View Full Version : Saints Coming To San Antonio

T Park
08-28-2005, 04:43 PM
Now I understand the levity of the Hurricane going twords New Orleans.

I understand there are alot of people that are going to perish.

Just curious.

If the Hurricane is as bad as they think.

What will the New Orleans Hornets do?

Their arena is downtown, it could be heavily damaged by the hurricane, and flooding will no doubt ruin the bottom of the arena area.

This is especially true about the Superdome

WIll the NBA have to set up an alternate hometown for the New Orleans Hornets, say like, St Louis? Nashville? Tampa Bay??

I know no one will want to talk about it, but, its something that we can talk about that will at least somewhat be a bit of a distraction of the impending disaster.

08-28-2005, 04:47 PM
more than likely they will...

but do you really think it will be this disasterous?

08-28-2005, 04:50 PM
Hey that baseball SIG is gone...:lol

08-28-2005, 04:52 PM
It could ineed be that bad. Who knows what could happen? I imagine it would be very difficult to schedule games in an alterate location since they are booked so far in advance. Maybe a mix of alternate locations (I would think they'd stay in state) or maybe more road games.

T Park
08-28-2005, 05:03 PM
but do you really think it will be this disasterous?

Category 5.

Strongest in the history of our country.

Yes, I think while sports is the last thing on our mind, that the New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Hornets will be the Montreal Expos so to speak this year.

08-28-2005, 05:12 PM
maybe they can move and actually make money and win if they get out of new orleans

08-28-2005, 05:12 PM
They will prob forfeit the season, how many wins would they have gotten anyway.

08-28-2005, 05:14 PM
the hardwood floor is probably temporary, like at SBC and other multi-activity arenas, so it has been removed (if it was even down at the time of the year).

08-28-2005, 05:17 PM
Saints to the motha funkin' AlamoDome!

T Park
08-28-2005, 05:34 PM
the hardwood floor is probably temporary, like at SBC and other multi-activity arenas, so it has been removed (if it was even down at the time of the year).

Thats fine.

But, if the lower level of the arena is flooded and ruined, how do still hold events in said arena????

08-28-2005, 05:42 PM
Thats fine.

But, if the lower level of the arena is flooded and ruined, how do still hold events in said arena????

I would imagine the arena (sans the wood floor) is mostly concrete and metal, so structurally it'll probably be fine. But, they're forecasting months without electricity or clean water. I think it's an interesting question. I doubt very much the club would forfeit the season; most likely they'd have a temporary home arena until theirs is ready again. But, yeah, definitely a minor problem compared to how many people are about to lose their homes, jobs, etc.

08-28-2005, 06:18 PM
Ksat 12 news just reported that the Saints, along with most of the people facing the wake of this disaster, have evacuated the area. They also said that the officials at the Alamodome were going to be looking at the upcoming schedule to see if it would be possible for us to accomodate some their home games, the first of which wouldn't be until the second week of the NFL season, Sept. 18.

So even though it kind of comes by sucky means, the city of San Antonio might get to see a little pro football in the near future.

08-28-2005, 06:23 PM
Yeah, it's much easier to move football games since there are relatively few home games and their venues are vacant so often -- especially ours. Could be much more difficult for the Hornets.

08-28-2005, 06:34 PM
The Saints season is RIGHT around the corner, whereas the Hornets don't start until November. Somehow, I think that both teams would be a lower priority than getting water pumped out of the entire basin so that tens of thousands don't die of dysentary, typhoid or other diseases caused by raw sewage backup. It will takes weeks or even months just to get the flooding controlled. I think both teams will be on the road for months, if not their entire seasons.

Solid D
08-28-2005, 10:05 PM
WOAI 10 PM news just showed video of people laying out on pallets and bedrolls inside the Superdome. Hundreds of families in there. I guess New Orleans considers the Superdome a safe haven.

160+ MPH Cat 5 Hurricane with a direct hit on New Orleans projected soon.

08-28-2005, 10:28 PM
When the Chargers had to relocate their game with Minny out to Arizona after the wildfires in San Diego, we got to see the game for free since it was less than a day's notice. Maybe SA will get to see some free football. Hope everyone in NO is doing ok. That hurricane is going to be a mofo, for sure. Much bigger than the last one I was in, and hurricane Allen (back then) was no pushover...

08-28-2005, 10:31 PM
WOAI 10 PM news just showed video of people laying out on pallets and bedrolls inside the Superdome. Hundreds of families in there. I guess New Orleans considers the Superdome a safe haven.

160+ MPH Cat 5 Hurricane with a direct hit on New Orleans projected soon.

