View Full Version : Fishy

05-11-2015, 02:04 PM
Now that the anger is over with losing to the clips I have noticed a lot of fishy things going on in the NBA. Lets start with Hero ball. We all know its a derogatory term, however the NBA doesn't and the SPURS don't play hero ball so they have to go. Every commercial is featuring Paul or Griffin. So does the NBA make more money if the clips win the championship versus the spurs? You betcha. When(and I know they will) the clips win it all, the NBA gets to say its a blow against racism. Its kinda like the year the Saints won the super bowl. We all knew they were going to win because New Orleans and the USA needed a feel good story of adversity. This is no different. How does the NBA atone for the racism it let go on? Easy fire the owner and let their team win the championship with a new owner. Why were the Spurs so happy after the game? Easy, everyone got a giant payoff. Nothing else can explain what happened. They were told to keep it close, then lose. Just step back...Houston wasn't this bad before the playoffs, Warriors were unstoppable and now the MVP can't shoot? We just have to wait for the clips to go to finals. It's a done deal and they will face Lebron. This is set in stone directly from the league office and their not even trying to hide it.

05-11-2015, 02:10 PM
We lost. It happens. Get over it.

05-11-2015, 02:20 PM
i think its funny how the media uses the term HERO BALL but it really means ball hogging lol dumb asses

05-11-2015, 02:24 PM
I still don't think Oswald shot Kennedy.

05-11-2015, 02:24 PM
Now that the anger is over with losing to the clips I have noticed a lot of fishy things going on in the NBA. Lets start with Hero ball. We all know its a derogatory term, however the NBA doesn't and the SPURS don't play hero ball so they have to go. Every commercial is featuring Paul or Griffin. So does the NBA make more money if the clips win the championship versus the spurs? You betcha. When(and I know they will) the clips win it all, the NBA gets to say its a blow against racism. Its kinda like the year the Saints won the super bowl. We all knew they were going to win because New Orleans and the USA needed a feel good story of adversity. This is no different. How does the NBA atone for the racism it let go on? Easy fire the owner and let their team win the championship with a new owner. Why were the Spurs so happy after the game? Easy, everyone got a giant payoff. Nothing else can explain what happened. They were told to keep it close, then lose. Just step back...Houston wasn't this bad before the playoffs, Warriors were unstoppable and now the MVP can't shoot? We just have to wait for the clips to go to finals. It's a done deal and they will face Lebron. This is set in stone directly from the league office and their not even trying to hide it.

Yeah...I buy that. Also, notice how the Dallas Cowboys are stocking up with players with "personal issues"???

Once you ask yourself the questions, "how does _______ (insert team) winning a championship affect me?", you'll "get" it all. You'll understand why the Pistons beat LA and why the 8 seed Warriors were predetermined to take out Dallas.

So yeah, the winner of this year's Finals has already been chosen. It might not be who you think it's going to be but it will certainly not be the Spurs. Also, wonder why the Wizards are still in it? Yep...Baltimore. Would you believe the Wizards used to be called the "Bullets"??? It's true as well.

Take some time and check out how the teams came to be and who the major players were back then and are today.

05-11-2015, 02:29 PM
idgaf if anyone believes it or not but my theory is that they're trying to change the meaning of "hero-ball" into something positive to save the legacies of shitty chuckers a la kobe.

05-11-2015, 02:31 PM
The idea that there was some conspiracy to get the Spurs out of the playoffs makes absolutely no sense if you think about Jason Phillips giving Manu 3 free throws on the foul at the end of the 3rd quarter of Game 7. Nobody gets that call; to the extent that anyone does, absolutely nobody gets that call on the road; and it's a ridiculous call for a road team in a Game 7. If there was a concerted effort to eliminate the Spurs, that call is about the worst thing you could do ensure your goal of a Spurs-less playoffs.

The Spurs didn't play well enough to put the Clippers out when they had the chance. They were poor for most of Game 4 and a good part of Game 6; better said, the Clippers were just outstanding in those moments. The Spurs didn't take care of their business when they should have and put themselves in a position where Paul going nuts could kill them -- he did, and they died.

