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09-01-2005, 05:44 PM
Has anyone had any luck finding any information regarding volunteers and where they are needed yet? I've called but to no avail. If anyone has any info, please pass it along as soon as you get it.

Also, I would like to see a good amount of people form this board stepping up to volunteer. I know people are giving money and that is probably the best thing you can do, but there will also be a great need for volunteers. I wouldn't ask any of you to do anything I'm not going to do, but I hope many of you will step up and help.

09-01-2005, 05:46 PM
I have not heard but I would be willing to help.

09-01-2005, 05:51 PM
I've heard more about volunteering in the Houston area, but not here as of yet. It sucks feeling so helpless.

09-01-2005, 05:53 PM
I've already donated to the American Red Cross. BTW, they have an emergency add on requesting urgent help. I'm also going to send some clothes and supplies through my church (okay, who am I kidding...I don't have a church, but I'll locate one and send stuff). I wish I could go to the shelters and physically help but I live in Virginia. I've asked some friends for links on what's being organized in SA and will send you whatever useful things I hear.

09-01-2005, 05:53 PM
I've heard more about volunteering in the Houston area, but not here as of yet. It sucks feeling so helpless.
I got rolled over to a Houston call center when I called 211. They need volunteers there pretty badly. One of Jess' friends is currently at the Astrodome.

They'll need them here too, I promise you. With 25,000 people coming there is going to be a large need for people to cook, serve food, and just plain help out.

09-01-2005, 05:55 PM
I used to work the Thanksgiving dinners that the Mexican restaurant chain in SA has (or used to have) every year. Can't remember his name, but I'll bet he's got something going on. Was it Jimenez?

09-01-2005, 05:57 PM

09-01-2005, 05:59 PM
Call the Red Cross.

09-01-2005, 06:00 PM
The Red Cross isn't accepting volunteers right now, just money.

09-01-2005, 06:01 PM
I used to work the Thanksgiving dinners that the Mexican restaurant chain in SA has (or used to have) every year. Can't remember his name, but I'll bet he's got something going on. Was it Jimenez?

That still goes on, every year. Even though the founder died a few years back.

09-01-2005, 06:02 PM
Salvation Army: 1-800-725-2769
Red Cross: 1-800-Help Now
Church World Service: 1-800-297-1516
Americas Second Harvest: 1-800-771-2303

These are mainly donation numbers but I am sure they can give you information on volunteering as well.

09-01-2005, 06:03 PM
I tried the Red Cross, they just want money donations at this time. That may change in the future. I haven't tried the others yet, but I'll try them. Thank you for the numbers.

09-01-2005, 06:05 PM
The Red Cross isn't accepting volunteers right now, just money.

Right...I heard on the news that the volunteer setup comes later(Outside of the Hurricane areas).

They also mentioned that people shouldn't take it upon themselves to get these things started because it only adds to the confusion...They want people who are interested in volunteering to go through the channels of the relief services to cut down on the confusion. IOW, they'll let you know when they need volunteers..

It does seem to me that San Antonio should already be looking for volunteers though...maybe it will be under FEMA operations at first.

09-01-2005, 06:06 PM
i never thought thy guy whos avatar is flipping me off would do something so generous. just kidding

09-01-2005, 06:07 PM
all i Know is tomorrow morning KROCK is gonna be at heb at zazamora and sw military taking non perishables...can goods, toiletries, etc...i'm there. hope to see some of you out there...i'll be there early...they start at 6am...i'll prob jet after a couple hours...EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD...wherever you are, FIND a place where you can contribute, via check, food, ANYTHING...do your part...we are all in this SHIT TOGETHER...THIS IS AMERICA BABY.

Now I want our PRESIDENT to get it together and get some TRUCKLOADS OF FOOD AND MEDICINE TO NEW ORLEANS STAT!!!

09-01-2005, 06:08 PM
I heard the story in the news of a guy and his girlfriend who couldn't stand to just sit and watch... They drove to LA and were helping the people getting off of the rescue helicopters.

I hope they can organize a proper volunteer initiative soon.

09-01-2005, 06:13 PM
all i Know is tomorrow morning KROCK is gonna be at heb at zazamora and sw military taking non perishables...can goods, toiletries, etc...i'm there. hope to see some of you out there...i'll be there early...they start at 6am...i'll prob jet after a couple hours...EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD...wherever you are, FIND a place where you can contribute, via check, food, ANYTHING...do your part...we are all in this SHIT TOGETHER...THIS IS AMERICA BABY.

Now I want our PRESIDENT to get it together and get some TRUCKLOADS OF FOOD AND MEDICINE TO NEW ORLEANS STAT!!!

IT's not that easy...Fucking I-10 is gone, literally gone, and nearly all the roads into the city are submerged or destroyed...and the rescue forces there are getting fired on by snipers and having to track down looters...

It's a humanitarian disaster...there are going to be a ton of people die in this and it's nobody's fault but mother nature...

09-01-2005, 06:17 PM
Don't start bickering in this thread please.

09-01-2005, 06:18 PM
IT's not that easy...Fucking I-10 is gone, literally gone, and nearly all the roads into the city are submerged or destroyed...and the rescue forces there are getting fired on by snipers and having to track down looters...

It's a humanitarian disaster...there are going to be a ton of people die in this and it's nobody's fault but mother nature...

Have you not been watching the news? There's hundreds of people at the Convention Center in NO that have been without food for days. They need food and water.

Quit being a dick.

09-01-2005, 06:19 PM
I'm trying to call 210-227-4357

09-01-2005, 06:20 PM
I saw this woman on the news who drove out to Kelly to see what she could do there. I don't think she called them first, I think she just went out there.

09-01-2005, 06:22 PM
Kelly is gonna need a lot of help. Where else are they going to house the estimated 25,000?

09-01-2005, 06:25 PM
I think they said that 5,000 are coming to Kelly and another 10,000 are going up to Dallas.

09-01-2005, 06:27 PM
IT's not that easy...Fucking I-10 is gone, literally gone, and nearly all the roads into the city are submerged or destroyed...and the rescue forces there are getting fired on by snipers and having to track down looters...

It's a humanitarian disaster...there are going to be a ton of people die in this and it's nobody's fault but mother nature...

1st of all, FUCK THE LOOTERS...who gives a shit about people stealing...let them.

Lets focus on the people suffering and the people dying...not to mention the CHILDREN...1ST AND FOREMOST.

Makeshift Camps should be popping up all over, HOtels that are not flooded should be opened up for shelter, Bush, if he hasn't already should call a national state of emergency and get congress to approve a Billion Dollars if Needed to start the efforts. EVERY MUTHAFUCKA in HOLLYWOOD with Cash to Burn should be donating MILLIONS OF THEIR MONIES TO HELP...

as for snipers? get a rocket launcher and end their lives. treat them like terrorists and grant them their deathwish.

09-01-2005, 06:27 PM
i am not planning a trip to NO though...so i'm gonna do what i can HERE in SaTown.

09-01-2005, 06:40 PM
1st of all, FUCK THE LOOTERS...who gives a shit about people stealing...let them.

Zak, the looters have been looting GUNS and stealing from other survivors at gun point...carjacking busses and trucks with supplies. You absolutely have to stop that. It's not just WalMart anymore. :(

09-01-2005, 06:42 PM
I am seriously considering moving to NO when the rebuilding starts...NO is my kind of town and it's always been my favorite American city. Living in the French Quarter or the Garden District is about as good as it gets IMO. I think a lot of people won't be going back to it. I love the mystique there...

09-01-2005, 06:43 PM
sorry BZ...gotta disagree with you on that one. If it were me and I saw someone ripping off other refugees and breaking into peoples houses and over their dead bodies for a TV, I shoot the fucker in the head.

09-01-2005, 06:44 PM
I am seriously considering moving to NO when the rebuilding starts...NO is my kind of town and it's always been my favorite American city. Living in the French Quarter or the Garden District is about as good as it gets IMO. I think a lot of people won't be going back to it. I love the mystique there...
History repeats itself...

Faccia di Angelo
09-01-2005, 06:45 PM
I was just thinking about this today.
I'm totally up for volunteering. Just tell me when and where.
I might do it this saturday if anythings being planned. I just got off the phone with my b/f who said another friend's birthday is this sunday and the way she wants to celebrate is by helping the victims anyway we can. So we are trying to gather information as well.
I was also thinking about doing a clothing drive or something through my church but I have to talk it over with them first.
Let me know if you come up with anything Manny or anyone.

09-01-2005, 06:47 PM
We're trying to set something up at my youngest's school.

09-01-2005, 06:48 PM
History repeats itself...

Do you seriously think a disaster of this kind can't happen anywhere in this country? You are wrong...maybe not a hurricane but there are plenty of other things that can occur. It's a great town and worth the risk...

On top of that it's a key port city for the South...Port Cities are always going to be vulnerable to hurricanes.

Kori Ellis
09-01-2005, 06:49 PM
Manny, I heard that tomorrow they would release info on where people could go to serve food, help with the intake of people at the clinics, whatever.

09-01-2005, 06:53 PM
Manny, I heard that tomorrow they would release info on where people could go to serve food, help with the intake of people at the clinics, whatever.

Cool...hopefully they'll have somewhere to take clothes & blankets too. I've got about 15 trash bags worth of clothes.......mostly children's clothes, but also a lot that could be worn to an interview. :)

09-01-2005, 07:17 PM
SW, mysa.com has some places listed for where you can take your donations. Here's some of the ones that accept clothing:

Cornerstone Self Storage is accepting donations of food, clothing, blankets and other necessities. Items can be dropped off at Cornerstone Self Storage at 20202 Blanco Road, Saf-T Stor at 11947 Huebner Road and Broadway Self Storage at 2300 Broadway.

Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Selma will be the site of a collection drive from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday through Sept. 9. Donations of clothing, bedding/sleeping bags, household cleaning supplies, bug spray, hand sanitizer, batteries, battery-operated AM/FM radios, flashlights, books and toys are being accepted. Organizers of the event include Nestle Waters, Beta Lambda Upsilon at Northwest Vista College, and USS Bexar.

Check out the rest here. (http://www.mysanantonio.com/stories/MYSA090105.15A.katrina_events.12d9791d.html)

09-01-2005, 07:36 PM
United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County: 227-4357 (I haven't tried this number yet though) Supposedly you can register to volunteer there and they also have a Volunteer Registration form on their website here. (http://www.unitedwaysatx.org/Pages/Katrina%20Registration.html)

09-01-2005, 07:38 PM
I actually am very interested in volunteering to get over there personally and help rescue as many people as possible

09-01-2005, 07:49 PM
I just got through to 210-227-...., but I'm on hold. I think the same thing that happend when I called 211, though. So I'm not sure I'm speaking to anyone SA just yet.

09-01-2005, 07:50 PM
Manny, I heard that tomorrow they would release info on where people could go to serve food, help with the intake of people at the clinics, whatever.
Excellent. If everyone could continue posting any info they have, that would be great.

09-01-2005, 07:50 PM
I'm dead serious about driving over there, are we even allowed to drive in to new orleans right now, or are all the roads out completely cause i really wanna up and go

09-01-2005, 07:55 PM
Let the rescuers do their jobs. They are going to need help here, help out here where you won't be in the way.

I did get transfered to Houston again, so I'm going to just try tomorrow morning. But if anyone finds anymore info please post it in here. Thanks.

09-01-2005, 07:57 PM
Alright then yeah i would be very interested to devote my time for aiding here

09-01-2005, 08:20 PM
Moveon.org (www.moveon.org), that George Soro sponsored leftist group, is taking family volunteers on its website if you wish to house a displace person or family from NO.

09-01-2005, 08:52 PM
I'm dead serious about driving over there, are we even allowed to drive in to new orleans right now, or are all the roads out completely cause i really wanna up and go
The roads are Closed, including I-12 which is a bypass on I-10 to avoid New Orleans.
Don't be a dumb ass and try to go there, all you'll do is screw things up more.
Manny, I am not trying to argue in your thread. I'm sorry but I had to say that.

09-01-2005, 09:20 PM
Thanks very much to everyone for all the donations, calls and emails we have received today.

Michael Bristow, Kirk Armstrong and helpers will be leaving next week. They are working on getting a tractor-trailer to go along with the fifth wheels they are hauling.

Michael said if there were more goods than they could handle, they would make 2 trips.

The goods will be dropped off next week in Baton Rouge, where there is a distribution center for relief.

