View Full Version : GOP Presidential Candidate Ben Carson to marry horse

05-05-2015, 12:34 AM
Ben Carson Promises to Marry Horse if Gay Marriage Legalized

WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Nil Admirari): Earlier today, retired neurosurgeon and GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson promised to marry a horse if the Supreme Court ruled to make gay marriage legal across the country. The move was praised by conservative Republicans concerned about an impending Supreme Court ruling on the issue.

"In the past I have compared gay marriage to morally reprehensible things like bestiality and pedophilia. So today I say if the Supreme Court makes it okay for any two consenting adults to marry each other then I can marry a horse," stated Carson.


The former tea party member informed the press he had selected the horse. "I have already chosen my female horse bride. Her name is Hee Haw and she is owned by a close friend of mine," announced Carson.

An unidentified member of the press asked Carson what his intentions were with the horse.

"I intend to marry the horse good and proper in a church," replied Carson, who seemed at a loss for having to explain himself twice. He was whisked away by campaign staff citing "important business" shortly afterward.

05-05-2015, 12:43 AM

05-05-2015, 05:06 PM
David's great dane don't need to get married to Cuck Sr. Why buy the Cuck when you can get the treats for free?

05-11-2015, 10:44 PM
Ben Carson Unable to to Answer Simple Questions about his Tax Plan
Source: Think Progress

Dr. Ben Carson, now a Republican presidential candidate, has long proposed a “flat tax” for the country, citing the Bible’s tithing as his inspiration. As he reiterated Sunday morning on Fox News Sunday, he supports the idea of a “proportional tax,” one in which “you pay according to your ability.” A flat tax would require everybody in the country to pay the same percentage of their income as tax, regardless of how much or how little they make, and most variations include eliminating deductions and loopholes. Carson thinks it’s “condescending” to suggest it’s not fair that poor people can’t afford to pay their share because “poor people have pride, too” and “don’t want to be just taken care of.”

But on Sunday, host Chris Wallace confronted Carson with tax experts, who found that to raise the same amount of revenue the federal government currently takes in, the government would have to impose a 20 percent tax across the board. (The Tax Policy Center argues it would have to be at least 25 percent.) “Middle incomes would get a tax hike and wealthy families would get a tax cut,” Wallace explained. Carson countered that he simply didn’t “agree with that assessment.” He then admitted that according to the economists he’s consulted, if loopholes and deductions are eliminated, it would still have to be between 10 and 15 percent — but it wouldn’t be 20 percent.

Wallace followed up by asking about low-income families, who not only don’t pay taxes, but usually receive an earned income tax credit instead. “Now you’ll have them pay 10 to 15 percent of income they have — or 20 percent if my experts are right. A lot of independent studies say the people that make like bandits in this are the wealthy.”

Carson could only then offer a vague explanation about how his tax plan is part of “an overall complex program” that involves “reorienting the way we do things in government.” The candidate said he wants to run the government “more like a business” instead of “this great inefficient behemoth we have right now,” including generating revenue by “utilizing our energy resources.” Part of his plan also includes “revamping corporate taxes and bringing in money that’s overseas by giving a tax holiday,” claiming that would bring in “$2 trillion right there.”

Read more: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2015/05/10/3657141/ben-carson-flat-tax/

08-28-2015, 11:58 PM
Ben Carson: There's No War On Women, But On 'What’s Inside Of Women’

Republican presidential candidate and former neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson said during a campaign stop in Arkansas on Thursday there isn't a war on women, but rather there may be "a war on what's inside of women."

"They tell you that there’s a war on women," Carson said while in Little Rock, according to RawStory. "There is no war on women. There may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country."

Carson didn't clarify how women and their insides were being separately legislated.

video at link


The insanity continues...

08-29-2015, 07:15 AM
Ben Carson: There's No War On Women, But On 'What’s Inside Of Women’


The insanity continues...

... and Carson is in the group of poll leaders


The Repug Klown Kar, esp the driver Trump, exposes what a total bunch idiots are Repug voters.

09-02-2015, 06:28 AM
Ben Carson: A Wingnut With A Calm Bedside Manner

Carson’s temperament or biography are hardly enough to make him so appealing to a strongly ideological and currently very frustrated GOP base. It’s the subtext of his calm words that packs a punch if you know how to interpret them, which most non-conservative observers probably don’t.

