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04-03-2015, 12:44 AM

Why is the whole world fascinated with these guys?

Men who dont even know german suddenly become attached and give up their lives for a dead nation

And its not them either,no the whole world is obsessed with this nation

Hollywood keeps making movies
The internet has made more and more content about them from weird fantasies to comedy
Russia never shuts up about how they defeated them
America says they despise them,yet many they also have a secret hard on for them

Seruously this one medium sized nation has managed to out do legendary empires like rome and greece in only a few years in terms of infamy

Despite them being a part of a team no one gives a damn about the other 2 axis italy and japan

So why the hell is the world so damn in love with these guys?

04-03-2015, 12:51 AM
What about the people in that pic who had to go to the bathroom? Don't see any port-a-potties...

04-03-2015, 12:54 AM
Jews make it a priority to make Nazis relevant so the dumb public will sympathise with the kikes even though they are disgusting creatures that ought to be annihilated from existence.

04-03-2015, 01:15 AM
Hopefully Iran gets the bomb

04-03-2015, 01:22 AM
I think its just more how the whole concept of Nazi Germany existing is surreal

like look at that fucking rally
that actually happened
there was not 1 non-German there

Everything the Nazis did was just surreal.
Unimaginable to anyone before or after yet it still happened.

04-03-2015, 01:29 AM
Nazis ability to efficiently round up wealthy influential jews like rats scares the living shit out of the wealthy elite today

Nazi defeat is used as a Western Society multicultural teaching tool "see how the so called Master Race lost?"

To an extent Europe focuses on the Nazis, while USA focuses on Hitler. He is still a center part of American politics.

As a Pole, I'm great ful that Poland especially Warsaw was cleansed of Jews. They are still an underground influence but nowhere near as manipulative as in the USA

My mother shared a story recently. During the War a family friend discovered a Jewish man hiding in the basement of a bakery. Every week the woman would leave him food and then run back upstairs. He survived the War because of her. The woman lost her husband in the War. The jewish man immigrated to New York. Decades later, after the womans daughter had grown up etc, the jewish man returned. He was now filthy rich, owned an entire block of property in NY. She relocated there. Her grandson eventually also moved after experiencing the wealthy lifestyle. But the daughter never left Polska.

How did he all the other Jewish war survivors accumulate so much wealth? Can you even comprehend the amount of nepotism that was occurring?

04-03-2015, 06:24 AM
America despises them Nazis yet still uses their genius ideas to build jet engines. The Reich scientists contributed much more to the advancement of technology in the early half of 20th century than their American counterparts (if not the whole rest of the world) did in the same period, tbh. The Apollo missions would've been delayed by a few decades but for the invention of V2 rockets by the German scientists, and don't forget that Einstein was born a German too.

04-03-2015, 07:15 AM
Whats bigger?

Moneyweather vs. Pacman


Hitler vs ISIS?

04-03-2015, 07:24 AM
America despises them Nazis yet still uses their genius ideas to build jet engines. The Reich scientists contributed much more to the advancement of technology in the early half of 20th century than their American counterparts (if not the whole rest of the world) did in the same period, tbh. The Apollo missions would've been delayed by a few decades but for the invention of V2 rockets by the German scientists, and don't forget that Einstein was born a German too.

One, American scientist already were working on Rockets and Nuclear energy. The Manhattan Project started a few years before Einstein came to America. He just facilitated the process. Two, despite their technological advancement, we kicked their asses not once, but twice is a 25 year span.

I am Spanish and German descend. Honestly, I am proud of my Texas and American Heritage. But I actually don't like either of the forementioned country. I do like Germany, just not ones like MS. MS shows you the supercilious attitudes that a lot Germans have, yet they got their asses handed to them twice by America.

Spain, I am glad we kicked the living shit out of them in the late 1800's and basically drove them off the Western Hemisphere. 18 to 1 death ratio of Spanish to Americans in the Spanish American war. That is called a major whoop ass. Spain was nothing more than a Catholic loving, race hating, slave trading, murdering country.

I am glad that country is in financial turmoil. I love Spanish music and architect. But its people are a bunch of race hating sex crazed fools.

Believe me, Americans don't love Germans. I have to say I appreciate their attention to detail and discipline they have in their society. And quite honestly, is something to be emulated.

My daughter is in a Magnet school where she is learning German. Won the school award for the best German student as she speaks 4 languages now at 9 years old (English, Russian, German, and Spanish).

04-03-2015, 07:25 AM
The dune coons can't muster a decent rally without catching a tomahawk.

04-03-2015, 08:34 AM
People think Hitler was a genius because of his speeches and how he drag the whole Germany to the arian shit. But Germany was a demoralized, bullied contry after the WWWI and the Treaty of Versailles. Then Hitler came with the arian superior race bullshit, the nationalist rant. Easy job.
But as a strategist, Hitler was stupid enough to invade Russia in the winter, almost stupid as the japanese attacking Pearl Harbour without resources to fight a continental dimension country like the U.S.

The germans never were at the same level of civilization as the greeks and romans. They were a fucking bunch of barbarians, as the britons. Only from the 18th century Germany started to get some intelectual relevance, in the music, arts, philosophy, architeture. From Mozart to the Bauhaus, the Golden age of Germany was between the 18th century and the early 20th century, until... Hitler emerged.

Red Hawk #21
04-03-2015, 08:52 AM

Why is the whole world fascinated with these guys?

Men who dont even know german suddenly become attached and give up their lives for a dead nation

And its not them either,no the whole world is obsessed with this nation

Hollywood keeps making movies
The internet has made more and more content about them from weird fantasies to comedy
Russia never shuts up about how they defeated them
America says they despise them,yet many they also have a secret hard on for them

Seruously this one medium sized nation has managed to out do legendary empires like rome and greece in only a few years in terms of infamy

Despite them being a part of a team no one gives a damn about the other 2 axis italy and japan

So why the hell is the world so damn in love with these guys?

Do you think it's true that many of the Brown Shirts (SA) and SS personnel were homosexuals and child molesters? I think I recall reading in one of my books on Nazi Germany that children were being raped and molested at the hands of the SA and SS in places such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Mauthausen.

04-03-2015, 09:08 AM
Do you think it's true that many of the Brown Shirts (SA) and SS personnel were homosexuals and child molesters? I think I recall reading in one of my books on Nazi Germany that children were being raped and molested at the hands of the SA and SS in places such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Mauthausen.

The winners tell the history as they want. The germans were cruel, but historically, the rapists and molesters were the american soldiers. Until today, just ask the iraqi people and the people where the american bases are installed.

Red Hawk #21
04-03-2015, 09:13 AM
The winners tell the history as they want. The germans were cruel, but historically, the rapists and molesters were the american soldiers. Until today, just ask the iraqi people and the people where the american bases are installed.

But we're not discussing the American soldiers. This is a thread about National Socialist Germany.

04-03-2015, 12:00 PM
They are evolution, they are the truth.

In a short years they have proved the strength of the TRUTH, and will of a nation bonded by an unbreakable bond, set on being masters of themselves.




Nazi Germany was the epitome of human nation evolution

04-03-2015, 12:18 PM
It's probably the whole overcoming great odds and turning a battered Germany into an economic and military superpower thing.

Also the technology was decades ahead of the allies, even when they were getting the shit kicked out of them towards the end.

They had jet aircraft when the allies were flying around in pussy propeller planes.

They had the V-2 rocket. Technology which the Americans took in operation paperclip and basically used to get onto the moon.

Not only that, they also invented the first assault rifle, the StG 44.

So you ask why people are fascinated by them? They created great society, culture and technology. You don't have to agree with its views or it's creations, but nobody can deny that what they created was great.

04-03-2015, 12:20 PM
Nazi germany was almost mythological. I think they are as close as we will ever get to a modern era rome. When rome fell the dark ages began and when nazi germany fell a similar kind of dark ages began.

04-03-2015, 12:26 PM
One, American scientist already were working on Rockets and Nuclear energy. The Manhattan Project started a few years before Einstein came to America. He just facilitated the process. Two, despite their technological advancement, we kicked their asses not once, but twice is a 25 year span.

I am Spanish and German descend. Honestly, I am proud of my Texas and American Heritage. But I actually don't like either of the forementioned country. I do like Germany, just not ones like MS. MS shows you the supercilious attitudes that a lot Germans have, yet they got their asses handed to them twice by America.

Spain, I am glad we kicked the living shit out of them in the late 1800's and basically drove them off the Western Hemisphere. 18 to 1 death ratio of Spanish to Americans in the Spanish American war. That is called a major whoop ass. Spain was nothing more than a Catholic loving, race hating, slave trading, murdering country.

I am glad that country is in financial turmoil. I love Spanish music and architect. But its people are a bunch of race hating sex crazed fools.

Believe me, Americans don't love Germans. I have to say I appreciate their attention to detail and discipline they have in their society. And quite honestly, is something to be emulated.

My daughter is in a Magnet school where she is learning German. Won the school award for the best German student as she speaks 4 languages now at 9 years old (English, Russian, German, and Spanish).
America fought Hitler Youth (Nazi troops on Western Front were extremely young) when Germany was already retreating. If Operation Barbarossa occurred on North American land, you would have been steam rolled in 3 months.

Which is why you needed to resort to the Atomic Bomb to finish the badly equipped Japs and lost to Vietnam 20 years later

USA would have gotten ass handed by either side on the Eastern Front. You jumped on the Nazis dead corpse and now release a yearly Jewish Hollywood film celebrating your supposed victory over the Nazis. Europe continues to laugh at your Nationalistic ignorance

04-03-2015, 12:28 PM
What's with the non-aryan worshiping the Reich?

04-03-2015, 12:30 PM
What's with the non-aryan worshiping the Reich?

a lot of nonwhites appreciate national socialism, it's huge all across latin america and let's not forget that argentina harbored all of the top german officials in the postwar years. national socialism can be applied to any people or country, it isn't necessarily a white thing.

04-03-2015, 12:39 PM
a lot of nonwhites appreciate national socialism, it's huge all across latin america and let's not forget that argentina harbored all of the top german officials in the postwar years. national socialism can be applied to any people or country, it isn't necessarily a white thing.

Yet you're more focused on the military-culture of the Reich. Where's the appreciation for the movement which instilled nationalism within the German people? It certainly wasn't the anti-semantic propaganda or the militarization of the country. You just seem to appreciate the parts which we see on the History channel.

04-03-2015, 01:23 PM
Yet you're more focused on the military-culture of the Reich. Where's the appreciation for the movement which instilled nationalism within the German people? It certainly wasn't the anti-semantic propaganda or the militarization of the country. You just seem to appreciate the parts which we see on the History channel.
Depends how far you want to go. Yes Hitler booted Jews out of Europe but hindsight, it opened the door for Africans and Muslims. In particular his own nation. Then again I think many would argue Hitler gave up on the surviving Germans because the best had already perished and only the weak (losers of the War) remained

Is Hitler having the last laugh as Germany is the economic power of Europe? Or did Hitler turn Europe into such a melting pot that is un-reverse able.

04-03-2015, 02:01 PM
Yet you're more focused on the military-culture of the Reich. Where's the appreciation for the movement which instilled nationalism within the German people? It certainly wasn't the anti-semantic propaganda or the militarization of the country. You just seem to appreciate the parts which we see on the History channel.

Anti-semantic? Against meaning in language and logic?

Cry Havoc
04-03-2015, 02:23 PM
America fought Hitler Youth (Nazi troops on Western Front were extremely young) when Germany was already retreating. If Operation Barbarossa occurred on North American land, you would have been steam rolled in 3 months.

:lmao That's because we were developing our industrial and post-industrial economy instead of spending our entire country's fortune and labor force building tanks.

04-03-2015, 02:26 PM
Anti-semantic? Against meaning in language and logic?

Feeling generous today, here's another pity reply. Check between your folds, maybe you'll find a half eaten chicken leg to reward yourself with.

04-03-2015, 02:30 PM
Yet you're more focused on the military-culture of the Reich. Where's the appreciation for the movement which instilled nationalism within the German people? It certainly wasn't the anti-semantic propaganda or the militarization of the country. You just seem to appreciate the parts which we see on the History channel.

i am completely fascinated with the fact that he inspired an entire nation to fight against the oppression, a true david vs goliath story albeit with a sad ending. a medium sized country of 80 million people had no business even lasting a week against the 4 biggest world powers, much less fighting them for 6 years and occupying most of europe. that goes to show you that they had a lot of support outside of the reich. i forget the exact numbers, but it takes something like an army 10% of the size of the population they are occupying in order to secure it properly. which germany obviously didn't have, but they had the support of the local people so it didn't matter. they try to spin it as germany trying to take over the world, but in reality they had the support of italy, spain, the baltics, ukraine, and the scandinavian countries basically all of europe except the UK and the french govt that got overthrown, the french people however under vichy france supported them wholeheartedly.

aside from that, i think that the economic miracle was amazing and i am in awe of how happy and peaceful germany was in those years before the war. if i gave the impression that i only care about the military aspect of nazi germany then that was never my intention.


04-03-2015, 02:35 PM

04-03-2015, 02:36 PM
Feeling generous today, here's another pity reply. Check between your folds, maybe you'll find a half eaten chicken leg to reward yourself with.

Predictable immigrant response from shitty alt.

04-03-2015, 02:36 PM
If they had the support of the Scandinavian countries, why did they kill all those Norwegians and Danes when they invaded those countries?

04-03-2015, 02:41 PM
i am completely fascinated with the fact that he inspired an entire nation to fight against the oppression, a true david vs goliath story albeit with a sad ending. a medium sized country of 80 million people had no business even lasting a week against the 4 biggest world powers, much less fighting them for 6 years and occupying most of europe. that goes to show you that they had a lot of support outside of the reich. i forget the exact numbers, but it takes something like an army 10% of the size of the population they are occupying in order to secure it properly. which germany obviously didn't have, but they had the support of the local people so it didn't matter. they try to spin it as germany trying to take over the world, but in reality they had the support of italy, spain, the baltics, ukraine, and the scandinavian countries basically all of europe except the UK and the french govt that got overthrown, the french people however under vichy france supported them wholeheartedly.

aside from that, i think that the economic miracle was amazing and i am in awe of how happy and peaceful germany was in those years before the war. if i gave the impression that i only care about the military aspect of nazi germany then that was never my intention.


Just saying that there's a line between interest and being one of the stormfront members.

04-03-2015, 03:04 PM
so beautiful...sigh


04-03-2015, 03:20 PM

:lmao Quitters

04-03-2015, 04:08 PM
Nazi germany was almost mythological. I think they are as close as we will ever get to a modern era rome. When rome fell the dark ages began and when nazi germany fell a similar kind of dark ages began.

The german dark ages started with the nazis. They Burned books, brainwashed the population, made the Frankfurt School notables (most of them were jews)ran off the country, as most of the german intelectuals..

04-08-2015, 08:51 AM
America fought Hitler Youth (Nazi troops on Western Front were extremely young) when Germany was already retreating. If Operation Barbarossa occurred on North American land, you would have been steam rolled in 3 months.

