View Full Version : Has D'Antoni lost his mind?

Walton Buys Off Me
08-31-2005, 07:47 PM
Where did the proverbial chip on the shoulder of the Suns come from? Didn't we beat them at their own game without hardly breaking a sweat last year? Yet everytime I turn around, some member of their organization is running his mouth about how great they are.

Check out this gem by the one hit wonder Mike D'Antoni (a gold card carrying member of Pop's ho-a-da-day club by the way);

“You know, I’m sure it was a hard decision for him. He has a couple friends on our team that I’m sure he disappointed, but again, it’s just an opportunity for other guys to play a little bit more minutes and we have a slew of guys on the roster that are capable. Really I hate it for him that he’s going to miss a championship.”

Here's the link to the rest of the article.


08-31-2005, 07:49 PM
I think another Dasani bottle defeated him again.

08-31-2005, 07:50 PM
i was about to put the quote of the end, championship :lol :elephant :rolleyes :depressed :blah :spin

08-31-2005, 07:51 PM
It's probably out of context, he was probably saying it tounge in cheek.

How can anyone not say SA is a title contender? If he's serious, than fuck him.

Walton Buys Off Me
08-31-2005, 07:56 PM
"Really I hate it that he's going to miss a championship"?!

He's joking right?

You mean losing Joe Johnson, Quentin Richardson, Steven Hunter and having no legitimate backup for your 31 year old point guard makes you a champion? But wait, they added Raja Bell and Boris Diaw right? Watch out Spurs fans.

Amazing how this clown talks such a big game after his ass got stomped like a mudhole and walked dry in front of his own fans.

08-31-2005, 07:58 PM
i think they got worse in the process so f them!!!!! and raja bell!!!

08-31-2005, 08:00 PM
"Really I hate it that he's going to miss a championship"?!

The only thing he will miss is Cuban trying to hump him after winning a game.

08-31-2005, 08:00 PM
since suns sold they are a cocky idiots

08-31-2005, 08:20 PM
Is mike picking the Heat to win it all? :wtf

08-31-2005, 08:25 PM
I'm not liking this dude from Phoenix.

08-31-2005, 09:13 PM
Man, is it any wonder after Finley met this a_hole and the opther a-hole Sarver he decided to take a pass on the Suns.

08-31-2005, 09:22 PM
Im a Spurs fan from West Virginia (since 1990). I'm embarrassed to hear another WVian say that. Please, we WVians are smarter than that.

08-31-2005, 09:28 PM
That dude from Phoenix will get the sack in mid season.

08-31-2005, 09:35 PM
wow. you people really don't like our coach much. Trust me people in PHX don't think yours but we would never say mean things about him. Coach D was coach of the year and were all proud of him for what he did with the suns.Everyone keeps saying the suns will be bad ,how about you let the suns chose that for themselfs.i think you all remember what happened last year when people said we would be lucky to get into the playoffs.
Go Suns!

08-31-2005, 10:00 PM
wow. you people really don't like our coach much. Trust me people in PHX don't think yours but we would never say mean things about him. Coach D was coach of the year and were all proud of him for what he did with the suns.Everyone keeps saying the suns will be bad ,how about you let the suns chose that for themselfs.i think you all remember what happened last year when people said we would be lucky to get into the playoffs.
Go Suns!

Actually, I think almost everybody who really understood basketball had picked the Suns to be the Most Improved Team before 04-05, after you guys picked up Nash and Q. I don't think people realized just how well it end up working, but a lot of people had them pick to go from the dumpster to the playoffs last year. The Sonics ended up being the ones that caught us all off-gaurd.

Problem being, you guys shipped off like half of the good thing you had going last year. The Suns are still a good team, because Nash is still a great point gaurd, and Amare is a force to be reckoned with. However, aside from the whole Stockton/Malone thing workin for you, I think your team is probably going to have to squash more doubts this year then they did last.

08-31-2005, 10:11 PM
wow. you people really don't like our coach much. Trust me people in PHX don't think yours but we would never say mean things about him.

Kinda hard to say things when he's got 3 rings and ole' pornstache has zero, don't ya think?

08-31-2005, 10:11 PM
D'Antoni runs his mouth, Amare does pushups and Sarver does the chicken dance. In the end, they're humiliated on their own home court and they still don't have the sense keep their mouths shut.

What's not to like?

08-31-2005, 10:13 PM
Looks like D'Antonio is a graduate of the Phil Jackson school of arrogance.

08-31-2005, 10:44 PM
May be some of chicken's attitude and antics got rubbed on to him :lol :lol

Seriously, WTF is he talking about?? I can imagine a suns reporter writing stuff like "fin misses c;ship" etc.. but this coming from a coach. Somebody in Suns org. who has some sense should say to Mr. D to STFU...oh wait we're talking about chickens.

