View Full Version : NBA's Stephen Jackson: I'm Still Bangin' My Estranged Wife ... So Call Off Divorce!

02-24-2015, 11:50 AM
If you're still intercourse'n ... there's no divorce'n -- so says ex-NBA star Stephen Jackson ... who's asking a judge to throw out his wife's divorce petition because they're still knockin' boots like a married couple. It's one of the strangest legal documents TMZ Sports has ever seen ... Jackson says the judge should NOT grant his wife Renata a divorce because he believes she's just trying to score a prenup payout ... when in actuality, they're still very much a couple.


02-24-2015, 11:53 AM
:cry The Anti-Spur :cry

02-24-2015, 01:03 PM
Stephen Jackson trying to set legal precedents. :lmao

Plum Island
02-24-2015, 02:48 PM
I hope he wins.