Which is why you needed to resort to the Atomic Bomb to finish the badly equipped Japs and lost to Vietnam 20 years later

USA would have gotten ass handed by either side on the Eastern Front. You jumped on the Nazis dead corpse and now release a yearly Jewish Hollywood film celebrating your supposed victory over the Nazis. Europe continues to laugh at your Nationalistic ignorance

Please, and it wasn't like America wasn't fighting with 18+YO as well. America just beat them fair and square. And no, America would not have gotten beaten by Germany. You guys couldn't even beat England or Russia, couldn't even get to Moscow.

America let Pearl Harbor happen so we would join the war as many Americans wanted Isolationism and nothing part of the Europe's mess once again. Do you think it was coincidence that All 4 carriers were out on secret maneuvers during the time of the attack.

Germans and the state of Prussia were great fighters, but I recall Washington and his men putting an whopping on these guys in the Revolutionary War as well. When once again, they were outgunned and outnumbered.

America use, and I mean use to be a very proud and just nation and yes, had the best fighters in the world. The avg Kill to death ratio for Americans to their opposition has been a staggering 1 to 4+ ratio throughout its war, exclude Civil war as it was fought amongst ourselves.

Germany is a great nation and has improved the world with its technology. But they are hardly the Superior race as they were Barbarians for centuries. It's amazing how great a nation can become when it accepts cultural and discipline in its society, which are the very elements that made America great as well and something we are losing by the year in our current society.

04-08-2015, 02:24 PM
Please, and it wasn't like America wasn't fighting with 18+YO as well. America just beat them fair and square. And no, America would not have gotten beaten by Germany. You guys couldn't even beat England or Russia, couldn't even get to Moscow.

America let Pearl Harbor happen so we would join the war as many Americans wanted Isolationism and nothing part of the Europe's mess once again. Do you think it was coincidence that All 4 carriers were out on secret maneuvers during the time of the attack.

Germans and the state of Prussia were great fighters, but I recall Washington and his men putting an whopping on these guys in the Revolutionary War as well. When once again, they were outgunned and outnumbered.

America use, and I mean use to be a very proud and just nation and yes, had the best fighters in the world. The avg Kill to death ratio for Americans to their opposition has been a staggering 1 to 4+ ratio throughout its war, exclude Civil war as it was fought amongst ourselves.

Germany is a great nation and has improved the world with its technology. But they are hardly the Superior race as they were Barbarians for centuries. It's amazing how great a nation can become when it accepts cultural and discipline in its society, which are the very elements that made America great as well and something we are losing by the year in our current society.


Perhaps 15 years ago, I was watching a documentary on the battle of Stalingrad. During this gruesome broadcast, former German and Soviet soldiers provided running commentary on the savagery of that campaign and also confessed their grudging respect for the ferocity of their adversary on the battlefield. Both Germans and Soviets said their counterparts were brutal fighters.

At which point, the interviewer asked one of the former German soldiers, "And what of the American soldiers? How fearful were you of them?" The German looked at the camera, chuckled, then snarled, "Nobody had any respect for the American soldier."

Read Max Hasting's "Overlord" -- he goes into considerable comparisons between American, British, and German combat "styles". The book is about the whole 2-3 month campaign until the "breakout" from the hedgerows.

His claim is that the average German soldier inflicted 50% more casualties than the average American soldier. This, he says, held true throughout the war regardless of battle conditions, i.e, regardless of what side had techtical, numeric or strategic superiority in a given situation. It held true even when the Allies were decoding German military communications faster than the Germans were

You defeated Japs and their shockingly pathetic weaponry. Your performance on the European continent was laughable. You would have been trounced by Nazis or Soviets. You couldn't even defeat Vietnamese 25 years later. America is insignificant in WW2 European theater.

04-08-2015, 02:44 PM

You defeated Japs and their shockingly pathetic weaponry. Your performance on the European continent was laughable. You would have been trounced by Nazis or Soviets. You couldn't even defeat Vietnamese 25 years later. America is insignificant in WW2 European theater.

Laughable. I recall the Americans marching into Berlin twice. It's easy to kill people sitting in bunkers and shooting machine guns. Despite that, we still kick their asses. Germans were a bunch of pussy cowards, evident by their military leaders fleeing to South America and various other countries before the war ended. Once the war shifted to an even footing in Europe it was no contest. Who cares if they had or had no respect for American solider. That is the reason they got a beat.

Germany couldn't even beat the Americans at the Battle of the Bulge, where they initially out numbered the Americans 4 to 1, had air superiority, had artillery superiority. That battle showed anyone who was the better soldiers. American Solider didn't duck and run when they were outnumbered 4 TO 1 when Hitler implement his blitzkrieg one last time and failed miserably. And you said that Germans would have steamrolled America. Please, they had every opportunity AND FAILED. Prompting Germany's pussy leader to commit Suicide like the PUSSY he was.

And for the Soviets, America could have beat the shit out of them after WWII. It's just that many politicians, generals and such were already tired of war after fighting two fronts and just didn't bother with Russia.

Really, I guess 59,000 Americans dying to over 2.5 mil North Vietnamese dying means America got their asses handed to them. That was a war our government didn't let us win. We basically withdrew because the American populous was just tired of seeing American troops die for no reason.

I am sorry to break it to you, but America no matter what you say defeated Germany, not once, but twice in their own Backyard.

04-08-2015, 02:55 PM
Laughable. I recall the Americans marching into Berlin twice. It's easy to kill people sitting in bunkers and shooting machine guns. Despite that, we still kick their asses. Germans were a bunch of pussy cowards, evident by their military leaders fleeing to South America and various other countries before the war ended. Once the war shifted to an even footing in Europe it was no contest. Who cares if they had or had no respect for American solider. That is the reason they got a beat.

Germany couldn't even beat the Americans at the Battle of the Bulge, where they initially out numbered the Americans 4 to 1, had air superiority, had artillery superiority. That battle showed anyone who was the better soldiers. American Solider didn't duck and run when they were outnumbered 4 TO 1 when Hitler implement his blitzkrieg one last time and failed miserably. And you said that Germans would have steamrolled America. Please, they had every opportunity AND FAILED. Prompting Germany's pussy leader to commit Suicide like the PUSSY he was.

And for the Soviets, America could have beat the shit out of them after WWII. It's just that many politicians, generals and such were already tired of war after fighting two fronts and just didn't bother with Russia.

Really, I guess 59,000 Americans dying to over 2.5 mil North Vietnamese dying means America got their asses handed to them. That was a war our government didn't let us win. We basically withdrew because the American populous was just tired of seeing American troops die for no reason.

I am sorry to break it to you, but America no matter what you say defeated Germany, not once, but twice in their own Backyard.

My nigga.


04-08-2015, 04:18 PM
Some similarities to scientology, imo

04-08-2015, 06:10 PM
Lmao this guy just said germany had air superiority at the battle of the bulge!!!!! Lmfao there was no Luftwaffe at that point and the only reason it wasn't successful is we literally ran out of gasoline for our panzer divisions! Germany was battered at fighting at roughly 30% of full strength. American ignorance ever ceases to amaze.

04-08-2015, 06:26 PM
Lol Murica showing up only after the Euro superpowers had weakened each other

04-08-2015, 06:27 PM
Laughable. I recall the Americans marching into Berlin twice. It's easy to kill people sitting in bunkers and shooting machine guns. Despite that, we still kick their asses. Germans were a bunch of pussy cowards, evident by their military leaders fleeing to South America and various other countries before the war ended. Once the war shifted to an even footing in Europe it was no contest. Who cares if they had or had no respect for American solider. That is the reason they got a beat.

Germany couldn't even beat the Americans at the Battle of the Bulge, where they initially out numbered the Americans 4 to 1, had air superiority, had artillery superiority. That battle showed anyone who was the better soldiers. American Solider didn't duck and run when they were outnumbered 4 TO 1 when Hitler implement his blitzkrieg one last time and failed miserably. And you said that Germans would have steamrolled America. Please, they had every opportunity AND FAILED. Prompting Germany's pussy leader to commit Suicide like the PUSSY he was.

And for the Soviets, America could have beat the shit out of them after WWII. It's just that many politicians, generals and such were already tired of war after fighting two fronts and just didn't bother with Russia.

Really, I guess 59,000 Americans dying to over 2.5 mil North Vietnamese dying means America got their asses handed to them. That was a war our government didn't let us win. We basically withdrew because the American populous was just tired of seeing American troops die for no reason.

I am sorry to break it to you, but America no matter what you say defeated Germany, not once, but twice in their own Backyard.
In European Theater, the Americans posses 5th or lower claim to defeating the Nazis. I dunno what Hollywood film you are basing your perspective on. I've visited these places, no mention of Americans. You are the Matt Bonner of WW2, coming in when Heat are down double digits in the clinching game.

You joined late and still struggled against Hitler's backup men (18 year olds). The Nazis were battling on the Eastern Front. The teenagers still held serve on the West.

Europeans don't give a shit about War in the Pacific so American contribution in WW2 doesn't exist to us Europeans. Just like no one gives a damn about Matt Bonner's contribution last year.

04-08-2015, 06:28 PM
That diuchebag should learn a little history, the germans specifically waited for bad weather to shield their ground operations from overwhelming air superiority


04-08-2015, 06:52 PM
Feeling generous today, here's another pity reply. Check between your folds, maybe you'll find a half eaten chicken leg to reward yourself with.


04-08-2015, 07:20 PM
Still makes me laugh that the majority of Americans believe they, by themselves, 'saved the world from fascism and communism' twice in the space of 50 years.

04-08-2015, 09:55 PM
Lmao this guy just said germany had air superiority at the battle of the bulge!!!!! Lmfao there was no Luftwaffe at that point and the only reason it wasn't successful is we literally ran out of gasoline for our panzer divisions! Germany was battered at fighting at roughly 30% of full strength. American ignorance ever ceases to amaze.

What are you talking about. That is the battle where they unleash their top secret planes and bombers, you the first jet propulsion aircraft. They unleashed the Tigers tanks as well, which the allies RPGs where useless against. They employeed the tactic you saw on Saving Private Ryan where they used sticky bombs to immobilize them. That is where the movie got that idea from.

Hitler threw his best at the Americans And still lost. You race hating fool will spin it any different ways to make it like Germany should have won if not for this or that. Americans were superior fighters, plain and simple. Like I said, they did it twice and proved it was no fluke.

04-08-2015, 10:05 PM
Lol you are really trying to argue facts right in the face of evidence? I can posts links all day showing that the Americans/british had air superiority at that time.

and the tiger tank debuted before the battle of the bulge, and tiger II was introduced at Normandy

all i i have to say is lol

04-08-2015, 10:06 PM
In European Theater, the Americans posses 5th or lower claim to defeating the Nazis. I dunno what Hollywood film you are basing your perspective on. I've visited these places, no mention of Americans. You are the Matt Bonner of WW2, coming in when Heat are down double digits in the clinching game.

You joined late and still struggled against Hitler's backup men (18 year olds). The Nazis were battling on the Eastern Front. The teenagers still held serve on the West.

Europeans don't give a shit about War in the Pacific so American contribution in WW2 doesn't exist to us Europeans. Just like no one gives a damn about Matt Bonner's contribution last year.

Late. What the f are you talking about. England was in shambles and Russians were holding on for dear life. Americans played it smart and first attack Rommel, the desert fox, in North Africa. Americans drove the Nazi's back. After months of just bombing runs in Europe, America planned D Day, which the British were utterly useless apart from being a port for our troops to land for transit.

the nail in coffin for Germany is that Rommel was driven from Africa and America invaded Italy, taking in only two months as Hilter never planned for a Southern assault. The American generals in Ike, Patton,and co. Just took the you guys to school while MacArthur and Nimitz took Japan to school in the Pacific. I watched 1,000 of hours of actual war footage and read countless books. What you are spewing is propaganda. Americans won that war so quickly from much better tactics and a superior fighting force.

Germany had all the advantage once America started in the war as they controlled continental Europe and all of North Africa. They could sit and bunker in for any assault by the Americans.

04-08-2015, 10:13 PM
That diuchebag should learn a little history, the germans specifically waited for bad weather to shield their ground operations from overwhelming air superiority


At the initial assault. Maybe you Need to work on your reading comprehension. They used bad weather as not to alert the allies of an assault. They blitzkrieg the Americans, and at the initial juncture of that assault, they had superiority. But the Americans held their own until reinforcements arrived. It was projected that the war could have lasted for over another year possibly two if the Nazi had driven the Americans back. But they didn't, and that gamble was Hilter's last stand and Germany was done after it.

04-08-2015, 10:14 PM
"The Germans attacked a weakly defended section of the Allied line, taking advantage of heavily overcast weather conditions, which grounded the Allies' overwhelmingly superior air forces."


go fuck yourself n!gger, lol americans

04-08-2015, 10:20 PM
"The Germans attacked a weakly defended section of the Allied line, taking advantage of heavily overcast weather conditions, which grounded the Allies' overwhelmingly superior air forces."


go fuck yourself n!gger, lol americans

Exactly, they were useless while Germany used what was left of theirs. Like I said, it was a good strategy by Hitler, but he didn't count on those Americans holding their own during the time they were outmatched. Despite facing superior force, those Americans held out for almost two days until reinforcements arrived. That is what Germany got for not respecting the American GI, another failed campaign.

04-08-2015, 10:21 PM
Germany had all the advantage once America started in the war as they controlled continental Europe and all of North Africa. They could sit and bunker in for any assault by the Americans.

retard detected

they couldn't "bunker down" shit because they were fighting on three fronts and had to hold strategic oilfields hundreds of miles from the reich because germany itself has none

04-08-2015, 10:24 PM
The battle of the bulge wasn't a one day event, they mustered what few remaining aircraft they had and were immediately overwhelmed by the combined forces of the RAF and USAF. You can't say the germans had air superiority just because they struck first. It lasted over a month and a half (germans only had more aircraft in the initial hours before the allied reaction, allies had superiority for the next month and a half after scrambling to react) and failed because no air support and no oil for armored divisions. They actually weren't stopped, the tanks literally ran out of gas and couldn't be refueled.

04-08-2015, 10:27 PM
It's like saying the germans had a manpower advantage against the soviets because they struck first before stalin gathered his troops

this is sad even for spurstalk

04-08-2015, 10:31 PM
retard detected

they couldn't "bunker down" shit because they were fighting on three fronts and had to hold strategic oilfields hundreds of miles from the reich because germany itself has none

Really, I guess controlling coastal lines of those two fronts you are talking about didn't give Germany no advantage whatsoever. I can tell by your comments you know nothing of military strategy are when an opponent clearly has an advantage in a campaign. Over 50,000 U.S. service men and sailors died alone from U boat attacks and your telling Germany didn't have the advantage of Bunkering down on their western fronts. Yes, they did, but Americans caught on to Germany's tactics and outclassed at almost every turn.

go fuckin read about ww II from unbiased sources. Germany had all the advantage on both fronts. It's just they grossly under estimated American tactics and fighting force. They displayed the same characteristics you have, cocky sob that has absolutely nothing to be cocky about.

04-08-2015, 10:33 PM
this is sad even for spurstalk

No what's sad is crying over something that happened 70 years ago.....

