View Full Version : Stranger in Hometown II

11-30-2014, 09:11 AM
I haven't written any novels for a year but now I feel tempted to write a short one. And again I got the inspiration from the so-called Lunar Goddess. I once dreamed of us coming together to make a family, living a not-so-wealthy yet happy life in my hometown, but just a few days ago I learned everything has changed... The hometown where I've been living for 26yrs since my birth suddenly turns a strange place to me, and the "Lunar Goddess" - please allow me to refer to her this way in my novel since I don't wanna reveal her real name - has changed too, or maybe I've never known the real her. It seems to me that LG knows my hometown better than I do, she's the native here while I'm the stranger, forever the stranger...

We're just not the same type of person in the first place, I think. She came from a small town, a mountainous area where there aren't even McDonald's, so East New York city is such a huge metro to her. She's fond of the modern life here, the restaurants and the luxury shops, landmarks and the people here... She prefers a life that's busy and occupied, and she probably thinks that's just the rhythm and style of this city... But that's never the style I'm used to.

East New York is my hometown, born and bred here, but in my memory this city wasn't like this... people could live happy lives even without much money and that's why people here are known, or even notorious for complacency, they were born with the sense humor which could get them involved in chats with strangers like old friends. But now at every cranny and nook you may encounter someone with strange accent, who still talks to you friendlily but never the way you were familiar with when you were a child.

The city itself has changed too... the sky used to be blue here, and you could see the stars in the sky clearly every night without a million skyscrapers surrounding you. The river banks are finely decorated today, but the water itself doesn't smell the same anymore. The city as a whole doesn't seem like the same to me either, nor do the people here. I just feel as if I'm living in a totally strange place now, even though I've never set foot anywhere 200 miles or farther away from my hometown. Or it's just that I've been far outpaced by the development of my hometown.

I lived in the downtown area for about 7 years when this area had already been ruined (or decorated in most people's eyes) by the garnish facades. But maybe that's exactly what Lunar Goddess likes about this city, she may call it prosperity, and she's found a job right here just opposite the corner of my highschool alma-mater. Lunar Goddess and I are just not even remotely the same style of person, I think. She likes the so-called prosperity because maybe she was too tired, or even scared of the quietness and boredom back home, while it's just the opposite to me. I'm bored of the noise here and I'd pretty much prefer tranquility. She prefers a busy life, earn-and-spend type, but I'd rather live in a more relaxed way even with less pay. So here, I'm really glad that I've realized the truth before starting anything with her (like a relationship) which would otherwise frustrate me even more, and it was very smart of me to not propose such a "thing" in a hurry back then... July, August, September, Octorber, November, I've been smart enough all the way...

11-30-2014, 12:13 PM
Sorry dude

11-30-2014, 07:07 PM
Sorry dude
So even my best friend is looking down upon me now? Does it mean I'm indeed a loser? I'm not gonna cry as some people predicted, instead I'll quit the whole shit like a gentleman. I'm not ever gonna hug her legs begging her for mercy.

For the past several months what I had been worrying about was if she chose to leave for another city (because for 99% possibility I knew I would stay in my hometown). Now she's set to stay here, yet it seems as if she's still going so far away where I'll never catch up with her. The distances between social classes are far broader than geographical distances tbh.

The Lunar Goddess is a changed person, she's no longer the girl I knew from last year's November, or the June and July this year, who was so innocent and lighthearted. Or, maybe I just have never known enough of her. I'm writing this novel to demand an answer, I want to know the truth. I don't hold no forlorn hope now, I just want a result no matter good or bad. I was the true badass back then and that was why she tried to flirt with me, but now everything has changed, and she must have some new target to hook. But at the very least I haven't lost nothing except 5 months of time which would've been wasted anyway. I still have virginity and will keep it lifelong, and with my soul back in my body I'll be a badass once again.

11-30-2014, 07:59 PM
I'm not gonna cry as some people predicted


11-30-2014, 08:00 PM
you're overthinking it way too much about a girl you've never even dated. my guess is she moved on because you never made a move. not looking down on you btw just not a whole lot else to say. i told you a long time ago to make a move or this would happen. most women are this way, they have an "i want it now" attitude and quickly lose interest in things.

11-30-2014, 08:54 PM
So even my best friend is looking down upon me now? Does it mean I'm indeed a loser? I'm not gonna cry as some people predicted, instead I'll quit the whole shit like a gentleman. I'm not ever gonna hug her legs begging her for mercy.

For the past several months what I had been worrying about was if she chose to leave for another city (because for 99% possibility I knew I would stay in my hometown). Now she's set to stay here, yet it seems as if she's still going so far away where I'll never catch up with her. The distances between social classes are far broader than geographical distances tbh.

The Lunar Goddess is a changed person, she's no longer the girl I knew from last year's November, or the June and July this year, who was so innocent and lighthearted. Or, maybe I just have never known enough of her. I'm writing this novel to demand an answer, I want to know the truth. I don't hold no forlorn hope now, I just want a result no matter good or bad. I was the true badass back then and that was why she tried to flirt with me, but now everything has changed, and she must have some new target to hook. But at the very least I haven't lost nothing except 5 months of time which would've been wasted anyway. I still have virginity and will keep it lifelong, and with my soul back in my body I'll be a badass once again.

Damn bro she rebuffed your advances or something?

11-30-2014, 08:56 PM
you're overthinking it way too much about a girl you've never even dated. my guess is she moved on because you never made a move. not looking down on you btw just not a whole lot else to say. i told you a long time ago to make a move or this would happen. most women are this way, they have an "i want it now" attitude and quickly lose interest in things.

