View Full Version : Reasons why..

08-27-2005, 01:53 AM
hey guys.. just out of the blue, this question popped out of my mind.. what are your reasons why you became an avid spurs fan..?? please bear with me.. thanks.. :spin

08-27-2005, 02:04 AM
I started really caring just before we drafted Tim. My Dad explained what kind of player Duncan was supposed to be, and what he was hopefully going to do for our franchise, so I started tuning in to see if he was right or not.

The '99 Title Run really did it for me. I was too young to really consider myself an avid fan before then. Going into that postseason, Pops told me that it was finally going to be the Spurs time, and to really watch their run through the playoffs. So I did, and I've been hooked ever since.

I don't really consider it bandwagoning because I've been a Spurs fan all my life. Hell, when I was just a little tyke, I used to carry around my little Spurs Coyote stuffed animal everywhere I would go. It was the only toy I ever really got attached to.

These are just the things that made me an avid Spurs follower.

08-27-2005, 02:14 AM
I started really caring just before we drafted Tim. My Dad explained what kind of player Duncan was supposed to be, and what he was hopefully going to do for our franchise, so I started tuning in to see if he was right or not.

The '99 Title Run really did it for me. I was too young to really consider myself an avid fan before then. Going into that postseason, Pops told me that it was finally going to be the Spurs time, and to really watch their run through the playoffs. So I did, and I've been hooked ever since.

I don't really consider it bandwagoning because I've been a Spurs fan all my life. Hell, when I was just a little tyke, I used to carry around my little Spurs Coyote stuffed animal everywhere I would go. It was the only toy I ever really got attached to.

These are just the things that made me an avid Spurs follower. Hey nobody said you had to be a spursfan right out of the womb man. That is not what bandwagoning is. You could be a fan since last year, and still be a true fan. Don't let anybody tell you different, because anybody who does just wants to make it seem like they are somehow special because of "seniority" HA! laughable!

Personally I've beena fan since 1999. I consider myself a true fan. I've been through the bad and the good with this team since then.

08-27-2005, 02:20 AM
Hey nobody said you had to be a spursfan right out of the womb man. That is not what bandwagoning is. You could be a fan since last year, and still be a true fan. Don't let anybody tell you different, because anybody who does just wants to make it seem like they are somehow special because of "seniority" HA! laughable!

Personally I've beena fan since 1999. I consider myself a true fan. I've been through the bad and the good with this team since then.

Amen to that.

You always get to hear that shit, "Oh, you only started watching once the Spurs started winning"

I can't help it that's when I started tuning in. :lol

We lived through the Laker Days, we paid our dues, dammit.

08-27-2005, 02:29 AM
Shit, Ive been a Spurs Fan since I started to play bball. WHen I was like 6. I used to watch my dad get pissed when they loose and then beat me....j/k. But they stand for everything a team is supposed to be

08-27-2005, 03:13 AM
We moved to SA before my freshman year of HS in 93. Up until that point, I really never cared about basketball, I was a football and baseball player. I just kinda got turned on to the Spurs by going to games with my parents and their friends from work. Even went to a couple playoff games in 95. Been hooked ever since then.

08-27-2005, 08:22 AM
When I was 10, my dad took me too my first Spurs game in the fall of 1976--the team's first season in the NBA. It was against the Sonics, and Gervin, Kenon and Paultz put on a show. Kenon had a dunk that seemed to begin at the free throw line. That dunk rocked the crowd at Hemisfair, a crowd which was the raunchiest, beer drinkin'ist bunch of mongrels I'd ever seen (I had moved from Houston, and Rockets fans were much more staid). Some of you guys bitch when opposing fans chant "bullshit", but it used to be a virtual mantra at Hemisfair. When not directed at the refs (for whom the live band reguarly busted into "Three Blind Mice"), the band solicited the chant from the crowd by stomping "Cotton Eyed Joe". Hemisfair was like a huge honky-tonk with a Tejano flair, and when the game ended (I can't even remember who won), I was hooked.

