View Full Version : Europe: Americans abroad...embarrassing

Kyle Orton
07-27-2015, 01:15 AM
the amount of back to backWW2 Go USA fanny packs I see is obnoxious. Had an American table next to me bitch at their fucking waitstaff for not speaking English and then wanted to get American food after because French food was disgusting. People say French are assholes but after seeing these American tourists I can see why, speaking a little French even if it is broken as fuck goes a long way to them warming up to you for sure

also Americans dress like shit in comparison tbh, baggy XXL shirts with nike shorts is the norm for muricans here

Kyle Orton
07-27-2015, 01:16 AM
Also no one gives a fuck about your fat fuck Yankee/boston Red Sox sports hats and patriots world champions of football XXL t shirts tbh

07-27-2015, 01:22 AM
how about the ones who gloat out of their asses with nothing to show for it, then return to their swetshop job trying to save 5k for another trip...

07-27-2015, 01:22 AM
cry about it, faggot

07-27-2015, 01:24 AM
They don't care what we look like, this is all they care about.....http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb270/systime/Gifffs1234/AnimatedMoneyzzz.gif

Mr Bones
07-27-2015, 01:47 AM
Yes, I'm sure those 3 or 4 Americans you saw are completely representative of the other 270 million people who live in America.

Joseph Kony
07-27-2015, 02:19 AM
sup MD

Brian Windhorst
07-27-2015, 03:14 AM
Had an American table next to me bitch at their fucking waitstaff for not speaking English and then wanted to get American food after because French food was disgusting.

That sounds like a story that really happened for sure.

07-27-2015, 03:35 AM
the vietnamese american = wankers, they g o back to the motherland and talk out of their asses/lies and shit, if u dont go back and talk shit then whats the point of going back there to burn whatever money u have

bad thing about it, it has become the norm where the locals believe in whatever horseshit u say just to milk money from you or a green card, its so bad, they think all expats are successful in the western world, when we come from all walks of life to a new land to work up from nothing..not everyone finds success...

so i was there at the start of the year, i only had a couple of days left b4 leaving, took a walk to the coffee shop, saw an american vietnamese faggot sitting on the streets with 3-4 prostitutes talking out of his ass, i got 5k left and 1 week left b4 i leave, how should i spend it...i was just walking by when i heard him talking shit i roflmao was going to go an expose that fake ass liar....but the girls will just listen to it as long that clown waste his money on them, could care less whatever he says...its ashame though...the rising middle class over there is fkn richer then those refugees expats who fled the country, makes me jealous though...

Mark Celibate
07-27-2015, 06:00 AM
TDMVPOTY speaks the truth, and it is embarrassing truth tbh. Faggots return to their motherland bragging about their lives in America when they're in fact secondary citizens in the US that the natives don't give a fuck about.

07-27-2015, 08:58 AM
Lel truth bombs flying everywhere

07-27-2015, 10:49 AM
i nearly had a fight or told off this american vietnamese who came back for the holidays talking out of his ass working earning 50k a year,

yet you sit with locals/me and you telling me you cant pay for round of drinks or drinks for the whole night...which for under 100bucks can go all nite drinking in vietnam

i spent like 100bucks buying 2 cartons of beer around 48 heineken beer cans for about 40bucks, spent the rest buying food and shit...told him if u buy a carton of beer, i match you...actually i match whatever ur willing to spend..fkn clown ran home or said he had other shit to attend to after eatting all my shit...fkn pathetic...no shame at all

american vietnamese are scared of aussie vietnamese, cause we see through their bullshit lies cause they are the ones that started it..gloating to locals and shit, yes we dont exposed them, but we will show you up or match whatever ur willing to spend for the night...

in most cases these fkn clowns are either swetshop/ restaurant or low paid working idiots traveling talking like t hey are king dick cause of the american currency

07-27-2015, 10:57 AM
Very good points niggas.

It's fucking hilarious how faggots who go back to their shithole countries pretend they are great shits for owning a fucking entry level BMW with leather seats and a home in America. So fucking what retard you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars and have to buy your grocery shit from Walmart like every other poor asshole. You are nothing but another American monkey.

07-27-2015, 11:00 AM

07-27-2015, 11:11 AM
how about the ones who travel abroad trying to fck as many ladies as they can due to purchasing power of the foreign currency they are holding...

cause they cant get any back whatever shit hole life in westernized country, fkn ugly poor kents on minimum wage/ shit of society

talk loud and gloat out of their asses in public they have this and that, wtf u trying to show off to? when t he bill comes...makes a stupid face why this so expensive and tries to barter the price down...fkn expats no shame, extra dollar here and there doesnt kill you, it goes along way when ur tipping to these workers in these undeveloped countries

when u migrate to a westernized country and havnt achieve shit living there, u have no business going back to the motherland talking out of ur ass...u look stupid and locals see through it but they will listen to whatever horseshit u feed them to make urselves feel better of ur pathetic sore loser life...

