View Full Version : NBA: Paradigm Shift: I Personally Want To Thank Lamarcus Aldridge

07-05-2015, 09:21 AM
Even though he was a complete retard for even meeting with us at this stage of his career...he did for us what no one else was willing to do...he taught our rookies a valuable lesson....it's not that he ultimately chose another team it's his rationale behind it even though ironically one would have to question how smart he is for even visiting with is to begin with...but the point is...

He taught our rookies it's not about Hollywood and distractions around you..it's about playing ball..I feared they would see how Nick Young is allowing himself to be distracted with Iggy Izelea and all that music shit and it would distract them as well..

LMA inadvertantly opened the eyes of our young guys and it will pay dividends in the short and long term....because it's one thing to hear you must avoid distractions from coaches...but to have a player say your pitch is too focused on Hollywood is an eye opener for young impressionable players...

Good looking out LMA..you helped us save us from ourselves...now go get your head checked for even having us in your top 2 destinations knowing full well we had a unproven team.. :lol what a dumbass...but nonetheless..thanks

07-05-2015, 10:41 AM
:lol fantasizing about the potential of your shitty "youth movement"

07-05-2015, 10:57 AM
He was sent on that grand tour by his agent, the NBA, and Media, Kool. He was the flagship for FA 2015. Get into bed with his own owner in Holidayland. Set fire to Kobe and Los Angeles. Make a Wish Foundation here. Kick Phil in the groin catheter 3,000 away, then play coy, reverend, then adorable with San Antonio.

Now? Just needs to calm the DT's that have wracked his mind & body his entire career. Old gerbil face Pop will dry him out.

07-05-2015, 11:09 AM
He was sent on that grand tour by his agent, the NBA, and Media, Kool. He was the flagship for FA 2015. Get into bed with his own owner in Holidayland. Set fire to Kobe and Los Angeles. Make a Wish Foundation here. Kick Phil in the groin catheter 3,000 away, then play coy, reverend, then adorable with San Antonio.

Now? Just needs to calm the DT's that have wracked his mind & body his entire career. Old gerbil face Pop will dry him out.

You're afraid he's going to blossom like Neal, Green, Marco, Mills and so on, except he's already a baller so what will he be under the tutelage?

07-05-2015, 11:12 AM
You're afraid he's going to blossom like Neal, Green, Marco, Mills and so on, except he's already a baller so what will he be under the tutelage?

Yeah, cement head, I've been stating that very fact for quite a while, but, you were too busy PP'ing.

07-05-2015, 11:50 AM
He was sent on that grand tour by his agent, the NBA, and Media, Kool. He was the flagship for FA 2015. Get into bed with his own owner in Holidayland. Set fire to Kobe and Los Angeles. Make a Wish Foundation here. Kick Phil in the groin catheter 3,000 away, then play coy, reverend, then adorable with San Antonio.

Now? Just needs to calm the DT's that have wracked his mind & body his entire career. Old gerbil face Pop will dry him out.

I beleive the NBA should be investigated by the FBI...there is a conspiracy against the Lakers and Stern proved it when he nixed the CP0 trade....same concept with Allen Iverson...I saw the CBS 60 minutes interview and Tim Donaughy admitted their was a league wide conspiracy to cheat Iverson and they did....same concept here..but LMA will pay for being a puppet in this game...he's small potatoes he's in over his head when it comes to trying to fuck over Kobe...his fate will be that of Gasols in Chicago....busted up knees going nowhere

07-05-2015, 06:08 PM
Young players should've learned that they should avoid playing with a selfish arrogant shot-jacking SG at all cost tbh.

07-05-2015, 06:09 PM
I beleive the NBA should be investigated by the FBI...there is a conspiracy against the Lakers and Stern proved it when he nixed the CP0 trade....same concept with Allen Iverson...I saw the CBS 60 minutes interview and Tim Donaughy admitted their was a league wide conspiracy to cheat Iverson and they did....same concept here..but LMA will pay for being a puppet in this game...he's small potatoes he's in over his head when it comes to trying to fuck over Kobe...his fate will be that of Gasols in Chicago....busted up knees going nowhere

He indeed approved the Pau trade and without Pau you're light two.