View Full Version : For the parents of young kids...

12-24-2014, 10:35 AM
Thought I would share my philosophy on Santa gifts...take it or leave it

Christmas is always a fun time with little kids and the myth of Santa Claus plays a big role in it...At the same time, don't forget that kids talk to kids and their perception is different than yours...

I always made sure that the "little" gifts were from Santa and that even when they were small that the "big" gifts came from Mom and Dad...It's got nothing to do with "getting credit".

Remember they are going to go back to school and compare notes and there are always kids less fortunate than others...you don't want them wondering what they did wrong that they got socks and underwear from Santa while their friend got a PS4...

Merry Christmas all...enjoy those little ones if you have them...the time really does fly by.

12-24-2014, 10:39 AM
what is it with these old men......:lol trying to take the Pedo crown from Avante...:lmao


12-24-2014, 11:05 AM
what is it with these old men......:lol trying to take the Pedo crown from Avante...:lmao


It's too bad your mother didn't house train you. The turds you drop everywhere in this forum aren't cute...they are just sad.

12-24-2014, 11:25 AM
Damn..this pussy can't go more than a couple posts without mentioning Avante..talk about scarred :lol

12-24-2014, 11:45 AM
What thread did Avante destroy Kool in?

12-24-2014, 12:07 PM
I've managed to turn all of you into Pedo lovers...pretty disgusting

12-24-2014, 12:16 PM
Thought I would share my philosophy on Santa gifts...take it or leave it

Christmas is always a fun time with little kids and the myth of Santa Claus plays a big role in it...At the same time, don't forget that kids talk to kids and their perception is different than yours...

I always made sure that the "little" gifts were from Santa and that even when they were small that the "big" gifts came from Mom and Dad...It's got nothing to do with "getting credit".

Remember they are going to go back to school and compare notes and there are always kids less fortunate than others...you don't want them wondering what they did wrong that they got socks and underwear from Santa while their friend got a PS4...

Merry Christmas all...enjoy those little ones if you have them...the time really does fly by.

The simple solution to that is be honest with your kids. Santa doesn't exist. Pretending he does sets you up as untrustworthy and a liar, and sets the kid up for disappointment when he realizes that it was you, not Santa, who never got him what he wanted.

Kids have to realize that all people aren't financially equal. If that fuels self image issues, so be it. We can't all be doctors and lawyers, some of us have to be fry cooks.

12-24-2014, 12:20 PM
The simple solution to that is be honest with your kids. Santa doesn't exist. Pretending he does sets you up as untrustworthy and a liar, and sets the kid up for disappointment when he realizes that it was you, not Santa, who never got him what he wanted.

Kids have to realize that all people aren't financially equal. If that fuels self image issues, so be it. We can't all be doctors and lawyers, some of us have to be fry cooks.

and some of us have to burn BBQ for a living....right Cosmic :lol

12-24-2014, 12:24 PM
and some of us have to burn BBQ for a living....right Cosmic :lol

:lmao that you still hang on to this fantasy. What a loser.

12-24-2014, 12:27 PM
The simple solution to that is be honest with your kids. Santa doesn't exist. Pretending he does sets you up as untrustworthy and a liar, and sets the kid up for disappointment when he realizes that it was you, not Santa, who never got him what he wanted.

Kids have to realize that all people aren't financially equal. If that fuels self image issues, so be it. We can't all be doctors and lawyers, some of us have to be fry cooks.

Bah Humbug.

You don't have kids, do you?

12-24-2014, 01:04 PM
What thread did Avante destroy Kool in?

This lead to Kool melting down repeatedly by making several threads attempting to salvage his manhood.

12-24-2014, 01:16 PM

This lead to Kool melting down repeatedly by making several threads attempting to salvage his manhood.

:lol Damn! Impressive work from Avante.

12-24-2014, 01:24 PM
Bah Humbug.

You don't have kids, do you?

I have a car, does that make me a car expert?

12-24-2014, 02:14 PM
I still remember busting my Mom lying about Santa because she thought I wasn't smart enough to notice her handwriting on the gifts.

12-24-2014, 05:18 PM

This lead to Kool melting down repeatedly by making several threads attempting to salvage his manhood.