07-27-2015, 01:46 PM
Very good points niggas.

It's fucking hilarious how faggots who go back to their shithole countries pretend they are great shits for owning a fucking entry level BMW with leather seats and a home in America. So fucking what retard you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars and have to buy your grocery shit from Walmart like every other poor asshole. You are nothing but another American monkey.

I’ve worked all over the world and another strange thing that seems I encounter almost exclusively with Americans is the emphasis on their work “title”. They are obsessed with titles, yet they can hardly hold an intellectual conversation. I live relatively off the grid and spend most of my free time developing my own business and reading whatever fancies me. I guess since America is so fast paced nobody really spends time developing their intellect so their “title” is all they have to hang onto. They’re lost souls, they may have money but they’re poor. It’s actually quite fascinating to me.

I’m all for hard work and I respect the truly innovative leaders but investing you’re self worth into something that can be taken away from you instantly without your control is silly. It goes without saying that it’s a staple of a materialistic society. You’re right hater, all these people think they own their houses and cars when it really belongs to the banks.

Mark Celibate
07-27-2015, 06:02 PM
TDMVP bombarding those shameless expats with truth nukes and zero mercy tbh. Motherfuckers think spending a few years living abroad somehow makes them sanctified but the reality is they're still pieces of shit in the natives' eyes. They only hold the bragging rights over those who don't know shit about the West, but sadly with the common access to internet even the least educated people know those immigrants are just a group of people who suck the white natives' dicks to earning their livings.

07-27-2015, 06:30 PM
I've lived in different countries throughout my life time and most tourist are ignorant fucks no matter where they're from.

07-27-2015, 10:00 PM
cry about it, faggot

Clipper Nation
07-27-2015, 10:02 PM
France is full of faggots like Enrique, tbh. They need to shut up and accept that Americans are just better than them at life. They should be honored that we actually grace their country with our presence. :downspin:

07-27-2015, 10:37 PM
After bailing their asses out all over the world , they need to get over it.

this is all euro's care about from American tourist.


07-28-2015, 09:43 AM
LmAO These young American new age tourists are fucking dumb as shit too. I was in a south east Asian party town on cartel biz and in a bar lots of drunk American kids. They were checking out a couple of girls at the bar and saying shit like "I think they sisters man. Lets pick them up..."

Dumb drunk motherfuckers didn't know they were actually a couple of ladyboys on the hunt for stupid American pieces of shit :lmao

Saw lots of that shit..them retards let the ladyboys pluck them like chickens :lol

Stupid motherfuckers :lol

07-28-2015, 10:10 AM
LmAO These young American new age tourists are fucking dumb as shit too. I was in a south east Asian party town on cartel biz and in a bar lots of drunk American kids. They were checking out a couple of girls at the bar and saying shit like "I think they sisters man. Lets pick them up..."

Dumb drunk motherfuckers didn't know they were actually a couple of ladyboys on the hunt for stupid American pieces of shit :lmao

Saw lots of that shit..them retards let the ladyboys pluck them like chickens :lol

Stupid motherfuckers :lol

lol what were u doing in a ladyboy joint??

and whattabout the baby boomers/retirees/pensioners who go back to motherland talk out of their asses owning this and that in westernize country, wtf they are struggling check to check on the pension.....lol bringing back 50 used cellphones to sell, to fund ur trip...lol pensioners

07-28-2015, 10:41 AM
In some countries like Thailand all bars are flooded with them tbh.

A smart nigga can tell mainly by looking at the hands and neck. But them retard American kids have no idea until they have balls staring at them and then its too late :lol

07-28-2015, 10:49 AM
I’ve worked all over the world and another strange thing that seems I encounter almost exclusively with Americans is the emphasis on their work “title”.They are obsessed with titles, yet they can hardly hold an intellectual conversation.I live relatively off the grid and spend most of my free time developing my own business and reading whatever fancies me.I guess since America is so fast paced nobody really spends time developing their intellect so their “title” is all they have to hang onto.They’re lost souls, they may have money but they’re poor.It’s actually quite fascinating to me.

I’m all for hard work and I respect the truly innovative leaders but investing you’re self worth into something that can be taken away from you instantly without your control is silly.It goes without saying that it’s a staple of a materialistic society.You’re right hater, all these people think they own their houses and cars when it really belongs to the banks.