08-27-2005, 08:23 AM
I'm from San Antonio.
What else is there to do? :)

08-27-2005, 08:30 AM
I started following the Spurs when I moved to San Antonio in 1991, but I didn't start becoming an avid fan til Timmy got drafted in 1997. In 2000, when I started working at an ad agency where the Spurs were one of my clients, I learned a lot more about the organization and became even more of a fan. In 2002, Manu pushed me over the edge and into a complete fan nutcase. :spin

08-27-2005, 08:57 AM
Why becoming a Spurs fan?

Couse you feel that is as closest as a NBA franchise can be if you are in Europe and like good basketball. Spurs without Parker and Manu are hardly the same team. Spurs without Oberto, Rasho and Beno seems... unnatural. Spurs without Pop? Need I say more?
So Spurs are great just for being a worldly team to observe. When thay play great, that is just too fine to discuss.

08-27-2005, 09:02 AM
1975 I saw my first spurs game back in the old arena.. I was playing little league basketball, so because of that we got invited to a spurs game. It was the spurs vs new orleans jazz. George Gervin against pistol pete.. I can't really remember most of the game, but I remember the live band at the old arena.. total 70's .. but I've been a spurs fan ever since.... probably more so after robinson got here..

08-27-2005, 09:33 AM
i'm from texas but got an internship at the st. louis paper in 99. i started missing texas and the only texas thing around was the spurs in the playoffs, so i started rooting for them and got hooked when they won it all.

plus that duncan guy epitomized everything i thought was lost in b-ball, especially that bank shot that i never thought was going to go in but always seemed too and his quiet attitude about things was refreshing.

08-27-2005, 09:46 AM
My dad was the GM of Hemisfair Arena and an event coordinator at the convention center before the spurs came to town. When they got here, they became part of the family. My mom used to cook for some of the players on Sundays.

Mark in Austin
08-27-2005, 09:46 AM
I became an avid Spur fan David Robinson's rookie year.

08-27-2005, 10:38 AM
I became a Spurs fan when my Mother won a 1965 totally restored red mustang convertible from the Spurs.. I think it was some radio contest between the Spurs and KTSA...After that ...come on.. But seriously, that did happen, and I became an even bigger fan when Robinson, and Elliott came to town..Been a fan ever since..How can anyone not love such a great team?

08-27-2005, 10:47 AM
I became a spurs fan whenspurs won the second championship and i was 14. I was hooked eva since.The finisher was maliks dunk on mutombo.All the tme before that i was a king.......Yes i know what the hell.

08-27-2005, 10:52 AM
I became an avid spurs fan when I went into the military in 1999 and I realized how those guys from other states hated ALL texas teams... we won the chip that year after I got out of basic training the rest is history

08-27-2005, 10:59 AM
For me it was when drob was a rookie. I just can't get enough.

08-27-2005, 10:59 AM
I used to watch my dad get pissed when they loose and then beat me....j/k.

I've been a Spurs fan since I was about... I can't even remember. But I know I was tiny. :D I don't really know why I liked them. I guess I liked black and silver and I was San Antonian? Who knows...

I remember people making fun of me (even in my own family) that I would be a Spurs fan... "They suck! You know that, right?" :rolleyes
Stupid bandwagoners.

I remember watching games with my dad when the Spurs really, really sucked and we'd always end up disappointed. I wouldn't call myself an "avid" fan back then, but I still loved them no matter what and always rooted for them. So when Timmy was drafted, I just exploded. And when they won in 99, it was just heaven.

08-27-2005, 11:17 AM
I'm not even gonna try to lie about this, there's one reason why I became a Spurs fan: Manu Ginobili.

But after watching so many games, I'd still be a Spurs fan even if Manu weren't a Spur.

