View Full Version : The Current State of the NFL

11-02-2014, 08:04 PM
http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/ac255/kegstermd/1457578_10152781007365126_8129260679206236435_n1_z ps40d67f1e.jpg

One year after


If you honestly consider the NFL your favorite sport and invest time & money, you should re-evaluate your life. As the talent disparity continues to shrink, refs will continue to become the deciding factor in games. Think about how illogical the sport of American football is. It attempts to measure inches with rusty chains? The Rams were rewarded possession without clear indication of recovering the ball?

Eventually the 49ers will Win the Super Bowl again but odds are it will be ref assisted. This is the current nature of the NFL. When there wasn't instant replay, you could excuse blown calls. What am I supposed to think after today? The entire goal line segment with Crabtree, the clock started to run before we snapped the ball and then the possession switched hands? Inexcusable. I think I will be putting family first on Thanksgiving and watching our game in the background. It is simply Sport and a very flawed one.

11-02-2014, 08:29 PM
I guess the refs made the Niners play like shit today...

11-02-2014, 08:42 PM

11-02-2014, 08:48 PM
How do you not blow out rams? Tbh.

KoolAid Mans Brother
11-02-2014, 08:56 PM
:lmao Time to start focusing back on povertyball, where refs miss off sides penalties all the time which cause game changing goals to be taken away
:lmao Or you could just post penis pics and get banned again
:lmao Your team sucks bro, and as long as you have that monkey QB, they aren't winning shit anyways. Today's game doesn't change the fact that the team and the monkey QB have regressed greatly.

11-02-2014, 08:57 PM
:lol kool aid man's bro said it best. Soccer is infinitely more impacted by the refs than any American sport is.

KoolAid Mans Brother
11-02-2014, 09:01 PM
:lol kool aid man's bro said it best. Soccer is infinitely more impacted by the refs than any American sport is.

:lmao It's the refs fault that Kaepernick couldn't wash the fried chicken grease off of his hands and hold on to the ball at the goal line

11-02-2014, 09:22 PM
:lmao Time to start focusing back on povertyball, where refs miss off sides penalties all the time which cause game changing goals to be taken away
:lmao Or you could just post penis pics and get banned again
:lmao Your team sucks bro, and as long as you have that monkey QB, they aren't winning shit anyways. Today's game doesn't change the fact that the team and the monkey QB have regressed greatly.
Soccer is a far superior sport and this thread illustrates it
- Fkd up Crabtrees TD
- Screwed up the clock
- Over-turned possession

How do you manage those 3 fk ups in the span of 3 plays with the game on the line. This simply does not occur in Soccer. Complaining about Refs in World Cup or Champions League is far less than a NFL Sunday or NBA Playoff Night.

The offensive line & QB struggled. Every other unti is as good as advertised.

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:28 PM
:lmao Povertyball is the most rigged "sport" on the planet. No other sport has had anywhere near as many gambling and game-fixing scandals. OP is a faggot.

11-02-2014, 09:30 PM
:lmao Povertyball is the most rigged "sport" on the planet. No other sport has had anywhere near as many gambling and game-fixing scandals. OP is a faggot.

:lmao PovertyBall being the sport that spawned flopping because being able to draw calls from the refs is such a key part of the game

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:31 PM

11-02-2014, 09:32 PM
:lmao Povertyball is the most rigged "sport" on the planet. No other sport has had anywhere near as many gambling and game-fixing scandals. OP is a faggot.
"No other sport has had anywhere near as many [games]"

NBA is the most rigged

NFL is simply a flawed and illogical game trying to be based around measuring inches and every clock stoppage to the exact second. This is probably why no one plays American football outside North America and prefer the free flowing and more logic Rugby

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:34 PM
A soccer referee named Ibrahim Chaibou walked into a bank in a small South African city carrying a bag filled with as much as $100,000 in $100 bills, according to another referee traveling with him. The deposit was so large that a bank employee gave Mr. Chaibou a gift of commemorative coins bearing the likeness of Nelson Mandela.

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:34 PM
FIFA has banned 74 more officials and players from world soccer for helping fix matches, this time in Italy and South Korea.

FIFA says it imposed sanctions on 70 people, including 11 who were banned for life, after a series of cases prosecuted by Italian soccer authorities.

FIFA says the charges involved "match-fixing (direct involvement or omission to report match-fixing), illegal betting or corrupt organization (association to commit illicit acts)."

Prosecutors in Cremona, Bari and Napoli have pieced together a conspiracy they believe was organized from Singapore to bet on rigged Italian soccer games.

