View Full Version : Amick: Aldridge-Lillard Dynamic Was Complicated

07-05-2015, 01:02 AM

This is as far as most stories go, leading the reader to believe that Aldridge's motivations were solely petty. But Amick expands:

The difficult dynamic between Aldridge and Lillard was as real as advertised, but it wasn't a personality clash so much as it was a problem with their respective profiles. Marketing is a funny thing that way, and the harsh truth about Aldridge's portfolio is that it's not nearly what it should be, in large part, because of the way in which he has handled his own affairs.

Meanwhile, it could be argued that Lillard - who came out of a small school (Weber State) and has flourished in a small market - has the best pound-for-pound profile in the NBA. This, make no mistake, was the contrast that caused so much conflict.

Amick also details the lengths to which the Blazers went to make up the gap:

But the challenging part for the Blazers folks who tried so hard through the years to understand him is that Aldridge's understated ways made it nearly impossible to satisfy this request. He routinely turned down interviews, or didn't maximize off-court opportunities of which Lillard would take full advantage. He is known as the private type, the kind of player and person who prefers to play his game and let someone else handle the lion's share of the leadership duties. Except, of course, until someone does just that, reaps the benefits of it and kickstarts the cycle of jealousy that had everything to do with his departure.


07-05-2015, 01:07 AM
Hopefully being on an elite franchise will do the trick. I mean, Kawhi gets tons of recognition, and he's damn near silent.

07-05-2015, 01:09 AM
Hopefully being on an elite franchise will do the trick. I mean, Kawhi gets tons of recognition, and he's damn near silent.

I do think the environment, and winning, will take care of any of that. It just seems like an ideal fit for the team and player.

Mr Bones
07-05-2015, 01:11 AM
So Aldridge essentially has the same temperament as Duncan & Leonard? No wonder he chose San Antonio as a place to thrive...

Mr Bones
07-05-2015, 01:20 AM
The Aldridge vs Lillard debate would be a lot more compelling if 3/5s of Portland's starters and a key bench guy hadn't ALL decided to leave in a 3 day period... It looks like the Lillard dynamic was complicated for everyone... If Aldridge had been the problem, wouldn't the early news that he was almost certainly gone have been good news for all of the other free agents on the team? It seems like guys couldn't wait to leave, which is suspect after locking up a young centerpiece to a new contract. Lillard had more key teammates leave him in 3 days then Duncan has in 18 years...

07-05-2015, 01:28 AM
Well, he should have no problem fitting into SA then. He can be understated and join the local HEB commercials. BTW, I think Leonard is great in those commercials - so deadpan:lol

07-05-2015, 01:40 AM
Most comprehensive explanation I have ever read

07-05-2015, 01:42 AM
So Aldridge essentially has the same temperament as Duncan & Leonard? No wonder he chose San Antonio as a place to thrive...

Aldridge will love Leonard, Master of Solitude.....

Good afternoon from the Philippines dear Sirs

strong typhoon rains here, but I want to join in our continuing celebration!

Who is next to come to us, I wonder?

07-05-2015, 01:43 AM
Kawhi, my new favorite, is inhuman,


Or not human, or superhuman.....

07-05-2015, 01:46 AM
All these reports are hearsay and one-sided. Besides, LMA knows the Spurs culture isn't about that and won't tolerate that shit. It could be that maybe that's why it took him some time to make the decision but now that he's made it, I'm sure he will be determined not to rock the boat.

07-05-2015, 05:22 AM
LMA is represted by 1 of the biggest agencies out there. I still get the feeling that the wait was driven primarily by them..wanted whole 4th of July weekend for that huge exposure on top of the four days of much anticipation/interest

07-05-2015, 05:47 AM
So Aldridge essentially has the same temperament as Duncan & Leonard? No wonder he chose San Antonio as a place to thrive...

