View Full Version : The Teacher Protection Act or "Stand Your Classroom"

02-07-2015, 12:08 AM
This bill would make it legal for teachers to shoot students if they feel threatened or to prevent vandalism...and a teacher's organization agrees..

A bill introduced in the new Texas legislature would protect teachers who shoot and kill their students.

Teachers in Texas are already allowed to carry guns in classrooms. The intent of that law was to stop a deadly massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn.

Now, Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, filed H.B. 868 —dubbed the Teacher’s Protection Act — that would allow teachers to turn their guns on their students and not face prosecution. Not only would teachers be able to shoot a student to protect themselves or others, but also to protect school property.

The Association of Texas Professional Educators said it believes this should be determined at a local level. In other words, it’s OK to kill students, but local school boards should give the green light, not the Legislature.

Read more: http://www.dallasvoice.com/bill-tx-legislature-teachers-shoot-students-10188889.html

....and when kids start bringing guns to school we'll need bigger guns in school...

Wild Cobra
02-07-2015, 12:50 AM
If you don't like this, move to California.

Wild Cobra
02-07-2015, 12:54 AM
Dan, did you even read the bill before starting this thread?


02-07-2015, 01:18 AM
Did you?

n educator is justified in using force or deadly force on school
property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event in defense
of property of the school that employs the educator if, under the
circumstances as the educator reasonably believes them to be, the
educator would be justified under Section 9.43, Penal Code, in
using force or deadly force, as applicable, in defense of property
of the school that employs the educator.

02-07-2015, 08:32 AM
Stupid bill. Thought this is why we have cops.

Wild Cobra
02-07-2015, 10:58 AM
Did you?


Got you to read something. Now...

Did you read section 9.43?

Wild Cobra
02-07-2015, 10:58 AM
Stupid bill. Thought this is why we have cops.


I carry a gun because a police officer is too heavy!

02-07-2015, 11:46 AM

I carry a gun because a police officer is too heavy!http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo268/Antpantsss/GIFs/WAT.gif

02-07-2015, 11:50 AM
How do you never understand what anyone is saying? :lol

02-07-2015, 12:15 PM
How do you never understand what anyone is saying? :lolMaybe you can tell me what WC is saying.

02-07-2015, 01:12 PM
Texas NRA leader: Teachers should be able to spank kids ‘so I don’t have to put a bullet’ in them


A high-ranking member of the Texas branch of the National Rifle Association said in a recent forum post that teachers should be allowed to use force against students in public schools, up to and including deadly force to save people like himself from having to “put a bullet” in them when they become criminals.To make matters worse, said the gun safety group Moms Demand Action reported (https://www.facebook.com/MomsDemandAction/photos/a.300767940041133.70846.300719666712627/724035011047755/?type=1&theater)Charles “Chas” Cotton was making the remarks in such a way (http://www.texaschlforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=133&t=76104&sid=4de20e324db1fb23ac002142b81f3bbc) as to appear to subtly threaten a black female state legislator’s family.

Democratic State Rep. Alma Allen has recently proposed legislation to stop corporal punishment in all public primary and secondary schools in Texas. Currently, a patchwork of laws is in effect across the state. Many school districts allow parents to sign a waiver each year authorizing school personnel to hit their children.

The Texas NRA’s Cotton said that Rep. Allen is getting above herself.

“I’m sick of this woman and her ‘don’t touch my kid regardless what he/she did or will do again’ attitude,” Cotton fumed in a post on the Texas Concealed Handgun License forum (http://www.texaschlforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=133&t=76104&sid=4de20e324db1fb23ac002142b81f3bbc). “Perhaps a good paddling in school may keep me from having to put a bullet in him later.”


Wild Cobra
02-07-2015, 03:53 PM
Maybe you can tell me what WC is saying.

How often is a police office around when you need one?

02-07-2015, 05:03 PM
If you feel the need to have an armed presence around, hire a cop. Lots of schools with security officers.

02-07-2015, 05:06 PM
How often is a police office around when you need one?

Pretty often if you need one. I could call now and a cop would be here in less than 5 minutes...

02-07-2015, 05:08 PM
How often is a police office around when you need one?

Unless, your saying you can't protect yourself without a gun for less than 5 minutes...

02-07-2015, 07:09 PM
How often is a police office around when you need one?

What are you dealing?
Who do you have after you?
It must suck being a fugitive. Ex CIA, you did some bad things for your country, God bless you soldier.

I gotta be getting warm.

02-07-2015, 07:28 PM
How often is a police office around when you need one?What does that have to do with their weight?

02-07-2015, 07:36 PM
What does that have to do with their weight?

guess you didn't get the joke.

02-07-2015, 08:51 PM
guess you didn't get the joke.

Toting around an individual police officer on one's hip, versus an entire police office .... is a huge difference in mass.

Lets mix it up some more, shall we?

02-07-2015, 09:28 PM
guess you didn't get the joke.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....

02-08-2015, 12:49 AM
So teachers can justifiably shoot a student if they put gum under the table or write swear words in the bathroom stalls?

Teachers gonna become the new cops tbh.

02-08-2015, 09:53 AM
yeah, because school doesn't feel enough like a prison to most kids. gotta go ahead and arm the guards....er....teachers while they're at it.

02-08-2015, 12:23 PM
We already train police officers on when and when not to use deadly force, and we've seen the flaws in that instruction. Now we expect teachers to exercise that kind of judgement?

02-08-2015, 12:32 PM
I disagree with the "property" part but think teachers should be able to defend themselves if they think their life or the life of others is in danger.

Wild Cobra
02-08-2015, 12:34 PM
So teachers can justifiably shoot a student if they put gum under the table or write swear words in the bathroom stalls?

Teachers gonna become the new cops tbh.

You know, when you guys take an article at face value, without looking anything up, you look like total idiots.

I posted the law, and it refers to section 9.43, which in turn, refers to 9.41 and 9.42.

If you guys are too lazy too look these up, but continue to make ignorant posts... what can I say...

You guys are total dumnfucks!

02-08-2015, 12:58 PM
Teachers openly carrying guns in schools, I assume at all grade levels, is fantastic (subliminal) advertising, brain-washing for the gun industry.

Kids see teachers as power, authority figures, are easily suggestible, influenceable, above all by actions, examples rather by just words.

"My (loved or respected or feared) teacher has a gun, so I want a gun" is a kid's obvious conclusion.

You gun fellators and the gun fellatin whore assholes you elect are nasty, perverse, sickos.

02-08-2015, 01:48 PM
You know, when you guys take an article at face value, without looking anything up, you look like total idiots.

I posted the law, and it refers to section 9.43, which in turn, refers to 9.41 and 9.42.

If you guys are too lazy too look these up, but continue to make ignorant posts... what can I say...

You guys are total dumnfucks!

I read your link. As i said:

"So teachers can justifiably shoot a student if they put gum under the table or write swear words in the bathroom stalls?

Teachers gonna become the new cops tbh."

02-08-2015, 01:54 PM
So a child stealing a projector can be killed by a teacher?

Help me out here, WC.

The Reckoning
02-08-2015, 02:02 PM
lol kids