North Texas area boating retailers are acting as drop-off points, or you can drop at North Texas Fiberglass Boat Repair - 869 Woodrow Lane - Denton, Texas 76205.

Again, the contact information for North Texas Fiberglass is: 940-243-2628 or [email protected].

Current drop off points are as follows:

North Texas Marine - Fort Worth and Gainsville

Whittle Boats - Lewisville

Fun and Sun Marine – Cleburne, Hurst and Granbury

Bowie Marine - Decatur

Larry's Marine - Wichita Falls

Phil Dill Boats - Lewisville

Rockwall Marine - Rockwall

Renfro Marine - Lancaster

Plano Marine - Plano and Longview

We will update drop-off points as more become available at: http://www.texasfishingforum.com/.ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=37;t=000524

I think anything that can be done to assist these folks will help – no matter how small your contribution, keep in mind that when you put a lot of small donations together, you can end up with something that will make a difference.

Don’t forget to thank Michael Bristow and Kirk Armstrong for coordinating this effort. It has ballooned in to a hefty task.

Sorry to invade your email with this spam.


J.P. Greeson
Texas Fishing Forum


T Park
09-01-2005, 09:23 PM

the catholic churches of america is taking volunteers right now.

09-01-2005, 09:28 PM
Tpark, do you have local numbers for them?

T Park
09-01-2005, 09:30 PM
JB just posted it in the Katrina thread, page 112.

As soon as I saw that, I wanted to post that for you bro.

09-01-2005, 09:55 PM
MYSA.COM (http://www.mysanantonio.com/stories/MYSA083005.katrina.mysa.c844ab7.html)

Adventist Community Services
Web site: www.adventist.communityservices.org

America's Second Harvest
Web site: www.secondharvest.org

American Red Cross
1-800-HELP NOW (435-7669) English,
1-800-257-7575 Spanish;
Web site: www.redcross.org

Catholic Charities, USA
703 549-1390
Web site: www.catholiccharitiesusa.org

Christian Disaster Response
941-956-5183 or 941-551-9554
Web site: www.cdresponse.org

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
Web site: www.crwrc.org

Church World Service
Web site: www.churchworldservice.org

Convoy of Hope
Web site: www.convoyofhope.org

KENS 5 Spirit of Texas Relief Fund
(210) 470-5001
Web site: http://www2.mysanantonio.com/promotions/kens/relieffund/

Lutheran Disaster Response
Web site: www.ldr.org

Mennonite Disaster Service
Web site: www.mds.mennonite.net

Nazarene Disaster Response
Web site: www.nazarenedisasterresponse.org

Operation Blessing
Web site: www.ob.org

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Web site: www.pcusa.org/pda

Salvation Army
1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769)
Web site: www.redshield.org/crisis

Southern Baptist Convention —Disaster Relief
1-800-462-8657, ext. 6440
Web site: www.namb.net/site/c.9qKILUOzEpH/b.224451/k.7BDB/Disaster_Relief_Homepage.htm

United Methodist Committee on Relief
Web site: www.gbgm-umc.org/umcor

09-01-2005, 09:59 PM
I've been looking online to see if there's information about volunteering at Reunion Arena... Does anybody think/know if places like Reunion and the Astrodome are asking for volunteers, or if they'd simply prefer donations?

09-01-2005, 10:01 PM
The astrodome needed volunteers

09-01-2005, 10:01 PM
Spurm, call 211, it works across Texas.

09-01-2005, 10:30 PM
The best you can do at this point is to donate money. Even if it's only $5.00. That $5.00 can buy 50 packs of Ramen and feed 50 children. I've already donated $50.00 to the American Red Cross Hurricane relief.

Until they start sending refugees to SA, your best bet is to donate whatever you can.

09-01-2005, 10:38 PM
Ice, the refugee's are already arriving.

Guru of Nothing
09-01-2005, 10:41 PM
I've been busy as a mofo at work here in Ridgeland, MS this week; but with a little luck, I will have all weekend to avail my services locally (although I'm down to a 1/4 tank of gas - that might put a damper on things).

Hopefully, I will inject more meaning into my life.

09-01-2005, 11:11 PM
Ice, the refugee's are already arriving.

I wasn't even aware of that. I've been watching Fox News all day. I saw the SA mayor come on TV and "volunteer" the city for whatever might be needed but I never heard anything after that.

I'd just sit back and relax if I were you. There's going to be plenty of volunteers needed.

09-01-2005, 11:12 PM
I predict the TV movie for this will air by next weekend

09-01-2005, 11:13 PM
I wasn't even aware of that. I've been watching Fox News all day. I saw the SA mayor come on TV and "volunteer" the city for whatever might be needed but I never heard anything after that.

I'd just sit back and relax if I were you. There's going to be plenty of volunteers needed.
No doubt. I just want to do SOMETHING. I'm tired of watching and not doing anything. But yeah, I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunity to help.

T Park
09-01-2005, 11:17 PM

Im damn near ready to after moving the business from Sacrametno to LA to go volunteer in SA.

Much more meaningfull work thats for sure.

09-01-2005, 11:55 PM
Thanks for posting the link to moveon.org... I didn't realize someone had started taking volunteers for housing. My husband and I talked about it and decided we're poor and it'll be cramped, but it's a small sacrifice for us to make if it puts a roof over someone who's just been left with nothing.

09-02-2005, 12:09 AM
Thanks for posting the link to moveon.org... I didn't realize someone had started taking volunteers for housing. My husband and I talked about it and decided we're poor and it'll be cramped, but it's a small sacrifice for us to make if it puts a roof over someone who's just been left with nothing.
Summers, you rule. I love your posts and this just puts you over the line. You rule.

09-02-2005, 12:18 AM
Summers, you rule. I love your posts and this just puts you over the line. You rule.

Aw, thanks Manny. :) That's nice. Well, it's just so overwhelming and we want to do something.

baseline bum
09-02-2005, 03:50 AM
Don't you know that so-called VOLUN-TEEEEERS don't even get paid?

09-02-2005, 03:55 AM
Ice, the refugee's are already arriving.

Where'd you hear this manny?

09-02-2005, 05:31 AM
Where'd you hear this manny?

Watching WOAI news last night they said that many refugees were supposed to arrive at Kelly within the hour or so (I'd say by 11 or 12 last night).

09-02-2005, 05:55 AM
I am in between homes in SA and Houston--just got back from Houston last night and am heading back Saturday. There is a Christian radio station there that has volunteer opportunities posted on their website. Of course, it's mainly for the Houston area, but that's only a 4 hour drive. They are in desperate need of the most basic things--clothing and diapers first, food obviously, and just some human contact and love would be most welcome, I am sure. Anyway, the radio station is conducting a fund-raiser called Cards for Katrina--they are asking for gift cards in any amount for restaurants, stores, gas stations, etc. Blockbuster and Best Buy are probably not necessities right now, but hey, if that's all you've got to give, I'm sure it would be appreciated. Most importantly, these people need our prayers and compassion. My mind can not even fathom what they are going through.

www.ksbj.org is the website in case you're interested.

09-02-2005, 07:41 AM
Well, whenever something is posted, let me know, Im trying to get a group from Office Depot to go and voulenteer. It might not be many people, but soemthing is better then nothing.

09-02-2005, 07:52 AM

09-02-2005, 10:48 AM
Ok, I called 211 this morning and left my name, number, and qualificaitons. I urge anyone who wants to volunteer to do the same. I don't know how well organized they are and if I should expect a call back or not, but I'm going to keep trying to find some way to help. Money isn't really an option for me, but I want to help.

Once again, if anyone has any info please keep it posted in here.

09-02-2005, 11:04 AM
A few people here at work suggested just showing up at Kelly or another shelter and telling someone you wanted to help. I don't know how good of an idea that is or not but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

Kori Ellis
09-02-2005, 11:05 AM
I think in the next couple days, the specifics will come out on how to volunteer.

I know that you could probably call the Food Bank and they could give info on how to volunteer there.

09-02-2005, 11:15 AM
A few people here at work suggested just showing up at Kelly or another shelter and telling someone you wanted to help. I don't know how good of an idea that is or not but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

They are not letting people in.

09-02-2005, 11:29 AM
A few people here at work suggested just showing up at Kelly or another shelter and telling someone you wanted to help. I don't know how good of an idea that is or not but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

Yes i am willing to donate all my time right now to helping these people when someone finds out what the deal is please pm me so i can just read that right away thanks

09-02-2005, 01:17 PM
The United way just called me back. They are in the process of gathering info on the people who have called them in regards to office skills, medical skills, and anything else you have to offer.

So, if you want to volunteer you need to call 211 to get the ball rolling. They have had a large response, and that makes me happy.

The lady also told me to call the Food Bank because they need people NOW. I'm going to go by there tomorrow to help with the food sorting.

09-02-2005, 01:53 PM
Does the 211 number have people manning the phones 24/7? Do you just leave a message? How does it work?

Kori Ellis
09-02-2005, 02:00 PM
Manny, when you go to the FoodBank, can you see if they'd like maybe a group of us to go together and volunteer possibly next weekend? We could organize a philanthropic GTG and go help out.

09-02-2005, 02:01 PM
Manny, when you go to the FoodBank, can you see if they'd like maybe a group of us to go together and volunteer possibly next weekend? We could organize a philanthropic GTG and go help out.

I second that.

09-02-2005, 02:04 PM
Manny, when you go to the FoodBank, can you see if they'd like maybe a group of us to go together and volunteer possibly next weekend? We could organize a philanthropic GTG and go help out.

i third this

09-02-2005, 02:05 PM
Does the 211 number have people manning the phones 24/7? Do you just leave a message? How does it work?
They only have people here untill 5pm locally otherwise you get routed to another center in the state. It was Houston for me last night.

I would call and leave a message at this point. They don't have many people manning hte phones, and its pretty hard on them from what I gathered. they've had an enourmous call volume.

I think they are in pretty heavy need of people with medical experience whether as nurses of doctors or probably even medical assistants. Thats the impression I got from the lady I spoke too.

09-02-2005, 02:07 PM
Manny, when you go to the FoodBank, can you see if they'd like maybe a group of us to go together and volunteer possibly next weekend? We could organize a philanthropic GTG and go help out.
I will, but I think if anyone can make it out today or tomorrow, they should call because they need a lot of help right now. Those people are going to be here a long while, so I think they will need help next weekend and the weekends after that as well.

Actually, I'm trying to call down there. I'll get as much info as I can and I'll post it.

09-02-2005, 02:11 PM
Still can't get anyone to answer the phone. They must be busy as all hell.

09-02-2005, 02:13 PM
Yeah, I can't get through. The United Way told me they need people tonight and tomorrow for sure to sort food. I don't think I can go tonight, but I'll go tomorrow and find out as much as I can.

Old School Chic
09-02-2005, 02:18 PM
Has anyone had any luck finding any information regarding volunteers and where they are needed yet? I've called but to no avail. If anyone has any info, please pass it along as soon as you get it.

Also, I would like to see a good amount of people form this board stepping up to volunteer. I know people are giving money and that is probably the best thing you can do, but there will also be a great need for volunteers. I wouldn't ask any of you to do anything I'm not going to do, but I hope many of you will step up and help.

SBC Center & H-E-B Join forces For Hurricane Relief

It is natural that the public wants to help their fellow man during this time of crisis in our country. This weekend at the SBC Center, the San Antonio community has another opportunity to help the families that have been affected by the disaster.
In response to this crisis, the SBC Center and H-E-B are joining forces to aid in the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. On the grounds of the SBC Center, the 1st Annual Labor Day Rider Fest has been transformed into an event that not only will raise money for the cause, but also be a donation drop-off point. H-E-B will have their trailer on site Saturday and Sunday for people to donate non-perishable food and personal hygiene items. We are asking the community to support this effort while enjoying the carnival, car show, and live music for only $5. All monies collected at the event will be donated to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

We are encouraging everyone to come on out to the SBC Center this weekend!

09-02-2005, 03:45 PM
I just talked with someone at the SA food bank (210-337-3663). You just call and tell them your name and how many people will be volunteering with you. I'm gonna go tomorrow. They will be there from 9am-5pm at the FB warehouse. Directions to San Antonio Food Bank (http://www.safoodbank.org/directions.html). She said that don't want you to wear sandals and that you will only be allowed to bring water into the warehouse.

09-02-2005, 04:11 PM
I heard on KTSA that the Salvation Army needs clothes out at Kelly USA, but this is not confirmed. I'm trying to find some info on it for sure, but not having much luck at all.