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:35 PM
Former AC Milan and Italy midfielder Gennaro Gattuso was placed under investigation for match-fixing Tuesday and four more people were arrested in an early morning police sweep.Cremona prosecutor Roberto Di Martino, who has been leading the Last Bet operation for three years, told The Associated Press that Gattuso and retired Milan and Lazio player Cristian Brocchi were allegedly part of a ring that fixed Serie A and other Italian matches at the end of the 2010-11 season.

11-02-2014, 09:35 PM

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:35 PM
Hundreds of soccer matches have been fixed in a global betting scam run from Singapore, police said on Monday, in a blow to the image of the third world's most popular "sport" and a multi-billion dollar industry.

About 680 suspicious matches including qualifying games for the World Cup and European Championships, and the Champions League for top European club sides, have been identified in an inquiry by European police forces, the European anti-crime agency Europol, and national prosecutors.

11-02-2014, 09:36 PM
Hundreds of soccer matches have been fixed in a global betting scam run from Singapore, police said on Monday, in a blow to the image of the third world's most popular "sport" and a multi-billion dollar industry.

About 680 suspicious matches including qualifying games for the World Cup and European Championships, and the Champions League for top European club sides, have been identified in an inquiry by European police forces, the European anti-crime agency Europol, and national prosecutors.
:lol nice edits

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:36 PM
Turkish police have detained a Fenerbahce director and three other suspects for interrogation in a growing match-fixing probe.
The police detained Murat Ozaydinli, a board member of the league champion Fenerbahce, along with another club official on Friday. The others arrested were a player of Istanbul Buyuksehir Belediyesi and an official of Genclerbirligi.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Fenerbahce supporter, has extended full support to the crackdown on football corruption. Hurriyet newspaper quoted Erdogan as saying, "I regard this as a process of purification."

More than 30 people, including Fenerbahce president Aziz Yildirim, have been charged in the probe that involves 19 games last season. Fenerbahce faces the threat of losing its title and being relegated.

Malik Hairston
11-02-2014, 09:37 PM
I actually like watching soccer and love playing it, but ya, I don't see how it's not considered the most rigged and fixed sport of all, tbh:lol..

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:37 PM
Five clubs in Albania, Latvia, Slovenia and Hungary are suspected in European soccer's biggest match-fixing investigation.The European soccer governing body identified the clubs Wednesday as KF Tirana (Albania), KS Vllaznia (Albania), FC Dinaburg (Latvia), NK IB Llubljana (Slovenia) and Honved (Hungary). They allegedly fixed seven qualifying round games in the Champions League and Europa League between July 16 and Aug. 6.

11-02-2014, 09:38 PM
so, OP is trying to convince people to stop watching football when he apparently can't even get himself to stop watching football?

11-02-2014, 09:41 PM
Boiled down::::

Soccer>Any other sport.


11-02-2014, 09:41 PM
Exactly my point. Global Football is fighting the problem while NBA & NFL continues on while you suckers watch ignorantly.

You can't throw a phantom flag or call a phantom foul in Global Football. Referees in American sports are protected by the way the Sports are illogically structured: Endless fouls called

11-02-2014, 09:42 PM
so, OP is trying to convince people to stop watching football when he apparently can't even get himself to stop watching football?
I covered this with my last sentence in OP

Clipper Nation
11-02-2014, 09:44 PM
Global Football is fighting the problem
:lmao How are they "fighting the problem" when there's new rigging scandals practically every month?

That's like saying the NCAA is "fighting the problem" of cheating when they give Cleveland State the death penalty for buying a slice of pizza for a recruit, all while the Manziels and Winstons of the world are driving around in Ferraris and getting fake grades in fake classes.

11-02-2014, 09:44 PM
Why watch when you think it's rigged? Never understood these type of people tbh.

11-02-2014, 09:44 PM
You can't throw a phantom flag or call a phantom foul in Global Football.


11-02-2014, 09:49 PM
Why watch when you think it's rigged? Never understood these type of people tbh.
I covered this with my last sentence in OP

11-02-2014, 09:51 PM
:lmao How are they "fighting the problem" when there's new rigging scandals practically every month?

That's like saying the NCAA is "fighting the problem" of cheating when they give Cleveland State the death penalty for buying a slice of pizza for a recruit, all while the Manziels and Winstons of the world are driving around in Ferraris and getting fake grades in fake classes.
We are comparing 1 Million Global matches with 250 in the NFL. Game deciding blown calls are far more prone in the NFL because it is a sport centered around referees/stoppage/measurements.

