no good.

10-21-2014, 09:05 PM
Look at 95% of the last visitors to my profile and see that even here - 95% of them are all asshole losers....check it out;

anakha (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=3144),
Cry Havoc (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7256),
Darth_Pelican (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=22958),
DJR210 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42671),
DontStopBelieving (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19576),
Ignignokt (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=9405),
loexplorerrolex (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=35996),
robdiaz2191 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42690),
Trainwreck2100 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=2320),
xmas1997 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=8600)+


Why are they visiting my profile?

Because evil ass-clowns never sleep and all they think about is fuckery 24/7.


Rob and xmas -

2 good dudes -

the rest -

all insecure idiot cock-smoking trolls who are up to no good.

More truth bombs right there!

10-21-2014, 09:09 PM
More truth bombs right there!Oh, so you seriously believe that.

OK, I will check my profile to see if you are a "cock-smoking troll" who is up to no good by visiting my page.

What do you think I will find?

10-21-2014, 09:13 PM
Oh, so you seriously believe that.

OK, I will check my profile to see if you are a "cock-smoking troll" who is up to no good by visiting my page.

What do you think I will find?

Translation: ^I am a very gay man and a loser who wishes someone would take me seriously.^

10-21-2014, 09:14 PM
Translation: ^I am a very gay man and a loser who wishes someone would take me seriously.^Ah, more insults.

What about all the forgiveness you wanted?

What about not doing this anymore?

You lied again.

Now you are just going to do this in multiple threads and melt down like always.


10-21-2014, 09:16 PM
I apologized.

What about all your lies?

Where is your apology?

And now for more of the no "I'm not, you are bullshit."

Laters guys, and have fun giving xmas his dopamine high from all the attention he is getting.

10-21-2014, 09:16 PM
Ah, more insults.

What about all the forgiveness you wanted?

What about not doing this anymore?

You lied again.

Now you are just going to do this in multiple threads and melt down like always.


Translation: ^ I am less of a man, yet a very gay one who cannot accept a sincere apology and never give one when I would rather just insult others, I am a loser. ^

Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 09:18 PM
Translation: ^I am a very gay man and a loser who wishes someone would take me seriously.^
:lol Aaaaand the apologetic schtick is already a distant memory... that didn't take long.

10-21-2014, 09:19 PM
Translation: ^ I am less of a man, yet a very gay one who cannot accept a sincere apology and never give one when I would rather just insult others, I am a loser. ^how sincere can it be when you jumped directly into insult mode at the slightest hint of skepticism?

Answer: Not sincere at all. It's all tied to your ego, and you will never let it go.

10-21-2014, 09:20 PM
:lol Aaaaand the apologetic schtick is already a distant memory... that didn't take long.really too easy. These guys never learn. Their grudges are real and very serious.

10-21-2014, 09:20 PM
And now for more of the no "I'm not, you are bullshit."

Laters guys, and have fun giving xmas his dopamine high from all the attention he is getting.
:lol This coming from the libtard pothead faggot who is a druggie..the fucking irony, tbh..

10-21-2014, 09:20 PM
Look at 95% of the last visitors to my profile and see that even here - 95% of them are all asshole losers....check it out;

anakha (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=3144),
Cry Havoc (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7256),
Darth_Pelican (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=22958),
DJR210 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42671),
DontStopBelieving (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19576),
Ignignokt (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=9405),
loexplorerrolex (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=35996),
robdiaz2191 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42690),
Trainwreck2100 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=2320),
xmas1997 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=8600)+


Why are they visiting my profile?

Because evil ass-clowns never sleep and all they think about is fuckery 24/7.


Rob and xmas -

2 good dudes -

the rest -

all insecure idiot cock-smoking trolls who are up to no good.

not really sure why but this made me :lmao

10-21-2014, 09:21 PM
how sincere can it be when you jumped directly into insult mode at the slightest hint of skepticism?

Answer: Not sincere at all. It's all tied to your ego, and you will never let it go.

Translation: at the slightest bunch of insults.
Get it right next time, you picked your poison.

10-21-2014, 09:23 PM
Look at 95% of the last visitors to my profile and see that even here - 95% of them are all asshole losers....check it out;

anakha (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=3144),
Cry Havoc (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7256),
Darth_Pelican (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=22958),
DJR210 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42671),
DontStopBelieving (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19576),
Ignignokt (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=9405),
loexplorerrolex (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=35996),
robdiaz2191 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=42690),
Trainwreck2100 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=2320),
xmas1997 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=8600)+


Why are they visiting my profile?

Because evil ass-clowns never sleep and all they think about is fuckery 24/7.


Rob and xmas -

2 good dudes -

the rest -

all insecure idiot cock-smoking trolls who are up to no good.Hey, look who visited mine!

Recent Visitors
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
AlexJones, anakha, DJR210, FromWayDowntown, Huey Freeman, loexplorerrolex, m>s, SpurPadre, The Reckoning, xmas1997+

The last one is definitely a self admitted "insecure idiot cock-smoking troll."

10-21-2014, 09:25 PM
Translation: at the slightest bunch of insults.
Get it right next time, you picked your poison.As long as you admit you are taking this seriously, you can whine that it was a bunch of insults.

Really most of what I did was tell you you were taking this seriously.

Which you proved you are.


10-21-2014, 09:25 PM
Hey, look who visited mine!

Recent Visitors
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
AlexJones, anakha, DJR210, FromWayDowntown, Huey Freeman, loexplorerrolex, m>s, SpurPadre, The Reckoning, xmas1997+

The last one is definitely a self admitted "insecure idiot cock-smoking troll."

Keep your self descriptions to yourself.
We all know how gay you are, almost as much as you are a loser.