09-02-2005, 04:18 PM
I heard on KTSA that the Salvation Army needs clothes out at Kelly USA, but this is not confirmed. I'm trying to find some info on it for sure, but not having much luck at all.

I've got about 15 large trash bags of clothes and 3 of blankets & pillows ready to go...I'd rather take them directly there if possible, if not I'm taking them to Verizon tomorrow....

09-02-2005, 04:20 PM
Yeah, I have a shitload of old clothes too and I would imagine they woudl be put to use right away at Kelly. I'm still trying to find out if they'll let me drop them off, and when I find out I'll post in here.

09-02-2005, 04:22 PM
I'll gather some of my old clothes before I come back to SA tonight.

09-02-2005, 04:26 PM
I just recived some emails from the PSO @ UTSA and they are in need of volunteers to man some of the shelters. I should get a call back in about 20 minutes and I'll pass along any info I have.

09-02-2005, 04:31 PM
Also, mysa.com has a blog set in regards to people helping.


09-02-2005, 04:34 PM
Ok, I just got off the phone with a lady at the Salvation Army and yes they are accepting clothes donations. You need to go to the gate and inform them that you are there to make a donation.

Also, I don't know if anyone here has experience within wharehouses but if you do, they need you:


Fork lift operators
Items such as: Canned goods, baby formula, blankets, bedding, cleaning supplies, etc.

09-02-2005, 04:35 PM
Ok, I just got off the phone with a lady at the Salvation Army and yes they are accepting clothes donations. You need to go to the gate and inform them that you are there to make a donation.

Also, I don't know if anyone here has experience within wharehouses but if you do, they need you:


Fork lift operators
Items such as: Canned goods, baby formula, blankets, bedding, cleaning supplies, etc.
TO HELP IN SAN ANTONIO, PLEASE CALL 352-2000Is there a specified location to drop off the goods or clothes?

09-02-2005, 04:36 PM
Is there a specified location to drop off the goods or clothes?
Go to the Kelly USA gate and let them know you are there to make a donation and they will direct you where to go. I don't know where the Kelly USA gate is, but I'm sure you can google it.

09-02-2005, 04:37 PM
Also, mysa.com has a blog set in regards to people helping.


Sorry...I had to :lmao @ this one post:

I have lots of clothes, good clothes, I'd like to donate. I'll never see size 8 again. Please tell me a donation dropoff.

:lol :lol

09-02-2005, 04:39 PM
http://local.google.com/maps?q=143+Billy+Mitchell+Blvd,+San+Antonio,+TX+78 226&spn=0.017798,0.030088&hl=en

09-02-2005, 04:40 PM
:lol That is funny

09-02-2005, 04:46 PM
Gay Friendly/Dog Friendly San Antonio..SWGM...have room available would best be able to help single male or female professional who would like to restart in San Antonio...No Smoking/No Drugs...I live very healthy/athletic lifestyle...please email me...Also available to help foster dogs for families...
[email protected]

09-02-2005, 04:46 PM
If you want to do some general volunteer work with the Salvation Army...they could use people at the Hope Center in the kitchen or they could send you out to Kelly USA. They are set for today but they will need people Saturday, Sunday, Monday, etc. Just give them a call and tell them when and where you want to go. 210-352-2000

09-02-2005, 04:50 PM
I'll find more specific information tonight while I'm at Kelly USA. I'm still waiting on a call back from the Red Cross.

09-02-2005, 04:53 PM
Sounds good I have some stuff ready to go and I can probably assist tomorrow.

09-02-2005, 05:03 PM
Ok, if you want to volunteer with the Red Cross, they need people to man shifts at the shelters. You can go to the local chapter tomorrow during "regular business hours" (even though its a weekend) and fill out a volunteer application.

American Red Cross
(210) 224-5151
3642 E Houston St
San Antonio, TX 78219

You can also contact Bonnie @ [email protected] with your name, number, and the time you would be available. She'll contact you back tomorrow.

Mr Dio
09-02-2005, 05:14 PM
I'll gather some of my old clothes before I come back to SA tonight.

You mean you have some new ones?

09-02-2005, 05:14 PM
Sorry if this was already posted somewhere...

Also, if you’re looking for a way to help personally, MoveOn.org Civic Action, formerly known as MoveOn.org, launched a new web site yesterday, http://hurricanehousing.org/ asking its 3.3 million members and the public to post any available housing for the thousands of people left homeless by Hurricane Katrina. The organization will directly connect evacuees with volunteer hosts, and also provide the housing information to the Red Cross and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

09-02-2005, 07:02 PM
I just want to say...you guys make me proud to be a Spurs fan :cry
You're all awesome :tu

T Park
09-02-2005, 07:24 PM

If I was there, My whole closet would be emptied into my truck and dropped off.

Remember also folks, even though its september, if you have old jackets, sweatshirts and sweaters. Donate them too.

These peeps will be here in a couple months when it gets chilly at night at too.

09-02-2005, 07:29 PM
I'm helping out at the HEB locations loading the trucks.

If feels good to assist those who are in need regardless of circumstances.

09-02-2005, 07:54 PM
Go to the Kelly USA gate and let them know you are there to make a donation and they will direct you where to go. I don't know where the Kelly USA gate is, but I'm sure you can google it.

thanks for the info. once my parents return to sa on sunday, i am going to get my mom to go thru my closet for clothes and shoes. i kept alot of stuff when i left for college years ago, and it is just sitting in san antonio while i am not.

i wish i could volunteer there, but for now i'll do what i can. maybe when i come visit.

09-02-2005, 07:59 PM
a friend i know just got a job going to work in the hurricane area. he is going to be making bank! he had to go get his shots today.

Mr. Ash
09-02-2005, 08:13 PM
a friend i know just got a job going to work in the hurricane area. he is going to be making bank!

That's, uh, nice. Now, back to people volunteering.

09-02-2005, 09:03 PM
I'm posting these as I get them....

Just got back, and here's the deal regarding volunteer aide with the Red Cross according to coordinators at the 3642 E. Houston location:

They are totally booked for shelter volunteers this weekend. Since this will be a sustained effort, they are asking that people come back Monday or thereafter, to sign up for shelter and phone shifts two, three, and four, weeks out.



09-02-2005, 09:08 PM
I went out to the location at Kelly USA today. We donated some clothes but plan on taking some more out in the coming days. Tomorrow I will be at the Food Bank, but the Salvation Army needs people. You can call them to find out where they need you the most, or you can show up at the Kelly USA location.

Look, this isn't fun work. Much of it is grunt wharehouse packing work. There's not much glamour involved in it, but it is very important and they need a lot of help. If you can give some time this weekend, PLEASE do so.

Right now, they are staffed in most places for the weekend. But they are going to have a harder time during the week and as time goes on people are going to forget how they feel and starting going back to ignoring the situation. Please help them. You'd want to be helped if you were in their shoes.

09-02-2005, 09:10 PM
That's, uh, nice. Now, back to people volunteering.

he will be doing the same shitty work, just getting paid...

Guru of Nothing
09-02-2005, 09:47 PM
My dilemma.

I want to help. I don't have a lot to offer, seemingly, but A/C, a shower and grill begging for abuse might seem like a lot to offer up for folks stuck in Jackson, MS.

Surely there are dislocated folks here in Jackson I can help, but I lack the means to reach out to them. I'm without cable (no antennae either), so I can't find a clue via the local news AND IN NO WAY can my attention deficit mind navigate the news sites over dial-up.

Can anyone link me up? I want to help, and I know that I can, but I "just know know how to go about getting it." [/jimi]

Further detracting from my aim, I am down to a 1/4 tank of gas, and I have no expectations of refueling in the next week; it's a nightmare trying to gas up a vehicle here. Unless you catch lightening in a bottle, you have to wait several hours in line to gas up - and you have to hope the pump does not run dry before it's your turn.

And then there's this - my VP gave me a letter today "authorizing" me to commute back and forth to the office, if need be, during a soon to be announced curfew in Ridgeland.

It's crazy!

If things are slow tomorrow, I'm gonna ride my bike to the local bike shop and see if I can geek my bicyle up with saddle-baskets for grocery shopping purposes.

09-02-2005, 09:50 PM
Matt, scan these links and hopefully there is something for you..

San Antonio Salvation Army: (210) 352-2000 http://www.salvationarmysatx.org/text/programs.html

San Antonio United Way: (210) 227-4357 or 211

San Antonio Red Cross: (210) 622-0273

U.S. Green Building Council - Balcones Chapter: Looking for skilled engineers, project managers, inspectors, estimators, superintendents, CLC's and anyone with the above skills to be available for a 60 to 90 day deployment to the disaster area. Ken Bergner (703)481-2000 - [email protected] (http://us.f322.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected])

SAMMinistries - (210) 340-0302 http://www.samm.org/

(below is from Indymedia New Orleans http://neworleans.indymedia.org/)

Emergency Aid: Action

Emergency Phone Numbers for People in Distress: (225) 925-7708 / 7709 / 3511 / 7412
Craigslist: Temporary Shelter (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/hhh/)
hurricanehousing.org: Temporary Shelter (http://www.hurricanehousing.org/)
NOLA activist-sponsored housing: Temporary Shelter (http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/?mforum=mutualaid)
Craigslist: Volunteer (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/vol/)
Craigslist: All Aid Listings (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/hhh/)
Emergency Aid: Donate

Red Cross: 1-800-HELP-NOW or redcross.org/ (http://www.redcross.org/)
Episcopal Relief & Development: 1-800-334-7626 or er-d.org (http://www.er-d.org/)
United Methodist Committee on Relief: 1-800-554-8583 or methodistrelief.org (http://www.methodistrelief.org/site/pp.asp?c=bhKNI4PHIpE&b=876335)
Salvation Army: 1-800-SAL-ARMY or salvationarmyusa.org (http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/)
Catholic Charities: 1-800-919-9338 or catholiccharitiesusa.org (http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/)
FEMA Charity tips: fema.gov/rrr/help2.shtm (http://www.fema.gov/rrr/help2.shtm)
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster: nvoad.org (http://www.nvoad.org/)
Missing Persons

Craigslist: neworleans.craigslist.org/laf/ (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/laf/)
NOLA.com: nola.com/forums/searching/ (http://www.nola.com/forums/searching/)
livingtestate.com: http://livingtestate.com/phpbb2/index.php
stoffaproductions.com: http://www.stoffaproductions.com/community/
yahoogroups.com: groups.yahoo.com/group/katrina-refugees/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/katrina-refugees/)
Hurricane Katrina Recovery (http://www.firstgov.gov/Citizen/Topics/PublicSafety/Hurricane_Katrina_Recovery.shtml)
News On The Ground

Stranded employees: livejournal.com/users/interdictor/ (http://www.livejournal.com/users/interdictor/)
New Orleans post-Katrina wiki (Links to chats, blogs, police/red cross scanners): wiki.nola-intel.org (http://wiki.nola-intel.org/)
Other Resources

FEMA: fema.gov/press/2005/resources_katrina.shtm (http://www.fema.gov/press/2005/resources_katrina.shtm)
wikipedia.org: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Katrina
WWLTV Updates: Katrina Updates (http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/WWLBLOG.ac3fcea.html)
Houma Courier: houmatoday.com (http://www.houmatoday.com/)
US Coast Guard: uscg.mil (http://www.uscg.mil/USCG.shtm)
US Coast Guard Storm Watch: uscgstormwatch.com (http://www.uscgstormwatch.com/external/index.cfm?cid=1008)

Guru of Nothing
09-02-2005, 10:07 PM
Thanks Manny.

I'll give'em a good once over tomorrow. If you find anything moere specific to me, please share.

I hope I find what I'm looking for. My place is tiny, but I'm willing to bring in a 3 or 4 people, perhaps for a day, perhaps several.

Pardon my editorial, but damn if most everything I once valued now seems so insignificant. I'm committed to finding the silver lining in all this.

09-03-2005, 12:03 AM
KSAT 12 was saying that in the next few days, the city will be announcing specific information about donations and volunteering. They are trying to get everyone in town and comfortable right now.

09-03-2005, 02:16 PM
I just received information on my St. Mary's email account.

Katrina Relief Work
Volunteers Needed this Weekend Sat. Sun. Mon.
Carpool Info: AACC 9:15 am, 3:15 pm
When: Noon - 6 pm & 6pm - Midnight
Wear: Tennis shoes, jeans, tshirts
Bring: Your friends and volunteer app.
Where: Red Cross HQ 3642 E. Houston St.

