View Full Version : 3 Superpacs support Cruz-30 million in one week

04-08-2015, 05:49 PM

So on top of his huge amounts of small donations, he's starting to get the big fish.

Slutter McGee
04-08-2015, 06:00 PM
I still think Cruz is too polarizing to win, but that is a lot of money.

Slutter McGee

04-08-2015, 07:05 PM
A story by the snobbiest of snobs. Good insight into the future president.

I think now that he has the chance to defend himself, he's been able to explain his views. As bush and obama has showed, the electorate is ok with people they don't agree with, as long as the person seems sincere. Compared to who they're running against

04-08-2015, 07:43 PM
A story by the snobbiest of snobs. Good insight into the future president.

I think now that he has the chance to defend himself, he's been able to explain his views. As bush and obama has showed, the electorate is ok with people they don't agree with, as long as the person seems sincere. Compared to who they're running against
So you're on record that cruz is going to be the next president?

Bookmarked :lol

04-08-2015, 10:04 PM
So you're on record that cruz is going to be the next president?

Bookmarked :lol
Here is where I said I would vote for him.

04-08-2015, 10:56 PM
Unless the next republican president has massive majorities in congress (including a supermajority in the senate), he isn't going to get shit done. It's going to be pure obstructionism -- what goes around comes around.

04-08-2015, 11:00 PM
According to a person familiar with the workings and financing of the new super-PACs, many of the donors are former backers of George W. Bush and Perry

This really is stupid money.....

04-08-2015, 11:06 PM
That will buy a lot of eyeliner.

04-08-2015, 11:12 PM
That will buy a lot of eyeliner.
Now he's not one of your kind

04-08-2015, 11:17 PM
Now he's not one of your kindRight, he's the kind that wears eyeliner.

As such he can count on your vote.

04-08-2015, 11:23 PM
Nuh uh, I caught you tiptoeing through the tulips the other day. All you could do was post a laughing emoticon when I asked you how you knew so much about being born gay. You said that shit with such smugness that it was obvious you knew firsthand.

04-08-2015, 11:31 PM
Nuh uh, I caught you tiptoeing through the tulips the other day. All you could do was post a laughing emoticon when I asked you how you knew so much about being born gay. You said that shit with such smugness that it was obvious you knew firsthand.I was laughing at your continued intense curiosity regarding my sexuality and other men in general.

It's making more sense every time you post tbh.

04-08-2015, 11:34 PM
Yeah only a real queer would know with absolutely certainty whether you're born gay or become that way over the course of your life. But thanks for telling us you we're born that way, way to offer up free telling material. I guess this is where cuck junior got the idea to make the cuck these in the club rofl.

04-08-2015, 11:35 PM
Yeah only a real queer would know with absolutely certainty whether you're born gay or become that way over the course of your life. But thanks for telling us you we're born that way, way to offer up free telling material. I guess this is where cuck junior got the idea to make the cuck these in the club rofl.Thanks for proving again just how interested you are in men.

You were probably born that way, so don't be so defensive about it.

04-08-2015, 11:40 PM
I remember being fascinated by tits at the age of 2 or 3 as early as I can remember..the girls on the loreal commercials tbh you? When did you know you were attracted to men?

04-08-2015, 11:59 PM
I remember being fascinated by tits at the age of 2 or 3 as early as I can remember..the girls on the loreal commercials tbh you? When did you know you were attracted to men?So you were interested in makeup at a very early age and now you talk to men about sex on the internet.


04-09-2015, 12:08 AM
Nope boobs. They'd never quite show them past the cleavage and I'd get frustrated as hell haha. You have similar experiences, inverted style?

04-09-2015, 12:12 AM
Why are you hitting on men now?

04-09-2015, 05:22 AM
I think now that he has the chance to defend himself, he's been able to explain his views.

Krazy Kruz, running for the President of Jesus, has had no limitation on his nasty, incurable logorrhea (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1LENP_enUS567US570&es_sm=93&q=logorrhea&spell=1&sa=X&ei=-1EmVaXcBsGxsAXnvoD4BQ&ved=0CBsQvwUoAA). His views are extremist, Christian supremacist, anti-woman, anti-99%, theocratic, apocalyptic, etc, etc. And the majority of his own party hates him. As with ALL the Repugs wannabes, he'll get no further than the Repug extreme base.

