View Full Version : if CP3 beats us will you root for him?

04-27-2015, 02:31 PM
haven't seen a deadlier player since prime Kobe. this guy's game is filthy at this moment. shooting effectively 60% for the series. :pctoss

would you theoretically root for him to win it all if he beats us???

I would strongly consider it myself. Don't like the Warriors at all, and obviously Cleveland is not my style either.

04-27-2015, 02:35 PM
haven't seen a deadlier player since prime Kobe. this guy's game is filthy at this moment. shooting effectively 60% for the series. :pctoss

would you theoretically root for him to win it all if he beats us???

I would strongly consider it myself. Don't like the Warriors at all, and obviously Cleveland is not my style either.

If Spurs don't win, then of the teams with a chance, I want GSW.

04-27-2015, 02:35 PM
No. Not a big fan of this Clippers team. Though with Conley having a face fracture, I can see either Memphis blowing the series, or barely pulling it out and then getting a beat down by GS. Losing Conley was a huge blow for them.

04-27-2015, 02:37 PM
Dubs are coming out of the West regardless.

04-27-2015, 02:37 PM
I hate Golden State team. am I alone in this??

04-27-2015, 02:40 PM
why does anyone hate golden state?
i hate the clippers more than GSW, but it's not a visceral chest pounding hate like with OKC or Houston or the Lakers...so i'm pretty much indifferent, tbh

04-27-2015, 02:43 PM
I hate Golden State team. am I alone in this??

Maybe. I don't love them. But I hate the Clippers. If I could pick anyone from the west, it'd be Memphis. But I don't think they have a chance.
Warriors are the best team so they're d be no shame in them winning it all. Keeps Lebron from getting another and CP3 and Blake from getting 1.

04-27-2015, 02:43 PM
Prigioni and Terry probably shut down Paul.

04-27-2015, 02:44 PM
No. If we're out, which we won't be btw, I'll root for Coach Bud and the East Spurs.

04-27-2015, 02:44 PM
I hate Golden State team. am I alone in this??

I hate Houston more than any team in the West. Can't stand CP3, but I'd pull for them over the Rockets.

Darius Bieber
04-27-2015, 02:45 PM
Going for Atlanta when the Spurs lose this series.

04-27-2015, 02:48 PM
Going for Atlanta when the Spurs lose this series.

well yeah. But that's not realistic.

04-27-2015, 02:48 PM
If Spurs don't win, then of the teams with a chance, I want GSW.

I'll root for Warriors too. I'm a Steve Kerr fan.

04-27-2015, 02:48 PM
I'll root for Warriors too. I'm a Steve Kerr fan.

there you go. I didn't even consider that aspect.

04-27-2015, 02:49 PM
Fuck the worrioes. Gay team of overcelebrating faggots led by Eliancito Gonzales. A golden child that feels he owns the basketball

Fuck them.

Keepin' it real
04-27-2015, 02:49 PM
Root for Chris Paul? Surely you jest.

04-27-2015, 02:52 PM
It's complicated. Houston, who we beat In two playoffs like games, can avenge us. We already own Dwights soul. Then I am pretty sure gsw will oblit Houston.

Following the spurs possible loss this series I'll root for bud. Then after they lose , gsw.

I see no point in rooting for the griz. They weren't playing well down the stretch. They fell from contender status. I'd rather they not get momentum since the division is crazy enough as is.

04-27-2015, 02:52 PM
If the spurs lose, I won't be watching any playoff basketball. I'll keep an eye on Atlanta and Memphis though, mainly scoreboard watching...the only two teams that I wouldn't mind win.

04-27-2015, 03:00 PM
no, for me the NBA season ends when the Spurs are eliminated. haven't watched a non-Spurs game in a long time.

04-27-2015, 03:08 PM
CP3 is a bitch. And his commercials suck. Hell no I won't root for that dbag.

04-27-2015, 03:10 PM
If we lose the rest of the playoffs will not be entertaining. Too many injuries and GSW is going skate through these playoffs.

04-27-2015, 03:10 PM
I will root for any team against GSW.

04-27-2015, 03:17 PM
Hell to the naw unless they are playing the Cavaliers

04-27-2015, 03:21 PM
i don't root for others. When the Spurs go fishing I go fishing.

But I can't wait till the free agency starts and get my hopes high when we'll be linked with a big name.

04-27-2015, 03:22 PM
I stop watching basketball when the Spurs lose. And fuck OP suck a faggot all the time.

04-27-2015, 03:23 PM
why does anyone hate golden state?
i hate the clippers more than GSW, but it's not a visceral chest pounding hate like with OKC or Houston or the Lakers...so i'm pretty much indifferent, tbh

The Clippers were GS before GS. They were the young team that was overrated and crowned a title contender despite playoff failure after playoff failure. But now GS is the shiny new object.

04-27-2015, 03:23 PM
no, for me the NBA season ends when the Spurs are eliminated. haven't watched a non-Spurs game in a long time.