Contact: Alicia Boone
Phone: 210-436-3553
Email: [email protected]

Volunteer Application: http://saredcross.org/pdf/volapp.pdf

09-03-2005, 02:18 PM
Thanks Kris. I had recieved emails that they were pretty much ok untill Monday but I'm still waiting to hear back from a few places as well.

09-03-2005, 02:30 PM
The PTA board I'm on is setting up a relief drive. Don't have the details yet. I will also probably be volunteering with my friend possibly next weekend.

09-03-2005, 04:27 PM
Matt, scan these links and hopefully there is something for you..

San Antonio Salvation Army: (210) 352-2000 http://www.salvationarmysatx.org/text/programs.html

San Antonio United Way: (210) 227-4357 or 211

San Antonio Red Cross: (210) 622-0273

U.S. Green Building Council - Balcones Chapter: Looking for skilled engineers, project managers, inspectors, estimators, superintendents, CLC's and anyone with the above skills to be available for a 60 to 90 day deployment to the disaster area. Ken Bergner (703)481-2000 - [email protected] (http://us.f322.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected])

SAMMinistries - (210) 340-0302 http://www.samm.org/

(below is from Indymedia New Orleans http://neworleans.indymedia.org/)

Emergency Aid: Action

Emergency Phone Numbers for People in Distress: (225) 925-7708 / 7709 / 3511 / 7412
Craigslist: Temporary Shelter (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/hhh/)
hurricanehousing.org: Temporary Shelter (http://www.hurricanehousing.org/)
NOLA activist-sponsored housing: Temporary Shelter (http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/?mforum=mutualaid)
Craigslist: Volunteer (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/vol/)
Craigslist: All Aid Listings (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/hhh/)
Emergency Aid: Donate

Red Cross: 1-800-HELP-NOW or redcross.org/ (http://www.redcross.org/)
Episcopal Relief & Development: 1-800-334-7626 or er-d.org (http://www.er-d.org/)
United Methodist Committee on Relief: 1-800-554-8583 or methodistrelief.org (http://www.methodistrelief.org/site/pp.asp?c=bhKNI4PHIpE&b=876335)
Salvation Army: 1-800-SAL-ARMY or salvationarmyusa.org (http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/)
Catholic Charities: 1-800-919-9338 or catholiccharitiesusa.org (http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/)
FEMA Charity tips: fema.gov/rrr/help2.shtm (http://www.fema.gov/rrr/help2.shtm)
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster: nvoad.org (http://www.nvoad.org/)
Missing Persons

Craigslist: neworleans.craigslist.org/laf/ (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/laf/)
NOLA.com: nola.com/forums/searching/ (http://www.nola.com/forums/searching/)
livingtestate.com: http://livingtestate.com/phpbb2/index.php
stoffaproductions.com: http://www.stoffaproductions.com/community/
yahoogroups.com: groups.yahoo.com/group/katrina-refugees/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/katrina-refugees/)
Hurricane Katrina Recovery (http://www.firstgov.gov/Citizen/Topics/PublicSafety/Hurricane_Katrina_Recovery.shtml)
News On The Ground

Stranded employees: livejournal.com/users/interdictor/ (http://www.livejournal.com/users/interdictor/)
New Orleans post-Katrina wiki (Links to chats, blogs, police/red cross scanners): wiki.nola-intel.org (http://wiki.nola-intel.org/)
Other Resources

FEMA: fema.gov/press/2005/resources_katrina.shtm (http://www.fema.gov/press/2005/resources_katrina.shtm)
wikipedia.org: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Katrina
WWLTV Updates: Katrina Updates (http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/WWLBLOG.ac3fcea.html)
Houma Courier: houmatoday.com (http://www.houmatoday.com/)
US Coast Guard: uscg.mil (http://www.uscg.mil/USCG.shtm)
US Coast Guard Storm Watch: uscgstormwatch.com (http://www.uscgstormwatch.com/external/index.cfm?cid=1008)

To add to this list, this is for stranded cats and dogs.
Noah's Wish at *www.noahswish.org *(http://www.noahswish.org)*

09-03-2005, 05:12 PM
Manny, when you go to the FoodBank, can you see if they'd like maybe a group of us to go together and volunteer possibly next weekend? We could organize a philanthropic GTG and go help out.

I'm in too.

09-03-2005, 05:33 PM
I didn't go to the food bank today because of my neck, but I'll find out tomorrow.

09-03-2005, 05:42 PM
I didn't go to the food bank today because of my neck, but I'll find out tomorrow.

What happened to your neck?

09-03-2005, 05:49 PM
slept on it wrong, nothing big.

09-04-2005, 01:57 AM
More info

To Residents of District 6 and supporters:

Many City of San Antonio employees joined volunteers (including
District 6 residents) to assist in the Kelly USA-based Emergency Operations
last night as we welcomed families devastated from Hurricane Katrina.
People worked around the clock, and more evacuated families were arriving
as District 6 staff and volunteers left at 3:00 am this morning.
Today, there are thousands more individuals and families that are expected
to arrive in San Antonio.

As many of you know, we are also providing Emergency Shelter within
District 6 at the vacated Levi's Strauss Plant on Old Hwy 90. We still
need your help through your donations of materials and volunteer time.

In addition to the donation centers set up at Kelly USA and local
social service agencies, we are collaborating with Guerra Library to set up
a specific District 6 donation drop-off location so that we could
provide a rapid-response to our new District 6 residents at the Old Hwy 90
Shelter. Please drop donations (see list of needs below) off at the
Henry A. Guerra, Jr. Library, during normal library hours.

Henry A. Guerra, Jr. Library
7978 Military Drive West
San Antonio, TX 78227
(210) 673-1492

Hours are:
Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Monday 1:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Thursday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m

Items needed for donation:

1. books, childrens books, coloring books, crayons and markers
2. diapers and baby wipes
3. maxi pads and tampons
4. dog and cat food
5. deodorant, toothpaste, and soap
6. toilet paper
7. polaroid film
8. flashlights
9. blankets
10. flip-flop shoes

We do need volunteers. If you would like to volunteer this weekend,
report to Kelly USA Building 171 and follow volunteer sign-in directions.
Please let our district office know (by email or phone) of your
willingness to volunteer. As we need people in the future, we would like to
be able to call on our residents for specific needs, particularly at the
Old Hwy 90 Shelter.

We all appreciate everything that you and your family are doing to
assit persons affected by the Katrina Hurricane. These intense efforts
also makes us appreciate much of the community work many of our District 6
residnts perform daily. Thank you for all that you do, the profound
kindness that you extend throughout the community.

Delicia Herrera
Councilwoman Delicia Herrera
District 6

District 6 Field Office
7121 US Hwy 90 W. Suite 100
San Antonio, TX 78227
Ph: 679-6506
Fax: 679-5181

09-04-2005, 02:03 AM
Local help is needed and appreciated!

We just got back from spending the day volunteering at KellyUSA where evacuees from New Orleans are just coming in to San Antonio for shelter.

The people we were helping were just arriving on buses from New Orleans. None had showered nor eaten since Tuesday. Though emotions (sadness, fear, confusion, disbelief) are high, all of the evacuees we worked with and met were polite and appreciative. They were prideful people who have just lost their homes and all of their possessions. One evacuee was hoping to find an iron because the scant few clothes he had stuffed in his backpack were wrinkled and he wanted to quickly eat, shower, change clothes and pitch in helping other evacuees.

Clothes, underclothes, night clothes, socks and shoes are needed. There's a real shortage of sheets and towels. Most of the sleeping cots are covered with those itchy wool Army blankets (and in the buildings w/o air conditioning, the thought of those blankets is even worse).

Just go to the Toyota Building at KellyUSA. There is a sign-up tent in the parking lot and you will be directed to where your help is needed. After a brief (10-15 minute) Red Cross orientation, you will be given an assignment.

There is plenty to do. You do not have to have any specific skill. If you can sort and fold clothes; make sandwiches; or even just comfort people, you can help. Gather needed items from your family, friends and neighbors -- take them to KellyUSA and stay to help for as long as you can.

09-04-2005, 05:46 PM
There are 4 centers for the refugees right now and they all need Red Cross volunteers. There are 2 at Kelly USA, one at the old Levi's factory, and one at Windsor Park Mall.

Jess and I spent the afternoon at Kelly, but we're on our way out to Windsor. If you have socks or mens underwear, that is something that is needed very badly. Also, if you have any childrens books or books overall you'd be willing to donate, those are needed as well. Blankets and pillows are pertty in demand also.

If you would like to donate any of those things, give me a call. They would probably be better served going directly to the people who need them ratehr than through the Salvation Army to distrubte them. I was at the Salvation Army wharehouse today and its amazing how much people are donating but it does take time for them to sort it and get it on out.

Socks are in VERY high demand.

09-04-2005, 05:56 PM
There are 4 centers for the refugees right now and they all need Red Cross volunteers. There are 2 at Kelly USA, one at the old Levi's factory, and one at Windsor Park Mall.

Jess and I spent the afternoon at Kelly, but we're on our way out to Windsor. If you have socks or mens underwear, that is something that is needed very badly. Also, if you have any childrens books or books overall you'd be willing to donate, those are needed as well. Blankets and pillows are pertty in demand also.

If you would like to donate any of those things, give me a call. They would probably be better served going directly to the people who need them ratehr than through the Salvation Army to distrubte them. I was at the Salvation Army wharehouse today and its amazing how much people are donating but it does take time for them to sort it and get it on out.

Socks are in VERY high demand.

So we can take those things directly to Windsor? I just now read that they were taking people there. I haven't been feeling well so I haven't been able to get out yet...but that's really close to me....

09-04-2005, 06:15 PM
So we can take those things directly to Windsor? I just now read that they were taking people there. I haven't been feeling well so I haven't been able to get out yet...but that's really close to me....
I don't know for sure yet. We're about to head out there so I'll post later tonight if they are accepting donations there.

Some things will be needed there such as blankets, socks, books. The people get really bored because they sit in there with nothing to do, so books are great. Some people have asked for bibles as well.

These are things you can take and hand directly to the people, they need them rather badly.

09-04-2005, 06:58 PM
If you're interested in going to the Food Bank to help sort stuff out, I'd probably wait until Monday and during the week. I got there around 9am this morning and I was the first one there but by 10:30 there were TONS of people there helping out, they couldn't bring the food fast enough for us to sort. People have to work during the week so there won't be as many to help out, but if you can make it after work or if you have a day off...that's when I'd go.

It's crazy tiring, I was only there for 4 hours and I came home and went directly to bed for another 4 hours. But everyone is very nice and it's not too too hot in the warehouse. I met this older woman who was there yesterday also and she kind of showed me the ropes when we first started out, then we just teamed up and started getting things sorted and boxed pretty fast.

09-04-2005, 07:33 PM
I just dropped off about 20 blankets/comforters at Windsor ... they are taking every thing on the south side of the mall (where Ward's pick-up was).

09-04-2005, 09:22 PM
Awesome Christy. We were out there for a few hours, and I went through so many damn emotions. I'll post about it later on tonight.

09-04-2005, 10:13 PM
The Freeman Coliseum is now open from 8 a.m - 7 p.m. as the official volunteer center.

Anyone 18 or older is welcome.

I just saw the report on KSAT News.

09-04-2005, 11:22 PM
Awesome Christy. We were out there for a few hours, and I went through so many damn emotions. I'll post about it later on tonight.

It was weird...because I've still been cleaning out my mom's stuff from the house and have spent the last few weeks washing them all...they were folded in a big pile and I didn't know what I was going to do with them. I swear my mom was a pack-rat for blankets. But I'm glad she was, and I hope they'll make a few people comfortable. :)

It's really a good feeling to know that I was in a really long line of a lot of people who had tons of stuff to unload from their trucks and cars.

09-04-2005, 11:38 PM
Awesome Christy. We were out there for a few hours, and I went through so many damn emotions. I'll post about it later on tonight.

I can't wait to hear about it! :)

09-04-2005, 11:39 PM
I just decided to post my last blog entry here instead of making a whole new one...


Volunteering In Post Katrina Shelters

San Antonio has opened its arms to thousands of people fleeing Katrina ravaged New Orleans. Today, Jessica and I went to 2 of the shelters and a Salvation Army warehouse to join the volunteer efforts. The range of emotions you feel as you are immersed within the results of the disaster are limitless.

We began the day by donating some books and offering our services at the Salvation Army collection center at Kelly USA.