The SD can take up to 200 mph winds, so the only worry obviously is the water.

08-28-2005, 11:13 PM
hurricane ginobili should reach miami sometime next June

08-28-2005, 11:14 PM
I hear there's people going to hang out in the Superdome for shelter from the Hurricane...

Would you look at that, it takes a natural disaster to fill up the arena. The Hornets should play during the Hurricane so they can feel like they have fans.

But seriously, good luck to NO.

08-28-2005, 11:16 PM
The SD can take up to 200 mph winds, so the only worry obviously is the water.

See the thread in the club. AHF has inside sources at FEMA, and they estimate the odds of the Superdome surviving the hurricane at 60/40. They are also planning on 50,000 dead., and 1 million homeless for up to a year. Kinda makes free football seem unimportant.

08-28-2005, 11:24 PM
See the thread in the club. AHF has inside sources at FEMA, and they estimate the odds of the Superdome surviving the hurricane at 60/40. They are also planning on 50,000 dead., and 1 million homeless for up to a year. Kinda makes free football seem unimportant.

I've been in that thread, I was just saying what was reported in the local news service. the 60/40 basis it that a wind tunnel will cause greater winds then it has been proven to withstand.

08-28-2005, 11:31 PM
I have witnessed a 1st hand Cat 5 hurricane with hurricane andrew in miami, fl 13 yrs ago so yes its really bad and rips houses right out the ground

08-28-2005, 11:47 PM
Tom Benson always bring the Saints over to SA when something like this goes on. New Orleans is below sea level and a cat. 5 hurricane could be very damaging. The thing is no one knows because we have never seen anything like this. The Saints have already evacuated by the way.

08-28-2005, 11:52 PM
It might take a nautral disaster to finally get SA a NFL team.

08-29-2005, 09:57 AM
Now I understand the levity of the Hurricane going twords New Orleans.

TPark, I realize you were trying to be serious so what exactly did you mean by the sentence above? I don't see any levity in the situation with Katrina. Did you mean to say severity?

Solid D
08-29-2005, 10:14 AM
I did a double-take on that too but levity does have a couple of meanings. It can also mean inconstancy.

At first I thought he was trying to say the gravity of the Hurricane situation.

08-29-2005, 07:46 PM
I did a double-take on that too but levity does have a couple of meanings. It can also mean inconstancy.

At first I thought he was trying to say the gravity of the Hurricane situation.

Levity must be close to another word that means seriousness because that was the definition that came to mind when I read T-Park's post.


08-30-2005, 09:29 PM
During a commercial break just now, Ksat 12 threw out a teaser, "It's official. The Saints are headed to San Antonio"

Not really an official confirmation, since the news channels will usually say these things just to get the rating up, but watch the news on 12 tonight for more details. It looks like the Alamodome might actually be seeing some activity...for a change. :wow

08-30-2005, 10:08 PM
KSAT 12 just said it's official.

The Saints will arrive in SA on Friday.

Practice at an SAISD football field either Burbank or Alamo Stadium.

Will play their home opener on the 18th in the Alamodome and possibily future home games, atleast three and maybe even more.

08-30-2005, 10:11 PM
FUCK YES!!!!!FINALLY AN NFL TEAM IN SAN ANTONIO does anyone know who the Saints will play the first few games???

08-30-2005, 10:15 PM
If, lets say, New Orleans is in shambles for the next year or more, unable to host football games.

Do you think the NFL would let the Saints move to SA permanetly?

08-30-2005, 10:20 PM
San Antonio Saints


08-30-2005, 10:32 PM
The SuperDome is fucked up. I'd be surprised if they play a home game there this year.

08-30-2005, 10:33 PM
If, lets say, New Orleans is in shambles for the next year or more, unable to host football games.

Do you think the NFL would let the Saints move to SA permanetly?

The NFL can't make that decision. It's Tom Benson's to make.

08-30-2005, 10:36 PM
The NFL can't make that decision. It's Tom Benson's to make.

True. If that's the case, I could honestly see that happening. Dude lives here, loves the city, has said many times SA needs an NFL team.

Aggie Hoopsfan
08-30-2005, 10:54 PM
Look, I know you have a hard on for SA to get an NFL team Buddy Holly, but the moment that the Saints can play a game in the Superdome and have all the people of New Orleans (well, enough to fill it anyway), they will be back there.

Pro sports is like a catharsis in a situation like that, they will do it for the will and spirit of the people of NO.

08-30-2005, 11:01 PM
Actually, he USED to live here. Have you noticed the distict lack of car dealerships with the word "Benson" in front of them in the last few years?

