View Full Version : Walking Dead Star (Tyrese actor) has meltdown on subway...schizo?

05-02-2015, 01:07 AM
Is he ok mentally? Supposedly some couple on the subway just said is that guy famous or something and he responded in this way...his rep has a different story, that he was called a ****** and he's upset for obvious reasons + the situation in Baltimore. Seems like a solid excuse and cover up to hide that your client has mental problems imho.


05-02-2015, 01:17 AM
I was just acting

Strange Love
05-02-2015, 01:30 AM
Wow that's some meltdown right there. But what set him off?

He seems drunk or high as fuck. But he is a humanitarian though. He was on the Talking Dead and he promoted his own site about it.

05-02-2015, 03:00 AM
It was a fine episode when he was initially murdered. The distant rear shot of the car on the crest of the hill coming to a stop, all 4 doors opening and his body being takin' out and set upon the road. Why? Simple,,,they did not want him to turn inside the car. "Rick's" response to his death outside the vehicle is sublime. Whereas when his wife was taken he was inconsolable,,,here, he's frustrated, yet resigned.

The best part? We're not shown his final "murder."


05-02-2015, 06:00 AM
It was a fine episode when he was initially murdered. The distant rear shot of the car on the crest of the hill coming to a stop, all 4 doors opening and his body being takin' out and set upon the road. Why? Simple,,,they did not want him to turn inside the car. "Rick's" response to his death outside the vehicle is sublime. Whereas when his wife was taken he was inconsolable,,,here, he's frustrated, yet resigned.

The best part? We're not shown his final "murder."


I loved the walking dead, but the show sucks now. Tyrese is supposedly the ultimate bad ass in the comics before he dies. He was a giant pussy and failure in the show aside from saving risks baby girl he was a gigantic coward. I undestand that the show is different from the comics but this was not necessary.

05-02-2015, 10:53 AM
I loved the walking dead, but the show sucks now. Tyrese is supposedly the ultimate bad ass in the comics before he dies. He was a giant pussy and failure in the show aside from saving risks baby girl he was a gigantic coward. I undestand that the show is different from the comics but this was not necessary.

I imagine the writer of that work wouldn't sign off unconditionally. A wise decision, but, bad for us the fans. It needed to be massaged Hollywood style, and obviously the production is forbidden to do so and is under this writer's control to a considerable extent.

You can tell when you're watching it that it's going a certain way and then all the sudden it stops, or, veers off inexplicably. That's the truth of the written word over the imagination of the show's writers...and yet we have to revisit the reeducation camp of domestic abuse every other season. But, maybe that materiel is in the books, I've never read any of it.

There are still parts in the series that capture one's attention and cause one to straighten in one's seat. But, they are fewer & fewer.

Strange Love
05-03-2015, 03:32 AM
More to the story:

According to TMZ (http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/01/walking-dead-star-the-wire-chad-coleman-new-york-subway-cutty-rant-video/), Coleman has a pretty good explanation for the tirade. He overheard two fellow passengers discussing him, when one of the two referred to him using the n-word. Coleman told the site that he was both sober and that his calls for "humanitarians" were a direct reference to class and race struggles in Baltimore. On The Wire, Coleman played Dennis "Cutty" Wise, a former gang member who opens a boxing gym for impoverished children.