The amount of people donating both time and items was rather uplifting. There has been no shortage of generosity. The line we had to wait in simply to find a parking space or pull through the "drive thru" setup was rather long.


Although the scene inside is at first very much describable as chaotic, you soon realize that there is an order to the chaos. There was no lack of effort in a warehouse who's temperture was no lower than 100 degrees.

After helping load palates of various foods and sorting through hygienic products, we headed over to our initial destination; Kelly USA's Red Cross center. We arrived, signed up, proceeded to the volunteer center where we underwent the standard orientation.

To get to the orientation room, you walk through the first shelter setup in San Antonio. It is basically an office building that used to be cubicle heaven transformed into a never ending sea of cots.

The people look absolutely shell shocked. While there are signs of many people trying to get along as normally as possible, there are also an alarming number of people that seem on edge. You cannot miss seeing people break down. Thankfully, for every person you see in tears, there is always a volunteer with them offering them as much support as possible.

Through the orientation, you are told to try to maintain distance from emotional involvement for your own good. Then you are told they realize this is going to be impossible for you to do. As the instructor was telling us the rules, he was telling us just how he had broken them the day before. Humanity rises above the rules of any situation, and this is simply an example of that in action.

We were then told that volunteers were needed at the city's newest shelter at the now defunct Windsor Park Mall. As we drove out of Kelly USA, we noticed what could only have been some form of a tent city being erected and set up. Whether those tents were going to be used to house refugee's or simply assist them, it was impossible for us to know.

Upon arriving at Windsor Park Mall, we were immediately put to work registering the new arivals. They were being bused from Kelly USA as they were being brought in aboard military transports and commercial airlines.


As we were directing people to the appropriate locations, I was asked to help four Asian men. For all they had been through, it amazed me how high their spirits were. A fellow volunteer who spoke their language soon began to translate, and I discovered they were all from a catholic parish and one of the men was their priest.

Later, when I was heading back to the "command center", I stumbled across one of the men, and he excitedly held up 4 blankets in his possession and announced, "Look! I got 4 blankets!" He had the biggest grin and although he was missing several teeth it had to be the best smile I saw all day. It was awesome. Something we take for granted, blankets, was something that had brought him incredible joy. It helps put things in perspective like you would not believe.

Later, I was asked to show a small boy carrying his younger brother to the showers. I took the boy's brother and asked their names and age. Charles, age 9, was trying to get his younger brother - Ivan, age 2 - to the showers in order to bathe him. He was also trying to find them both some new clothes to change into.

I have never seen a 2 year old so exhausted. It broke my heart to see the fatigue in a child that young. As many have said, this should not happen anywhere, much less in this country.

I walked with him while carrying Ivan to the showers and learned they were from New Orleans and were at the shelter with their grandmother, aunt, and some cousins. I didn't ask where his parents were. I was too afraid of the possible answers.

With the help of some paramedic and volunteers, we located some clothes that fit the young boys. unfortunately, Charles would not be allowed to bathe Ivan because they were both too young. We located their aunt, and gave her the clothes for Ivan and explained the situation to her. She said she would take care of it. I then took Charles back to the showers to search for more clothes.

We had a hard time finding him socks and underwear. It turns out those are probably the 2 most sought after clothing commodities in disaster relief situations. Once again, something we all take for granted. When is the last time I put on a pair of clean socks and felt thankful?

We were unable to find him some sandals or slippers which he dearly wanted. It broke my heart to not be able to provide such a simple thing to this poor child even after all he had been through, and how far he had come. I hope in the coming days, Charles gets his slippers.

By the time we found him all the clothes he needed, the fire department had closed down the showers while they relocated them. They were using fire trucks in an effort to give them temporary shower facilities while more 'permanent' showers were put into place.

I left Charles with some other volunteers at that point. I was both amazed and heartbroken by this child.

09-04-2005, 11:47 PM
wow Manny, god bless you.. that is so great that you volunteered. Isn't it great about how many people are there to help? I've never been more proud of our cities (I used to live in San Antonio too). And I know what you mean about the socks and underwear, we had shortages of that too. I saw alot of people in line for breakfast in dirty socks or just barefoot. Luckily when the Wal Mart trucks pulled in, they had all those things. I love what you said about the guy with the missing teeth in his smile. The fact that they are smiling at all or upbeat makes it that much more beautiful. The kids really broke my heart too because they had to go through so much.

anyway i'm so glad you helped out, when you are there to offer your time and your love they really will remember it. and i'm sure this whole experience has put things at a new perspective for you. i myself am grateful for the little bit that I have. keep it up!!! :)

09-04-2005, 11:50 PM
Yeah. We'll be out there again tomorrow and probably several times this week. I've done volunteer work with people in bad situations tons of times before, but this is different. I nearly lost it so many times out there today. Hell, I nearly lost it when just writing it all down.

09-04-2005, 11:50 PM
It was weird...because I've still been cleaning out my mom's stuff from the house and have spent the last few weeks washing them all...they were folded in a big pile and I didn't know what I was going to do with them. I swear my mom was a pack-rat for blankets. But I'm glad she was, and I hope they'll make a few people comfortable. :)

It's really a good feeling to know that I was in a really long line of a lot of people who had tons of stuff to unload from their trucks and cars.
The response from this city has been right on.

09-04-2005, 11:53 PM
Yeah. We'll be out there again tomorrow and probably several times this week. I've done volunteer work with people in bad situations tons of times before, but this is different. I nearly lost it so many times out there today. Hell, I nearly lost it when just writing it all down.

awwwesome.. I know what you mean. I was going to go today but they had too many volunteers!! So they did not need me. Good sign. I'm gonna try again tomorrow. In fact, I'm gotta go to bed so I can get up at 5 a.m. again. :sleep

well major props to your and your girlfriend, have a good one tomorrow.

09-05-2005, 12:00 AM
wait.. btw. do you know how many people have been sent to S.A.? Are they all spread out in different shelters or one big one?

09-05-2005, 12:01 AM
We have 4 shelters at this time, and I think the number of people in the city at the moment is about 13,000.

09-05-2005, 12:12 AM
:tu :tu Good job manny & jessica and all that have helped in what ever way you can


09-05-2005, 03:16 AM
First of all I would like to thank the residents and businesses of San Antonio and all of Texas for the generosity and compassion that has been shown in this difficult time.

My name is Angie Sabala. My boyfriend and I are from Slidell, LA where the eye of the hurricane passed directly. We are currently in exile indefinately here in San Antonio. Thankfully, we have a place to stay - but like many other evacuees, our funds are low. We are willing to work odd jobs in order to get by for now. If anyone in the San Antonio area needs odd jobs performed such as lawn care, babysitting, house cleaning, dog walking, car washing, etc. please contact me at [email protected] . Also, my boyfriend Corey is experienced in Home Audio/Home Theater/Car Audio installation and design. My cell phone number is 985-768-2274, but because of the number of towers down in my home area, I may not recieve the call.

Thank you again, your assistance is greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten.

09-05-2005, 03:21 AM
Props to everyone who is doing something to make this horrific situation better.


09-05-2005, 01:41 PM
The Watchdog: How can I help?

Web Posted: 09/05/2005 12:00 AM CDT

San Antonio Express-News

Problem: How can I help?

Information and Resources
# Talk Back: South Texas Katrina Help Forum
# How to help Hurricane Katrina victims
More Katrina coverage
# Stories: Katrina coverage from the Express-News
# Video: Katrina coverage from KENS 5
# Latest from AP: Hurricane Katrina
# Slide Shows: Aug. 31 | Sept. 1 | Sept. 2 | Sept. 3
# Video: Katrina coverage from KENS 5
# AP Photos: Latest Images | Survival | Devastation | Floodwaters | Katrina's Fury
# Pix Share: Submit your Hurricane Katrina photos
# Interactives: Katrina's Impact | Hurricanes Explained
# Web Links: Other media Web sites
# Live Coverage: Watch live video from WWL-TV in New Orleans
# Blogs: New Orleans hurricane blog l Other Blogs

The Watchdog has heard this question many times: I want to volunteer to help Hurricane Katrina victims, but where do I go?

Status: Volunteers are needed

Sometimes overlooked, the donation of blood is essential and can save lives. With patients being transported to hospitals here, there is a dire need for blood donations, especially since The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center is also on stand-by alert to assist sites in the disaster area. The center is urgently asking eligible blood donors to give as soon as possible. You must be 17 or older and weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good general health.

Donors may give at any of the following locations: the headquarters, 6211 Interstate 10 West at First Park Ten Blvd.; Northeast Donor Room, 8527 Village Drive, Suite 106; Methodist Healthcare Donor Room, 4410 Medical Drive, Suite 220. Call first for hours and to be sure the center can accommodate all donors.

The local Red Cross chapter is also working on getting volunteers assigned to help.

The San Antonio Food Bank needs volunteers to help sort food and donations.

The United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County Web site is full of resources, including a volunteer sign-up sheet. It says prospective volunteers may have to wait three to five days for a response because of the sheer volume of people signing up to help. The United Way has also set up a volunteer hotline.

Remember to be patient. Organizations are working as fast as they can to get the help where it is most needed. It is also a good idea to call places accepting donations to make sure they are open and still have space available.

Who is responsible?

The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, Headquarters, (210) 731-5555; Northeast Donor Room, (210) 249-4450; Methodist Healthcare Donor Room, (210) 575-4851.

United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, www.unitedwaysatx.org, volunteer line, 2-1-1.

American Red Cross, San Antonio Chapter, (210) 224-5151.

San Antonio Food Bank, (210) 3370-3663.

— Michelle Mondo

09-05-2005, 02:40 PM
With thousands of Hurricane Katrina evacuees relocating to the Alamo City, San Antonio Living (weekdays 10am - 11am on News 4 WOAI) is offering help, and hope, to our new extended famil y from New Orleans and the Gulf coast.

All this week San Antonio Living is showing San Antonians how they can help  through personal contributions of time, money, and volunteer efforts.
Words cannot describe what has happened to our neighbors. They need our help in so many ways, and the wonderful thing is, hundreds-of-thousands of San Antonians are opening their hearts, their wallets, and are ready to give of their own time to help restore dignity and hope to our evacuees, said Leslie Bohl Jones, host of San Antonio Living. Were getting started today, Labor Day, which really is a labor of love day for San Antonio Living and our city.

How You Can Help the San Antonio Living Extended Family

Monday-Friday: Drop off school supplies and new or gently used toys as the San Antonio Living Extended Family joins Helping Hands from Texas to lift the spirits of the littlest evacuees. For drop-off location and more information, visit: HelpingHandsFromTexas.com

Monday: News 4 WOAI reporters share their experiences covering Katrina and her aftermath. Viewers are encouraged to call in and share their own personal experiences and insight.

Tuesday-Friday: Join us each day for a different San Antonio Living Extended Family outreach project. Log on or tune in to San Antonio Living for the latest information on the times and locations we will meet. We are currently coordinating volunteers and donors for the following:
Tuesday: Volunteer project at the San Antonio Food Bank
Wednesday: Volunteer project to be determined.
Either the Red Cross or the SAMM Shelter
Thursday: Volunteer project at the Salvation Army
Friday: San Antonio Living Extended Family Blood Drive!
6211 IH-10 West at First Park Ten Blvd.
6am - 1pm

For more information visit the South Texas Blood and Tissue Centers website at www.bloodntissue.org

Please note: the organizations we will help have requested that our volunteers COME ONLY as part of the San Antonio Living Extended Family coordinated outreach, because large numbers of unscheduled volunteers can be counterproductive to their efforts. If you want to help in the most meaningful way, tune in or log on to San Antonio Living for information on when and where our San Antonio Living Extended Family will meet.

09-05-2005, 02:41 PM
We're heading out to Kelly USA. Anyone who wants to go can call me.

09-05-2005, 04:03 PM
It doesn't look like they are taking anymore in-kind donations AT the shelters, at least not at Windsor or the Colliseum. I have User driving all over the place. :oops :lol

09-05-2005, 04:16 PM
We saw Chris at Freeman.

They are currently completely staffed untill the 18th at every one of the shelters. However, the Red Cross knows that people are going to flake so they are still encouraging people to sign up at Freeman. It goes by very quickly. I was very impressed with the quick level of organization.

09-05-2005, 04:21 PM
It doesn't look like they are taking anymore in-kind donations AT the shelters, at least not at Windsor or the Colliseum. I have User driving all over the place. :oops :lol

Really? Cuz I have some clothes to dontate. Our school isn't going to do a clothing drive either, but something else.