08-31-2005, 10:50 PM
Man, I can see the quarrel with D'Antoni, but what did you really expect him to say? Should he have said "Well, Fin went to San Antonio, so we're all playing for second place now."

08-31-2005, 10:52 PM
Man, I can see the quarrel with D'Antoni, but what did you really expect him to say? Should he have said "Well, Fin went to San Antonio, so we're all playing for second place now."

He shouldn't have said anything, lol. Maybe a "We will see on our other options now" but nothing more.

08-31-2005, 10:54 PM
He shouldn't have said anything, lol. Maybe a "We will see on our other options now" but nothing more.

Right, he could have been more diplomatic, perhaps. But, even as a Spurs fan, I'd be disappointed in him if he didn't believe that his team will win the championship. He could have expressed himself better, but there isn't anything wrong with the idea.

08-31-2005, 11:32 PM
Right, he could have been more diplomatic, perhaps. But, even as a Spurs fan, I'd be disappointed in him if he didn't believe that his team will win the championship. He could have expressed himself better, but there isn't anything wrong with the idea.

True.. True..

Seriously D'Antoni says a lot of things toungue and cheek, so this can easily be taken out of context. What's wrong with having confidence in your team?


08-31-2005, 11:36 PM
D'Antoni is a dickweed. He spoke out of turn again - which is his nature. It'll give all of us here great pleasure in doing, this year, the one thing we didn't get done last year on our way to the NBA championship - SWEEPING THE SUNS PUNK-ASSES.

Taking it to the Hole
08-31-2005, 11:43 PM
True.. True..

Seriously D'Antoni says a lot of things toungue and cheek, so this can easily be taken out of context. What's wrong with having confidence in your team?


There is a difference between having confidence and being cocky. I say he is the latter. I guess we will find out this next year who was right and who was wrong, but if I was a betting man, I wouldn't put my money on D'Antoni, that's for sure, unless I want to be homeless. :lol

nacho estrada
08-31-2005, 11:45 PM
“He obviously thought that San Antonio had the best chance to win a title,” Suns Head Coach Mike D’Antoni told Suns.com shortly after the club received a call from Finley’s agent Wednesday afternoon. “We’re here to make that a bad decision. But best of luck to him.”

09-01-2005, 12:11 AM
Coach "Diarrhea Mouth" did not deserve coach of the year - he won what 3 more wins than Pop with only losing Nash for a few games and then could not adapt in the playoffs when Bowen abused the Matrix and others. Only a heroic performance by Amare even kept it close.

He will be humbled this year as his over-hyped team regresses big time.

50 cent
09-01-2005, 12:35 AM
D'Antoni is a fucking idiot.


09-02-2005, 08:57 AM
wow. you people really don't like our coach much. Trust me people in PHX don't think yours but we would never say mean things about him. Coach D was coach of the year and were all proud of him for what he did with the suns.Everyone keeps saying the suns will be bad ,how about you let the suns chose that for themselfs.i think you all remember what happened last year when people said we would be lucky to get into the playoffs.
Go Suns!

hahaha!! Your profile says you live in Tucson....so how do you know Phoenix people aren't talkin trash!
Did you miss the game where your dumb owner was doing the chicken dance to CIA Pops?? Trash talking my foot!
You guys were lucky to get into the playoffs....go to your own board...it's useless...we are the champions my friend!

Marcus Bryant
09-02-2005, 09:14 AM
Small wonder Pop said he thought Finley was headed to Phoenix the other day...:)

09-02-2005, 09:31 AM
wow. you people really don't like our coach much. Trust me people in PHX don't think yours but we would never say mean things about him. Coach D was coach of the year and were all proud of him for what he did with the suns.Everyone keeps saying the suns will be bad ,how about you let the suns chose that for themselfs.i think you all remember what happened last year when people said we would be lucky to get into the playoffs.
Go Suns!

We don't like your coach when he acts like a dick. If Popovich said that, there would be a lot of fans all over him for it.

09-02-2005, 09:40 AM
What is he supposed to say?

"Eh, we might as well pack it in for next season, no way we're beating the Spurs..."


09-02-2005, 09:43 AM
No but he could have worded it better....things like "compete for a championship" or "a championship contender" just my .02

FWIW I would have not been please with Pop saying that either.

09-02-2005, 09:51 AM
It'd be different if the Suns had won the Championship last year, or made the Finals even.

But as it is, it just comes off as sounding dumb. It'd be like Amare guaranteeing 72 wins or something.... if there's a good chance it won't happen, you shouldn't be talking smack.

09-02-2005, 09:52 AM
Looks like D'Antonio is a graduate of the Phil Jackson school of arrogance.

Yea I agree.^^

I feel that Phil has confidence , and why shouldn't he, he has 9 damn rings. He earned the right to say things like that,and most people tend to take him seriously when he does say those things.