:lmao He said there was no "feud"
:lmao Spends the next 3 days making Avante dedicated threads

12-25-2014, 10:57 PM
Not a terrible point, I already give the big stuff from me and yes, it's about credit. Lol

Strange Love
12-26-2014, 12:19 AM
Avante hasn't even posted in like what? 2 days and good old kool, mr. masserati has brought him up like 10 times since then, at least.

12-26-2014, 02:22 AM
Kool got a Veyron for Christmas today I'm sure

I. Hustle
12-26-2014, 01:50 PM
Bah Humbug.

You don't have kids, do you?

I have a car, does that make me a car expert?

LOL at this moron comparing having kids to owning a car.

12-26-2014, 02:04 PM
LOL at this moron comparing having kids to owning a car.

The concept is the same. Having a kid doesn't make you an expert, obviously most of you weren't raised properly.

Wild Cobra
12-26-2014, 02:22 PM

Cosmic makes a great point about teaching values. All you A-Holes do is shit all over the forum.

I. Hustle
12-26-2014, 02:25 PM
The concept is the same. Having a kid doesn't make you an expert, obviously most of you weren't raised properly.

The concept is the same? LOL No it isn't. The same thought process does not go into a car as it does a human life. If your car dies or breaks down because you neglected to care for it properly then it's no biggie. Life goes on and either you get a new one, take the bus or walk everywhere.

If you fail to properly take care of your kid... that's y'ass.

How stupid would a person have to be to have the same mindset towards a car that they do towards a kid? That is an IDIOTIC thing for you to say. Just plain dumb.

12-26-2014, 07:31 PM
The concept is the same? LOL No it isn't. The same thought process does not go into a car as it does a human life. If your car dies or breaks down because you neglected to care for it properly then it's no biggie. Life goes on and either you get a new one, take the bus or walk everywhere.

If you fail to properly take care of your kid... that's y'ass.

How stupid would a person have to be to have the same mindset towards a car that they do towards a kid? That is an IDIOTIC thing for you to say. Just plain dumb.

Mindset be damned, having something doesn't make you an expert at it. There are a shit ton of parents who are horrible at raising kids. There are a shit ton of teachers who don't have kids and are very good with them. The repercussions of bad parenting don't dissuade it much. Do you think a parent with 8 kids is naturally better parent than a parent with 1?

A kid is just a person, and if you know how to treat people you know how to treat kids, and yes, i not only have a kid but also a grandkid.

12-26-2014, 07:34 PM

Cosmic makes a great point about teaching values. All you A-Holes do is shit all over the forum.

Teaching a kid that there's a Santa Claus is like teaching them there's a god, except you don't actually believe in Santa and you live like you don't actually believe in god.

Strange Love
12-26-2014, 08:12 PM
The concept is the same? LOL No it isn't. The same thought process does not go into a car as it does a human life. If your car dies or breaks down because you neglected to care for it properly then it's no biggie. Life goes on and either you get a new one, take the bus or walk everywhere.

If you fail to properly take care of your kid... that's y'ass.

How stupid would a person have to be to have the same mindset towards a car that they do towards a kid? That is an IDIOTIC thing for you to say. Just plain dumb.

Not dumb at all.

DMC Makes good points.

Obviously taking care of a child and raising him/her takes more dedication and patience but same rules applies to any other thing you care about.

It is true what you said about if your car dies, then you can just buy another one, but so can you make a baby if misfortunes strikes you.

If you know you are a shitty parent by nature then obviously you have no business taking care of, or even thinking about having a kid.

A person can have a mindset of being better at something and not at others.

What's the big deal there?

Wild Cobra
12-27-2014, 12:38 AM
Teaching a kid that there's a Santa Claus is like teaching them there's a god, except you don't actually believe in Santa and you live like you don't actually believe in god.

That wasn't his message.

12-27-2014, 12:41 AM
That wasn't his message.
His message was to have mommy/daddy gifts so poor kids don't think they are less loved by Santa. Just cut Santa out of the equation, problem solved. It's not like Santa is going to show up one day and prove you wrong.

Thanks for the insight though, as always you're razor sharp.

Wild Cobra
12-27-2014, 01:01 AM

Are you being ignorant by intent, or because of lack of comprehension?