Every other NFL game is filled with Ref allegations. This is not the case in Global Football

11-02-2014, 09:53 PM
I covered this with my last sentence in OP
Doesn't make sense tbh

11-02-2014, 10:04 PM
We are comparing 1 Million Global matches with 250 in the NFL. Game deciding blown calls are far more prone in the NFL because it is a sport centered around referees/stoppage/measurements.

Every other NFL game is filled with Ref allegations. This is not the case in Global Football


11-02-2014, 10:38 PM
i kind of agree with the OP on refs getting worse in the NFL. it is feeling more like Stern's version of the NBA, part of that is from the rules getting more complicated. even Mike Pereira said the rules need to be simplified. I just would like to see more consistency.

I also like soccer a lot but that shit is far from perfect. Not just ref scandals but some soccer games are as boring as any football game.

11-03-2014, 12:19 AM
Starting playing football at around 7/8 tears old. At around 11/12 I started watching Jim Brown, Johnny Unitas, Bobby Mitchell etc. Played four years of HS ball, 3 years of Naval base ball and 15 years in the city flag football league, I have seen all the SB's and the first MNF game. There is nothing that will will get in my way of that long love affair with football....nothing.

Played my last tackle game with pads at 45 years old, yep...HS alumni game.

11-03-2014, 12:22 AM
Starting playing football at around 7/8 tears old. At around 11/12 I started watching Jim Brown, Johnny Unitas, Bobby Mitchell etc. Played four years of HS ball, 3 years of Naval base ball and 15 years in the city flag football league, I have seen all the SB's and the first MNF game. There is nothing that will will get in my way of that long love affair with football....nothing.

Played my last tackle game with pads at 45 years old, yep...HS alumni game.

11-03-2014, 12:31 AM

Nope, very true. Would you like for me to take you to school talking Niners?

11-03-2014, 12:45 AM
Although Newcastle is disgruntled after a tough loss (he's also totally wrong trumpeting soccer's integrity, which is known as the most corrupt sport on planet Earth, and headed by FIFA, which is essentially a cartel), his assessment of the officiating competency is pretty much correct. Goodell's rule changes have created a lot more instances of 50/50 calls, which has placed additional pressure on refs.

Clipper Nation
11-03-2014, 01:04 AM
Although Newcastle is disgruntled after a tough loss (he's also totally wrong trumpeting soccer's integrity, which is known as the most corrupt sport on planet Earth, and headed by FIFA, which is essentially a cartel), his assessment of the officiating competency is pretty much correct. Goodell's rule changes have created a lot more instances of 50/50 calls, which has placed additional pressure on refs.
Yep... thanks to Roger, you pretty much have to be 30 points better than Fivehead or Brady to win by 10 because of the ref factor. And there's always a new "point of emphasis" to punish defenses after they choke. But still, it easily beats povertyball.

11-03-2014, 01:25 AM
>sucking this much Eurocock
>still celebrating Thanksgiving

I don't get it

11-03-2014, 09:34 PM
Who is this infinite limit retard?

Clipper Nation
11-09-2014, 04:18 PM
:lmao Will the BBC lover whine about that blatant flop by Perrish Cox?

Clipper Nation
12-07-2014, 07:24 PM
Bumping so that NewcastleFAG can make more excuses for his declining team.

05-29-2015, 09:20 PM
Soccer is a far superior sport and this thread illustrates it
- Fkd up Crabtrees TD
- Screwed up the clock
- Over-turned possession

How do you manage those 3 fk ups in the span of 3 plays with the game on the line. This simply does not occur in Soccer. Complaining about Refs in World Cup or Champions League is far less than a NFL Sunday or NBA Playoff Night.

The offensive line & QB struggled. Every other unti is as good as advertised.

Exactly my point. Global Football is fighting the problem while NBA & NFL continues on while you suckers watch ignorantly.

You can't throw a phantom flag or call a phantom foul in Global Football. Referees in American sports are protected by the way the Sports are illogically structured: Endless fouls called

:lmao "fighting the problem"
:lmao reelecting the same FIFA president who oversaw widespread corruption for years
:lmao claiming soccer is anything but the most rigged and corrupt sport on the planet
:lmao NewCastleCUCK
:lmao spamming black dicks
:lmao Derek Rose

05-29-2015, 09:50 PM
Bumping so that NewcastleFAG can make more excuses for his declining team.
What happened.