04-09-2015, 07:09 AM
http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/06/30/the-absolutist-2 the electorate is ok with people they don't agree with, as long as the person seems sincere. :lol If there's one thing the right and left mainstream press can agree on, it's that Ted Cruz is garishly, gratingly insincere.

04-09-2015, 07:53 AM
I hope Rick Perry takes Ted Cruz to school!

04-09-2015, 08:03 AM
If he doesn't screw up, it's gonna be JEB.

JimmyRicky is indicted, and is as stupid as he was in 2012.

None of them is sincere about anything except power, egomania, and self-enrichment.

04-09-2015, 08:25 AM
Krazee Kruz is loved by the tea baggers, who are HUGE on sincerity!

Tea Party hires actors to feign indignation over plan to save Everglades


Making a living as an actor in Florida must be hard. The state — best known for sinkholes, alligators, and idiotic (https://twitter.com/_flor1dawoman) criminals (https://twitter.com/_floridaman) — is not exactly a capital of theater, film, or television. So you can’t really blame the actors who took $75 from a local Tea Party chapter and sugar conglomerate in West Palm Beach to pretend to be protesters.

The people to blame are the corporate chieftains and local conservative activists who tried to compensate for the unpopularity of their cause by astroturfing their rally.

Here’s what happened: On Thursday, during a meeting of the South Florida Water Management District, “Tea Partiers” gathered outside to protest a state plan to purchase a big swath of the Everglades and protect it.

But as the Palm Beach Post reports (http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/actors-hired-to-protest-at-water-district-know-lit/nkkkb/), they were mostly actors hired by the Tea Party of Miami (http://www.teaparty-miami.org/about-1.html) and the company U.S. Sugar. The Tea Party chapter put the casting call (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/bradshaw01.jpg) out on Facebook, captured (http://cltampa.com/politicalanimal/archives/2015/04/02/actors-protest-land-buy-aimed-at-everglades-restoration#.VSMJj00tHyE) by a reporter for Creative Loafing Tampa. They offered $75 cash to show up for two hours and hold banners and signs, which would be provided.



tea baggers are typical right wingers: proxies, shills, and whores for BigCorp.


04-09-2015, 08:32 AM
Here is where I said I would vote for him.

I hate to break it to you SnC, but just because you vote for someone does not ensure they'll become president.

04-09-2015, 08:43 AM
No way he even wins the primary.

04-09-2015, 11:16 AM
:lol If there's one thing the right and left mainstream press can agree on, it's that Ted Cruz is garishly, gratingly insincere.
Insincere. I haven't heard that.

04-09-2015, 11:19 AM
the candidate for President of United and his Christian supremacist theoracy, to impose Christian ethics, morals on a secular govt

Ted Cruz Wants To Strip the Supreme Court’s Authority On Marriage Equality

because things are not proceeding the way the religious right and Republicans believe a theocracy should be governed, evangelical hero Ted Cruz wants the U.S. Congress to eliminate the power of the federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court, by passing a law banning them from hearing or ruling on marriage equality cases.

Apparently, because too many federal courts have followed the Constitution and not the Christian bible on the question of same-sex marriage, it is likely that Cruz wants Congress to give that authority to the evangelical right to decide.

It is yet another in a long line of attempts by Republican fascists to control the nation and eliminate the Constitution’s separation of powers.

Old Ted is not the first Republican to attempt to strip power from the federal courts, and he may believe the effort has a chance of succeeding, but it is just as likely he is pandering for, and garnering, major support for his presidential bid from the theocracy crowd.

However, one should not underestimate the seriousness of Cruz, or the evangelicals, in their attempt to prohibit the judiciary from ruling on any number of cases involving religion.