But D' Antonio is an idiot for saying something like that. Even Phil would have never said, well it is to bad he is going to miss out on a championship.

09-02-2005, 09:58 AM
No but he could have worded it better....things like "compete for a championship" or "a championship contender" just my .02

FWIW I would have not been please with Pop saying that either.

Pop says tongue-in-cheek things all the time....I have no idea why what he said is an issue.

09-02-2005, 10:04 AM
Pop says tongue-in-cheek things all the time....I have no idea why what he said is an issue.

Show me a quote where Pop said to Jason Kidd, "Well, it's his loss, not ours."

Whenever Pop says something tongue in cheek, it's usually at his own expense. Like when he won the Championship in 2003, and there were no more questions. He was like, "Is that it? I'm not Phil Jackson, this is a rare event for me, ask me some more!"

THAT's classic Pop. And fans love it. I would NOT like Pop guaranteeing 72 wins, or dissing players like Jason Kidd or Karl Malone because they chose not to play for us...

It's about respect. And being smart. What do you think the chances are that Finley will EVER consider joining the Suns now, if things in SA don't work out? ZERO. It's shooting yourself in the foot, esp. in this league where players change teams more often than they change their sneakers.

09-02-2005, 10:16 AM
:lol D'ientoni is funny

09-02-2005, 10:22 AM
What is he supposed to say?

"Eh, we might as well pack it in for next season, no way we're beating the Spurs..."


That would be the logical response. :lol

09-02-2005, 12:56 PM
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
That would be the logical response. :lol

09-02-2005, 01:11 PM
Don't get the hate for D'Antoni. The guy has been quick to give props to the Spurs all year long, and admitted that the Spurs were the better team (read George Karl). He has been nothing but a class act.
I doubt what he said wasn't tongue in cheek. It was a joke guys, have a sense of humour about these things.
Besides, what was he supposed to say? That the Suns have zero chance of competing, and that they should just hand the Spurs the trophy?

09-02-2005, 01:50 PM
I love the fact you hate our coach, our team, because two years ago, no body here probably even knew who D'Antoni was. I feel like were the Jefferson's :fro , hit my theme song...

Oh and by the way, congrats on your guys run last year. Every sportswriter is saying that Shaq is the best big man to ever play the game, I think its Timmy D. He makes everyone around him better, Shaq doesn't really do that. And if Finley didn't sign with the suns, I'm glad he did with the Spurs, so he can Rip Cuban's head off and shit down his throat for four games this year, thats the kicker. :lol

09-02-2005, 03:32 PM
The only thing better than D'Antoni's quotes is some of you guys over-reacting to them.


09-02-2005, 03:44 PM
Kinda hard to say things when he's got 3 rings and ole' pornstache has zero, don't ya think?

Coach D has been an NBA coach for 3 years and has already got his team to the conference finals..Pop is what 60 or something and he has 3 rings.Don't get me wrong Pop is an amazing coach but try to give Coach D some credit for what he did last year..

09-02-2005, 03:45 PM
The only thing better than D'Antoni's quotes is some of you guys over-reacting to them.


wow good point..Why do spurs fans even care about our coach and what he says?

09-02-2005, 03:48 PM
Coach "Diarrhea Mouth" did not deserve coach of the year - he won what 3 more wins than Pop with only losing Nash for a few games and then could not adapt in the playoffs when Bowen abused the Matrix and others. Only a heroic performance by Amare even kept it close.

He will be humbled this year as his over-hyped team regresses big time.

umm.. lets see if i'm right in 03' and 04' the SPURS team was very good that same year the SUNS were horrible he made the 3rd biggest turnaround in NBA history...your right that deserves no credit at all.

09-02-2005, 03:51 PM
hahaha!! Your profile says you live in Tucson....so how do you know Phoenix people aren't talkin trash!
Did you miss the game where your dumb owner was doing the chicken dance to CIA Pops?? Trash talking my foot!
You guys were lucky to get into the playoffs....go to your own board...it's useless...we are the champions my friend!

um i just moved from Phoenix this Summer i went to every playoff game and a bunch of homegames.. I happened to see the game where our owner danced and it was quite funny..Oh and how do you get lucky by winning 62 games and getting into the 3rd round.You wanna talk about luck?? How about game seven of the NBA finals

09-02-2005, 03:54 PM
That would be the logical response. :lol

Well, you and I know that...as well as all of the English and Spanish and Slovanian and French speaking countries, but it just wouldn't be right some how for another team's coach to actually say it...out loud.


09-02-2005, 03:56 PM
Show me a quote where Pop said to Jason Kidd, "Well, it's his loss, not ours."

You probably got your panties in a wad when you read that Mark Cuban quote about how he hopes the Spurs lose 82 games, too, didn't you?