The Allies won....
The Axis lost.....

It's over. Stop crying over what could have been.

04-08-2015, 10:34 PM
lol just stop you sound clinically retarded. I don't even know where to begin..air superiority, now you're touting german naval advantages?? Haha! They didn't even have time to build a real navy because of Versailles. That could have changed things for sure.

04-08-2015, 10:34 PM
It's like saying the germans had a manpower advantage against the soviets because they struck first before stalin gathered his troops

this is sad even for spurstalk

Stalin already mobilized his troops dumbass as he and Hitler made pact that if he helped Germany take over Eastern Europe, they would split it with Russia.Hitler just double crossed Stalin and caught him off guard. Really go fuckin take a history lesson before arguing with me because you look like a complete tool, which is what you are anyways.

04-08-2015, 10:36 PM
lol just stop you sound clinically retarded. I don't even know where to begin..air superiority, now you're touting german naval advantages?? Haha! They didn't even have time to build a real navy because of Versailles. That could have changed things for sure.

German u boats caused more damage than any naval fleet could. Seriously man, you really just want to be proven right whe facts of history completely prove you wrong. That sounds like typical Obama voter in today's America.

04-08-2015, 10:37 PM
^lmao!! You mean the pact that stalin was already plotting to break and attack germany. Hitler just surprised him by beating him to the punch


is is this what they teach in american schools? Scary

04-08-2015, 10:38 PM
^lmao!! You mean the pact that stalin was already plotting to break and attack germany. Hitler just surprised him by beating him to the punch


is this what they taught you in american schools? Scary

04-08-2015, 10:43 PM
Again, I know this. And what are you laughing at. You just said Stalin hadn't mobilized his troops and this completely proves you wrong. Notice that I am not posting links, because I already know all this shit. You obviously don't. Please go fuckin educate yourself for everyone's sake.

04-08-2015, 11:01 PM
Lmao muh educate

don't come at a descendant of real national socialists with pleb tier military and history takes and I won't have to embarrass you next time

04-08-2015, 11:02 PM
Yeah, just call when Germany needs another whoop ass.

04-08-2015, 11:03 PM
Nazi Germany was the epitome of human nation evolution
couldn't be further form the truth. natural selection eradicated them

04-08-2015, 11:03 PM
Again, I know this. And what are you laughing at. You just said Stalin hadn't mobilized his troops and this completely proves you wrong. Notice that I am not posting links, because I already know all this shit. You obviously don't. Please go fuckin educate yourself for everyone's sake.

no I'm posting links because you are spewing bullshit and altering history all over the place you obviously need the materials but due to the dunning Kruger effect you probably won't read them

04-08-2015, 11:07 PM
couldn't be further form the truth. natural selection eradicated them
We are still here

04-08-2015, 11:22 PM
We are still here
not the nazi regime. eradicated. another failed strain of humanity

04-08-2015, 11:24 PM
not the nazi regime. eradicated. another failed strain of humanity
Lol we are literally still here

04-08-2015, 11:29 PM
Lol we are literally still here
i specifically said "nazi regime" you dumb fuck


04-08-2015, 11:30 PM
Yeah, just call when Germany needs another whoop ass.
LOL. You couldn't even finish off the Japs without atomic bombing their women and children

04-08-2015, 11:35 PM
i specifically said "nazi regime" you dumb fuck


We are still the legitimate government legally, we are in exile

04-08-2015, 11:36 PM
Nobody should be fascinated by Germany. As I've long said, the most overrated nationality of all-time.

They infested a declining Roman Empire like locusts and shat all over everything, destroying centuries of knowledge and culture, which plunged the world into the Dark Ages. The ancient Romans knew how savage these people were and justly tried to eradicate/domesticate them.

Luckily, the rest of Europe (Italy, England, France etc) wasn't as subhuman and moved us forward into the Renaissance while Germany was maintaining their irrelevant Holy Roman Empire that even Voltaire thought a joke.

The Germanic peoples inner savagery came out again when they started World War 1 by annexing Bosnia (the real cause of the war). And once again, the animals (which included Turks, go figure) got tactically outclassed by the Allies.

This brings us to the Nazi period, and I find it exceedingly hilarious to this day that the German people would follow a failed painter infected with syphilis into literal Hell. Some Nazi fanboy will definitely bring up their scientific accomplishments during this period, but the overwhelming majority of those were performed by German Jews. And Germany, being the geniuses they are, though it prudent to genocide their most intelligent citizens.

Sure, Germany has some achievements to their name, mostly in bad continental philosophy that has been far exceeded by Anglo Analytic philosophy, but other than that, Germans are really only known for fighting, music, and their athleticism.

You know what other "race" is known for fighting, music, and athleticism?

I'll let you take a guess.

04-08-2015, 11:38 PM
^All lies and slander not worth a serious response

2 out of 10 got me to say something

04-08-2015, 11:46 PM
^All lies and slander not worth a serious response

2 out of 10 got me to say something

It's not. It's documented fact your ancestors covered Rome and their accomplishments under an infinite amount of shit that took Europe centuries to dig itself out of.

Hitler retorted: "If the dismissal of [Jews] means the end of German science, then we will do without science for a few years."
Why did Jews have so much influence on German science? They had a long tradition of study, as evidenced in the many generations of talmudic students. But assimilated German Jews began to look instead to new intellectual horizons, where a radiant role-model appeared in the shape of Albert Einstein.

This is why without Jewish influence, pure Germans have really only been proficient at music and athletics, like any noble savage of Africa, for example.

04-08-2015, 11:49 PM
Just pure lies. A german invented the predecessor of the thing your fat little fingers are typing away on, and he wasn't jewish. There is no such thing as a "german jew." German is an ethnicity, they're just called squatters.

04-08-2015, 11:53 PM
It's not. It's documented fact your ancestors covered Rome and their accomplishments under an infinite amount of shit that took Europe centuries to dig itself out of.

This is why without Jewish influence, pure Germans have really only been proficient at music and athletics, like any noble savage of Africa, for example.
Music and athletics? Engineering

04-08-2015, 11:57 PM
Germans are top tier engineers. Iq doesn't just spontaneously happen. If germans average a 102 iq today with tainted blood then it was even higher in the time he speaks of

04-08-2015, 11:58 PM
Just pure lies. A german invented the predecessor of the thing your fat little fingers are typing away on, and he wasn't jewish. There is no such thing as a "german jew." German is an ethnicity, they're just called squatters.

Nope. Charles Babbage invented the first Turing Complete computational device. And Alan Turing theorized the first digital computer. Even the US Navy predated Conrad's Zuse's work with their Torpedo Computer.

German's were late to the party here, per par.

Read: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/august/german-jewish-inventors-081114.html

04-08-2015, 11:59 PM
:lmao midnightpulp taking a midnightdump on this thread

04-09-2015, 12:00 AM
Germans are top tier engineers. Iq doesn't just spontaneously happen. If germans average a 102 iq today with tainted blood then it was even higher in the time he speaks of

Yeah, it takes a high IQ to realize your destroying the center of antiquity's knowledge that the rest of the world (not Germans) had to pull us out of :lol

If anything, the tainted blood you speak of (likely Roman blood) is probably why Germans aren't complete savages today.

04-09-2015, 12:02 AM
The decision by many Jews to leave Germany is perhaps best understood in light of a Nazi Germany law passed on April 7, 1933 – just 67 days after Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor – that forced so-called non-Aryan civil servants out of their jobs.

I'll speak m>s's 4chan language here so that he can fully understand:

>Force your smartest citizens out of the country
>Proclaims itself "Master Race."

04-09-2015, 12:03 AM
Nope. Charles Babbage invented the first Turing Complete computational device. And Alan Turing theorized the first digital computer. Even the US Navy predated Conrad's Zuse's work with their Torpedo Computer.

German's were late to the party here, per par.

Read: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/august/german-jewish-inventors-081114.html

nope, theorized my ass. Konrad actually put it into reality with the first programmable computer

04-09-2015, 12:06 AM
At least germany didn't have to kidnap scientists to put man on the moon. You'll never top that achievement. It's ok, you can thank us later. Or don't, I really don't give a shit about your lowly opinion.

04-09-2015, 12:09 AM
I'll speak m>s's 4chan language here so that he can fully understand:

>Force your smartest citizens out of the country
>Proclaims itself "Master Race."
Jews = Cultural poison

I.E. current day American

04-09-2015, 12:09 AM
nope, theorized my ass. Konrad actually put it into reality with the first programmable computer

Digital programmable computer=/=programmable computer. A player piano is, technically, a "programmable" computer.

04-09-2015, 12:15 AM
At least germany didn't have to kidnap scientists to put man on the moon. You'll never top that achievement. It's ok, you can thank us later. Or don't, I really don't give a shit about your lowly opinion.

"Thank us."

Look, there's no fuckin' need to cockslurp Germany and call yourself "Master Race" when you were born an American.


I mean, it's your right to want to be a savage, but if this idea of Master Race is what appeals to your ego, then just wave them Stars and Stripes.

Same with that Polack on here. It's also his right to embrace his inner Pole (which means him going down to Home Depot and buying a wrench and plunger), but by virtue of his American nationality, he's already "Master Race." If he were still in Poland, he'd be cleaning out a toilet right now.

04-09-2015, 12:18 AM
^id wager that germany has much less jews currently than israel, and look at all those prizes. Make me proud to be master race tbh. Most of those american ones are by german americans too. You can thank us for the moon and jet engine whenever you're ready.

04-09-2015, 12:21 AM
"Thank us."

Look, there's no fuckin' need to cockslurp Germany and call yourself "Master Race" when you were born an American.


I mean, it's your right to want to be a savage, but if this idea of Master Race is what appeals to your ego, then just wave them Stars and Stripes.

Same with that Polack on here. It's also his right to embrace his inner Pole (which means him going down to Home Depot and buying a wrench and plunger), but by virtue of his American nationality, he's already "Master Race." If he were still in Poland, he'd be cleaning out a toilet right now.
Except for bringing in 3rd World Immigrants, there is nothing the USA excels at.

04-09-2015, 12:24 AM
Germans are top tier engineers. Iq doesn't just spontaneously happen. If germans average a 102 iq today with tainted blood then it was even higher in the time he speaks of

Are you an engineer?
Are you even German?
Have you ever even been to Germany?

04-09-2015, 12:25 AM
you datamining for some reason in particular?

04-09-2015, 12:25 AM
^id wager that germany has much less jews currently than israel, and look at all those prizes. Make me proud to be master race tbh. Most of those american ones are by german americans too. You can thank us for the moon and jet engine whenever you're ready.

:lol No

Jews actually win a disproportionate amount of Nobel Prizes.

And I'll thank the Jews Hitler's retard ass kicked out.

04-09-2015, 12:26 AM
^ashkenazi or sephardic?

04-09-2015, 12:26 AM
I thought you were born in Texas?

04-09-2015, 12:26 AM
ehh he hates on 4chan culture but then uses their material as insults

2/10 again

04-09-2015, 12:26 AM
Except for bringing in 3rd World Immigrants, there is nothing the USA excels at.

Yeah, like Polacks :lol

Toilets don't clean themselves.

04-09-2015, 12:27 AM
I thought you were born in Texas?
no i was born in argentina, moved here after an attempted hit by the mossad. i post under 23 proxies and always stay armed.

04-09-2015, 12:27 AM
ehh he hates on 4chan culture but then uses their material as insults

2/10 again

What 4chan material am I using?

04-09-2015, 12:28 AM
Yeah, like Polacks :lol

Toilets don't clean themselves.
poland isn't third world it's actually a really nice place. consumerism isn't everything.

04-09-2015, 12:28 AM
What 4chan material am I using?
toilet cleaning shtick

04-09-2015, 12:28 AM
Yeah, like Polacks :lol

Toilets don't clean themselves.
Poland scores better than USA in global exams

04-09-2015, 12:33 AM
^ashkenazi or sephardic?

What difference does it make? Both trace their ancestry back to the 2500BC Middle East.

But Ashkenazis typically emphasized scholarship more than other Jewish denominations.

04-09-2015, 12:34 AM
toilet cleaning shtick

The Polack Plumber stereotype has been around before 4chan was even a site.

04-09-2015, 12:37 AM
you datamining for some reason in particular?Why are you asking men about their sexuality all the time?

04-09-2015, 12:38 AM
poland isn't third world it's actually a really nice place. consumerism isn't everything.You've never been there.

04-09-2015, 12:38 AM
What difference does it make? Both trace their ancestry back to the 2500BC Middle East.

But Ashkenazis typically emphasized scholarship more than other Jewish denominations.

Not true , there is some evidence to show that Ashkenazi jews arent even real jews. That's a funny way of saying Caucasian.

they average a 107 iq while the average iq in israel is 95.

04-09-2015, 12:39 AM
Neat my homo stalker decided to show up. Time for sleep

04-09-2015, 12:42 AM
Poland scores better than USA in global exams

Polish immigrant children in the UK also score higher on standardized testing than their native peers, despite English being their second language.

:lol Still doesn't lead to them not cleaning the latter's toilets when they grow up.

Makes sense. I can see how being a plumber would facilitate excellence in math and spatial ability, with all the pipe you have to measure and how you have to calculate on the fly the volume of shit that might be clogging up a pipe.

04-09-2015, 12:43 AM
VE Day coming up in less than a month m<s....guess you won't be partaking in the festivities.

04-09-2015, 12:44 AM
Not true , there is some evidence to show that Ashkenazi jews arent even real jews. That's a funny way of saying Caucasian.

they average a 107 iq while the average iq in israel is 95.

Yeah, that's not what the genetic evidence says.

And quit quoting Richard Lynn's data. His shitty books (along with the Bell Curve) have been soundly debunked.

04-09-2015, 03:03 AM
Polish immigrant children in the UK also score higher on standardized testing than their native peers, despite English being their second language.

:lol Still doesn't lead to them not cleaning the latter's toilets when they grow up.

Makes sense. I can see how being a plumber would facilitate excellence in math and spatial ability, with all the pipe you have to measure and how you have to calculate on the fly the volume of shit that might be clogging up a pipe.
Poles are plumbers and Americans are gang bangers.

04-09-2015, 04:15 AM
Poles are plumbers and Americans are gang bangers.

You're a Polish-American, so what does that make you?

Don't drive-by plunger me now.

04-09-2015, 10:14 AM
LOL. You couldn't even finish off the Japs without atomic bombing their women and children

Again, read your history. We estimated that the US could lose to over a million troops and Japan 10's of millions if the US did a land assault on Japan as the Japanese were suicidal maniacs.

The Atomic Bomb was to deter further lives from being taken, which is why the US selected cities away from the more populous areas in Japan.

Like I said, superior tactics and not wasting lives needlessly. I guess a race of suppose superior intellect can't grasp those concepts.

04-09-2015, 10:17 AM
no i was born in argentina, moved here after an attempted hit by the mossad. i post under 23 proxies and always stay armed.

So you're one of those Nazi pussies. That's just golden.

04-09-2015, 10:31 AM
Except for bringing in 3rd World Immigrants, there is nothing the USA excels at.