I doubt the Spurs were happy after Game 7, but if you've done the best you can do and you come up short, being mad doesn't change anything. Being okay with yourself after that is a matter of having perspective, not a matter of being paid off by the league or some other sinister force. These Spurs have had tougher losses, too, and they've gotten past them and moved on to the next thing.

In retrospect, I'm not sure why I'm replying to nonsense like this.

05-11-2015, 02:32 PM
It was pretty fucking lame listening to the NBA try to change the meaning of hero ball, tbh. lol Weak shit.

05-11-2015, 02:39 PM
The idea that there was some conspiracy to get the Spurs out of the playoffs makes absolutely no sense if you think about Jason Phillips giving Manu 3 free throws on the foul at the end of the 3rd quarter of Game 7. Nobody gets that call; to the extent that anyone does, absolutely nobody gets that call on the road; and it's a ridiculous call for a road team in a Game 7. If there was a concerted effort to eliminate the Spurs, that call is about the worst thing you could do ensure your goal of a Spurs-less playoffs.

The Spurs didn't play well enough to put the Clippers out when they had the chance. They were poor for most of Game 4 and a good part of Game 6; better said, the Clippers were just outstanding in those moments. The Spurs didn't take care of their business when they should have and put themselves in a position where Paul going nuts could kill them -- he did, and they died.

I doubt the Spurs were happy after Game 7, but if you've done the best you can do and you come up short, being mad doesn't change anything. Being okay with yourself after that is a matter of having perspective, not a matter of being paid off by the league or some other sinister force. These Spurs have had tougher losses, too, and they've gotten past them and moved on to the next thing.

In retrospect, I'm not sure why I'm replying to nonsense like this.

You can't have every call go with the consparecly. In fact, it's these meaningless egregious calls that make it easier to dismiss the conspirecy. There were times when the refs made terribel calls against the Clippers and it did 2 things. 1) Extend the series into an NBA revenue maximizing 7th game and 2) make it easy to say the refs were bad both ways. But the truth is that they were really bad against the Spurs when it mattered. After the phantom call on Duncan, how about making it all seem fair and send Duncan to the line for 2? But it's not quite the same as sending Paul to the line and also ruining possession now is it? So even if Duncan makes both (which is far from a given), the Clippers will have a chance to win. Ooops...Paul left time on the clock. Better blow that horn so we can show the Clippers what the Spurs are about to run.

05-11-2015, 02:52 PM
not reading.

05-11-2015, 03:02 PM
You can't have every call go with the consparecly. In fact, it's these meaningless egregious calls that make it easier to dismiss the conspirecy. There were times when the refs made terribel calls against the Clippers and it did 2 things. 1) Extend the series into an NBA revenue maximizing 7th game and 2) make it easy to say the refs were bad both ways. But the truth is that they were really bad against the Spurs when it mattered. After the phantom call on Duncan, how about making it all seem fair and send Duncan to the line for 2? But it's not quite the same as sending Paul to the line and also ruining possession now is it? So even if Duncan makes both (which is far from a given), the Clippers will have a chance to win. Ooops...Paul left time on the clock. Better blow that horn so we can show the Clippers what the Spurs are about to run.

If you're convinced the NBA is completely rigged, then stop watching the NBA.

Not sure what else to tell you.

05-11-2015, 03:03 PM
We lost. It happens. Get over it.


05-11-2015, 03:07 PM
If you're convinced the NBA is completely rigged, then stop watching the NBA.

Not sure what else to tell you.

I'm a huge Spurs fan so I've benefited greatly by the rigging of lotteries, college curriculum etc.

I go to work every day and invest in some markets that are just as rigged.

There are millions who watch wrestling a couple of times a week.

Just because the fix is in doesn't' mean there isn't some enjoyment to be extracted.

05-11-2015, 03:07 PM
We lost. It happens. Get over it.

