View Full Version : Why do they say only white countries need diversity

07-30-2015, 12:14 AM
When whites are by far the most diverse of any ethnic group? You've got any combination of blonde, red, brown, black, dirty blonde, auburn etc hair whereas everyone else has..black? And blue, hazel, green, brown eyes or even silver or grey. All different foods and cultures from Italian to German to French etc. and the different schools of art and music especially from Germany. Who pushes this lie and how do they benefit?

07-30-2015, 12:27 AM
King Mutts are the Jews. They gain the most from everyone else experiencing the same bastardization

07-30-2015, 12:58 PM
because once upon a time your white ancestors decided to stick their dicks and change other cultures(for better or worse doesn't matter) while also stealing their resources. Everything bad that you do unto others comes back at you! you'll raped millions of innocent African and Native teens of various countries, now it's the black and brown man turn to do some raping. White Aryan people are no different than your little butt buddies the Joos. White people and Jews promoting faggetry to dumb whites while Brown and black people don't buy that bullshit and just bed their women.:lmao

07-30-2015, 01:30 PM
because once upon a time your white ancestors decided to stick their dicks and change other cultures(for better or worse doesn't matter) while also stealing their resources. Everything bad that you do unto others comes back at you! you'll raped millions of innocent African and Native teens of various countries, now it's the black and brown man turn to do some raping. White Aryan people are no different than your little butt buddies the Joos. White people and Jews promoting faggetry to dumb whites while Brown and black people don't buy that bullshit and just bed their women.:lmao

07-30-2015, 01:37 PM
because once upon a time your white ancestors decided to stick their dicks and change other cultures(for better or worse doesn't matter) while also stealing their resources. Everything bad that you do unto others comes back at you! you'll raped millions of innocent African and Native teens of various countries, now it's the black and brown man turn to do some raping. White Aryan people are no different than your little butt buddies the Joos. White people and Jews promoting faggetry to dumb whites while Brown and black people don't buy that bullshit and just bed their women.:lmao
It isn't "coming back" on us. We are happily doing it ourselves. We are and will remain in the driver's seat, even for our own self destruction. Browns/blacks are bedding and reproducing with the dumbest Whites so the resulting off-spring is even dumber. They are forever doomed to be our bus boys.

> Master Race