View Full Version : NBA: Does the NBA do random drug testing for steroids? (MMA related)

02-11-2015, 10:02 PM
I dunno if you guys heard but MMA was recently forced to start random drug testing instead of the standard scheduled testing and since they started only 3 months ago there have been career altering drug busts

- Jon Jones for cocaine
- Anderson Silva for steroids
- Lombard (relatively famous MMA fighter) for steroids
- Nick Diaz (weed obviously)

This is only a few months in. Joe Rogan commented today that the problem with steroids is an epidemic today and every athlete wants an edge at all costs.

I know the NBA is not a sport where being buff really benefits you but the benefits of certain steroids can help you recover from games better, have better stamina, etc.

I'm just curious if the NBA does the same random drug testing that actually works or if they do that lame shit where they tell you months in advance so you can cycle around it.

The last time I read the policy, it said only during the offseason which is a HUGE joke if thats true.

02-11-2015, 10:54 PM
They should do stupidity testing on fake doctors.

02-11-2015, 11:06 PM
No they don't..

02-12-2015, 12:15 AM
NBAs smart enough to know that athletic players sell and they're not gonna expose them for some arbitrary moral integrity or whatever nonsense people try to peddle about AAS
we all know its being used by LeHgh and Dwade, just look at their jaws since coming into the league and a few years later

theyll occasionally expose random scrubs like Hedo so they can at least say they're doing it

Clipper Nation
02-12-2015, 12:21 AM
I'd say it would be Kirby stans' worst nightmare, but we all know the league would just cover it up and not do anything WHEN Kirby gets busted.

02-12-2015, 12:38 AM
Lebeta's case is the most blatant case of PED abuse in sports history.

Loses weight during the summer, returns to Cleveland, not displaying the same level of play from previous seasons, decides to make a mid-season trip to meet is PED contact in Miami obviously, Cavaliers go on a 12 game winning streak.

Everyone knows it, NBA won't do anything to hurt one of their cash cows though.

02-12-2015, 12:58 AM
They should do stupidity testing on fake doctors.

They should do a dick test for how many you sucked