Well, either way it won't go to waste. Plenty of people in town can use them.

09-05-2005, 04:24 PM
Homeless shelters can always use the clothes. And with winter coming in a few months, they are going to need winter clothes pretty badly.

09-05-2005, 04:29 PM
Really? Cuz I have some clothes to dontate. Our school isn't going to do a clothing drive either, but something else.

Well, either way it won't go to waste. Plenty of people in town can use them.

I usually send over our stuff to the Medina Children's Home....

09-05-2005, 04:33 PM
Yeah, I just filled up a bin at Kohl's with kids clothes a few weeks ago.

Bob's got a ton of clothes he needs to go through. And I found shoes that I didn't even know I owned :oops

09-05-2005, 04:36 PM
I give to the united way each week on my check...that's enough for me.

09-05-2005, 05:45 PM
I heard that they are needing hair products, especially for African-American hair. Also, they are hoping that some hairdressers out there will donate some of their time and skill.

09-05-2005, 06:53 PM
I tried to volunteer at Red Cross from 6-12 tonight, but got turned away. I knew I should have waited until volunteering wasn't cool again.

09-05-2005, 06:56 PM
I tried to volunteer at Red Cross from 6-12 tonight, but got turned away. I knew I should have waited until volunteering wasn't cool again.

People have short memories, and they'll need people again within 2-3 days. I promise you that.

09-05-2005, 07:30 PM
I'm wondering if there are other places to volunteer that aren't Red Cross related. A lot of these people are going to be looking for jobs and housing. Is the Red Cross helping with that or is there another agency that will be handling it? Maybe Texas Workforce Commission would need some extra help processing the applications?

09-05-2005, 07:31 PM
You can contact the Salvation Army, but that is probably the only place I can think of that would be looking for volunteers related to this at the moment. I don't think the Texas Workforce Commision is going to allow anyone off the strett to get a look at these people's personal information.

09-05-2005, 07:33 PM
try the United Way and the Salvation Army. They're both excellent organizations and If you are looking to throw in some manual labor, I heard they both have opportunities right now.

09-05-2005, 07:36 PM
The United Way is doing the organize for the Red Cross. The Salvation Army probably needs people at the warehouse @ Kelly.

09-05-2005, 07:39 PM
I was just trying to think of other places besides the shelters themselves. It appears that they have plenty of people to volunteer there, although I agree that the numbers will thin in the next few weeks, and I know there are efforts outside of the shelters to help those that are seriously wanting to relocate here permanently.

09-05-2005, 07:39 PM
We have more than 1200 people registered to volunteer at the United Way website www.unitedwaysatx.org. We are trying to call people back and place them with agencies needing volunteers as quickly as possible. Please understand the volunteer help will be needed for many months. Our goal is to make contact with everyone registered in the next few days. Thank you for your support. Mary from the 211 Call Center

09-05-2005, 07:42 PM
I'm going to be patient right now. They're going to need help in a few days, and I'll let the trendy volunteers thin out like always.

09-05-2005, 08:36 PM
I tried to volunteer at Red Cross from 6-12 tonight, but got turned away. I knew I should have waited until volunteering wasn't cool again.


No kidding. I've been wanting to go help as much as I can, but have been sick. I figured they'd probably need me more in the next few weeks for that exact reason.

09-05-2005, 08:48 PM
props to all those helping in the recovery effort... that's what america is about!!!

09-05-2005, 08:59 PM
Any idea how long these shelters are going to be set up? Is there a plan to have these people relocated to permanent housing? I'm thinking about the holiday season coming up. Are these kids going to be able to participate in some Halloween activities? What about Thanksgiving? Christmas?

Das Texan
09-05-2005, 09:03 PM
nothing like a national tragedy to get people off their asses and trying to make a difference in this world by donating their time.

i remember the good ole days of all the service learning i have done. i need to get back into it and get some more done again. now to just find the right cause to give it to with all this tragedy around us.

i'll try to get in touch with some of my contacts guys.

09-05-2005, 09:22 PM
I spent the last day and a half helping collect and deliver supplies to various shelters in and around the Houston area, and came away with mixed feelings.

Help me understand this for me.

When we arrived at the Baytown Community Center this afternoon. I went in and announced that we were bringing in supplies and said that we had a whole truck to unload and would appreciate any help.

Not one refugee came to help the 3 of us were were delivering all the supplies. There were teens and young adults playing basketball, others just sitting around and they just let us do all the work. Now these are the people that fled on Sunday, not the ones that were there when the city got hit, so they had been sitting around resting for a few days already. We volunteers were tired, we had been working tirelessly since last night and it was like they did not appreciate what we were doing and that they just expected us to help them.


Anyway, this only happened once, and I can not even imagine what these people have been through, so I am not going to feel bad about helping because of this one experience, but still, I was a little put off.

Has anyone had similar experiences?

09-05-2005, 09:33 PM
Well, as long as you know in your heart that you were doing a good deed, that's all that matters. Even if they didn't publicly acknowledge it, I am sure that there was at least one old woman or one old man or one little child there who appreciated that someone brought them food and supplies.

09-05-2005, 09:36 PM
Any idea how long these shelters are going to be set up? Is there a plan to have these people relocated to permanent housing? I'm thinking about the holiday season coming up. Are these kids going to be able to participate in some Halloween activities? What about Thanksgiving? Christmas?
Months. Its pretty much in the air other than that.

09-05-2005, 09:37 PM
Honestly, the people I saw were shell shocked beyond the point of helping Jim. I know what you're saying, and I think as time goes on they will start to help out, but the ones I saw this weekend were in a daze.

09-05-2005, 10:15 PM
Honestly, the people I saw were shell shocked beyond the point of helping Jim. I know what you're saying, and I think as time goes on they will start to help out, but the ones I saw this weekend were in a daze.

Well, the playing basketball belies that theory, Manny. But as I said, I have not, nor will I ever care to walk in their shoes, so maybe I just do not understand it all.

I would still recommend everyone doing their part, beccause even giving money makes you feel good at night.

Kori Ellis
09-05-2005, 10:20 PM
Jim I'm sorry they weren't helpful but you are right, we can never understand their frame of mind. But kudos to you for doing what you can to help out :)

09-05-2005, 10:23 PM
Yeah, I don't know about the kids you saw, but hte basketball thing is weird. I know what you're saying and I'd probably be bitching if I was in your shoes. :)

But yeah, as Kori said, thanks for helping out. You always step to the plate and I love that about you.

09-05-2005, 10:26 PM
they want everything for free...

09-05-2005, 10:30 PM
they want everything for free...

You can't be serious. Please tell me you aren't serious right now.

09-06-2005, 12:00 AM
For those intersted in finding a place to volunteer, The Salvation Army does indeed still need people out at Kelly USA at the warehouse.

I spent three hours helping the Salvation Army at Kelly today. The Salvation Army is collecting food, clothes, toys and just about anything that the evacuees may need.

Donations were arriving much faster than they could be sorted, but Salvation Army has a system set up for sorting donations.

I encourage anyone who has time available to go help Salvation Army collect and sort items. You don't need to help for a set amount of time; any amount will be appreciated. The Salvation Aemy people are friendly and I enjoyed helping them.

To reach Salvation Army's warehouse space, take Highway 90 east and exit at 36th Street. Go right on 36th, and follow the signs.

You can also exit at the Kelly USA exit if you are coming from downtown.

09-06-2005, 08:31 AM
For those intersted in finding a place to volunteer, The Salvation Army does indeed still need people out at Kelly USA at the warehouse.

Thanks Manny for announcing that to the peeps in here. The Salvation Army is who I helped out this weekend, they are a great organization, but are spread pretty thin so they need all the volunteers thay can get. These people are working 12-16 hrs a day since last Tuesday, and they are in need of some rest, so by you all helping and donating money, they can catch a break. I have a whole new respect for them and what they have done for the millions of people in their history.

So, the next time that little bell ringer at Christmas annoys you people, think about what that dollar you put in that kettle actually does, and maybe you won't be so quick to walk on past.

09-06-2005, 08:42 AM
So, the next time that little bell ringer at Christmas annoys you people, think about what that dollar you put in that kettle actually does, and maybe you won't be so quick to walk on past.


09-06-2005, 08:51 AM
Well, since I live by the almighty debit card, I never have ANY cash.

Besides, I donate a shitload of clothing and other things all the time. So I do my part. :)

09-06-2005, 08:58 AM
Whatever makes your conscience feel better Shelly... Whatever makes it feel better. :lol

(I'm just messing with you!)

09-06-2005, 09:03 AM
Shelly, don't donate that little Victoria's Secret teddy that you wear for me.


09-06-2005, 09:07 AM
Shelly, don't donate that little Victoria's Secret teddy that you wear for me.


:lol Jim's gonna get a beatdown one of these days from Shelly's Hubby.

09-06-2005, 09:13 AM
Whatever makes your conscience feel better Shelly... Whatever makes it feel better. :lol

(I'm just messing with you!)

Nah...I'll be the first to admit that I hate the bell ringer!

09-06-2005, 09:15 AM
:lol Jim's gonna get a beatdown one of these days from Shelly's Hubby.

He will have to catch me first.


09-06-2005, 09:23 AM
Nah...I'll be the first to admit that I hate the bell ringer!


09-06-2005, 09:27 AM
He will have to catch me first.


You better watch out! He's pretty good with a scalpel.

09-06-2005, 09:29 AM
You better watch out! He's pretty good with a scalpel.

It would have to be a very long one.


09-06-2005, 09:37 AM
You can't be serious. Please tell me you aren't serious right now.

i don't mean free monetarily. i mean, they want everything handed to them. while jim and his buddies were unloading stuff, the refugees played basketball and chose not to lift a finger.

09-06-2005, 09:37 AM
Jim manages to turn anythread into an "If only Shelly and SW would sleep with me" thread. :lol

09-06-2005, 09:38 AM
Jim manages to turn anythread into an "If only Shelly and SW would sleep with me" thread. :lol

ha ha ha ha ha ha

09-06-2005, 09:45 AM
i'm an idiot

09-06-2005, 09:46 AM
i'm an idiot.

09-06-2005, 09:46 AM
what fags would volunteer for those fucking people
if they have the fucking audacity to need any of our fucking help here
fuck them, they got themselves in this fucking mess by being fucked by tha 'cane

they can get themselves out of it
bunch of morons
fuck em all, let god sort em out

it is a shame the 'cane didn't take em out already

-insert moron here

09-06-2005, 09:48 AM
i'm an idiot

09-06-2005, 09:49 AM
i'm an idiot.

09-06-2005, 09:51 AM
I'm going to be patient right now. They're going to need help in a few days, and I'll let the trendy volunteers thin out like always.

that is so bullshit...acting like you are so superior... the "trendy" volunteers."

09-06-2005, 09:53 AM
that is so bullshit...acting like you are so superior... the "trendy" volunteers."
He is superior...Manny is God.

09-06-2005, 10:20 AM
i don't mean free monetarily. i mean, they want everything handed to them. while jim and his buddies were unloading stuff, the refugees played basketball and chose not to lift a finger.

That's bullshit, one instance and you're going to label the whole lot of them? I might be doing something else too other than helping out volunteers if it kept my mind off the hell my family, friends, neighbors, and I had been through in the last couple of days.

09-06-2005, 10:30 AM
that is so bullshit...acting like you are so superior... the "trendy" volunteers."
You come back and tell me thats bullshit if a week from now they don't have trouble staffing those shelters.

I've been through this before. People forget about things once they start to fade from the limelight.

09-06-2005, 10:31 AM
I do hope that people here will proove me wrong. But I'm not holding my breath.

Kori Ellis
09-06-2005, 10:37 AM
Have any of you actually gone and volunteered, or are do you just keep posting in here to make yourselves feel better?

Why don't you read the threads first or fuck off?

Have you not seen that Manny and Jess have gone to volunteer, Jim spent all weekend volunteering, and Spurfect has spent days on end volunteering in Houston?

You are a rude obnoxious fuck. You post here under another name and act all normal and then you use "Spursdaone" to trash everything about the Spurs and now this?

People like you, Clandiestino, and Boutons can go fuck yourselves.

Consider yourselves officially warned about posting trash like this in The Club. I'll leave y'all alone in the Political Forum. But GTFO of threads like this.

09-06-2005, 10:38 AM
Damn amen Kori

09-06-2005, 11:03 AM
Please do not let my one incident give you any hesitency to go help. As Kore and I have said, who knows what these people are thinking, they have lost their jobs, their homes, some even their family...that is why I cut them some slack.