I think we will have an NFL team for most, if not all of this season. Be glad. It's the only football league we've never had in town, out of ALL of them.

I think we should chill the talk of permanence, though. Number one, it's not likely to happen. Not enough corporate base to support them. Number two, if there were some sort of disaster here, and the Spurs had to play a season or two somewhere else, how would you feel about another town trying to make it permanent? Bad karma. New Orleans is likely to really NEED their Saints to aid in the psychology of recovery.

We can go out and scream our asses off, though, while they are here, and make them feel like they have a home field advantage for the duration. For game one, we should "black out" the dome, everyone wear black, head to toe. Game two, switch to gold. Signs wishing New Orleans well.

08-30-2005, 11:03 PM
:lol Just had a thought: Will the games be blacked out here? We're well outside of their TV market....

Kori Ellis
08-30-2005, 11:06 PM
Actually, he USED to live here. Have you noticed the distict lack of car dealerships with the word "Benson" in front of them in the last few years?

Well he still has a lot of money tied up here in property.

807606 Personal 75000-845-0000 BENSON TOM IMPORTS 9100 SAN PEDRO AVE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216-4439 $2,942,280
490290 Real 11716-000-0541 BENSON TOM JR 9100 SAN PEDRO $3,615,030
490303 Real 11716-006-0471 BENSON TOM JR 9200 SAN PEDRO $5,181,543
490304 Real 11716-006-0480 BENSON TOM 9500 SAN PEDRO $482,004
490301 Real 11716-006-0462 BENSON TOM JR 9600 SAN PEDRO $2,771,523

That's almost $15M in property.

08-30-2005, 11:15 PM
Actually, he USED to live here. Have you noticed the distict lack of car dealerships with the word "Benson" in front of them in the last few years?

I think we will have an NFL team for most, if not all of this season. Be glad. It's the only football league we've never had in town, out of ALL of them.

I think we should chill the talk of permanence, though. Number one, it's not likely to happen. Not enough corporate base to support them. Number two, if there were some sort of disaster here, and the Spurs had to play a season or two somewhere else, how would you feel about another town trying to make it permanent? Bad karma. New Orleans is likely to really NEED their Saints to aid in the psychology of recovery.

We can go out and scream our asses off, though, while they are here, and make them feel like they have a home field advantage for the duration. For game one, we should "black out" the dome, everyone wear black, head to toe. Game two, switch to gold. Signs wishing New Orleans well.

I do recall a certain coastal town trying to court the Spurs a few years back

08-30-2005, 11:17 PM
Well, he USED to have as many dealerships as Red. It looks as though he has his cluster down on San Pedro. I know he sold his SP Mazda dealership. It's now Northpark, and across the street on the odd street number side.

We should do a ST GTG for a game, once they announce ticket sales and dates.

08-30-2005, 11:18 PM
I do recall a certain coastal town trying to court the Spurs a few years back

Yeah, but they weren't kicking us when we were down. It was a fair fight, and we won.

Kori Ellis
08-30-2005, 11:20 PM
We should do a ST GTG for a game, once they announce ticket sales and dates.


I don't even know if it's confirmed that they are coming here though. I know KSAT said it, but here's an article that came out an hour ago.

New Orleans Saints and NFL officials are discussing contingency plans in case the Superdome, the Saints' home field that was damaged by Hurricane Katrina, is not ready for use early in the regular season.

"We are discussing the situation with the Saints and looking into potential alternatives," said Greg Aiello , the NFL's vice president of public relations. "No decisions have been made."

Shea Guinn , president and general manager of Reliant Park, the home field for the Houston Texans, said he had offered the use of that stadium.

08-30-2005, 11:54 PM
Actually, he USED to live here. Have you noticed the distict lack of car dealerships with the word "Benson" in front of them in the last few years?

What are you talking about? He still lives in San Antonio, in the hill country. He also attends weekly mass at the UIW on an almost weekly basis.

He also ownes a few banks in the San Antonio area.

08-30-2005, 11:59 PM
He has also owned the Saints since the 80s. The Alamodome has been open since, what, 1992? The Saints are still in N.O. If he was going to move them here, he would have done it already.

08-31-2005, 12:01 AM
I think we should chill the talk of permanence, though. Number one, it's not likely to happen. Not enough corporate base to support them.

More than Jacksonville, Green Bay, Nashville, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, and Oakland.

All the talk about not a big enough corp. base is BS. Even Red McCombs has said so.

He talked about a small window the city had a few years ago (two years ago) but the city leadership did nothing about it.

This city can and will support a city, but the NFL isn't expanding, teams aren't moving. But a chance like this, if NO was in shambles a year long or a couple of years and the ecomony didn't get back on its feet for a few years, the Saints and all pro sports would probably have to relocate.