10-21-2014, 09:27 PM
Keep your self descriptions to yourself.
We all know how gay you are, almost as much as you are a loser.Sorry, that's sbm's characterization of people who do what you did.

I meant no offense. You have to believe me. I am so sincere this time.

10-21-2014, 09:28 PM
:lol This coming from the libtard pothead faggot who is a druggie..the fucking irony, tbh..

wtf are you even talking about?

tbh honest considering your railing against the reproductive ability and general sense of women, I always had you pegged for a transgender candidate. You always sound like you think you could do it better than they do. When I asked you about it you dodged the question.

Have you taken any hormone therapy?

You can be the army of one ostracizing me because I like to smoke pot. Have fun, Im going to take a bong hit.

10-21-2014, 09:29 PM
Sorry, that's sbm's characterization of people who do what you did.

I meant no offense. You have to believe me. I am so sincere this time.

You can't stand it that I am making you make a fool of yourself, your ego can't take it.
I own you.

10-21-2014, 09:36 PM
You can't stand it that I am making you make a fool of yourself, your ego can't take it.
I own you.
See above, right under my post, lo and behold, the obsession continues, I own him, that cannot be denied.
Don't know about you but I have two homos following me around and even though I have them on ignore, their initials are "c" and "a".
I own them!

Of course I do, it can't be helped, and I can't even read their posts but it is obvious the way they follow me around making fools of themselves that they are talking about me.
They are totally owned, and it is hilarious as they squirm and jabber.

Do you notice the fags who follow me around to every thread just like the ones who follow you?

And I have them on ignore, yet occasionally see their quotes from others on here.
We own these asswipes, lock, stock, and barrel.


^^^ :owned ^^^

I own both those two fools, they follow me everywhere, even while I have them on ignore, fools! :lmao



10-21-2014, 09:40 PM
wtf are you even talking about?

tbh honest considering your railing against the reproductive ability and general sense of women, I always had you pegged for a transgender candidate. You always sound like you think you could do it better than they do. When I asked you about it you dodged the question.
Are you high?..Typical FuzzyFaggot shitful takes and shitty ad hominems, tbh..it's too bad you can't google a way to face posters like me..I ask you, no..I challenge you to have a link for me to those opinions you claim I have..if no, you lose, plain and simple..

Have you taken any hormone therapy?
Weird as this is a question that should be directed to you..everybody knows what an effeminate try-hard faggot you are..the only other poster above you in this regard is Cry Havoc..you are a very close second..

You can be the army of one ostracizing me because I like to smoke pot. Have fun, Im going to take a bong hit.
Go ahead..it only emphasizes the fact that you're a druggie, tbh..all the posts you make from this account and Th'Pusher can be attributed to your inability to be drug free..you have a problem, tbh..if anybody should do something about their life and the time spent in it, it's you..change, motherfucker, you're a drain on our society..

10-21-2014, 09:43 PM

10-21-2014, 10:08 PM
Well, the truth is out there for everyone now.

I have lots of characters to sift through, user names on here to use, and my MacGuffin.

Any constructive suggestions are welcome, BS will be discarded.

10-21-2014, 10:22 PM
Well, the truth is out there for everyone now.

I have lots of characters to sift through, user names on here to use, and my MacGuffin.

Any constructive suggestions are welcome, BS will be discarded.Give up the shtick and start posting like a normal person.

10-21-2014, 10:25 PM
Give up the shtick and start posting like a normal person.

You first numb nuts, I doubt you can, I doubt you know how.

10-21-2014, 10:28 PM
You first numb nuts, I doubt you can, I doubt you know how.Hey, you were to one who said no one should be taking any of this seriously.

Once and for all, is that what you believe?

Should you be taking this message board so seriously?

Yes or no.

10-21-2014, 10:33 PM
Hey, you were to one who said no one should be taking any of this seriously.

Once and for all, is that what you believe?

Should you be taking this message board so seriously?

Yes or no.

I sure did, and lo and behold you are doing exactly that, taking all of this too seriously, so seriously in fact you can't take a sincere apology nor give one that is due.

10-21-2014, 10:34 PM
I sure did, and lo and behold you are doing exactly that, taking all of this too seriously, so seriously in fact you can't take a sincere apology nor give one that is due.So I shouldn't take any of this seriously except what you say I should take seriously.

lol I can't take that seriously.

10-21-2014, 10:37 PM
So I shouldn't take any of this seriously except what you say I should take seriously.

lol I can't take that seriously.

That's the ticket.

You really don't know the difference in "serious" and "sincere", you keep getting them mixed up.
No surprise there, you get lots of things mixed up.

10-21-2014, 10:40 PM
That's the ticket.

You really don't know the difference in "serious" and "sincere", you keep getting them mixed up.
No surprise there, you get lots of things mixed up.se·ri·ous

acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.

I didn't take your apology seriously because by your definition it was not serious.

You can't say you are serious and then say no one should take any of this seriously.

Now you are trying to say you are not serious, but sincere -- that's just stupid and disingenuous.

10-21-2014, 10:44 PM

acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.

I didn't take your apology seriously because by your definition it was not serious.

You can't say you are serious and then say no one should take any of this seriously.

Now you are trying to say you are not serious, but sincere -- that's just stupid and disingenuous.

See, you don't know the difference because you can be sincere and yet not take things too seriously.
Only the apology was sincere, everything else was never meant to be serious.
Understand now?

10-21-2014, 10:47 PM
See, you don't know the difference because you can be sincere and yet not take things too seriously.
Only the apology was sincere, everything else was never meant to be serious.
Understand now?You sure as hell are taking this seriously now.

Just like I knew you would.

If you didn't, you would just be able to move on.

You can't.

Get over yourself.

10-21-2014, 10:53 PM
You sure as hell are taking this seriously now.