Really, nothing. But yet they have the most advance military (aircraft, naval vessels, artillery, etc.), leads in software technology, largest financial markets, largest producers of commodities, etc. etc.

A lot of Americans are dumb nowadays. But please, they are a lot that are still highly intellectual. You really want to prove German is the superior race. Sorry to break it to you, Germans aren't the superior race.

You can make a case that Italians are the Superior race with the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. You can make a case for the Greeks with advancements in mathematics. You can make a case for the Persians with their advancement in medicines. You can make a case for English, which their development of the banking, insurance and financial markets.

Germans, few musical geniuses and engineering. Yet, I as mentioned, so many other arts and science were development and derived from various cultures. It's your narrow-minded views is why a lot people don't like Germans.

04-09-2015, 12:12 PM
Really, nothing. But yet they have the most advance military (aircraft, naval vessels, artillery, etc.), leads in software technology, largest financial markets, largest producers of commodities, etc. etc.

A lot of Americans are dumb nowadays. But please, they are a lot that are still highly intellectual. You really want to prove German is the superior race. Sorry to break it to you, Germans aren't the superior race.

You can make a case that Italians are the Superior race with the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. You can make a case for the Greeks with advancements in mathematics. You can make a case for the Persians with their advancement in medicines. You can make a case for English, which their development of the banking, insurance and financial markets.

Germans, few musical geniuses and engineering. Yet, I as mentioned, so many other arts and science were development and derived from various cultures. It's your narrow-minded views is why a lot people don't like Germans.

that airforce you speak of..just be sure to thank us

04-09-2015, 01:29 PM
that airforce you speak of..just be sure to thank us

The Luftwaffe was garbage, got absolutely decimated during the Battle of Britain despite outnumbering the Brits by 600 aircraft. And the B-17 was the most advanced bomber during WWII (which awesomely devastated plenty of German cities, killing an untold amount of German women and children [nothing of value was lost]), and despite the Luftwaffe's best efforts to build an anti-B-17 weapon, they could really never counter it effectively during the height of the war.

The Nazis did pioneer stealth, though. But other than that, the Americans (who invented the first working plane) and Brits pioneered more developments in aerospace since the Wright Brothers took flight at Kitty Hawk.

04-09-2015, 01:32 PM
Again, read your history. We estimated that the US could lose to over a million troops and Japan 10's of millions if the US did a land assault on Japan as the Japanese were suicidal maniacs.

The Atomic Bomb was to deter further lives from being taken, which is why the US selected cities away from the more populous areas in Japan.

Like I said, superior tactics and not wasting lives needlessly. I guess a race of suppose superior intellect can't grasp those concepts.
Soviets got sexually off at killing the Nazis inch by inch. They are simply hardened Eastern Euros. Americans after years of genetic decline thru interbreeding no longer possess the backbone that Won them the Revolutionary War. American military has been a gigantic lazy brute since. What are your two most impressive military victories? Japan and Saddam

04-09-2015, 01:34 PM
The Luftwaffe was garbage, got absolutely decimated during the Battle of Britain despite outnumbering the Brits by 600 aircraft. And the B-17 was the most advanced bomber during WWII (which awesomely devastated plenty of German cities, killing an untold amount of German women and children [nothing of value was lost]), and despite the Luftwaffe's best efforts to build an anti-B-17 weapon, they could really never counter it effectively during the height of the war.

The Nazis did pioneer stealth, though. But other than that, the Americans (who invented the first working plane) and Brits pioneered more developments in aerospace since the Wright Brothers took flight at Kitty Hawk.
Thank the Poles for that

"the Poles had shot down around 20% of all Luftwaffe aircraft"

04-09-2015, 01:39 PM
Thank the Poles for that

"the Poles had shot down around 20% of all Luftwaffe aircraft"

Which proves my point. If your airforce is getting shot down by plumbers, then you know it's garbage.

04-09-2015, 01:45 PM
Which proves my point. If your airforce is getting shot down by plumbers, then you know it's garbage.
The Plumbers were the #1 air fighters

04-09-2015, 01:52 PM
The Plumbers were the #1 air fighters

Poles got fuckin' heart. I can't deny that.

04-09-2015, 02:11 PM
The Luftwaffe was garbage, got absolutely decimated during the Battle of Britain despite outnumbering the Brits by 600 aircraft. And the B-17 was the most advanced bomber during WWII (which awesomely devastated plenty of German cities, killing an untold amount of German women and children [nothing of value was lost]), and despite the Luftwaffe's best efforts to build an anti-B-17 weapon, they could really never counter it effectively during the height of the war.

The Nazis did pioneer stealth, though. But other than that, the Americans (who invented the first working plane) and Brits pioneered more developments in aerospace since the Wright Brothers took flight at Kitty Hawk.
Goering was an idiot, I'm talking about the jet engine

04-09-2015, 02:15 PM
Goering was an idiot, I'm talking about the jet engine


He is credited with single handedly inventing the turbojet engine.

04-09-2015, 02:21 PM
:lmao 21_Dickings going ham

04-09-2015, 02:31 PM
:lmao 21_Dickings going ham

Early UK jet engines would run for 150 hours between overhauls and had better power-to-weight ratio and specific fuel consumption compared to the German designs. By the end of the Second World War, other UK engine companies were working on jet designs based on the Whittle pattern

And it was Whittle who was sent across the Atlantic to help with the American Jet program.

Krauts not needed.

04-09-2015, 02:47 PM
But Von Braun (funny enough, of British and French descent) was the man.

"to us, Hitler was still only a pompous fool with a Charlie Chaplin moustache"

- Werner Von Braun

04-09-2015, 02:50 PM
Almost doesn't count. The germans made the jet engine an actual reality. What good is a non operational jet engine? I also have a non operational time machine.

"Whittle's engines were developed some years earlier than those of Germany's Dr. Hans von Ohain (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_von_Ohain)who was the designer of the first operational jet engine (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_engine).[2] (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Whittle#cite_note-2)"

04-09-2015, 03:01 PM
Almost doesn't count. The germans made the jet engine an actual reality. What good is a non operational jet engine? I also have a non operational time machine.

"Whittle's engines were developed some years earlier than those of Germany's Dr. Hans von Ohain (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_von_Ohain)who was the designer of the first operational jet engine (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_engine).[2] (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Whittle#cite_note-2)"

But your non-operational time machine isn't feasible. Whittle's designs were technically solid and only had to be built. And when they were (which was only months after the German prototype), they significantly outperformed the German designs.

04-09-2015, 03:03 PM
But your non-operational time machine isn't feasible. Whittle's designs were technically solid and only had to be built. And when they were (which was only months after the German prototype), they significantly outperformed the German designs.

The low-grade alloy production versions of the Junkers Jumo 004, designed by Dr. Anselm Franz, would typically last only 10–25 hours (longer with an experienced pilot) before burning out, and sometimes exploded on their first startup. Whittle's designs were more basic, with centrifugal compressors rather than the more complicated axial designs.

German "engineering."

In a conversation with Whittle after the war, Von Ohain stated[44] that "If you had been given the money you would have been six years ahead of us. If Hitler or Goering had heard that there is a man in England who flies 500mph in a small experimental plane and that it is coming into development, it is likely that World War II would not have come into being"

04-09-2015, 03:21 PM
>non operational

i choose #1

some britcucks sayinghe has some fancy design (but for some reason can't put it into practice) is the same as me and my time machine design. I'll keep living in reality Kiddo you can pretend all you want, you've done a lot of fantasizing ITT.

04-09-2015, 03:55 PM
People complain about the Luftwaffe but it took two years for the U.S. To get better planes out.when the war started Germany had undoubtedly the best planes. But once war starts you got to produce planes more than you advance the designs. So Germany lost their air advantage.

The one thing Germany never had though was a heavy Bomber.

Military air technology at the time though, hadn't established that heavy bombers were good strategy. They are slow and easy to shoot down.

The U.S. made bombers that flew high and ultimately fast enough to be useful. It's not Germany's fault they bet wrong on bombers.

Anyway, Germany has had pretty good culture throughout history. Beethoven, Brahms, Wagner.

Germany broke Rome's defilement of Christianity. If it weren't for Germans it would have been the pope ordering genocide. It's not like popes were above killing Jews. And Spain too, full of pro pope sociopaths. Stalin, was also crazy and genocidal. You show me a European leader who didn't commit genocide or colonial raping and I'll show you a loser.

Germany made some world class beer.

It just sucks that their politicians didn't know when to fold. I mean look at today, who runs Europe? Germany. Exactly the same point we'd be in.

04-09-2015, 04:12 PM
>non operational

i choose #1

some britcucks sayinghe has some fancy design (but for some reason can't put it into practice) is the same as me and my time machine design. I'll keep living in reality Kiddo you can pretend all you want, you've done a lot of fantasizing ITT.

Yeah, the reality that German designs were garbage and blew up on startup. And following your retarded "operational" logic, I guess we can go ahead and credit the US for inventing stealth since we were the first ones to build a fully functional stealth aircraft. But everyone with a brain understands the Nazis pioneered stealth aircraft since their designs were technically watertight. As were Whittle's. Your idiotic time machine analogy is false, since you can't even theorize a working time machine.

04-09-2015, 04:20 PM
People complain about the Luftwaffe but it took two years for the U.S. To get better planes out.when the war started Germany had undoubtedly the best planes. But once war starts you got to produce planes more than you advance the designs. So Germany lost their air advantage.

The one thing Germany never had though was a heavy Bomber.

Military air technology at the time though, hadn't established that heavy bombers were good strategy. They are slow and easy to shoot down.

The U.S. made bombers that flew high and ultimately fast enough to be useful. It's not Germany's fault they bet wrong on bombers.

Anyway, Germany has had pretty good culture throughout history. Beethoven, Brahms, Wagner.

Germany broke Rome's defilement of Christianity. If it weren't for Germans it would have been the pope ordering genocide. It's not like popes were above killing Jews. And Spain too, full of pro pope sociopaths. Stalin, was also crazy and genocidal. You show me a European leader who didn't commit genocide or colonial raping and I'll show you a loser.

Germany made some world class beer.

It just sucks that their politicians didn't know when to fold. I mean look at today, who runs Europe? Germany. Exactly the same point we'd be in.

Messershits got rocked by Spitfires and then by Mustangs (which escorted those bombers). And then, as I stated earlier, their jet aircraft designs were massively inferior to those of the Brits. The only reason anyone lauds Nazi Aerospace tech to this day is because of all the fanciful drawings and research the allies found during Paperclip. Most were utter lunacy, but a few pieces of shit the Nazis threw against the wall wound up sticking, like the Horton Ho.

And I'd say Russia basically runs Europe, considering the barrel they have the EU bent over given that they are the continent's main oil supplier. It's why Merkel just sits there like a good little bitch every time she meets up with Putin, who trolls the fuck out of her bringing his rottweilers along.

04-09-2015, 04:32 PM
I can though, and I'm going to use it to go back in time and alter ww2. Probably stop on the way back and slap your mother before she lets your father get it in too.

i don't feel like arguing with you because you're ultra OCD and like to lie a lot and jump to false conclusions

04-09-2015, 04:37 PM
I can though, and I'm going to use it to go back in time and alter ww2. Pretty badly stop ok the way back and slap your mother before she lets your father get it in too.

i don't feel like arguing with you because you're ultra OCD and like to lie a lot and jump to false conclusions

The best thing you could do for Nazi era Germany is to exterminate all the "pure bred Germans" (if such a thing even exists, given all the raping the Romans did) and let the Jews run the country, who were obviously far more intelligent and capable than the Barbaric natives.

:lol False conclusions about what? Everything I'm telling you is documented fact.

04-09-2015, 04:39 PM
:lmao m<s running away scared from his own thread.

:worthy: midnightpulp

04-09-2015, 04:59 PM
:lmao m<s running away scared from his own thread.

:worthy: midnightpulp

He's a good dude. I'll play along and debate his persona once-in-a-while.

04-09-2015, 06:05 PM
spitfires were short range aircraft. The Germans had to send long range bombers to Britain. The BF109 was superior to the spitfire. The battle over Britain was German fighters and the end of their fuel range and slow fighter bombers.

It wasn't a fair fight. Germany overreached. The only way to defeat Britain would be heavy bombing and land campaign. Germany did not develop the heavy bomber due to lack of strategy. They did not invade b/c it would have been too tough.

The p-51 mustang was developed during the war. It did not exist in 1939. The US pulled a minor miracle in ramping up production of the p-51 and upgrading the p-47. And the US had heavy bombers too.

The Germans upgraded their planes too.but the US had better engines and armament for the most part. Germany absolutely gets credit for deploying jet aircraft first. They were not fully effective due to pilot scarcity, fuel scarcity, limited production, and tactical mistakes.

The allied jet aircraft were not deployed except as spy planes. There were very few in air defeats of the 262. Most occurred during take off or destroyed on the ground.

The technology of ww2 was amazing. It held on for 50 years at least. WE are just now changing warfare to computer driven and executed battle.

04-09-2015, 06:06 PM
Russia does not run europe. That's like saying china runs the US cause they have our debt.

Russia is a dieing country that going to be overrun by Jihad in 10-20 years. Economic decline, population declines, and a long list of historical enemies are going to totally rock Russia. It's going to be bloody and sad.

04-09-2015, 07:01 PM
Russia does not run europe. That's like saying china runs the US cause they have our debt.

Russia is a dieing country that going to be overrun by Jihad in 10-20 years. Economic decline, population declines, and a long list of historical enemies are going to totally rock Russia. It's going to be bloody and sad.

You're dumb, have you already forgotten the most recent Crimea annexation, scrah? :lol:lol Russia has been around for thousands of years, and world power for hundreds of years, not to mention winning the greatest war in history, WWII, where Americans were a mere sideshow.

04-09-2015, 07:04 PM
Soviets got sexually off at killing the Nazis inch by inch. They are simply hardened Eastern Euros. Americans after years of genetic decline thru interbreeding no longer possess the backbone that Won them the Revolutionary War. American military has been a gigantic lazy brute since. What are your two most impressive military victories? Japan and Saddam

:lol Very true.

04-09-2015, 07:14 PM
a handy thing to keep in mind with things like military technology is to imagine our current technological level and add 30 years to it, at the very least. if the nazis were vastly ahead of their time in a resource scarce, highly pressured 1944s germany imagine what them and their students accomplished in a resource rich lab in the USA or USSR.

04-09-2015, 07:23 PM
spitfires were short range aircraft. The Germans had to send long range bombers to Britain. The BF109 was superior to the spitfire. The battle over Britain was German fighters and the end of their fuel range and slow fighter bombers.

And the Messershits escorted those bombers, which Spitfire pilots mopped up allowing the Hurricanes to feast on the slow bombers. The Messer was perhaps a better fighter on paper, but it seems German pilots couldn't handle any sort of competent enemy pilot other than badly trained Soviet pilots.

It wasn't a fair fight. Germany overreached. The only way to defeat Britain would be heavy bombing and land campaign. Germany did not develop the heavy bomber due to lack of strategy. They did not invade b/c it would have been too tough.