I told him the same thing.

Got hunged up on graduating, getting a job and being successful.

You gotta multi task, man. Frankie looks old school and it seems that was his downfall.

12-01-2014, 12:05 AM
I told him the same thing.

Got hunged up on graduating, getting a job and being successful.

You gotta multi task, man. Frankie looks old school and it seems that was his downfall.
I interviewed for a job this morning and the interview progressed gracefully, I think by 80% chance I'll get an offer from there. The pay is not even comparable to a senior PwC employee but is still decent enough I think (as good as LG's first year salary maybe), and there're many research opportunities there so I can possibly further my study (on Physics and writing, or maybe both hopefully). I have taken and will still try some government employment exams of course (which are surely better jobs than the one I interviewed for today) but as you know I need to get myself a cushion to fall back upon in case I fail all those exams. So, I will immediately make the "move" as soon as I get this offer.

Yeah, I know I got multi tasks, my mom told me the same time and time again too. I may not be "successful" anytime soon but at the very least I need to get a job first. I'm a native dude with parents who've saved a lot for me in the forms of real estate and money (I know it's kinda lame to count on parents but this's just the custom here these days imho, no one could buy a home here without parents' subsidies), which I think will pretty much make up for the difference between my earning potential and hers imho. And yes, I've been a bit too old school but I'm about to make a change if I could get this job tbh. Just hope LG still keeps the opportunities alive for me :cry

12-01-2014, 12:13 AM
Damn bro she rebuffed your advances or something?
I didn't make no actual advances tbh. It's just that she's been rather cold to me recent weeks (like she only reads my poems without giving no approvals) and it's natural of a woman to give up a dude if she earns so much more than he does. But last Friday it was her who greeted me first, otherwise I wouldn't have even noticed her and would've passed by. I just think, if she still likes me she should've told me about the PwC offer as soon as she got it imho, but indeed I was like the last one in our class to know this delighting news (gruesome news to me, in some way).

So, maybe it's still too early to make the judgement. I will "act" when I think the time is right (like when I get this job offer), I'll be prepared for the worst but I'll hope for the best. I just want an answer, a straight response from her. I'll tell her straight how much I love her and I'll ask her if she likes me too. I'm still the most appealing option among our male classmates I believe, but I'm just afraid she's found some better target at PwC tbh :cry

12-01-2014, 12:49 AM
you're overthinking it way too much about a girl you've never even dated. my guess is she moved on because you never made a move. not looking down on you btw just not a whole lot else to say. i told you a long time ago to make a move or this would happen. most women are this way, they have an "i want it now" attitude and quickly lose interest in things.
I think that Wednesday when we went together for the college interview was some sort of a date tbh. I made a good performance that day... I went back to downtown together with her when the interview wasn't over yet because she had class to teach in the afternoon. She proposed to go by bus herself but of course I refused it, we arrived at her work place just a few minutes to 1pm - the scheduled time of her class. She was very thankful, she thanked me genuinely before getting out of the car and I said "it's my great pleasure to do something for you..." I think I've already shown her my love in every possible way except saying straight "I love you," tbh. So I guess she hasn't moved on yet, at least by that Wednesday she still liked me, I could feel it. Plus, it's common for Cancer girls to treat their loved ones coldly imho. She also had another interview that day but she gave it up (just to go with me for the college interview), I was delighted with the interview but that was more because of the chance to drive with her, rather than the job itself. It seemed like neither of us really cared about the college job that day, tbh, we just went there for each other.

And she changed her twitter title (just like "believe.", "veteran" under our usernames here) to "NO EXCUSE", what did it mean? I haven't even added her on twitter she must've known it, so apparently she said that to herself, not to me. But why? Maybe she was thinking about making the "move" herself, I guess, but she didn't and she regretted it. But how could I let a girl make the "move" to me, tbh? It's just her nature to treat her loved one coldly, she probably said that to herself because she failed to give me any more direct hints.

But thinking over our talk that day again and again I happened to have discovered some not-so-direct hints... She said she often rambled through my alma-mater's campus (which's just next door to the current university we go to). Maybe I should've recognized that at the time and asked her immediately "why do you go there so often? because of me?". But later I realized that it was not proper because that would seem like me summoning her to make the "move". I'll make the "move" hopefully before Christmas, just to express my true feelings despite the aftermath. If she agrees we'll then discuss some details concerning our relationship, and I'll definitely let her be the alpha not just because she earns more, but that she's the Lunar Goddess. She liked me before I became our professor's fair-haired student and I began to love her way before she got that badass job, so our love was entirely built upon pure affections and genuine appreciation tbh :cry

12-01-2014, 12:50 AM
Wow OP, you're a sad chink faggot..

12-01-2014, 12:54 AM
Don't tell her you love her, just ask her out in a REAL romantic date. Not school shit, an actual date, and when the time is right kiss her. That's it and that's all.

12-01-2014, 01:10 AM
Don't tell her you love her, just ask her out in a REAL romantic date. Not school shit, an actual date, and when the time is right kiss her. That's it and that's all.
You're right bro, and that's probably just how she thinks. On that Wednesday I asked her if she could notify me whenever receiving a job interview invitation or shit so I could drive her there, but she humbly declined... Maybe she just wants a REAL date, not just another drive-together under random pretexts tbh. I'll follow your advice bro, thanks.

I should've listened to you years ago tbh, transferring to accounting instead of translation. :cry