View Full Version : Lakers: Jack Nicholson over it with Lakers

02-22-2015, 08:41 PM

02-22-2015, 08:45 PM
A good time Charlie. Can't stand the gaffe.

Big shot.

Kool Bob Love
02-22-2015, 08:48 PM
you could feel the hurt in that post.:lol

02-22-2015, 08:58 PM
you could feel the hurt in that post.:lol

Of course you can. I don't play that pussy game you and your buddies play, where no matter what happens,,,IT'S A GOOD THING.

A fuck like this takes a powder in broad daylight. Every fucking time he needed them, they were there. And he can't even stand up for 5 years without getting cold feet and stepping out the door. Turns out,,,he never gave a shit.

Strange Love
02-22-2015, 09:18 PM

02-22-2015, 09:27 PM
Suddenly it matters what a fan thinks.

02-22-2015, 11:04 PM
Hi, my posting style is like this. Basically I'm a girl on her period and whining in every fucking thread I come in contact with. I add absolutely nothing but I really want to bring in my negative vibe in case it goes a basketball direction which is not what these boards are about

02-22-2015, 11:13 PM

02-23-2015, 12:43 AM
H (http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/22/jack-nicholson-ill-sell-you-my-lakers-tix-im-not-going-as-much)i, I pretend to be a doctor on the internet, then I wish death on random people. I really like to post any random TMZ rag articles about Bieber or Kardashians, then I love to try to stoke support from the local .5 Alphas by posting pics of girls I cannot fuck and talking about boxing, something I'd get destroyed at if I ever stopped driving this cab long enough to try it. It's an Armenian world my friend. I'm not really a Lakers fan (had yall fooled I know) but I'm hard and I have a thousand yard stare in the selfies I've taken. I'm not sure whether I should be straight up on here or keep trying to gain internet fame by being Fabbs 2.0.

02-23-2015, 01:15 AM
Lol besteva and DMC

02-23-2015, 01:29 AM
"if I ever stopped driving this cab long enough to try it. "


02-23-2015, 01:33 AM
:lol It's really hard to offend me about the doctor joke because I am a doctor. So every time I read it, it's actually flattering that you think think so highly of the doctor status that I have to chuckle. If I wasn't then yeah it would be very pathetic to pass it off on this forum of all forums.