View Full Version : Darth Cheney: 'I Came Back 4 Days Early'

09-14-2005, 04:49 PM

A heck of a job
Posted 9/12/05
By Roger Simon

If you want to know what went wrong with the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, just examine the following statement by Dick Cheney. When asked by a reporter why he did not return from his vacation earlier than last Thursday, three days after the hurricane hit, the vice president replied: "I came back four days early."

And you can see why Cheney is so testy. He had to miss four days of his vacation to help a bunch of people who probably had never voted Republican in their lives.

Bush's polls continue to nose-dive. ABC reported Monday that "more than six in 10 say the administration lacks a clear plan to handle the situation caused by the hurricane and subsequent flooding. The percentage of Americans who think there's no clear plan is somewhat higher now than it was in an ABC News/Washington Post poll on September 2 when 80 percent of New Orleans was under water."

In other words, even with the waters receding, even with the horror shows at the Superdome and the New Orleans Convention Center over, the public's view of how Bush handles emergencies is going down. Further, "independents are about twice as likely to strongly disapprove as to strongly approve" of Bush's performance post-Katrina." As ABC's political newsletter, The Note, wryly observes, "That will be read with some concern among those GOPers whose names will be on ballots next November." Georgie, you're doing a heck of a job.

US News (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/opinion/articles/050912/12...

Just heard a stunning statement on the weather channel. A reporter in North Carolina's outer banks said "Trucks are lined up and ready for any disaster" (in preparation for Hurricane Ophelia).

Uhhhhhhhh.....where were those trucks 4 days AFTER Katrina?

Guess Bush is taking no chances with the white Repub voters on the Atlantic coast.

09-14-2005, 04:58 PM
Yes, the federal handling of Ophelia will apparently show, in stark terms of comparison, HOW BADLY the feds mis-handled Katrina.

I love IT!!. The Repubs do their fucking FEMA job correctly with Ophelia, and simultaneosly indict themselves on Katrina.

09-14-2005, 05:34 PM
Maybe Governor Eaisley and Governor Sanford were paying attention, too. :)

09-14-2005, 06:25 PM
They where installing a robotic arm.. that's why he had to stay stashed..

On a serious note.. this tells you right away.. Cheney is NOT running for POTUS in 08..

Or else they would of had him in there early for photo ops...

09-14-2005, 09:07 PM
Because trucks drive on roads, not float on water.