Just like I knew you would.

If you didn't, you would just be able to move on.

You can't.

Get over yourself.

You just "think" I am but you are wrong.
It is actually you who are taking everything too seriously otherwise you would have accepted my sincere apology.
Got you.

10-21-2014, 10:55 PM
You just "think" I am but you are wrong.
It is actually you who are taking everything too seriously otherwise you would have accepted my sincere apology.
Got you.I didn't take your apology seriously.

Just like you said I shouldn't.

Got you.

10-21-2014, 10:58 PM
I didn't take your apology seriously.

Just like you said I shouldn't.

Got you.

Wrong, I asked you to accept my sincere apology, and that none of my trolling of you was meant to be serious.
But you know this, you can't be that dense, no one can be that dense.

10-21-2014, 11:00 PM
Wrong, I asked you to accept my sincere apology, and that none of my trolling of you was meant to be serious.
But you know this, you can't be that dense, no one can be that dense.You said no one should take any of this seriously.

I don't.

Including your apology.

Especially your apology.

10-21-2014, 11:02 PM
You said no one should take any of this seriously.

I don't.

Including your apology.

Especially your apology.

I said my apology was sincere.
You can either accept it or not.
You chose not.
It's on you, not me.

10-21-2014, 11:05 PM
I said my apology was sincere.
You can either accept it or not.
You chose not.
It's on you, not me.I don't take your apology seriously.

You said no one should take this seriously.

10-21-2014, 11:10 PM
I don't take your apology seriously.

You said no one should take this seriously.

It doesn't matter whether you do or you don't because I have been trolling you ever since you refused a sincere apology.
Dude, you lose since you made this a contest, an unserious contest.

Clipper Nation
10-21-2014, 11:15 PM
Are you high?..Typical FuzzyFaggot shitful takes and shitty ad hominems, tbh..it's too bad you can't google a way to face posters like me..I ask you, no..I challenge you to have a link for me to those opinions you claim I have..if no, you lose, plain and simple..

Weird as this is a question that should be directed to you..everybody knows what an effeminate try-hard faggot you are..the only other poster above you in this regard is Cry Havoc..you are a very close second..

Go ahead..it only emphasizes the fact that you're a druggie, tbh..all the posts you make from this account and Th'Pusher can be attributed to your inability to be drug free..you have a problem, tbh..if anybody should do something about their life and the time spent in it, it's you..change, motherfucker, you're a drain on our society..

Wait... that faggot Th'Pusher is a Fuzzy troll account? :wow

10-21-2014, 11:23 PM
It doesn't matter whether you do or you don't because I have been trolling you ever since you refused a sincere apology.
Dude, you lose since you made this a contest, an unserious contest.lol stealing another shtick

You're so serious.

10-21-2014, 11:46 PM
lol stealing another shtick

You're so serious.

Don't you wish?

10-21-2014, 11:50 PM
Don't you wish?No wish.

You have yet to prove you aren't taking this all so very seriously.

10-21-2014, 11:54 PM
No wish.

You have yet to prove you aren't taking this all so very seriously.

You do realize that you are getting more and more boring, don't you?

10-22-2014, 12:12 AM
You do realize that you are getting more and more boring, don't you?
Yawn!Hey, a new shtick.

If you're so bored. Quit taking this so seriously and stop responding.


10-22-2014, 12:16 AM
You guys take some of this too seriously, well maybe not seriously but you expend a lot of energy pursuing it. Even the best lulz on here aren't that great tbh.

10-22-2014, 12:19 AM
So in the past 14 hours, the following happened:

- Old man starts his normal bitching about posters he supposedly has on ignore;
- Old man starts bitching about his personal information getting leaked while conveniently forgetting he leaked the information himself;
- Old man insults multiple posters then complains about getting shit on;
- Old man promptly gets buried under a ton of evidence of his hypocrisy;
- Old man invents a screenplay shtick to excuse all of the shit he made up in the past and begs for forgiveness;
- Old man gets said begging thrown back in his face;
- Old man devolves to shittalking again because his shtick backfired;
- Old man spends the last 4 hours getting led around the nose per par.

A 14-hour meltdown. Pretty impressive. :lol

10-22-2014, 12:22 AM
So in the past 14 hours, the following happened:

- Old man starts his normal bitching about posters he supposedly has on ignore;
- Old man starts bitching about his personal information getting leaked while conveniently forgetting he leaked the information himself;
- Old man insults multiple posters then complains about getting shit on;
- Old man promptly gets buried under a ton of evidence of his hypocrisy;
- Old man invents a screenplay shtick to excuse all of the shit he made up in the past and begs for forgiveness;
- Old man gets said begging thrown back in his face;
- Old man devolves to shittalking again because his shtick backfired;
- Old man spends the last 4 hours getting led around the nose per par.

A 14-hour meltdown. Pretty impressive. :lol

Is that all you ever do is cry and whine?
Grow up!
Your Mom should have weened you off the bottle sooner.

10-22-2014, 12:24 AM
Oooh, 14 hours and still going strong!

Go, old man! Set the record for the longest continuous meltdown!

10-22-2014, 12:28 AM
Oooh, 14 hours and still going strong!

Go, old man! Set the record for the longest continuous meltdown!

Is that what you think this is, a melt down? :lol
Boy, are you confused!

10-22-2014, 12:32 AM
Yes, keep it up! You can do it!

Must be frustrating to expend all that effort on coming up with a fake job and a new shtick and to end back having to resort to the same insults 14 hours later.

But with your thickheadedness, I know you can power through and come up with another fake aspect of your life!

10-22-2014, 12:34 AM
Yes, keep it up! You can do it!

Must be frustrating to expend all that effort on coming up with a fake job and a new shtick and to end back having to resort to the same insults 14 hours later.