Which is an example of their idiocy. So no disagreement there.

The p-51 mustang was developed during the war. It did not exist in 1939. The US pulled a minor miracle in ramping up production of the p-51 and upgrading the p-47. And the US had heavy bombers too.

I didn't say it existed in 1939. Just that Mustang pilots were able to effectively fend off German interceptors when they were escorting B-17s.

The Germans upgraded their planes too.but the US had better engines and armament for the most part. Germany absolutely gets credit for deploying jet aircraft first. They were not fully effective due to pilot scarcity, fuel scarcity, limited production, and tactical mistakes.

And bad design. Whittle's designs were far better and more efficient than the German designs, and he also designed his prototypes far earlier than when the Germans began work on their jet engine designs. The only reason the Brits didn't have a squadron of jet fighters in 1935 (Whittle proposed his design in 1930) is because he could never get funding.

The allied jet aircraft were not deployed except as spy planes. There were very few in air defeats of the 262. Most occurred during take off or destroyed on the ground.

Well yeah, because they "padded their stats" so to speak against the Soviets. Again, the second they face a competent opponent, they were handed their asses.

The technology of ww2 was amazing. It held on for 50 years at least. WE are just now changing warfare to computer driven and executed battle.

It was. But all the major powers contributed pretty much equally to military technology leading up and during World War II. Technological breakthroughs rarely happen in a vacuum. Even the famed German Rocket Scientists (Von Braun, etc) were highly influenced by the work of American Physicist Robert Goddard (built the first liquid fueled rocket). In fact, Goddard essentially built a prototype V2 a decade before the actual V2 was realized. But the depression curbed his funding to go forward.

At the time, Germany was highly interested in American physicist Robert H. Goddard's research. Before 1939, German engineers and scientists occasionally contacted Goddard directly with technical questions.[7] Von Braun used Goddard's plans from various journals and incorporated them into the building of the Aggregat (A) series of rockets,[7] named for the German for mechanism or mechanical system.[9]

04-09-2015, 07:24 PM
a handy thing to keep in mind with things like military technology is to imagine our current technological level and add 30 years to it, at the very least. if the nazis were vastly ahead of their time in a resource scarce, highly pressured 1944s germany imagine what them and their students accomplished in a resource rich lab in the USA or USSR.

:lol /pol/ copypasta

04-09-2015, 08:37 PM
Fwiw, I'm not a master racer. I just like airplanes. And history. And I hate Stalin.

04-12-2015, 04:33 PM
M>s......Are you watching the master singers of Nuremburg right now on pbs Sunday at the MET? German culture at it's finest! The singing, the story, the subtle digs at Germany's enemies, and the triumph of he German warrior poet. Omg so good!

04-12-2015, 04:37 PM
M>s......Are you watching the master singers of Nuremburg right now on pbs Sunday at the MET? German culture at it's finest! The singing, the story, the subtle digs at Germany's enemies, and the triumph of he German warrior poet. Omg so good!
Honestly, after living in San Diego: my first time in Germany as adult [2006]- Hanover was an awakening. I realized USA

- was inefficient
- was wasteful
- was illogical
- was ghetto
- was not the Freeist
- was not where I wanna raise family

Then we went to Hamburg, Frankfurt, München and Berlin

FYI, my sister teaches at the Humboldt University (after ditching SDSU) and is raising a Berliner

Berlin is my favorite place in the World. My plan is to get a programming job there. Hopefully meet a Polish girl (otherwise go to) and raise a family in Warsaw (whoa) but I'd settle for Wroclaw. Krakow or Gdasnk would be epic

While my American friends are committing to homes and setting roots (Age 31) my Life is just beginning. I will not spend my life in one spot. I am trilingual and have a European passport. I've always been the type that is extrovert and needed 'the rush'. This lifestyle is ideal for me. Ups and Downs.

04-12-2015, 05:10 PM
Haha just trying to make Spurstalk Nazi trolls more well rounded. Good for you. Europe is wonderful unless it's politics. Less poor people. More government care. Harder to get rich but only assholes get rich in America. Most people just want basic needs and material wealth. America will give you that, but it's easy to find yourself too poor in America, too stressed, too conservative, and too dumb.

It's amazing.us had a huge advantage coming off ww,2 on economic size..now 70 years later were creating a new median working class that's poorer than ever. We're still finding Jim crow everywhere we care to look. Ok that's enough for now. But good to anyone who can live free without becoming an economic wage slave

04-12-2015, 05:23 PM
Haha just trying to make Spurstalk Nazi trolls more well rounded. Good for you. Europe is wonderful unless it's politics. Less poor people. More government care. Harder to get rich but only assholes get rich in America. Most people just want basic needs and material wealth. America will give you that, but it's easy to find yourself too poor in America, too stressed, too conservative, and too dumb.

It's amazing.us had a huge advantage coming off ww,2 on economic size..now 70 years later were creating a new median working class that's poorer than ever. We're still finding Jim crow everywhere we care to look. Ok that's enough for now. But good to anyone who can live free without becoming an economic wage slave

- we enjoyed the biggest economic boom of the next few hundred years
- we witnessed the climax of the USA empire

If everyone will be experiencing downturns, I might as well do it with my people. In simplest terms, Europeans police themselves. I like that equality feeling. Of course it works when you like/respect your fellow citizens

I believe Americans (golden generation) got greedy. Those advantages post WW2 were unsustainable. Yet they made chooses to prolong it at any costs (Credit), while generations in other nations (higher Nationalism) committed for the long haul. What was once my father (Tech schooled Engineer) immigrant from Eastern Europe (Cold War) is now 3rd Worlders. Perfect for cheap labor but the combination of declining K-12 education is a bad recipe. USA is now a one-trick pony but that trick: IT, is the #1 money maker going forward.

04-13-2015, 12:49 AM
Germans, poles and amuricans (at the least the wasp) are from the same shit, savage barbarians. Most of the White amuricans are anglo-saxon. Please bitches.

04-13-2015, 01:49 AM
^oh look another anti white lefty blowhard. Please tell us who's the gold standard to us barbarians. The Chinese who eat pets and don't value human life or individuality? The blacks who invented peanut butter and live in straw huts? The Arabs and their violence and backwards mentality? What do you got, that one percent of American whites owned Slaves? So did everyone else at some point in time. You people are obsessed delusional psychopaths who can't think for yourselves. Whites have created more for this planet than any other people. Electricity, the computer, Internet, systems of law, before that blacksmithing, mining, the list goes on and on and on. And you crazed progressives whine (while living in white countries) about how bad you have it. I don't have any pity for you, you can die and go to hell for all I care.

04-13-2015, 07:27 AM
^oh look another anti white lefty blowhard. Please tell us who's the gold standard to us barbarians.

Stop with your racist rants. The chinese were far advanced than you barbarians centuries ago. The germans and poles are like niggas who just learned some mathematics. Uh just to remember, the numbers as we know in the western are from arabia. Asians and romans had their own numbers, you barbarians had to adopt the arabic sistem.

04-13-2015, 07:52 AM
Ik so they knew some math a while ago, too bad they didn't do shit with it. Get fucked, hater.

04-13-2015, 08:54 AM
Until nowadays, languages that have origins from latin and the asian languages are better structured and more sophisticated than german and english, barbarian.


04-13-2015, 08:54 AM
Honestly, after living in San Diego: my first time in Germany as adult [2006]- Hanover was an awakening. I realized USA

- was inefficient
- was wasteful
- was illogical
- was ghetto
- was not the Freeist
- was not where I wanna raise family


Can't even fucking spell, ya fucking dumb polack. :lol

04-13-2015, 10:18 AM
Until nowadays
You mean after we brought you guys out of the stone age with electricity and industrialization? It's interesting you bring up language, languahe definitely played a part. africans didnt have a written language and theirs is less specific and precise, it doesn't lend towards science

04-13-2015, 02:16 PM
Who is this faggot good goy?

04-13-2015, 03:08 PM
^his name is ping pong the Ching Chong and he's three inches hard

04-13-2015, 06:31 PM
^his name is ping pong the Ching Chong and he's three inches hard


04-13-2015, 06:35 PM


04-13-2015, 08:24 PM
^commie pic confirms

04-13-2015, 09:09 PM
Some random observations:

Hitler killed the least popular people in Europe. He wan't the first or last jew killer just the most organized. There were dozens of pogroms throughout european history and it was frankly mainstream to consider Jews to be subhuman for around 1800.

Stalin killed Russians.

Hitler made Germany a stronger nation and helped it out of the crippling depression left by WWI and the sanctions.

Stalin destroyed the church, wrecked the economy, destroyed literature, harassed artists, neutered the professional classes.

Hitler fought his wars with general lawful warfare tactics (notwithstanding going on offense without provocation)(unlike the Allies who used their heavy bombers without discrimination, resulting in the fire tornadoes of Dresden and Hamburg)

Stalin let St. Petersburg slowly die. He stole Nuclear tech from the US and pushed the nuclear arms race that almost led to world annihilation. He used proxy armies and used forced migration of near asian peoples. He had the worlds largest prison camps and show trials

In the end the end they are both pathetic people. But Hitler was a product of the time. If he wasn't the jackass to start world was 2 it would have probably been another England vs France Battle or Spain. How Boring.

Stalin was the lead thief among uptight thieves, based upon a bankrupt interpretation of socialism. A petty little Georgian. Russia could have been the best country of the 20th century with all the Natural Resources and cultural homogeneity that the US wished it had in the 1950's. lol. Instead it's a permanent failed state reverting to strong man rule. Germany of course is and was a democracy.

So anyway, beware of over promising politicians in general and beware of people who think violence trumps ideas. The difference between Stalin and Isis is a difference of gods and success. They use the exact same tactics. It's really crazy.

04-13-2015, 09:13 PM
Some random observations:

Hitler killed the least popular people in Europe. He wan't the first or last jew killer just the most organized. There were dozens of pogroms throughout european history and it was frankly mainstream to consider Jews to be subhuman for around 1800.

Stalin killed Russians.

Hitler made Germany a stronger nation and helped it out of the crippling depression left by WWI and the sanctions.

Stalin destroyed the church, wrecked the economy, destroyed literature, harassed artists, neutered the professional classes.

Hitler fought his wars with general lawful warfare tactics (notwithstanding going on offense without provocation)(unlike the Allies who used their heavy bombers without discrimination, resulting in the fire tornadoes of Dresden and Hamburg)

Stalin let St. Petersburg slowly die. He stole Nuclear tech from the US and pushed the nuclear arms race that almost led to world annihilation. He used proxy armies and used forced migration of near asian peoples. He had the worlds largest prison camps and show trials

In the end the end they are both pathetic people. But Hitler was a product of the time. If he wasn't the jackass to start world was 2 it would have probably been another England vs France Battle or Spain. How Boring.

Stalin was the lead thief among uptight thieves, based upon a bankrupt interpretation of socialism. A petty little Georgian. Russia could have been the best country of the 20th century with all the Natural Resources and cultural homogeneity that the US wished it had in the 1950's. lol. Instead it's a permanent failed state reverting to strong man rule. Germany of course is and was a democracy.

So anyway, beware of over promising politicians in general and beware of people who think violence trumps ideas. The difference between Stalin and Isis is a difference of gods and success. They use the exact same tactics. It's really crazy.

Hitler got Dresden because of what he did in London.
Which was indiscriminately bomb civilians.

04-13-2015, 09:18 PM
Hitler got Dresden because of what he did in London.
Which was indiscriminately bomb civilians.

I'll grant you that. But the allies were more consistent in attacking populations. Brits didn't give a fuck and thought night raids were cool, let the bombs land wherever. The US cared a bit about aiming it's bombs and dictated day raids. But bomb sighting was still primitive and the attitude was more the merrier.

I forgot about V2 bombs. Those were pretty shitty, not really aimed at anything. Kind of funny the US is now using advanced drones in much the same way.

04-13-2015, 09:19 PM
Meanwhile Stalin had no real air power but certainly Russia wouldn't bat an eye about destroying a city if they could.

04-13-2015, 09:24 PM
I'll grant you that. But the allies were more consistent in attacking populations. Brits didn't give a fuck and thought night raids were cool, let the bombs land wherever. The US cared a bit about aiming it's bombs and dictated day raids. But bomb sighting was still primitive and the attitude was more the merrier.

I forgot about V2 bombs. Those were pretty shitty, not really aimed at anything. Kind of funny the US is now using advanced drones in much the same way.

The Brits were very pissed off about London, which was large indiscriminate bombing of civilians INITIATED by Germany at NIGHT.
So yes, the Brits sought retribution.

04-13-2015, 09:26 PM
And you forgot more than that. Most of the German military that really disliked the Nazis tried to follow some sort of rules of war. The SS did not give a shit. Those were Hitlers real boyz.

04-13-2015, 09:33 PM
Nazi germany was almost mythological. I think they are as close as we will ever get to a modern era rome. When rome fell the dark ages began and when nazi germany fell a similar kind of dark ages began.

They almost created a dark age... we are most certainly not in a dark age.

04-13-2015, 09:33 PM
a couple of points:hitler didn't start the night raids, that was Churchillthe Germans followed all of the international laws on the western front but not in the east because Stalin never signed the Geneva convention. Ever wonder why the big evil mean Germans never used chemical weapons? They had them at their disposal but they respected Britain and France

04-13-2015, 09:34 PM
And you forgot more than that. Most of the German military that really disliked the Nazis tried to follow some sort of rules of war. The SS did not give a shit. Those were Hitlers real boyz.

My honor is my loyalty.

04-13-2015, 09:35 PM
There was nothing better than Tuesday nites when I was a kid. "Combat" was on 7:30-8:30. Seeing the Americans fight the Germans was big shit then. Sgt. Saunders, Kirby, Little John, Cage, Doc, the whole gang. Matzel, Matzel, good things.

04-13-2015, 09:40 PM
a couple of points:hitler didn't start the night raids, that was Churchillthe Germans followed all of the international laws on the western front but not in the east because Stalin never signed the Geneva convention. Ever wonder why the big evil mean Germans never used chemical weapons? They had them at their disposal but they respected Britain and France

Hitler indiscriminately bombed London at night. On a large scale. It was clearly done to break England's will but had the opposite effect.
Dont give us any fcks up lying bullshit.

And chemical weapons were still terribly unreliable. Hitler learned that from WWI when he was gassed most likely by Germans.

04-13-2015, 09:43 PM
They almost created a dark age... we are most certainly not in a dark age.Look around, western nations are dying people are starving the world is at war. Some of that has always happened true but the western peoples are literally being replaced with shitskins. For us it's a dark age, our beautiful societies and people destroyed. For you as a shitskin I guess things are as good as they've ever been. Difference of perspectives. the world is now controlled by dark forces since that war. It was the final showdown for control.

04-13-2015, 09:43 PM
They almost created a dark age... we are most certainly not in a dark age.

what the hell is this? Germany would have been fine winning. THe US would have been fine with Nazis. Hitler would have died and the germans would have gone away from war footing. In essence Germany did win. The US paid for it. Yeah they hung some Nazis but the world certainly wanted Germany to remain strong and so it did.