08-27-2005, 11:27 AM
My dad was the GM of Hemisfair Arena and an event coordinator at the convention center before the spurs came to town. When they got here, they became part of the family. My mom used to cook for some of the players on Sundays.

Dude, if you remember some of that, you should write about it, I know I would like to hear as much as you are able to remember about all of this.


08-27-2005, 11:47 AM
I started following the team in 1987 when they drafted David Robinson and people couldn't believe the team drafted a guy that wasn't going to be able to play for at least two years (and if I remember right, something like four was possible) because of his Navy commitment.

The first time I ever went to a game was in '88, the year when the Cadillac from UH made the All-Rookie team and the Spurs made the playoffs despite only winning like 30 games. We went to a Lakers game, my Dad's favorite team at the time. My parents let me skip school the next day.

08-27-2005, 11:52 AM
^That's cool

08-27-2005, 11:57 AM
I became a Spurs fan while working at a bar in Victoria. We had a patio with a huge big screen and had quite a few regulars who were Spurs fans. I never liked basketball, but by the end of the season I was hooked on the Spurs. I even traded shifts to be there for game nights.:lol
Ever since then I've been an AVID Spurs fan... but it took me a year or two to pay any attention to basketball outside of SA.. and sometimes it's still a chore to gain basketball knowledge. But it all effects my Spurs somehow, so I try.
It's been 5 years.

08-27-2005, 02:26 PM
My town, my team since 1980

08-27-2005, 02:42 PM
^Heck yeah! :tu

08-27-2005, 06:24 PM
Dude, if you remember some of that, you should write about it, I know I would like to hear as much as you are able to remember about all of this.


I swear I would if I could. All of my information is through my parents since I was born in 1976. I can remember my dad getting some of the spurs Elvis tickets when Elvis came to SA and George Karl & a few other players went to the Elvis concert with my mom and some friends. George was so shy back then he sat next to my mom the whole concert and only said a few words during the show. --- Some of the other players were so good to my family. Coby Dietrich was close with my dad. When I was a toddler he'd pick me up and help me put the ball through the hoop on the court. -- I heard countless stories of the baseline bums.-- Another detail is my dad said he ordered the old spurs court through some company in Corpus shortly after the new seats were inserted to apease the NBA rules for seat capsity in hemisfair arena. --All I can recollect right now, but I wish he had stayed in SA because I sure would've like to of gotten a job with the organization is some way.

08-27-2005, 06:26 PM
^ That is really awesome. :tu

David Bowie
08-27-2005, 10:48 PM
I became a fan in '99, before the Spurs won their first championship. Before that ,I was a Utah Jazz fan and watched basketball only casually.

I was just so happy when the Spurs won their first championship, and especially since I was going through some difficult times that summer. It just brought a sile to my face. And I just fell in love with all the players, especially Tim. Also, my grandfather is a big basketball fan and became a Spurs fan because of me, and its really great to watch the Spurs together with him.

08-27-2005, 11:44 PM
Its seems like a huge weight lifted off spurs fans shoulders in 1999. All of the close calls, woulda coulda shoulda's, The 1991 playoff run, the 1995 playoff run. Those pesky Utah Jazz series'. All of it seemed boil up leading to '99. There was so much to celebrate. People tried to take it away from us, saying it wasn't fair because it was a shortened season. But guess what, we beat the best teams in the league that year. We swept shaq and kobe, we tore through Porland(who had the best record that year) and we beat the best team in the east in the knicks. 2003 and 2005 validated (and in some cases, vendicated) '99 and our place in nba history. It feels so good to be up there with the lakers, bulls, and celtics. We may not be that far yet as far as championships are concerned, but I think when this dynasty is done, people will say this is the time when the good guys dominated.

08-27-2005, 11:57 PM
I became a Spurs fan largely because I grew up in San Antonio and they were the one team that I could follow on a daily basis, given the limited media that existed in the late 70's and early 80's. I remember, as a kid growing up in San Antonio, listening to Sam Smith's radio broadcasts and simulcasts (WOAI and the old Rogers Cablevision) in the late 70's and early 80's.