Apparently Cruz and his religious right supporters are battle-ready insane over the prospect of a possible Supreme Court ruling that marriage equality is constitutional according to the “due process” and “equal rights” clauses of the 14th Amendment; something Cruz, Republicans, and the religious right believes is an abomination.

http://www.politicususa.com/2015/04/09/cruz-strip-supreme-courts-authority-marriage-equality.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politi cus+USA+%29 (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/04/09/cruz-strip-supreme-courts-authority-marriage-equality.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politi cus+USA+%29)

Freedom of Religion for these Bible humping asshole theocrats is Freedom to FORCE their hate-saturated religion on everybody else.

04-09-2015, 11:20 AM
I hate to break it to you SnC, but just because you vote for someone does not ensure they'll become president.
Hate to break it to you, but I don't think there is anything that someone can do to ensure a person becomes president.

04-09-2015, 11:21 AM
No way he even wins the primary.
I bet you he wins Iowa.

04-09-2015, 12:24 PM
I bet you he wins Iowa.

You just referred to Cruz as our future president upstream, now you only give him the Iowa primary?

04-09-2015, 05:59 PM

So on top of his huge amounts of small donations, he's starting to get the big fish.

Hillary is looking to be unopposed or vs Biden at most and the project that between her machine and Obama's old machine that she has now absorbed she is likely to earn and spend a billion dollars between PAC/Super-PAC.

That projection is based on what last years election looked like in terms of total donations and spending. It takes about a billion dollars to win because of all the dark money.

Cruz is running on the typical evangelical nonsense. It's why he kicked it off at Liberty U. Further he has no legislative history. He is known as the chief obstructionist over the past 6 years. While the base loves that, it doesn't resonate with the independent. So lets look at the goofy social conservatism that his party has promised and not delivered over the course of the last 30 years.

04-10-2015, 12:55 PM
Hillary is looking to be unopposed or vs Biden at most and the project that between her machine and Obama's old machine that she has now absorbed she is likely to earn and spend a billion dollars between PAC/Super-PAC.

That projection is based on what last years election looked like in terms of total donations and spending. It takes about a billion dollars to win because of all the dark money.

Cruz is running on the typical evangelical nonsense. It's why he kicked it off at Liberty U. Further he has no legislative history. He is known as the chief obstructionist over the past 6 years. While the base loves that, it doesn't resonate with the independent. So lets look at the goofy social conservatism that his party has promised and not delivered over the course of the last 30 years.

Independents mean about as much to the electorate as Ultra-Liberals in Texas. Although he says Cruz can't do it now, K. Rove said the key to Bush winning is getting the people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. The christian right. Although demonized by the left, the chr r have pretty basic voting beliefs. If he can get just 2% more in places like PA and OH suburbs, he could take them. But before all that, he has to get past the media war machine and the republican mantra to destroy each other in the primaries.

On top of that is the pendelum swing. 8 years of liberal failures - I doubt gives someone like you, who thinks obama was a good president, to have a very good view of what the "independents" will find as their priorities.

As far as donations, GOP outspent Obama and got curb-stomped. Like always, it's what you're bringing to the table, how you distinguish yourself, and if you seem sincere.

04-10-2015, 01:00 PM
You just referred to Cruz as our future president upstream, now you only give him the Iowa primary?
I don't think hell win every state in the primaries and general. It's a slow process.

Are you an idiot, or are you just trying to troll everything I write. If you're trolling, you're failing. You hit the idiot job like a one legged gymnast needing to be carried off by her coach, though. You're posts require the writing thought process of a facebook response to a vaguebooker: "stay strong"; "we still love you" and the ultimate "what happened?"

04-10-2015, 11:28 PM
Insincere. I haven't heard that. That only means you need to mix up your news outlets, sir. There are plenty of reasonable sources that have reasonable criticisms of him, but I encourage you to just look at him when he's addressing the media: he's maybe the kabuki-est politician in a country of fakers. I'm very interested to see how he adapts his schtick to debates since he's such a fiercely competitive orator, which conflicts with his aw-shucks, lamb-of-G_d act. I expect he'll try to act humbly heroic, but his rhetoric will fall apart on policy issues he can't be slippery about? We'll see, I guess. Looking forward to watching the ideological armies these candidates represent in the campaign theater. It doesn't make for good government, but damned if it doesn't make for good entertainment.

