View Full Version : I Watched The Debate and Feel Sorry For Republicans - They All Look Like Misfits

08-07-2015, 07:34 AM
I watched the debate and all I can say is good lawd....may god help us all....none of those guys are presidential material like Obama....they look like class clowns and rejects...either old, fat, bald, ugly smug, inarticulate, religious freak or zealot and just clownish....those guys should NOT be on the world stage like this its totally embarrasing...for them personally and to us as a Nation..at least those of us who are smart and progressive thinkers.....

i watched the debate I chuckeled at how if Obama was on that stage he would mop the floor with each and every one of them....just like he did Mitt Romney in the debate...it would have been a slaughter..these clowns are just not on Obamas level in Any shape or form...he's more educated, deep baratone voice, in shape, handsome and good looking (a ladies man) tall and statuesque....in other words he's Presidential....you have all of these white men on stage and every one of them (especially in comparison to Obama) sounded extremely uneducated and not ready for prime time...

And poor Ben Carson....looks like he missed a wrong turn and should have been at the hospital instead....using a "Presidential" forum to say: " Hey I may not know what the fuck I'm talking about but hey I'm a neurosurgeon." :lmao

Gotta feel sorry for repubs. .....its just sad.....what circus show...

08-07-2015, 07:47 AM
Obama sucks without staged T-ball questions and a teleprompter.

08-07-2015, 08:36 AM
Obama sucks without staged T-ball questions and a teleprompter.lol you agree with Kool

08-07-2015, 08:38 AM
Obama sucks without staged T-ball questions and a teleprompter.

Whatever makes you sleep at night old dipshit....:lol I recall Obama being asked the same questions as everyone else on the stage and he rose up and PROVED his competece over the republican field. Deal with it...that negro is smarter, brighter, and more educated than your republican field and he always has been....while the republican shills get their talking points from the high school graduates Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity :lmao

And dont make me post video of the 2011 republican only retreat where these clowns and their teleprompter quip asked Obama to attend their conservative retreat with all of the republican leadership present to grill him on National TV...and the rules were 1.) no teleprompter and 2.) no other democrats...:lol

Do you recall what happened at that retreat? No you dont remember? :lmao after it was over Obama had thoroughly embarrassed them so much so till they admitted they should not have let cameras in to record the event. :lol Those dirty muthafuckers thought he needed a teleprompter and actually beleived that shit that the high only graduates Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity told them....Obama clowned their dumbasess....why dont i just post it for you...:lmao

Scroll to 1:52 min mark as the volume clears up and Obama starts kicking their ass...:lol


Or here's another for more context....


You ought to watch the whole thing if you ever desire to shed your racist view of Obama :lolthe negro is just smarter..it really is that simple