But with your thickheadedness, I know you can power through and come up with another fake aspect of your life!

You are not for real are you?
Do you realize that no one cares what you think?
That must be rough on you.

10-22-2014, 12:38 AM
Here, let me help you out in coming up with your next fake shtick. Hmm, let's see...

How about a fake sick child? That always gets sympathy points.

Or maybe a fake terminal disease? That's a classic!

Have you also considered a fake lost limb? You could set yourself up as the ST equivalent of Pistorius!

Fake anonymous death threats? Eh, too close to what other folks here have tried.

How about you, got any ideas?

10-22-2014, 12:48 AM
Wait... that faggot Th'Pusher is a Fuzzy troll account? :wow

I wish I had troll accounts.

Last time I checked I was chump.

10-22-2014, 01:05 AM
:cry No one should take any of this seriously! Why won't anyone take me seriously? :cry

10-22-2014, 01:17 AM
OP is a faggot

10-22-2014, 07:53 AM
:lmao @ Glen's new "grow up" shtick. He's definitely the model for maturity :tu

10-22-2014, 11:21 AM
Translation: ^ I am less of a man, yet a very gay one who cannot accept a sincere apology and never give one when I would rather just insult others, I am a loser. ^

Ask forgiveness
Ask forgiveness
Ask forgiveness

10-22-2014, 11:23 AM
Is that what you think this is, a melt down? :lol


10-22-2014, 12:30 PM
It's just a silly messageboard little people, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cry Havoc
10-22-2014, 12:33 PM
xmas would be a brilliant troll, if he didn't spend 30x as much time "trolling" people as they spent responding to him.

10-22-2014, 12:34 PM
It's just a silly messageboard little people, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on which you beg for validation on a daily basis.

10-22-2014, 01:08 PM
on which you beg for validation on a daily basis.

Try I just like to show off ok stupid?

Texas Tech by two TD's, hahahaha!!!!!!!!

silverblk mystix
10-22-2014, 01:09 PM
Try I just like to show off ok stupid?

Texas Tech by two TD's, hahahaha!!!!!!!!


Clipper Nation
10-22-2014, 01:12 PM
It's just a silly messageboard little people, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until someone calls you an old faggot or isn't impressed by your almanac lists, then it becomes serious enough for you to spam threads calling them out.

10-22-2014, 01:15 PM
Try I just like to show off ok stupid?But no one has ever been impressed by anything you do except your bitching.

You are noted for bitching.

10-22-2014, 01:20 PM
Try I just like to show off ok stupid?


10-22-2014, 02:56 PM
Until someone calls you an old faggot or isn't impressed by your almanac lists, then it becomes serious enough for you to spam threads calling them out.

We all have our thang. You do nothing at all here but follow others around acting stupid. You are too stupid to do anything else, but it works for your dumb ass.

Being I'm talking to an idiot like you...."thang"...was on purpose, ok dummy?

10-22-2014, 03:01 PM
showing off is the definition of begging for validation

10-22-2014, 03:40 PM
showing off is the definition of begging for validation

I confess I'm begging for validation, now what? Let me guess.....nothing.

10-22-2014, 03:43 PM
admitting is the first step :tu

10-22-2014, 03:47 PM
admitting is the first step :tu

Not giving a fuck is the second.

10-22-2014, 04:08 PM
lol @ this thread. I'm using my weird-shit-o-meter as a fan.

10-23-2014, 06:20 PM
OP is a faggot

Shouldn't you be pointing the finger at the real gay boys instead of at me?

I guess you're still upset I own you every time you post, no surprise.

lol @ this thread. I'm using my weird-shit-o-meter as a fan.

By the way, I apologize to you too if I ever offended you.

It wasn't meant to be taken serious.

I explained my motives for everything I've said and done in the Club.

None was supposed to be taken seriously.

10-23-2014, 07:52 PM

10-23-2014, 08:40 PM
I explained my motives for everything I've said and done in the Club.

None was supposed to be taken seriously.
Your "explanation" in the OP was bullshit just like all the others. You really expect any of us to believe you? The guy that seriously engaged a fake Mark Davis account on twitter that was very obviously fake?:lol

Do the right thing xmas. Just admit you made a fool of yourself trying to get back at posters here and admit that this thread was yet another attempt at that and you will be on the road to ST recovery.

10-23-2014, 08:45 PM
Your "explanation" in the OP was bullshit just like all the others. You really expect any of us to believe you? The guy that seriously engaged a fake Mark Davis account on twitter that was very obviously fake?:lol

Do the right thing xmas. Just admit you made a fool of yourself trying to get back at posters here and admit that this thread was yet another attempt at that and you will be on the road to ST recovery.


The offer still stands.

10-23-2014, 08:53 PM
Shouldn't you be pointing the finger at the real gay boys instead of at me?

I guess you're still upset I own you every time you post, no surprise.

By the way, I apologize to you too if I ever offended you.


Fastest insult to apology ratio ever

10-23-2014, 08:57 PM
Your "explanation" in the OP was bullshit just like all the others. You really expect any of us to believe you? The guy that seriously engaged a fake Mark Davis account on twitter that was very obviously fake?:lol

Do the right thing xmas. Just admit you made a fool of yourself trying to get back at posters here and admit that this thread was yet another attempt at that and you will be on the road to ST recovery.

Benefactor lost in his fantasy world again.

Do they sell popcorn and peanuts there too?

10-23-2014, 09:08 PM
Benefactor lost in his fantasy world again.

Do they sell popcorn and peanuts there too?Why did you think faking your death was a good idea?

10-23-2014, 09:30 PM
Benefactor lost in his fantasy world again.

