View Full Version : Stephen King - The Revival

01-14-2015, 04:34 PM
Every so often, I'll try to read a Stephen King book. Most of the time, I don't get through them. The last exception being 11/22/63.

Based on some reviews, I tried "Revival". It turned out to be a decent read. Not a page turner by any means but blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
It's not bad.

01-14-2015, 04:45 PM
So what you are saying is King gives a lot of blah's in this book but by no means is it bleh

01-14-2015, 04:54 PM
So what you are saying is King gives a lot of blah's in this book but by no means is it bleh

lol. No...I became so uninterested in finishing my thought that I just didn't even feel like trying to figure something out.

Maybe not a ringing endorsement for Mr. King's book. I doubt I even remember it much in a year. BUT, I did finish it.

01-14-2015, 04:56 PM
actually...I guess the book is bleh after all.

Maybe it even sucks. I might try Mr. Mercedes because the reviews say it's a crime story and not supernatural. So maybe it'll be more in line with the Different Seasons stuff.

01-15-2015, 11:19 AM
I liked it, but I am not sure about the ending. If nothing else it made me read The Great God Pan

01-15-2015, 12:20 PM
I liked it, but I am not sure about the ending. If nothing else it made me read The Great God Pan

yeah...I think that's what I didn't like as well. I don't know if he really thinks these are good scary endings but to me, they always seem like bail outs.
when he transitions from a good story with some mystery to the mystery involving some crazy ass monster. It was scary as hell to me until it got to that bizarre point of real monsters.

01-15-2015, 01:39 PM
I like King's sort stories. I don't think he can really carry a whole novel, though.

01-15-2015, 01:49 PM
I like King's sort stories. I don't think he can really carry a whole novel, though.

"back in the day" he wrote some really good books. Cujo, Christine, Pet Semetary, The Stand...etc.
But I was way younger and maybe not as critical. I guess I need to go back and reread one to see if he was always this mediocre.
A lot of people say he was never the same after his accident but I think a lot just has to do with age. I agree with you on his short stories. Seems like his best works were novellas though.
The Different Seasons collection and the Bachman Books were pretty good.

01-15-2015, 02:14 PM
I just reread Stand and Eyes of the Dragon recently, both still hold up. I am a huge Dark Tower fan though