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12-29-2014, 06:46 PM
tbh...RIP to the cops who were gunned down....but to the rest of them....they are uneducated morons and buffoons....no different than the gang bangers and crooks they claim to come across daily...I personally view cops and criminals as one in the same. There is no material difference except cops are a legalized crime lords, thugs, and gang members whereas criminals have to operate against the law due to politics.



Let's get something straight..... This Eric Garner incident is but a mere sampling of the perceptions and views most (I hope not all) cops have towards the average citizen, black or white. Everybody is a perp..... Of course there are bunch of cop ass sniffers here on ST that make cops out to be heroes, paragons of society, better people..... But they are not, they are just people, with the same prejudices and narrow minded attitudes seen across this country..... Too many of you cop ass sniffers have put them above society, not part of it. So they should be held to a higher standard, on or off duty. Make them accountable, make the punishment harsh and you will see incidents like this decline (never go away). Once police departments start purging their own ranks of bad apples, instead of reducing the black populous, then we will see real change.....

I waiting on conservatives to blame Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson for the next cop shot because of this non-sense..... It’s a little known secret it’s Blue vs everyone not blue..... Many Whites have not noticed, because they focus so much on minorities..... Here’s a fun fact about “stop and frisk” in New York. 1 out of 40 Whites stopped in New York had an illegal firearm, and 1 out of 90 Blacks stopped were found with an illegal firearm. They stopped and frisked more Blacks in New York City than who actually live in the city! This is because minorities are stopped and frisked multiple times, sometimes on the same day, even minutes apart..... Yet a very small percentage of Whites are frisked, even though they produce higher numbers in terms of Illegal Firearms...... I would be curious as to see the percentage of stoppages that produce hard drugs, it don’t consider marijuana arrests as legitimate drug arrests. I bet the numbers would be in line with the illegal firearms statistics given the crack usage thread I started earlier showing that whites smoke crack at dam near 4 times the rates of other people.

12-29-2014, 06:51 PM
If you remove every single bad cop in the country, Chiraq would still exist and that is reducing the black populous more than any police officer.

12-29-2014, 06:57 PM
If you remove every single bad cop in the country, Chiraq would still exist and that is reducing the black populous more than any police officer.

No it's not....Chi is just gangs killing gangs...I don't give a fuck....Cops on the other hand are gangs trying to kill any and everyone who is black regardless of the status in life....whether they are real criminals or the POTUS...I have fact and truth on my side.....you could be a fucking neuro-surgeon and they'll treat you like Eric Garner....either out of ignorance or pure jealousy...Cops and criminals are the most ignorant fucks on the face of the earth....and shouldn't be allowed to have guns....

12-29-2014, 07:08 PM
99% of cops are pieces of shit.

Trill Clinton
12-29-2014, 07:12 PM
bunch of dumb chimps. they should quit if they hate their commander in chief

12-29-2014, 07:46 PM
I honestly don't think this is a race thing with cops, more so a stereotype based on shit neighborhoods, and I speak from experience.

These faggots get the hero complex and think they are doing this huge favor to society by fucking with anyone foolish enough to be outside in their neighborhood. These cops know if they were to stop 5 people in the hood, 3 of them will have something that they can bust them for, whether it be drugs, weapons, or warrants. Easy way to meet quotas.

12-29-2014, 08:02 PM
cops = liscence to kill and will walk free

commoners = no liscence to kill

to me cops are just like everyone else, why i s that profession treated different? at the end of the days its just a job

12-29-2014, 08:11 PM
No it's not....Chi is just gangs killing gangs...I don't give a fuck....Cops on the other hand are gangs trying to kill any and everyone who is black regardless of the status in life....whether they are real criminals or the POTUS...I have fact and truth on my side.....you could be a fucking neuro-surgeon and they'll treat you like Eric Garner....either out of ignorance or pure jealousy...Cops and criminals are the most ignorant fucks on the face of the earth....and shouldn't be allowed to have guns....

12-29-2014, 08:29 PM
Intelligent discussion so far... props.

12-29-2014, 09:18 PM
cops are just thugs in uniform, doctors are butchers in white cloak.

12-29-2014, 09:29 PM

12-30-2014, 02:03 AM
Everyone likes to criticize cops until they need one.

12-30-2014, 02:54 AM
Everyone likes to criticize cops until they need one.

Yeah, and I'll still criticize them when they arrive because a lot of them are lazy and have sticks up their asses because they believe people without badges are below them. They're in such a hurry to go sit in their car somewhere looking busy and doing their paperwork, or chilling at whatever restaurant they hang out at in their patrol area drinking coffee, the last thing they want to do is get involved with any police work that requires more than a quick cuff and taxi ride downtown.

We were in a road rage hit and run with my kids in the car once, and this idiot shows up clearly in a rush, not interested in helping find the dude who did it, and got mad when I asked him if giving us a case number was all he was gonna do..I don't know, I thought if some aggressive angry idiot hits my vehicle with his and flees the scene, that might be something the police took more serious. I obviously made the mistake of not laying on the ground and milking the situation like I had a broken neck or something.

With my luck I'm sure if roles were switched and I was the one who did the hit and run, I would have been promptly caught three blocks down the street, and would be facing 5 years in prison.

12-30-2014, 08:16 AM
No it's not....Chi is just gangs killing gangs...I don't give a fuck....Cops on the other hand are gangs trying to kill any and everyone who is black regardless of the status in life....whether they are real criminals or the POTUS...I have fact and truth on my side.....you could be a fucking neuro-surgeon and they'll treat you like Eric Garner....either out of ignorance or pure jealousy...Cops and criminals are the most ignorant fucks on the face of the earth....and shouldn't be allowed to have guns....

You say really stupid shit on a daily basis but this truly is a record for you.

12-30-2014, 09:12 AM
You say really stupid shit on a daily basis but this truly is a record for you.

Everyone knows the KKK infiltrated the police force decades ago....it didnt take much to apply for and get the low level apptitude cop job...all they did was make the cops run a 20 min mile and the job was theirs....they're are just as many psycho cops as there are lawless criminals.....cops have intrinsic hatred and fear of blacks its why they see 12 yr old black kids as 25 yr old adults......it doesnt matter how educated and credentialed you are or not....

Fear of a black planet is real......eveyone said Obama would bring about Armageddon....lol......while praising Putin....now the Russian citizens are about to be standing in soup lines. lol

12-30-2014, 09:24 AM
Everyone knows the KKK infiltrated the police force decades ago....it didnt take much to apply for and get the low level apptitude cop job...all they did was make the cops run a 20 min mile and the job was theirs....they're are just as many psycho cops as there are lawless criminals.....cops have intrinsic hatred and fear of blacks its why they see 12 yr old black kids as 25 yr old adults......it doesnt matter how educated and credentialed you are or not....

Fear of a black planet is real......eveyone said Obama would bring about Armageddon....lol......while praising Putin....now the Russian citizens are about to be standing in soup lines. lol

Your parents must be really disappointed. They clearly worked hard to get ahead and give you a decent education and opportunity. It's a shame they wasted their efforts on such an idiot.

12-30-2014, 09:41 AM
Your parents must be really disappointed. They clearly worked hard to get ahead and give you a decent education and opportunity. It's a shame they wasted their efforts on such an idiot.

They say the same shit about Obama and he went to Harvard :toast

12-30-2014, 10:42 AM
OP should illustrate he possesses the courage of his conviction instead of the worthless blogging. What good are you? Take a cue from your homey in NY who made a statement, branch out.