Do they sell popcorn and peanuts there too?
Says the guy who had a real conversation with a fictional twitter account.:lol

10-24-2014, 05:52 PM
Says the guy who had a real conversation with a fictional twitter account.:lol


Yes, so says me.

So you hate it when I troll others, and you hate it when I tell the truth.

There is no satisfying any of you.

So guess what?

You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a shit.


10-24-2014, 05:53 PM

10-24-2014, 05:57 PM
Says the guy who had a real conversation with a fictional twitter account.:lol

Can you prove I faked anything?

Nope, and it doesn't matter what I did.

I'll do whatever I damn well please, thank you very much, and you will like it.

You just NEED an excuse to keep whining, bitching, and moaning about me in order to disguise your melt down on here because I owned you time and time again.

No surprise to those in the know.


10-24-2014, 08:23 PM
:lol begged a fake account to bring the Raiders to SA
:lol you claiming any sort of victory
:lol 60 something year old man claiming victory over people on the internet
:lol you don't take any of this seriously

10-24-2014, 10:23 PM

Yes, so says me.

So you hate it when I troll others, and you hate it when I tell the truth.

There is no satisfying any of you.

So guess what?

You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a shit.


Nobody hates you. Just laughing at your dumb posts.

10-25-2014, 08:05 AM
I'll do whatever I damn well please, thank you very much, and you will like it.

Me and the rest of the general population here. We all have a pretty good time watching you stumble around here tripping over your own walker repeatedly. By all means, carry on.

10-25-2014, 08:55 AM
Nobody hates you. Just laughing at your dumb posts.

Well, good, that was the proper way to look at it all because none of it was meant to be serious, except of course those times I gave a sincere apology to anyone.

And it is a matter of "opinion" as to which part of the trolling was dumb or not, because clearly, trolling it was.

I daresay that many of you have done much much worse in the "dumb" category in The Club and elsewhere.

And the dumbest of all is not being able to recognize a "sincere apology" when it was given, or being too resentful to accept it.


Me and the rest of the general population here. We all have a pretty good time watching you stumble around here tripping over your own walker repeatedly. By all means, carry on.

Be honest, you believed it all and your ego won't allow you to admit the truth that you did, so you continue to make your lame excuses about it.

You have only yourself to blame because some on here realized what was going on and either played along for the fun of it, or laughed about it.

Your posts on here are a testament to the truth of this, some of you made total fools of yourselves!

The sad part is, some of you are still making total fools of yourselves trying to save face and protect your over-inflate egos!

You continue to take yourselves way too seriously for your own good!


10-25-2014, 10:28 AM
The truth is this is a new shtick you will drop at your next meltdown.

10-25-2014, 11:02 AM
The truth is this is a new shtick you will drop at your next meltdown.

Sure it is, sure it is. :lol

If that is what your over-inflated ego NEEDS to believe in order for you to save face.

Call it "chicken noodle soup" for all I care!


10-25-2014, 11:03 AM
I call it an old man trying to salvage his online rep because it's very important to him.

There is no other reason for you to try this hard to justify your actions so many times.

10-25-2014, 11:12 AM
I call it an old man trying to salvage his online rep because it's very important to him.

There is no other reason for you to try this hard to justify your actions so many times.

Wow, trying to use my own criticism of you against me now?

How novel and creative of you! :lol (Do you understand sarcasm and irony when you read it?)


10-25-2014, 11:13 AM
Wow, trying to use my own criticism of you against me now?

How novel and creative of you! :lol (Do you understand sarcasm and irony when you read it?)

:lmaoDo you understand how seriously you take all of this?

You're still trying.

10-25-2014, 11:19 AM
Do you understand how seriously you take all of this?

You're still trying.

What I understand is you don't realize you are being trolled and walk right into one troll moment after another.

Are you aware of this, or are you content to remain wearing your blinders?

Makes no difference to me one way or the other.


10-25-2014, 11:21 AM
What I understand is you don't realize you are being trolled and walk right into one troll moment after another.

Are you aware of this, or are you content to remain wearing your blinders?

Makes no difference to me one way or the other.

:lmaoIt's very important to you that other people think you are trolling me.

You're very serious about it.

Continue proving these contentions for me.

Thank you.

10-25-2014, 11:26 AM
It's very important to you that other people think you are trolling me.

You're very serious about it.

Continue proving these contentions for me.

Thank you.

What is apparent is that it is important to you, not me.

I am content to keep trolling you and laughing at you both making fools of yourself trying to save face.

You lost, before this ever began tbqh.


10-25-2014, 11:28 AM
What is apparent is that it is important to you, not me.

I am content to keep trolling you and laughing at you both making fools of yourself trying to save face.

You lost, before this ever began tbqh.

:lmaoYou just proved my point again.

10-25-2014, 11:34 AM
You just proved my point again.


Chump, you can do better than that, can't you?

I guess you've lost it.


10-25-2014, 11:38 AM

Chump, you can do better than that, can't you?

I guess you've lost it.

:lmaoI didn't say it was exciting.

I said this is very important to you and you take it very seriously.

Which you proved.


10-25-2014, 12:15 PM
I didn't say it was exciting.I said this is very important to you and you take it very seriously.Which you proved.Again.

So still want some more, do you?

Isn't your and your cuck buddy total humiliation enough for you yet?

Like I said, I can keep abusing you both until the cows come home.

And at the least, outlast you.

Your choice, be further humiliated or slink back to your holes.


10-25-2014, 12:17 PM
So still want some more, do you?

Isn't your and your cuck buddy total humiliation enough for you yet?

Like I said, I can keep abusing you both until the cows come home.

And at the least, outlast you.

Your choice, be further humiliated or slink back to your holes.

:lmaoI have no doubt that you will keep taking this so seriously you will post about not taking it seriously until your death.

