View Full Version : HR 1599

Wild Cobra
04-13-2015, 01:00 PM
I haven't read this deep enough yet, but I am concerned about food labeling.



04-13-2015, 01:18 PM
BigAg/BigChem will (vehemently, expensively $10Ms attempt to) block it. As we saw in Oregon's labelling bill attacked by Grocery Marketing Assoc.

BigAg/BigChem want the their shit kept secret.

They know that (some) people want to know what's in their "industrial food-like" substances, so they want to keep people in the dark so BigAg/BigChem can continue fucking up food for profit.

The smarter people, like me, avoid that shit as much as possible, but EVERYTHING is tainted by the 100K untested chemicals polluting our country, land, water, air.

Wild Cobra
04-13-2015, 01:24 PM
Your opinion is no surprise.

Have any facts?

04-13-2015, 01:27 PM
Since there is no definition for organic, anything can basically be organic. I like this. Gives the consumers better information to make a decision that's best for them.

04-13-2015, 01:31 PM
Agree with above. People should know what's in their food. Simple as that.

04-13-2015, 02:14 PM
Your opinion is no surprise.

Have any facts?

With the FACTS of BigAg/BigCorp coporatocracy, the recent (and long) history is the infallible predictor of the near, and probably long, future.

04-13-2015, 02:15 PM
Since there is no definition for organic, anything can basically be organic. I like this. Gives the consumers better information to make a decision that's best for them.

BigFood/BigAg/BigChem buy the policies, regulations, laws that optimize their profits. Customers are to be kept in the dark, and pay, pay, pay.

Wild Cobra
04-13-2015, 02:59 PM
With the FACTS of BigAg/BigCorp coporatocracy, the recent (and long) history is the infallible predictor of the near, and probably long, future.

I know the pundits story, and find many of the things exaggerated.

Still, I do believe we consumers deserve to have the facts to make our decisions on.

Your opinion however well intended you think your motives are, will always be irrelevant to me. You have proven to be nothing but a shrill puppet of the left of the left.

Maybe someday, you will grow up, and we can have an adult conversation with you.

04-13-2015, 03:11 PM
"I do believe we consumers deserve to have the facts to make our decisions on."

who said I don't ?

BigAG/BigFood/BigChem won't give the facts, period. They all make money on putting GMO into food, put x-icides INTO AND ONTO food, where it also gets into air, water, land, humans, foetuses, babies.

And Repugs will block ANY regulations, esp ones that reduce corporate profits.

Wild Cobra
04-13-2015, 03:13 PM
"I do believe we consumers deserve to have the facts to make our decisions on."

who said I don't ?

BigAG/BigFood/BigChem won't give the facts, period. They all make money on putting GMO into food, put x-icides INTO AND ONTO food, where it also gets into air, water, land, humans, foetuses, babies.

And Repugs will block ANY regulations, esp ones that reduce corporate profits.


You believe that without ever seeing the evidence.

Did you look to see who sponsored HR 1599?

Maybe you should seethe other bills he sponsors:


04-13-2015, 03:14 PM
What are your concerns?

Wild Cobra
04-13-2015, 03:16 PM

Do you ever look up relevant information, or do you simply rely of places like Common Dreams and Think Progress to tell you what to say?

04-13-2015, 03:31 PM

You believe that without ever seeing the evidence.

Did you look to see who sponsored HR 1599?

Maybe you should seethe other bills he sponsors:


I don't care if some Repugs sponsored it, the tea bagger/Kock Bros suckers will block any new (federal) regulations.

04-13-2015, 03:39 PM
Could not find a good summary of bill but if it's requiring a labeling of GMO food it's pandering to the fear mongering without the science to back it up. I raised non-gmo crops last year and will continue to do so. I put more bad chemicals on that than my GMOs.

Does it require all apples to be labeled gmo? If the bill is defining organic, is the label going to state that non-gmo feed was used to produce fertilizer?

We have a thread about 20% of texans not being able to afford food. Wouldn't this raise the cost of food slightly?

The more people demand non-gmo, the higher prices (and more subsidies) producers will benefit from.

The farmer in me says have at it.

The conservative in me says it is not right.

04-13-2015, 03:44 PM
"GMO food it's pandering to the fear mongering without the science to back it up"

there's plenty of science by GMO companies SUPPRESSED because of the negative outcomes, and plenty of GMO science from 3rd parties showing the same.

"Wouldn't this raise the cost of food slightly?"

the price of some printing on the label costs essentially nothing. The risk to their profits is people reading the labels and not buying and/or people suing for false labelling.

04-13-2015, 03:45 PM
Not to mention that non GMO requires about 5 times the petroleum products to produce with the related CO2 and other aerosol byproducts of combustion. Tractors don't have pollution control devices on them.

04-13-2015, 04:35 PM
Not to mention that non GMO requires about 5 times the petroleum products to produce with the related CO2 and other aerosol byproducts of combustion. Tractors don't have pollution control devices on them.

Yes they do. One of mine uses DEF. They were delayed in meeting EPA requirements. Those requirements are the reason Caterpillar sold off their Ag line. I believe they might be out of the semi business too. Lots of Ag diesels are now made overseas.

Most organic farmers I know use old equipment that does not have much for emission equip.

04-13-2015, 04:42 PM
"GMO food it's pandering to the fear mongering without the science to back it up"

there's plenty of science by GMO companies SUPPRESSED because of the negative outcomes, and plenty of GMO science from 3rd parties showing the same.

"Wouldn't this raise the cost of food slightly?"

the price of some printing on the label costs essentially nothing. The risk to their profits is people reading the labels and not buying and/or people suing for false labelling.