Yes, every loss ends with the opposing team getting tipped by the refs of the following play, also we should have not make any mistakes, if we would have played at 100% efficiency with no errors, no missed free throws, we would have won in spite of the corrupt game shennanigans.

I've heard of this all before. In real life, shady shit like what occurs in the NBA doesn't get dismissed so quick, "It sucks that your money manager defrauded you, but you wouldn't have been broke if you wouldn't have bought that Rav4."- No one ever.

05-11-2015, 03:09 PM
If you're convinced the NBA is completely rigged, then stop watching the NBA.

Not sure what else to tell you.

If only some states would tell that to people who wont get their weddings serviced by a baker.

Solid advice, Perry Mason.

05-11-2015, 03:16 PM
Yes, every loss ends with the opposing team getting tipped by the refs of the following play, also we should have not make any mistakes, if we would have played at 100% efficiency with no errors, no missed free throws, we would have won in spite of the corrupt game shennanigans.

I've heard of this all before. In real life, shady shit like what occurs in the NBA doesn't get dismissed so quick, "It sucks that your money manager defrauded you, but you wouldn't have been broke if you wouldn't have bought that Rav4."- No one ever.

Anyone that said they went broke because they bought an Rav4 was already broke. They just might not have known it yet.

05-11-2015, 04:02 PM
Yes, every loss ends with the opposing team getting tipped by the refs of the following play, also we should have not make any mistakes, if we would have played at 100% efficiency with no errors, no missed free throws, we would have won in spite of the corrupt game shennanigans.

I've heard of this all before. In real life, shady shit like what occurs in the NBA doesn't get dismissed so quick, "It sucks that your money manager defrauded you, but you wouldn't have been broke if you wouldn't have bought that Rav4."- No one ever.

I think this kind of discussion would be more worthwhile if we didn't play like absolute dogshit for two games at home, when we were firmly in control of the series (after Game 3 and Game 5).

I mean, I think the 2012 WCF would probably fit this discussion better.

05-11-2015, 04:03 PM
Shut your legs OP, it smells fishy in here!

05-11-2015, 04:04 PM
I think this kind of discussion would be more worthwhile if we didn't play like absolute dogshit for two games at home, when we were firmly in control of the series (after Game 3 and Game 5).

I mean, I think the 2012 WCF would probably fit this discussion better.

Fuck me, I agree with Nono.

05-11-2015, 04:18 PM
If only some states would tell that to people who wont get their weddings serviced by a baker.

Solid advice, Perry Mason.

05-11-2015, 04:24 PM
I still don't think Oswald shot Kennedy.

Someone shot Kennedy?

05-11-2015, 04:33 PM
I think this kind of discussion would be more worthwhile if we didn't play like absolute dogshit for two games at home, when we were firmly in control of the series (after Game 3 and Game 5).

I mean, I think the 2012 WCF would probably fit this discussion better.

They were two evenly matched teams, you can play whack the mole with whatever you want and blame it on inefficiencies here and there, but you can't excuse a blatant corrupt screwjob that occured.

05-11-2015, 04:35 PM
Anyone that said they went broke because they bought an Rav4 was already broke. They just might not have known it yet.

Bend over, I'll show you broke.

Ok, srs tho..
Are you saying that a well to do Cardiologist would go broke if he bought a Rav4?

05-11-2015, 04:37 PM
Bend over, I'll show you broke.

Ok, srs tho..
Are you saying that a well to do Cardiologist would go broke if he bought a Rav4?

Yes. Exactly.

05-11-2015, 04:40 PM

05-11-2015, 05:04 PM
I think the refs fucked up a lot of calls in the Spurs series, but I don't think it's rigged. Clippers are one of those teams that are on the verge of stardom now that they beat the Spurs. It automatically gave them a mental edge that they have what it takes to win it all and are riding that mental toughness.

Memphis is curbstomping the Warriors (at least the previous game).

05-11-2015, 06:04 PM
In retrospect, I'm not sure why I'm replying to nonsense like this.

Because if no one replied to nonsense on this site, spurstalk would cease to exist. :lol