Americans (I'm American fwiw) are generally overworked and their job is all they've got and source of pride. The time they spend outta work is with family, most don't have time to read/experience/learn about things outside their work.

Dirk Oneanddoneski
07-28-2015, 11:21 AM
the vietnamese american = wankers, they g o back to the motherland and talk out of their asses/lies and shit, if u dont go back and talk shit then whats the point of going back there to burn whatever money u have

bad thing about it, it has become the norm where the locals believe in whatever horseshit u say just to milk money from you or a green card, its so bad, they think all expats are successful in the western world, when we come from all walks of life to a new land to work up from nothing..not everyone finds success...

so i was there at the start of the year, i only had a couple of days left b4 leaving, took a walk to the coffee shop, saw an american vietnamese faggot sitting on the streets with 3-4 prostitutes talking out of his ass, i got 5k left and 1 week left b4 i leave, how should i spend it...i was just walking by when i heard him talking shit i roflmao was going to go an expose that fake ass liar....but the girls will just listen to it as long that clown waste his money on them, could care less whatever he says...its ashame though...the rising middle class over there is fkn richer then those refugees expats who fled the country, makes me jealous though...

What does dog and cat taste like bro? Not hating just curious, I wouldn't try dog or cat but if I was in yellow land I would try whale if it was offered. It has to be good with all that fat

07-28-2015, 11:46 AM
What does dog and cat taste like bro? Not hating just curious, I wouldn't try dog or cat but if I was in yellow land I would try whale if it was offered. It has to be good with all that fat

im a southerner, southerners dont eat dog or cat, just ask those american soldiers...

only northern clowns eat that shit to substitute meat and rice...fck them idiots eat it 3 times a day, like how u western clowns eat beef/peas/corn/mash potato for dinner everyday...they mustve gotten it from the chinese/korean gooks, who think eatting certain animals will grant them abilities, lol monkeys...

but those clowns up north have migrated down to the south after the war to dilute the southern dialect people, bringing uneducated fcks and their shitty northern culture eatting anything that breathes...

back to the topic

how about clowns who go back to motherland talking about what position they hold as an occupation, lol doctor/engineer etc...what a load of bullshit, if ur educated and rich, wtf would u return to this shit hole, there are better places to visit....

Mark Celibate
07-28-2015, 08:37 PM
im a southerner, southerners dont eat dog or cat, just ask those american soldiers...

only northern clowns eat that shit to substitute meat and rice...fck them idiots eat it 3 times a day, like how u western clowns eat beef/peas/corn/mash potato for dinner everyday...they mustve gotten it from the chinese/korean gooks, who think eatting certain animals will grant them abilities, lol monkeys...

You guys eat snakes and insects though, and even drink bull's semen as appetizer sometimes I heard. The Cantonese chinks are the most disgusting creatures you can think of on this planet tbh, they want to stuff their mouths with whatever animals they can capture from the wild, which was the main cause to the breakouts of many gruesome epidemics such as SARS and bird flu. Canton is China's Florida, tbh.

but those clowns up north have migrated down to the south after the war to dilute the southern dialect people, bringing uneducated fcks and their shitty northern culture eatting anything that breathes...

back to the topic

how about clowns who go back to motherland talking about what position they hold as an occupation, lol doctor/engineer etc...what a load of bullshit, if ur educated and rich, wtf would u return to this shit hole, there are better places to visit....
The fuckers return to those shitholes they immigrated from, just to brag about their westernized lives and to shit on those idiots who're still living in the shithole countries. The sad fact is that no matter how much money and fame they have in the US, they're still secondary citizens and the title of "immigrant" will remain a glaring stigma of shame on their foreheads for lifelong tbh.

07-28-2015, 11:34 PM
the amount of back to backWW2 Go USA fanny packs I see is obnoxious. Had an American table next to me bitch at their fucking waitstaff for not speaking English and then wanted to get American food after because French food was disgusting. People say French are assholes but after seeing these American tourists I can see why, speaking a little French even if it is broken as fuck goes a long way to them warming up to you for sure

also Americans dress like shit in comparison tbh, baggy XXL shirts with nike shorts is the norm for muricans here

Also no one gives a fuck about your fat fuck Yankee/boston Red Sox sports hats and patriots world champions of football XXL t shirts tbh

:lol tbh :

07-29-2015, 01:37 AM
TDMVP droppiing truth nukes


I absolutely hate arrogant westernized asians going to the motherland talking shit when in reality they earn no more than 45k a year. :lol

07-29-2015, 01:38 AM
We need a Wall to keep Americans out

07-29-2015, 01:42 AM
We need a Wall to keep Americans out

hey man, if Russia, Iran and China form an axis..would you support them or would you ally yourself with the west?

