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Padres #1 FAN!!!!!11
06-20-2015, 11:09 PM
But I must admit I love science, I really really do. I love looking at something and trying to understand the most basic components of it and how it works.
In fact one of my most challenging tasks as an undergrad was to write a research paper about any topic that pertained to human behavioral development. I undertook the daunting task of "the evolution of religion". It was very difficult at first because I didn't want to offend anyone, and I wanted to come from an un-biased approach. I used my personal background as an EX-islamic and EX-christian (yes I've read [most of] the Bible) to construct it. I investigated Judaism for the sake of the paper (due to it being the oldest major monotheistic religion). But what I found most fascinating was to close my eyes and imagine what an early hominid individual would have seen, felt, and feared from his surroundings. That is where I developed one of my theories of myth creation that may have led to the development of good versus evil, and so on as the generations progressed. It is fascinating how we can create an illusion of though from conscious and subconscious experiences into a concrete mythical situation that may or may not ever occur. The answer to how these thoughts occur lies in the evolution of our brain, how the happenstance of a developmental quirk collaborated so beautifully with the survivability of that organism into believing in something that wasn't there. That my friend is a discussion better left for some chai and attentive ears