Consider this moment from the first GOP presidential debate, in which he was generally rated as among the “winners.” Chris Wallace asked Carson how he would deal with Hillary Clinton as an opponent who might accuse Republicans of fighting the aspirations of women and minorities and the poor and taking the country backwards:

CARSON: If Hillary is the candidate, which I doubt, that would be a dream come true.


The fact of the matter is, she is the epitome of the progressive — the secular progressive movement. And she counts on the fact that people are uninformed, the Alinsky Model, taking advantage of useful idiots. Well, I just happen to believe that people are not stupid.


And the way I will come at it is to educate people, help people to actually understand that it is that progressive movement that is causing them the problems.

You know, you look at the — the national debt and how it’s being driven up.

If I was trying to destroy this country, what I would do is find a way to drive wedges between all the people, drive the debt to an unsustainable level, and then step off the stage as a world leader and let our enemies increase while we decreased our capacity as a military person. And that’s what she’s doing.



The “Alinsky Model” is a dog whistle to a certain breed of conspiracy minded hard-core conservative, as is the identification of Clinton with the “secular progressive movement.”

Both are references some might recognize from Glenn Beck’s many discourses, and both are meant to describe people who are actively and consciously working through deceit to enslave if not destroy (Carson’s word) America.

The Alinsky Model’s main weapon, according to (http://www.redstate.com/diary/jeffs65/2012/10/25/breitbart-alinsky-and-overcoming-political-correctness/) most aficionados of this sort of thinking, is “political correctness,” which happens to be Dr. Ben Carson’s favorite phrase for everything he is fighting against.

Earlier in the Fox debate, Carson denounces limits on torture as an effort to impose “political correctness” on the military.

In his announcement of candidacy in May, he promised never to be “politically correct,” and also claimed liberal disciples of the radical organizer Saul Alinsky were following his blueprint for psychological warfare by trying to stamp out dissent.

And the pattern goes back to the event that clearly launched his political career, his speech (http://lybio.net/tag/benjamin-carson-national-prayer-breakfast-transcription/) at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, where, a few feet away from the president, he began an attack on the condition of the country under Obama’s stewardship by warning listeners against the “trick” of “political correctness” being used to keep people from realizing the “fabric of this society is being changed.”

The more you listen to Carson talking about “political correctness,” the more it becomes obvious he’s not attacking college speech codes or disputes over racial or ethnic or gender terms, but liberal elite mockery of right-wing conspiracy theories.

When Wolf Blitzer of CNN challenged Carson’s comparisons of Obama’s America to Nazi Germany, the good doctor accused (http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal-a/2014_12/more_fun_with_ben_carsons_idea053169.php) Blitzer of being part of the problem, along with the IRS and other instruments of liberal oppression:

[W]hat you were doing is allowing words to affect you more than listening to what was actually being said,” Carson insisted. “Nazi Germany experienced something horrible. The people in Nazi Germany largely did not believe in what Hitler was doing, :lol but did they say anything? Of course not. They kept their mouths shut.”

“The fact that our government is using instruments of government like the IRS to punish its opponents, this is not the kind of thing, as far as I’m concerned, that is a Democrat or Republican issue. This is an American issue. This is an issue that threatens all of our liberty, all or our freedom.”

In this context, it becomes clear that Carson’s occasional “gaffes” aren’t really accidents, but what he believes:

Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2013/10/11/ben-carson-obamacare-worst-thing-since-slavery/);

Obama might be planning to cancel elections (http://thinkprogress.org/election/2015/05/04/3646780/ben-carson-announcement/);

Democrats are opening the borders to bring in immigrants who will increase the welfare population and thus keep Democrats in power (http://thinkprogress.org/election/2015/05/04/3646780/ben-carson-announcement/).

Even though these are not unusual beliefs in the fever swamps of the far right, they are exotic for a major-party presidential candidate.

But here’s the thing: Carson’s distinguished life and his whole manner of presentation numbs the mind to his extremism — except to the initiated, who nod knowingly at every reference to Alinsky and “political correctness.” And there’s something extra special about

an African-American preemptively labeling suspected incidents of racism and sexism as mere political incorrectness, which he then defends as essential free speech!

Let it rip!

So it’s probably accurate to say that Dr. Ben Carson is a wingnut with an excellent bedside manner. It’s unclear at this moment how many of his fans understand what he’s saying and how many don’t. But if he is indeed about to become a near or actual front-runner, people should watch and listen a bit more closely than before.


Benny is one hell of dog whistler, the rabid right wing extremists (aka white, pissed-off, low-wage, rural, ignorant motherfuckers) howl to the 4 Blood Moons.