07-29-2015, 01:49 AM
hey man, if Russia, Iran and China form an axis..would you support them or would you ally yourself with the west?

he only follows the money

07-29-2015, 01:57 AM
hey man, if Russia, Iran and China form an axis..would you support them or would you ally yourself with the west?
Brics Dream Team brother!

Kyle Orton
07-29-2015, 02:20 AM
Chinese tourists are the fucking worst tho. Rude as shit and they talk loud as fuck.

Mark Celibate
07-29-2015, 06:43 AM
Agree, and the smell of dead cat/dog from their mouths is ten times worse than that of pickles tbh.

07-29-2015, 08:07 AM
Very good points niggas.

It's fucking hilarious how faggots who go back to their shithole countries pretend they are great shits for owning a fucking entry level BMW with leather seats and a home in America. So fucking what retard you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars and have to buy your grocery shit from Walmart like every other poor asshole. You are nothing but another American monkey.

LmAO These young American new age tourists are fucking dumb as shit too. I was in a south east Asian party town on cartel biz and in a bar lots of drunk American kids. They were checking out a couple of girls at the bar and saying shit like "I think they sisters man. Lets pick them up..."

Dumb drunk motherfuckers didn't know they were actually a couple of ladyboys on the hunt for stupid American pieces of shit :lmao

Saw lots of that shit..them retards let the ladyboys pluck them like chickens :lol

Stupid motherfuckers :lol

I’ve worked all over the world and another strange thing that seems I encounter almost exclusively with Americans is the emphasis on their work “title”.They are obsessed with titles, yet they can hardly hold an intellectual conversation.I live relatively off the grid and spend most of my free time developing my own business and reading whatever fancies me.I guess since America is so fast paced nobody really spends time developing their intellect so their “title” is all they have to hang onto.They’re lost souls, they may have money but they’re poor.It’s actually quite fascinating to me.

I’m all for hard work and I respect the truly innovative leaders but investing you’re self worth into something that can be taken away from you instantly without your control is silly.It goes without saying that it’s a staple of a materialistic society.You’re right hater, all these people think they own their houses and cars when it really belongs to the banks.

Backed for harsh truth.

07-29-2015, 09:11 AM
Chinese tourists are the fucking worst tho. Rude as shit and they talk loud as fuck.

Truth nuke.

They are the absolute worst. Dirty, smelly, rude as fuck.

I seen Chinese tourists move children away to take pictures of stuff. Not their children :lol

Those fucks are animals out there. No manners.

07-29-2015, 09:13 AM
In countries where the driving wheel is on the other side they are a fucking menace to the roads. Get into accidents and kill ppl. Most are able to escape back to china. But some are locked up for a while. Deservingly.

How companies rent cars to Chinese tourists is beyond me.

07-29-2015, 09:18 AM
In countries where the driving wheel is on the other side they are a fucking menace to the roads. Get into accidents and kill ppl. Most are able to escape back to china. But some are locked up for a while. Deservingly.

How companies rent cars to Chinese tourists is beyond me.

The driving wheel is on the correct side here and yet the Messicans keep coming over the border and killing people going down the up ramp.


07-29-2015, 09:18 AM
The most fucked up thing right now is that American tourists are about to invade Cuba and turn that paradise island into a mega mall with casinos, ubers, junk food dispensaries, and xxxxl t shirt stalls. Fucking disgusting

07-29-2015, 09:19 AM
The most fucked up thing right now is that American tourists are about to invade Cuba and turn that paradise island into a mega mall with casinos, ubers, junk food dispensaries, and xxxxl t shirt stalls. Fucking disgusting

At least they won't give each Cuban a rice cooker.

07-29-2015, 09:20 AM
At least they won't give each Cuban a rice cooker.

I'd take a rice cooker over venereal disease from a 400 pound ball of hairy grease imo

07-29-2015, 09:22 AM
I'd take a rice cooker over venereal disease from a 400 pound ball of hairy grease imo

I don't know, "Montana" claimed he only had octopus 3 times-a-day. That ain't no paradise...that's octopus 3 times-a-day.

07-29-2015, 09:23 AM
Ppl here eat chicken beaks and feet 3 times a day tbh. I probably take the octopus

07-29-2015, 09:31 AM
The most fucked up thing right now is that American tourists are about to invade Cuba and turn that paradise island into a mega mall with casinos, ubers, junk food dispensaries, and xxxxl t shirt stalls. Fucking disgusting

the smart cubans are the ones that made it to america, work their ass off remittance any money back home buying up estate or starting up a business that generates money.....all u have to do is sit and wait a few decades b4 the country opens itself up for development, u see prices of ur estate increasing or the merging middle class cashed up...