Oh wait, you already did that.


10-25-2014, 12:43 PM
I have no doubt that you will keep taking this so seriously you will post about not taking it seriously until your death.

Oh wait, you already did that.


You have no room to accuse anyone on here for taking things way too seriously, you being the biggest perpetrator.

Make more of a hypocritical fool of yourself, you are really good at it.


10-25-2014, 12:45 PM
You have no room to accuse anyone on here for taking things way too seriously, you being the biggest perpetrator.

Make more of a hypocritical fool of yourself, you are really good at it.

:lmaoWhen did I try to fake my own death?

Sorry, you proved to be more serious than just about anyone on this site.

You tried to fake your death.

Clipper Nation
10-25-2014, 12:47 PM
Benefactor lost in his fantasy world again.

Do they sell popcorn and peanuts there too?
Fake ass-bleeding wife, fake Ivy League education, fake death, fake lawsuits, fake apologies, and fake screenplay, but benefactor's the one in a fantasy world? :lol

10-25-2014, 12:52 PM
Fake ass-bleeding wife, fake Ivy League education, fake death, fake lawsuits, fake apologies, and fake screenplay, but benefactor's the one in a fantasy world? :lol

Wow, what is this, tag team matches?

First anakha, then Chumpuss, and now Clitty Nation?

All of y'alls ignorance is truly astounding.

After all these years of constantly trolling and harassing others on here and none of you have any idea when you are being trolled back.

Ignorance reigns!


Clipper Nation
10-25-2014, 12:56 PM
It's not successful trolling if nobody buys your schtick.

And before you lie and try to claim that everyone bought your fake death, go back and read that thread... from the very first reply, everybody already knows you were full of shit.

10-25-2014, 01:06 PM
It's not successful trolling if nobody buys your schtick.

And before you lie and try to claim that everyone bought your fake death, go back and read that thread... from the very first reply, everybody already knows you were full of shit.

Successful trolling?

A subject you definitely know absolutely zero about if your pestering of Avante is a sample.

What exactly do you know about "successful trolling" in your own words, besides thinking that cussing, insults, and lying are what it is?

I leave you to Avante to own some more, you're really not worth my time, sorry, you got my apology, and declined it, live with it.


Clipper Nation
10-25-2014, 01:14 PM
Deflecting from the fact that nobody bought your fake death.

You humiliated yourself on the forum you can't live without, didn't even get the sympathy you were expecting, and then crawled right back in with your tail between your legs making excuses :lol

10-25-2014, 01:23 PM
^^^ blah, blah, blah. ^^^

Really, no one cares one whit, and especially coming from you Avantes bitch.

Clipper Nation
10-25-2014, 01:24 PM
^ No response to the truth :lol

10-25-2014, 01:25 PM
^ No response to the truth :lol

Ditto my last post.

10-25-2014, 05:03 PM
Be honest, you believed it all and your ego won't allow you to admit the truth that you did, so you continue to make your lame excuses about it.

This has to be the biggest cry for attention on ST history. Really, go outside old man. You just weren't built for social media.

:lol...so much for your "I was bullied to death" attention angle. Just walk away for good, because you will never, ever live this down on here.
:lol...this is just a couple from the death thread. Everyone laughed at you the whole time. You got made a fool of and tried to scare people with a death thread. You talked seriously to a twitter parody account and made a fool of yourself again. Now you are in this thread claiming all kinds of victory when you haven't won at anything. You are just using it to deflect from the events that have occurred that you cannot escape. You are the same flaky old man you were when all of this started. Nothing about you is clever or well thought out. You are a dumb old man who needs to find a new hobby because you suck horribly at this one.

10-25-2014, 05:20 PM
:lol...this is just a couple from the death thread. Everyone laughed at you the whole time. You got made a fool of and tried to scare people with a death thread. You talked seriously to a twitter parody account and made a fool of yourself again. Now you are in this thread claiming all kinds of victory when you haven't won at anything. You are just using it to deflect from the events that have occurred that you cannot escape. You are the same flaky old man you were when all of this started. Nothing about you is clever or well thought out. You are a dumb old man who needs to find a new hobby because you suck horribly at this one.

This a matter of opinion and nothing more.

And if you think it bothered me or that I took it seriously, then the joke is on you, and my trolling had its' effect, the affect I wanted.

I deflect nothing.

You believed whatever you chose to believe.

I did not choose what you believed or disbelieved.

I played the game, I trolled, and I watched and read as others "reacted" to see what each person's reaction would be.

Nothing more, and nothing less.

If you took it seriously, or if you made fun of it, or if you found it reprehensible, or if you played along, or if you considered it another schtick, or even if you ignored it, all of which were "reactions", and I will use those reactions however I choose in my screenplay when I write it.

It matters not what you or anyone else thinks it was, simply because it was what it was, an exercise, experiment, or whatever, in internet virtual theater.

You are welcome to make it more than that if you want to, but IMHO you would be taking it for more than it was and thus too seriously.

And in that case, the joke is on you since I am the one who created the whole thing, and others before that, in the first place.

10-25-2014, 05:22 PM
You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.

You wish you have had as much sex and with the most beautiful women as me.


10-25-2014, 05:28 PM

I cannot help you out of your current dilemma.

You are stuck in your own ignorance concerning this, as some others on here are as well, who are incapable of thinking outside the box, unable to think creatively.

This is not my problem.

I am only able to point out your deficiencies in this issue, which by the way I do free of charge because I am such a good sport.

10-25-2014, 05:30 PM
What dilemma? We are laughing at you for things you posted.

Too bad you can't take it. You're too serious.

10-25-2014, 05:32 PM
What dilemma? We are laughing at you for things you posted.

Too bad you can't take it. You're too serious.