Meanwhile Stalin did create a russian dark age. Fuck Stalin. For every anti hitler tirade you see out there, i want two anti stalin tirades.

04-13-2015, 09:45 PM
Look around, western nations are dying people are starving the world is at war. Some of that has always happened true but the western peoples are literally being replaced with shitskins. For us it's a dark age, our beautiful societies and people destroyed. For you as a shitskin I guess things are as good as they've ever been. Difference of perspectives. the world is now controlled by dark forces since that war. It was the final showdown for control.

What's that gun you're totin', >? This whole crazy world, it's just too fuckin' frustratin'. A mere handful of Senators can't pass legislation. I devoutly believe we're on the eve of destruction.

04-13-2015, 09:46 PM
THe SS is really nothing special. Violent special forces? The kind the US sends to every arab, asian, and S. American country? The kind that every arab has?

WAr is hell. You lose perspective and do dumb shit. Imagine the crazy shit you'd resort to if you were under battle for 4 years or more.

04-13-2015, 09:46 PM
Reading all this good stuff, makes me want to root about in the attic and get my army guys down.

04-13-2015, 09:52 PM
what the hell is this? Germany would have been fine winning. THe US would have been fine with Nazis. Hitler would have died and the germans would have gone away from war footing. In essence Germany did win. The US paid for it. Yeah they hung some Nazis but the world certainly wanted Germany to remain strong and so it did.

Meanwhile Stalin did create a russian dark age. Fuck Stalin. For every anti hitler tirade you see out there, i want two anti stalin tirades.

Germany suffered horribly from what Hitler did.

That was no win. That was utter destruction unlike WWI. The allies understood that rebuilding Germany and Japan was very important to stop the butcher, Stalin.

Fck both of them. Both were megalomaniacs and vile creatures.

04-13-2015, 09:54 PM
Hitler indiscriminately bombed London at night. On a large scale. It was clearly done to break England's will but had the opposite effect.
Dont give us any fcks up lying bullshit.

And chemical weapons were still terribly unreliable. Hitler learned that from WWI when he was gassed most likely by Germans.


When Luftwaffe night-bombers unintentionally (and against orders) attacked London in August 1940, Churchill ordered a retaliatory raid on Berlin. This caused an enraged Hitler (http://www.history.co.uk/biographies/adolf-hitler)to order intensified bombing of targets in and around London.
Both sides thus claimed that their attacks on enemy cities were in retaliation for what had been begun by the enemy.

04-13-2015, 09:55 PM
THe SS is really nothing special. Violent special forces? The kind the US sends to every arab, asian, and S. American country? The kind that every arab has?

WAr is hell. You lose perspective and do dumb shit. Imagine the crazy shit you'd resort to if you were under battle for 4 years or more.

The SS was responsible for getting rid of ths SA? They murdered a whole group of Germans more closely associated with the German Military. They were the "morality" behind Germany, responsible for some dirty fighting and keeping the Nazi party mantra in.

04-13-2015, 09:57 PM
Germany suffered horribly from what Hitler did.

That was no win. That was utter destruction unlike WWI. The allies understood that rebuilding Germany and Japan was very important to stop the butcher, Stalin.

Fck both of them. Both were megalomaniacs and vile creatures.

ok, he corrupted the democracy and leveraged the economy towards war, what else? Having your big cities and industrial centers bombed out will screw your economy pretty bad. What else?

Oh and indeed, fuck both, but Stalin more.

04-13-2015, 09:57 PM
What's that gun you're totin', >? This whole crazy world, it's just too fuckin' frustratin'. A mere handful of Senators can't pass legislation. I devoutly believe we're on the eve of destruction.
I subscribe to an alternate view of history. The kikes conspired to get us fighting against each other to destroy us, and then bastardized our race (started with bringing negros to the Rhineland) to weaken us so that they might dominate. The kikes funded both sides of the war. This explains a lot of it


04-13-2015, 10:00 PM

When Luftwaffe night-bombers unintentionally (and against orders) attacked London in August 1940, Churchill ordered a retaliatory raid on Berlin. This caused an enraged Hitler (http://www.history.co.uk/biographies/adolf-hitler)to order intensified bombing of targets in and around London.
Both sides thus claimed that their attacks on enemy cities were in retaliation for what had been begun by the enemy.

That Berlin raid was absolutely nothing compared to what Hitler did to London.
It had no military value whatsoever, it was a moral booster, the English just wanted to show they could strike, the English had no idea if they even hit anything, or even anything of value(military).

Hitler continued with heavy heavy bombing of civilian London. Very densely populated LONDON.

04-13-2015, 10:05 PM
ok, he corrupted the democracy and leveraged the economy towards war, what else? Having your big cities and industrial centers bombed out will screw your economy pretty bad. What else?

Oh and indeed, fuck both, but Stalin more.

Stalin had a helter shelter huge population. He killed enemies and starved his own people. Hitler would have done the same thing imo if he was in Stalins shoes. Hiltler did do the same thing, he just had much better control over a much smaller country. The SS eliminated a hell of a lot of Germans. Not near on the scale of Stalin, but I can see hitler doing the same thing.

Its all conjecture of course.

04-13-2015, 10:09 PM
The SS eliminated a hell of a lot of Germans.


Not near on the scale of Stalin, but I can see hitler doing the same thing.

so did he do or or you can just "see" him doing it? Again, link?

04-13-2015, 10:10 PM
In b4 night of the long knives. That's not the same thing as your accusation.

04-13-2015, 10:13 PM
what the hell is this? Germany would have been fine winning. THe US would have been fine with Nazis. Hitler would have died and the germans would have gone away from war footing. In essence Germany did win. The US paid for it. Yeah they hung some Nazis but the world certainly wanted Germany to remain strong and so it did.

Meanwhile Stalin did create a russian dark age. Fuck Stalin. For every anti hitler tirade you see out there, i want two anti stalin tirades.

Yeah, of course Germany would have been fine winning... the rest of Europe would not have been fine... especially the jews.

US would have been fine with Nazis? Hitler would have died... when?

04-13-2015, 10:14 PM
The irony in all this is neoNazis want to revise what the Nazis did.

The Nazis kept such damn good records they can't get away from their past.
They wrote so much of the shit they pulled and we got a hold of it.
A very organized super machine that really just got over whelmed by the vast # of people the Russians threw at them, and the HUGE industrialization towards war by the U.S.

By the time the war was over the Europeans were damn glad the US was so mechanized and so ubiquitous. So here we are today. The U.S. big dogs, like it or not.

04-13-2015, 10:14 PM

so did he do or or you can just "see" him doing it? Again, link?

No link necessary. When one political party comes to dominate an entire nation, it's not without some resistance from other parties, and suppression after.

04-13-2015, 10:15 PM

so did he do or or you can just "see" him doing it? Again, link?

Read the above AGAIN.
Its conjecture.

04-13-2015, 10:16 PM
ok, he corrupted the democracy and leveraged the economy towards war, what else? Having your big cities and industrial centers bombed out will screw your economy pretty bad. What else?

Oh and indeed, fuck both, but Stalin more.

There was more to Germany than its form of government and its economy. He got millions of Germans killed -- military and civilian.

04-13-2015, 10:16 PM
Yeah, of course Germany would have been fine winning... the rest of Europe would not have been fine... especially the jews.

US would have been fine with Nazis? Hitler would have died... when?

Outside of Britain most of Europe was on their side. You can't hold that much territory with that small of an army. An occupying army needs to be roughly 10% the size of the population it occupies, unless of course the people welcome you as liberators. Men from all over Europe were joining the SS.

04-13-2015, 10:16 PM
Stalin had a helter shelter huge population. He killed enemies and starved his own people. Hitler would have done the same thing imo if he was in Stalins shoes. Hiltler did do the same thing, he just had much better control over a much smaller country. The SS eliminated a hell of a lot of Germans. Not near on the scale of Stalin, but I can see hitler doing the same thing.

Its all conjecture of course.

04-13-2015, 10:19 PM
In b4 night of the long knives. That's not the same thing as your accusation.

It happened then and all throughout the war. Singularly and in groups.
Why did German units have SS officers along with regular troops? What were they worried about?


04-13-2015, 10:20 PM
Outside of Britain most of Europe was on their side. You can't hold that much territory with that small of an army. An occupying army needs to be roughly 10% the size of the population it occupies, unless of course the people welcome you as liberators. Men from all over Europe were joining the SS.

Most of Europe was against them. There were some racist/stupid nut cases from many countries that joined the SS but it was an immaterial number compared to how many people feared and hated them throughout Europe.

04-13-2015, 10:22 PM
I'll have to read more about the London raids. I always though it was mostly pschological terror. I don't see much damage to London from small and inaccurate V2 bombs and the stukas. The stukas were small planes. They were fairly accurate if using dive bombing tactics.

so heres something from wikipedia: Total British civilian losses from July to December 1940 were 23,002 dead and 32,138 wounded, with one of the largest single raids on 19 December 1940, in which almost 3,000 civilians died.

I guess i never thought about that because it was spread out over months rather than one single bombing raid like the US did. Anyway, a lot of bombs in ww2. But US had the biggest bombs and biggest bombers.

04-13-2015, 10:23 PM
Italy, Austria, Vichy France, Hungary, slovakia, Finland, croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania all supported along with large numbers in the occupied countries

04-13-2015, 10:24 PM
It happened then and all throughout the war. Singularly and in groups.
But link though?

04-13-2015, 10:25 PM

You realize you got Hitler to thank for the veins of the US running throughout Europe?
And the Russians you love so much with Mr. Putin.
He keeps the US involved and legit. So Hitler set the US up for domination, and the USSR and nor Russia ensures it stays this way.

Ironic, so ironic.
For your goals are actually thwarted by your heroes in a way.
Man.... What a bitch if looked at this way.

04-13-2015, 10:27 PM
But link though?

You have read about the night, so you know.
And the links for the SS executing Germans they thought had turned on Hitler?
Are you serious?

You find them yourself. They are all over. They are Fckn all over...

04-13-2015, 10:32 PM
You have read about the night, so you know.
And the links for the SS executing Germans they thought had turned on Hitler?
Are you serious?

You find them yourself. They are all over. They are Fckn all over...
Removing a few political traitors isn't in any way comparable to mass nurdering your own CIVILIANS by the MILLIONS. That comparison is laughable

04-13-2015, 10:34 PM

You realize you got Hitler to thank for the veins of the US running throughout Europe?
And the Russians you love so much with Mr. Putin.
He keeps the US involved and legit. So Hitler set the US up for domination, and the USSR and nor Russia ensures it stays this way.

Ironic, so ironic.
For your goals are actually thwarted by your heroes in a way.
Man.... What a bitch if looked at this way.
There were no good options. Western powers were determined to keep Germany down. Stalin preparing for war in the east. We knew we'd have to pull off the unthinkable but the one thing we didn't have was a choice.

In the end International capitalism won out. Countries, cultures, entire races and ethnic groups sacrificed at the altar of greed and capitalism.

04-13-2015, 10:40 PM
Removing a few political traitors isn't in any way comparable to mass nurdering your own CIVILIANS by the MILLIONS. That comparison is laughable

Actually I could agree with this. It's not close to the same level, as Stalin was not nearly as organized as Hitler.
But it's brutal, paranoid, and obvious. Some of his very best men. Hitler was paranoid and hated bad news. He could not handle the truth which is why a bunch of petty politically minded men ended up being his closest allies. He killed his brainpower and bravest.

04-13-2015, 10:47 PM
There were no good options. Western powers were determined to keep Germany down. Stalin preparing for war in the east. We knew we'd have to pull off the unthinkable but the one thing we didn't have was a choice.

In the end International capitalism won out. Countries, cultures, entire races and ethnic groups sacrificed at the altar of greed and capitalism.

Stalin was not close to being ready for anything of any scale. He had a mental breakdown when Germany made things difficult.

And yep, capitalism has its pitfalls. But a democracy at least allows us to have this kind of conversation. You think you would get this luxury in Russia? Really? We know and can complain about this country because we can. We are allowed to. And we got access to info and know we could be under scrutiny.

No one is following me overtly. You? I can grab my kayak and go to the coast right now if I choose. No papers, no restrictions. I'm Fckn lucky as hell to be born here and I know it.

04-13-2015, 11:07 PM
Stalin was not close to being ready for anything of any scale. He had a mental breakdown when Germany made things difficult.

And yep, capitalism has its pitfalls. But a democracy at least allows us to have this kind of conversation. You think you would get this luxury in Russia? Really? We know and can complain about this country because we can. We are allowed to. And we got access to info and know we could be under scrutiny.

No one is following me overtly. You? I can grab my kayak and go to the coast right now if I choose. No papers, no restrictions. I'm Fckn lucky as hell to be born here and I know it.

This is kind of a meltdown here. First Capitalism and civil rights are totally separate things. Heck, democracy and rights are not even the same things. You need to recognize that the US has the luxury of never being attacked by a neighboring country. (and yet we are still shit scared of mexicans coming over lol). I like the US combinations of freedom and economic opportunity. I live here. But it's not perfect and it can get a lot worse than Obama.

The US is free because we stamped out any social revolution that came up. Unions, smashed, black people, smashed, Mexico? Indians? smashed. Whenever the US feels threatened from within they do dictator like things.

But, off topic, what kind of kayak do you have?

04-13-2015, 11:16 PM
Whenever the US feels threatened from within they do dictator like things.
Which was exacy the case with Germany. National socialism was a reactionary movement.

04-13-2015, 11:21 PM
Some random observations:

Hitler killed the least popular people in Europe. He wan't the first or last jew killer just the most organized. There were dozens of pogroms throughout european history and it was frankly mainstream to consider Jews to be subhuman for around 1800.

Stalin killed Russians.

Hitler made Germany a stronger nation and helped it out of the crippling depression left by WWI and the sanctions.

Stalin destroyed the church, wrecked the economy, destroyed literature, harassed artists, neutered the professional classes.

Hitler fought his wars with general lawful warfare tactics (notwithstanding going on offense without provocation)(unlike the Allies who used their heavy bombers without discrimination, resulting in the fire tornadoes of Dresden and Hamburg)

Stalin let St. Petersburg slowly die. He stole Nuclear tech from the US and pushed the nuclear arms race that almost led to world annihilation. He used proxy armies and used forced migration of near asian peoples. He had the worlds largest prison camps and show trials

In the end the end they are both pathetic people. But Hitler was a product of the time. If he wasn't the jackass to start world was 2 it would have probably been another England vs France Battle or Spain. How Boring.

Stalin was the lead thief among uptight thieves, based upon a bankrupt interpretation of socialism. A petty little Georgian. Russia could have been the best country of the 20th century with all the Natural Resources and cultural homogeneity that the US wished it had in the 1950's. lol. Instead it's a permanent failed state reverting to strong man rule. Germany of course is and was a democracy.

So anyway, beware of over promising politicians in general and beware of people who think violence trumps ideas. The difference between Stalin and Isis is a difference of gods and success. They use the exact same tactics. It's really crazy.