NFL still suck? All signs point to YES

Clipper Nation
05-29-2015, 10:49 PM
NFL still suck? All signs point to YES

Povertyball still corrupt and shitty? Well, people are getting arrested left and right while the scumbag commissioner just got re-elected by default after his opponent mysteriously quit after one round, so I'm going with YES.

05-29-2015, 10:52 PM
Povertyball still corrupt and shitty? Well, people are getting arrested left and right while the scumbag commissioner just got re-elected by default after his opponent mysteriously quit after one round, so I'm going with YES.
There are 200+ nations in FIFA

Think about that. 200 NFL's. Imagine all the criminals and deflated balls if there were 200 NFLs

People and their precious little domestic sports are cute.

Clipper Nation
05-29-2015, 10:54 PM
There are 200+ nations in FIFA

Think about that. 200 NFL's. Imagine all the criminals and deflated balls if there were 200 NFLs

To the best of my knowledge, the actual NFL has never had higher-ups getting dragged out of league HQ by plainclothes cops for a corruption trial.

Keep blaming the refs for the continued failure of the Decliners, all while your real favorite "sport" is proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on the planet :lmao

05-29-2015, 11:00 PM
To the best of my knowledge, the actual NFL has never had higher-ups getting dragged out of league HQ by plainclothes cops for a corruption trial.

Keep blaming the refs for the continued failure of the Decliners, all while your real favorite "sport" is proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on the planet :lmao
Actually England by itself has 7 NFL's !!!!!!

Why am I even talking about some meaningless shitty little sport no one gives a shit about

Clipper Nation
05-29-2015, 11:03 PM
Actually England by itself has 7 NFL's !!!!!!

Why am I even talking about some meaningless shitty little sport no one gives a shit about

:lol Butthurt
:lol Mad that bribes, corruption and rigging is the first association people will make with third-world kickball now in the only relevant country in the world

05-30-2015, 02:05 AM
OP is seriously the biggest whiner on ST. Which is quite the accomplishment. Dude could find a way to complain about getting his cock sucked by Selma Hayek.

05-30-2015, 08:50 AM
The NFL actually had a great summer with Brady and the draft leading to huge interest. All this drama makes the NFL even more popular. Along With the Cowboys attempting to pick up the usual suspects and the big Star during darker the NFL could not have asked for a better summer.

This is entertainment. You can hate the commissioner, the Patriots, Hernandez, Kraft, Brady, the Cowboys, Kelly... every fan has a delectable choice of flawed characters and teams.

05-30-2015, 08:59 AM
Why am I even talking about some meaningless shitty little sport no one gives a shit about

Why are you asking us this question? You're the one who got butthurt and made this thread :lol

05-30-2015, 09:22 AM
:lol this faggot loved the NFL and NBA when his teams weren't shit
:lol Rose
:lol Sackorpick

Clipper Nation
05-30-2015, 04:01 PM
OP is seriously the biggest whiner on ST. Which is quite the accomplishment. Dude could find a way to complain about getting his cock sucked by Selma Hayek.
:cry "She doesn't give head like women used to in the '90s!" :cry

05-30-2015, 04:08 PM
:cry "She doesn't give head like women used to in the '90s!" :cry
Dude, they really don't

06-08-2015, 10:25 AM
:lol tebow


06-08-2015, 12:55 PM
NFC Power Rankings

Seattle 72
GB 71
Philly 70
Dallas /New Orleans 68
Arizona /NYG /Detroit 67

Everyone else 66 and below.

The gutter....Washington 61


Iny/Baltimore 71
Cinncy 69
New England/Denver 68
Buffalo 67

Everyone else 66 and the below,

The gutter,,,Jacksonville 61

That's out of LINDY'S 2015 NFL PREVIEW mag, the best out there.

06-08-2015, 02:51 PM
Who is watching NFL Live during the off season? Unbearable

06-08-2015, 03:11 PM
Who is watching NFL Live during the off season? Unbearable

This is the time ya hit a library/online and learn about the history of it all. Buy ya a magazine and read about the 2015 season to be. Widden those horizons.

06-08-2015, 03:23 PM
This is the time ya hit a library/online and learn about the history of it all. Buy ya a magazine and read about the 2015 season to be. Widden those horizons.
Lol there is always another sport on. I no longer do Fantasy sports either

06-08-2015, 04:31 PM
Lol there is always another sport on. I no longer do Fantasy sports either

A Niner fan who can't talk J.D.Smith, it's just not right.