Your takes make it seem like you haven't watched a Spurs game in a while.

04-27-2015, 03:24 PM
MMM no.....If the spurs don't make it basketball season is over for me....

04-27-2015, 03:24 PM
haha no....however it seems like a nice guy

04-27-2015, 03:34 PM
Fuck the West teams outside the Spurs. I do like the Grizzlies though they aren't coming out of the West.

Overall, I only would like to see Spurs East win it all

04-27-2015, 03:36 PM
Paul.couldnt keep up this production anyway he can ride this victory to another contact with state farm though

Clipper Nation
04-27-2015, 03:40 PM
The Clippers were GS before GS. They were the young team that was overrated and crowned a title contender despite playoff failure after playoff failure. But now GS is the shiny new object.
We never got the kind of unquestioned hype and slurping that GSW has received. The media wrote off Blake as "just a dunker" by the midway point of his rookie year. The flopping narrative started up the following year. Meanwhile, the Warriors can do no wrong according to the media, despite being the faggiest and least likeable team since the back-to-back Lakers.

04-27-2015, 03:44 PM
Fuck Chris Paul.

baseline bum
04-27-2015, 04:04 PM
Damn, salty as hell in here. The only teams in the league I hate are OKC, Houston, and Utah. Can't say I'll be rooting for a team other than whoever is playing Houston.

04-27-2015, 04:09 PM
Damn, salty as hell in here. The only teams in the league I hate are OKC, Houston, and Utah. Can't say I'll be rooting for a team other than whoever is playing Houston.

You still hate Utah? I used to, but that was a long time ago. I can't even name one of their players, tbh.

baseline bum
04-27-2015, 04:13 PM
You still hate Utah? I used to, but that was a long time ago. I can't even name one of their players, tbh.

You don't still hate Utah? Wow.

04-27-2015, 04:20 PM
You don't still hate Utah? Wow.

They aren't good anymore. Stockton, Malone, Hornicec (sp?) -- long gone.

Malik Hairston
04-27-2015, 04:24 PM
Once the Spurs are eliminated, the only thing I'll be cheering for is the hope that a stupid GM will trade for Tony Parker and his horrific contract:lol..

04-27-2015, 04:32 PM
Utah handed the Spurs some bitter playoff losses. But those have been avenged so heavily during the Tim Duncan era, that I almost started feeling bad for them.

04-27-2015, 04:33 PM
I used to hate Dallas, but now I kinda feel sorry for Dirk.

04-27-2015, 04:34 PM
haven't seen a deadlier player since prime Kobe. this guy's game is filthy at this moment. shooting effectively 60% for the series. :pctoss

would you theoretically root for him to win it all if he beats us???

I would strongly consider it myself. Don't like the Warriors at all, and obviously Cleveland is not my style either.

What if Blake or Deandre beats San Antonio?

04-27-2015, 05:01 PM
Prolly. Fuck the Dubs, fuck the Bulls, fuck this Cavs team (don't hate the franchise or Lebron, but most of their current players can diaf), and the rest are irrelevant. Wanted to see the Hawks or Grizz do well but it seems injuries, much like the Spurs, will be their downfall.

04-27-2015, 06:21 PM
Fuck no that faggot is ruining the game along with harden and their flopping.

04-27-2015, 06:28 PM

I can't root for CP3 because he makes me nuts with his whining and his flopping and his fouling and pretending he didn't foul. Cannot abide him.

If we don't make it out, I will be sad, but I will probably root for GS. Steph Curry is not a bad guy and I would rather see him (or Atlanta) win the whole thing than any other team.

04-27-2015, 06:33 PM
I'll root for no one if the Spurs choke. But no way in hell I'll root CPFlop. His bitching and pushing off are too frustrating. Though I give him credit, he has kept his composure so far and hasn't taken the stupid technical he's accustomed to.

The lesser of the evils would be Golden State.

Roger Freemason Jr.
04-27-2015, 09:24 PM
I would much rather die than root for this whiney little pansy of a player. All he does is bitch, just like his immature coach. Spurs need to step on these scumbags the next two games. Also, fuck Blake Griffin and his foot-face.

Sean Cagney
04-28-2015, 01:47 AM
i don't root for others. When the Spurs go fishing I go fishing.

^^^ This. I used to root for LA to get knocked out if they beat the Spurs (04 and 08 Finals etc.) and loved when Dallas lost in 06 after edging the Spurs in a 7 game series, other than that not so much of a fan of another team. Certain teams I root to get knocked out, especially rivals that I hate. If the Spurs go fishing though, don't really care as the season is OVER for us fans.
I would much rather die than root for this whiney little pansy of a player. All he does is bitch, just like his immature coach. Spurs need to step on these scumbags the next two games. Also, fuck Blake Griffin and his foot-face.

^^^ DAMN RIGHT. Pouty face whiner will not get a cheer from me, no way.

04-28-2015, 02:32 AM
It would be Hawks, Dallas (lol), Memphis...others...Clippers, Cleveland, Houston for me.

