View Full Version : Profile of Ray Nagin

09-11-2005, 10:22 PM
I have to admit I am intrigued by this guy. Part of me likes him, part of me doesn't. All of me thinks he's rather attractive...or maybe that's just the :drunk talking.

Anyway, thought I'd post his bio. Can you believe this guy is almost 50?! :wow

Clarence Ray Nagin Jr. (born June 11, 1956 in New Orleans, Louisiana) is properly the Mayor of Orleans Parish but is more commonly referred to as the Mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana. Orleans Parish is coextensive with the City of New Orleans. He was elected in May 2002, succeeding Marc Morial. Nagin gained international prominence in 2005 as the mayor of New Orleans during and immediately following Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the city.

Before his election, Nagin was a member of the Republican Party and had little political experience; he was a vice president and general manager at Cox Communications, a cable communications company and subsidiary of Cox Enterprises. Nagin did give contributions periodically to candidates, namely President George W. Bush and former Republican U.S. Representative Billy Tauzin in 1999 and 2000, as well as to Democratic U.S. Senators John Breaux and J. Bennett Johnston earlier in the decade.

Days before filing for the New Orleans Mayoral race in February 2002, Nagin switched his party registration to the Democratic Party. Shortly before the primary election, an endorsement praising Nagin as a reformer by Gambit Magazine gave him crucial momentum that would carry through for the primary election and runoff. In the first round of the crowded mayoral election in February 2002, Nagin received first place with 29% of the vote, against such opponents as Police Chief Richard Pennington, State Senator Paulette Irons, City Councilman Troy Carter and others. In the runoff with Pennington in May 2002, Nagin won with 59% of the vote. His campaign was largely self-financed.

Shortly after taking office, Nagin launched an anti-corruption campaign within city government, which included crackdowns on the city's Taxicab Bureau and Utilities Department. Nagin also made a controversial endorsement of current Republican U.S. Representative Bobby Jindal in the 2003 Louisiana Gubernatorial Runoff over current Democratic Governor Kathleen Blanco, and only reluctantly endorsed U.S. Senator John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential race.

Nagin received a B.S. degree in accounting from Tuskegee University in 1978 and an M.B.A. degree from Tulane University in 1994. He and his wife, Seletha Smith Nagin, have three children: Jeremy, Jarin, and Tianna.

09-11-2005, 10:31 PM
The guy has a certain charisma, a self-confidence, a plain speaking, and physical presence (looks solid and quite athletic) that is attractive, much more than shrub who is a fucking anti-charismatic, aphasic, spastic dork of a loser. Easy to see why the NO blacks would elect Fagin.

But it really looks like Fagin knows how to run a city about as well as shrub knows how to run a country. When push came to shove in a crisis, both fucked up badly. If Fagin hasn't completely fucked himself over in this Katrina hellhole, at his age, he could go further in politics.

09-11-2005, 10:33 PM
boutons! hahah.. stfu already... you make dan look normal

09-11-2005, 11:33 PM
boutons! hahah.. stfu already... you make dan look normal

Yeah, but that was the absolute first time I've seen him post anything in this forum without the word "shrub" or "repugs" in it. You sure his account wasn't hijacked?


09-11-2005, 11:38 PM
hahah.. you are right.

09-12-2005, 12:06 AM
I like the guy.. but he did make some mistakes.
Both of the Superdome and the Convention Center have loading docks...

Big multi 18 wheelers. you know for conventions etc...

All they had to do was bring in some water and soda trucks .. even if police where ordered to sieze the merchandise as an emergency..

Would of been plenty of bottled drink there...

Hook Dem
09-12-2005, 12:34 PM
Yeah, but that was the absolute first time I've seen him post anything in this forum without the word "shrub" or "repugs" in it. You sure his account wasn't hijacked?

I noticed that also.

Marcus Bryant
09-12-2005, 01:17 PM
Sounds like a neocon to me.

09-12-2005, 01:31 PM
"shrub" is in my post, you illiterates.

Sorry about leaving out "Repugs", I'll do better next time.

The Ressurrected One
09-12-2005, 02:15 PM
Sounds like a neocon to me.
Nah, just a neoidiot from the neovillage.