View Full Version : TWEET NOW @NBAOfficial to ask for a fairly officiated game7 & no more illegal screens

05-01-2015, 08:09 PM
The Spurs haven't got a fair shake from the officials in this series. Aside form the obvious end of game missed calls like Crawford's travel in game 6 there's been a lot of moving and holding on those screens the Clippers and especially Griffin sets freeing up Paul, Redick and Crawford for open jumpers. Rivers had the audacity to call the refs out after game 5 even though his team got away with a lot of this illegal pick bs in that game so why shouldn't Pop do the same after game 6? Because that's not Pop's style, to his fault in my mind. If you watch games 4-6 again and pay attention to the stuff the Clippers are getting away with and how it builds momentum for them it's hard to see the Spurs winning game 7 on the road where it's likely to continue unless someone lobbies for a fairly officiated game with the NBA office and makes them realize the Spurs fans are not an average, casual NBA fan that can't see the crap the refs are letting the Clippers get away with. Tweet now @NBAOfficial, where they tweet officiating updates and explanations from the league office on calls during games, where by the way there hasn't been any explanation for Crawfords travel from last night. Hit up the NBA office via any other channels you can think of too. Cmon guys, let's let them know they're not fooling us, the Clippers open shots are killing us but they are coming off illegal screens. The Spurs will win game 7 if the refs put a stop this this BS.

05-01-2015, 08:13 PM
I fuck with this

05-01-2015, 08:14 PM
Spurs have gotten a shitty ref every game, and there's only one missing....

Tony Brothers

05-01-2015, 08:26 PM
Better tweet Pop so he can coach like a coach not like an old crippled sick mofo.