04-11-2015, 12:27 AM
Independents mean about as much to the electorate as Ultra-Liberals in Texas. Although he says Cruz can't do it now, K. Rove said the key to Bush winning is getting the people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. The christian right. Although demonized by the left, the chr r have pretty basic voting beliefs. If he can get just 2% more in places like PA and OH suburbs, he could take them. But before all that, he has to get past the media war machine and the republican mantra to destroy each other in the primaries.

On top of that is the pendelum swing. 8 years of liberal failures - I doubt gives someone like you, who thinks obama was a good president, to have a very good view of what the "independents" will find as their priorities.

As far as donations, GOP outspent Obama and got curb-stomped. Like always, it's what you're bringing to the table, how you distinguish yourself, and if you seem sincere.

I'm 100% on board with the "pendulum swinging" thing, if anything, just because I rather not have a single party cement themselves in power. If there's anything worse than 2 parties is one party.

But I think you're absolutely wrong about the electorate. Neither the Dems nor the GOP can win with just their bases anymore. Demographics dictate you're going to need the latino vote, the center vote and any other aggregates. Often forgotten is that Bush actually won with like 50+% of the latino vote, and that was barely enough the 2nd time around. I think with the right candidate the GOP should have a field day, the only thing that gives me pause is that they've been terrible at that the last couple of times.

04-11-2015, 07:00 AM
"If there's anything worse than 2 parties is one party."

it depends on what the long-serving party does, which since 2009 has been almost nothing because the Repugs have OBSTRUCTED, DEFUNDED everything the Dems have tried.

The WORST is the post-1980 VRWC Repugs having all the power, since they fuck up everything.

04-11-2015, 12:48 PM
It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with entrenching a single ideology in power, or avoiding that.

If they "fuck up everything", then you should have nothing to worry about, the pendulum will eventually swing back...

04-11-2015, 12:52 PM
It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with entrenching a single ideology in power, or avoiding that.

If they "fuck up everything", then you should have nothing to worry about, the pendulum will eventually swing back...

bulshit, the damage the Repugs did in the 1980s and 2000s are still fucking up America and the planet.

04-11-2015, 05:42 PM
I'm 100% on board with the "pendulum swinging" thing, if anything, just because I rather not have a single party cement themselves in power. If there's anything worse than 2 parties is one party.

But I think you're absolutely wrong about the electorate. Neither the Dems nor the GOP can win with just their bases anymore. Demographics dictate you're going to need the latino vote, the center vote and any other aggregates. Often forgotten is that Bush actually won with like 50+% of the latino vote, and that was barely enough the 2nd time around. I think with the right candidate the GOP should have a field day, the only thing that gives me pause is that they've been terrible at that the last couple of times.
I doubt cruz will have a problem with the majority or hispanics-who are majority christians. The people who have 'legalize illegal mexicans' idea at their first, second or third issue to pick a president wouldn't vote for a republican imo. But with the small percentage of people who do vote, it would make sense to try and excite them to come out and vote, rather than get the "independents", who aren't as big in the swing states like CO, OH, and FL. You do make a good point about the pendelum swing. It's why I want a Dem to be Gov of TX. Just not a New England Liberal.

04-11-2015, 07:05 PM
I doubt cruz will have a problem with the majority or hispanics-who are majority christians. The people who have 'legalize illegal mexicans' idea at their first, second or third issue to pick a president wouldn't vote for a republican imo. But with the small percentage of people who do vote, it would make sense to try and excite them to come out and vote, rather than get the "independents", who aren't as big in the swing states like CO, OH, and FL. You do make a good point about the pendelum swing. It's why I want a Dem to be Gov of TX. Just not a New England Liberal.

Hillary is looking to run with Castro its looking like. Unlike Cruz he actually polls well with Latinos.

Cruz shit and obstructed immigration reform. Most Mexicans are Catholic. That is not the same as the WASP version of religion Cruz is wooing. You are back to wishful thinking this election.

04-11-2015, 07:42 PM
Hillary is looking to run with Castro its looking like. Unlike Cruz he actually polls well with Latinos.

