View Full Version : Lakers: The End: Swaggy P Has Turned His Back on Kobe

12-12-2014, 10:19 PM
Between sessions of banging Iggy Azalea's fat, healthy arse, Swaggy P has remained the lighthearted, mildly talented glue that is barely holding this team together, tbh, but after Kobe snapped at practice, even Swaggy seems to be losing patience. You could tell in the post Kobe meltdown interview Swaggy would like to make Kobe disappear. His lips were moving and there were sounds coming out of his mouth trying to say the right things about Kobe but his patience was gone and he wasn't convincing anyone. When the constantly happy, positive Swaggy is done with you, then you're done. Period. So this is how it ends for Kobe.

12-12-2014, 10:51 PM