The difference, if you believe this article, is he resented more out going personalities than his. It's a little like Kareem who was every bit as great as Magic on the court, but was a introvert who somewhat resented the public and press giving Magic all the praise and glory (and they still do to this day.) Kareem never let it get so far, probably because they were winning, but for LaMarcus it was enough. As the years go by since both Kawhi and LaMarcus are the silent type it'll be interesting who the Spurs bring in or develop for leadership, and if LaMarcus resents them too. Truthfully, he's likely to grow up in our environment so by the time TImmy is gone he's either more of a vocal leader or okay with someone else in that role.

07-05-2015, 05:50 AM
The Aldridge vs Lillard debate would be a lot more compelling if 3/5s of Portland's starters and a key bench guy hadn't ALL decided to leave in a 3 day period... It looks like the Lillard dynamic was complicated for everyone... If Aldridge had been the problem, wouldn't the early news that he was almost certainly gone have been good news for all of the other free agents on the team? It seems like guys couldn't wait to leave, which is suspect after locking up a young centerpiece to a new contract. Lillard had more key teammates leave him in 3 days then Duncan has in 18 years...

This is a good point, the proof is in the pudding as they say. And on the maturity issue I believe it was Lillard who was having the public hissy fit when it didn't look like he'd make the all-star team.

07-05-2015, 07:19 AM
This is much more interesting than who gets that tweet out first.

As the aftermath unfolds, we get a clearer picture of what kind of personalities we got that need to coexist.
Fortunately Pop takes care of so much of the resentment. Our culture is what makes our team fascinating. The winning has given our ways legitimacy. Imagine Lkrfn, so convinced that Kobe is their Lord. Imagine being a fan of a teamwith personalities willing to annihilate a successful past out of pure selfishness and then claim to be helping the players of the future; Seriously twisted guys willing to trash all prospects of winning.

07-05-2015, 07:44 AM
LMA has been in the league 9 years and never a negative word is heard, but now he's a problem? I really doubt he ever had a problem with any of his teammates or coaches. Maybe he just got tired of losing for an organization not fully committed to wining?
If he wanted exposure he could have gone to the lakers or knicks. If he wanted to be the centerpiece for a franchise he could have gone to the suns. I'm sure LMA knows the Spurs don't offer any of those 2 things, but what the Spurs offer is what he wants more (winning, being closer to his family, and playing in your home state).

07-05-2015, 07:44 AM
It's no one's fault. It's the fucking Blazers. Like the Suns, they just find a way to fuck up anything good that happens.

07-05-2015, 08:22 AM
The Blazers seem like the girls you start talking to that always have a "psycho" ex boyfriend.

There's two sides to the story, and lillaird was the only one I heard about crying to the public about not making an all star team.

07-05-2015, 08:27 AM
I guess time will tell but he sure seems like a good fit for San Antonio and the Spurs. Assuming his talent holds up I can see him staying for the duration.

07-05-2015, 12:15 PM

This is as far as most stories go, leading the reader to believe that Aldridge's motivations were solely petty.

So LMA and point guard Lillard clashed and Blazer-fan sided with Lillard. Pretty normal.

Point guards and bigs can be like oil and water.

Look at Chris Paul and DeAndre Jordan.

LMA has a bit of prima donna in him but I think Lillard has more.

I'd be more worried about Aldridge fitting in as a Spur if it wasn't a mess like Damon Lillard that he had to deal with.

Lillard's eye-opening rant when (he thought) he wasn't on the All Star team this year was revealing -- petulant, bitter and vindictive. Immature, in a word. Check it out:

I just want to thank the coaches who feel I wasn't good enough, the fans that didn't think I was good enough , and Adam Silver also for not thinking I was good enough. This isn't unfamiliar territory for me , it's actually what my life has been inspired by. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed or that I don't feel disrespected but it's not too much to handle. Not the first or last guy to be snubbed. "You should have been there" isn't good enough for me. But anyway, The reason I'm in these shoes is because I've always use the hand I was dealt to my advantage... A wise man once told me... " it ain't always gone be peaches and cream but somebody has to pay for the reason it's not ... One way or another " ... #ImThankful #Real #NonAllStar #RipCity #YellowTape

Losing a popularity contest to a guy like that, younger than you and hasn't paid dues like you have, might make anyone want to leave.