Cruz shit and obstructed immigration reform. Most Mexicans are Catholic. That is not the same as the WASP version of religion Cruz is wooing. You are back to wishful thinking this election.
Where have you read Clinton(don't be sexist) is thinking about Castro?

Where is a poll about Castro?

IMO Castro is a clown and was the worst mayor in a long time. Besides him being hispanic, what would make him a valid candidate? I also doubt Castro will woo enough votes in battleground states to make a difference for all the negativity that Clinton would bring. Lastly, America will not let LILAC go like southsiders in SA did.

04-11-2015, 07:45 PM
"Castro is a clown and was the worst mayor in a long time."

list all the shit he did to San antonio

04-11-2015, 10:52 PM
I doubt cruz will have a problem with the majority or hispanics-who are majority christians. The people who have 'legalize illegal mexicans' idea at their first, second or third issue to pick a president wouldn't vote for a republican imo. But with the small percentage of people who do vote, it would make sense to try and excite them to come out and vote, rather than get the "independents", who aren't as big in the swing states like CO, OH, and FL. You do make a good point about the pendelum swing. It's why I want a Dem to be Gov of TX. Just not a New England Liberal.

You really have no idea what you're talking about. This is the kind of thinking that causes the GOP to make terrible decisions with these groups.

Hispanics #1 priority is immigration reform, not religion, not the economy. Immigration reform being some degree of easing the immigration tightrope. Can go from temporary worker permits to full out amnesty. Avoid using the word 'deportation' in any shape or form (including 'self-deportation' whatever that means). Now, obviously, you can get away with just paying lip service on that, that's what most politicos do anyway. Bush, for example, won their vote by campaigning for a "temporary guest-worker program".

The major problem specifically for Cruz (and Rubio too) with that group is that they hate anything to do with Cubans.

04-11-2015, 10:53 PM
I would be ecstatic is whoever ends up being the GOP candidate stays fairly mute on immigration. It's a death trap right now, considering what's going on with the lawsuits, etc.

04-12-2015, 08:48 AM
Id much rather Rand Paul with the nomination than Cruz.

04-12-2015, 08:53 AM
The USA-empire-loving MIC and Deep State don't like RP's anti-empire ideas. And I don't think any billionaires or Wall St want RP

04-12-2015, 01:29 PM
You really have no idea what you're talking about. This is the kind of thinking that causes the GOP to make terrible decisions with these groups.

Hispanics #1 priority is immigration reform, not religion, not the economy. Immigration reform being some degree of easing the immigration tightrope. Can go from temporary worker permits to full out amnesty. Avoid using the word 'deportation' in any shape or form (including 'self-deportation' whatever that means). Now, obviously, you can get away with just paying lip service on that, that's what most politicos do anyway. Bush, for example, won their vote by campaigning for a "temporary guest-worker program".

The major problem specifically for Cruz (and Rubio too) with that group is that they hate anything to do with Cubans. I guess Huffington Post has been lying to you

04-12-2015, 10:31 PM
I guess Huffington Post has been lying to you

Don't read the Huffington Post... I mostly read Politico, RedState and NYTimes (local newspaper for me), but it doesn't matter. I'm latino, I've interacted with latinos all my life. I can't tell you who they're going to vote for, but I can tell you what they think it's ridiculous/insulting and what's not.

That said, those polls don't tell me anything I didn't tell you:

1) Religion is nowhere near the latino agenda
2) Immigration is a top priority for them (probably head to head with the economy, education)
3) Romney and his 'self-deportation' campaign was an absolute disaster with that group (see 2nd poll)

The thing with latinos is that they largely don't have a party allegiance (except older Cubans, who vote largely Republican), so they're votes either party could pick up with the right rhetoric, but once they pick a candidate they normally do vote as a bloc.
In the last midterm elections, they made up 11% of all eligible voters in the country, and they're going up. Over 17% of the entire US population is latino.
For comparisons, white evangelicals made up about 25% of the total voting electorate in the last few presidential elections.

I really think the GOP can win those votes, but they have to be extremely careful with the message, especially in light of what's going on with DACA, etc.