You are way too lost on this issue and it goes way over your head for you to understand, thus why I keep trolling you over it.


10-25-2014, 05:37 PM
You are way too lost on this issue and it goes way over your head for you to understand, thus why I keep trolling you over it.

:lmaoNothing to get lost about.

You posted a bunch of stupid stuff.

I and many others laughed at you.

What part of that do you not understand?

I am prepared to laugh at your continued serious attempts to spin your actions.

10-25-2014, 05:50 PM
Nothing to get lost about.You posted a bunch of stupid stuff.I and many others laughed at you.What part of that do you not understand?I am prepared to laugh at your continued serious attempts to spin your actions.

Nope, you missed the whole boat from the very beginning and it is eating you up inside, that is perfectly obvious from the tone and content of your posts on it.

For what it's worth, you were one of the few who I considered cluing you into what I was doing from the beginning.

I actually thought you might be able to understand and play along, thus why my "neutrality" schtick was to go in full force, but your over-inflated ego got in the way, and thus you became more fodder and another victim in my farce.

No one on here was "completely" aware of what I was doing from the word go in this forum called The Club, because it would have tainted and influenced the outcome, that was by design, you fool.

And yet a few on here like spurraider and JoeChalupa, and SBM, and Brazil, and RobDiaz, and SA210, and even Mouse and BigZak and maybe a few others who can think creatively and outside the box caught on pretty quickly, but I suspect only had an inkling of what I was up to on here.

This is why I keep trolling you, because your ego won't let you accept the truth.

You were fooled, and made a bigger fool of yourself, and keep doing it because of your own over-inflated ego.

This is unacceptable for you, even though I apologized for leading you on the whole time.

It is what it is, some will understand and laugh it off, others, like you, will resent it and make up all kinds of BS to hide their embarrassment and try to save face.


10-25-2014, 05:54 PM
That was a serious amount of words you used to show how serious you are about wanting to be taken seriously on this board.


10-25-2014, 05:56 PM
That was a serious amount of words you used to show how serious you are about wanting to be taken seriously on this board.


More of your BS to try to hide your embarrassment and try to save face.

Sorry, it is wasted effort on your part at this stage of the game!


EDIT: And for what it is worth I expected to take a bit of ribbing on this once I let the cat out of the bag.

I can laugh about it because I am a good sport about it.


10-25-2014, 06:07 PM
More of your BS to try to hide your embarrassment and try to save face.

Sorry, it is wasted effort on your part at this stage of the game!

:lmaowhat embarrassment could I have over the things you posted?


Seriously explain because you are serious.

10-25-2014, 06:10 PM
what embarrassment could I have over the things you posted?


Seriously explain because you are serious.

Still trying in vain to save face and massage your bruised ego I see.

Your deflections are too little too late, sorry fool.


10-25-2014, 06:16 PM
Still trying in vain to save face and massage your bruised ego I see.

Your deflections are too little too late, sorry fool.

So you can't even explain your own claim.


10-25-2014, 06:20 PM
So you can't even explain your own claim.


If you still do not understand after all the elaborations, then you never will.

You steadfastly refuse to believe the truth, you prefer lies.

This is on you and your ego, not me.


10-25-2014, 06:27 PM
If you still do not understand after all the elaborations, then you never will.

You steadfastly refuse to believe the truth, you prefer lies.

This is on you and your ego, not me.

:lmaoNo. You said I was embarrassed about the things you posted which makes no sense. You are the one spending all your time trying to spin your actions.

So explain.

Don't deflect or cop out.

10-25-2014, 06:29 PM
No. You said I was embarrassed about the things you posted which makes no sense. You are the one spending all your time trying to spin your actions.

So explain.

Don't deflect or cop out.

Oh no, you can't wiggle your way out of this one no matter how much BS you weave.


You have only your ego to blame!


10-25-2014, 06:31 PM
Oh no, you can't wiggle your way out of this one no matter how much BS you weave.


You have only your ego to blame!

:lmaoWiggle out of what?

Laughing at you?

No reason to be embarrassed about laughing at you.

10-25-2014, 06:46 PM
More wiggling on your part, won't help you now.

You have been trolled thoroughly!

If you are laughing at yourself, you might have a case.

Plus it might show you are a good sport about it, but you aren't, and that is what makes you such a huge fool.

10-25-2014, 06:48 PM
So tell us why we shouldn't have laughed at you all this time.


10-25-2014, 06:52 PM
So tell us why we shouldn't have laughed at you all this time.


Still trying to save face I see.

Won't work by deflecting it onto me.

You made your bed, now sleep in it.

And I owed you nothing, no explanation, nothing, beyond my sincere apology to you for leading you on and getting you to make a fool of yourself, and that was sincerely given and you refused it.

Your loss.


10-25-2014, 07:00 PM
Leading me on about what?

10-25-2014, 07:06 PM
Leading me on about what?


No more deflections?

No more BS on how you knew all along and were just laughing at me?

Surely you can come up with something, however meager, to explain away making a fool of yourself and pin it all on me.

(And don't call me Sureley.) :lol

10-25-2014, 07:13 PM
Leading me on about what?

10-25-2014, 07:20 PM
Leading me on about what?


You are lost, as usual lately, and at a loss for competent excuses too, I see.

Plus you are reduced to asking inane questions as well.

Make up your own explanation since you refuse to believe the truth, but it won't change the truth no matter how much you dance around it to save face.


10-25-2014, 07:21 PM
Leading me on about what?

If you can't say because you didn't lead me on about anything, fine.

10-25-2014, 07:29 PM
Leading me on about what?

If you can't say because you didn't lead me on about anything, fine.


Poor lost chumpuss.

Lost in your own delusions as well.