09-06-2005, 11:05 AM
just as I suspected.. we got this message this morning

"Bulletin ( 9/6/05, 8:25 a.m.) After a great volunteer turnout over the Labor Day weekend, there is currently a SEVERE SHORTAGE of volunteers on site at the Reliant complex."

:( :( I wish I did not have to work or I'd be there right now. I took yesterday off as it is knowing I probably couldn't afford it, and I was supposed to work. I just cant do it again. I'm gonna try to go after I get out of work, at least. this sux.

09-06-2005, 11:06 AM
Jim manages to turn anythread into an "If only Shelly and SW would sleep with me" thread. :lol

Manny, it is all in jest. I love Shelly and SW and they know that I am really not trying to get in anyone's pants, but just having some fun.

Especially in a serious thread like this, I need to behave.


09-06-2005, 11:08 AM
Jim, as far as I'm concerened, after all you do, Kori should give you a whole forum for whatever youwant.

09-06-2005, 11:19 AM
just as I suspected.. we got this message this morning

"Bulletin ( 9/6/05, 8:25 a.m.) After a great volunteer turnout over the Labor Day weekend, there is currently a SEVERE SHORTAGE of volunteers on site at the Reliant complex."

:( :( I wish I did not have to work or I'd be there right now. I took yesterday off as it is knowing I probably couldn't afford it, and I was supposed to work. I just cant do it again. I'm gonna try to go after I get out of work, at least. this sux.
That really sucks man.

09-06-2005, 11:24 AM
if they run out of volunteers many of the people staying there could pitch in... it is not something horrendous to ask. i saw on the news some refugee lady walking around helping people make calls and helping them find their families as she was looking for hers. she ended up finding hers and kept helping people look for their relatives. it would give them something to do....

09-06-2005, 11:25 AM
That really sucks man.

But is it really a surprise? I would think that most folks gave of their free time over the weekend holiday, but need to get back to work today to support their own families.

09-06-2005, 11:27 AM
My sister is a nurse and she is on a waiting list to help. I also know several doctors that are on stand-by. They've got their bags packed and are ready to leave at a moments notice, but no one is returning their phone calls. It's frustrating. I don't get it.

09-06-2005, 11:33 AM
But is it really a surprise? I would think that most folks gave of their free time over the weekend holiday, but need to get back to work today to support their own families.
Not at all, I expected it.

09-06-2005, 11:38 AM
if they run out of volunteers many of the people staying there could pitch in... it is not something horrendous to ask. i saw on the news some refugee lady walking around helping people make calls and helping them find their families as she was looking for hers. she ended up finding hers and kept helping people look for their relatives. it would give them something to do....
Crippled helping crippled won't get much done.

09-06-2005, 11:44 AM
Most of them are not crippled Top Cherry. I agree that it would be beneficial to all if the able bodied pitch in. They could get a lot of work done and it would help them psychologically.

09-06-2005, 11:47 AM
Most of them are not crippled Top Cherry. I agree that it would be beneficial to all if the able bodied pitch in. They could get a lot of work done and it would help them psychologically.
It wasn't literal.

They already have enough to worry about to drive them crazy... What's to be of their future. Where will they live... How are they gonna work... Where their family is. I mean, come on! They're in a foreign state. They feel lost, displaced.

I understand if there's strong-minded people who are okay with helping others, but don't expect all of them to feel the same way or to be able to do that.

...That's what I meant.

09-06-2005, 11:56 AM
if i weren't in school or if i had a fall break i would volunteer

but i can't be caught slippin this semester, i gotta finish strong

09-06-2005, 12:01 PM
BLANKETS, BRAS, PLUS-SIZED CLOTHING, BLACK HAIR-CARE PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!People are desperately in need of these items at the Kelly USA shelter!! All items must be clean because they are for immediate use! To get these items inside to these people as quickly as possible you can go to the Red Cross tent located on Cricket which is off of Billy Mitchell (Kelly USA). There is a police check-point there and you need to tell them that the items you have are these items that need to get inside a.s.a.p. and that you are to take them to the Red Cross tent.

09-06-2005, 01:22 PM
BLANKETS, BRAS, PLUS-SIZED CLOTHING, BLACK HAIR-CARE PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!People are desperately in need of these items at the Kelly USA shelter!! All items must be clean because they are for immediate use! To get these items inside to these people as quickly as possible you can go to the Red Cross tent located on Cricket which is off of Billy Mitchell (Kelly USA). There is a police check-point there and you need to tell them that the items you have are these items that need to get inside a.s.a.p. and that you are to take them to the Red Cross tent.

that is EXACTLY the things we need here, too.

09-06-2005, 01:57 PM
I am seriously considering moving to NO when the rebuilding starts...NO is my kind of town and it's always been my favorite American city. Living in the French Quarter or the Garden District is about as good as it gets IMO. I think a lot of people won't be going back to it. I love the mystique there...

you could buy a cheap house their I bet :fro

09-06-2005, 01:57 PM

09-06-2005, 02:02 PM
Manny, it is all in jest. I love Shelly and SW and they know that I am really not trying to get in anyone's pants, but just having some fun.

Especially in a serious thread like this, I need to behave.


Jim, if you were here right now, I"d give you a big kiss!

I have a cold and it's a know fact that the only way to get rid of it is to pass it on to someone else. :)

09-06-2005, 02:25 PM

ducks, you are married and have reproduced, so you can't possibly be 12.

Women, even those from New Orleans, wear bras. And I'm no expert on the culture of Louisianna, but I'm pretty sure they have monthly cycles and shave their legs also. So I'd be willing to bet they'd need the essentials to take care of that with, as well.

It's easy to take for granted basic hygiene....and that includes all the *icky* girl-stuff.


09-06-2005, 02:33 PM
ducks, you are married and have reproduced, so you can't possibly be 12.

Women, even those from New Orleans, wear bras. And I'm no expert on the culture of Louisianna, but I'm pretty sure they have monthly cycles and shave their legs also. So I'd be willing to bet they'd need the essentials to take care of that with, as well.

It's easy to take for granted basic hygiene....and that includes all the *icky* girl-stuff.



09-06-2005, 09:58 PM
Why don't you read the threads first or fuck off?

Have you not seen that Manny and Jess have gone to volunteer, Jim spent all weekend volunteering, and Spurfect has spent days on end volunteering in Houston?

You are a rude obnoxious fuck. You post here under another name and act all normal and then you use "Spursdaone" to trash everything about the Spurs and now this?

People like you, Clandiestino, and Boutons can go fuck yourselves.

Consider yourselves officially warned about posting trash like this in The Club. I'll leave y'all alone in the Political Forum. But GTFO of threads like this.

i was only referring to manny's trendy volunteers bullshit. just because people can't volunteer every single day or just happened to have had the time this weekend(i.e. spurfect) and may not be able to later or during the week that shouldn't diminish what they have done.

09-06-2005, 10:56 PM
i was only referring to manny's trendy volunteers bullshit. just because people can't volunteer every single day or just happened to have had the time this weekend(i.e. spurfect) and may not be able to later or during the week that shouldn't diminish what they have done.
You're actually right. I apologize for what I said. It was pretty condescending and pretty shitty. Hopefully people will give as much as they can, and whatever they give is great.

Kori Ellis
09-06-2005, 10:59 PM
Clandestino, I didn't lump you in that group because of your comments to Manny - just your attitude in general.

Kori Ellis
09-06-2005, 11:00 PM
By the way, look at all the stuff the Houston Rockets are doing ... pretty impressive efforts.


09-06-2005, 11:11 PM

09-06-2005, 11:12 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
SA Food Bank Update

This is from the www.SAFOODBANK.org. They need volunteers at the Food Bank to sort donations from 9am-9pm every day this week except for Saturday. Just show up or call to schedule at 337-3663. This is an excellent opportunity to make a difference. - JB

San Antonio Food Bank partnering with National Furniture
and IHOP locations to accept food donations for Hurricane Katrina relief

All National Furniture locations in San Antonio will accept non-perishable food items donated for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The stores are located at:
14068 Nacogdoches
18450 Blanco Road
6727 NW Loop 410
8615 Marbach Road
2545 SW Military
8680 Fourwinds Drive

In addition, a total of 13 International House of Pancakes (IHOP) locations will also accept non-perishable food items. These locations are:
2777 N. Hwy. 123 Bypass (Seguin, TX)
1500 SW Loop 410
11613 Bandera Road
8107 Agora Parkway
2634 SW Military Drive
12780 IH-10 W
4818 Walzem Road
1540 N. Loop 1604 E.
5920 Bandera Road
3820 Broadway
9210 Wurzbach
739 Hot Wells Blvd.
1227 NE Loop 410

People can also drop off relief supplies at Sam Ash Music, 25 NE Loop 410 at McCullough, San Antonio, TX 78216. Their hours are 10 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays; 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday; and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday.

What Food Items are Needed Most ...

Learn more about the continuing events....

Most Needed Food Items for Hurricane Relief victims

"Lunchable"-type Snacks and Meals
“Pop Top” Food Items
MRE's (military-style Meals Ready To Eat)
Paper goods: Plates, Cups, Diapers, Tissue items
Cleaning supplies: Bleach, Top Job, Mr. Clean type products
Water: Bottled drinking water. (NO glass containers)
Personal Hygiene Items
Canned Pasta with Sauce
Canned Vegetables
Baby Formula
Ensure in cans
Canned Stews & Soups
Canned Luncheon Meats
Peanut Butter
Macaroni and Cheese
Full Meals in a Can/Box

posted by Joe Barfield @ 7:21 PM 0 comments

Red Cross - Go to the West Gate of Joe Freeman Coliseum past the security gate and next to the horse barn (!) every day from 8am-7pm. Just go, don't call. They are waiting for you. You can sign up for shifts at various San Antonio shelters and facilities. The most needed skills are:

* Phone bank help
* Data Entry
* Medical Trades
* Commercial Drivers License
* Equipment Operators (forklifts, etc.)
* Shelter Management
* Certified Teachers
* Certified Child Care
* Advanced Computer skills for networks and form letters

Salvation Army- Go to the Kelly USA Buildings 1536 and 171 at 809 Davy Crockett Rd (which is really on Sam Houston Rd. - follow the signs once you get on Kelly). They need your help sorting donations in the warehouse from 8am to 8pm. Other volunteers are needed including picking up donations, call Kathy Thompkins at 352-2000.

The Food Bank is receiving a tremendous quantity of food. They need help sorting it. You can volunteer this week from 9am-9pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday at 43 11 Director Dr. near WW White and I-10. To learn next week's schedule, feel free to call 337-3663.

To volunteer for the United Way, call 352- 7099. They will get your info and call you back in 2-4 days. They won't put you to work right away, but things will be organized when they get to you!
The Express News Volunteer list 9/06

posted by Joe Barfield @ 7:11 PM 0 comments
What can you do for the PETS?

The Humane Society/SPCA of Bexar County is working alongside the Red Cross as evacuees arrive to process and take in pets whose owners are going into a shelter (pets are not allowed in the shelter, so the pets are coming to the Humane Society and other area animal shelters). They are also accepting donations of dog & cat food, litter, crates (especially large crates), toys and other items for both the animals that will stay in foster care here in San Antonio and, more importantly, for those pets that were left behind in New Orleans (some evacuees were told they could not bring their pets and were forced to abandon them).

If you wish to donate any of these items, do so at the Humane Society/SPCA of Bexar County, located at 4804 Fredericksburg Road, one block outside Loop 410 on the right-hand side.

posted by Joe Barfield @ 3:03 PM 0 comments
Donate Blood

Blood is in demand. To donate, please go to the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center at 6211 IH- 10 W. Click for a list of the mobile blood drives around San Antonio.

posted by Joe Barfield @ 3:03 PM 0 comments
WHERE to Donate FOOD & TOILETRIES and non-clothing items

HEB is no longer collecting food for the SA Food Bank, but you can donate cash to the Red Cross at the cash register.

The Salvation Army is accepting the key items listed above at Kelly USA building number 1536 at 809 Davy Crockett. That's just south of Hwy 90 on 36th St. Take the 36th Street exit from Hwy 90 and head south onto Kelly USA. You can follow the signs there to turn left onto Sam Houston Rd. Building 1536 is on the right. The hours are 8am - 8pm.

You can donate food items directly to the SA Food Bank at 4311 Director Dr. which is on the SE side of San Antonio near WW White.