All wild claims with little basis on facts. It's understandable that the most successful dictator in history of the world, Lord Stalin, would have the most haters, after winning the greatest war in history of the world, WWII. But instead of hating, ignorant peon, you should be thankful to Lord Stalin and the Victorious Red Army for saving the world from evil Hitler and his Nazi oppressors.

04-13-2015, 11:32 PM
This is kind of a meltdown here. First Capitalism and civil rights are totally separate things. Heck, democracy and rights are not even the same things. You need to recognize that the US has the luxury of never being attacked by a neighboring country. (and yet we are still shit scared of mexicans coming over lol). I like the US combinations of freedom and economic opportunity. I live here. But it's not perfect and it can get a lot worse than Obama.

The US is free because we stamped out any social revolution that came up. Unions, smashed, black people, smashed, Mexico? Indians? smashed. Whenever the US feels threatened from within they do dictator like things.

But, off topic, what kind of kayak do you have?

We had a Frggn civil war? Wtf happened just in the 6os? We are a young country in comparison, but have had quite a bit of shit happen...

And Of course they are not the same things, m>s and I go back a ways with these discussions. I am trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to convert him away from his neonazi nature. And, I have been to too many other countries to know how good we have had it here. And definitely not all of us. But people who think the US is racist, authoritarian, lacking compassion, unfair, have no Fckn clue, none, imo. My Uncle (a foreign diplomat) and business allow me to see and witness. Absolutely the worst racism I have seen is in white Eastern Europe... I could go on and on with so much other stuff. Indiscriminate beatings that make Ferguson laughable. Stuff that does not get press because the press is stomped out.

Now. Much more important...

A Kayak Drifter. An 17 year old. 12' 6". Was made for the Pacific and Scuba Diving. 3 feet wide. I Have converted it into a fishing machine. I got many more details of the good and bad it presents for fishing the flats. It's mostly good for me. I could go on forever about this kayak. I have kept it in good shape although it has its share of oyster scratches. I have caught soooo many fish from this...

I must stop.

04-13-2015, 11:36 PM
I must stop.
Don't ever stop homie, kayak for life

04-14-2015, 10:11 AM
All wild claims with little basis on facts. It's understandable that the most successful dictator in history of the world, Lord Stalin, would have the most haters, after winning the greatest war in history of the world, WWII. But instead of hating, ignorant peon, you should be thankful to Lord Stalin and the Victorious Red Army for saving the world from evil Hitler and his Nazi oppressors.

Stalin was a murdering Prick. It was the US that helped Russian win that war as we sent tons of supplies through the Artic where thousands of American men lost their lives from the cold and U Boat attacks. Without that aid, Russia would have fallen.

It's funny how they don't teach this in Russian schools as my wife who is half Russian/Ukrainian believes Russia defeated Germany by themselves. I finally had to show her the war footage that show American sailors landing on Russian soil and delivering tons of supplies to the Russians.

You can just see the dejected look on these sailors faces as many of the boats had big holes in them from Sub attacks and they even showed where sailors had to amputate their limps from the frostbite.

But Russians still believe they did it alone as I am sure they never taught this is Soviet Russia, that American sailors risk their lives bringing much needed supplies to Russia.

04-14-2015, 10:47 AM
Are they drafting Kaminsky?

04-14-2015, 04:05 PM
I have catching up to do in this thread

04-14-2015, 06:46 PM
Stalin was a murdering Prick. It was the US that helped Russian win that war as we sent tons of supplies through the Artic where thousands of American men lost their lives from the cold and U Boat attacks. Without that aid, Russia would have fallen.

It's funny how they don't teach this in Russian schools as my wife who is half Russian/Ukrainian believes Russia defeated Germany by themselves. I finally had to show her the war footage that show American sailors landing on Russian soil and delivering tons of supplies to the Russians.

You can just see the dejected look on these sailors faces as many of the boats had big holes in them from Sub attacks and they even showed where sailors had to amputate their limps from the frostbite.

But Russians still believe they did it alone as I am sure they never taught this is Soviet Russia, that American sailors risk their lives bringing much needed supplies to Russia.

Yes, I'm sure without a few American supplies and shit trucks Russia would have lost WWII. :lol:lol That's it dummy. Nazi Germany war machine was at the peak of its power just before attack on Mother Russia, after some initial setbacks Lord Stalin and the Victorious Red Army turned the tided and gave the Nazi aggressor what they deserved, all the way to Berlin. The greatest number of divisions and most decisive battles were all fought on the Eastern front, I didn't expect your American High School education(:lol) to cover that. Americans sent some supplies but they were far from decisive in the outcome, dummy, and they entered the war when the Nazis were already falling back before the growing might of the Red Army. The number of divisions engaged in the African and Western theaters was pathetic in comparison to the forces contesting the outcome of WWII on the Eastern front, just like in the Great War the Americans were a mere sideshow. :lol:lol

04-14-2015, 07:04 PM
One on One fight. Germany vs. Russia during the WWII period....who wins?

m<s, stalin, Molotov....your thoughts?

04-14-2015, 07:22 PM
Is it even a question? Germany almost did it with one hand while slapping around 2 world powers plus Poland with the other. Even still, the U.S. Providing those raw materials and goods is what really swung it. Soviet jewnion didn't have enough resources or logistics capability without USA involvement and consultation.

04-14-2015, 07:22 PM
One on One fight. Germany vs. Russia during the WWII period....who wins?

m<s, stalin, Molotov....your thoughts?

Scrah, we already saw the outcome of that, Soviet Russia. Fact of the matter is, WWII has shown the majority of forces were engaged on Eastern front, between Russia and Nazi Germany, whoever won that battle won WWII. Just before Barbarossa Germany already moped up Europe and only England showed some resistance, while America was nowhere to be seen, or most likely they sent supplies. :lol:lol It was Germany vs Russia at that point, once Barbarossa failed, German invincibility was shattered and tide started to turn in favour of Russia as its unlimited manpower and materiel started to be the difference in the outcome. After Stalingrad it was really obvious the initiative has passed on to the Red Army, and war all but over, just a matter of moping up and overwhelming the now badly outnumbered and weakened German divisions.

04-14-2015, 07:39 PM
You act like your the father off Russia? Your a dumb ass Georgian riding the Marxist conspiracy to death. Your a bland sitcom rendition of Russia. You thought Russia was afraid of you but as soon add you died they were shitting on your grave. Tsar Nicholas was sad fuck but at least he a legitimate monarch.

04-14-2015, 07:47 PM
Russia had no air force. If Nazi air power could have bombed Russia Russia would have no defense. Russia is a defensive juggernaut on account of it's dumb empty space and the sheer number of soulless Russian men who could play meat shield convincingly.

Germany would have methodically teased Russia until Russia fucked up which is what Russians always do in battle. It's so repetitive. Russia let's it's army's stagnate, Russia builds new army, Russian generals get corrupt,, Russian generals get replaced. About 1/10 Russian officer is competent. That's what you get when your criterion I'd loyalty.

So tldr, Russia on offense Germany on defense, decisive German victory. Russian defense, possible stalemate but Germany had better economy and would outlast Russia.

04-14-2015, 07:51 PM
You act like your the father off Russia? Your a dumb ass Georgian riding the Marxist conspiracy to death. Your a bland sitcom rendition of Russia. You thought Russia was afraid of you but as soon add you died they were shitting on your grave. Tsar Nicholas was sad fuck but at least he a legitimate monarch.

I can understand why you're upset, but its just fact Lord Stalin saved the world from evil Hitler and his Nazi regime. You should be thankful for your freedom today, instead of being an ignorant hater. Consider this, if Hitler beat Stalin and the Red Army, then systematically killing Jews would only be the beginning, from then on, Hitler would be able to do that at will to any nation or people.

04-14-2015, 07:59 PM
Russia had no air force. If Nazi air power could have bombed Russia Russia would have no defense. Russia is a defensive juggernaut on account of it's dumb empty space and the sheer number of soulless Russian men who could play meat shield convincingly.

Germany would have methodically teased Russia until Russia fucked up which is what Russians always do in battle. It's so repetitive. Russia let's it's army's stagnate, Russia builds new army, Russian generals get corrupt,, Russian generals get replaced. About 1/10 Russian officer is competent. That's what you get when your criterion I'd loyalty.

So tldr, Russia on offense Germany on defense, decisive German victory. Russian defense, possible stalemate but Germany had better economy and would outlast Russia.

Scrah, it already happened, no need for your babbling half baked "theories". :lol:lol Germany had every advantage to beat Russia during Barbarossa but didn't, instead lost and got shitted on by the mighty Red Army. Germany just subdued all of Europe had great armour, leadership, veteran army coming of amazing victories. While on the other hand, Russia's military leadership devastated by Lord Stalin's purges a few years earlier, Red Army somewhat outdated, and yet Hitler and the Nazis still shit the bed against Russia's Victorious Red Army. :lol:lol

04-14-2015, 08:02 PM
Scrah, we already saw the outcome of that, Soviet Russia. Fact of the matter is, WWII has shown the majority of forces were engaged on Eastern front, between Russia and Nazi Germany, whoever won that battle won WWII. Just before Barbarossa Germany already moped up Europe and only England showed some resistance, while America was nowhere to be seen, or most likely they sent supplies. :lol:lol It was Germany vs Russia at that point, once Barbarossa failed, German invincibility was shattered and tide started to turn in favour of Russia as its unlimited manpower and materiel started to be the difference in the outcome. After Stalingrad it was really obvious the initiative has passed on to the Red Army, and war all but over, just a matter of moping up and overwhelming the now badly outnumbered and weakened German divisions.

It's okay.....I just think you are badly underestimating the fact that Germany was being attacked on two fronts. One on One fight....against the full German Army....Russia gets bitch-slapped IMO. The air superiority for Germany would tip the scale in their favor...

Don't be mad....it's just my opinion.

04-14-2015, 08:04 PM
With saying that...cheers to Mother Russia. Who did what or more doesn't matter to me....

The Allies won....and that fucktard Hitler took the easy way out and killed himself (what a fucking pussy).


04-14-2015, 08:26 PM
It's okay.....I just think you are badly underestimating the fact that Germany was being attacked on two fronts. One on One fight....against the full German Army....Russia gets bitch-slapped IMO. The air superiority for Germany would tip the scale in their favor...

Don't be mad....it's just my opinion.

Scrah, you could not be more wrong. What two fronts? They already stopped attacking England at start of Barbarossa. Africa was barely contested, it was the sideshow of sideshows, there were barely any divisions engaged there. The vast majority of German divisions were involved in Barbarossa attack and Germany had months to prepare for Barbarossa, it was a complete surprise to Stalin, despite the warnings. Barbarossa had everything going for it at start but eventually failed because Hitler went on 3 main axis of attack, instead of concentrating on just taking Moscow. Also the due size of Russia alot of their tanks and trucks broke down and wore out faster, winter slowed their advance for which they were ill prepared. Arrival of Siberian Red Army reserves during winter ended Barbarossa attack. Germany could never win simply because Russia would always have home ground advantage, vastly greater manpower pool, and far superior industrial capacity to make war materiel.

04-14-2015, 08:27 PM
With saying that...cheers to Mother Russia. Who did what or more doesn't matter to me....

The Allies won....and that fucktard Hitler took the easy way out and killed himself (what a fucking pussy).



04-14-2015, 08:34 PM

My comrade...

04-14-2015, 09:04 PM

Why did Russia feel safe in sending some of their best troops from Siberia to the Eastern front to fight?

Why? This is so often overlooked, but it greatly aided in Russia defeating Germany. People claim they know history and completely overlook this tidbit. I await your answer.
Hell I await anyone's answer...
Silver and Black, this will bolster your claim.

04-14-2015, 09:50 PM

Why did Russia feel safe in sending some of their best troops from Siberia to the Eastern front to fight?

Why? This is so often overlooked, but it greatly aided in Russia defeating Germany. People claim they know history and completely overlook this tidbit. I await your answer.
Hell I await anyone's answer...
Silver and Black, this will bolster your claim.

Too easy, scrah, they could divert Siberian reserves because they found out through their diplomats that the Japs, and as eventually happened, had no intention of attacking Russia in far east, whose territories offered slim pickings. Instead, the Japs attacked the Chinese mainland with its resource rich lands, and left Russia alone for the rest of the war until Russia took Berlin and sent its forces to rape the Japs with massed armour.

04-14-2015, 10:27 PM
So much wrong with these takes but I have a headache and honestly it's exasperating arguing with knuckleheads who repeat the same mistakes ad nauseam

04-14-2015, 10:27 PM
Plus Molotov is another Stalin troll cling in his own backup

04-14-2015, 10:35 PM
Too easy, scrah, they could divert Siberian reserves because they found out through their diplomats that the Japs, and as eventually happened, had no intention of attacking Russia in far east, whose territories offered slim pickings. Instead, the Japs attacked the Chinese mainland with its resource rich lands, and left Russia alone for the rest of the war until Russia took Berlin and sent its forces to rape the Japs with massed armour.

Yeah the Japanese had no intention.

Because they Fkn had their hands full with the U.S., that's why they had no intention!
China! How far did they get into China? Seriously? Once Japan engaged the US, it was all hands deck.
The War with The US diverted almost all of Japan's attention in that part of Asia to the Pacific.
The Japanese were far more brutal with Korea... China... Sheesh. That was a blip.

Lets get that straight, Scrah...

The ethnic Chinese the Japanese killed in droves were not in China.

04-14-2015, 10:51 PM
Do we at least agree that the United kingdom sucked balls? The only cool parts were stolen from India. Talk about fuckong barbarians, they couldn't even get protestant religion correct, lol.

04-14-2015, 10:51 PM
Yeah the Japanese had no intention.

Because they Fkn had their hands full with the U.S., that's why they had no intention!
China! How far did they get into China? Seriously? Once Japan engaged the US, it was all hands deck.
The War with The US diverted almost all of Japan's attention in that part of Asia to the Pacific.

Lets get that straight, Scrah...

Quite wrong. The Russians and Japs clashed in 1938, when Japs tried to invade Mongolia, Russia's puppet at the time. The Japs shitty paper tanks got raped by Russian Red Army armour. The effect of which was the april 1941 Russian-Jap non aggression treaty. Germans attacked Russian that same June, and at this time Americans were still talking with the Japs, they weren't at war yet, scrah. That happened December 1941, lel. So, your supposed "Americans pounding Japs" deterent is quite off since the war between them has yet to start. At the time when Nazi's attacked Russia in June 1941 and mighty Siberian reserves were called up, who then proceeded to march on foot from Siberia to Moscow and go straight into the battle of Moscow that same winter and stop the Nazi invader in their tracks.

04-14-2015, 11:04 PM
Meanwhile USA admits that a Russian sale of s300s to Iran would completely take the military force option off the table completely. Check it out its in the political forum. This is the old generation were talking about, not even the S500. No way could Russia have fought Germany one on one but with the German nation destroyed, Russia stands tall among the second place contenders. Any American aggression in Eastern Europe will result in our forces being swept from the continent.

04-14-2015, 11:16 PM
A fine thread. You guys have done good.