SA is a great choice.

08-31-2005, 12:05 AM
He has also owned the Saints since the 80s. The Alamodome has been open since, what, 1992? The Saints are still in N.O. If he was going to move them here, he would have done it already.

Again, what does him owning the Saints have to do with him moving a team?

New Orleans is a changed city, never will it be the same. Have you not been watching the news? That city will be in the shitter for a couple of years.

Red owned the Viks, why didn't they move here?

It's not that simple. Teams just don't up and relocate.

SA's best chance came with the expansion in 1995. The city didn't do enough to win a team.

Then another small window opened and SA's leadership did nothing.

Now the Saints will be using the Alamodome for maybe the entire year.

Maybe longer.

If it's up to Benson, and if he had no other choice but to live NO, I'm pretty sure he'd pick SA.

He still lives here, he loves it here, and has said repeatedly an NFL team should be here.

08-31-2005, 12:06 AM
I don't even know if it's confirmed that they are coming here though. I know KSAT said it, but here's an article that came out an hour ago.

Both KSAT and Don Harris of WOAI confirmed that it's official. That the Saint's contacted a high up at SAISD and told them they'd be arriving on Friday.

08-31-2005, 06:07 AM

New Orleans Saints and NFL officials are discussing contingency plans in case the Superdome, the Saints' home field that was damaged by Hurricane Katrina, is not ready for use early in the regular season.

"We are discussing the situation with the Saints and looking into potential alternatives," said Greg Aiello , the NFL's vice president of public relations. "No decisions have been made."

The Superdome, which was damaged by Hurricane Katrina, sits surrounded by floodwaters. Contingency plans are being discussed in case the building is not ready to host the New Orleans Saints' home opener on Sept. 18. (By David J. Phillip -- Associated Press)

Shea Guinn , president and general manager of Reliant Park, the home field for the Houston Texans, said he had offered the use of that stadium.

The Saints left town and are in San Jose preparing for their preseason finale tomorrow night at Oakland. The club has made tentative plans to relocate its operations to San Antonio to prepare for the regular season, according to team spokesman Greg Bensel . It was unclear what alternatives were being considered by the team and the league.

The Saints will open the regular season Sept. 11 at Carolina. Their home opener is scheduled for Sept. 18 against the New York Giants.

"As of right now the damage assessment is not complete," Bensel said. "We are speaking with the league and we will make a plan as soon as we know the complete ramifications and all of our options."

Two sections of the Superdome's roof were blown off by the hurricane, but Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco reportedly indicated Monday that the facility had been declared sound by an engineer. As floodwaters rose in the city yesterday, an estimated 10,000 people were gather ed in the building after fleeing their homes, and patients from a hospital also were taken to the stadium.

The Saints are practicing this week on the campus of San Jose State, but players said their thoughts were on the events in New Orleans.

"I slept for only about an hour, if that," punt returner Michael Lewis , a native of the city, told the Associated Press on Monday. "I watched about everything I could on TV. I had the Weather Channel on all night."

Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre learned late yesterday afternoon that his mother's home in Kiln, Miss., had been destroyed. But he spoke to his mother and found out that she and other family members were alive and well, after an anxious day and a half of being unable to reach them.

"In my gut, I feel like they're okay," Favre said earlier yesterday during his weekly news conference. "But with each minute that passes, I begin to wonder."

Favre said he had spoken to his wife, Deanna , who weathered the storm at their home in Hattiesburg, Miss., with their two children and about 50 other family members and friends.

"Most of those people are still there because they have nothing to go home to," said Favre, adding that he planned to return to Hattiesburg after the Packers' preseason game tomorrow night at Tennessee.

In Baton Rouge, La., LSU postponed its scheduled football game Saturday night against North Texas.

-- From News Services and Staff Reports

08-31-2005, 06:08 AM
please move to nfl forum...my bad.

08-31-2005, 07:02 AM
"We are discussing the situation with the Saints and looking into potential alternatives," said Greg Aiello , the NFL's vice president of public relations. "No decisions have been made."


"As of right now the damage assessment is not complete," Bensel said. "We are speaking with the league and we will make a plan as soon as we know the complete ramifications and all of our options."

Please change title of thread...:lol

It's misleading.

It should read Saint's may be coming to San Antonio??

08-31-2005, 08:15 AM
Well all the stupid News stations are already saying they are coming...

08-31-2005, 08:40 AM
The Alamo Dome is the probable location of New Orleans' games this year.

Solid D
08-31-2005, 11:01 AM
The Alamo Dome is the probable location of New Orleans' games this year.