Sam Ash Music has a collection point for the SA Food Bank at 25 NE Loop 410 at McCullough.
National Furniture Warehouse has on-going collections for the SA Food Bank at their 5 locations including:
# 14068 Nacogdoches Rd., 656-5965
# 18450 Blanco Rd., 496-2200
# 6727 NW Loop 410 near Bandera Rd., 520- 1860
# 8615 Marbach Rd., 575-7755
# 2545 SW Military, 923-3131

Goodwill turns over food donations to the SA Food Bank.

posted by Joe Barfield @ 3:00 PM 0 comments
WHERE to Donate Stuff in general

Donate your food, bedding, clothing and other items at a local level to churches, schools and other organizations. Or at remote collection facilities for the various agencies if possible.

I spoke to each agency today and they report that:
The San Antonio Food Bank wants Food and Toiletries as listed above. No clothes. No blankets.
The Salvation Army wants food, toiletries, and blankets, but no more clothes for the next week.
Goodwill will accept clothing and blankets and will accept your food & toiletry donations for the Food Bank.

So take clothing to Goodwill or smaller local agencies, but not the Salvation Army (for now). Or hang on to it for a moment.

posted by Joe Barfield @ 2:59 PM 0 comments
WHAT to donate

Cash is king. Before you hit the stores, consider donating your dinero directly to the Red Cross or Salvation Army or to the Food Bank. They can negotiate a better deal by the trailer load, plus they won't have to sort it. Donation links are in the far right column.

The Salvation Army (353-2000) is requesting, in order of importance as of 9/6:

* Large Canned Food Items
* Bottled Water
* Sports Drinks like Gatorade
* Personal Hygiene Products
* Formula
* Diapers
* No clothes or anything else for now.

The San Antonio Food Bank (337-3663) is specifically requesting as of 9/6 in order of importance:

* paper goods, plates, cups
* Diapers & Baby Wipes
* Tissue
* cleaning supplies
* water (no glass)
* single-serving snacks
* peanut butter
* heat-and-eat foods (chili, stew, canned pasta with sauce)
* baby formula
* MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)
* Ensure

Many other items will come in useful, but these items are particularly useful right now. People will absolutely need chairs and lamps and small appliances as families get placed in homes. Set them aside until we are past this phase of the relocating or donate them to community organizations specifically handling the local housing services.

Agencies cannot accept:
# Home-canned or Homemade Goods
# Rusty or Unlabeled Cans
# Alcoholic Beverages, Mixes or Soda
# Opened or Used Items
# Glass Containers (they may break)
# Baby Food in Jars
# Over-The-Counter or Prescription Drugs
# Food After or Very Close to its Expiration Date

posted by Joe Barfield @ 2:56 PM 0 comments
KatrinaSanAntonio.Blogspot.com goes live

San Antonio is home to thousands of new guests from Louisiana. They are spread among four major shelters and in private and community shelters around town. I found it difficult to deliver the items we recently collected, so I started a KatrinaSanantonio Blog to help figure out how to volunteer, what to collect, and where to take donations.
The reality is that San Antonio's relief efforts are shifting into the second phase. We are still receiving new survivors, but the massive effort to place and stabilize them is complete. The chaos is subsiding so your efforts to donate or volunteer should become more deliberate.
If I can offer one tip, it is to remain patient and understanding. So much is needed for the long haul, but not every facility is prepared to accept all items, particularly clothing right now. There are emails floating around that say "Just go to the shelters!" - Don't. The infrastructure has caught up, so please follow the guidelines for donating and volunteering below. If you have any questions, call the agencies. They can take your calls better now.
Whenever possible, pool your efforts at a community level. Volunteer with your church, work or school or have a collection drive in your community and then take the sorted and labeled goods to the SA Food Bank, or the Salvation Army, as appropriate.
Keep me posted on your efforts, frustrations and triumphs!
Take care of yourself!Joe Barfield

posted by Joe Barfield @ 2:23 PM 0 comments

09-07-2005, 09:27 AM
went to three animal shelters this weekend. the humane society and animal defense league only had a few hurricane dogs up for adoption. all the rest were being kept there bc their owners were in shelters and couldn't have them...

anyway, i also went down to the city pound across from the zoo... those are the dogs that need saving... dogs aren't killed at the humane society or adl, but they are at the pound... we rescued a dog. now our other dog is J E A L O U S !

09-07-2005, 01:33 PM
I'll be at Kelly USA tonight helping with the computer/phone banks/networking rooms.

If anyone is looking for ways to help, I really suggest following katrinasanantonio.blogspot.com

09-07-2005, 06:45 PM
ducks, you are married and have reproduced, so you can't possibly be 12.

Women, even those from New Orleans, wear bras. And I'm no expert on the culture of Louisianna, but I'm pretty sure they have monthly cycles and shave their legs also. So I'd be willing to bet they'd need the essentials to take care of that with, as well.

It's easy to take for granted basic hygiene....and that includes all the *icky* girl-stuff.


Plus... and not to be gross... but these women sat in the New Orleans heat for days in the same bras. We're talking major stinkage and heat rash. Yes, I completely understand the need for a clean bra just to feel human.

09-07-2005, 11:35 PM
Well over here in Houston.. they have redefinied the volunteer shifts because of the shortage of volunteers. this has helped me out a GREAT deal because their original shift hours were inconvienent to my regular job hours. The shifts before were 8 hour shifts, one starting at 6am-2pm, then 2pm-10pm, then 10pm-6am. Not really possible for someone who has a fulltime job. Now they no longer have any set hours you have to be there. You can go at ANY time starting at 5:30 in the morning, until 11pm. You have to commit to at least four hours. That's awesome because I can now go before, or after work, or both.

I just got back from volunteering again, but this time I won't have a long post with pics because it was not anything exciting this time. I got assigned to sitting at the entrance to the cafeteria and not let people out of there with food. They are not allowed to take food or drinks out into the cot area. So yeah, it was kinda boring and I had to be the mean lady not letting people take food out :(. Alot of people tried sneaking food out, and some people would get mad. Two little girls came to talk to me and I "hired" them to work with me, they loved it. They helped me stop people that had food and were there with me almost the entire time (4 1/2 hours). The only time I could leave my post is if someone wanted to take food out for a specific reason (they were going outside, they were taking it to an elderly or disabled person, etc) I would have to escort them to where ever they were going. So those times that I could leave I took opportunities to talk to people and stuff. I had a few nice moments. Like the time I was going back to my post, this one guy that I had seen on Monday and who had smiled at me and said hi, told two other guys "this lady right here, is pimping" and he gave me a high five. I asked him "Pimping? What does that mean?" and with a big smile on his face he said "you don't wanna know" and he kept walking. haha. really, what does that mean? anyway, I got to play with a few kids as well again. One guy sat down for a long time with me and talked to me. Then later another guy did (a clean up volunteer). So that's about it. I really love to work the floor like I did the past two days, because I get to interact with people alot more..but oh well. we'll see what tomorrow brings

09-07-2005, 11:46 PM
Awesome Spurfect.

I went out tonight for the last few hours that computer/phone bank center was up to provide computer/phone support. Basically, we just act like people in a help desk and make sure everything works as well as providing the people there with help on the computers.

I had a mixed bag of emotions tonight. I did help one lady find her brother through the online databases! The look on her face was priceless. It's very easy to get overcome by all of the emotion.

But the flipside was the many people that I helped but didn't find people. Almost every person besides the one was left with their questions unanswered. And of course you wonder how many have actually lost the people they love and will never find them and you wonder how many will in due time come across the people they are searching for. So many dejected faces tonight.

The mood in the shelter is much better now. I rode the bus down there, and as we got closer to Kelly USA a bunch of evacuees got on. I swear it got to be like a scene straight out of babershop with an older man in there who looked and souned eerilly like Cedric's character. Half the bus was rolling they were laughing so hard.

I think I'm going back tomorrow, but I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing. They are having shortages already here as well.

09-07-2005, 11:47 PM
Oh yeah, and I probably won't be posting any more pictures. They have a sign as you enter about a no camera rule.

09-07-2005, 11:50 PM
Is Kelly USA one building, a compound, or is it the entire area that was Kelly AFB?
I haven't lived in SA in 8 years and I've only just now heard of Kelly USA.

09-07-2005, 11:55 PM
Kelly USA is some of the old base. I believe much of the old base was annexed into Lackland.

The evacuees are housed in 2 main buildings at Kelly USA. I only know building 171 and it is HUGE. 35,000 sq feet is the figure I heard today. You walk forever to get from one end to the other.

09-08-2005, 12:04 AM
Manny, we do have a computer/phone center here as well for people to look for missing loved ones. I have not had the opportunity to do that yet but maybe sometime I will. I have thought about it and I also wonder how it's going to be if I can't help people find their missing loved ones. That must be tough when you can't :(. I am not sure if I could handle that. That is so great that you did get to find someone though.. I'm sure that was exciting and emotional at the same time. I bet that lady was so grateful for you.

i got the information today that we have about 23,600 evacuees here in the Reliant Complex (Reliant Arena, Reliant Center and the Astrodome). There are about 17,500 in the Astrodome!! That is the only place I have not worked yet. I have worked Reliant Arena before, which has more than Reliant Center.. and that place was pretty full and disorganized. I do want to work the Astrodome but at the same time, I love Reliant Center (there are about 2,500-3,000 there) and already have people there that I have met and got to know.

but dang..17,500 in the dome.. that must be crazy.

09-08-2005, 12:15 AM
If I'm not mistaken Spurfect, they released new numbers today that were much lower than that. I'll try to find them.

09-08-2005, 12:18 AM
let me know. I got these numbers "as of 8:25pm, 9/07/05"

09-08-2005, 12:22 AM

Leonard said Wednesday that officials were finally able to get an accurate count of the refugees staying in Houston shelters, with a total of 8,096 among four shelters including the Astrodome. That number is down by quite a bit from the estimate from the day before, a reflection of doing an actual bed count.

Here in SA we're lower as well:

In San Antonio, the refugee population in shelters has been decreasing by about 1,000 per day since Sept. 2 when the refugees began to arrive, said Art Hall, San Antonio councilman and lead relief liaison there. The total is down to about 5,200 from a high of between 13,000 and 14,000.

09-08-2005, 12:35 AM
I cannot view that link without registering.. but anyway, who is this Leonard person? I HIGHLY doubt that number.. there has to be at least 8,000 in the Astrodome alone. no way it's 8,096 in total. or my eyes are playing tricks on me..

09-08-2005, 12:39 AM
nevermind Manny, I think you're right:

As of Wednesday morning, approximately 8,000 evacuees remained at the Astrodome, Reliant Center, Reliant Arena and the George R. Brown Convention Center.

An official headcount showed 2,930 evacuees remained at the Dome, 1,800 were at Reliant Arena, 2,000 were in Reliant Center and 1,366 remained at the convention center for a total of 8,096 evacuees.

I have not gone into the Astrodome since Mon. so I guess they got rid of alot since then

09-08-2005, 12:53 AM
Weird, when I click on the link I have to register too yet I saw the article just fine without registration a few minutes ago.

09-08-2005, 09:27 AM
Jim, if you were here right now, I"d give you a big kiss!

I have a cold and it's a know fact that the only way to get rid of it is to pass it on to someone else. :)

I have a cold too. I think I caught it this weekend, being around so many people in closed quarters.

Either that, or it is sympathy symptoms for you darlin. :)

09-08-2005, 09:30 AM
I've got the same bug too. I got it from my kids (stinking carriers) and have felt like hammered dog shit all week.

For the folks that are leaving the shelters in San Antonio, anyone know if FEMA has found them apartments or the like? Just curious where they're going to.

09-08-2005, 09:31 AM
Many of them are going with relatives in other parts of the country or nearby. FEMA was going to distrubte debit cards to each adult with 2k on them today however.

09-08-2005, 03:29 PM
I went again today to volunteer and now they hired me!! Before it had all been volunteer work of course with no pay, and I was already getting worried because I've been taking time off from my regular job knowing I cant really afford it. well today I got hired at Red Cross!!! I will be helping process people to get their debit cards. data entry stuff. $11 an hour starting today. And more if I work extra of course. YIPPEEEE!!!

also, today we did start to give the debit cards and it was CHAOS. that place is SO disorganized. I mean we had 9,000 all standing in line wanting to get their cards today. Impossible. I had to go to the end of the line and start trying to coax people into leaving and coming back tomorrow. not fun I tell ya.