04-14-2015, 11:32 PM
Quite wrong. The Russians and Japs clashed in 1938, when Japs tried to invade Mongolia, Russia's puppet at the time. The Japs shitty paper tanks got raped by Russian Red Army armour. The effect of which was the april 1941 Russian-Jap non aggression treaty. Germans attacked Russian that same June, and at this time Americans were still talking with the Japs, they weren't at war yet, scrah. That happened December 1941, lel. So, your supposed "Americans pounding Japs" deterent is quite off since the war between them has yet to start. At the time when Nazi's attacked Russia in June 1941 and mighty Siberian reserves were called up, who then proceeded to march on foot from Siberia to Moscow and go straight into the battle of Moscow that same winter and stop the Nazi invader in their tracks.

Swing and a miss.
Look again when the troops were withdrawn by Russia and moved scrah...

And what about your China claims?
Japan and China had been at it off and on many times before WWII.

The U.S. engagement with Japan aided Russia. There would have been no elite troops in Siberia if it were not so. They were there because of Japan. And fully moved because Russia was getting its shit kicked in on the Eastern front and Japan was now engaged.

The weather may have been the biggest factor in stopping the Germans in the East. Although I cant see how Hitler could possibly... They were both mentally fragile leaders, Stalin and Hitler. Paranoid nuts.

You probably don't believe Stalin had a "nervy B" when Hitler turned on him and it was going poorly...

04-14-2015, 11:51 PM
Do we at least agree that the United kingdom sucked balls? The only cool parts were stolen from India. Talk about fuckong barbarians, they couldn't even get protestant religion correct, lol.

I Quite like the English.
Funniest people on Earth imo.

04-15-2015, 12:58 AM
Swing and a miss.
Look again when the troops were withdrawn by Russia and moved scrah...

And what about your China claims?
Japan and China had been at it off and on many times before WWII.

The U.S. engagement with Japan aided Russia. There would have been no elite troops in Siberia if it were not so. They were there because of Japan. And fully moved because Russia was getting its shit kicked in on the Eastern front and Japan was now engaged.

The weather may have been the biggest factor in stopping the Germans in the East. Although I cant see how Hitler could possibly... They were both mentally fragile leaders, Stalin and Hitler. Paranoid nuts.

You probably don't believe Stalin had a "nervy B" when Hitler turned on him and it was going poorly...

What are you babbling about scro? Your American High School "education" clearly showing. Reinforcements were being withdrawn from Far East since July when Russians realized that Moscow defenses would soon be breached. Thats how they were ready for Moscow's defense and winter counter-offensives in autumn and winter, Japs declared war on US, in December, when German advance had already been slowed. Is that all you have? So asshurt desperate to deflect, that has to split hairs over a couple months. :lol:lol


"Russians had been launching counteroffensives of various sizes since early Sep to slow the progress of the German army. The counteroffensives were largely planned under the leadership of Zhukov, a man who Stalin feared as a political threat but yet relied on so much to defend his capital. On 5 Dec, Zhukov saw the opportunity to launch a major counteroffensive, while at the same time he knew he could no longer take any chances; the German troops were too close to Moscow for his comfort. He called in his troops of Siberia and the Far East, who had been resting nearby for such a counteroffensive. T-34 tanks and Katyusha rocket launchers led the way for the fresh Russian soldiers, some of whom donned the white winter camouflage that became the subject of nightmares to the freezing retreating German troops. By 7 Jan 1942, the front lines were driven back anywhere between 100km to 250km. German forces would never again threaten Moscow directly for the rest of the war."



"During the autumn, Stalin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin) had been transferring fresh, well-equipped Soviet forces from Siberia and the Far East to Moscow. On 5 December 1941, these reinforcements attacked the German lines around the Soviet capital, supported by new T-34 tanks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-34_tank) and Katyusha rocket launchers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyusha_rocket_launcher). The new Soviet troops were better-prepared for winter warfare than their foes, and they also included several ski battalions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ski_warfare). The exhausted and freezing Germans were driven away from Moscow on 7 January 1942."

Yes, dummy, like I said Japs decided since getting shitted on in 1938 by the Russians, to concentrate on attacking the Chinese mainland, they were at war with China since 1938. Are you stupid? I just said that in a previous post, that's why they could remove some reserves because Japs were occupied with Chinese not Americans, the Chinks should be thanked far more for keeping the Japs occupied than the US. :lol Battle of Moscow was already decided by the time Japs attacked Pearl Harbour in December 9141. There was no war between Japs and Americans yet to influence Siberian reserves, retard. :lol:lol Another dumbass American trying to overrate American involvement in WWII because he knows what an insignificant sideshow it was.


The attack on Pearl Harbor[nb 4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor#cite_note-16) was a surprise military strike (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_strike) conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Navy) against the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) naval base (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Station_Pearl_Harbor) at Pearl Harbor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Harbor), Hawaii (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii), on the morning of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II).

04-15-2015, 08:48 AM
Yes, I'm sure without a few American supplies and shit trucks Russia would have lost WWII. :lol:lol That's it dummy. Nazi Germany war machine was at the peak of its power just before attack on Mother Russia, after some initial setbacks Lord Stalin and the Victorious Red Army turned the tided and gave the Nazi aggressor what they deserved, all the way to Berlin. The greatest number of divisions and most decisive battles were all fought on the Eastern front, I didn't expect your American High School education(:lol) to cover that. Americans sent some supplies but they were far from decisive in the outcome, dummy, and they entered the war when the Nazis were already falling back before the growing might of the Red Army. The number of divisions engaged in the African and Western theaters was pathetic in comparison to the forces contesting the outcome of WWII on the Eastern front, just like in the Great War the Americans were a mere sideshow. :lol:lol

A few, you are talking about hundreds of ship. Americans sent so many ships to UK and Russian that the Germans couldn't possibly destroy them all. They would literally run out of torpedos from their attacks. It wasn't a few supplies, it was a shitload of supplies.

Over 4,000 ships where sunk in the first 3 years of the war. Americans sent 100's of ships to Russian. They wouldn't have lasted if not for those supplies. Of course you Russians did fight off the Germans, but you would have been literally using Molotovs to do so if not for the Ammunition (tons of it) sent by the US.

These are just MERCHANT SHIPS that were sunk.


04-15-2015, 06:07 PM
What are you babbling about scro? Your American High School "education" clearly showing. Reinforcements were being withdrawn from Far East since July when Russians realized that Moscow defenses would soon be breached. Thats how they were ready for Moscow's defense and winter counter-offensives in autumn and winter, Japs declared war on US, in December, when German advance had already been slowed. Is that all you have? So asshurt desperate to deflect, that has to split hairs over a couple months. :lol:lol


"Russians had been launching counteroffensives of various sizes since early Sep to slow the progress of the German army. The counteroffensives were largely planned under the leadership of Zhukov, a man who Stalin feared as a political threat but yet relied on so much to defend his capital. On 5 Dec, Zhukov saw the opportunity to launch a major counteroffensive, while at the same time he knew he could no longer take any chances; the German troops were too close to Moscow for his comfort. He called in his troops of Siberia and the Far East, who had been resting nearby for such a counteroffensive. T-34 tanks and Katyusha rocket launchers led the way for the fresh Russian soldiers, some of whom donned the white winter camouflage that became the subject of nightmares to the freezing retreating German troops. By 7 Jan 1942, the front lines were driven back anywhere between 100km to 250km. German forces would never again threaten Moscow directly for the rest of the war."



"During the autumn, Stalin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin) had been transferring fresh, well-equipped Soviet forces from Siberia and the Far East to Moscow. On 5 December 1941, these reinforcements attacked the German lines around the Soviet capital, supported by new T-34 tanks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-34_tank) and Katyusha rocket launchers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyusha_rocket_launcher). The new Soviet troops were better-prepared for winter warfare than their foes, and they also included several ski battalions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ski_warfare). The exhausted and freezing Germans were driven away from Moscow on 7 January 1942."

Yes, dummy, like I said Japs decided since getting shitted on in 1938 by the Russians, to concentrate on attacking the Chinese mainland, they were at war with China since 1938. Are you stupid? I just said that in a previous post, that's why they could remove some reserves because Japs were occupied with Chinese not Americans, the Chinks should be thanked far more for keeping the Japs occupied than the US. :lol Battle of Moscow was already decided by the time Japs attacked Pearl Harbour in December 9141. There was no war between Japs and Americans yet to influence Siberian reserves, retard. :lol:lol Another dumbass American trying to overrate American involvement in WWII because he knows what an insignificant sideshow it was.


The attack on Pearl Harbor[nb 4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor#cite_note-16) was a surprise military strike (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_strike) conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Navy) against the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) naval base (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Station_Pearl_Harbor) at Pearl Harbor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Harbor), Hawaii (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii), on the morning of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II).

All you have put up does absolutely nothing to refute my contention.

You think the whole group was moved on one date idiot?
Why were the troops in Siberia to begin with you babbling fool?

And the Japanese and Chinese had been going back and forth long before 1938!

04-16-2015, 01:47 PM
A few, you are talking about hundreds of ship. Americans sent so many ships to UK and Russian that the Germans couldn't possibly destroy them all. They would literally run out of torpedos from their attacks. It wasn't a few supplies, it was a shitload of supplies.

Over 4,000 ships where sunk in the first 3 years of the war. Americans sent 100's of ships to Russian. They wouldn't have lasted if not for those supplies. Of course you Russians did fight off the Germans, but you would have been literally using Molotovs to do so if not for the Ammunition (tons of it) sent by the US.

These are just MERCHANT SHIPS that were sunk.


Wow you're an idiot. :lol These supplies didn't win the war as you claim, because the Russians never received significant amounts of supplies until after 1943, when all the decisive battles of the war were already over and Nazi's were in retreat. They were sending supplies before 1943 to England and other allies. That's why there are less ships sunk after 1943, because Germans had far important concern then their U-boats, like 300+ Russian divisions coming at them. And why did the US only send troops to open a second front in Europe in 1944, D-day, when the war was almost over? :lol:lol So from 1941 to 1944 June, Russians were pushing the Germans shit in, while the Americans were cowering behind the Atlantic, and could only manage to send some supplies.:lol Finally, pussy Americans decided to send a few divisions to Normandy when the war is almost over..:lol:lol Scurred little American bitches. No wonder you have to overrated your involvement in WWII, since there wasn't much of it. :lol:lol

04-16-2015, 02:13 PM
All you have put up does absolutely nothing to refute my contention.

You think the whole group was moved on one date idiot?
Why were the troops in Siberia to begin with you babbling fool?

And the Japanese and Chinese had been going back and forth long before 1938!

Actually, I already refuted your pathetic and retarded contentions. Let me explain for the third time, maybe this time your addled senile geezer brain will comprehend these simple concepts. Didn't you claim that the reason they could move those troops is because the Japs were occupied fighting Americans? I just refuted this retarded claim, by pointing out that the order to recall the troops from Siberia and Far East, came six months before the war between the Japs and Americans broke out, so that had no impact whatsoever on the deployment of Siberian reserves, because there was no fucking war between Japs and Americans at the time the order was sent. :lol:lol:lol

04-16-2015, 03:11 PM
Wow you're an idiot. :lol These supplies didn't win the war as you claim, because the Russians never received significant amounts of supplies until after 1943, when all the decisive battles of the war were already over and Nazi's were in retreat. They were sending supplies before 1943 to England and other allies. That's why there are less ships sunk after 1943, because Germans had far important concern then their U-boats, like 300+ Russian divisions coming at them. And why did the US only send troops to open a second front in Europe in 1944, D-day, when the war was almost over? :lol:lol So from 1941 to 1944 June, Russians were pushing the Germans shit in, while the Americans were cowering behind the Atlantic, and could only manage to send some supplies.:lol Finally, pussy Americans decided to send a few divisions to Normandy when the war is almost over..:lol:lol Scurred little American bitches. No wonder you have to overrated your involvement in WWII, since there wasn't much of it. :lol:lol
You are a complete moron. Russia was being financed by American and British Bankers since it's inception up to the end of WW11.


04-16-2015, 04:41 PM
Stalin's turn to get "beat up" by Hollywood

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTk1NTkxOTc5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODI0NTg0NDE@._ V1_SX214_AL_.jpg

04-16-2015, 04:44 PM

i catch up on this thread

04-16-2015, 05:47 PM
You are a complete moron. Russia was being financed by American and British Bankers since it's inception up to the end of WW11.


:lol:lol Another asshurt Faggot American that listens to German techno, with more wild claims from some loser failure writer that is trying to sell a few copies with by trying to give exagerated and far fetched opinions on the subject. His peers ignore him out of hand, you retarded faggot. :lol:lol

04-16-2015, 05:53 PM
Stalin's turn to get "beat up" by Hollywood

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTk1NTkxOTc5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODI0NTg0NDE@._ V1_SX214_AL_.jpg

When you the most successful dictator in history of the world, as Lord Stalin is, due to winning the greatest war in history, WWII. Its quite understandable you`re bound to pick up a few ungrateful uneducated American haters.

04-16-2015, 05:56 PM
Stalin's turn to get "beat up" by Hollywood

Inf, once again.

04-16-2015, 06:19 PM
When you the most successful dictator in history of the world, as Lord Stalin is, due to winning the greatest war in history, WWII. Its quite understandable you`re bound to pick up a few ungrateful uneducated American haters.

LOL sitdown you silly faggot. When a developed nation went through 3x more famines than mexico during the same time period, you're just the Lord of Toilets.

Toilets everywhere.

04-16-2015, 07:38 PM
LOL sitdown you silly faggot. When a developed nation went through 3x more famines than mexico during the same time period, you're just the Lord of Toilets.

Toilets everywhere.

Pull that crack pipe out of your mouth faggot, that makes no sense.:lol:lol You're just upset due to America's insignificance in the greatest war the world has ever seen. WWII started in 1939, and ended 1945, America entered the war in Europe in June 1944 :lol:lol. Where were you front running pussy faggots at during the first 5 years??? :lol:lol You were busy sending shitty trucks and supplies, while Soviet Russia suffered over 20 million to earn the WWII Victory, scrah.

:lol but ....but we won WWII cause we sent supplies
:lol shitty Ford trucks won WWII
:lol frontrunning Americans
:lol pussies hiding behind Atlantic during first 5 years of WWII
:lol softest troops during WWII
:lol shitty Sherman tanks getting shitted on by German Tigers over and over
:lol faggots


04-16-2015, 08:28 PM
Pull that crack pipe out of your mouth faggot, that makes no sense.:lol:lol You're just upset due to America's insignificance in the greatest war the world has ever seen. WWII started in 1939, and ended 1945, America entered the war in Europe in June 1944 :lol:lol. Where were you front running pussy faggots at during the first 5 years??? :lol:lol You were busy sending shitty trucks and supplies, while Soviet Russia suffered over 20 million to earn the WWII Victory, scrah.

:lol but ....but we won WWII cause we sent supplies
:lol shitty Ford trucks won WWII
:lol frontrunning Americans
:lol pussies hiding behind Atlantic during first 5 years of WWII
:lol softest troops during WWII
:lol shitty Sherman tanks getting shitted on by German Tigers over and over
:lol faggots


Faggot, u lost to finland.