04-28-2015, 02:34 AM
If the Spurs lose I'll be rooting for the Cavs. Well rooting isn't the right word since I won't be watching, but I don't want any team in the west to develop a championship resume other than the Spurs.

I'd root for Atlanta but they don't have a shot imo.

04-28-2015, 05:36 AM
Never. This whiny bitch? Never!!!

04-28-2015, 06:20 AM
Damn, salty as hell in here. The only teams in the league I hate are OKC, Houston, and Utah. Can't say I'll be rooting for a team other than whoever is playing Houston.

You hate UTAH and not MEMPHIS??? Really?

04-28-2015, 06:21 AM
If Spurs or Bulls don't make any noise, I'll be rooting for any one of the Warriors, Grizz, Clips and Cavs to win the chip but not passionately.

04-28-2015, 06:45 AM
haven't seen a deadlier player since prime Kobe. this guy's game is filthy at this moment. shooting effectively 60% for the series. :pctoss

would you theoretically root for him to win it all if he beats us???

I would strongly consider it myself. Don't like the Warriors at all, and obviously Cleveland is not my style either.

Let me put it to you this way. The moment the Spurs are eliminated or win a championship, I'm done with the NBA. Not only would I never root for another team or non-Spur player, but I wouldn't even waste my invaluable time watching another NBA game, even passively. Its all about the Spurs.

baseline bum
04-28-2015, 07:01 AM
You hate UTAH and not MEMPHIS??? Really?

Why would I hate Memphis more than Utah? They never had Karl Malone.

04-28-2015, 07:12 AM
Why would I hate Memphis more than Utah? They never had Karl Malone.

I hate them because of the classless strutting Zach Randolph put on display after our loss in the first round to them a few years back.

04-28-2015, 07:28 AM
Where is that gif of Chris Paul's ridiculous spinning flop? Man I cannot stand that dude.

04-28-2015, 07:29 AM
I hate them because of the classless strutting Zach Randolph put on display after our loss in the first round to them a few years back.

Then we swept their asses. Ancient history, tbh.

04-28-2015, 07:30 AM
Where is that gif of Chris Paul's ridiculous spinning flop? Man I cannot stand that dude.

Yeah, I can't support this shit.


04-28-2015, 07:37 AM
Hell no, he's a faggot.

04-28-2015, 07:40 AM
Then we swept their asses. Ancient history, tbh.

Not to me. You don't do that to a classy team like SA. Especially considering Manu had a broken arm. I was glad they got bounced the next round. Frankly, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if Randolph had a career ending Achilles tear. :ihit

04-28-2015, 07:41 AM
Yeah, I can't support this shit.


Wow. What a douche (CP).

04-28-2015, 08:36 AM
I'm a Spurs fan. If and when we are eliminated, wont be watching further.

04-28-2015, 09:15 AM
I am not a Spurs fan but I will be rooting for CP3

04-28-2015, 09:23 AM
I can't believe ppl like golden state. Elian gonzales is basically a young Ray Allen type. Did you not hate that little sugar coated nig when he was in Seattle????

Fucking hate these little prima donnas. Sure he's talented so was ray Allen. But they act like they deserve the trophy right then and there. I wanna see that pussy suffer at least as much as Allen did in Seatttle :lol

04-28-2015, 09:49 AM
I can't believe ppl like golden state. Elian gonzales is basically a young Ray Allen type. Did you not hate that little sugar coated nig when he was in Seattle????

Fucking hate these little prima donnas. Sure he's talented so was ray Allen. But they act like they deserve the trophy right then and there. I wanna see that pussy suffer at least as much as Allen did in Seatttle :lol

Nah, he's not a crybaby like Allen. He is a nice kid who is quite bright, finished his undergraduate degree at Davidson after he went pro, married his high school sweetheart...he is an okay guy.

Not everybody can act like Duncan.

04-28-2015, 09:50 AM
Fuck him.

04-28-2015, 10:00 AM
Dubs are Grizz would be my pick tbh. Any team but Houston though so that means I'd rather have CP3 ring than them rockets.

04-28-2015, 10:05 AM
If Spurs f this up, will root for Memphis vs ATL.

CPFlop is everything there is to hate about NBA.
Clippers roster 60% punk ass.

04-28-2015, 10:53 AM
I hate Golden State team. am I alone in this??

They're pretty annoying. I hate facing CP3, but I'm sure I'd love him if he played for my team. Grizzlies don't stand a chance with their injuries, but would like to see them win the west if not the Spurs.

If against GSW/LAC/HOU in the finals, I'd pull for Lebron.

04-28-2015, 12:31 PM
No. If we're out, which we won't be btw, I'll root for Coach Bud and the East Spurs.

Hell yeah, me too..Hawks all the way

04-28-2015, 12:32 PM
Hawks are obviously a cute regular season team. Might not even make it out first round :lol

04-28-2015, 12:45 PM
I used to hate Dallas, but now I kinda feel sorry for Dirk.

he got one, so many others didn't