Weaving, spinning, and dancing to save face.

And I have no part in it, you are doing it to yourself now.

I am merely the arbiter of helping you massacre yourself.

You are being thoroughly trolled.


10-25-2014, 09:42 PM

Poor lost chumpuss.

Lost in your own delusions as well.

Weaving, spinning, and dancing to save face.

And I have no part in it, you are doing it to yourself now.

I am merely the arbiter of helping you massacre yourself.

You are being thoroughly trolled.

:lmaoI am asking you a direct question.

How do you claim you were leading me on?

10-25-2014, 09:50 PM
I am asking you a direct question.

How do you claim you were leading me on?

Back for more abuse I see.

You want to be trolled some more it appears.


10-25-2014, 09:54 PM
Back for more abuse I see.

You want to be trolled some more it appears.

:lmaoI am asking you a direct question.

How do you claim you were leading me on?

10-25-2014, 10:01 PM
I am asking you a direct question.

How do you claim you were leading me on?

Great, I am happy for you, you asked me a question, now you get a lollypop it being so near to Halloween.

Ask some more, and while you're at it, ask a bunch more.

Geez, talk about not taking things too seriously!


10-25-2014, 10:04 PM
Great, I am happy for you, you asked me a question, now you get a lollypop it being so near to Halloween.

Ask some more, and while you're at it, ask a bunch more.

Geez, talk about not taking things too seriously!

:lmaoThanks for proving you have no answer.

I laughed at you.

Not embarrassed about it.

No matter how much you wish me to be.

I'll laugh at you again now.


10-25-2014, 10:11 PM
Thanks for proving you have no answer.I laughed at you.Not embarrassed about it. No matter how much you wish me to be.I'll laugh at you again now.lol

Too late, you have been thoroughly trolled and laughed at all this time as you try to squirm and talk your way out of it.

Your trying to save face and cope with your embarrassment and save your over-inflated ego is even more funny than you can ever imagine!

And what is even funnier, is I am not doing it, you are doing it to yourself.


10-25-2014, 10:12 PM
Too late, you have been thoroughly trolled and laughed at all this time as you try to squirm and talk your way out of it.

Your trying to save face and cope with your embarrassment and save your over-inflated ego is even more funny than you can ever imagine!

And what is even funnier, is I am not doing it, you are doing it too yourself.

:lmaoWhy should I be embarrassed about laughing at you?

10-25-2014, 10:30 PM
Why should I be embarrassed about laughing at you?

More trying to save face on here.

That is a testament to your over-inflated ego!

You have no where to turn and no one to blame except yourself.


10-25-2014, 10:31 PM
More trying to save face on here.

That is a testament to your over-inflated ego!

You have no where to turn and no one to blame except yourself.

:lmaoWhy would I need to save face for laughing at you?

No reason has been given.

10-25-2014, 10:37 PM
Why would I need to save face for laughing at you?

No reason has been given.

You should stick to the facts, you never profit from your lies on here, you should know that by now!

And I gave the facts many many times to you, but I guess you need it dumbed down.


10-25-2014, 10:39 PM
You should stick to the facts, you never profit from your lies on here, you should know that by now!

And I gave the facts many many times to you, but I guess you need it dumbed down.

:lmaoAnd those facts are what?

10-25-2014, 10:49 PM
And those facts are what?

Given many times.

Go play with them all you want to.


10-25-2014, 10:51 PM
Given many times.

Go play with them all you want to.

:lmaoMust have missed them.

Give a link.

Otherwise, there's no reason for anyone to be embarrassed.

10-25-2014, 10:57 PM
Must have missed them.Give a link.Otherwise, there's no reason for anyone to be embarrassed.

Must have.

Go back and look for yourself.


It isn't a hard thing to do unless you are afraid like you are about going to a GTG.

I'm not doing your work for you, do it yourself!


10-25-2014, 11:25 PM
Must have.

Go back and look for yourself.


It isn't a hard thing to do unless you are afraid like you are about going to a GTG.

I'm not doing your work for you, do it yourself!

Well if you want me to be embarrassed about laughing at you, you need to tell me. Your wanting me to be embarrassed is your job.

10-25-2014, 11:35 PM
Well if you want me to be embarrassed about laughing at you, you need to tell me. Your wanting me to be embarrassed is your job.

You give yourself way too much credit and definitely take all of this far too seriously for your own good.

You must really love living in that fantasy world of yours.

It is really too bad that you made such a fool of yourself that you need your other three buddies to save you from losing any more face on here.

Too bad it is being made mincemeat of, four against one.

And you're all still losing miserably.

Oh well, it is what it is.


Clipper Nation
10-25-2014, 11:36 PM
You give yourself way too much credit and definitely take all of this far too seriously for your own good.

You must really love living in that fantasy world of yours.

It is really too bad that you made such a fool of yourself that you need your other three buddies to save you from losing any more face on here.

Too bad it is being made mincemeat of, four against one.

And you're all still losing miserably.

Oh well, it is what it is.


10-25-2014, 11:37 PM
Why have I lost face. You just aren't making any sense here.

I laughed at you. You say I should be embarrassed for doing so.

I am not.

Why should I be?

10-25-2014, 11:43 PM
Why have I lost face. You just aren't making any sense here.I laughed at you. You say I should be embarrassed for doing so.I am not.Why should I be?

Chumpuss, still with the reading comprehension problems.

No matter how you try to twist it to your favor, the posts still show the truth and back me up.

You may as well realize now that all of your problems stem from your over-inflated ego.

Have you ever heard the old saying, pride comes before a fall?

Well, you have fallen so far far down that you may never recover your dignity.

How does it feel to be trolled?


10-26-2014, 12:14 AM
Which posts back you up?

You have seriously posted so much seriousness today.