I also remember going to my first game at HemisFair Arena in 1982 or 1983, and seeing the Spurs play the Nuggets in one of the many barn-burners those teams used to play in the early 80's. Though I was only a child, and though my parents had no interest in those Spurs teams, I managed to get to at least 1 game every season, whether the Spurs were doing well or not. I was captivated by the players and their athleticism; I was heartbroken every time the Spurs lost. I remember the Spurs move to the Western Conference, the "trade" of Stan Albeck and the birth of CottonBall, the front lawn interview of George Gervin after his trade to Chicago, the red chameleon (before it gained a place in Spurs lore), and the shock of the Elliott-Rodman trade.

I don't mean to disparage those who've come to the game late (I certainly welcome you to my life-long obsession), but I have to say that part of what has made the titles in 1999, 2003, and 2005 so sweet for me was that I had swallowed the bitter pills of 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1990, and 1995, had stayed with the Spurs through the messes of the McHone and Weiss administrations and the miserable seasons between 85-86 and 89-90, and had learned the patience that came with waiting 2 years for David Robinson to save a faltering franchise. It was all of the struggles before 1999 that made that experience so wonderful -- I'll never forget the surreal moment of Jay Howard announcing that tickets for the NBA Finals would be on sale in San Antonio (with a "this is sweet" smile in his voice). I could fill this space with so many other things, but truly, I'm not sure how much 1999, 2003, and 2005 would have meant to me without the entire journey. It's been one hell of a ride.

08-28-2005, 12:13 AM
I started really caring just before we drafted Tim. My Dad explained what kind of player Duncan was supposed to be, and what he was hopefully going to do for our franchise, so I started tuning in to see if he was right or not.

The '99 Title Run really did it for me and I've been hooked ever since.

My story is the same, only you tell it better! = )

08-28-2005, 12:17 AM
Why becoming a Spurs fan?

Couse you feel that is as closest as a NBA franchise can be if you are in Europe and like good basketball. Spurs without Parker and Manu are hardly the same team. Spurs without Oberto, Rasho and Beno seems... unnatural. Spurs without Pop? Need I say more?
So Spurs are great just for being a worldly team to observe. When thay play great, that is just too fine to discuss.

Tell it!! = )

Listen up people! Z speaks true!

08-28-2005, 12:26 AM
Ive been a spurs fan since '55

Horry For 3!
08-28-2005, 12:38 AM
I have been a Spurs fan since I can remember. I have lived near San Antonio almost all of my life so the Spurs were everything to me.

08-28-2005, 12:59 PM
I am a spurs fan coz I love Duncan and DRob.

08-28-2005, 03:49 PM
My story is the same, only you tell it better! = )

Cute. :spin Great minds, they say.

It's definitely an awesome time to be a Spurs fan. Being able to see the Admiral go out on top is something that I will always cherish, because David Robinson has been such a huge icon in my life for as long as I can remember.

And now, being able to watch a guy like Tim is just amazing. I used to be semi-jealous of the Chicago fans that got to follow a guy like MJ in his prime, doing what he did best.

Now, we have our own legend that we can tell our kids, "I used to watch him own back in the day"

By that time, the term own should be in the dictionary.

08-28-2005, 08:23 PM
I've told my once here a while back. But, I was 6 sitting at home watching a basketball game. It was Spurs @ Hornets and Robinson dropped 50 points and thats when I pretty much followed them. I wasnt an avid freak fan til around 11 or 12 mainly because I hadnt matured much to care. Around then I started reading boxscores of all NBA games and followed the Spurs through the Arkansas' paper. For christmas I got a DRob jersey that year, black with white plastic like lettering. It was made by Champion, damn I wish I still had that.

Yeah so since then I pretty much obsessed.