Oh really? I thought maybe Alamo Stadium. :smokin

Glad to see you back in jim.

Big Pimp_21
08-31-2005, 11:04 AM
Didn't Tom Benson want a new staduim anyway in New Orleans? Now I don't think they can or even want to think about that. What are the chances that the Saints in SA become permenant after this year if we can show enough support as the "interim" home?

08-31-2005, 11:09 AM
I think they're going to take Reliant Stadium if it's available. Closer proximity, better venue...

08-31-2005, 11:18 AM
As much as I like football, I don't like an NFL team come over and steal some spotlight out of Spurs :lol :lol

08-31-2005, 11:19 AM
I think they're going to take Reliant Stadium if it's available. Closer proximity, better venue...How would this work with the Texans there?

08-31-2005, 11:30 AM
How would this work with the Texans there?

What I heard was that they might do double-headers.

Solid D
08-31-2005, 11:32 AM
Reliant Stadium is possible for some games, not all games, unless they reschedule certain dates.

By the way, FEMA is now bussing people who were refugees in the Superdome over to the ASTRODOME in Houston.

08-31-2005, 11:56 AM
NFL.com says the Saints are coming here to practice, no decision yet on games.


Saints to practice in San Antonio

NFL.com wire reports

SAN JOSE, Calif. (Aug. 31, 2005) -- The Saints will head to San Antonio after their preseason game against the Oakland Raiders on Sept. 1 because most of New Orleans was flooded by Hurricane Katrina.

The team, practicing this week in San Jose, will fly to Texas after their final preseason game to begin preparing for the season opener at Carolina on Sept. 11, team spokesman Nick Karl said.

The Saints practiced in San Antonio last year when Hurricane Ivan threatened New Orleans.

The team is still uncertain whether the Superdome will be ready for its home opener against the New York Giants on Sept. 18.

Tens of thousands of refugees from the storm have been staying at the Superdome, but officials said they would have to evacuate as flood water continues to rise. The storm ripped two holes in the curved roof of the building.

08-31-2005, 11:59 AM
What I heard was that they might do double-headers.

The NFL won't let them do a double header, heck they probably wouldn't let two teams play on the same field a day after each other. The field will be torn up from the first game so the risk of injury would go up and the union and NFL won't let that happen.

08-31-2005, 12:04 PM
With Reliant allready inuse by the Texans and Astrodome full of refugees that Rick Perry has allready said can stay as long as necessary..... I don;t see any other option besides the Alamodome.

Does anyone know of any other empty football stadium available in other neighboring states?

08-31-2005, 12:08 PM
Does anyone know of any other empty football stadium available in other neighboring states?

There was mention of playing games at Baton Rouge in LSU's stadium.

08-31-2005, 12:12 PM
There are only two weekends that, if they played at LSU, they'd both be there on the same weekend. So it's very likely they could go there.

50 cent
08-31-2005, 01:03 PM
I wouldn't be suprised if they played some at LSU, Reliant, and/or the Alamodome much like the Expos did. I don't think it would be a bad idea to play a few in Baton Rouge since so many of the NOLA residents are now in BR.

08-31-2005, 01:28 PM
Question is though, with everything that has happened there will fans in NO even care about the Saints?

I know sporting events can help take peoples minds off this tragedy for a ocuple of hours, but I assume most people in that area won't want to shell out money to go to a football game. Considering alot of people just lost their homes and now have to worry about getting their lives back to some form of normalcy.

08-31-2005, 04:54 PM
Well the thing about the dome is that they book huge conventions and trade shows years in advance. If it's free for the weekend it's the Saints for the taking.

08-31-2005, 05:01 PM
There was mention of playing games at Baton Rouge in LSU's stadium.

LSU president said "no way, no how" the Saints would be playing there while BR was still being used as a center of ops for hurricane relief.

08-31-2005, 05:04 PM
Would be nice if the Saints came to town and charged some fees to view open practices and do some community stuff here for donations and give the $$$ to those affected...Just a thought.

08-31-2005, 05:09 PM
Except I doubt there would be many people who would pay to watch practices...."I mean...we're talking about practice....not a game...not a game...but practice."

08-31-2005, 09:30 PM
I'd be there if they played at the Dome.

08-31-2005, 09:33 PM
Isn't it all up to Benson where they play their games, not the NFL?

One of the Saints player told the Express-News he expected the Saints to use the Alamodome for a while.

Dingle Barry
08-31-2005, 09:50 PM
No way two NFL games are played on the same turf on the same day.

06-23-2011, 11:02 PM

06-23-2011, 11:30 PM
wtf? odd bump