View Full Version : Following the Money Trail Supporting Camp Casey

Aggie Hoopsfan
08-26-2005, 01:37 PM

But hey, there's no politics involved... ;)

08-26-2005, 03:40 PM
ahh the rev. sharpton will be there on sunday.. the lefts favorite preacher..

08-26-2005, 03:53 PM
Turnabout is fair play considering that a Republican PR firm is paying to bus in Shill supporters of W war policies to Crawford.

Still, Sheehan's message has remained consistant and she has the moral authority to press W on this issue no matter what anyone who wants to deny her her right to free speech says.

08-26-2005, 04:01 PM
Well, technically the turnabout is the "Shill" group, since this was organized afterwards, but the fact that both sides have partisan funding behind them should be a surprise to no one.

08-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Turnabout is fair play considering that a Republican PR firm is paying to bus in Shill supporters of W war policies to Crawford.

Still, Sheehan's message has remained consistant and she has the moral authority to press W on this issue no matter what anyone who wants to deny her her right to free speech says.

No one is denying her right to Free Speech....we are criticizing her for her opinion...

Don't people that disagree with her opinion have a right to criticize her? Don't they have a right to free speech as well...no one is denying her right to free speech...that is a false accusation.

The consitution does not grant you freedom from criticism and public backlash for speaking your opinion...it does not grant you the right to have your opinion be the respected one...

So for instance...if say, this woman is trying to single handeldly commandeer the US government against the popular will of the people...I am not denying her right to free speech...saying she needs to shut the fuck up and not whore her sons death out to the left is not like I am saying she needs to be put in jail for expressing her traitorous opinion and allying herself with the enemies of her son and America....

Marcus Bryant
08-26-2005, 04:28 PM
Even more important is the majority of Americans who frankly do not give a fuck.

08-27-2005, 01:24 AM
if say, this woman is trying to single handeldly commandeer the US government against the popular will of the people.

Do you even look at poll numbers on the war? Seems to me that the popular will of the people is with Cindy Sheehan.

08-27-2005, 01:25 AM
Even more important is the majority of Americans who frankly do not give a fuck.

Myabe they'll start caring when its their sons and daughters.

08-27-2005, 01:49 AM
Do you even look at poll numbers on the war? Seems to me that the popular will of the people is with Cindy Sheehan.

Can you give me the links to the polls that lead you to these conclusions...I'd like to see the wording that leads you to these conclusions.

This is not to say everyone is happy with the war...or even happy with the way it is being conducted...but that's a long way from agreeing with Cindy Sheehan's get out and let the chips fall where they may credo.

It's funny you know...the polls I have been looking at...the 2008 candidate polls...show the country is even more to the right now than it was in the past 2 elections...Every leading Republican Candidate beats their Democratic Counterpart by a 6-13 point margin...And Guilianni is the top candidate...as I have been saying from day 1...

And if you think W is a grade A asshole just wait till Rudy gets in there...because this guy is not afraid of pissing anyone off. And he has the total trust of the American people.

08-27-2005, 01:51 AM
You really think Guilianni will get the nomination?

He's pro-choice and support gay rights doesn't he?

Not exactly "conservative" on social issues.

08-27-2005, 02:00 AM
It's possible McCain will get it since he's mor eof a traditional candidate and ALL the top Republican Candidates poll better than any of the top Democrats...

But Guilianni polls out as the best Republican Candidate...I think if push comes to shove he can get the nomination because he can carry New York....

A Republican that can carry New York? It's ovah...and even to the hardcore pubs Guilianni is better than a Democrat.

The majority of the country is not conservative or liberal, at least when it comes to the Presidency..the majority is moderate...the American people vote for the candidate, not the party, when it comes to the President...2 terms of Clinton...2 terms of W....2 terms of Kennedy LBJ, Nixon, Ford...it's always been due to candidate.

And you never know...Rudy might just run as an independent...he'd still win. Guilianni is the face of 911...and New York will reward him for his leadership during that time.

08-27-2005, 02:11 AM
So you'd vote for him based on 911?

I don't see him getting the nomination at all.

08-27-2005, 02:13 AM
I think of hillary runs even bob dole (not that I'm saying he goes)would win by a landslide. She'd be the worse candidate since John Kerry

08-27-2005, 02:15 AM
You really think Guilianni will get the nomination?

He's pro-choice and support gay rights doesn't he?

Not exactly "conservative" on social issues.

No way Guilianni gets the nomination. The far right would never go for it.

I've narrowed it down to a few suspects.

1. Dick Cheney

2. Jeb Bush

3. John McCain (but he won't get it)

If I had to guess I would suspect the choice will be Bush/Rice.

08-27-2005, 02:24 AM
No way Guilianni gets the nomination. The far right would never go for it.

A candidate that appeals to the far right and no one else won't get elected...Pat Buchannan anyone?

I've narrowed it down to a few suspects.

1. Dick Cheney

Won't even run. He's smart enough to know he won't win it. I don't think he wants to be President anyway.

2. Jeb Bush

It's possible...but I don't think he's going to run right after his brother...if he does he's stupid and he won't get elected unless the Democrats do something really stupid.

3. John McCain (but he won't get it)

Why won't he?

If I had to guess I would suspect the choice will be Bush/Rice.

Maybe...but your list to me seems more like wishful thinking than political manuvering to maintain control of the whitehouse.

08-27-2005, 02:27 AM
So you'd vote for him based on 911?

Did you see what Rudy did in New York? Even before 911?

He basically eliminated crime, he took down the fucking mob....

I think doing those things in New York is harder than being President of the US.

Rudy cleans up corruption...

If you ask me Rudy is the perfect candidate...

I don't see him getting the nomination at all.

He might not get the nomination...but he will win if he runs.

If Rudy runs as an independent he will win.

08-27-2005, 02:29 AM
Dick doesn't have the heart for it.

John Kerry was a good candidate, IMO, and I'm proud I voted for him.

I also think in today's political arena you have to "look the part" and Hillary just can't pull it off.

Americans need to "like" their President. That's why Bill was and still is so damn popular. I also think Heinze hurt Kerry.

08-27-2005, 02:45 AM
A candidate that appeals to the far right and no one else won't get elected...Pat Buchannan anyone?

Umm, no, but the Republicans can't afford to take the Religious right for granted and their man is Frist, but he won't get it, so they will have to settle on a compromise candidate.

08-27-2005, 02:47 AM
Dick doesn't have the heart for it.

Why not? He's running the country already.

08-27-2005, 02:57 AM
Umm, no, but the Republicans can't afford to take the Religious right for granted and their man is Frist, but he won't get it, so they will have to settle on a compromise candidate.

Yeah...and if the Republicans run Guilianni out there who do you think the Right is going to vote for, Hilary? You think they won't vote? There is no secondary party and they already learned that lesson in the 90's.

Patriotism counts as much with many of those people as anything...and Rudy's credentials in the patriotism department match up with anyone...

08-27-2005, 03:08 AM
Yeah...and if the Republicans run Guilianni out there who do you think the Right is going to vote for, Hilary? You think they won't vote? There is no secondary party and they already learned that lesson in the 90's.

Patriotism counts as much with many of those people as anything...and Rudy's credentials in the patriotism department match up with anyone...

Oh, I have no doubt that they would run their own candidate. Maybe even Frist. These wackos want to claim their own state.