08-28-2005, 08:45 PM
Back around 1995-96, I was like 7 or 8 new to the country. I didn't know what the hell I was watching. But, after a while I liked the Housten Rockets cause of Drexler and Hakeem. Then I saw the Spurs play and I just liked the colors at first then when I became more acquanited with the game, I realized I picked a good squad, with class/respect and I had fun watching DRob and Timmy. Then when Ginobili and the other overseas players started coming in I got EVEN more interested and started to absorb as much info about basketball/Spurs.

08-28-2005, 08:55 PM
For me, the answer is simple. David Robinson.

At my school, like just about everywhere else - it was all about Jordan or Kemp. I decided, while Jordan was cool and all, i wasnt going to be a sheep. I saw a special on NBA Action (or some such show) about the Admiral, and i was hooked. Not really sure why (i was only like 10 at the time) but it sure seemed like a good idea. (which it was!)

Heck, i even bought the warm up suits with the pink on them ... and wore it!

The question my wife asks me all the time "if all of the players on the spurs, switched to another team, would you still be a fan of the spurs?" - hell yeah - go spurs. But then, i would have to be a fan of that other team too :) but i dont tell her that...

08-28-2005, 09:04 PM
I played for them in the 80's, and I've been a fan ever since.

08-28-2005, 09:48 PM
Moved to San Antonio in 1982, and spent many years getting in to the Hemisfair by bribing security friends with 64 oz Jim Beam bottles...They would get us in, we would move around to different seats and watch for our other friends, the ushers. There were certain seats close to the floor we could get to if the season ticket holders did not show up by the start of the Second Qtr. We did not have to move much during the 80's. I loved those guys! It also beat winning tix from the radio stations. Used to think we had good 46.00 seats in the mid 80's (expensive for then) only to finde we were usually parked in a corner of the arena behind a POLE! You know, those big white ones in the old Arena? Is anyone feeling my pain here? Things really took off when we got Dave. Seats were harder to come by and then came the move to the MoDome (Or as our Governor might say, the MoFo Dome...HAHAHA!). Less fan-friendly environment, but I do remember this...The 96-97 season. I had season tix about 13 rows back in the risors just beneath the basket. Those tickets were gold to me, until The Admiral got hurt. That season was one of humility. I remember how much we ALL hated Pop for firing a beloved Bob Hill. It was not Bob's fault that our starting center was Jaime Feick and that a VERY OLD Dominique Wilkins was our main threat from the field. I think David only played six games that year. If anyone ever tells you that they have always loved POP, you can rest assurred that they were not Spurs Fans prior to 1 A.D. (aka, 1998, the first year After Duncan). Introduce me to the person who liked Pop before we got Tim and I will meet a liar (Pop's family members and subordinates not included).

Anyhow, I remember EXACTLY where I was when we got the First Pick in the 97 lottery. I was listening to WOAI and was in the HEB Parking Lot at Nacogdoches and O'Connor. As I was leaving the parking lot, Stern announced the team that got the 1st round pick for the 97 draft. The Spurs won it and I cheered all the way home.

Right after that, I moved to Japan and Korea for the 1997-2002 timeframe. I cheered my boys on through the 99 strike ridden season and had to fend off the FAKER fans I worked with who wanted to try to asterisk my joy in the land of the rising sun. I was in SA for the 03 Championship and watched Game six a Champions on the Riverwalk, but had to fly to GA the next day for a week long TDY (military ya know). I missed the parties that week. In 04, I was sitting in a tent in Afghanistan and had to endure .04... As if Kabul was not depressing enough...

This year, upon my retirement from the USAF, my family and I moved to College Station during the playoffs. We watched every moment of every game wherever we were (took us awhile to buy a home). Thank God it went to Game Seven (though I was not thinking that after Game Six) because I got to go to the River Parade and the dome celebration over that weekend. If they had won game six, I would have missed the celebration during the week due to my new job post USAF Retirement.

I LOVE MY SPURS!!!!!! That is my story! What a great trip it has been and will continue to be.