You really believe it's just the cost of the ink? There will be over site within the company and the govt I'd imagine. Along with fees. If people choose not buy, it's not like they go without. The more organic/non gmo people buy results in higher cost. The reason I grow non-gmo is because of the premium. The premium is needed because of the lower yield on average. Organic is more so.

Lower yields= higher costs.

Please eat more non-gmo. My premium last year on soybeans (sprayed with nasty chemicals including roundup) resulted in almost a 2/3s better price.

04-13-2015, 04:50 PM
Yes they do. One of mine uses DEF. They were delayed in meeting EPA requirements. Those requirements are the reason Caterpillar sold off their Ag line. I believe they might be out of the semi business too. Lots of Ag diesels are now made overseas.

Most organic farmers I know use old equipment that does not have much for emission equip.

Thanks for the info...hadn't looked at new tractors in the last few years and didn't realize they had already gone to tier 4. The argument still stands that non GMO farming is much more labor and tractor hours intensive.

04-13-2015, 04:52 PM
You really believe it's just the cost of the ink? There will be over site within the company and the govt I'd imagine. Along with fees. If people choose not buy, it's not like they go without. The more organic/non gmo people buy results in higher cost. The reason I grow non-gmo is because of the premium. The premium is needed because of the lower yield on average. Organic is more so.

Lower yields= higher costs.

Please eat more non-gmo. My premium last year on soybeans (sprayed with nasty chemicals including roundup) resulted in almost a 2/3s better price.

OK I gotta ask...unlike Boo and Fuzzyboo I understand the how and why of GMO modified seed...so how are you using roundup on your non GMO soybeans?

04-13-2015, 04:56 PM
It amazes me the amount of people that believe organic crops are somehow pesticide/chemical free. I get a kick out of selling organic avocados for 12.00-20.00 more a case than conventional avocados when none of the chemicals sprayed penetrate the skin of either. I'm all for certain organic crops but there are a lot of them out there that are a complete scam, avocados being one of them. But as long as the Whole Foods of the world keep paying the premium I've got no problem pushing them.

Cry Havoc
04-13-2015, 04:56 PM
I have an acquired distaste for Monsanto.

However, when guys with doctorates in agriculture and nutrition say that GMOs are (generally speaking) not harmful to eat, I'm inclined to believe them.

04-13-2015, 05:10 PM
OK I gotta ask...unlike Boo and Fuzzyboo I understand the how and why of GMO modified seed...so how are you using roundup on your non GMO soybeans?

About 3 weeks before harvest roundup kills it off so it dries down uniformly. Being they were worth more, I was able to harvest them at exactly the right moisture. Typically soybeans will dry down but the stalks remain very wet and tough to combine. If you wait for the stalks to dry down the beans are too dry.

I don't do that to my roundup beans being as they aren't worth as much, obviously i would have to use something other than roundup.

It's more common to do that on wheat.

04-13-2015, 05:10 PM
It amazes me the amount of people that believe organic crops are somehow pesticide/chemical free. I get a kick out of selling organic avocados for 12.00-20.00 more a case than conventional avocados when none of the chemicals sprayed penetrate the skin of either. I'm all for certain organic crops but there are a lot of them out there that are a complete scam, avocados being one of them. But as long as the Whole Foods of the world keep paying the premium I've got no problem pushing them.
I was surprised how every company has their own version of what "organic" means.

04-13-2015, 05:16 PM
I have an acquired distaste for Monsanto.

However, when guys with doctorates in agriculture and nutrition say that GMOs are (generally speaking) not harmful to eat, I'm inclined to believe them.

Not directed at you but every fruit and vegetable we consume these days has been modified by farmers/scientists to some degree. Most wild fruits taste like shit.

04-13-2015, 05:18 PM
I was surprised how every company has their own version of what "organic" means.

It's a very loose term for some, and the whole "fair trade" thing they are doing now is a scam as well. People truly believe the farmer in Mexico is getting more money because the produce they purchased says fair trade on it, the cartels love fair trade I'm sure.

04-13-2015, 05:22 PM
About 3 weeks before harvest roundup kills it off so it dries down uniformly. Being they were worth more, I was able to harvest them at exactly the right moisture. Typically soybeans will dry down but the stalks remain very wet and tough to combine. If you wait for the stalks to dry down the beans are too dry.

I don't do that to my roundup beans being as they aren't worth as much, obviously i would have to use something other than roundup.

It's more common to do that on wheat.

Gotcha...I was thinking weed control, not harvest prep like cotton.

04-13-2015, 08:05 PM
It's a very loose term for some, and the whole "fair trade" thing they are doing now is a scam as well. People truly believe the farmer in Mexico is getting more money because the produce they purchased says fair trade on it, the cartels love fair trade I'm sure.
Just like the fair trade scam of coffee, then. where the crappy beans became more profitable but the good ones couldn't get their profit increase they deserved.

04-13-2015, 08:29 PM
The soybean is a versatile legume.

And I think we can all agree that Nitogen Fixers are wonderous plants.

04-14-2015, 04:53 AM
The soybean is a versatile legume.

And I think we can all agree that Nitogen Fixers are wonderous plants.

Why do Asians traditionally ferment soy?

versatile in the sense the BigFood/BigChem can heavily process it into industrial food-like substances, maintainung it as an endocrine disruptor, estrogen analog, dick softener?

The "nitrogen fixers" that dominate corporate farming are sellers of nitrogen chemical fertilizer.

04-14-2015, 05:14 AM
The soybean is a versatile legume.

And I think we can all agree that Nitogen Fixers are wonderous plants.

Why do Asians traditionally, always ferment soy?

soy is versatile in the sense the BigFood/BigChem can heavily process it into industrial food-like substances, maintaining it as an endocrine disruptor, estrogen analog, dick softener?

The "nitrogen fixers" that dominate corporate farming are the pushers of nitrogen fertilizer.