View Full Version : The bigotry of low expectations

11-25-2014, 04:30 AM
As a liberal, I find it ironic that many of my fellow liberals are outraged by the recent Ferguson decision.

The protesters--many of which are young, white, college students--display outrage at what they perceive to be the injustice stemming from the recent decision by the grand jury not to convict Darren Wilson, the police officer that shot and killed Michael Brown. The problem with these protests, in my view, is that there seems to be a reasonable amount of evidence to support the officer's action. Self-defense is protected by the law, and if we accept the premise that Brown physically assaulted the officer during an altercation, then we must also accept that officer Wilson was justified in his attempt to protect himself, even if it did lead to the tragic death of Brown.

Now, is racial profiling a problem in America? Of course it is. Is it possible that the fact that Brown was an African-American led the officer to subconsciously perceive him to be more of a threat than he actually was? No doubt. But the fact of the matter is, Brown and Wilson got into a violent altercation, and in situations where bodily harm may be involved, people are perfectly within their rights to defend themselves using any means necessary. It's not like Wilson killed Brown just because he was black; he killed him because he was trying to defend himself.

This is why I'm actually disappointed with my fellow liberals for protesting this decision. In doing so, they are, ironically, themselves participating in a form of racism--the bigotry of low expectations. By opposing the grand jury's decision, liberals are in effect sending the message, "Black people are inferior to white people, which is why they must be coddled and held to a different standard." If liberals were truly to believe in racial equality, then they must accept that blacks and whites must be held accountable to the moral same standards. All people should be treated equally under the eyes of the law. As Martin Luther King, Jr, said, "I have a dream that one day, people will be judged not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character."

This is not to say that there are no serious structural problems in how law enforcement officials administer justice to various racial groups. There clearly are. All I'm saying is that if people truly believed in racial equality, then they would hold black men like Brown to the same standard that they would similar white men to. Otherwise, they would be participating in the bigotry of low expectations.

P.S. Just my two cents on the subject. I'm neither white nor black, by the way, in case you were wondering.

11-25-2014, 04:39 AM
We aren't, go away faggot

11-25-2014, 04:58 AM
@ OP your mistake is that you think it is universally accepted that wilson was assaulted or that he was defending himself.

people still go with the notion that wilson started the physical altercation, and they still put forward the "hands up dont shoot" narrative which was by in large not supported by the autopsy reports

i can't speak for everybody, but i think its safe to say that it is generally a racial divide, as has been the case for basically any high profile case in recent memory. the same folks who wanted to hang zimmerman are the same ones who wanted to hang wilson, and are ironically (or not really) the same ones who wanted OJ off the hook. its predictable behavior, and its no wonder that these stories never blow up on the national level unless there is a racial element to it.

you have liberals here like booboo who said "i really hope wilson gets convicted and punished" before any of the facts were known to anybody. why would you actually "hope" for somebody to get punished without knowing the facts around the case? because his mind was already made up. black victim = the other guy is guilty no matter what

11-25-2014, 05:52 AM
@ OP your mistake is that you think it is universally accepted that wilson was assaulted or that he was defending himself.

people still go with the notion that wilson started the physical altercation, and they still put forward the "hands up dont shoot" narrative which was by in large not supported by the autopsy reports

i can't speak for everybody, but i think its safe to say that it is generally a racial divide, as has been the case for basically any high profile case in recent memory. the same folks who wanted to hang zimmerman are the same ones who wanted to hang wilson, and are ironically (or not really) the same ones who wanted OJ off the hook. its predictable behavior, and its no wonder that these stories never blow up on the national level unless there is a racial element to it.

you have liberals here like booboo who said "i really hope wilson gets convicted and punished" before any of the facts were known to anybody. why would you actually "hope" for somebody to get punished without knowing the facts around the case? because his mind was already made up. black victim = the other guy is guilty no matter what
Thanks for clarifying. I'm not well-versed on all the details of this case, and I reserve the right to change my judgment as new facts are brought to light.

But yes, I do agree with the notion that there's an element of a "racial divide" to this case. Even though it's in the nature of me and my fellow liberals to instinctively take the side of the oppressed black man, I think for us to achieve the true ideal of racial equality, we have to stop taking sides based on our emotions and look at the facts of the case through impartial reason. To that extent, I disagree with the notion commonplace in the left that a black victim automatically equates to the guilt of the white oppressor. If anything, we ought to advocate the liberal principle of presuming innocence until guilt, which is what the legal system mandates in the first place.

11-25-2014, 10:24 AM
Of course we have low expectations. They live up to them every time.

Riots and looting after the grand jury results? Totally expected.

Nothing says " I support justice" like looting and burning the local convenience store.

The expectation fulfilled?

Just niggas being niggas.
